How to cheer yourself up psychology. Care and relaxation. Just a bad day

A bad mood is nothing but emotions. Sadness, anger, irritation, apathy, resentment, fear - all this negativity can affect us. How to cheer up if there is no light at the end of the tunnel yet?

Depression, loss of strength, emotional emptiness occur in all people without exception. “I feel bad, things are not going well, I don’t want anything” sounds like an excuse and self-pity. In fact, we easily allow our negative emotions take over. This is a destructive energy, leading even to depression. And the sooner you realize its destructive influence, the better.

It's time for creation. It's time to look at your mood from the other side and try out psychological tips that will help restore inner balance. There are many ways in which you can get rid of emotional depression.

Is it possible, and most importantly, how to cheer yourself up when it is at zero? It is simply necessary to manage your state, and the following methods will help with this:

  1. physical impact on the body (sports, walking, eating, fresh air, cleaning);
  2. emotional shake-up (spiritual conversations, support, laughter, fun with friends, self-care, new experiences, hobbies for the soul, shopping);
  3. psychological attitude - “your own psychologist” (positive thinking, meditation and relaxation, pleasant memories, dreams and goals, helping others).

Hormones - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin - are responsible for the formation of a feeling of pleasure, joy and happiness. Endorphins are produced in the brain and can reduce pain and affect emotional condition. Dopamine in large quantities naturally It is produced during a positive impact on a person: delicious food, bodily contacts, sex, and even during pleasant memories. Serotonin is responsible for good mood and stimulates motor activity. At the moment when a complex chain occurs in the body chemical reactions Under the influence of hormones, we feel joy and euphoria.

Food is the simplest (and tastiest) way to boost your mood and uplift your spirits. Eat foods that produce those same hormones of joy. It has been proven that foods high in tryptophan (an amino acid from which serotonin is formed) will help improve mood: dairy products, plums, figs, tomatoes, soy, dates. It should be understood that products in their pure form do not contain endorphins, but are only rich in certain elements that contribute to their production. These are strawberries, grapes, avocados, bananas, chili, mustard, spicy dishes and dark chocolate.

Interestingly, vanilla and lavender aromas also release endorphins and prevent depression.

Straight posture

Straighten up, lift your chin up (like a Queen, not like a goose, of course). Your task is to learn to walk with a flat back, as if you were wearing a corset, and to believe in your confidence and your own irresistibility! Try to smile broadly at your reflection in the mirror - it may sound ridiculous, but the method is effective. Smile until you achieve at least a modicum of improved mood. By the way, there is a direct connection between posture and emotions - when you keep your back straight, the nerves are not pinched, and you feel good.


A large number of endorphins are formed during sleep by protein synthesis. At this time, there is a renewal of the whole organism. Therefore, the feeling of joy is directly related to good rest and sleep. Get some rest, especially if you are chronically tired.

Fresh air

Walk outside as often as possible, even if the weather doesn't whisper. Walking on fresh air positively affect the emotional state. Sunlight boosts endorphins. Everyone knows firsthand how sunny weather improves mood. Wise nature took care of everything. It remains only to use its gifts.


Along with exercise, laughter also stimulates the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. Remember what makes you laugh. Your friends? Meet me! Funny shows or comedies? Look! Perhaps funny moments from the past captured in a photo or video? Review! Infiltrate, plunge into favorable atmosphere that you create for yourself. Your favorite music will also help to quickly lift your mood.

be busy

No wonder there is a saying: “Being busy is the most effective medicine in the world, and the cheapest.” Get busy. It could be anything. Trite, but the same shopping trip to the supermarket. When we are busy, there is simply no time to think about a bad mood - our head is full of others. We are focused on fulfilling our tasks. If everything is bad, clear planning of your day will help fight a depressed mood. Getting involved will bring relief - it's pure psychology.

Finish what you started

Somewhere deep in your soul, you yourself understand that you have unfinished business - they subconsciously “put pressure” on the psyche, do not allow you to calmly rejoice and enjoy life. It is like a stone on the soul, lying like a motionless load. In psychology, there is even such a method for getting rid of a bad mood, anxiety and negative energy - to bring all your work started to a logical conclusion.

Pleasant shopping

Oh, those typical women's activities! And it's understandable why girls love to get away from problems with the help of raids on stores. Women's shopping as something pleasant and exciting directly affects the emotional state, releasing deeply dormant endorphins. That is why in stores we succumb to emotions and, fully concentrating on the objects that have captured our attention, we forget about everything in the world.

Care and relaxation

Spa treatments, massages, baths - everything that is designed to relax and give freshness and beauty to our body. And that means being a little happier. When we take care of ourselves, we get an additional portion of pleasure. Good for getting rid of Bad mood bath with sea ​​salt, aromatic oils and foam. Light the candles, turn off the lights, relax and, closing your eyes, inhale the aroma of the oils.

Fascinating hobby

Do you have a favorite thing to do, but never have enough time for it? When the soul is sad, it's time to remember the activities that expose you to a state of happiness and give you inspiration. Join the process and just enjoy.


Nothing saves from negativity like general cleaning. Put the perfect order in all corners of the house. Release the energy of the home - throw away unnecessary trash. Let him breathe fresh air. Expand the space for new emotions and new life! Believe me, you will instantly feel better. This is the simplest and most effective psychological reception get rid of negative thoughts and destructive energy.

Rock out!

Disco will help to overcome sadness and despondency. For those who like to break away and forget - this is the very paradise. A place where everything merges together - music, rhythm, dance, strangers, movements to the beat of the music - and no one and nothing will make you remember your depressing mood. You will dance and enjoy the moment.


Any power load gives a powerful charge of positive energy and promotes the production of endorphins. famous second breath and joy after intense workout(especially for those who run) is the result of the release of “happiness hormones” into the blood. Any cardio (running, jumping, dancing, aerobics) or strength training, swimming, tennis, cycling instantly set you in a positive mood and improve your well-being. A noticeable fact: people involved in sports, more often than others, are in high spirits.

Heart to heart conversations

Arrange pleasant and cozy gatherings with a girlfriend or mother - with hugs, tea, coffee and sweets. Treat yourself, put on a light make-up (this is the real weapon of women against a bad mood), put on something attractive. The main thing is to feel beautiful. Gossip, speak out, remember the past and pleasant.


Think, but there are people who are a hundred times worse off than you. Perhaps someone really, really needs help. Another method based on practical psychology: in order to get rid of sad thoughts, to fully feel the happiness and joy of your being, you need to help the suffering person - the one who needs it the most. Everything is relative. Only in such moments you truly understand the insignificance of your problems.

Unleash your emotions

Have you noticed that if you cry, your soul becomes easier? We women are deeply emotional, and sometimes real hurricanes rage and rage inside us. Sometimes it is useful to arrange a “cleansing” and give free rein to the emotions that have settled inside. In general, it is better not to keep negative energy in yourself - splash it out (but not on people!). This is a very effective psychological technique for getting rid of spiritual confusion in the heart.

Meditation and relaxation

Set aside time for yourself to disconnect from the worries of life. Relax and calm down. Find your favorable environment. Yoga. Quiet pond. Deserted park. Choose a quiet place where you will be surrounded by a pleasant sense of satisfaction and a wave of bliss. Indulge in meditation: feel weightless and light as a feather, realize gratitude for the life and health given to you. Many, alas, do not even think about such things, but are chasing new benefits, forgetting about the true life values. Be grateful for everything you have. Imagine that others may not even have a share of what you have.

New impressions

Do what you love and never have time for. Have you ever wanted to reread your favorite book? The moment of immersion in the world of the magic pen is at your disposal! Ever dreamed of attending your favorite concert? It's time to make your wish come true. The atmosphere alone can evoke a range of enthusiastic feelings! Do you like theater, cinema, exhibitions? Go. Emotions and impressions are priceless. Feel that you are ready for adventure - take a step towards them. Highly powerful emotions cause extreme activities that contribute to the release of adrenaline. It "reboots" the work of the nervous system, stimulates it, increases the level of wakefulness, activity and mental energy.

Play with animals

Animals have the ability to calm down. They act on a person in the most favorable way, affecting him emotional sphere. Therefore, how to cheer yourself up at home, if you have a cat or a dog, is very simple. Play with it, pick it up or just watch. If there is nowhere to fill with the tenderness of an animal, go to an animal exhibition or a zoo.

Dream and think positive

Understand: all bad things will end sooner or later. So maybe you need to pull yourself together now and open the doors to joy? The method is also suitable for those who are looking for how to cheer up at work. It is very motivating and helps in such cases to visualize the path to your dreams and goals. Each person has their own joys and inspiration from any activity. The ability to focus on the tasks at hand will give strength and confidence to move on.

When questions arise about how you can cheer up, just do what you see fit. Drop all of the above and do what brings peace of mind. Your hormones of joy will not let you down. Strive for positive thinking - the influence of thoughts on the emotional sphere of a person and on life in general has long been proven. Human nature is such that we do not appreciate what we have. We know how to invent problems for ourselves and suffer because of a bad mood. Plunging into our negativity, we miss precious moments to enjoy a wonderful life.

Sometimes we arrive in a bad mood for no reason. And often the only way bring yourself back to normal in such a situation - change the situation and unwind a little.

But what if that's exactly what you can't do? Is it possible to cheer yourself up without leaving your own home?

It turns out that you can cheer yourself up without leaving your home. If you try, then even within four walls you will find something that will improve your mood.

Treating depression for homebodies

All people are different. And that’s why everyone copes with depression in their own way. So, for open and sociable individuals, the best way to get yourself back in tone is to be surrounded by other people. The less they dwell on their problems and their mood, the faster sad thoughts will fly away.

Introverts have it a little harder. As soon as their mood begins to deteriorate, any presence next to other people becomes a burden for them. Their only desire in such a situation is to retire and immerse themselves in their thoughts. Only reflection and peace will help individuals of this type cope with the growing blues.

Whichever of the two types of characters you belong to, you probably noticed that a long stay in the four walls can have a depressing effect. That is why it is good that there are always a couple of exciting home activities that can cheer anyone up. Whatever you see as your relief from depression, these tips will surely come in handy.

7 ways to cheer up without leaving home

  1. The surest way to cheer yourself up while at home is to arrange a dance. Turn on upbeat cheerful music and dance heartily to it in front of a mirror. Do not be afraid to look funny, because no one sees you at this moment anyway. If you approach this lesson with all responsibility, then after a quarter of an hour you will feel that you are physically exhausted. But as a hand will remove.
  2. Staying at home, and even in a bad mood, is a great reason rethink your wardrobe. Yes, not just review, but also measure all the things in it. For greater effect, girls can also do beautiful hairstyle and apply makeup. If there are any gaps in your wardrobe, add the necessary items to the list of upcoming purchases. Thus, you will raise your mood and build plans for the future.
  3. Get creative. It does not matter that you are by nature far from artistic mastery. Just take paints in your hands and try to express your feelings and thoughts on a piece of paper with their help. Perhaps you will end up with only a multi-colored abstraction, but it will definitely become easier on your soul.
  4. Take a bath. Yes, this is already an old method, but it managed to prove itself the most the best way. Required attributes- soft light, lush foam, aroma oils, relaxing music. Well, how can you stay in a bad mood in such an environment?
  5. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the cause of your bad mood may be banal fatigue. If so, and you feel the need to rest, then the best option will become a quiet evening with a nice book. Sit back, open up your favorite romance, and put all the stupid thoughts out of your head. Each of us deserves a break. Maybe it's time for you to take a break.
  6. Cleaning also helps to improve mood., although at first glance it seems absurd. The fact is that by putting the space around you in order, you thereby streamline your thoughts. Put everything in your life - both real and intellectual - on the shelves. And you will be surprised how much easier it becomes after that. By the way, one of the stages of cleaning can be the revision of your belongings. If you do not need something or you have not used it for a long time, then get rid of this item without further thought. With each thing vacating its place, you will breathe easier and easier. And at the end of the audit, you realize that in your life there is finally a place for something new.
  7. Sometimes the best way from fatigue and blues is the most common dream. Set aside your business for the future, close the windows, turn off the phone and devote a couple of hours to a healthy sound sleep. There is a high probability that you will wake up a completely different person - with a new look at the old things. Perhaps after good night everything that seemed problematic to you before, will now turn out to be completely unworthy of attention.

Oddly enough, you can cheer yourself up even when you are within the four walls of your own home. The most important thing is not to regard your domesticity as a forced conclusion. Think of it as a great opportunity to have a good rest. After all, if you are worried about a bad mood, blues and despondency, then perhaps it is have a nice rest you are just missing.

Every person faces in his life situations that entail a bad mood. This state able to unsettle, overshadow even the most desired event. Apathy, anxiety, emotional instability begin to emerge.

The reasons for this may be trouble at work, fatigue, violation of hormonal background, especially in women. According to psychoanalysts, each person can correct a melancholic mood on their own, but an individual way will do. Among the methods of getting rid of a bad mood, there are those that will work for everyone.

What to Avoid

Psychologists should deal with the problem of depression.

They give advice, following which you can not fall for the trick of a depressive nature:

  • Don't eat excessively. This will cause a lot of problems, because after losing weight it will be much harder.
  • Do not abuse tobacco, alcohol. These substances do not help, but create additional problems, driving more and more into depression.
  • Control emotions. In a depressed state, many try to spoil it to others.
  • Don't lock yourself in. Loneliness only exacerbates the situation. It is better to find an interlocutor, to speak out. Perhaps the listener will tell you how to improve your mood. And if the advice is not followed, an additional disposition towards people will still develop.
  • You can't take revenge. When a person is far away from good mood, all actions before you commit them, you need to carefully consider.
  • Don't surround yourself with negativity. It's about not only about objects that can irritate even more, but also about people, thoughts, actions. It is better to create a holiday for yourself, consisting only of your favorite elements.

Psychologists advise their patients who are prone to frequent mood swings not to give up. On the initial stage the onset of depression is easy to cure, the main thing is to act immediately. When a person notices a bad mood in the morning, which only gets worse during the day, you need to do more sports and exercise yourself physically. You can not lie on the couch, as this method only affects the worsening of the situation.

It is important to surround yourself with joy, favorite things, activities. For everyone, this joy is different: some arrange shopping, others just ride on a swing. Pleasant moments will help to switch from problems, worries, troubles.

It will help to normalize your state of proper relaxation. If observed sharp drop, you need to take a hot bubble bath, add aromatic oils, turn on pleasant music. After water procedures read interesting book while drinking delicious sweet tea or coffee. In such an environment, there will be no place for melancholy.

In more severe cases of depression, despondency will require drastic measures. It is necessary to carry out a change of scenery, because in a desperate state, even a ceiling with walls can depress day after day. It is better to go away from a painful place, to be closer to nature.

The rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the murmur of water have an excellent therapeutic effect.

This is an exceptional way to improve your condition, improve your mood. You can go to the sea, if the season allows, get some air with great content Yoda, walk on the hot sand.


Many people prefer to swallow pills when feeling depressed in order to improve their condition. But not everyone knows that some drugs can harm, dulling the sensations. It’s better to take care of yourself, get away from everyday life. Only classes should be to your liking, since by doing work that does not bring satisfaction, the situation will be aggravated. Routine employment should develop into inspiration.

Contact with nature

The benefits of being in nature have already been mentioned. Even a simple walk in the fresh air, gatherings on a bench near the playground, admiring the surrounding objects is enough to bring thoughts back to normal.

Smile to yourself and others

A smile always improves the state inside, because it itself is the result of a positive attitude. In itself, facial expressions are the result of complex chemical reactions occurring in the body. A good mood affects the production of endorphins (hormone of happiness). When the level of the hormone increases, satisfaction, bliss, euphoria sets in. Smiling to yourself and others causes the brain to produce the mentioned hormone at a time when a person feels bad, and this has a positive effect on the emotional state.

Try to take a nap

In order to understand how to improve your mood, you just need to sleep. Psychologists say that no trouble can cancel the normal daily routine. Even a short sleep will help restore physical, mental activity, reboot nervous system, solve difficulties without excessive internal stress.

have sex

Arousal, as well as properly organized sex, is the strongest remedy for depression. Sex affects the production of endorphins, so all the bad things recede.

Mood-boosting foods and other ways to combat the blues

Despondency, melancholy, depression are the consequences of a lack of serotonin, which acts as a neurotransmitter, is responsible for regulating mood, keeping it in a positive direction. You can replenish the body's reserves by eating the amino acid tryptophan.

Scientists have found that a huge amount of it is found in dietary protein. The list of products where you can find an amino acid is quite extensive, ranging from fish, meat, to fruits and vegetables.

It is also worth mentioning other substances that the body needs during a period of prolonged depression:

  • cortisol, adrenaline. You can get them by eating vitamins B, C, magnesium, zinc.
  • Adaptogens natural origin . Their mission is to adapt stressful situations, increasing the level of ATP, energy, strengthening the heart, blood vessels. This includes ginseng, basil, licorice root, etc.
  • Vitamin A. Can be found in green, orange products.
  • Vitamin C. A huge amount of substance in citrus fruits, currants, rose hips.
  • Vitamin B. The optimal content of the component in seafood, liver, nuts, whole grain bread.
  • Vitamin E. You can replenish stocks vegetable oil, apple seeds, almonds, sprouted wheat.
  • Magnesium. Contained in pumpkin seeds, peas, beans, grapefruit, peanuts.
  • Calcium. Dairy products, garlic, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts are rich in substance.
  • Zinc. The largest number concentrated in cheeses, carrots, cabbage, legumes, beef liver.

Hence, proper nutrition, balanced by all essential substances, is the key to positive in any life situation.

Moderate consumption of chocolate

It is important that products that improve mood are known to every person. It's about chocolate. It is required that the product be of high quality, containing more than 70% cocoa.

Chocolate can very quickly raise a positive attitude. It should be consumed moderately, without overeating, so as not to get any additional ailment in addition to the depressive state.

It is easy to explain such a beneficial effect of cocoa beans on the body. They are especially rich in the amino acid tryptophan. When this substance enters the body, it is processed into serotonin - the most important hormone that should be kept at the proper level. After all, it is the lack / excess of an active neurotransmitter that leads to sharp drops.

Surround yourself with pleasant smells, colors and sounds

The human senses will help improve mood by catching pleasant sensations. This includes relaxing music, aromatherapy, a comfortable environment, decorated in gentle colors. All this has a positive effect on the psyche, as well as emotional balance.

What to eat to get up

Food is also able to establish a flattering mood, but it is only important not to abuse this method.

You can normalize the production of the necessary hormones by using in your diet such foods that perfectly improve your mood:

  • Meat, namely chicken, pork, beef.
  • Fish: salmon, tuna, salmon, herring, sardine.
  • Seaweed.
  • Bananas.
  • Spicy pepper.
  • Nuts.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Buckwheat (oatmeal) porridge.
  • Chicken eggs.


Even the most zealous optimists in life can become discouraged. It is necessary at such moments to force yourself to perform a few simple physical exercises: jump rope, squat, push up. If possible, you can visit gym.

Chat with friends

By switching to pleasant communication with friends, you can really significantly improve your well-being. A person must remain social, so he needs to peace of mind contact with others. Even a short conversation, a hug dear person, the participation of relatives in life will help overcome a bad mood.


When mood-boosting foods and the above methods fail, the fight comes into play. chemical composition contained in medicines. Medicines can prevent jumps that occur due to various kinds of disorders.

List of drugs for raising mood:

  • Fine-100 refers to natural, in the composition of substances similar to serotonin. It is used as prescribed by a doctor for chronic fatigue, asthenia, depression, increased aggressiveness, hostility.
  • balancer includes amino acids, vitamins, herbal ingredients. Thanks to its use, body reserves are replenished beneficial substances. It has a general strengthening effect, it makes it easier to endure stress of a psycho-emotional nature.
  • Endorfain contains phenylalanine, which is indispensable for the body. It is prescribed for patients with reduced vitality, suffering from chronic fatigue, memory loss.
  • Maprotiline is an antidepressant that helps eliminate anxiety, apathy. Contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as in diseases of the liver, kidneys.
  • Prozac- is a selective serotonin inhibitor, able to overcome increased anxiety, panic, obsessive thoughts.
  • Novo-Passit has a sedative effect, as part of only natural ingredients.

Apart from medicines the doctor may recommend a complex of vitamins that help strengthen the body's resistance to stress, difficult situations.

Today we will talk with you about how to improve your mood and get rid of sadness and longing. In the life of every person there are moments that we call a bad mood. Such a state is unsettling and can overshadow any long-awaited holiday or event. There is apathy to what is happening, a feeling of anxiety and emotional instability.

The reason for this may be failure at work, general fatigue, hormonal disorders. The latter is often found in women. They may have a hormonal imbalance during menopause or before "these" days. This condition significantly impairs the quality of life.

So how to improve your mood, and are there ways to lift it yourself? Psychoanalysts say that each person is an individual, and for each specific case there is a way. The girl will have enough attention from her young man or gatherings with a girlfriend, a man - a well-established conversation in business, etc. Everyone has their own method of how to quickly get rid of a bad mood. The ability to increase a positive attitude in a few minutes helps to get in the right mood. This affects the perception of others around you and affects your career, personal life.

Smile in a bad mood

Everyone wants to know how to keep a good mood. It may change during the day. And not everyone can feel like an optimist all the time, since external stressful everyday factors have a tremendous impact on a person.

Psychologists say that smiling helps maintain mood throughout the day. AT human perception it is associated with positivity. But, in addition to the visual perception of joy, a smile is a clear result of the production of the hormone of happiness in the body. When it appears in the blood, we feel bliss, joy. Every girl has a smile. She becomes attractive to others.

Smiling is the first way to deal with a bad mood. Its appearance causes our body to produce endorphins, which quickly change our emotional perception of the environment.

So smile to everyone. You can make a smile by reading jokes, watching a funny movie or a humorous program. Just go to the mirror and make yourself a face - and a smile will appear on your face.

Psychotherapists talk about simple ways as always be in a good mood. There are several practical advice to help you be optimistic and not let bad thoughts and situations ruin your day.
  1. Music. Psychologists consider it one of the best ways to get rid of a bad mood. However, it should not be mobile and dancing. Listen to the music you like. Psychologists also recommend singing along whenever possible. When longing has settled in your soul, feel free to drive it away with the help of your favorite melody in your headphones.
  2. dance. This may be a continuation of the first point. This will give you positive energy for the whole day. The main rule is to move actively. You can dance to a girl at a disco or at home.
  3. Get out. Often a bad mood appears because of the mess. Minimal tidying up will help to quickly correct the situation. Make it a rule to start your work day by cleaning your desk. You will feel that neatly folded items greatly enhance your mood. If you are at home, take care of arranging comfort in your home. General cleaning, bed linen change will also help to create comfort and thereby improve mood. Take a few minutes a day for this. Thus, you are distracted from bad thoughts.
  4. The right attitude. No matter what happens, always stay optimistic. In any situation, set yourself up for a positive outcome. Assert yourself that everything will be fine - and you can easily overcome the difficulties that have arisen. When you go to a meeting, always think of a positive outcome. There is an expression among the people: "Human thought is material." Therefore, remaining an optimist, you will always easily solve emerging problems.
  5. Talk about a problem. Psychologists believe that problems should be shared. Talk about what is bothering you with a friend, mother, relative. Even just saying it out loud already brings significant relief and uplifting.
  6. Sport. This is one of the most effective ways how to get rid of bad mood. Even being an optimist in life, there are times when you give up. Force yourself to do a couple of physical exercises (squats, jump rope, ab exercises). If possible, go to the gym. This will not only help create a good mood, but also support the girl's figure. A few minutes a day - and your figure can become perfect. A toned body in the mirror always cheers up a girl.
  7. Give yourself joy. Do what you love. Spend a couple of minutes on your favorite game, watch your favorite movie at the cinema or at home, read a book by your favorite author. A girl can pay attention to herself or find a new hobby, passion.
  8. Make a promise to yourself. How to improve mood? Promise to be an optimist and not pay attention to minor troubles. You can always fight back a bad mood. It is possible to become a person with a good and positive attitude, and everyone can do it.
  9. Cold and hot shower. This is a physiological way to create a good mood for yourself. When a person pours himself alternately hot and cold water, then the voltage is gone.
  10. walks. Each person, lying on the couch and scrolling through negative moments in his thoughts, drives himself into depression. Nature has a colossal positive energy that can be received. Force yourself to go for a walk. A few minutes in the fresh air - and you will feel a significant improvement.
  11. sleep. Bad mood often arises from banal fatigue. How to improve mood? Set aside everything and take a break.

Bad mood with menopause

During this period, a woman feels a certain depression, frequent shift moods. With menopause, many women become depressed. It is directly related to hormones. How to deal with a bad mood with menopause? Experts advise at the first signs of a decrease in a positive attitude to normalize nutrition and pay more attention to walks in the fresh air.

With menopause, psychologists recommend that it helps to supply oxygen to the body and relieves the general tension in the body as comfortably as possible. Do what you love. You can also become more cheerful during this period with the help of sports. Physical exercise help blood flow during menopause. This, in turn, supplies the organs with oxygen and helps to better transfer it.

During this period, it is very important for a woman not to become closed and to be able to share her experiences. With menopause, any woman needs support and understanding. Relatives and relatives should remember this and become support and support for her. With their help, it is easier for a woman to endure mood swings. Do not leave a woman alone with her thoughts during menopause, try to cheer her up and support her.

What should be avoided?

Enough has been said about how to keep the mood. But what should not be done? What should be feared? What can lead to serious complications? Psychologists do not recommend a girl:
  1. Eat a lot, it will add unnecessary problems. Getting fat is much easier than losing weight.
  2. Indulge in alcohol or tobacco. They do not help, but exacerbate the problem. Alcohol and tobacco do not help to be more cheerful, but drive you into a state of depression even more.
  3. Control emotions. Many, having a bad mood, inadvertently try to spoil it for others.
  4. Close up. You don't have to think alone. Find a good interlocutor or just say everything that worries you. This will help you become more connected to people and increase your positive attitude.
  5. Revenge. The girl does not go revenge, like any other person. She will not let you be a good-natured person.

Always think about what you are going to do in a bad mood. It is better not to take any action if you are in a negative mood, so as not to regret what you did in the future.

In this article, I will answer the question of how to cheer yourself up and give you 21 powerful ways that are guaranteed to cheer you up. And if in the future, you will again be in a bad mood and wonder how to cheer yourself up just go back to this article. So let's get started!

How to cheer yourself up?

The first way to cheer yourself up this is your hobby. Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing is more satisfying than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel the taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

The second way to cheer yourself up is to indulge in shopping. Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is the case when pampering yourself is not something that is possible, but simply necessary.

Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was unthinkable for you before, or in case of a fire, buy yourself high-quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweet is always uplifting, as it produces endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat healthy.

The third way to cheer yourself up this is a fun song. Turn on your favorite song and sing along! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will incite even more melancholy on you.

The fourth way to cheer yourself up it's a walk. Answer me a question: how long have you been in the park? And when the countryside last time did you leave? And at least just walked around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get out of the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will surely hear yourself. Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with mother nature, and you will feel with your whole skin how vital energy returns to you again.

The fifth way to cheer yourself up these are jokes. There are a lot of funny stories on the internet right now. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually, after five funny jokes, the mood rises and a smile begins to appear on the face.

The sixth way to cheer yourself up it's dancing! Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. In any way, in kindergarten, you danced together with the whole group "Dance of little ducks". So why don't you remember? And if you start "quack" where you need it, so it's generally wonderful! You will not only cheer yourself up, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Checked - it works!

The seventh way to cheer yourself up This . If your bad mood has a specific reason, try to eliminate it as soon as possible. No need to wait for the moment that the problem will be solved by itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know perfectly well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. The action will return you, and this will cheer you up.

Eighth way to cheer yourself up it's going to the cinema or watching your favorite movie at home. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas during a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is exactly what will definitely cheer you up. You can also find funny videos on the Internet with animals, children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video section -. There you will find many interesting things.

The ninth way to cheer yourself up it is to please yourself with SPA procedures. You will amuse not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you used to spare money for it. A full body spa massage, a spa manicure, a spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various spa facial programs will help you to cheer up. Believe that by allowing yourself such a luxury, you will feel like a new person.

Tenth way to cheer yourself up This . You can learn more about meditations by visiting the section. A ten-minute meditation will help you regain strength and. During meditation, imagine that you are filled with the light of joy and. This is a great way to cheer yourself up.

Eleventh way to cheer yourself up this is creativity. Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better.

The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to divert your attention. This method is quite simple, but it is sometimes performed. Look at an object and focus all your attention on it. Silently or aloud describe this item in full detail. I don't know about you, but this method works great!

The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful. I don't mean hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for a gym, foreign courses or any other business that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this way? Firstly, you simply won’t have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you, which also effectively and quickly drives away a sad mood.

The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up is to change the image. Sometimes in order to, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a proven master, and this is very important. Otherwise, it may turn out that the new image will not please you, but will exacerbate your bad mood. But the high-quality work of a hairdresser can long time provide you with a joyful mood and essentially .

Fifteenth way to cheer yourself up This is a game with pets. It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to stroke your cat or play frisbee with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you do not have a pet, then go to the zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a homeless animal. The mood from communication with animals will definitely rise.

The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up this is a dream. Yes, it's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often fatigue, fatigue. Sleep is the best way to recuperate. So allow yourself that luxury and go to bed. One hour of daytime sleep replaces four hours of evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - refreshed.

The seventeenth way to cheer yourself up it is doing good deeds. People who do charity work are much more satisfied with their lives. It doesn't matter how much you sacrifice for others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things that are in their lives. So join in charitable foundations and organizations.

Eighteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a cold shower. Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is for the body. That's just useful stress. You will instantly feel invigorated after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and with the song ... to the bathroom.

The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up it's a visualization. or always helped cheer up. Surely you have those that you want to achieve, but they are still far away. So, in order not to wait for the moment when you, just lie down on the sofa and start imagining how you have already reached your goal. The fact is that a bad mood is sometimes associated with discontent that has arisen due to the path to achieving the goal. For example, you were not promoted at work. In this case, you lie down on the couch and begin to imagine how you got promoted at work. After that, your mood will rise, and the next increase will be yours.

The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to remember some pleasant moment from the past. Try to remember an event in your life that made you truly happy. This method is very similar to the previous method, only in this case you do not invent, but remember real events that happened to you. This method will make you realize that you are not as much as you thought. Pleasant memories from life always cheer up.

The twenty-first way to cheer yourself up is to allow yourself to be fooled. My FAVORITE method. You just stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid noises, running around the apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO BOOST YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then ... I won’t even talk.

In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than what is given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world become happier and brighter.

And at the end of the article, I suggest you right now to cheer yourself up by watching this video.

how to improve your mood how to improve your mood how to improve your mood

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