What happens to Clinton Hillary's death. Five mysterious deaths of Hillary Clinton's opponents. Flag clothes with stars and stripes

The list of deaths of the Clintons, which frames their political career, totaled an incredible 81 victims at the end of July. The article on the Protivokhod (the first of its kind in the Czech Republic) had a huge resonance, and we did not imagine how quickly new corpses would be added.

Shot Writer: I Won't Kill Myself

On August 1, publicist and alleged conspirator Victor Thorne was found on a mountaintop in Pennsylvania, shot through the head. He was the most ardent critic of Clinton among modern journalists, the author of many books and articles on the topic of Clinton = Evil.

That day was his birthday, he turned 54 years old. A few days before his death, he shared with his friends: "I know I'm on the list. Remember: as soon as you find me with a bullet through the head, it will not be suicide.

Victor Thorne and his Hillary (and Bill) Trilogy: Sex, Drugs and Murder

Thorne wrote about the mysterious murders, drug connections, and the Clinton sex scandals. He called attention to the deceptions regarding the financing of the Democratic Party. Shortly before his death, he accused Clinton of murdering a young Democrat, Seth Rich, who was shot dead on July 10 near the White House after secret party documents were leaked to the WikiLeaks portal. Thorne was the first to link the murders of Rich (in the street with two shots in the back) with a faction of the African-American organization Black Lives Matter, loyal to the Democratic Party.

Victor Thorn in his latest article also investigated the mysterious death of the former President of the UN General Assembly, John Ash, who, according to the official version, died on June 22 this year during morning exercises with a barbell. It happened on a day when he was supposed to testify against the Democrats and Clinton regarding financial fraud. According to Thorne, it was a contract killing.

John Ash (still in office as President of the UN General Assembly) shakes hands with Hillary Clinton, who would later be linked to his assassination

Thorne's books and articles have influenced millions of readers. First of all, his trilogy "Hillary (and Bill) - Sex, Drugs and Murder", which appeared on the shelves in a new edition a few weeks before, deserves attention. She first came out in 2008, when Clinton ran for president for the first time - and lost. Of course, one can only speculate how much Thorne's book contributed to Clinton's election failure, but more than half a million copies of it have been sold.

Victor Thorne, who writes for the independent agency American Free Press, was a danger not only to Clinton but to the entire establishment. He has written more than 30 books and 3,000 articles on topics that the mainstream media calls "conspiracy theories." According to many readers, they are "Interesting", and according to a number of reviewers, "closer to the truth than the official version."

Victor Thorn did not believe the official version of the attack on skyscrapers

Thorne questioned, for example, the official version of the attack on New York on September 11, claiming that this is all a hoax staged by the Zionists and the forces of the New World Order. From the very beginning, he claimed that Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with the attack, which was later confirmed by the investigation of an independent commission, and later this “mistake” was admitted by representatives of political elites (“We acted in good intentions”). According to Thorne, September 11 was organized by the American intelligence agencies to create the conditions for an aggressive and bloody US attack on the Arab world, which also provoked a migration wave in Europe.

Thorne accused Clinton of playing a key role in the creation of ISIS. and President Obama that he lost control of the military and the arms trade. The United States, according to Thorne, provoked the conflict in Syria and supplied weapons to both (all) warring parties - and thereby supported the fighting. The same is claimed, for example, by Donald Trump, Clinton's rival.

According to Thorne, American astronauts have not been to the moon. The entire Apollo project was a hoax to give the impression of US space dominance over the USSR in order to divert voters' attention from other topics. But, as he emphasized, the multibillion-dollar deception of the US space program is only a small thing compared to the atrocities that the last Democratic Party government committed in various parts of the world. Thorne compares Obama to "Hitler, whose army was out of his control."

Shortly after Victor Thorn's death, his Facebook page was deleted and his website became unavailable.

More than a week has passed since his body was found atop a mountain in Pennsylvania (where the Democratic Party convention ended three days earlier, during which Thorne organized anti-Clinton demonstrations). The police have not yet released any data, not even confirmed the identity of the deceased.

The method, time and place of the death of the famous writer became known only after AFP journalists contacted the Thorne family.

The message that Thorn left behind is as follows: “Wake up! You live in virtual reality. Don't believe the media that make fools out of you."

The Lawyer Who Sniffed Too Much

Activist and lawyer Sean Lucas (38) was found dead in his bathroom on August 2 the day after the mysterious death of journalist Victor Thorn. He has been a critic of what is happening in the Democratic Party and, apparently, a key figure in the ongoing lawsuit of defrauded supporters of Bernie Sanders (and other members of the party) against the leadership of the party over electoral fraud.

And the official media did not pay much attention to the death of Lucas. It is only known that Lucas was found on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend and called 911. The doctor could not determine the cause of death. The official version is "death during sleep."

The death of Sean Lucas angered supporters of deceived Bernie Sanders

Lucas has been at the center of a Democratic versus Leadership controversy that is unparalleled in US history. The leadership of the party was completely captured by the feminist clique of Hillary Clinton. Key positions were taken by radical feminists - Deborah Wasserman-Schultz, chair of the committee, who resigned after the WikiLeaks scandal, and African-American Donna Brazeel, who took Wasserman-Schultz's place.

Lucas drew attention to the feminist collusion within the Democratic Party, which has deep roots not only in the ideological but also in the financial sphere. Hillary Clinton, according to Lucas, dealt with financial flows outside the law (Chinese and weapons sources), linking donor capital with federal and party money. Through her husband Bill's charitable foundations, she laundered "dirty" money.

Powerful feminist faction: Wasserman-Schultz, Clinton, Brazeel

Feminists Wasserman and Brazeel, through intrigue and apparently blackmail, seized control of the party committee, which then, among other things, manipulated the superdelegates, with the help of which they reversed the results of the primaries against the will of "ordinary" citizens. This fully manifested itself in the case of Sanders, in combination with his detachment from finances and election data.

According to friends of Lucas, he was acquainted with the murdered Seth Rich, who led the collection of election data for the Democratic Party committee and had access to documents that ended up in WikiLeaks.

There is no evidence that Hillary Clinton and her husband were involved in 83 mysterious deaths, a number of which were declared suicides, although the victim, for example, shot himself twice in the head, a left-hander in the right temple, and so on. Such a death toll (since 1983, when Clinton became governor of Arkansas) and with an obvious connection to Clinton cannot be random.

Murder as a warning?

The deaths of journalist Thorne and lawyer Lucas were, in any case, "just in time" for Clinton and her presidential ambitions. Both deaths also had the necessary "warning" effect on other potential opponents who would like to question the foundations of Clinton's power. For the media: journalist Thorn. For what happens inside the party: Lawyer Lucas. If Clinton wanted to send a message to her critics about where democracy ends and executions begin, then she picked the right targets.

The WikiLeaks scandal occurred two days before the start of the Democratic Party convention, at which Clinton was elected as a candidate for the US president. Documents from the party server that got into the media confirmed almost all the suspicions that the court dealt with at the initiative of the deceived supporters of Bernie Sanders.

In a normal world, the media would no longer ask how much truth is that Clinton cheated during the primaries, that her party launders dirty money, that she takes bribes from sponsors, and so on. After all, there is clear evidence - they were published by the WikiLeaks server. They come straight from the source - from the server of the committee of the Democratic Party.

This is not the conspiracy theory or speculation that the mainstream media always cites when it doesn't seem plausible. These are facts, clear evidence, including those confirming the financial connection of these "silent" media with the Democratic Party. In a normal world, not only Hillary Clinton would be behind bars, but also her husband, the entire leadership of the Democratic Party and many other politicians, arms dealers, drugs, and possibly also hired killers.

But there is one "but": whenever any witness appears, he dies. It takes place in silence, without media interest, and under mysterious circumstances that are investigated so long that they are forgotten. This phenomenon accompanies the career of a woman who in a couple of weeks could become "the most powerful person on the planet."

The US presidential election is less than two months away. How many more victims will there be? How many times again and again will the mainstream media pick up the false trail of a "mechanical rabbit" and leave really serious events unattended?

"Clinton has a pact with the devil, Clinton is the devil" US presidential candidate Donald Trump recently said.

There is nothing left but to admit that this may not be an exaggeration.

Photo: legarhan.livejournal.com

Rumors about the extremely poor health of US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are in the tops of world news today. The PR people of her election campaign are doing their best to reduce the degree of tension and deny all the facts. However, some photo and video documents say otherwise.

The last thing that appeared on the network is that the potential president is not able to fully control himself, not only psychologically, but also physiologically. Photos from several events where she took part showed that most likely the former first lady, who decided to retake the White House for herself, wears a urinal on her leg.

Photo: amdn.news
Medical bloggers saw some swelling on Clinton's leg, visible under her clothing, and identified it as a medical device known as a catheter reservoir. Usually such devices are worn by those whose body no longer controls itself and is at the stage of an irreversible recession, that is, dying.

Photo: amdn.news
The Clinton health controversy began a couple of months ago and continues to escalate. The impetus was a video where the ex-secretary of state cannot climb the porch without outside help.
After Trump, Katrina Pearson, a spokesman for Hillary's main rival in the Oval Office bid, Donald said that Clinton suffers from a speech disorder, dysphasia, that is, a violation of speech functions, as evidenced by the public speeches of the former secretary of state, and also that she often refuses press conferences for no apparent reason. At the same time, internal sources of her campaign headquarters say that the main reason for this is serious health problems. Moreover, they began with her a very long time ago, and at the same time, the whole “package” of diseases is only increasing.
The American publicist Edward Cline published a whole book about this, and in particular recalled that the first “bells” began back in 2013, when Hillary repeatedly fainted right in her office. Doctors found a blood clot in one of the blood vessels in Hillary's meninges. When she was discharged from the hospital, a disappointing verdict for the future candidate was delivered - "vigilant observation throughout the rest of her life." Clinton also has problems with the thyroid gland, abnormal heart rhythms and heart valves. Then the court doctors of the State Department tried to attribute everything to overexertion in connection with active work “for the good of America”, but then the facts that make it possible to doubt Clinton's ability to govern the state only began to multiply. In addition, everyone has already noticed Hillary's not entirely adequate state during meetings with voters, and especially in a “neutral” atmosphere, when she relaxes and loses control of herself.

Photo: change.org
Soon Hillary turns 70. Old enough for the States to trust her with their fate. Given the sheer number of health issues, especially those that could affect a potential president's mental health, it would be more appropriate to take her out of the race altogether and suggest that the Democrats replace the finalist who will run in the November 2016 election.
A few days ago, the media reported clear signs of dementia in Clinton. This is acquired dementia, similar to Alzheimer's disease and often accompanied by it. With such a diagnosis, it is simply impossible to govern an entire country. ...

A series of revelations followed by mysterious deaths. How can you not remember the movie "Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson? But before you treat some of the facts presented with irony and distrust, consider: what is in "CIA-Linked Reporter Summoned To Meet Trump Assassinated, And His Top Aide Poisoned Too" doesn't look believable?

German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who worked for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about the close long-term ties of his newspaper with the US intelligence services back in 2014. He admitted that he secretly worked for the CIA and German intelligence, interpreting the news flow in such a way as to present the United States in a favorable light and denigrate its opponents. That's what his book is about.". He wrote more and avoided the lawsuits he was initially threatened with. At the end of March 2016, the book "We All Lie For The CIA" ("We all lie for the CIA") appeared.

January 11, 2017 , associated with "Russian hackers" and compromising evidence on Trump. President-elect Donald Trump declared war on "fake news" in his first press conference.

January 13, 2017 Udo Ulfkotte was going to fly to the USA to meet with Donald Trump, but was at home. He was 56 years old and the police said he wasdied of a heart attack. According to reports from various sources, no autopsy was performed, and the journalist's body was hastily cremated.

Perhaps the fact that Roger Stone is not a novice in politics and closely communicated with three American presidents, but was on a friendly footing with five, saved his life.

What did Donald Trump do immediately after his inauguration? Donald Trump made his first visit as head of the American state to the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

I specifically do not draw any conclusions, although I should have answered the question in the title of the article. But I think this is a rhetorical question...

The health of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is causing more and more concern among Americans.

These fears are exacerbated by the fact that her entourage is constantly hiding something and regularly gets caught in a lie.

After Hillary collapsed at an event dedicated to the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks, her headquarters was ominously silent for an hour and a half, after which he made a short comment: the ex-secretary of state overheated, as a result of which the body was dehydrated.

It was warm in New York that day, but by no means hot. And in the hour and a half that Hillary spent at Ground Zero, getting dehydrated was simply unrealistic. Only a few hours later, a new message arrived: Clinton suffered pneumonia on her feet, which led to a deterioration in her health.

It was also reported that Hillary was diagnosed on September 9th. So why was it said "overheated"? What caused the hour and a half silence? In such a situation, of course, bad suspicions arise.

On Wednesday, a letter was published by Hillary's attending physician Lisa Bardak, in which she tried to logically link all previously made statements, including her own (from 2015), with the revealed facts. It turned out to be not very difficult. But that's not even the point. Ms. Bardak had to admit that the former first lady had had a fever since September 1st, and on the 2nd she was diagnosed with an upper respiratory tract infection. And on the 9th - according to the official version - already "bacterial pneumonia".

Even if all this is true, we are presented with a picture of complete disregard for the health of the candidate. Respiratory tract infections are extremely dangerous at a younger age, and those that have passed into pneumonia are even more so. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza and pneumonia are among the top six causes of death for women over 65.

However, few people were convinced by Hillary's official diagnosis. Someone talks about a stroke (moreover, a second one), someone talks about a chronic post-concussion syndrome. Epilepsy is also suspected. And one wise guy even advised to check Hillary's blood for poisoning: they say, it is possible that Putin and Trump jointly tried here.

There were also speculations on the topic "whether Mrs. Clinton was replaced after losing consciousness by a double." All sorts of photographs were cited as evidence - not such fingers, not such legs, not such a nose ...

And here - a bolt from the blue. On the air of the WABC-TV channel (aka ABC7, the New York branch of ABC News), announcer Joe Torres about ... the death of Hillary.

It quickly became clear that the host simply misspoke. In the phrase "We begin with urgent news about the death of Hillary Clinton", he instead of the word health (health) said death (death).

This reservation, as well as talk about a double, perhaps, should not have been given much importance, but it excited the public. Well, this was to be expected if a "perfectly healthy candidate" suddenly falls under the guns of television cameras, and then her headquarters for a long time cannot report the exact reason for the fall.

Hillary's rival Donald Trump behaved surprisingly restrained and correct. He even forbade all employees of his headquarters to speculate on the state of Clinton's health under the threat of dismissal. However, Trump's gentlemanly behavior only made many more alarmed.

The press, bloggers and analysts continued to dig and uncovered a few oddities.

So, it turned out that the former first lady was accompanied to the event on September 11 by her attending physician - the already mentioned Liza Bardak. In addition, when Hillary became ill, she apparently performed a quick neurological test. And why is this necessary, if we are talking about pneumonia?

In addition, Clinton went from the event not to her New York home, but to her daughter Chelsea's home at 21 East 26th Street. The building was previously a hospital, according to the New York State Department of Health. As reported on the website of the ministry, "the institution was closed or transferred to the balance sheet of another institution." A natural suspicion arose: is Clinton's personal clinic located there, especially since she flatly refused hospitalization?

No one, of course, forbids US citizens from having their own clinics, but if Hillary went to such an institution after losing consciousness, then this is another example of the unprecedented secrecy surrounding her state of health.

Meanwhile, suspicions that Clinton is ill with some serious chronic illness do not appear for the first time. And it's not the first time she's fallen either. In 2009, just assuming the post of Secretary of State, she broke her elbow. In 2012, she fell at the Washington airport, as a result of which she received a concussion. According to her doctor, the fall was also caused by dehydration.

One of the complications after the concussion was the formation of a blood clot in the cerebral vein. According to a previous letter from Lisa Bardak, as a result of anticoagulation therapy, the thrombus completely resolved by the end of 2014. Nevertheless, Hillary still takes anticoagulants.

And here is a new revelation. Colin Powell's emails have been hacked and that his correspondence with one of the leading donors of the Democratic Party, Jeffrey Leeds, very actively discusses Hillary's health. The correspondence is dated March 2015.

Powell writes quite frankly that Clinton does not look well and "something is happening" to her health. After that, he gives a rather gloomy forecast: "She will drive herself into a coffin."

Leeds, in her response, refers to Senator Whitehouse, who also noticed bad symptoms in the former first lady: “Sheldon Whitehouse, a strong supporter of Clinton, told me that a few months ago they both spoke at the same event. So, she barely barely climbed the steps to the podium.

Colin Powell later wrote to Geoffrey Leeds: "I'm telling you, they're kicking her to death."

In general, it is not so important whether Hillary suffers from constant dehydration or from the consequences of a brain injury - and maybe from different ailments each time - but her aspirations to win the presidential election at all costs against the backdrop of clearly shattered health can in the end do not bring to good.

And something tells me that Hillary will not withdraw from the race anyway. There is too much at stake for her, for her entourage, and for the special interest groups that put her down.

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