What did the mistress of the copper mountain like. Literature test (grade 5) on the topic. Quiz on the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

2. Where do people work? (at the mine)

(mountain of strength takes away)

(from lizards)

(To get away)

(where what wealth is located)

(no, because the bride is)

(malachite box)

(I asked you never to remember)

10. Did Stepan manage to cope with him? (no. He didn't forget the Mistress)

Quiz on the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

2. Where do people work?

3. Explain the words: “And in the eyes it began to cast green”

4. Who did the mistress's army consist of?

5. What did the Mistress order to convey to the clerk?

6. What did the Hostess show Stepan during the excursion in the mountain?

7. Did Stepan agree to marry the Mistress and why?

8. What did the Mistress give as a dowry?

9. What is the third test prepared by the Hostess for Stepan?

Did Stepan manage to cope with it?

Quiz on the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

2. Where do people work?

3. Explain the words: “And in the eyes it began to cast green”

4. Who did the mistress's army consist of?

5. What did the Mistress order to convey to the clerk?

6. What did the Hostess show Stepan during the excursion in the mountain?

7. Did Stepan agree to marry the Mistress and why?

8. What did the Mistress give as a dowry?

9. What is the third test prepared by the Hostess for Stepan?

10. Did Stepan manage to cope with him?


according to the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" Grade 5

1. In what city was Pavel Petrovich Bazhov born?

1. Petersburg

2. Sysert

3. Yekaterinburg

2. In what story did he talk about his parents

1. Green filly

2. Malachite box

3. Ural were

3. Who worked after graduating from college and seminary

1. Journalist

2. Mining master

3. Teacher

4. What is the source of the plots of the works

1. Tales, legends, legends of the Ural workers

2. Parents' stories

3. Personal observations

5. Which collection included the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

1. Keystone

2. Malachite box

3. Tales about the Germans

6. How is a story different from a fairy tale?

1. A tale and a fairy tale are one and the same

2. A fairy tale is a fantasy with a magical and fantastic plot, and the tale is based on real events based on folk tales and legends that we learn about from the narrator

3. A tale is fiction, and a fairy tale is a true story with elements of fantasy

7. What is the name of the main character of the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

8. Under what circumstances did the main character meet the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

1. When I went to the mowing

2. While working "in the mountain"

3. While hunting

9. What the Mistress of the Copper Mountain asked the protagonist to convey to the factory clerk

1. Take out all the ore faster

2. Do not make noise in the mountains

3. Get out of Krasnogorka

10. What did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain promise the main character if he fulfills her order

1. Make a factory clerk

2. Marry him

11. Why did the main character decide to do as the Mistress of the Copper Mountain ordered him to do? Mark the wrong answer.

1. “The clerk was stuffy - he had some kind of rot in his gut ...”

2. The main character was not afraid of anyone in the world

3. “And worse than that, it’s a shame to show yourself as a bouncer in front of a girl”

12. What did the main character do?

1. He lost his job

2. The clerk listened to him and carried out the order of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

3. He was chained in the face to the chain and the lesson was assigned an impossible

13. How did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain thank the protagonist for the completed assignment?

1. Forgot about him

2. Helped complete the lesson

3. Flooded Gumeshki

14. What did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain like in the main character, for which she promised to rescue him from the clerk and arrange his life?

1. For being a handsome, young "unmarried"

2. For being hardworking, not greedy, keeps his word, honest and brave

3. Because she noticed that he likes her too

15. What did the clerk promise the protagonist for the extraction of a hundred pood malachite block and did not keep his word?

2. Let go on vacation

3. Release

16. After what did the main character find malachite stones from a gentleman from San Petersburg, from which pillars of five fathoms could be cut down?

1. After the Mistress of the Copper Mountain promised to help find the stones

2. After getting out of vacation

3. After I received free hands from the master for myself and the bride

17.How did the fate of the protagonist develop further?

1. Married Nastenka and they lived happily

2. Started a family, built a house and began to weaken in health, they found him dead in a mine

3. Married the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

18. Why did the fate of the protagonist turn out this way?

1. Because the main character was unable to complete one of the three challenges of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

2. Because family life did not work out

3. Wealth made his life boring

19. Which of the tests could not be completed by the main character?

1. Do not remember the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and do not tell anyone about her

2. Transfer the order of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain to the factory clerk "get out of Krasnogorka"

3. "Don't splurge" on wealth by marrying the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

20. Why the main character could not forget the MistressCopper Mountain?

1. Because he could not forget the riches he saw in her possessions

2. Because he was struck by her indescribable beauty

3. Because the one who meets her is doomed to new searches, to eternal creative dissatisfaction

21. hostessCopper Mountain is an image

1. Owners and custodians of the subsoil and wealth of the Urals, she is the embodiment of the beauty of the Ural nature itself

2. Spoiled rich beauty

3. Generous owner of mountain deposits

22. What does the story teach us? Mark correct answers?

1. Know the measure, take care of natural resources

3. Have time to take everything possible - nature will recover

4. Love and respect work

5. Be honest, courageous, persistent

6. Take as much as you can while you can.

7. Be hardworking

8. Remember - the more the better


according to the tale of P.P. Bazhov "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" Grade 5

In what city was Pavel Petrovich Bazhov born?

1. Petersburg

2. Sysert

3. Yekaterinburg

In which story P.P. Bazhov told about his parents

1. Green filly

2. Malachite Box

3. Ural were

What did P.P. Bazhov work after graduating from college and seminary

1. Journalist

2. Mining master

3. Teacher

What is the source of the plots of the works of P.P. Bazhov

1. Tales, legends, legends of the Ural workers

2. Parents' stories

3. Personal observations

Which collection included the tale "Mistress of the Copper Mountain"

1. Keystone

2. Malachite Box

3. Tales about the Germans

How is a story different from a fairy tale?

1. A tale and a fairy tale are one and the same

2. Fairy tale is fictionwith a fantasy story, and at the heart of the talelie real events based on folk tales and legends that we learn about from the storyteller

3. A tale is fiction, and a fairy tale is a true story with elements of fantasy

What is the name of the main character of P.P. Bazhov’s tale “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”

1. Ivan

2. Danila

3. Stepan

Under what circumstances did the main character meet the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

1. When I went to the mowing

2. While working "in the mountain"

3. While hunting

What the Mistress of the Copper Mountain asked the protagonist to convey to the factory clerk

1. Take out all the ore faster

2. Don't make noise in the mountains

3. Get out of Krasnogorka

What did the Mistress of the Copper Mountain promise the main character if he fulfills her order

1. Make a factory clerk

2. Marry him

3. Reward with gems

Why did the main character decide to do as the Mistress told himCopper Mountain? Mark the wrong answer.

one. " The clerk was stuffy - he had some kind of rot in his gut ... "

2. Main characternot afraid of anyone in the world

3. " And worse than that, it’s a shame to show yourself as a braggart in front of a girl ”

What did the main character do?

1. He lost his job

2. The clerk listened to him and carried out the order Mistresses of the Copper Mountain

3. He was chained in the face to the chain and the lesson was assigned an impossible

How to thank the main character hostess Copper mountain for the completed assignment?

1. Forgot about him

2. Helped to complete the lesson

3. Flooded Gumeshki

What did the hostess like? The copper mountain in the main character, for which she promised to rescue him from the clerk and arrange his life?

1. For what handsome, young "unmarried"

2. Because t ore-loving, not greedy, keeps his word, honest and brave

3. Because she noticed that he likes her too

What did the clerk promise the protagonist for the extraction of a hundred pood malachite block and did not keep his word?

1. Prize

2. Let go on vacation

3. Release

After that, the main character found malachite stones from a gentleman from San Petersburg, from which pillars of five fathoms can be cut down?

1. After hostess Copper Mountain promised to help find the stones

2. After getting out of vacation

3. After I received free hands from the master for myself and the bride

How did the fate of the protagonist develop further?

1. Married Nastenka and they lived happily

2. Started a family, built a house and began to weaken in health, they found him dead in a mine

3. Married the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Why did the fate of the protagonist turn out this way?

1. Because the main character failed one of the three tests Mistresses of the Copper Mountain

2. Because family life did not work out

3. Wealth made his life boring

Which of the tests could not be completed by the main character?

1. Do not remember the Mistress Copper Mountain and don't tell anyone about it

2. Send an order hostesses Copper mountain factoryrikazchik "get out of Krasnogorka"

3. "Don't splurge" on wealth by marrying Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Why the main character could not forget the Mistress Copper Mountain?

1. Because he could not forget the riches he saw in her possessions

2. Because he was struck by her indescribable beauty

3. Because the onewhoever meets her is doomed to new searches, to eternal creative dissatisfaction

hostess Copper Mountain is an image

1. Owners and custodians of subsoil and wealthUral, she is the embodiment of the beauty of the Ural nature itself

2. Spoiled rich beauty

The protagonist of the fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" is a serf named Stepan. He worked in a mine, mined ore and stone. Once, together with a friend, Stepan went to look at the grass being cut. On the way, they got tired, decided to rest, and dozed off. But soon Stepan woke up and saw a woman in front of him, in whom he recognized the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, about whom people spoke with apprehension.

The hostess called Stepan to her and ordered that the next day he conveyed to the factory clerk her demand to get out of the Krasnogorsk mine. After that, the Mistress turned into a lizard and told Stepan that if he fulfills her order, then she will marry him.

Although Stepan was afraid of the clerk, he was more afraid of the Mistress. The next day, word for word, he conveyed to the clerk the demand of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. The clerk got angry and ordered Stepan to be flogged, sent to the worst face and chained there.

Stepan, being chained in the face, did not lose his head and set to work. And the malachite from under his kaelki is pouring selectively, which has never happened in this slaughter. Stepan just thought that it was the Mistress helping him, and she immediately appeared. She praised Stepan that he was not afraid to fulfill her order, and called him to look at her dowry. The lizards came running, removed the chain from Stepan, and the Mistress ordered them to do the work instead of Stepan, and even do double the norm. Stepan went with the Mistress of her wealth to see what she had hidden underground. Seen many different curiosities. And the Mistress brought him to a rich chamber, which was just under the Krasnogorsk mine, and asks if Stepan will take her as his wife? And Stepan had a bride, Nastenka. Although he was afraid of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, he honestly told her about the bride. To this the Mistress was glad that Stepan did not covet her wealth, he turned out to be a decent person. She gave him a malachite box for the bride and gave a handful of precious stones, into which her tears turned, after which she showed how to return to the face. And in the end she said that Stepan forgot about her and never remembered again. This was the third test for him from the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

As the clerk found out that Stepan managed to get selected malachite in an abandoned mine, he realized that the guy was telling him about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain for a reason. He instructed Stepan to find a malachite block worth a hundred pounds, and for this he promised him freedom. Stepan found such a block, but the clerk deceived him and did not give him freedom. And he himself informed the master about Stepan's find. The gentleman, as he arrived from a distant capital, summoned Stepan to his place and began to demand from him that he find malachite stones, from which pillars could be cut down five sazhens long.

But Stepan became stubborn, said that he had already been deceived once with a free, and demanded that the master write out a free one not only for him, but also for his bride Nastenka. The master argued, but did as Stepan demanded. But Stepan found such stones, they cut down pillars from them and sent them to the capital.

And Stepan married Nastenka, gave her a box from the Mistress, equipped the house, but he did not become happy. All the time I went hunting to the Krasnogorsk mine, where I once met the Mistress. And one day they found him dead there, and a large lizard was sitting next to him. When Stepan was brought home, people saw in his hand a handful of precious stones, in which they recognized the tears of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. And as they tried to take those stones from his hand, they crumbled to dust. Stepan did not manage to forget the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and kept her tears with him until the end of his life.

This is the summary of the story.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" is that things should always be brought to the end. The Hostess punished Stepan to forget her forever, but he failed to do this, and happiness passed him by. The fairy tale teaches to be attentive and careful when faced with the secret forces of nature, which can not only bring benefits, but also cause considerable harm.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain"?

If you don't test a person, you won't know him.
Though the purse is empty, but the soul is pure.
Happiness is like the sun, smiles and hides.

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