Red parrot (parrot fish). Parrot fish. Parrot fish lifestyle and habitat Differences parrot fish male female

  • Full and alternate names: Parrot fish (Red parrot, parrot fish, red parrot cichlid);
  • Latin name: Red Parrot Cichlid;
  • Comfortable water temperature: 22-26°C;
  • Acidity Ph: 6,5-7,5;
  • Hardness dH: 6-20°;
  • Aggressiveness: not aggressive;
  • Content Difficulty: light;

Parrot fish, or red parrot is a hybrid aquarium fish, which was artificially created by Taiwanese breeders at the beginning in 1991 by crossing Cichlasoma synspillum and Cichlasoma citrinellum, possibly more types of cichlids. Some notice the presence of Severum and Lipped Labiatum genes. As a hybrid form
this fish does not have a natural habitat and official Latin name, only the Latin designation of the commercial name Red Parrot Cichlid.

Asian breeders, trying to maintain monopoly breeding of this species of fish, carefully guard the crossbreeding scheme and the secrets of obtaining bright and sometimes very unusual colors. Despite the fact that fish, under favorable conditions, are capable of reproduction and can even sometimes lay eggs, males are completely sterile and even experienced aquarists have not yet been able to get offspring.

In our country, parrot fish began to be supplied from the mid-90s and immediately gained popularity among aquarists.

Description of parrot fish

The fish got its name due to the bright rich and varied color, as well as the strange shape of the head and mouth, which is very similar to the beak of a parrot. The mouth of the fish opens vertically at a small angle, which, while being an absolute feature, nevertheless leads to difficulties in feeding the fish, which can sometimes cause starvation, ill health and even death.

The standard and most common color of parrots is red and orange. Often you can find yellow, lemon, less often - green, purple, pink, blue and white colors. There are also subspecies of parrot fish: panda parrot, king kong parrot, pearl parrot, marble parrot, etc., up to quite exotic looking fish, on which some kind of pattern is tattooed.

The body is quite massive and "heavy". The fins are large and wide, painted in body color.

Parrots are very funny and sociable fish, they recognize the owner and often do not miss the opportunity to flirt with a person through the glass, playfully approaching and moving away and, as it were, “kissing” with him through the glass.

Gender differences. It is easier to distinguish a male from a female during the spawning period, when the ovipositor appears in females in the form of a wide and short tube, and in males the vas deferens is noticeable, sharp and narrow. Also, in males during the breeding season, a pink border around the gills and on the throat becomes visible.

Keeping parrot fish

Being a hybrid artificially bred species, the parrot fish has fairly good health and good endurance. It is quite unpretentious and can be kept even by novice aquarists. It is only necessary to take care that the fish gets food, and she does not starve.

Diseases of parrot fish

Artificially bred, parrot fish is quite resistant to diseases. Bad health can be signaled by a change in color, the appearance of spots, lethargy of the fish. This may be due to poor water quality, such as increased nitrate levels, but it can also be due to more serious health problems. The appearance of spots or a temporary change in color is also possible from stress, often after a change in habitat, attacks by other aggressive fish. It is necessary to test the water for the presence of nitrites-nitrates.

Like all cichlids, parrots may have hexamitosis , or "perforated disease". Signs of this may be white-transparent thread-like excrement, lethargy and loss of appetite, darkening of color, enlarged sores-holes on the body and muzzle. Treatment is carried out in a separate container by a gradual increase in water temperature, the addition of Metronidazole or other special medicines for fish. This requires enhanced aeration. More details can be found in other articles.

Parrot fish can also get sick ichthyophthyroidism , which is also characteristic of many cichlids. With this disease, white grains appear on the body of fish, similar to semolina. It is necessary to carefully siphon the soil, change about half of the water, rinse the filter. Treatment is recommended to be carried out in a separate container, but it is also possible in community aquarium, including for the purpose of preventing infection of other fish. The treatment itself may consist of raising the water temperature to 32 degrees, adding table salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Instead of salt, you can add malachite green to the water at a concentration of 0.09 mg per liter. There are also specialized products, such as Sera costapur.


Despite the sterility of male parrot fish, as explained above, and in principle their inability to reproduce, under favorable conditions and an increase in temperature above 26-27 ° C, the instinct of reproduction may wake up in the fish and they intensively begin to build a nest. Sometimes the male is able to dig fairly large holes in the ground or dig well and even damage the plants.

Sometimes females can even lay eggs, but it remains unfertilized. In general, it is very interesting to observe mating games and the courtship of parrots.

Summing up, we can say that the parrot is a very interesting, unusual and easy-to-keep fish that can decorate the aquarium with its bright rich color and funny behavior. Looking at her, sometimes it may even seem that she is smiling at you with her always slightly open mouth.

Video about parrot fish

Good luck everyone and have a nice day!

Parrot fish or as it is also called the red parrot (Red Parrot Cichlid) is a member of the cichlid family. This species was created by Taiwanese breeders in the early 90s after crossing several species of South American cichlids. Breeders South-East Asia they try to maintain a monopoly on obtaining these fish, although their appearance is very peculiar. Other aquarists have failed to breed from these creatures.

Photo: Red parrot or parrot fish.

The red parrot is a fairly peaceful fish, it got its name because of characteristic form head, which resembles the beak of a parrot, as well as unusual color body. The parrot fish has many anatomical deviations, in particular, a small mouth, which the fish can only open vertically and at a small angle, which greatly complicates the feeding process. In the aquarium, this fish grows up to 10-15 centimeters, during its life the color of the parrot fish may fade, so it is advisable to feed it with special feeds containing carotene.

Photo: Parrot fish from the cichlid family. Length adult- maximum 15 cm.

These fish need enough space to swim, so the volume of the aquarium should be at least 200 liters. It is advisable to use a pump to create a flow that is optimal temperature regime- 22-26 degrees, hardness in the range of 6.5-7.5. Every week you need to change up to 50% of the water, install an aerator. Since parrot fish can jump out of the water, it is better to cover the tank with a lid, but the inhabitants of the aquarium plants special attention do not show.

The red parrot easily gets along with both peace-loving and predatory fish, but with small individuals it is better not to contain it. You can feed parrot fish with both live and dry food; these pets delight their owners with their funny behavior and bright color. Most male parrot fish are sterile, so breeding in artificial conditions is quite problematic. If you raise the temperature of the water above 25 degrees, the instinct for reproduction wakes up in red parrots, and they begin to build nests.

Photo: It is extremely difficult to get offspring from a Parrot Fish under normal conditions.

Taiwanese breeders still remain monopolists in breeding parrot fish, according to them, the final color of the young stock acquires only by 5 months;
. There are purple, red, blue, yellow, orange, green, even pearl individuals;
. Most males, unfortunately, remain sterile, and even if the females lay eggs, they are not able to fertilize it;
. No experienced aquarist outside of Taiwan has been able to breed this species of fish.

By its appearance aquarium fish the parrot owes not to nature, but to the work of Asian breeders who crossed several species of cichlases. Bright and cute fish got the name "parrot" due to its curved head, reminiscent of a feathered head, as well as variegated coloring. Today, parrot fish are the favorite inhabitants of aquariums around the world.

What do parrot fish look like?

Rybka to his own appearance looks like a cartoon character. Her unusual shape bodies, touching cheeks and a funny expression, not like an ordinary fish, distinguishes it from other inhabitants of domestic waters. The description of the parrot fish will certainly include a mention of its peaceful nature and high level intellect. The main drawback of cichlids - aggressiveness and gloom - she did not inherit.

parrot fish color

The main color of parrot cichlid fish is bright orange or red. Over time, it may become paler, but if this happens, you need to add carotene to the diet, and the color will become bright again. Rarely, but there are albino parrots of white or light yellow lemon color. The rest of the exotic colors (crimson, purple, green, blue, etc.) are just the result of artificial chemical staining. Fish that have gone through this procedure are more likely to get sick due to weakened immunity. And the color itself is unstable - it is gradually washed out.

In addition to the monochromatic coloring, the parrot aquarium fish can be spotted - panda and marble, motley pearl and diamond. The last two colors were obtained by crossing red parrots and other species with cichlases. If a monochromatic fish suddenly has black spots, this indicates stressful situation. After the factor that provoked it is eliminated, the spots disappear.

How long do parrot fish live?

Parrot fish in an aquarium can live for more than 10 years. On average, their life expectancy, subject to all necessary conditions of detention and the absence of congenital diseases, is 7 years. The fish are generally strong and tenacious. Interestingly, over time, they begin to recognize their owner and swim up to the front wall of the aquarium when he appears. This and other signs of intelligence distinguish these representatives of the underwater world.

Parrot Aquarium Fish - Contents

Parrot fish in care and maintenance is unpretentious and simple, therefore it is ideal for beginner aquarists. At the same time, you need to understand that due to the peculiarities of the anatomy - the shape of their mouth, they cannot absorb certain types of feed. In general, subject to simple rules of keeping, the fish feel great and delight the owners with their longevity, playfulness and beauty.

Aquarium for parrot fish

Parrot fish in an aquarium are very mobile, therefore the size of the tank must be large - its length must be at least 70 cm, volume - from 200 liters. It is important to install all the necessary equipment in the aquarium:

  • a pump to simulate the light movement of water;
  • oxygen enrichment compressor;
  • filter for water purification;
  • a lamp for moderate lighting;
  • thermometer for constant temperature control.

It is advisable to purchase a lid for the aquarium, since the parrot aquarium fish can jump out of the water and die. Parrots are not demanding on vegetation and soil type, but they must have shelter. This is important because these fish have a clear hierarchical distribution within the group, and for all of them there should be separate "houses". These can be shards, halves of coconut shells, winding snags, etc.

Water temperature for parrot fish

Permissible parrot fish for keeping is in the range of + 22-28 ° С. Other parameters of water are also important:

  • hardness 6-15°;
  • acidity 6.5-7.5 pH;
  • complete absence of ammonium, ammonia and nitrates.

Who do parrot fish get along with?

Since the nature of the parrot fish is peaceful, its compatibility with other fish is very good. They get along with both calm neighbors and predators. Ideal compatibility is observed with South American cichlids, arowans, and black knives. As for small fish, a parrot aquarium fish can accidentally swallow them, perceiving them as food, therefore it is better to avoid such a neighborhood.

Parrot fish - care

Parrot cichdid aquarium fish have a care feature, which consists in the fact that they need frequent changes of 30% of the water in the aquarium. This is explained by the fact that the parrot fish in the aquarium leaves a lot food waste, which fall to the bottom and lead to water pollution, and this can lead to poisoning of the inhabitants and their death. This happens because of the characteristics of feeding.

What to feed parrot fish?

As already mentioned, parrotfish have a very unusual anatomy. Their mouth opens at a small angle, making feeding difficult. Without knowing about this feature, you can bring pets to starvation. For them, special food is sold, presented in the form of small granules. The peculiarity of such food is also that it first floats on the surface, and then slowly sinks to the bottom. This provides additional opportunity for the fish, but because of this, a lot of waste remains at the bottom, so frequent cleaning should be a matter of course for the owner.

In addition, food for parrot fish is suitable both live and frozen. Large foods such as shrimp meat and cut worms are also ideal. If you need to "touch up" parrots, you can give them artificial food with high content carotene. At the same time, feeding parrots only with dry food is harmful - they should be only part of their diet. Sometimes it is useful for them to give crushed plant foods - zucchini, peas, red pepper. Feeding should take place 1-2 times a day. Once a week, you can arrange a fasting day.

Diseases of parrot fish

Parrot fish, like any cichlid, has good immunity and disease resistance. In the right conditions of detention, they almost never get sick, and even when they get sick, they respond well to treatment. The most common ailments that an aquarium can get sick domestic fish parrot:

  1. Manka(or ichthyophthyroidism) - common aquarium disease, which is caused by ciliates. You can understand that the fish are sick by their fins, which are covered with white tubercles, like semolina grains. Some red parrotfish brought from Asia develop a tropical form of the disease, which develops at lightning speed and leads to death within a few hours. Therefore, treatment should begin immediately after the discovery of signs of the disease.
  2. Hexamitosis. This disease is caused by flagellates, affecting the intestines. Their presence can be recognized by white slimy excrement, refusal of fish to feed, spitting it out. Later, small sores appear on the head.
  3. Ammonia poisoning with improper content- too dense accumulation of fish, improper start of the aquarium. When poisoned, the fins of parrots turn red or black, take on a shabby appearance. The fish begin to choke, their gills protrude, the fish try to stay close to the filter. You can save the situation by frequent water changes - several times a day, adding a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or special preparations for aquariums such as Antiammonia.

Parrot fish breeding

Due to artificial origin, parrot fish and breeding in an aquarium are incompatible concepts. Males are completely sterile, meaning they are unable to fertilize eggs. And yet, at the age of 1.5 years, they begin to pair up, play mating games, and build nests. The female lays eggs, together they guard her intensely. However, due to the lack of fertilization, the eggs turn white over time, and the fish eat them.

Spawning parrot fish

The only way to see how parrotfish breed is to pair a female parrot with another cichlid. From such a union, it is often possible to obtain viable offspring, although not similar to parrots. To activate the breeding instinct, the temperature in the aquarium is raised to + 25 ° C. Parrots and cichlids begin to actively dig the ground and build nests. Watching the mating games of fish is very interesting. The laid and fertilized eggs turn into fry for 5-6 days. After a few days, they begin to move and feed on their own.

Red hybrid parrots are bred in Singapore and Thailand. This charming peaceful fish was obtained by crossing three types of cichlids: Cichlasoma erythraeum (labiatum) + + Cichlasoma "theraps" fenestratum.

In a hybrid parrot, the lips are curved so that a smile is obtained that cannot leave anyone indifferent. What else attracts this fish? Firstly, it is large and peaceful, secondly, bright and very active, thirdly, with proper care rarely gets sick, but if it does, it can be treated. A definite plus - parrots are indifferent to.

This is what parrot fish fry look like

Most often on sale there are red, pink, orange and yellow parrots. But in the fry of this fish, the color is very plain, gray. They are painted on the fifth month of life.

How to feed a parrot fish

Parrots are real swallows, they always eat everything. Moreover, the first ones rush to the feeder and take food from other fish. You can feed them with bloodworms, coretra, shrimp, scraped meat and fish. animal food can be alternated with artificial cichlid food. You need to give a limited amount of food, otherwise overeating is inevitable and, as a result, the death of the fish is possible.

A parrot fish can grow up to 25 cm. Such a huge and harmless one cannot but rejoice. There are also dwarf species hybrid parrots, the size of which does not exceed 10 cm.

The optimal conditions for keeping a parrot fish in an aquarium: water temperature 22-26 ℃, its constant aeration and filtration, as well as a weekly change of 20-30% of the volume.

For a pair of fish, an aquarium with a volume of 150 liters is required. A parrot is a rather shy fish, as soon as possible it hides in any shelters. It can also be small structures, so it seems that she is stuck there. But it is worth pouring food, as the fish is already “in the wild”.

Compatibility of parrot fish with other fish

His character is accommodating, so almost any neighbors will do. It can be small and medium cichlids, catfish, barbs, characins. Although they look perfect and get along with cichlazoma severum and turquoise akara.

Sexual differences of parrot fish

Hybrid parrots become sexually mature by 1.5 years. The male can be distinguished from the female by the conical anal tubercle; in the female it is pear-shaped. These differences are most noticeable during the spawning period. During this period, the fish begin to dig holes in the ground, they can even dig up plants. To avoid such changes in the landscape, you can prepare a place for them to spawn. To do this, take a flat stone and set it in the corner of the aquarium (preferably under the aerator) so that its surface is approximately 45 ° with the ground surface.

With proper care, a red parrot fish lives up to 10 years.

Fish red parrot - video

Parrot fish are popular with aquarists. In the article I will tell you where they live in natural environment How long does it live in an aquarium? I'll show you what types there are: red, scar, green bumpy, pearl, blue. How to keep in an aquarium, how and what to feed. What is needed for breeding and what is sick.

The parrots were bred in 1991 by crossing South American cichlids over a period of several years. It is still unknown which species of fish were used in breeding, however, the result cannot but rejoice - it turned out to be a very interesting and bright aquarium inhabitant, which has a peaceful character.

Parrot fish can grow from 10 to 15 centimeters long.

She has an interesting head shape - it resembles a bird's beak, from which the name comes.

The mouth opens vertically at a low angle, making it difficult to capture food. Often this anatomical deviation leads to the death of fish from starvation.

The body is round and barrel-shaped, and the fins are short. Parrot fish have a deformity of the spinal column and air bladder, which makes the movements of the fish in the aquarium very clumsy, although many find this amusing. Because of this, the aquarium dweller leads sedentary image life, swimming in the lowlands of the aquarium.

In the aquarium, he often hides and swims among various artificial shelters - algae and stones.

The color of the fish can be very diverse, but bright orange and red colors are more common, however, blue, purple, yellow and green representatives of their species, and sometimes albinos, are also observed.

Fish pigmentation is artificial. Fry are "fed" with dyes to obtain a certain color.

It is not uncommon to find a parrot fish with various patterns on its body. This is the result of artificial application of pigments under the scales. But over time, these colors fade and are no longer so pleasing to the eye of the owner. To prevent discoloration, fish are fed with keratin.

Where is the habitat in the natural marine environment

Natural habitat or place in marine environment they do not have, due to the fact that this species was bred artificially. But its progenitors can be found in the waters of the South American coast, where they swim among the coral reefs and in the reservoirs of West Africa.

How long do parrot fish live

Parrot fish live long enough - 7-15 years.

At proper feeding, maintenance and care, an aquarium inhabitant is able to please the eye of its owner for a long time.

Before going to bed, the parrot hides and forms a cocoon around itself from its own mucus.

Types of parrot fish

Parrot fish have subspecies that are also popular for keeping in an aquarium.


cichlid has bright color, mainly red and orange, with good feeding it can grow up to 20 centimeters.

Peaceful, calm and clumsy. Fangs and incisors can grow out of the “beak”, which look outward. Able to change color throughout life. They are a mutant.


It has many subspecies, differing in color and size. The smallest representatives are no more than 20 centimeters, and the largest are able to grow up to a meter in length. And aquarists are popular with the Red Sea and striped skara.

In natural habitats, it grows up to a meter long and weighs 40 kilograms, but in an aquarium it grows much smaller. There is a process on the forehead, for which it received the name.

The character of each individual is different - some representatives are able to harm their neighbors by attacking with a growth.


A fish that grows up to 15 centimeters long. The pearl species has no anatomical deviations in the structure of the mouth. This fish has a beautiful color - against the background of olive, orange or Brown color there are small white dots.

Large representatives of its species - able to grow up to 70 centimeters long. He has a bright blue color and a powerful jaw from which grow powerful fangs. Its habitat is Bermuda and the Bahamas.

This type of fish requires a spacious aquarium - at least 180-200 liters. At the same time, the water temperature is + 24-26 degrees, and the pH is 6.5 - 7.5.

Fish love running water, so you need to artificially create a current. A cleaning filter is also required.

At least 20% of the water needs to be replaced weekly.

Parrot fish by nature likes to dig in the sand, so fine-grained soil is laid on the bottom of the aquarium, in which the fish will play. Also for the aquarium you need a lot of different shelters and algae, as she is shy and likes to hide.

The fish is not stress-resistant, so it must be protected from various stress factors.

Despite the sluggishness, the fish is jumpy, so the aquarium is covered so that the pet does not jump onto land.

Neighbors of parrot fish should be chosen calm or nimble, but at the same time they do not like to sit in algae. The scalars are not a prime example friendly coexistence, since the parrot often attacks its neighbor.

It also has poor compatibility with other more small fish. More precisely, he can simply eat them. It's the same with snails.

If you want to have several parrots in an aquarium, then they are purchased and planted together at a young age. This helps to avoid conflicts between neighbors.


Chopped bloodworms, worms and shrimp meat are suitable from natural feed.

For parrot fish, you need to choose sinking food, since it is difficult for fish to capture light and floating food due to anatomical features mouth structures.

At the same time, most breeders prefer industrial feed for aquarium inhabitants, as they contain vitamins and minerals, as well as keratin to maintain bright colors.


Since these fish are the result of selection, most of the representatives are sterile. But they are also capable of spawning. To do this, the female digs a hole in the ground and attaches the eggs, after which the male fertilizes them. They watch the nest for a long time until the eggs die.

Sometimes hatching of fry occurs. But they give birth colorless and inconspicuous, due to the lack of artificial coloring. Fry can become food for parents, so they need to be planted.


Parrots are very healthy. They are not susceptible to viruses and infectious disease, but poor water quality and overeating affect their well-being.

To prevent the development various diseases It is recommended to test the water for hardness.

Parrot fish is able to please the eye long years, subject to all the rules of maintenance and care for her. At the same time, it is not difficult to take care of her, the main thing is to give her maximum amount love and care.

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