Names suitable for boys born in the year of the goat. Names suitable for boys born in the year of the goat What do the names mean

In 2015, the number of names will increase: Alice, Kira, Nika, Eva, Evdokia, Agafya, Anisia, Eleonora and Magdalena. Of the unusual girlish names, Arianna, Adele, Gabriella, Inessa, Ilona, ​​Camilla, Maya, Charlotte, Emilia and Yasmin will prevail.

In 2014, such names of boys as Artem, Maxim, Mikhail, Mark, Sergey, David and Lev were especially popular. The number of boys named Stepan, Ilya, Bogdan, Zakhar, Platon and Egor has increased.

Of the more rare boyish names, the prerogative belongs to Eric, Emil, Daniel, Albert, Damian, Luke, Christian, Zacharias and Leon.
The number of Viktors, Petrovs, Alekseevs and Arturs has decreased.
For girls, this year is characterized by an increase in demand for the names Alice, Sophia, Anna, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Diana and Elena.
Along with them, the number of girls with the names Christina, Zlata, Eva, Nicole and Maya has increased. Next come Amelia, Yasmin, Mariana, Evelina, Elina and Evangelina.
The popularity of such names as Olga, Svetlana, Marina, Albina and Yesenia, Karina and Nika is falling sharply.
I wonder what can be expected from children with the most popular names for 2015? Their qualities and namesakes are celebrities.

Fashionable names for boys in 2015, the main character traits and their famous namesakes

Alexander- "defender". Main features: independence, activity and purposefulness, desire for leadership.
The most suitable type of activity for Alexandrov is entrepreneurship, law, acting, directing.
Celebrities bearing the name Alexander: Alexander the Great - Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky - the great Russian commander, Alexander Radishchev - Russian writer and revolutionary, Russian emperor Alexander 1.

Artem- "impeccable health". They are characterized by attentiveness and balance, inner peace.
Artems are excellent politicians, political observers and journalists, humanitarians - doctors, artists, architects, jewelers.
Celebrities: Artem Mikoyan - academician, Russian aircraft designer; Artem Geodekyan - Russian geologist in petroleum geology and geochemistry; Artem Sergeev - Foster-son Stalin, one of the founders missile troops USSR, major general.

Bogdan- "God-given". Possesses excellent memory, sensitivity, developed intuition, stable morally.
His "horse" - psychology and medicine, can be good teachers, politicians and writers.
Celebrities: Bogdan Khmelnitsky - Ukrainian hetman; Bogdan Belsky - Russian statesman, boyar.

Daniel- “God is my judge”, “just man”. Daniel is smart and hardworking, has the gift of intuition, cannot stand lies, is an excellent family man, loves children.
The most suitable activities for Daniel are construction, entrepreneurship, research.
Notables: Biblical prophet Daniel; Daniel Bernoulli - mathematician and physicist - generalist from Switzerland; Daniil Zabolotny - microbiologist, scientist; Daniil Spivakovsky is an Honored Artist of Russia, theater and film actor.

Dmitry- Dedicated to the goddess Demeter. Dmitry is friendly, active and very kind person, possesses will, logic and rationality.
The best specialties for Dmitry are technical.
Dmitry - celebrities: Prince Dmitry Pozharsky; one of prominent representatives Silver Age- Dmitry Merezhkovsky and, finally, Dmitry Medvedev.

Ivan- "God-pardoned" Ivans have an explosive character, will, activity and quick reaction.
Nature is extremely versatile and broad, therefore it can achieve success in any branch of professional activity.
Celebrities - Ivan the Terrible, the first tsar of all Russia; Ivan Aivazovsky, famous Russian artist; Ivan Kulibin - inventor - mechanic.

Konstantin- “permanent”, “persistent”. Differs in the ability to decisive actions, balanced and patient.
A lover of beauty, therefore, he prefers to look for a job that meets his requirements.
Notables: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, inventor and scientist; Konstantin Paustovsky - writer; Konstantin Raikin is an actor.

Mark– God of war Mars; translated from Greek - "hammer"; and translated from French - "marquis".
He is self-centered, likes to read, play gambling, quite secretive, the owner of the house.
Famous people named Mark: Mark Twain, famous American writer and journalist; Marc Chagall, artist and graphic artist; Mark Bernes - Soviet actor.
Nikita - "winner". Persistent and cheerful, charming and inquisitive.
Possesses creativity, therefore, he is looking for a job corresponding to his interests.
Celebrities: Nikita Kozhemyaka, Russian hero; Nikita Mikhalkov - film director and actor; Nikita Khrushchev is a statesman of the USSR.

Novel- Roman, Roman. Prone to frivolity, a great lover of novelty, a pioneer, sociable.
He loves communication, so the professions of a manager, actor, director are suitable for him.
Famous Novels: Roman Klein - Russian architect; Roman Viktyuk - theater director; Roman Kartsev is an artist.

Savely- "simple, unpretentious", and translated from Hebrew - "backbreaking hard work." 2 opposites coexist in it - determination, composure and constant doubts.
At work, a responsible and obligatory employee, a calm and even person.
Savely - celebrities: Savely Kramarov - Soviet theater and film actor; Savely Grinberg - Russian poet; Savely Yamshchikov is a Russian restorer.

Fashionable names for girls in 2015, the main character traits and their famous namesakes.

Alice- "noble class". Alice is distinguished by intelligence, strong will, sociability and activity. Be sure that Alice will always finish what she started.
He loves risk, a careerist and with all this an excellent hostess.
Celebrities - Alisa Freindlich, film and theater actress; Alisa Koonen - Russian actress; Alisa Grebenshchikova is a Russian actress.

Agafya- “good”, “kind”. Nature is emotional and sensitive, friendly, courageous and fighting. He does not like injustice, he believes in signs and dreams.
In the profession, he achieves success in communication - a social worker, a nurse, a psychologist, a sales manager.
Celebrities: Agafya Grushetskaya, Russian Empress; Agafya Konstantinovna - Volyn princess.

Anisia- "beneficial", "executive". He is kind, responsive and always ready to help.
Serious about work, but does not build a career. He loves history and ethnography.
Celebrities: Anisya Tolstaya, court lady of Catherine 1; Anisia of Thessalonica, Christian martyr - saint.

barbarian- "double protection". Reasonable and calm, timid and indecisive and at the same time domineering, arrogant and vindictive.
Achieves success as a fashion model, artist, teacher, physician, programmer.
Famous Barbarians: Varvara Panina, pop singer; Varvara Stepanova - designer and artist; Varvara Bakhmeteva is a Russian noblewoman.

Vasilisa- "imperious", "royal". Her main qualities are love for people and the desire to protect them, kindness. The downside is stubbornness.
Most often, Vasilisa chooses the work of a social worker, realizing her qualities in this area.
Celebrities: Vasilisa Volodina, astrologer and astropsychologist; Vasilisa Melentievna is the sixth wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Zlata- "golden", "golden". Zlata is serious, responsible and thorough, tactful, thrifty and economical.
Great hostess and wife. Of the shortcomings - disgust to obscenity.
Celebrities: Zlata Razdolina, singer-songwriter; Zlata Volkova - Professor, Doctor of Philology.

Catherine- “immaculate”, “pure”. Dreamer with high level intelligence, proud and impulsive. Of the shortcomings - easily loses his temper.
special passions in labor activity does not have best view Catherine's activities are journalism and advertising.
Famous Catherines: Catherine II, Empress; Princess Ekaterina Dashkova; Ekaterina Budanova, the first female pilot.

Elizabeth- "worshiping God." Narcissism, categoricalness, capriciousness and dominance are her features. Elizabeths are stubborn, boastful and envious, but with people close to her they are sympathetic and kind. In the family, Lisa is a thrifty and thrifty hostess.
AT professional field achieves success in the field of television and radio reporters.
Celebrities: Elizaveta Vorontsova, Russian aristocrat; Elizaveta Boyarskaya, theater and film actress.

Praskovya- "eve of the holiday", "cooking". The character is calm, serious, rational. She knows how to achieve her goal, she likes to plan everything in advance. Differs in justice, honesty and adherence to principles, demanding the same from others.
Praskovya chooses a profession back in childhood, and works precisely on it, skillfully building a career.
Celebrities: St. Paraskeva - Friday; Praskovya Zimatova, partisan scout.

Here we have described a very small number of characteristics of names and their famous namesakes. Of course, there are many more. But even this gives an idea of ​​how the chosen name affects the life and fate of the child.

Alexander. The honorable first place in the list of the most popular names for boys in 2015 is rightfully occupied by the name Alexander (translated from Greek as “protector”). Alexandra often get sick in childhood, but grow up strong, healthy and purposeful men. They tend to achieve their goals and become the best in their field. Aleksandras have a reputation for being sympathetic, benevolent and fair people. Sasha is very popular with beautiful ladies because he treats them like a true gentleman. However, it is difficult for him to choose one chosen one, therefore, such qualities as family loyalty and devotion to Alexander are not characteristic.

Maksim. For those who decide to name their baby Maxim, you should know that a boy with that name will grow up obedient, smart and reasonable beyond his years. In childhood and adolescence, Maxims study hard, delighting their parents with good grades. Growing up, Maxims often become unsure of themselves and their abilities, do not know how to fully defend their point of view, so parents need to work with the baby, with early age developing in it leadership skills. Adult representatives of this name have an amorous character, but they rarely cheat on their chosen ones. This is explained by the fact that Maxims choose strong and strong-willed women as wives, who are a little afraid.

Artem. Most young parents in 2015 will name their children Artems. This name personifies "the impeccability and integrity of human health." As a child, Artyoms are very sociable and friendly, they always tend to tell the truth, for which they often get it. Mature Artyoms are complaisant and hardworking, not careerists, they achieve everything in life with their hard work. When they marry, they become faithful and loving husbands and good fathers.

Ivan. Despite the variety of different names, many young parents in 2015 will be called Ivans. Ivan's character combines hardness and softness, strength and weakness, openness and cunning, tenderness and unbridled rage, kindness and deceit. Versatile Vanya will be able to find themselves in many hobbies, in which they will show nice results. Adult representatives of this Russian name become exemplary husbands and fathers.

Egor. This not too common name in 2015 will be given a lot of attention by young parents who choose suitable name for your child. In this name, translated from the Greek meaning "farmer", nature already has a love for work and independence. Little Egors are drawn to knowledge and early childhood they try to find hobbies to occupy their minds, so boys with that name are recommended to be sent to technical circles to discover their talents. Yegor is extremely truthful, therefore he does not forgive the revealed lies. Adult Egors become real leaders both in their careers and in family relationships.

Dmitry. Little Dimas are distinguished by the difficult character of a spoiled hooligan. As a child, Dima often suffers from respiratory and infectious diseases, there is instability nervous system, but with age, health is strengthened, and a capricious character becomes stubborn. Dmitry are distinguished by a flexible mind and wonderful feeling humor, therefore, since childhood they have many friends and are famous for the soul of the company. In his personal life, Dmitry is not very lucky, as it is difficult for them to choose one chosen one because of their amorous nature.

In addition, 2015 will mark the return of such beautiful male names as Mikhail, Alexey and Daniel. Also, boys born this year will often be called Romans and Andreys. Little Vlads and Kirills, heroes Ilyusha and noble Sergeys will be born.

Music festival "MILK"
When: July 6, from 13:00
Where: park "Kudykina Gora", with. Kamenka, Zadonsky district, Lipetsk region
Tickets: 1000-1500 rubles.
Unique natural scenery, master classes, movies and cartoons, children's disco, Stand up, performance of Don horses and a lot of good music are waiting for you. And also - setting a Russian record: preparing half a ton of milkshake!
Festival headliners Dima Bilan, Antokha MC, Marseille, Swanky Tunes. All funds raised from ticket sales will be transferred to the Lipetsk charity project "More than good"!

Holiday "City of Happy Families"
When: July 6, from 12:00 to 20:00
Where: Central Park
An animation program, master classes and cryo-shows, free face painting, a photo zone and much more await you.

"Day of family, love and fidelity in the estate of D.V. Venevitinov"
When: July 7 from 12:00 to 15:00
Where: Museum-estate of D.V. Venevitinov
Free admission.
In a programme:
- creative workshops for weaving wreaths, making straw toys, rag dolls and clay souvenirs;
- festive treat - linden tea and cherry jam;
- croquet on the banks of the Don - a park game of the 19th century is perfect for organizing family leisure;
- theatricalization of the old Russian rite "Smotriny bride";
- folk games and fun for all ages and much more.

Project "Charging 1+1"
When: July 7, at 5:00 pm
Where: Central Park, Charging area
Sports activities at the project are adapted for all residents of the city, including people with disabilities, parents of children with mental disabilities and pensioners. Program: fun sports competitions, unforgettable performances by artists, interactive activities from project trainers. A surprise for all guests of the event - a dance party from the FRESH SOUND BAND cover band!

Master class - "snail"(ceramics) 6+
When: July 6, start: 12:00, 14:00; 16:00

Cost: 500 rubles
Duration: 1.5 hours
You will make cute snails out of clay and paint them with safe pottery paints. The finished work can be picked up a few days after drying and firing. Tickets on site.

Journey to the fairy forest. 5+
When: July 7, at 5:00 pm
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Ticket price 800 rubles.
A real journey into the fairy tale Hut on chicken legs, flying on a broomstick, riddles from an old woman, and searching for a chest with fairy tales. Our journey will take you to the Residence of Father Frost, where we will organize a real reception with a master class on painting fly agaric gingerbread and iced tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. You will have the opportunity to take a photo with Baba Yaga, in the famous Santa Claus chair. The program includes: - an interactive performance with the participation of Baba Yaga and Domovenok Kuzi; - a master class on painting gingerbread at the Zemsky school; - cold tea with sweets from the Tulinov Dacha cafe. Program duration: 1 – 1.5 hours.

School of the young traveler "ARCHEOLOGY" 7+
When: July 6 at 4:00 pm
Where: "Nelzha" (Ramonsky district, Nelzha village, Lesnaya st., 40)
Cost: 1000 ruyu.
Here, the guys will learn what archeology is, as a science, visit a real archaeological camp, take part in excavations and, of course, find ancient artifacts that they can then study! And, of course, at the end of the program, all participants will be able to taste real expedition tea with treats! By the way, depending on the weather, tea will be either cold or hot! The duration of the archaeological adventure will be 2.5 - 3 hours. Please dress appropriately for the weather, as part of the program will take place outdoors!

Day of family, love and fidelity in "Arena"
When: July 6
from 16:00 to 19:00 (charging by the pavilion) - game library from "Mosigra" (svintus, monopoly, elias, imaginarium, jackal and other games)
giant basketball championship
When: July 7 at 12:00
Where: Arena shopping mall park, near the Heart art object

Festival of colors
When: July 6 at 20:00
Where: Dynamo Stadium

There is a popular misconception in our culture - choosing a name according to the time of year or month.

Lists are in great demand - what name to give the child in 2015, and for each month a couple of dozen names. On many portals, the authors of such articles do not give any explanation at all - why such a name, what tasks these names will help solve completely different, unique children. Nothing about efficiency. Just lists of names.

Some sites still use astrological interpretation. And they offer to strengthen the astrology data of a particular month of quality, or vice versa to compensate, even out weaknesses. As a rule, ideas to strengthen what is / strengthen what is not alternate at random. For soft fish, softness is enhanced, for hard rams, softness. And the child needs to develop other qualities, and then softness / hardness? And each site has its own list of names, unlike other sites. The exception is calendars of Christmas time, the lists are the same from year to year.

These are all delusions and irresponsibility of the authors of the articles. Because the name should be chosen only for a specific child, the tasks of his soul and other factors that non-specialists do not even know about. And a heavy manifestation of misunderstanding is advice - choose the name you like.

Not a specialist, that is, a person without special education, intuition / clairvoyance, purity, wisdom cannot choose a name with a positive effect on a person’s fate. Just as an ordinary amateur with good intentions cannot fix an engine or do a blood test (not to mention serious research). Kindness and a desire to help a child do not replace knowledge and skills. The result will be unpredictable. In cases with health and technology, the common sense of parents prompts to go to specialists, so why, in matters of the fate of the child, common sense ceases to fulfill its critical function.

The influence of a name on fate is not reduced to a soft or rough quality, simple or rare name in culture. The fate of a person is influenced by many more parameters of a name than a melodic or astro-numerological miscalculation gives.

A superficial choice between a soft or a rough name has nothing to do with the analysis of the essence of the child.

Therefore, it is impossible to give a list of names of those who provide positive impact on the fate of all children born in a particular month.

Without analyzing the complete data of your child, any lists of names are incorrect and harmful in terms of influencing fate.

How to name a child born in January 2015

Children born in January of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be stubborn and materialistic. But even this is not certain. A superficial choice between a soft or a rough name has nothing to do with the analysis of the essence of the child. And even more so it is impossible to general view suggest some names.

How to name a boy born in February 2015

Children born in February of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be dreamy and capricious. There is no connection between the influence on the life task and the characteristics of a particular child with common names at all.

How to name a girl born in March 2015

Children born in March of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be fantasy and subtle natures. Nothing can be said about the name.

How to name a son born in April 2015

Children born in April of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be stubborn and economic. Based on the general data, no list of names can be recommended.

How to name a daughter born in May 2015

Children born in May of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be rich and very material. There is no connection with the names.

How to name a son born in June 2015

Children born in June of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be cunning, relaxed and energetic. Without the data of a specific child, any lists of names are incorrect and harmful.

How to name a child born in July 2015

Children born in July of the year of the wood goat are likely to be cheerful and compassionate. But this does not say anything about the impact of a set of 20 names on a child.

How to name a baby born in August 2015

Children born in August of the year of the wood goat are more likely to be smug and hyperactive. But this does not say anything about the character of a particular child and the effect of a name on fate. Therefore, general recommendations of names are harmful - they lead away from the essence of the impact of the name into strong networks of delusions.

How to name a boy born in September 2015

Children born in September of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be with reduced tone and corrosiveness. It is incorrect to give general lists names without analyzing a specific child.

How to name a child born in October 2015

Children born in October of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be active, creative and eccentric. It is impossible to give a list of names that have a positive impact on all children born in this month.

How to name a daughter born in November 2015

Children born in November of the year of the wooden goat are likely to be terribly capricious and spontaneous. This does not determine the character of a person, does not say anything about his life tasks or anything about the effect of specific names on fate.

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