Order on private security activities 288. The procedure for conducting an inventory of weapons and cartridges by legal entities. Ufsvng rf in the republic of dagestan center of licensing and permitting work

Appendix No. 53

ORDER of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 12, 1999 N 288 (as amended on May 16, 2009) “ON MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THE DECISION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF JULY 21, 1998

N 814? (together with the INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORGANIZING THE WORK OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS BODIES TO CONTROL THE TRAFFIC OF CIVIL AND SERVICE WEAPONS AND THEIR CARTRIDGES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Relevant in 2015 , disassembly, assembly, loading and unloading techniques, aiming and firing methods, as well as these Rules.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 288 with changes for 2017 with applications

Applicant: Andrey Viktorovich Leush, registered at the place of residence: 141016, Moscow Region, Moscow

Mytishchi-16, st. Shirokaya, house 14, apartment 7, tel. 8-903-554-82-57 APPLICATION on invalidating clause 67 (in terms of the mandatory requirement to submit to the internal affairs body at the place of registration of weapons applications and other documents necessary to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits three months before the expiration of the issued licenses , as well as permits for the storage, storage and carrying of weapons) Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 12.04.1999 No.

Official Internet portal

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2017 No. 26 “On Approval of the Procedure for Submitting by an Educational Organization a Notification of the Completion or Termination of Education of a Foreign Citizen (Stateless Person) Studying in a Basic Vocational Educational Program with State Accreditation, and the Form of the Said Notification” ( Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 17, 2017 No. 45698)

Weekly work schedule of the Commission for passing the qualification exam and conducting periodic inspections of private security guards and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means: Federal Law of December 22, 2008 No. 272-FZ " On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of State Control in the Sphere of Private Security and Detective Activities” from July 1, 2009, new requirements were introduced for obtaining the legal status of a private security guard, providing for the mandatory passing of a qualification exam (hereinafter referred to as the exam).

Official Internet portal

UFSVNG RF for the Republic of Dagestan Center for Licensing and Permit Work

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 288 with changes for 2018 with applications

8-903-554-82-57 APPLICATION on invalidating clause 67 (in terms of the mandatory requirement to submit to the internal affairs body at the place of registration of weapons applications and other documents necessary to obtain the appropriate licenses and permits three months before the expiration of the issued licenses , as well as permits for the storage, storage and carrying of weapons) Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 12.04.1999 No.

Appendix No. 53



Start shooting from a weapon only after studying its design, the order of interaction of its components, methods of disassembly, assembly, loading and unloading, methods of aiming and firing, as well as these Rules.

Order 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with applications

We really need the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 12.01.2009 N 13 (as amended. A person has repeatedly asked for this order with 'instructions and applications', and taking into account the fact that the link in the WG does not open an order. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2015 Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 2000 Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated January 12, 2009

Rules for the storage, conservation of weapons and ammunition.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 1. N 1. 3 In order to improve the procedure for supplying, storing, accounting, issuing (receiving) weapons and ammunition, preventing cases of their loss and theft in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, I order: 1. Instructions for organizing the supply, storage, recording, issuing (receiving) and ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 1 - not given). Instructions for the categorization of weapons, ammunition, special and other material and technical means in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 2 - not given). Heads of departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, departments directly subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, heads of the main departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for federal districts, ministers of internal affairs, heads of main departments, departments of internal affairs for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, departments of internal affairs in transport, departments (departments) of internal affairs in closed administrative-territorial formations, at especially important and sensitive facilities, logistics departments, research and educational institutions, bases (warehouses) for storing resources of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within a month from the date of receipt of this Order: 2. Organize in subordinate subdivisions studying the instructions specified in subparagraphs 1.

Order, by employees admitted to accounting, storage, issuance (reception) of weapons and ammunition, with subsequent acceptance of offsets. Develop and approve in subordinate units job descriptions for operational duty officers, weapons specialists, as well as relevant officials of internal affairs bodies, institutions and units whose official activities are related to the organization of supply, storage, accounting, issuance (reception) and security weapons and ammunition, as well as other management acts for the implementation of the instructions specified in subparagraphs 1.

  • dated January 12, 2009 N 13. Instructions for the categorization of weapons, ammunition, special and other material and technical means in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 2. Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 12, 2009.

Order. 2. 3. Carry out a comprehensive survey and additional equipment of weapons and ammunition depots in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for these facilities. . Consider invalid the Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 1. N 2. 69, dated 2. March 1. N 1. 67, dated April 1. 2 Smirny and the Organizational and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Minister General of the Army. R. NURGALIEV. The Association assists in the provision of services in the sale of timber: edged timber price at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Timber products of excellent quality.

Download: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 1. N 1. 3Download: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of 1.


Order 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with applications

I order: 1. Approve: 1.1. Instructions for the organization of supply, storage, accounting, issuance (reception) and provision. 3. To consider invalid the orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 12, 1995 No. 269, dated March 20, 1997 No. 167, dated April 12, 1999 No. 269 ..

We really need the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 01/12/2009 N 13 (as amended on 10/24/2013) ‘On the organization of supply, storage, accounting, issuance (reception) and provision. A person has repeatedly asked for this order with 'instructions and applications', and taking into account the fact that the link in the WG does not open the order .. January 12, 2009 N 13. 1.2. Instructions for the categorization of weapons, ammunition, special and other material and technical means in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 2. Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ..

error. Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later. If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check. Faithfully yours, nginx.

  • ORDER. dated January 12, 2009 N 13. 1.2. Instructions for the categorization of weapons, ammunition, special and other material and technical means in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (Appendix N 2 - not given) ..
  • OF THE MINISTRY OF THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1994 No. 118 “On approval of the Instructions on. 29 of Appendix No. 25 to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 13 dated January 12, 2009.


Order 13 From the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Instruction

The direct executor 6 is personally responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law and Instructions.

Order 13 From Instructions download - beanturbabit

667. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, including that received during the reception of citizens, by an official authorized to sign the response, it should be defined as:

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 13 from instructions with applications

Russian. Federation for permanent storage and. On the approval of the Instruction. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. 6.56. On the approval of the Instruction. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia spare. On the approval of the Instruction.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 13 from instruction download

Plan - abstract. St. Petersburg. A. E. Morozov. _____________ 7. Topic of the lesson. Accounting, storage, procedure for issuing (receiving). Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "The purpose of the lecture. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for accounting. storage and conservation of weapons and ammunition. The date. holding: 5.

768. On the appeal subject to control, the stamp of the internal affairs body - the subject of control with the word control and the date of execution is affixed (Appendix No. 7 to the Instruction).

Ensure an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of the appeal, if necessary, with the participation of a citizen.

689. In the absence of officials appointed for reception, due to circumstances of an exceptional nature, the citizen is offered a replacement by a competent official or the time of reception is postponed, but not more than three subsequent working days without changing the schedule of reception (except for business trips , sickness and vacations of officials appointed for admission).

689. Completed personal reception cards on the same day are transferred to the clerical unit (in the absence of a permanent Reception).

In territorial bodies at the district, interregional, regional and district levels, as well as in other internal affairs bodies:

778. The heads of internal affairs bodies in the official assignments of employees sent to conduct inspections, control and targeted inspections should plan to study the consideration of applications.

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 12, 1999 N 288 "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814" (as amended) Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 12, 1999 N 288 "On measures to implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 "C […]
  • Can I get a property deduction for a minor child? Ivanov I.I., his wife Ivanova A.A. and their minor children purchased in 2015 a house worth 9 million rubles. in common shared ownership (1/4 share in the ownership right to each). Each of the owners of 1/4 of the share has the right to count on a deduction in [...]
  • Article 30
  • Federal Law No. 15-FZ of February 29, 2012 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding the Provision of Housing for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care" …]
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2004 N 96 "On the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex" (as amended) and additions dated: November 8 […]
  • Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" (as amended) Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" As amended and as amended on: June 29, July 27, 2010, May 7, July 2 […]
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 12, 1999 N 288

    "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814"

    June 27, December 24, 2003, July 15, 2005, June 7, 2008, January 11, May 16, 2009, September 29, 2011, April 23, 25, 26, May 5, 21, 25, June 27, 29, 2012, July 15, 2013

    In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 "On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation" * (1) - I order:

    1. Approve the attached Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. To the heads of the DOOP (Golubev I.I.), GUUR (Khrapov I.F.), GUBOP (Selivanov V.V.), GUVDT (Getman N.I.), URO (Terekhov A.A.), GURO ( Korzhov V.M.) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministers of Internal Affairs, the heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD) of the URO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the heads of the OUMTiVS and the RUBOP to organize:

    2.1. Bringing to the attention of employees of the internal affairs bodies the provisions of this order.

    2.2. Acceptance of offsets on the knowledge of the provisions of the Instruction approved by this order by the employees of the internal affairs bodies.

    3. Heads of the DOOP (Golubev I.I.), GUVDT (Hetman N.I.), URO (Terekhov A.A.) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, ministers of internal affairs, heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate (OVD ) URO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

    3.1. Take action to:

    personnel and material and technical strengthening of divisions of licensing and permitting work, taking into account the increasing volumes of work;

    reworking the regulations on the subdivisions of licensing and permitting work and job descriptions of employees performing this work.

    3.2. Ensure in the first half of 1999:

    3.2.1. Carrying out, taking into account the requirements of the Instruction approved by this Order, an inventory of weapons and cartridges for them held by legal entities with special statutory tasks, legal entities-suppliers, organizations involved in testing products for bullet resistance, legal entities collecting weapons and cartridges, sports organizations and educational institutions, organizations engaged in hunting, engaged in reindeer breeding in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, specialized enterprises engaged in hunting or marine fur trapping.

    In the future, inventories should be carried out annually as of January 1, the results of which should be reported to the DOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the prescribed manner before February 1.

    Involve employees of licensing and permitting subdivisions, rear subdivisions * (2), district police inspectors, private security specialists, fire fighting service and other interested subdivisions of internal affairs bodies to participate in carrying out inventories and comprehensive surveys of weapons and ammunition storage facilities.

    3.2.2. Allocation of office premises for the reception of citizens and equipping them with reference and information documentation on the procedure for issuing licenses and permits, filling out documents submitted for obtaining, re-issuing, extending the validity of licenses and permits, as well as re-registering weapons.

    4. DOOP (Golubev I.I.), HOZU (Nelezin P.V.), SFEU (Yamshchikov S.V.) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

    4.1. Organize the production of new forms of licenses and permits at the expense of funds received from the issuance of licenses to the current account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and their issuance to internal affairs bodies.

    4.2. Determine the procedure for writing off and terms for the destruction of unused forms of licenses and old-style permits, ensure control over their delivery and destruction in the prescribed manner.

    5. DOOP (Golubev I.I.), GUKiKP (Chernenko A.G.) and GURO (Korzhov V.M.) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within 3 months to develop and submit for approval a draft Instruction on the procedure for transferring firearms short-barreled weapons and cartridges to it for storage and carrying by certain categories of military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and employees of the internal affairs bodies who are retired, in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Weapons", which provides for the procedure for the sale of cartridges for firearms short-barreled weapons, including persons awarded named weapon.

    6. GU NPO "Special Equipment and Communications" (V.A. Khimichev), ECC (I.P. Karlin), GURO (V.M. Korzhov) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in agreement with the DOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, within 6 months to develop and submit for approval a draft Regulation on the procedure for conducting a technical inspection of weapons and cartridges, which defines the requirements for the technical condition of weapons and cartridges for them, ensuring their safe use by legal entities and individuals, and also determines the mechanism for making changes and additions to them.

    7. DOOP (Golubev I.I.), GUBOP (Selivanov V.V.) and GURO (Korzhov V.M.) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within 3 months to prepare proposals for amending and supplementing the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in connection with the issuance of this order.

    8. Determine that:

    8.1. The internal affairs bodies issue forms of licenses and permits of the MA, TA and CA series until they are completely spent.

    8.2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR of May 6, 1987 N 0113 applies only to the part related to explosive materials.

    dated December 30, 1993 N 609 "On measures to implement the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 1993 N 1256" On measures to implement the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons" * (3);

    dated March 21, 1996 N 146 "On introducing additions and changes to the Instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 609" * (4);

    dated November 25, 1996 N 620 "On introducing amendments and additions to the Instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 609" * (5);

    dated November 2, 1993 N 478 "On measures to implement certain provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons" and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation" * (6).

    10. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the Deputy Ministers in the supervised areas of activity.

    Registration N 1814
    toorder Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
    dated April 12, 1999 N 288

    on organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation

    With changes and additions from:

    June 27, December 24, 2003, July 15, 2005, June 7, 2008, January 11, May 16, 2009, September 29, 2011, April 23, 25, 26, May 5, 21, 25, June 27, June 29, 2012, July 15, 2013
    I. General provisions
    1. These Instructions in accordance with the Federal Law "On Weapons" * (1) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 "On Measures to Regulate the Circulation of Civilian and Service Weapons and Cartridges for It on the Territory of the Russian Federation" * (2):

    regulates issues related to registration, issuance, renewal and cancellation of licenses for the acquisition, collection or display of civilian and service weapons, the main parts of firearms and cartridges for it * (3), permits for storage, storage and use, storage and carrying weapons and ammunition, permits for the import of weapons and ammunition into the Russian Federation and their export from the Russian Federation, permits for the transportation or transportation of weapons and ammunition, as well as permits for the use of weapons at shooting facilities and notifications for the sale of weapons or ammunition;

    delineates the competence of officials of internal affairs bodies to exercise control functions in the sphere of circulation of weapons and ammunition;

    determines the requirements for legal entities and citizens in the exercise of legal rights related to the use of weapons, as well as a system of measures to ensure security in possession of weapons;

    establishes mandatory requirements for keeping records of weapons and ammunition.
    II. Powers of internal affairs bodies to issue licenses and permits
    2. Excluded.

    3. Ministries of Internal Affairs for the republics, main departments, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for other constituent entities of the Russian Federation * (5) issue licenses:

    the second paragraph is deleted;

    for collecting, exhibiting weapons and ammunition to legal entities.

    4. Excluded.

    5. Excluded.

    6. Excluded.
    III. The procedure for receiving, reviewing and processing materials on the issuance of licenses and permits
    7. Materials on the issuance of licenses are considered by the internal affairs bodies within a period of up to one month, on the issuance of permits - up to two weeks from the date of application.

    Licenses and permits are issued after payment of the established lump-sum fees approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 8, 1998 N 574 "On the amounts of lump-sum fees charged for the issuance of licenses, permits and certificates provided for by the Federal Law" On weapons, as well as for renewal period of their validity" * (6).

    Without the collection of one-time fees are issued:

    a) licenses for the acquisition, permits for storage, import (export) and transportation of the main parts of firearms;

    b) licenses for the purchase of cartridges for legal entities on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    c) licenses for collecting and exhibiting cartridges for legal entities;

    d) permits for the use of weapons (in a shooting gallery, shooting and stand complex, at a shooting range);

    e) permits for the transport of weapons and ammunition.

    8. Applications for the issuance of licenses and permits are accepted on reception days at the established time by employees of the licensing and permitting work units of the internal affairs bodies or by employees who are entrusted with such duties, in office premises specially allocated for these purposes.

    Reception of citizens and heads of legal entities who have received an individual number of an electronic queue on the reference and information portal "Public Services" on the Internet is carried out on the specified day and time.

    9. Appeals of the heads of legal entities are considered by the internal affairs bodies at the place of registration of legal entities * (7) or at the location of protected objects and (or) places of storage of weapons.

    Applications of citizens of the Russian Federation for the issuance of licenses and permits, re-issuance and extension of their validity are submitted to the internal affairs body at the place of residence.
    10. Applications for the importation by foreign citizens of weapons and cartridges belonging to them for participation in sports competitions (with the exception of the importation into the Russian Federation of sports pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of not more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive), for the purpose of hunting or exhibitions are submitted by legal entities that have concluded relevant contracts or sent invitations in the prescribed manner.

    Foreign citizens, in order to obtain a license to purchase civilian weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as permission to export them from the Russian Federation, submit to the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia a petition from the diplomatic missions of the states of which they are citizens.

    11. Information on the reception of citizens, their passport data, data of legal entities are entered in the register of applications, appeals, issuance of licenses and permits (Appendix 30). It simultaneously registers the submitted documents, makes notes on the results of their consideration, as well as records on the issuance of licenses or permits to the applicant or written notifications of refusal to issue them (Appendix 31).

    Before registration, the passport data of citizens are verified with those indicated in the applications, and the received materials are checked for compliance with the requirements of this Instruction, the provisions of the constituent and registration documents of legal entities.

    12. It is not allowed to register applications and incoming materials that do not have the necessary documents according to the list established in this Instruction, or are executed in violation of the requirements of this Instruction.

    13. Documents drawn up in foreign languages ​​shall be accompanied by their translations certified in accordance with the established procedure.

    14. On the registration of received materials, the applicant is issued a notification coupon (Appendix 32) indicating the person who accepted the documents and the date of registration of the application. Applications and received materials are reported within two days to the leadership of the internal affairs body for consideration and issuance of written instructions to the executors.

    15. When obtaining a license for collecting weapons and ammunition, the head of a legal entity must submit:

    a) application (Appendix 33);

    b) certified copies of constituent documents and certificates of state registration of a legal entity;

    c) lease agreements for premises, buildings, warehouses used for storage or placement of weapons and ammunition, or documents confirming the ownership of these premises;

    d) excluded;

    e) acts of commission surveys of premises intended for the storage and placement of weapons and cartridges, by employees of the licensing and permitting work of the internal affairs bodies;

    f) an act drawn up by the private security unit at the internal affairs body at the location of the facility on the compliance of the equipment of the places for storing weapons and cartridges with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

    g) copies of the orders of the head of the legal entity on the appointment of: the deputy head of the legal entity or the person responsible for the safety of weapons and ammunition * (8);

    employees (museum curators) responsible for the storage and issuance of weapons and ammunition at their locations, who are responsible for their safety;

    employees admitted to the sale, storage, issuance and conduct of permitted types of work with weapons and ammunition.

    The documents referred to in this paragraph shall also be submitted to extend the period of validity of issued licenses. When making changes to the license, only documents containing information about the specific legal facts that caused such changes, as well as additional materials related to them, are submitted.

    16. Excluded.

    17. In order to obtain licenses for the purchase of weapons and cartridges upon initial application, the heads of organizations (with the exception of the heads of legal entities-suppliers, as well as legal entities engaged in collecting weapons and cartridges) must submit to the internal affairs body:

    a) application (Appendix 36);

    b) copies of constituent documents and a certificate of state registration of a legal entity;

    c) documents confirming the legality of possession (use) of premises, buildings and warehouses for the storage or placement of weapons and ammunition;
    Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2010 N GKPI10-1126, left unchangedDefinition The Cassation Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2010 N KAS10-661, subparagraph "e" of paragraph 17 of this Instruction is recognized as not contradicting the current legislation in terms of involving representatives of state sanitary and epidemiological, fire and architectural supervision bodies in drawing up an act of commission inspection

    e) acts of commission surveys of premises, buildings and warehouses for storing weapons and ammunition by employees of licensing and permitting work of internal affairs bodies;

    f) acts drawn up by private security units at the internal affairs bodies at the location of the facilities on the compliance of the equipment of their premises for storing weapons and cartridges with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

    g) a copy of the order of the head of the legal entity on the appointment of a person responsible for the safety of weapons and ammunition;

    i) lists of employees of legal entities admitted to the storage, issue, performance of permitted types of work with weapons and cartridges and (or) who have undergone periodic testing for suitability for actions in conditions associated with the use of firearms;

    j) calculation of the required amount of weapons (Appendix 37), taking into account the norms for its provision for a given organization, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (for a separate category of legal entities * (9)).

    Subsequently, licenses for the purchase of weapons and cartridges are issued to legal entities upon submission of applications, information on the presence of existing weapons, and to sports organizations (including sports clubs) and educational institutions - upon submission of applications and information on the availability of existing weapons (cartridges), taking into account the provisions of paragraph 20 of this Instruction.

    18. The heads of legal entities-suppliers and organizations involved in the collection of weapons and cartridges, in order to obtain a license to purchase weapons and cartridges, submit an application (Appendix 38), as well as copies of concluded contracts (contracts) for the supply of weapons and cartridges.

    Legal entities involved in testing products for bullet resistance, along with the application, submit copies of the concluded contracts (contracts).

    Certification bodies for weapons and ammunition, testing laboratories (stations) to obtain a license to purchase weapons and ammunition submit an application, while the relevant internal affairs body may request the above confirmation from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology * (10).
    19. Museums, in order to obtain a license to purchase weapons of interest to the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, simultaneously with a written application, submit to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level at their location:

    a) a duly certified copy of the donation (exchange) agreement for individual models of weapons (collections), or a written statement from the donor, as well as, in cases stipulated by federal law, documents confirming the donor’s ownership of the transferred exhibits;

    b) a request from the Ministry of Culture of Russia for the acquisition of specific models of weapons, indicating information about them.

    The acquisition by museums of collections of weapons and cartridges to the State Part of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation from legal entities and citizens is carried out without obtaining licenses upon written application of museums, agreed with the internal affairs bodies.

    20. Registration of licenses for the purchase of cartridges for legal entities is carried out in the manner established for registration of licenses for the purchase of weapons.

    At the same time, in order to purchase cartridges to replace those spent, lost or handed over for destruction, the applicant additionally submits:

    a) acts of writing off cartridges (Appendix 39), approved by the heads of legal entities and agreed with the relevant internal affairs body;

    b) delivery and delivery lists for cartridges used up during training and other firing (appendices 40 and 41) or other documents confirming the legality of their write-off;

    c) acts of acceptance (transfer) of cartridges to the internal affairs bodies for destruction.

    21. Before issuing or extending the validity of licenses for collecting and permits for the storage, storage and use of weapons to legal entities, permits for the use of weapons in shooting galleries, shooting-bench complexes and shooting ranges, commission surveys of the conditions for its storage, technical fortification of objects, organization of security events, availability of accounting documentation. Based on the results of a survey of the premises of legal entities - objects of storage of weapons and cartridges, an act is drawn up (Appendix 42), which indicates the number of weapons and cartridges allowed for storage, as well as the availability of conditions for their placement (in safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes, on racks) and equipment of premises by means of security and fire alarms.
    Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2002 N GKPI02-135, paragraph 22 of this Instruction is recognized as not contradicting the current legislation
    22. Citizens of the Russian Federation who purchase gas pistols or revolvers for the first time, signal weapons, in order to obtain licenses for their purchase, must submit to the internal affairs body at their place of residence:

    a) an application (Appendix 43) indicating passport data and information about the available weapons. Additionally, the application shall indicate the addresses of places of residence (residential buildings with equipped places for storing weapons and ammunition);

    b) a photocopy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document proving the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation, which, after comparison with the originals, are certified by the personal signature of the responsible executor in the free field of the document, indicating the date of receipt of the document;

    c) two photographs 3 x 4 cm in size;

    d) a medical certificate confirming that the applicant has no contraindications for possession of weapons * (11).

    A list of these documents is also submitted to the internal affairs bodies when extending the validity of licenses and permits.

    Persons undergoing military service, instead of medical documents, submit a certificate from personnel departments on the completion of this service and securing service weapons, and citizens who have firearms and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks instead of the above medical reports and certificates - permission to store, store and carrying weapons, including official ones. In the absence of these documents, these persons submit documents on a general basis.

    23. The application for issuance of a license for the acquisition of a hunting combined weapon shall indicate the period of ownership of a hunting firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapon (at least 5 years) or information about professional activities related to hunting. The application is accompanied by an extract from the order of the head of the organization that conducts hunting, hunting or marine fur trapping, on the appointment of a citizen to the appropriate position.

    24. When applying again (within five years) to the internal affairs bodies for obtaining a license, a citizen of the Russian Federation shall submit only an application and documents indicating a change in the previously stated personal data.

    25. In order to purchase certified interchangeable (insert) barrels for long-barreled firearms, the owner of a weapon must obtain a license for their purchase in the manner prescribed by this Instruction for obtaining a license for the purchase of rifled weapons.

    26. A citizen of the Russian Federation, upon obtaining a license to purchase weapons for the purpose of collecting, submits an application to the internal affairs body at the place of residence (Appendix 44) indicating the existing conditions for ensuring the safety of weapons and information about the issued license for collecting them.

    Civilian edged bladed weapons, as well as replicas and copies of antique weapons, are acquired by citizens of the Russian Federation subject to the requirements of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" upon presentation of a license for collecting them.
    27. To obtain a license for the acquisition of weapons by way of donation or inheritance, legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation submit at the place of registration or at the place of residence to the internal affairs bodies, and foreign citizens - to the GUOOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, documents provided for the acquisition of the corresponding category of civilian weapons, and documents confirming the right of inheritance, photocopies of donation agreements, which are certified in the manner prescribed by this Instruction, or in cases where formalization of contractual relations is not provided - a written application of the donor.

    28. Prior to making decisions on issuing licenses at the place of residence of citizens of the Russian Federation, inspections are carried out to ensure the conditions for the safety of weapons and the availability of lockable safes, metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or wooden boxes upholstered in iron, as well as to identify circumstances that impede the safety of weapons.

    The materials of inspections are attached to the applications of citizens.

    29. Based on the results of the study of the application, the materials received and the inspections carried out, in the absence of circumstances preventing the issuance of a license, the licensing officer or the person performing such duties shall issue a conclusion on the issuance of a license and make an entry on the application with the following content: "I would consider it possible issue a license", which he certifies with a personal signature.

    This conclusion is agreed with the head of the internal affairs body or his deputy head of the public security police or persons performing their duties. Appropriate stamps can be used to draw up conclusions and decisions, the text part of which is certified by the signatures of authorized officials.

    After that, the applicant is issued a notification (Appendix 45) for payment of the established one-time fee for the issuance of a license, indicating the amount and details required to pay the fee.

    30. If there are circumstances preventing the issuance of a license, an appropriate reasoned opinion is issued signed by the person who reviewed the application and the materials received, which is approved by one of the heads of the internal affairs body who has the right to sign licenses.

    On the basis of a reasoned opinion, the applicant is sent a written notice of the refusal to issue a license indicating specific norms of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that led to the adoption of a negative decision.

    31. Materials on the issuance of licenses for collecting and exhibiting weapons and cartridges within 2 weeks from the date of registration of the application, together with acts of a commission inspection of objects of a legal entity, are sent to the Ministry of Culture of Russia or territorial bodies authorized by it for the preservation of cultural values ​​for approval in the prescribed manner.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


    "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814"

    Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation

    XX. Requirements for the placement of weapons, the equipment of weapons rooms, storages, warehouses, premises for displaying, demonstrating or trading in weapons, shooting galleries and shooting ranges

    162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store their weapons and cartridges at their place of residence in lockable safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes upholstered in iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and cartridges, the safety of their storage and exclude access to them by third parties.

    163. Weapons must be stored by legal entities in safes, cupboards, pyramids and boxes installed in specially equipped rooms, in an unloaded state, with the trigger pulled, the safety on, clean and lubricated, separately from cartridges.

    Tags are attached to weapons assigned to employees of legal entities in a safe, cabinet, pyramid, or box indicating the type, model and number of weapons according to the inventory and book of numbering and securing weapons.

    164. In the armory of legal entities with special statutory tasks, together with weapons, it is allowed to store cartridges in stocks, magazines, removable drums or clips.

    Weapons in their original packaging (boxes, boxes) and sealed cartridges (zinc, boxes with zinc) can be stored on racks.

    Bulk cartridges are stored only in metal boxes, closed with two locks, different in secret.

    165. Separate storage is carried out in separate safes, metal cabinets, pyramids and boxes:

    A) cartridges and weapons (except for the cases specified in paragraph 164 of this Instruction). At the same time, cartridges containing pyrotechnic compositions or equipped with tear and irritating substances, as well as cartridges that have misfired, are stored in a separate package;

    B) artistically decorated weapons of all kinds, containing precious metals or precious stones;

    C) seized weapons and accepted for temporary storage from citizens or employees of other legal entities, as well as the specified weapons and being on the balance sheet;

    D) gunpowder packaged in special sealed metal caps (boxes), and gunpowder packaged in plastic bags for retail.

    166. Metal cabinets and boxes for storing weapons must be lockable and have a thickness of at least 2 mm, for the storage of gunpowder, cartridges and products containing a pyrotechnic charge or pyrotechnic projectile equipment - at least 3 mm, and used for the transport of weapons by air - at least 1.6 mm.

    167. Safes, cupboards, pyramids, boxes and racks are placed in rooms no closer than 1.5 m from entrance doors and 0.5 m from window openings, and boxes with cartridges and aerosol packages - no closer than 1 m from heating devices. The distance in front of safes, cabinets and pyramids should allow their doors to be opened unhindered.

    168. An inventory is made for each safe, pyramid, cabinet and box, which indicates the types of weapons stored, their quantity and numbers, and a tag is attached indicating the name and serial number according to the inventory of the premises, the name of the unit (legal entity) in use of which there is a weapon, as well as the surname and initials of the person responsible for the safety of the weapon, and the number of its seal or ice-cream imprint.

    The above inventories are signed by responsible persons and updated as changes are made to them.

    169. Rooms for storing weapons and ammunition must comply with the following requirements for their technical strength:

    169.1. The walls, partitions, ceiling and floor of the premises must be solid: brick or stone masonry with a thickness of at least 360 mm, concrete wall blocks with a thickness of at least 200 mm, concrete blocks in two layers, each with a thickness of at least 90 mm, reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of at least 180 mm.

    Elements of the structure that do not meet the specified requirements are closed with a steel grating, the bars of which must have a diameter or width in section of less than 16 mm, and a mesh size of not more than 150x150 mm.

    When erecting internal walls, it is allowed to make them from paired gypsum concrete panels with a thickness of at least 80 mm each with the specified metal grating laid between them.

    To reinforce the walls, it is allowed to use other special materials that are not inferior in technical characteristics to the specified structures according to the conclusions of the forensic division of the internal affairs body or the GU NPO "Special Equipment and Communications" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    An act of hidden work is drawn up on the fulfillment of the specified requirements for the technical strengthening of premises for storing weapons or cartridges.

    169.2. Ventilation hatches, openings in the walls intended for engineering networks are closed with a steel grating made of a bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm with a mesh size of not more than 50x50 mm.

    169.3. Doorways are equipped with:

    A solid steel door with a thickness of at least 3 mm, reinforced along the perimeter and diagonals with a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm and a width of shelves (sides) of at least 50 mm;

    A lattice door made of a bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm with a mesh size of not more than 150x150 mm, which is also welded along the perimeter and diagonals;

    A steel box made of a profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm.

    169.4. The above metal gratings are welded at each intersection of the rods and connections with the profiles, and the ends of the doorway boxes are embedded in the walls by 80 mm and cemented.

    169.5. Entrance and lattice doors must have internal locks, different in secret, reliable fasteners and hinge devices.

    Cross-bars of locks or locking devices must have a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 3 cm2.

    The entrance door is additionally equipped with devices for sealing, as well as steel eyelets with a thickness of at least 3 mm for locking from the outside with a padlock or a second internal lock.

    169.6. The room for storing weapons must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the standards established by the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and a multi-line security and fire alarm (at least two lines). All boundaries of the security and fire alarm are connected to the centralized monitoring console of the private security unit under the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation. Security mode - round the clock.

    Alarm wiring is done in a hidden design.

    If for technical reasons it is impossible to connect the premises under centralized security, it is equipped with an autonomous alarm system with the installation of sound and light alarms near the security post (with round-the-clock security) or on the outside of the building.

    The alarm power supply system must have a backup power supply that operates automatically when the main power supply is turned off.

    169.7. For receiving and issuing weapons in the wall of the room or in the front door, it is allowed to equip a window with an internal metal door with a thickness of at least 3 mm, locked from the inside with a lock.

    The window frame in the wall is made of a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm, the size of which should not exceed 300x200 mm.

    170. Storage of weapons and cartridges by legal entities, not related to their use, as well as storage in excess of the established norms in weapons rooms (more than 500 weapons or 15 thousand pieces of cartridges) is carried out in warehouses equipped in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

    Warehouses are located, as a rule, in separate non-residential buildings, and for the storage of cartridges, underground structures or ground structures with bunding up to roof level are equipped. Examination of calculations for the construction (reconstruction) of such structures is carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by state specialized organizations.

    The walls, ceiling and floor of storage rooms must comply with the requirements established for armory rooms.

    The premises are equipped with main and emergency gates, as well as additional lockable metal bars. Gates must be metal or wooden, upholstered on the outside and at the ends with iron at least 2 mm thick, have reliable hinge fastenings, internal locks and latches (top and bottom). Metal lattices are made of a bar not less than 16 mm thick. Entrance gates and gratings can have built-in doors equipped in compliance with the above requirements.

    Gates, lattices and entrance doors are reinforced along the perimeter and diagonals with a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm.

    Window openings are closed with metal gratings made of a bar with a diameter or section width of at least 16 mm with cells no larger than 150x150 mm or with an area of ​​no more than 150 cm2 in the manufacture of figured cells.

    The bases of gates and metal gratings are embedded to a depth of at least 80 mm and cemented.

    In the warehouse, isolated places are equipped for recipients (deliverers) of weapons and cartridges, persons responsible for the safety of weapons and cartridges, storage of authorized records and sealing (sealing) means.

    In these places, buttons are installed for an emergency call to police officers or the protection of a legal entity, which can be duplicated by the senior (on duty) daily duty, the head of the guard.

    The warehouse should have fire extinguishing equipment, inventories of the premises, written instructions for persons responsible for the safety of weapons and cartridges, on the procedure for receiving and returning premises and checking fire alarms.

    171. Organizations that have customs terminals or other warehouses intended for the storage of weapons and ammunition, submit the design documentation of these structures to the DOOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Main Department of Internal Affairs, the URO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to check for compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in terms of engineering and technical equipment by means of protection , ensuring access control and regime inside the facility, as well as requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition in their storage areas.

    172. Storage of weapons (more than 15 thousand units) and cartridges (more than 50 thousand pieces) is carried out in warehouses equipped with the requirements established for the production of weapons or cartridges.

    173. The storage of collectible weapons and cartridges is carried out by legal entities in depositories or in other premises equipped with the requirements established for armory rooms, as well as those determined by the Ministry of Culture of Russia for weapons and cartridges included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation.

    174. When displaying weapons and cartridges at exhibitions, demonstrating them in trading floors and during events held by decisions of federal executive authorities or executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, weapons and cartridges are placed in closed display cases (stands) equipped with alarms.

    Showcases must be sealed (sealed) by the person responsible for the safety of weapons (the curator of the museum).

    In cases where the premises for exhibitions and demonstrations of weapons are technically reinforced, provided for by this Instruction for storage sites for weapons, it is allowed to store them around the clock in closed showcases.

    175. Firearms, pneumatic and gas weapons may be exhibited on open stands during commercial exhibitions or when weapons are demonstrated in salesrooms during the working day. At the same time, each sample of weapons is fixed to the stand substrate with a lock that excludes the possibility of its free removal from the stand, and is equipped with an individual alarm system.

    After the closing of the exhibition or at the end of the demonstration, weapons placed on open stands are deposited daily in the weapons rooms.

    On each showcase and stand, a serial number is applied according to the inventory of the room, as well as an inventory number.

    176. In each place of storage of weapons and cartridges, an inventory is posted indicating the number of safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and racks placed in them, their serial and inventory numbers, as well as the numbers of seals and impressions of seals with which they are sealed.

    Inventories of safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and rack labels are signed by persons responsible for the safety of weapons, and specified by them by making changes to them.

    A tag indicating the last name and initials of the person responsible for the safety and fire-fighting condition of the premises is attached to the front door of the place where weapons and ammunition are stored.

    177. In the case of storage in one room of weapons of several divisions of a legal entity, by order of the head, a person responsible for the safety of weapons in the room is appointed.

    At the same time, the weapons of subunits must be stored in safes, cabinets, pyramids and boxes separately and sealed (sealed) by persons responsible for the safety of weapons in each subdivision.

    178. In legal entities with special statutory tasks, the first set of keys to the place of storage of weapons, safes, cabinets, pyramids and boxes must be kept by the person responsible for the safety of weapons, and the second - by the head of the legal entity.

    In the event that the order of the head of the organization imposes the obligation to issue weapons to the head of the guard or shift on duty in the security unit, the second set of keys shall be kept by the indicated persons and handed over at the end of the duty against signature in the duty book.

    The procedure for storing and using the second set of keys in other organizations is determined by the order of the head of the legal entity in agreement with the internal affairs body.

    179. The operation of shooting galleries, shooting-bench complexes and shooting ranges is allowed after equipping the places for firing and storing weapons (cartridges) in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction, as well as obtaining permits from the internal affairs bodies for the use of weapons at an existing shooting facility.

    Legal entities engaged in the production of weapons or cartridges operate production shooting facilities on the basis of production licenses.

    180. Covered (closed) shooting ranges must have bulletproof walls and ceilings, semi-open shooting ranges - bulletproof walls and transverse interceptions on top, and open shooting ranges - bullet-receiving and side earthen ramparts, necessary security zones with external perimeter fencing.

    181. Covered, semi-open and open shooting ranges shall be equipped with bullet catchers for firing from the corresponding types of firearms with a rifled barrel.

    Shooting-stand complexes for firing from smooth-bore firearms must have security zones with an external fence around the perimeter, excluding the defeat of any objects outside the given territory.

    Shooting ranges are equipped in the manner prescribed for open shooting ranges, can be designed for a large number of shooting participants and have different distances.

    182. The equipment of open shooting ranges intended for shooting from small-caliber weapons at a distance of closer than 2 km from settlements is excluded, and shooting ranges for shooting from weapons with a caliber of more than 5.6 mm - 6 km. Semi-open shooting ranges are not located closer than 300 meters from residential and public buildings.

    183. The shooting gallery and the weapons room, if they are in the same building, are separated from the auxiliary premises (training rooms, rest rooms, coaches' offices and utility rooms) with steel lattice partitions. These partitions are equipped with lattice doors, which must always be locked. Partitions are made of a steel bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm. Bars of lattice partitions are welded in each crosshair, forming cells no larger than 150x150 mm in size. The ends of the bars of the gratings are embedded in the wall, ceiling, floor to a depth of at least 80 mm and poured with concrete (cemented).

    184. It is not allowed to store firearms in the shooting galleries of shooting galleries during a break between shooting, as well as leaving weapons and cartridges on the firing line without supervision.

    185. Instructions for the access and intra-object regime are developed for each shooting range, shooting-bench complex and shooting range, taking into account the characteristics of the protected object, approved by the head of the organization and agreed with the relevant internal affairs bodies.

    The access regime to the facility should provide for the establishment of the procedure for entering and exiting, bringing in, taking out (exporting) weapons, cartridges and other material assets.

    The intra-object regime includes measures that ensure compliance with the internal work schedule of the shooting facility (working hours of employees, the procedure for issuing and handing over weapons, cartridges, maintaining permanent and one-time passes).

    In order to ensure access and intra-object modes, the entrance doors to the shooting range (shooting gallery) are equipped with reliable locks, an electric bell and a peephole (video surveillance equipment).

    Passes to the shooting facility for employees, shooters-athletes and citizens must be made through a checkpoint, which must be equipped with the necessary boxes for storing keys and documentation, stands with samples of passes, instructions, class schedules in sections, and so on.

    186. The suitability of a shooting gallery, a shooting-bench complex and a shooting range for operation is determined by the commission as part of the employees of the licensing and permitting work of the internal affairs bodies with the involvement of specialists from the state fire, sanitary-epidemiological and architectural supervision, as well as the head of the organization.

    187. Permission to use weapons at the relevant shooting facility is issued on the basis of an application from the head of the legal entity with a description of its location. The application shall also contain information about the responsible person (last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth, place of birth, residential address). It is accompanied by a list of persons who have access to weapons and ammunition, information about the security of the premises, building or structure where they will be stored.

    The application shall be accompanied by a plan-scheme of an open shooting range, a shooting-bench complex, a shooting range, a description of the equipment, as well as a conclusion of the commission on their suitability for operation.

    Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814.

    Citizens of the Russian Federation who legally have weapons and ammunition may store them in places of temporary stay subject to conditions ensuring their safety.

    163. Weapons must be stored by legal entities in safes, cupboards, pyramids, racks and boxes installed in specially equipped rooms, in an unloaded state, with the trigger released, the safety catch on, clean and lubricated, separately from cartridges.

    Labels are attached to weapons assigned to employees of legal entities in a safe, cabinet, pyramid, rack or box indicating the type, model and number of weapons according to the inventory and book of numbering and securing weapons.

    164. In the armory rooms of legal entities with special statutory tasks, together with weapons, it is allowed to store cartridges in stocks, magazines, removable drums or clips.

    Weapons in their original packaging (boxes, boxes) and sealed cartridges (zinc, boxes with zinc) can be stored on racks.

    Bulk cartridges are stored only in metal boxes, closed with two locks, different in secret.

    165. Separate storage is carried out in separate safes, metal cabinets, pyramids, racks and boxes:

    A) cartridges and weapons (except for the cases specified in paragraph 164 of this Instruction). At the same time, cartridges containing pyrotechnic compositions or equipped with tear and irritating substances, as well as cartridges that have misfired, are stored in a separate package;

    B) artistically designed weapons of all kinds, containing precious metals or precious stones;

    C) seized weapons and accepted for temporary storage from citizens or employees of other legal entities, as well as the specified weapons and being on the balance sheet;

    D) gunpowder packaged in special sealed metal caps (boxes), and gunpowder packaged in plastic bags for retail.

    166. Metal cabinets and boxes for storing weapons must be lockable and have a thickness of at least 2 mm, for storing gunpowder, cartridges and products containing a pyrotechnic charge or pyrotechnic projectile equipment - at least 3 mm, and used for transporting weapons by air - not less than 1.6 mm.

    167. Safes, cupboards, pyramids, boxes and racks are placed in rooms no closer than 1.5 m from entrance doors and 0.5 m from window openings, and boxes with cartridges and aerosol packages - no closer than 1 m from heating devices. The distance in front of safes, cabinets and pyramids should allow their doors to be opened unhindered.

    168. An inventory is made for each safe, pyramid, cabinet, rack and box, which indicates the types of weapons stored, their quantity and numbers, and a tag is attached indicating the name and serial number according to the inventory of the premises, the name of the unit (legal entity), in which the weapon is in use, as well as the surname and initials of the person responsible for the safety of the weapon, and the number of his seal or ice-cream imprint.

    The above inventories are signed by responsible persons and updated as changes are made to them.

    169. Rooms for storing weapons and (or) cartridges (weapon rooms) must comply with the following requirements for their technical strength:

    169.1. The walls, partitions, ceiling and floor of the premises must be solid: brick or stone masonry with a thickness of at least 360 mm, concrete wall blocks with a thickness of at least 200 mm, concrete blocks in two layers, each with a thickness of at least 90 mm, reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of at least 180 mm.

    Elements of the structure that do not meet the specified requirements are closed with a steel grating, the bars of which must have a diameter or width in section of at least 16 mm, and a mesh size of no more than 150 x 150 mm.

    When erecting internal walls, it is allowed to make them from paired gypsum concrete panels with a thickness of at least 80 mm each with the specified metal grating laid between them.

    An act of hidden work is drawn up on the fulfillment of the specified requirements for the technical strengthening of premises for storing weapons or cartridges.

    169.2. Ventilation hatches, openings in the walls intended for engineering networks, are closed with a steel grating made of a bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm with a cell size of not more than 50 x 50 mm.

    169.3. Doorways are equipped with:

    A solid steel door with a thickness of at least 3 mm, reinforced along the perimeter and diagonals with a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 3 mm and a width of shelves (sides) of at least 50 mm;

    A lattice door made of a bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm with a mesh size of not more than 150 x 150 mm, which is also welded along the perimeter and diagonals;

    A steel box made of a profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm.

    169.4. The above metal gratings are welded at each intersection of the rods and connections with the profiles, and the ends of the doorway boxes are embedded in the walls by 80 mm and cemented.

    169.5. Entrance and lattice doors must have internal locks, different in secret, reliable fasteners and hinge devices.

    Cross-bars of locks or locking devices must have a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 3 cm2.

    The entrance door is additionally equipped with devices for sealing, as well as steel eyelets with a thickness of at least 3 mm for locking from the outside with a padlock or a second internal lock.

    169.6. The room for storing weapons must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the standards established by the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and a multi-line security and fire alarm (at least two lines). All boundaries of the security and fire alarm are connected to the centralized monitoring console of the private security unit under the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation, in order to carry out the control functions assigned to them by the internal affairs bodies.

    Alarm wiring outside the gun room is done in a hidden design.

    If for technical reasons it is impossible to connect the premises under centralized security, it is equipped with an autonomous alarm system with the installation of sound and light alarms near the security post (with round-the-clock security) or on the outside of the building.

    The alarm power supply system must have a backup power supply that operates automatically when the main power supply is turned off.

    Fire and security alarms can also be connected to the security consoles of organizations (separate security units, posts) legally engaged in security activities at facilities where weapons and (or) cartridges are placed.

    The access regime and regimes inside these facilities with guards armed with firearms, used by technical means of protection must ensure the safety of weapons and cartridges, the safety of their storage, excluding access to them by unauthorized persons during storage, issuance, acceptance, loading, unloading, maintenance and control - verification activities.

    At the facilities of organizations where only civilian pneumatic, throwing and (or) edged weapons are located, subject to registration with the internal affairs bodies, it is allowed to carry out intra-object regimes with the help of technical means and access control, and in premises with other civilian weapons, the acquisition of which by citizens is carried out without licenses of internal affairs bodies - with the help of technical means.

    169.7. For receiving and issuing weapons in the wall of the room or in the front door, it is allowed to equip a window with an internal metal door with a thickness of at least 3 mm, locked from the inside with a lock.

    The window frame in the wall is made of a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm, the size of which should not exceed 300 x 200 mm.

    170. For legal entities (trade, sports organizations and educational institutions), the maximum volumes (quantity) of storage of cartridges in one room (gun room or warehouse) on the basis of positive survey results are determined by the commission, based on fire safety requirements, taking into account the free volume of safes, metal cabinets, racks and pyramids located in the armory or storage room. Armory rooms are equipped in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 169 of this Instruction. Storage of cartridges in gun rooms by other legal entities is carried out in the volumes established for them by the standards for providing cartridges.

    The paragraph is invalid. - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 30, 2014 N 1149.

    The walls, ceiling and floor of storage rooms must comply with the requirements established for armory rooms.

    Warehouses are equipped with main and emergency gates, as well as additional lockable metal bars. Gates must be metal, have internal locks and latches (top and bottom). Metal gratings are made from a bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm. Gates, lattices and entrance doors are reinforced along the perimeter and diagonals with a steel profile with a wall thickness of at least 5 mm and a shelf width of at least 100 mm.

    Window openings are closed with metal gratings made of a bar with a diameter or section width of at least 16 mm with cells no larger than 150 x 150 mm or with an area of ​​no more than 150 cm2 in the manufacture of figured cells.

    In warehouses, buttons are installed for emergency calls to police officers or security guards of a legal entity.

    171. Organizations that have customs terminals or other warehouses intended for the storage of weapons and ammunition, submit the design documentation of these structures to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the regional level to check for compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in terms of engineering and technical equipment with security means, providing access control and regime inside the facility, as well as requirements for the placement of weapons and ammunition in their storage areas.

    172. The storage of cartridges by legal entities engaged in the production of weapons and (or) cartridges is carried out in warehouses equipped with the requirements established for the production of weapons or cartridges.

    173. The storage of collectible weapons and cartridges is carried out by legal entities in depositories or in other premises equipped with the requirements established for weapons rooms, as well as those determined by the Ministry of Culture of Russia for weapons and cartridges included in the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation.

    174. When displaying weapons and cartridges at exhibitions, demonstrating them in trading floors and during events held by decisions of federal executive authorities or executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, weapons and cartridges are placed in closed display cases (stands) equipped with an alarm.

    Showcases must be sealed (sealed) by the person responsible for the safety of weapons (the curator of the museum).

    In cases where the premises for exhibitions and demonstrations of weapons are technically reinforced, provided for by this Instruction for storage sites for weapons, it is allowed to store them around the clock in closed showcases.

    175. Firearms, pneumatic and gas weapons may be exhibited on open stands during commercial exhibitions or when weapons are demonstrated in salesrooms during the working day. At the same time, each sample of weapons is fixed to the stand substrate with a lock that excludes the possibility of its free removal from the stand, and is equipped with an individual alarm system.

    After the closing of the exhibition or at the end of the demonstration, weapons placed on open stands are deposited daily in the weapons rooms.

    On each showcase and stand, a serial number is applied according to the inventory of the room, as well as an inventory number.

    176. In each place of storage of weapons and cartridges, an inventory is posted indicating the number of safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and racks placed in them, their serial and inventory numbers, as well as the numbers of seals and seal impressions with which they are sealed.

    Inventories of safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and rack labels are signed by persons responsible for the safety of weapons, and specified by them by making changes to them.

    A tag indicating the surname and initials of the person responsible for the safety and fire-fighting condition of the premises is attached to the front door of the place where weapons and ammunition are stored.

    177. In the case of storage in one room of weapons of several divisions of a legal entity, by order of the head, a person responsible for the safety of weapons in the room is appointed.

    At the same time, the weapons of subunits must be stored in safes, cabinets, pyramids and boxes separately and sealed (sealed) by persons responsible for the safety of weapons in each subdivision.

    In the event that weapons and (or) cartridges of several legal entities (sports organizations and educational institutions) are stored in one room (armory or storage room), a person responsible for the safety of weapons and (or) cartridges in such a room is appointed by a joint order of the heads of these organizations.

    With such joint storage of different legal entities in one room, weapons and (or) cartridges are placed in separate safes, cabinets, pyramids, racks or metal boxes and sealed (sealed) by the person responsible for the safety of weapons in this room, and the persons responsible for the safety weapons in each of these legal entities.

    178. In legal entities with special statutory tasks, the first set of keys to the place of storage of weapons, safes, cabinets, pyramids and boxes must be kept by the person responsible for the safety of weapons, and the second - by the head of the legal entity.

    In the event that the order of the head of the organization imposes the obligation to issue weapons to the head of the guard or shift, the guard on duty in the security unit, the second set of keys is kept by the indicated persons and handed over at the end of the duty against signature in the book of acceptance and delivery of duty.

    The procedure for storing and using the second set of keys in other organizations is determined by the order of the head of the legal entity in agreement with the internal affairs body.

    179. Permits for the storage and use of weapons at a shooting facility are issued by the internal affairs bodies to legal entities that include shooting galleries, shooting-bench complexes and shooting ranges, after they have equipped shooting sites.

    180. Indoor shooting ranges, with the exception of those intended for firing from pneumatic weapons of caliber 4.5 mm or less, must have bulletproof walls and ceilings.

    Semi-open shooting ranges, subject to the above exceptions, must have bulletproof walls, transverse intercepts on top in the firing zone and an overhead interception over the firing line. Walls, canopies-interceptions and transverse interceptions of semi-open shooting galleries must exclude the direct flight of a bullet from a firearm outside the shooting gallery.

    Open shooting ranges (shooting ranges) must have bullet-receiving (protective) ramparts in the main firing direction (target area), excluding people behind them, and the necessary security zones with an external fence around the perimeter.

    The size of the security zones of open shooting ranges (shooting ranges) can be reduced taking into account the topographical (landscape and relief) features of the terrain and the means of protection used, including the design of the used bullet traps, protective shields, side earthen ramparts, including those that reduce the noise level, expansion (ricochet) of bullets and their fragments that ensure the safe functioning of shooting facilities. According to the results of a technical survey for open shooting ranges (shooting ranges), decisions can be made by the relevant commission on the absence of safety zones, if the flight of a bullet outside the shooting facility is excluded by the applied protective equipment.

    Shooting and bench systems for firing shot cartridges from long-barreled smooth-bore firearms must have a fencing of a shooting object. This fence in the directions and sectors of fire, in accordance with the plan-scheme of the specified object, is installed at a distance of at least 120 meters from the firing line (when firing shots N 7 - N 9) and excludes a direct hit of a shot charge on people and any objects beyond outside of it.

    181. Covered, semi-open, open shooting ranges (shooting ranges) and shooting-bench complexes must comply with the requirements for technical strength and safety established in this Instruction.

    182. Depending on the characteristics of the weapon, for firing from which open shooting ranges (shooting ranges) are intended, their equipment is excluded at the following distances from settlements:

    From smooth-bore long-barreled firearms - less than 1 km from the firing line when using a bullet cartridge;

    From long-barreled firearms with a rifled barrel chambered for a centerfire cartridge of up to 5.6 mm caliber (inclusive) - less than 2 km from the firing line, and for sporting firearms with a rifled barrel chambered for a 5.6 mm caliber rimfire cartridge (side battle) - less than 1 km from the firing line;

    From long-barreled firearms with a rifled barrel of up to 11.43 mm caliber inclusive - less than 6 km from the firing line;

    From pistols and revolvers (with the exception of firearms of limited destruction, gas and signal weapons) of caliber up to 11.43 mm inclusive - less than 1 km from the firing line.

    183. The shooting gallery and the weapons room, if they are in the same building, are separated from the auxiliary premises (training rooms, rest rooms, coaches' offices and utility rooms) with steel lattice partitions. These partitions are equipped with lattice doors, which must always be locked. Partitions are made of a steel bar with a diameter of at least 16 mm. Bars of lattice partitions are welded in each crosshair, forming cells no larger than 150 x 150 mm in size. The ends of the bars of the gratings are embedded in the wall, ceiling, floor to a depth of at least 80 mm and poured with concrete (cemented).

    It is allowed to install metal safes in shooting galleries for temporary storage of weapons during training sessions.

    184. It is not allowed to store firearms in the shooting galleries of shooting galleries during a break between shooting, as well as leaving weapons and cartridges on the firing line without supervision.

    185. Instructions for access and intra-object mode are developed for each shooting range, shooting-bench complex and shooting range, taking into account the characteristics of the protected object, approved by the head of the organization and agreed with the relevant internal affairs bodies.

    The access regime to the facility should provide for the establishment of the procedure for entering and exiting, bringing in, taking out (exporting) weapons, cartridges and other material assets.

    The intra-object regime includes measures that ensure compliance with the internal work schedule of the shooting facility (working hours of employees, the procedure for issuing and handing over weapons, cartridges, maintaining permanent and one-time passes).

    The paragraph is excluded. - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated May 21, 2012 N 526.

    Passes to the shooting facility for employees, shooters-athletes and citizens must be made through a checkpoint, which must be equipped with the necessary boxes for storing keys and documentation, stands with samples of passes, instructions, class schedules in sections, and so on.

    186. The suitability of indoor shooting ranges, semi-open shooting ranges, open shooting ranges (shooting ranges) and shooting ranges for operation is determined by a commission consisting of employees of licensing and permitting work of internal affairs bodies with the participation of specialists from all-Russian sports federations accredited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, one by one or several sports related to the use of sports weapons.

    186.1. The dimensions of steel profiles, steel doors and steel bars, from which the structural elements of armory rooms and storage rooms are made, specified in paragraphs 169, 170 and this Instruction, are accepted taking into account the tolerances required for the production of rolled metal.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


    "On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814"

    Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and cartridges for them on the territory of the Russian Federation

    XIX. The procedure for conducting an inventory of weapons and ammunition by legal entities

    147. Inventory - a complete check of the availability of weapons and cartridges for compliance with accounting data, the procedure for keeping records of them and ensuring their safety, is carried out in organizations and institutions on the basis of an order of the head of a legal entity or in accordance with the instructions of the heads of the relevant internal affairs bodies.

    By order of the head of the legal entity, 10 days before the start of the inventory, the chairman and members of the inventory commission are appointed, the terms of its work and the procedure for submitting the inventory act, collation statements on the inventory are determined.

    An inventory of weapons and cartridges issued by internal affairs bodies for temporary use is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for this category of weapons and cartridges.

    148. Inventories are carried out:

    B) when changing the person responsible for the safety of weapons and ammunition, or the head of the legal entity (on the day of acceptance and transfer of cases);

    C) in the event of a natural disaster, fire, accident, or other emergencies resulting in the movement of weapons or ammunition (for a specific participant in such events);

    D) upon liquidation or reorganization of a legal entity (including upon transformation of a state, municipal unitary enterprise) before drawing up a liquidation or separation balance sheet.

    149. To conduct an inventory within one year, a permanent inventory commission of at least three people is created in the organization. The inventory commission includes one of the heads of the legal entity, employees of the accounting service and other specialists who have studied the device and range of weapons being checked, as well as security measures when handling them.

    The composition of the inventory commission, as a rule, should not change until the expiration of the commission. In exceptional cases, the replacement of members of the commission is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the legal entity.

    The head of the organization must create conditions for conducting an inventory of weapons and cartridges, release the members of the commission from performing other duties for the time it is carried out, and also allocate the required number of technical workers admitted to work with weapons and cartridges.

    150. Persons responsible for the safety of weapons and cartridges carry out the posting of all completed operations for the movement of weapons and cartridges and display their balances in the accounting books with certification by their own signature on the day of the inventory.

    151. Before starting the inventory, members of the commission must:

    A) study the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia that regulate the procedure for the circulation of weapons and cartridges and their inventory;

    B) prepare forms of inventory lists, lists of number records and collation sheets of the results of the inventory of weapons and cartridges, register them in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the preliminary introduction of the remains of weapons and cartridges into these documents is not allowed;

    C) check the availability of sealing means and sealing material, the details of which must differ from the sealing means available to the persons responsible for the safety of the weapon.

    152. Verification of the actual availability of weapons and ammunition should begin by the commission with checking the places where weapons and ammunition are stored and sealing the existing safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes with weapons and ammunition.

    Opening and re-sealing of the checked places of storage of weapons for its acceptance or issue is carried out only by members of the inventory commission.

    153. The presence of a weapon is established by its mandatory piece, complete and number count, as well as checking the compliance of the weapon with technical documentation (passports, forms or their duplicates) in the presence of the person responsible for its safety.

    Checks of cartridges packed in sealed packages or metal zinc are carried out by examining the integrity of the container according to the applied marking, about which a corresponding note is made in the inventory list. In the absence of marking (including partial), these packages are subject to opening, and cartridges - to piece count.

    In checked safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and cappings, the commission puts labels certified by the chairman of the commission, indicating the date of the check.

    154. Collectible and exhibited weapons and cartridges from the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation are entered into inventory lists taking into account the requirements established by the Ministry of Culture of Russia.

    155. Inventory inventories and inventories of number records are filled out taking into account the requirements established for conducting inventories in the internal affairs bodies. Corrections and additions are certified by members of the inventory commission and persons responsible for the safety of weapons and cartridges.

    Inventories are primary inventory documents that are filled directly in the places (at objects) of storage of weapons and ammunition as they are checked. Upon completion of the check, each completed page of the inventories is signed by the members of the commission and the person responsible for the safety of weapons or cartridges.

    156. Weapons and ammunition received during the inventory process are entered into separate inventories.. At the same time, in the line for indicating the intended purpose of the weapon, the entry "Weapons (cartridges) received during the inventory" is made, and in the "Note" column it is indicated from whom it was received, the date of receipt and the numbers of incoming (accompanying, transport) documents.

    157. Weapons and ammunition that were at the time of the inventory with the employees of the organization who went on a business trip are accepted for offset according to accounting documents. At the same time, the "Note" column indicates the date of issue, the names and initials of the persons who received them, and the grounds for issue.

    158. The results of the inventory of weapons and ammunition are reflected in the collation sheet, which is filled in triplicate. Each copy of the statement is signed by the chairman and members of the commission, as well as by the person responsible for the safety of the checked weapons or cartridges.

    159. When facts of shortages or surpluses of weapons and ammunition are revealed, the inventory commission immediately informs the head of the legal entity about this.

    160. Based on the results of the inventory, the commission draws up an act in two copies, and for weapons and cartridges issued by internal affairs bodies for temporary use, in three copies.

    The act reflects the state of storage, accounting of weapons and ammunition, the facts of shortages, surpluses, damage and loss, as well as proposals for eliminating the identified shortcomings.

    The act is considered and approved by the head of the legal entity within three days from the date of its signature and submission by the commission.

    161. The first copies of the act, the inventory list, the list of numbers, the collation sheet and other materials are stored in a separate accounting file by the person responsible for the safety of weapons in the organization, the second copies are transferred to the internal affairs body, the third copies are transferred to the economic unit of the regional internal affairs body affairs, internal affairs bodies subordinate to the Main Department of Internal Affairs or the URO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, with which weapons and cartridges are issued for temporary use.

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