Is it worth going to Dubai in December? Vouchers, weather, water temperature, reviews. December in the UAE - what weather to expect Where is the best place to relax in the Emirates in December

The weather in the UAE in December is characterized by comfortable climatic conditions, optimal for this area temperature regime water and air. The sea is ideally warm and most suitable for beach holiday. Sun rays extremely sparing, which ensures an even, beautiful and safe tan, as evidenced by the photos and reviews of vacationers.

December is the most popular month to visit the United Arab Emirates. It is thanks to the unique combination of climatic conditions and the readiness to receive the maximum tourist flow at this time that when visiting the Emirates, the possibilities of pleasant price offers and selective service open up. December weather in the UAE, according to reviews, is the most generous time for impressions, new emotions and pleasant shopping!

Not always during the year the weather is able to please the visitors of the resort. In some seasons, extreme temperatures rage here, sandstorms occur, and precipitation is so rare that one involuntarily recalls the state's belonging to tropical climate deserts.

Climatic seasonality in the UAE

Most days in the Emirates are sunny and dry. Summer and winter are equally filled with sun and warmth, and in certain months - with heat. The air in summer warms up to +40 and above, at night it decreases slightly (up to +30). At this time, precipitation is practically not observed, life freezes even in the shade, and sea ​​water in some places it warms up to +37. The burning desert wind and the merciless sun heat up any surface in a matter of minutes.

The swimming season in the UAE begins with the arrival of autumn, namely, in October. At this time, the weather in the UAE is not yet the same as in December, and the water temperature is kept at +30, which already allows you to open holiday season. With its beginning, there is a jump in prices. According to reviews, in October the cost of tourist services increases by an average of 15-25%, especially in the most popular resort areas - Dubai, Abu Dhabi. The lowest price level at this time should be expected in remote small emirates, less known to travelers, such as Umm Al Quwain or Al Ain.

Umm al Quwain

With the onset of winter, the average readings of the thermometer creep down:

As the seasons change, the price attractiveness of the UAE undergoes similar changes. By the end of the year, seasonal offers are gaining momentum, and due to the most favorable weather in December, prices in the UAE, according to reviews, are the lowest and most relaxing.

By the end of April-May bathing season ends, although the abundance of the sun and the heated sea are still interesting for lovers of hot leisure options.

December in Dubai and the Gulf Coast: time to enjoy your holiday

weather in United Arab Emirates in December - a convenient combination of conducive to various types leisure climatic conditions. The temperature during the day is +25…+26, at night it drops to cool +14…+15. Winter in Dubai makes itself felt with a decrease in the number sundial per day - up to 9.5-8, which allows sea ​​coast moderately soak up the heat during the day and equalize the temperature balance during the night.

The warm sea is almost as comfortable as air masses– the water temperature in December in the Emirates reaches +24…+25. Water Persian Gulf at this time come to life, many marine life become available for visual observation, and the water is transparent and clean.

December weather in Dubai is not particularly generous with rainfall, although the rains at this time fall noticeably more often than in any other month - their value in December reaches 14 mm. It means that cloudy days there are only a few in a month. There are also short showers, but the average rainfall varies from year to year, so it is also not necessary to say that they will fall exactly in December.

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Wind, waves, humidity and almost heat - we meet winter in the United Arab Emirates

Winter weather on the Persian Gulf coast is windier than during the hot summer off-season. This is due to the relative variability of atmospheric masses due to climatic winter. The wind and its accompanying waves diversify seascape. The beach potential of the resort does not lose any of this - the sea is still warm, the conditions for diving (according to reviews) are excellent, and the opportunity to enjoy surfing is also added.

The weather in December in the UAE is characterized by high humidity, along the entire coastline in Dubai, the indicators keep marks in the range of 50-60%. Combined with comfortable winter temperatures, the climate feels much milder, no summer heat with July 90 percent humidity and off-scale 50-degree marks. atmosphere and marine environment feel like our warm and moderately hot summer (as tourists write in their reviews), which is quite familiar to the body.

To find out what the weather is like in December in the UAE, just imagine June-July middle lane Russia. At the beginning Arabic December the air warms up to +28, but every day the average values ​​will fall to acceptable +25 in the middle of the month and no less comfortable +23 at the end. Rainfall in December is so irregular that it is impossible to predict in what part of the month it may rain, which in any case is of a very short duration.

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Persian Gulf or Oman: what's the difference

The Emirate of Fujairah, unlike other territories of the UAE, borders exclusively on the Gulf of Oman, that is, it is practically a coast of waters indian ocean. This leaves its mark on the climatic changes of the resort. In particular, the water in December warms up noticeably less than in Dubai - up to +20 degrees, which does not reduce the overall attractiveness of the beach season.

The night temperature in Fujairah in December also reaches +20, which feels cooler than at the same time on the Persian coast. The sea is also available for swimming, but not as long as in warmer areas. The climate softens by December in all emirates, however, conditions in Dubai will be more suitable for swimming. Otherwise, both coasts do not differ much from each other in terms of the degree of weather variability, which is confirmed by the reviews of vacationers in different areas.

Thus, the weather in the UAE in December demonstrates the advantageous opportunities for a beach holiday - bathing water is ideal, and the air, although hot, allows you to get a beautiful tan. Among the shortcomings can be called a hot climate, which dictates the proximity of the Arabian Desert. And also very rare, but still occurring sandstorms. However, sea air currents from the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean at the same time make the Arab climate favorable and conducive to active species leisure. How comfortable this time is for a vacation, you can read in the reviews of experienced travelers.

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Swim in the sea in December and not freeze? This is quite real in the United Arab Emirates. The water in both bays washing the UAE is, of course, colder than in summer, but +20…+21 is much warmer than in Crimea at the beginning of summer and is very comfortable for swimming.

Modern UAE offers tourists the most varied vacation. For lovers of noisy fun in big company a lot of entertainment is arranged in the coastal zone based on numerous luxury hotels. Lovers of solitude and relaxation against the backdrop of nature can find everything they want on the outlying islands and small towns of the remote emirates.

The inhabitants of the country do not know what snow is. The air temperature in January during the day is no less than +25 degrees, but at night you can freeze - usually +15, but it can get cold up to +10 degrees. As a conclusion: it is worth taking enough warm clothes with you if you are counting on late enough walks. At this time in the Emirates, the probability of rain increases slightly, but more often than a couple of times in the whole month, you will not see it. Another problem that may interfere comfortable rest, can become sandstorms when strong wind carries desert sand to the cities. However, this happens as rarely as it rains.

The whole of December, the inhabitants of the Earth spend in anticipation new year holidays. The United Arab Emirates are no exception. Residents of the country are actively preparing for the holidays, all entertainment complexes are preparing large-scale congratulatory programs, and outlets tend to "outdo" each other with the variety and size of discounts on goods.

If you intend to meet New Year in Dubai, you will definitely become a spectator at the New Year's fireworks, which starts from the very high tower in the world - Burj Khalifa. The New Year's Gala under the Tower usually lasts several hours and includes fireworks from all 828 meters of the building, as well as the surrounding skyscrapers. Singing fountains are actively involved in the performance and all this turns into a single enchanting celebration of color, fire and water. This spectacle attracts more than one million tourists annually from all over the world. In 2013, a record attendance was set - 1.7 million people who came to admire the performance. The Prague Symphony Orchestra was invited to provide sound accompaniment to the extravaganza, and more than a thousand TV channels from all over the world broadcast the holiday live.

Tours in December are somewhat cheaper than in the previous autumn months, and the choice of hotels is larger due to the slightly decreasing flow of tourists. However, having decided to celebrate the New Year here, you should worry about buying a ticket in advance, because it is during the holidays that the demand for them increases significantly. Having been here during the winter holidays, you will see the modern Middle East in all its glory.


Where is it warmer in the UAE in December 2019. Weather, water temperature and tourist reviews

If you want to change traditions and celebrate the New Year not at home under the blue light and Soviet comedies, then you should fly to Dubai, where it is warm and sunny. The weather in the UAE in December 2019 will be excellent, and the sea temperature will allow you to swim a little. Plus, the sales season begins in the Emirates, and branded items can be bought literally at half price. And there is a huge number of attractions and hundreds of various excursions for every taste. As you can see, December and the New Year in this amazing country are such that they will be remembered forever. It remains only to find out more about the weather and about prices, which here do not bite at all.

As you know, almost the entire economy of the country is based on oil production. And in order to get away from this dependence, the country's authorities came up with the idea to develop tourism here. Invented and started to develop. Huge new cities appeared in the country. Luxurious hotels and buildings. Everything here is artificial, but it all stands where the sand has been for millennia. Dubai even has its own ski resort! And the weather here is always great, and even more so in last month of the year.

Where is the best place to relax in the UAE in December? Resorts and cities

Most of the country is sandy desert. Roads are laid between the cities, which are often covered with sand during a sandstorm. Dubai is the most famous resort in the UAE. This is where 95% of tourists fly. But in recent times and other cities began to be in demand, for example, the resort of Sharjah. Look at the summary table to find out where is the best place to relax in the UAE in December on New Year's Eve.

As can be seen from the table, almost the entire territory of the country warms up evenly. average temperature in cities and resorts from +24 to +26 degrees. It is also warm at night, but there are already differences. Somewhere at night it is not lower than +22 degrees, and somewhere it is cool by local standards and only +14 degrees.
But throughout the country there are almost no clouds. On average, the cloud cover is no more than 5% for the entire month, and there are about 11 hours of sunshine every day.
There is no rain in the Emirates at the beginning of winter. This time refers to the dry season, so vacationers should always have water with them to drink. And even if the temperature does not reach the record summer levels, the dry air, and grains of sand in it, constantly dries the throat and makes you want to drink.

Water temperature in December in United Arab Emirates. Sea, storm.

As for the temperature of the water in the sea, it has cooled down a bit, but you can still swim in the bay. At the beginning of the month, the sea temperature is within +24 degrees, and towards the end of December it can cool down to +21. But this does not stop tourists and new year's eve a lot of people gather on the shore to celebrate the new year and swim.
In December, the sea off the coast of the Emirates is calm. There is almost no wind, so the waves are small. Only if there is a sandstorm, but the sea can be some kind of excitement. But in sandstorm and so no one leaves the buildings, so there is no one on the beach either.

The number of people who want to visit the United Arab Emirates in December usually increases dramatically, and the point is not only that many people want to celebrate the New Year in an exotic setting, but also play a significant role weather, which are very favorable in the UAE in winter.

Daytime temperatures in the Emirates in December are quite warm - 25-26 ° C, but at night it feels cool: 20 ° C in Fujairah and about 14 ° C in the western regions of the country. Therefore, on vacation, both summer, light things and warmer clothes will be equally needed.

The most comfortable for swimming will be the water of the Persian Gulf, on the coast it warms up to 24°C. The Ottoman Gulf is cooler - on the coast of Fujairah, the water temperature is no more than 20 ° C. In December, precipitation occurs more often, so it does not hurt to take an umbrella with you on a trip. Although there are not so many rainy days in the month of December, only two in the capital - Abu Dhabi and three in Fujairah, however, the rains are heavy and carry some danger, in particular, in highlands because of them, mudflows are observed.

Not complete in December without surprises from Mother Nature. So, in 2004, two days of snowfall was observed in the mountains of Ras al-Khaimah. For the first time in history locals saw the tops of the mountains shining with snow, this unusual phenomenon then even the rulers of the emirates became interested.

In December, the UAE celebrates the National Day of the country. The most important national holiday is accompanied by 3D laser shows, colorful street performances and tasting of Arabic cuisine. During the holiday, the Yas Marin racing track becomes a platform for a large-scale parade of cars, after which colorfully dressed columns with an orchestra move along the track.

In Sharjah, another equally interesting event takes place in December - the festival of Muslim art, which organizes installations, film demonstrations, lectures and art fairs. In December, entertainment is also available for sports fans - for example, in Sharjah the stage of the world championship of racing boats of the Formula 1 class is held. Along with this, in Al Ain, which is located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, you can witness an impressive air show.

New Year in the United Arab Emirates is celebrated quite actively. Shortly before Christmas, in the Catholic style, artificial brightly decorated fir trees are set up in shopping malls, and holiday sales begin in stores with significant price reductions.

For those who plan to celebrate the New Year in the Emirates, there are many options. In a hotel, for example, you can book a table in advance and book a gala dinner. However, you should find out in advance whether the hotel has a license to sell alcohol, otherwise you will not drink champagne, but mineral water, under the chiming clock.

But many people prefer to celebrate the new year in a slightly different way - at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, where fireworks of incredible beauty are arranged every year. Another interesting, and most importantly original way celebrate a holiday - go to the desert. When else will there be a chance to celebrate the New Year in the middle of the dunes? Many travel agencies will offer you to go on such a trip, but especially courageous travelers go to the desert on their own, they join the company of foreign specialists working in the Emirates. But do not forget that in December it is quite cool in the deserts, so you cannot do without warm clothes there.

In December, they are filled with tourists so quickly that you need vouchers book in advance. And the explanation is weather conditions and pre-holiday mood. Air temperature at the beginning of winter - 25-26 degrees of heat. The sun does not bake much, but it is necessary to protect yourself from it, especially if you plan to spend outdoors for a long time. stock up sun cream and wear a hat.

At night, the air cools down to 14 degrees, and you will need something warmer to walk comfortably at night.

As for swimming, the most warm water off the coast of the Persian Gulf- 24 degrees. But in the Gulf of Oman as always cooler. There the water temperature is only 20 degrees above zero. But tourists like to come to the Emirates in December, despite rains, which are rare, but in themselves very strong. So take an umbrella when you travel.

In the mountains in winter better not to go. You will hardly see snow there, but sat down quite probable. The most faithful pastime in the UAE can be called relaxing on the beach or excursions, but in the New Year's bustle, everything is not so simple. The most original way celebrate New Year in the UAE- go into the desert. But keep in mind that it's cold there, and a large number of wishing to create a real crowd, so you can not dream of peace and quiet.

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