What is burime and what is the use of a funny game? Burime as a new genre of literature



BURIME (French bouts rimes - rhyming endings) - poems, to-rye are written on given rhymes. The classical rules of B. are as follows:
1. rhymes should be as unusual as possible and contain heterogeneous concepts;
2. variation of rhymes is not allowed;
3. The theme of the poem is determined in advance.
The game of B., which requires a certain resourcefulness and versifier wit, was in great fashion in France in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the last century, Alexandre Dumas tried to resurrect this fashion (see), who organized a competition for B. in 1864 and published the works of 350 of its participants in the book “Bouts rimes publies par Al. Dumas" (R., 1865). The emergence of B. is associated with the name of the French poet of the 17th century. Dulot, who used pre-composed rhymes in his poetic practice, which for the first time gave the idea of ​​​​B. as a funny poetic toy.

Literary Encyclopedia. - In 11 tons; M.: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


(French bouts rimes - rhymed ends), a game genre of literary creativity; composing poems on predetermined rhymes, pairs of which are made up of thematically dissimilar words. The order of given rhymes cannot be changed, but the poet must include them in a meaningful text. The game was popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


BURIME(bout - the end; rimé - rhymed) - a poem written on pre-given rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poetess M-me Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And up to the present time, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Because of this, burime, for the most part, is impromptu and has all of its artistic features(see the word "impromptu").

Artistic techniques manifested in the process of creating burime - in the use of given rhymes - can also be found in the creation of ordinary poems, because in many cases, according to the just remark of Theodore de Banville, poetic inspiration comes from the found rhyme, the rhyme predetermines the general artistic meaning whole. But when perceiving a ready-made poem, when the process of its creation is hidden from the perceiver, one of the effects is surprise - and, together, naturalness. rhymes in relation to general plan, while perceiving burime, when rhymes are known in advance, a similar effect is built on surprise - and, together, naturalness intent in relation to the given rhymes.

However, even from the side of not only the process of creation, but also the nature of its influence, the features of burime can be found in ordinary poetic speech. This applies to poems where banal rhymes are used. As with the perception of burime, the rhyme in this case is guessed in advance by the perceiving consciousness.

The use of a banal rhyme can be successful only when it reveals the traits of an internal necessity, and not formal coercion. This is carried out in the same way as when creating a burime: in surprise and at the same time the naturalness of the plan in relation to the banal rhyme. An example of a banal rhyme (woe - sea, sadness - distance), internally justified by the whole idea of ​​the artist, we find in Valery Bryusov:

When met in childhood grief

Ile boundless sadness -

Everything calmed the sea

And the sea is gentle distance.

A brilliant use of banal rhyme (frosts - roses) is found in A. Pushkin: he deliberately emphasizes its banality and thereby gives it a completely unexpected application, - and the very banality is already overcome by the unexpectedness of the application:

"And now the frosts are cracking

And silver in the fields...

The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of "roses",

Here, take it quickly."

In another example, A. Pushkin artistically justifies the banal rhyme (youth - joy), establishing between these words, along with a sound connection, also a constant semantic connection:

“.......... youth

And eternal joy to her rhyme.

Valentina Dynnik. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


See what "Burime" is in other dictionaries:

    - (French bouts rimés “rhymed ends”) a literary game that consists in composing poems, often comic ones, on given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Sometimes another game is also referred to as burima, also called the “nonsense game” ... Wikipedia

    Burime- BURIME (bout end; rimé rhymed) a poem written to predetermined rhymes. In the 17th century, the French poetess m me Deshoulières became famous for her burimes. And up to the present time, burime exists as a kind of parlor game. Thanks to… … Dictionary of literary terms

    burime- neskl., cf. boots rimes. Poems on given rhymes. BAS 2. They would begin to compose burimes in the old way and write satires on bald people, that is, on themselves. 1796. Karamzin. // Pogodin Karamzin 1 253. Find out un joli mot or make a burime. Dolgoruky Op. 1 192 ... Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (French bouts rimes, from bout end, and rimer to rhyme). Poems on given rhymes. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. BURIME poems on given rhymes. Complete dictionary foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    unchanged; cf. [French] bouts rimés rhyming endings] Poems with given rhymes; a literary game, which consists in compiling such poems (usually comic). Write, read b. Play b. * * * Burime (French bouts rimés rhymed ends), poems ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    BURIME, indistinct, cf. (French bouts rimes, lit. rhymed ends) (lit.). Poems on given rhymes (literary game). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - [me], non-cl., cf. 1. A poem written in predetermined rhymes. 2. A game consisting in writing such poems. Play b. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends), verses to given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (French bouts rimes rhymed ends) verses to given rhymes; popular form of secular light poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (non-cl.) poems to given rhymes, XVIII century. (Melnikov 2, 254). From the French bouts rimes (pl.) rhyming ends ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer


  • Zendoodle bestiary. Burime book. Universal Atlas of Animals from Life and Imagination, . You've never seen anything like it before: on the pages of this small book there are more than 9 thousand incredible creatures, amazing! How is this possible? The book is full of secrets beyond the control of the mind, ...

Let's play Burim! The player sees a quatrain in front of him. He needs to write a continuation of the verse. To do this, he presses the CONTINUE button and enters his quatrain (attention: exactly quatrain!) into a form on the page. Observing the given theme and rhythm! The next player who enters the burime page will see only the previous player's quatrain and add his own four lines to them. This way, perhaps, a poem will turn out. After the burime consists of several quatrains, the entire verse will be published in its entirety. The best, most dexterous rhymers will be rewarded with our immense recognition! :)

We consider unexpected rhymes as good rhymes: “Aibolit / Public Catering”, and compound rhymes: “Manin / has no mind”, or “Zhannet / or not”. We consider primitive rhymes as bad rhymes: “love / blood”, “beat / love”, “roses / frosts”. Attention: carefully observe the rhythm of the verse, that is, its size!

What is burime?

Burime (French bouts-rimes - “rhymed ends”) is a literary game that consists in composing poems, often comic ones, on given rhymes, sometimes also on a given topic. Burime appeared in the 17th century (the inventor was the little-known French poet Dulot), but the game became especially widespread in the 19th-20th centuries - at first only in salons, and then in the widest circles (students, pensioners, and other categories). Along with solitaire, bingo and dominoes are the favorite pastime of the masses, rivaling even those active species sports. :) The material is taken from Wikipedia.

And below are already composed BURIME. Read, enjoy... and invent new ones. But do not forget that only registered users.

Pirate Reflections

What do pirates talk about on fine evenings, sitting on the deck of their frigate in the moonlight? What are they thinking about? You will find the answer to these questions in the newest burima-poem composed by the inhabitants of our children's website "Papcha's Treasures"! Each quatrain in it is mysterious, or romantic, or decisive - in general, beautiful in its own way.

In the meantime, we are announcing a new round of struggle for the title of the most dexterous and talented buremist poet! Who will emerge victorious this time? You decide, dear readers! Vote for the best verse.

Quote of summer

And really, how can you not love?! The sky is clear, the sun is bright, the spirits are on the galyavins ... Maybe, someone out there is not up to it, but only not to our Buremist poets! And in their new stink they imagined Yogo in all his beauty and machismo. Read everything and enjoy! And don't let us all shine in front of us, the little sun of the summer...

Birds chirping in the garden
And already cherry red.
I know goosebumps in the grass
Little ones, please the sonny.

And a lonely cutlet...

And here it is, finally - it happened! And before us is a new wonderful, summer-cutlet burime! Full of autumn laziness, winter melancholy and our dreams (or dreams? Or dreams?..) about spring and summer, which then, in December, seemed unrealizable ...

But, summer is here! Hooray! And lonely cutlets are languishing from the heat. Together with the Buremist poets and their cats.

And in the fight for the title of the best Buremist poet as a result of the most honest reader's vote in the world this time Alena Yadronova won! Hooray! And here is her winning verse:

And a lonely cutlet
She lies, she is hot - what are they pulling ?!
How hard is the cutlet in the summer,
Until the heat stops...

I sit and quietly play ...

The whole storm was given to us as unskinned, so it was like a river, singsongly! Ale, sho robiti, navit well if it kinchaetsya. The axis of the Ukrainian musical storm has ended - for the first time in the competition for the shortest verse verse, the storm has won Alesya Alfiorova! Axis її vertex:

Music exults the soul
I give you happiness.
Hearing b її eternity,
They've got enough...

Motorcycle rumble

Details September 17, 2013

And it happened, it happened! As a result of a completely closed and completely secret ballot in this round, she is a poetic battle, Kostya won!

And then, one moment later
The rumble of a motorcycle and again
I fall asleep. In this dream
I will listen to the night. I will not sleep.

I think our dialogue...

And now, as sports commentators say, the...

Alisa Dolgushina

Someday the wind will bring
With me the first leaf of autumn,
And I'm a little scared
That summer is over again.

But the run of minutes is so imperceptible,
Will bring spring bloom again.
Riddle-Time Road
It won't turn back, of course.

Hooray!!! Go-o-ol!!!

Fanfares rumble, timpani ring, drums beat! Pianos and guitars! In a word, the orchestra - carcass!!! Here it is - the best quatrain!

Author Alesya Alferova
How are poems written?
How are pictures drawn?
How to put on notes
What are the snowflakes singing about?
Do not catch up, do not repeat -
Just remember with a smile...
For some reason a verse came out
Instead of music for the violin.

How to become a black man

Best quatrain

In this round of the competition for the best poetic couplet of burime in Russian, Lyuba Loksh-a won! Here is her winning verse!

When the time comes
Snowfall is coming!
When the south is far
All birds will fly away!
And the twilight is green
Cities will be covered
We are soft songs
Let's blossom the world then!

Summer smells like m "yata"

Shorter chotirivirsh

Vika Stasiv won the competition for the shortest verse burime in the Ukrainian language in this round! Axis її vіrsh!

Summer smells of m "yatoyu,
Tsukrovy cotton wool,

I new friends.

Autumn - winter

Shorter chotirivirsh

The awakening of the world is new,
I'm a little warmer already alive again,
Bring us joy and happiness as a gift,
Landscapes of heaven, nothing like little ones,

Grab for the soul, enchant, blind,
Because we really want to live like this.
Hocha pіr chotiri, and there is only one school,
Only she, who has all the childishness,
I’m cheerful and baggy with him,
This is our temple and pure sacrament.

Weeping goat

Respect! Hooray! The editors of our site have been upgraded with the confirmation of the declaration - the winner of the black stage of the Ukrainian storm “Goat crying” has become Vasil Malishka! With your own verse “Happy Day of Victory to you, friend!”

Burime writing is not a thing ...

Respect! Hooray! At the devil's series of our burime Ukrainian mine win Vasya! At the secret and honest vote, Vasil was exiled by the best burimist! Hai live sprinters! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Glory to you!

Penguins in orderly rows

Penguins in orderly rows
wandering, feeling the way,
big red mustache
Where they go they don't know
When will they come? Someday.

Bjoli and bdzhіlki!

Cats in space

Hooray! Finally it happened, or in other words, HAPPENED! No, we did not win a million dollars in the lottery, no - GAZPROM did not become our patron of the arts! Even better has happened - we sum up the results of the next series of burime "CATS IN SPACE" and announce the winner! They became LOVE Loksh! Here my modest voice is drowned out by timpani and other tambourines. All the non-winners unanimously sprinkle ashes on their heads and sit down to perfect rhymes!

summer life

This becomes some kind of regularity - Topolenka wins in burim. Probably in his previous life Topolyonok was Petrarch. And why would such high-speed poetic talents? Well, whatever it was, but in this round of burim about incredible flying cats Wins Mademoiselle Alka Alferova Dragon's Teeth

Attention! A wonderful thing happened! Great for Topolyonka! Poplar won in the next draw of BURIME and can revel in his fame as the most beautiful buremist of all times and peoples. Forgive me for this slight exaggeration! So, three cheers! Hurrah! Hurrah!

flying mouse legends

Hooray! The editors of BURIME present to the readers and participants of this poetic competition for the best ability to fall into rhythm and rhyme, winner Alka Alferov! Her instructive quatrains, touching and full of sincere concern for the careless bird, charmed the voters and brought her to the first place! Hooray, Alka! Long live Alka! All Alkam Alka!

Burime hungry cat

The editors of BURIME inform all participants of the first swim in poetic stanzas and rhymes of its winner! They became - attention - poet VASILY MALYSHKA! Hooray! Let's not save on applause! Touch! Colleagues stand up and raise their hats, as a sign of respect! Long live the incomparable author of the first stage, Vasily Malyshka!

Sometimes even on a given topic. Sometimes another game is also referred to as burima, also called the “nonsense game”: they write down several lines or even stanzas and pass the sheet to the partner to continue, leaving only the last of them visible. You can also start drawing a creature, say, from the head, turning a piece of paper so that the partner sees only the neck and draws the torso, and so on.


V. L. Pushkin, D. D. Minaev, A. A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov were famous for their ability to write Burime in Russia.

Burime was included as one of the traditional tasks in the KVN competitions.

Today, burime also exists as a network interactive game on several sites with different rules, decoration and atmosphere. On some sites, ratings are maintained and competitions are held, on others, the voting mechanism allows participants to rate various burimes and rhymes: unsuccessful poems are excluded from the main list, and bad rhymes (love / blood, beat / love) are thrown out of the dictionary. Unexpected (Aibolit / Public Catering) and compound rhymes are considered “good”: “Manin / has no mind”, “either Jeannette / or not” (these and the following examples are taken from the first burime site in the Russian network, which has existed since 1995 ).

Monsieur Chameleon is in trouble - What is the name of his wife forgot from a hangover - Annette or Jeannette? Or does it exist, or does it not? - Not Pushkin.

Memory of the Food Program Where the waters of the Amur flow, Where the blue mountains rise, Where the clouds pass gloomily - Tomatoes do not want to grow. (not signed)

In network versions of the game, within the rules strictly checked by the program, creative variations are possible. For example, where a title line is provided, it can be used as an additional line of text. In this way it is possible to compose quintuples organized according to the scheme of limericks:

An old bum from a distant land Wept, taking out honey from a hollow: “Do not bite, bumblebees, I'm broke again ...” And the bumblebees did not bite, listening. - Quebec

- (French bouts rimes - rhymed ends),
poems to given rhymes; a popular form of secular "light poetry" in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Burime - playfully hone the sharpness of the mind!

The history of the emergence and rules of the game Burime

Burime is one of the most fun table (table) literary games that have ever been invented by man. Mind game it is difficult to call a burime, but she cannot be denied wit and an exercise in the flexibility of the mind.

Many young people are now engaged in self-development and self-improvement. Burime will not only help to pass the evening cheerfully and culturally (in the style of French secular parties of the 17th century), but also to practice wit and ingenuity.

The history of the game burime.
The game was born in France in the secular society of the 17th century. The author is the French poet Dulot, popular at that time. At 19, the Burimes were abandoned and forgotten. The second wave of fashion for the literary game was raised by Alexandre Dumas, organizing through literary magazine competition. According to the results of the competition, the enterprising Dumas published a book with the works of 350 poets who responded to the competition and sent their rhymed lines.

Rules of the game.
Burime's game is a poetic rhyme. Ideal Conditions for the game - from ten people. A leader is appointed, everyone sits down at the table. The facilitator determines and announces to everyone the topic, on which there will be rhyming.

Everyone has pens and sheets of paper of the same size, most often they are A4 type. On command, work begins. Everyone composes and writes the first line from the verse and passes it to the person sitting next to him. He composes and writes down the second line under the first and wraps a piece of paper so that the next participant cannot read the first line.

And he had only one line in front of his eyes. He, in turn, invents and writes his own poetic line, rhyming with the previous one. Now wraps two lines and passes to the next player.

Then the leader at some stage (when each of the participants wrote an equal number of lines), when the first paper reached the last player, the leader gives a signal that the rhyming ends and everyone hands over the sheets to him.

He straightens them and begins reading what happened. Most often these are such ridiculous texts! Everyone laughs! Everyone is extremely happy, because the result is very funny.
It is possible to make the second round after the first round and, thus, the people sharpen their minds and get a charge of positive and optimism!
A more lightweight (and common) version of the game is an essay on given rhymes. That is, the participant’s sheets are handed out with the endings (rhymes) already recorded in each line.

AT modern world the lack of lively positive communication complicates life and adversely affects mental health. The Burime game is a good fun pastime not only at feasts, but also with a simple tea party.

Have fun with Burime friends, train your wits! Very often it is wit that helps to cope with the difficulties in life!

Interesting Facts about burim:
V.L. Pushkin was famous for his ability to play Burim ( native uncle Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin), D.D. Minaev, Golenishchev-Kutuzov.
Examples of burime can be found in N.F. Ostolopov's book Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Poetry (1821).
In 1914, the St. Petersburg magazine Vesna held a mass burime competition.


BURIME1: Good evening, friends!
We are opening a new corner on our website.
It is dedicated to the game in burim.
Starting this game, I wanted you to have a place to take a break from mental storms, get away from adversity and have fun.
Or maybe someone will discover, thanks to this game, in himself new talent which will help him to strengthen his spirit, to endure in difficult situation to gain prestige.
As I recently found out, it turns out that many companies have begun to include the game in burim in their trainings.
This game helps to develop resourcefulness, imagination and a sense of humor, allows you to create associative links between different, at first glance, words, develop a vocabulary (makes you look into the dictionary once again).
I think this is also important for those of our members of the forum who live abroad and do not want to forget their native language.
Let this salon become a kind of help-room for everyone, and everyone who becomes its owner for the time of the next game will find in it everything that he likes and needs.
And now, friends, make yourself comfortable on your armchairs, chairs and sofas ...And, if possible, turn on the music - I think that in this case modern music will not work, we will talk about the 17th century. I advise you to put on a disc with Handel's concert "Music on the Water", which was written specifically for English king, or rather - for his riding on the river.

This melody is truly royal, because we will talk about the king, but not the English one, James, but the French one, Louis XIV.
More precisely, about one court poet Dulot, a subject of Louis XIV.
And this name would have been lost for centuries, among other names of not very successful courtiers. If not for HIS MAJESTY CASE! Then I will start to improvise, since history has preserved only the main milestones of the described event.
So, a reception at the court of the French king. On a warm June evening, filled with the scent of roses and jasmine, cicadas sing in the royal gardens. Versailles is full of lights. Lots of carriages in the driveway. Discharged courtiers rush to the reception. They talk quietly. Everyone has one topic on their tongue: today a new favorite of the king will be presented to the court.
Among this motley crowd stands out a group of young people who are exercising wit. And especially one of them, Dulot (and he loves to brag). He has a chance to excel today. Maybe the king, or his favorite, will notice the talent of the young poet and will not leave him with their favors. Oh, how necessary it is now! So many debts!
He announced to his friends that he had written 300 sonnets. "300? - this is an incredible wealth! friends exclaimed. Where is this wealth located? In your head? Friends laugh, knowing that Dulot is not so talented. Here! Dulos casually points to his left hand, or rather on the lapel of the sleeve.
When will they be heard? Aha, Dulot is going to read them only in the presence of the king and all the courtiers.
And now - a holiday at the court, music sounds, couples squat in a decorous minuet.
And, finally, the court poets perform. It comes to our hero.
Dulot goes to the middle of the hall, makes an exquisite bow to the reigning persons and, with a slight movement of his hand, continuing to bow, tries to pull out his creative blanks from behind the lapel of the sleeve, embroidered with silver velvet black camisole...
And here, my friends, is a silent scene! There is nothing behind the opening!
Dulot blushes, but quickly finds himself. Unfortunately, he hastily has to compose some kind of poetic banality.
And he retreats before the next writer.
In the crowd, his friends surround him, laughing. Where are your sonnets?
Dulot is upset and quickly leaves the party. And so, when the friends are left alone, one of the young people takes out the ill-fated sonnets from somewhere. Or rather, not sonnets, but prepared pairs of rhymes. Our Dulot was not talented, but he was prudent and prepared rhymes in advance in order to quickly compose some kind of sonnet on them and present them to society in the form of a momentary improvisation.
Dulot's friends decide: we will divide these blanks equally and each will write poems to a given rhyme. As decided - so they did! Yes, and published them!
The courtiers liked this entertainment, which eventually turned into a game.
This was the birth of the new parlor game BURIME, which means "rhymed ends" in translation. For a long time she traveled through salons and living rooms. And gradually disappeared. A. Dumas tried to revive it by organizing a real competition for playing burim and publishing a collection of poems that were composed during the game.
At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a surge of interest in this game in Russia.
This wonderful game against all odds is alive and we are starting to play!

Rules of the game in Burim

1) Only 2 pairs of anyrhyming nouns in the nominative singular(including proper names):

Task 1 example:
official - bacteriosis
dancer - twitterer

Task 2 example:
Egor - tomato

Other parts of speech are not yet involved in the game - only nouns (and proper names) in the nominative singular.

2) Words from one pair of rhymes can only rhyme with each other, i.e. noun "official" - only with the word "bacteriosis" , and not with any other.

3) A poem can consist of any number of lines. But rhymes from the task can only be at the end of any line of the poem and must rhyme with each other in pairs.

Job example:
Egor - tomato
mysticism - pessimism

Sitting in the yard Egor ,
Eating green remember d op .
And looking at the fence
Understands - bust:
That fence is too high
And the tubercle is not visible,
Where is the beautiful girl
Unraveled her braids.
And Yegor dreams
After all, the moon rose in the night:
Gentle voice of conversation
And reciprocity canvas.
This is his whole misticity ,
May be, pessimism .


Sitting in the yard Egor
That's all of it
misticity .
Will quit soon
remember d op
He is in my
pessimism .
After all, looking at the fence,
Understands - bust:
That fence is too high
And the tubercle is not visible,
Where is the beautiful girl
Unraveled her braids.
And Yegor dreams
After all, the moon rose in the night:
Gentle voice of conversation
And reciprocity canvas.

This is burime, a game, fun, so rhymes can be meaningless in content and written not only in trochee, but also in any other poetic size. For example:


In the forests where the brave Yegor hunted,
He was suddenly seen by the signor-tomato.
Mysticism howled in the swamp,
And sad pessimism.

Also, it is allowed to change rhyming words in a pair of places:

On the garden bed, where the ripe tomato lay,
Our sleepy, sad Egor stumbled.
Howled in the swamp mysticism

And sad pessimism.
(The rules allow you to add to the verse or dilute it with any number of lines).

4) The winner of the previous game session becomes the Host for the next game session. The facilitator offers two new pairs of rhyming words and gives his example of a verse to the rhymes given to him. He also sets the dates for the next session of the game. At the end of the game, the host announces the winner - at his own discretion and taking into account the comments of readers. The facilitator does not proclaim himself the winner.

Sincerely, Burime1.

New changes in the rules of the game from June 30, 2011:
* It is allowed to decline the words proposed in the rhyme by cases, it is not necessary to decline in pairs.
*Verse size: from 4 to 12 lines maximum.

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