Navka Tatyana and Sands are the last. Love story: Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov. Tatyana Navka in musicals and ice shows

Tatyana Navka is an amazingly beautiful woman who married a worthy man. Among the advantages of Tatyana, it is worth noting not only that she is an incredibly talented skater, but also an excellent mother and just a gorgeous girl.

She earned the title of Olympic champion and all her medals with overwork. According to Tatyana herself, there are only two important things in her life - love and profession. She lives only for them.

Many fans around the world admire Navka, and most of them want to know all the possible facts about the skater. Among the main ones are her height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Navka - she herself does not hide. Despite the fact that she is already 42 years old, the woman still looks luxurious. And in many ways this contributes to the sports profession.

The growth of the skater is relatively high - 170 centimeters. At the same time, she has a luxurious figure. The woman's weight is 55 kilograms. Tatyana is Jewish by nationality. And I must say that she treats this very reverently. When Navka performed in the Ice Age program, one of her numbers was dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust.

Biography πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka

Tatyana Navka was born on April 13, 1975, in the Dnieper. Father - Alexander Navka - works as an engineer, and mother - Raisa Navka - works as an economist. Tanya also has a younger sister, Natasha, who, unlike Tanya, is not public.

Interest in figure skating manifested itself in childhood, when Tanya saw the performance of Elena Vodozerova. The girl got on figure skates at the age of five, and subsequently won the title of national champion in the children's league. Due to the fact that figure skating became the main priority for Tanya, from an excellent student at school she became a good student.

When the girl matured enough, she was sent for an internship to America, where Samvel Gezalyan became the companion of the young figure skater. The biography of Tatyana Navka during this period took a new turn.

Navka lived in America for fifteen years, after which she returned to the USSR, where she later joined the Soviet team. She and Samvel have won world competitions more than once. In addition to the Soviet team, they also played in the Belarusian team, and many times represented the country at the Olympic competitions.

Since the late nineties, Tanya has performed with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, but he soon went to Anna Semenovich. With the beginning of the 2000s, Navka left performances for a while. The surprise for the girl was the return of Kostomarov. The man repented, and they again began to go out on the ice together.

In 2006, the couple became the favorites of the Olympic Games, but later publicly announced the end of their joint career. Over the next eight years, Tatyana participated in the Ice Age entertainment program.

A year later, Navka performed in the image of Carmen directed by Ilya Averbukh. The fans received it with great enthusiasm.

Several documentaries have been filmed about this talented woman. She was the host of various celebrations, participated in competitions as a jury member, and even hosted her own TV show.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov wedding photo July 17, 2015 is one of the brightest and most important moments in the life of an athlete. It is noteworthy that these two are complete opposites, but their strong marriage can only be envied.

Personal life πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka

First of all, it is worth noting that during the school period, Tatyana was not particularly popular with guys, and even as she grew up, she was in no hurry to start a relationship.

Nevertheless, Tatyana Navka's personal life is full of interesting details. Long enough she loved Alexander Zhulin, who was her idol. But the feelings were unrequited. In addition, the man was already married.

After the figure skater took part in the Ice Age program, the fans β€œmarried” the girl to Marat Basharov, who was her partner in performances. But the couple relentlessly denied those rumors. In addition, it was rumored that Basharov's mother was also against their probable relationship. Tatyana was also credited with a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov, who became her partner in performances in the Ice and Fire program. But these assumptions, among other things, turned out to be groundless.

Her personal life has now finally found the long-awaited stability. She is absolutely happy in marriage and adores her husband.

In addition to figure skating, Navka is very fond of horses and skiing. She enjoys cooking and listening to music. Among other things, the woman tried her hand at singing, and advertises the cosmetic brand Oriflame. Tatyana also does not mind testing herself as an actress.

Family πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka

It is known that Tatyana's parents are not related to professional sports, however, at one time, both the father and mother of the figure skater went to sports sections. But in the end, they gave preference to more stable professions in order to provide for children. At the same time, the parents gladly supported their daughter's desire and contributed to the development of her talent. Tatyana's sister is now also married, but she does not yet have her own children. Since childhood, the sisters maintain a warm relationship.

Currently, the family of Tatyana Navka is her beloved husband Dmitry Peskov and two beautiful daughters, albeit from different men.

Children πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka

The children of Tatyana Navka were born from different husbands of the figure skater. Note that there is a rather significant age difference between the sisters - 14 years. Tatyana's first daughter loves her sister very much and enjoys spending time with her. Teaches singing and even teaches figure skating.

The baby also loves her older sister very much and even, in a sense, perceives her as her mentor. Girls often go on trips with their parents and share great photos on social networks. In turn, Tatyana has repeatedly said that she is not opposed to having another child. Perhaps sooner or later it will actually happen.

Daughter πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

The daughter of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin - was born in 2000, in the capital of America. Her father is the first husband of the athlete - Alexander Zhulin. It is noteworthy that officially the girl is a citizen of America, but lives in Russia. Although she played tennis since childhood and won numerous awards in competitions, Alexandra decided not to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a singer instead of an athlete. Which she does very well.

The girl performs under the pseudonym Alexia, and has already released her debut song. And also tries himself in the modeling business. Sasha is no longer involved in sports.

Daughter πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

The daughter of Tatyana Navka, Nadezhda Peskova, was born just three years ago, and is an illegitimate daughter. Tatyana did not reveal the name of her dad to fans for a long time, but as a result it became known that this is a very famous man. The girl's father was a politician Dmitry Peskov.

For a long time, Tatyana did not publish photos of her little daughter on the network. Despite her young age, the baby is already seriously interested in sports. She skates like her mother and loves tennis like her big sister. In addition, the girl goes to kindergarten, where they study English. In her appearance, Nadia is an almost complete copy of her famous mother. She can rarely sit still, but at the same time she is very responsible.

Former husband πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

The ex-husband of Tatyana Navka, Alexander Zhulin, is a well-known athlete and famous figure skating coach in the past. The man met Navka in 1994. Alexander was already married then, but he noticed the girl right away.

He coached the skater for five years, after which they moved to the United States. There their daughter Alexandra was born. For the most part, Tatyana owes her success and fame to her husband's training. It was thanks to his mentorship that the athlete was able to achieve such phenomenal success.

They did not divorce even after rumors appeared about Tatiana's relationship with Marat Basharov, which was already mentioned above. They separated after fourteen years together. The reason for the gap was the betrayal of Alexander with his next protΓ©gΓ©, Natalya Mikhailova.

Husband πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka - Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka's husband, Dmitry Peskov, met his future wife shortly after Tatyana broke up with her first husband. They met at the birthday party of their mutual friend. They went on a few more dates before the couple realized they shouldn't break up anymore. Even a noticeable difference in age did not stop them. The novel was actively developed, but both kept it in the strictest confidence from the press.

Navka was not even stopped by the fact that her lover already has a wife and four children. In turn, the man also found out about the daughter of the firuguist.

In the end, Peskov divorced his wife, and after a while they had a daughter, Nadia, with Tatyana, who, however, was born even before the couple's official marriage. The four children of the politician also get along well with Tatyana.

Instagram and Wikipedia πŸ‘‰ Tatyana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Navka are very popular among the figure skater's admirers. After all, it is there that you can find the most reliable data regarding both the biography of a woman, and her personal life, and plans for the future. The athlete's profile on Instagram has more than half a million subscribers.

Tatyana often shares photos and videos from her personal archive with them. Subscribers like and comment on materials with pleasure and admiration. In particular, they like the pictures and videos in which Navka is captured with her daughters.

Tatyana Navka was born in Dnepropetrovsk, she has a sister, Natalya, who is two and a half years younger than her. When the girls were over 20, the parents decided to divorce. According to Tatyana, they reacted quite calmly to this. Moreover, it was Navka who helped her father move and settle in America.


Now the parent of the famous figure skater still lives in the USA, he has his own business there. Navka said that his father remarried, everything is fine with him. As for the mother, she lives in an apartment in Moscow, but she regularly sees her daughter and granddaughters, gives advice to all her relatives and leads an active lifestyle.

Tatyana Navka was married twice. From her first marriage, with figure skater and coach Alexander Zhulin, she has a daughter, Alexandra, who is already 17 years old. The girl intends to enter the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO. Sasha has serious tennis lessons behind him, but due to an injury, he had to leave the sport.

Now the athlete is married to the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. They have a little daughter, Nadezhda. They met at a friend's birthday party. Tatyana was introduced to him as an Olympic champion, however, according to Peskov himself, he perceived her more like a girl from a hair dye advertisement.

Navka admitted that on her part there was no love at first sight. Moreover, outwardly, she did not like Peskov. β€œBut with his attention he sought a meeting with me, I avoided me for a long time. Then something clicked, because he was so delicate, talented and gentlemanly, you know, with a kiss of hands, he never crossed the line, very carefully, gently cultivated love in I suddenly understood and thought: β€œLord, how did I not notice this before?” Tatyana Navka said.

The athlete stated: "We met quite mature people who have their own past life, children, we definitely value our relationship very much, we cherish it and treat those disadvantages that naturally exist in a different way. There are no ideal people."

The phrase that sounded in the famous film about the beauty, the athlete can be fully attributed to the figure skater Tatyana Navka. This girl impressed with perseverance and hard work from childhood. It was thanks to these qualities that she was able to become a multiple champion of Europe and the world in figure skating and reach the top - becoming an Olympic champion.

Also, the girl is full of charm. Surprisingly, as a schoolgirl, she was not popular with the boys. But having matured, Tatyana had no shortage of admirers, but she chose a man with whom she had been in love for many years as her husband.

Youthful love

Tatyana decided very early on her future occupation. Already at the age of five, the girl began to engage in figure skating and continues to do so until now. She took her first steps at the skating rink in Dnepropetrovsk. It was there that the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin came to give a few lessons to novice athletes.

He was Tatyana's idol and she wanted to get his autograph in every possible way. As a result, she had accumulated more than ten of them. But Zhulin left, and Navka remained to train in Dnepropetrovsk.

A few years later, the girl was offered to improve her skills already in Moscow. It was there that fate again brought her together with Alexander Zhulin. He became her coach. When the girl turned 18, she had to go to the training camp in France. She really hoped that Zhulin would accompany the team. And so it happened.

Already in France, a conversation took place between them. It turned out that the man liked the young skater for a long time, but at that time he was married. But his marriage could not be called ideal, and despite the fact that he was not yet divorced, he offered Tatyana to live together.

Marriage, childbirth and divorce

The couple began to live together, but at the same time they were in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. It happened only five years later in one of the notaries' offices in America. The relationship between Alexander and Tatyana was like a fairy tale, despite the fact that Tatyana was 12 years younger than her husband.

Alexander really dreamed of a child. Indeed, in his first marriage with Maya Usova, he had no children. And his dream became a reality. The couple had a wonderful daughter, whom they named Alexandra. It is noteworthy, but the birth of her daughter did not force Tatyana to stop her sports activities. Two weeks after giving birth, she returned to the ice.

But the marriage of Alexander and Tatyana was not destined to last forever. After 14 years of marriage, the news of the divorce of athletes appeared.

The reason for the breakup was another woman. This time, Alexander fell in love with a girl who was 23 years younger than him and was also his student. Zhulin divorced Navka. The third wife of the coach was Natalya Mikhailova, she gave birth to her husband's daughter Katya. Zhulin himself says that he is absolutely happy with his third wife and hopes that this is his last marriage.

Skater novels

After the girl's divorce from Alexander Zhulin, the press attributed numerous novels to her. The loudest of them were novels with her partners in the Ice Age project and. Tatyana did not give any comments on this matter, which further fueled interest in her person.

It was rumored that a romantic relationship with Basharov was approaching the wedding. Marat wanted Tatyana to accept his religion - Islam. And, perhaps, this would have happened, but the mother of her future husband did not like the girl. Basharov's mother saw next to her son a submissive wife, and not a public figure. But be that as it may, the relationship did not work out.

Tatyana's second romance happened with Alexei Vorobyov. But whether it was PR or the truth, young people do not disclose.

Interesting Notes:

Journalists have not been able to find facts that would confirm the romantic relationship between them. The couple only hugged and nothing more. Alexei even said in an interview that there was no romance between him and Tatyana, but for some reason no one believed him. Because of this, he even quarreled with his girlfriend.

Second try for luck

The second husband of Tatyana Navka was the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Fate brought them together at the birthday party of a mutual friend. That evening, the man did not leave the athlete a single step. The courtship continued. Dmitry courted beautifully and persistently until Tatyana gave up.

Tatyana realized that she had fallen in love and that she saw only this man next to her. She was not stopped by the fact that Dmitry was married and had four children. The couple began dating secretly. Their relationship became clear when the skater became pregnant.

In 2014, she gave birth to Dmitry's daughter Nadezhda. Even then, there was no point in continuing to hide the relationship. Dmitry Peskov divorced his wife and proposed to Tatyana Navka.

The wedding took place on August 1, 2015 in Sochi. It was a magnificent celebration, to which politicians, pop and sports stars were invited. Now Tatyana Navka is enjoying family happiness with her husband, but at the same time she does not forget about her favorite work. She dreams of giving birth to another child to her beloved husband.

It seems to many that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka are quite different people from dissimilar spheres of life. However, few people have doubts about the sincerity of their feelings. I would like to believe that this relationship will once again confirm the thesis that opposites attract.

Vladimir Putin's press secretary finally married Tatyana Navka today, a successful athlete and Olympic champion. The wedding is celebrated in Sochi in the Rodina hotel complex by the sea.

Among those invited - show business celebrities, politicians, film and theater figures, athletes. However, Peskov's daughters were not noticed at the celebration. Perhaps she had more pressing matters to attend to?

The bride was in a chic white wedding dress from the collection of Valentin Yudashkin. Tatyana saved the other two outfits for the second solemn day of the ceremony, which she ordered in a fashion studio called "Edem".

Also, the bride will appear before the guests in an elegant white dress in the Provence style with a high waist. The bride will also show the red dress with black polka dots to the guests - this will be her famous image of Carmen.

Alika Smekhova, a close friend of Navkin, published the first photographs from the wedding day on her Instagram page. Further, other friends invited to the celebration began to publish successful photo moments of the long-awaited day.

Shortly before this important event, the bride performed on ice in the musical "Carmen" in Sochi. The author of the story is Ilya Averbukh. The figure skating star invited her closest friends here.

classical-news reminds the reader that Tatyana Navka is getting married a second time. Tatyana registered her first marriage with Alexander Zhulin, a famous athlete. As a result of this union, the Olympic champion has a daughter.

For Peskov, marriage with Navka is the third in a row. Previous wives gave the politician three children - a daughter and two sons.

Dmitry and Tatyana recently had another daughter - Nadezhda, the girl is already about a year old.

Wedding photos of Tatiana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

The husbands of Tatyana Navka are quite bright and famous personalities. Former husband Alexander Zhulin - a Soviet and Russian figure skater, the second husband of an athlete - Dmitry Peskov - currently holds the position of press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation. In addition, the husbands of Tatyana Navka, before meeting with the famous athlete, had been in official relations for many years. But still they left their own families and went to the skater.

The first husband of Tatyana Navka

The first time Tanya got married in 2000. Her chosen one was the figure skater and coach Alexander Zhulin. The girl was 12 years younger than her chosen one, but this did not stop Zhulin. At that time, he was married to figure skater Maya Usova, but since there were no children in the marriage who could somehow keep Alexander, and the tender feelings that connected the spouses earlier had cooled down for a long time, the skater decided to divorce his wife.

Husbands of Tatyana Navka

Tatyana and Zhulin have been married for about 14 years, having managed to give birth to a daughter, Alexander. However, after a certain time in the life of Navka's husband, everything happened again. Alexander fell in love with his young student - an aspiring figure skater named who was already 23 years younger than him.

At the moment, the ex-husband of Tatyana Navka is legally married to Natalya, who in 2013 gave birth to his daughter Katya. The athlete believes that now he has a real family. After two unsuccessful unions, he believes that this marriage is the last in his life.

Like the first spouse of the figure skater (Alexander Peskov was married before meeting with Navka. The first time the head of the presidential press service married in his youth was the granddaughter of the famous commander S. Budyonny, Anastasia Budyonna. From this relationship, the son Nikolai was born. However, having lived together for several years, the spouses separated.

At a more mature age, namely at the age of 27, Dmitry officially legalized relations for the second time. His chosen one was who was 9 years younger than her husband. In marriage, she gave birth to three children. This is a girl Lisa and two boys - Mika and Denis. The marriage of the spouses cracked as soon as Tatyana and Dmitry met fatally at a solemn event. Ekaterina Solotsinskaya immediately understood everything - their marriage could not be saved. Moreover, the ex-wife of Dmitry Sergeevich was disappointed in her husband, as she considered him to be a faithful and devoted person.

The love story of Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov

The athlete and the diplomat met in 2012 at the celebration of the birthday of a mutual friend. Soon they began an affair, which only close people knew about. For about two years, the press actively discussed that there was some kind of relationship between the press secretary and the Olympic champion, but there was no official confirmation of this.

At the first meeting, as Peskov recalls, he did not recognize the famous figure skater and Olympic champion in the new acquaintance. Only when they were introduced to each other, the man realized who was in front of him. Tatyana believes that she and Dmitry are from completely different areas. By all the laws of nature, they could hardly have met, but nevertheless the acquaintance took place, and not just an acquaintance, but a fateful meeting that grew into true love.

Wedding of Navka and Peskov

After they met, a tender relationship arose between Tatyana and Dmitry, but Peskov was married at that time, so the couple tried not to advertise their romance. Two years later, in August 2014, our heroine had a second daughter, Nadezhda. From now on, Tatyana and Dmitry Sergeevich have ceased to hide their romantic relationship.

In August 2015, a solemn event took place, namely the official marriage of Navka and Peskov. The solemn ceremony was held in Sochi. More than 100 guests attended the wedding.

The husbands of Tatyana Navki gave the famous figure skater two wonderful daughters - Alexander and Nadezhda.

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