How to learn to control your emotions and restrain yourself? How to learn to control your emotions: effective techniques and advice from psychologists

Eastern wisdom assures that only five emotions prevent a person from living: pride, envy, anger, pity, fear. More to add to this list jealousy and hatred. It is no coincidence that we are taught from childhood to keep them under control. To teach is taught, but few bring this skill to perfection. And for most, getting the best of their emotions is a difficult task.

Why learn to control your emotions at all? At least in order to rashly not make mistakes in life. Unbridled emotions are comparable to the element that destroys everything in its path. And who among us wants to destroy his life and the lives of those around him? Already in order to live in harmony with yourself and not do what is then difficult or impossible to correct, it is worth learning to control your emotions.

How easy it is to talk to someone hurtful words, betray a comrade, succumbing to fear, envying a friend, destroy her love, shout at her own child, unfairly offend elderly parents. Destroy everything around just because negative emotions turned out to be stronger than you, and then spend a lot of effort to regain trust, love, friendship.

If in your environment there is a person in whose life everything goes awry, analyze how he lives, how he treats those who are nearby. Surely he is just one of those who live not by reason, but by feelings. Hence the collapse in love, career, relationships with friends.

But we cannot live without emotions either. It is their presence and diversity that distinguishes us from animals. Nature endowed us with emotions and gave us the mind so that we can curb them. So anyone reasonable person able to learn to control yourself.

The nature of the occurrence of emotions

Emotions is a reaction to everything that happens around us and in our life. It is impossible to learn not to experience them at all, but you can learn to restrain them, not to flaunt them.

The nature of emotions is simple. In the outside world, there are a lot of stimuli to which we, one way or another, react. But this response is far from uniform. In some cases, it is quite calm, in others it is stormy. Emotions are not formed during life. They are given from birth at the level of reflexes. Nature decreed this not by chance. The thing is that the reaction to certain stimuli should be instantaneous, at the level of feelings, and not the mind. It is then that thinking appears, the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, evaluate. Life, school, society teaches us this. But a baby who has just been born needs to respond to various stimuli, so his first emotion is crying.

Why does emotion make you act instantly? We have already found out that such a reaction in humans is innate. Its nature comes from the depths of centuries, from the time when primitive constantly faced with the forces of nature and had to make decisions instantly in order to escape from the elements or a wild animal. The main emotion that guides any living being is fear. What does a cat do when it is afraid? Runs away or rushes at someone from whom he feels a danger to himself or his offspring.

So did primitive man. Seeing a stranger near his dwelling, from which danger emanated, he could kill him. It turns out that nature endowed us with emotions to protect us from various dangers. However, modern man will not kill anyone who knocks on his door. He is endowed with reason, the ability to analyze, to calculate in advance whether the threat comes from the one in front of him. So, it is necessary to learn to analyze so that actions do not depend on emotions.

What are emotions for us?

So, we have already found out that emotions are a natural reaction that occurs when exposed to an external stimulus. But this is also driving force that forces you to take certain actions. These are impulses that give a chain reaction of thought processes. It `s naturally. A person without emotions or with minimal manifestation of them is perceived by society as not quite healthy mentally. Emotional poverty is one of the symptoms of various psychiatric illnesses.

Even the coldest and most calculating person experiences emotions. It is they who constantly awaken in us the desire to possess something, to achieve certain results, or to refuse something, to run away. Emotions are our life. But we must not allow them to dominate reason. Helps to learn self-control special exercises. They are aimed at ensuring that a person learns to “turn on his head” in time. No, we will not stop experiencing emotions, because we have already found out that these are reflexes given by nature. But we will learn not to show them, to remain calm and consider our further actions.

At different people different, sometimes even opposite emotions arise in the same situation. This is due to education, beliefs, life experience. But you can look at the situation from a different angle, change your attitude towards it. And this can be learned.

Ways of self-control

First you need to learn to analyze yourself, your actions, attitude to a particular situation and the reasons for such an attitude. This will help to understand what we are reacting too negatively and emotionally to.

In order for self-control to give positive results, three prerequisites must be met:

  • Objectively evaluate yourself, always be honest with yourself;
  • Control over oneself must be constant, one should not give oneself indulgences;
  • Self-control should be not only internal, but also external, about this in a little more detail.

Internal self-control lies in the fact that we make a promise to ourselves, come up with a system of punishments if this promise is not fulfilled. External self-control implies the inclusion of others in it. For example, we are going to lose weight by the summer. You need to voice this to your friends and immediately offer a system of fines if the diet, training regularity, etc. are violated. The most severe penalty will be applied if weight loss fails. Thus, we do not give ourselves a chance to slip away from the promise, to find an excuse.

A very effective method is to create a collage. We set certain goals and find illustrations in magazines that are associated with the desired result. We create a collage of these clippings on a piece of drawing paper and hang it in a conspicuous place. It will serve as a constant reminder and motivation for the tasks set, and we will analyze daily how close we are to solving them.

To increase self-esteem, it is useful to keep your financial affairs in order. If there are debts, you need to include their return in the list of mandatory tasks. It is useful to learn how to spend a certain amount per day, not exceeding it, and also to save for the future. Financial stability leads to emotional stability as well.

Each manifestation of violent emotions needs to be analyzed, to understand the situation that caused them. It was worth our troubles. And could it be worse? If yes, then why worry if everything turned out that way?

It is useful to learn to show not the emotions that we have in this moment arose, but the opposite. In our hearts, we envied someone, and said that we were very happy for him. It disarms the one who would like to summon in you negative emotions and received backlash.

Wisdom is always relevant: if it is impossible to change circumstances, you can always cancel your attitude towards them.

We don't like a colleague, but we can't change his character. But you can look at it and try to find positive features. He may be a gossip, but how skillfully he can adapt to circumstances. He is an envious person, which means we have something more, since they envy us. In other words, one should always try to find a balance between negative and positive aspects life.

The art of meditation will help develop self-control. Why not master it in order to find harmony in the soul?

1 year ago

Imagine your usual morning. You wake up, looking at the clock hands with displeasure. Then, enjoying the first cup of morning coffee, you think that everything is not so bad. Burning with impotent rage, hitting a traffic jam. Rejoice in the praise of your boss. Get upset when you find out bad news. Just one morning, and the contrast of emotions that we experience at the same time can be similar to a rapidly swinging swing.

Emotions are an integral part of our life. Whether we like it or not, it is human nature that what surrounds us causes an emotional reaction in us. As a rule, this reaction follows immediately after the event, so strong emotions are often called "outbursts", and they can be both positive and sharply negative. How do these reactions affect us? Harm in them or benefit? And why do we need emotions?

talking scientific language, emotion is a state associated with an assessment of the significance for a person of the factors acting on him. But this does not mean that all the objects and events surrounding us can cause a vivid reaction, but only those that are related to our needs and interests. The mechanism of the emergence of emotions is as old as humanity itself. And nothing more than emotions are a mechanism for regulating the relationship of a person with outside world. The basic reactions experienced by man are practically the same as those experienced by prehistoric people.

In fact, no matter how complex our emotions may seem to us, they can all be reduced to three simple pairs of experiences, namely:

  • "pleasure - displeasure";
  • "voltage - resolution";
  • "excitement - calm."

Each of us must have noticed how differently we can react to significant events. Something causes us excitement, cheerfulness, or, on the contrary, anger or hatred. In this case, as if something is pushing us to take immediate action, we cannot be silent and behave calmly. Other events and phenomena, on the contrary, seem to paralyze us, we find ourselves in the role of a passive contemplator, as if our strength is leaving us. Thus, we can conclude that different emotions can both give us energy and take it away.

If we didn't feel emotions

There is an opinion that the more emotional we are, the more problems we create for ourselves. However, would we get rid of problems if we did not experience emotions at all? Let's consider such a hypothetical situation. We have on the way, for example, an angry bull. The natural emotion in this case is fear. Fear will trigger instant actions that will allow us to avoid this danger. The absence of fear can have very deplorable consequences here. And it turns out that the right emotions in right place and at the right time, will become for us both a protective reaction, and a call to action, and a way to activate energy.

Fortunately, it is not often that we have to face such an obvious danger. But if you think about it, our reaction to phenomena of little significance can be exaggerated, and the consequences of this are completely unpredictable. Remember how many times you "in your hearts" could say too much to your relatives, superiors, colleagues. A person who knows how to control our emotions can easily manipulate us, and this is more great danger. It turns out that it is important not only to experience emotions, but also to be able to control them and sometimes restrain them.

But there is one very important point in this process. Do not confuse the control of their emotions with suppression.

Managing and suppressing emotions - what's the difference?

Sigmund Freud, who needs no introduction, said: “Unfortunately, repressed emotions do not die. They were made to shut up. And they continue to influence a person from within.” The consequences of such an influence, alas, are far from positive. We often carry the negativity out of these depressed states into other areas of our lives. We can lash out at our children, wife, husband, stranger, simply because we suppressed anger at the moment when circumstances did not allow us to throw it out. Knowing how to manage emotions, we could transform negative energy positive, or at least neutral. But, as you can see, the repressed energy will find a way out sooner or later... And if so, let's learn to cope with our emotional states with as little harm to ourselves and others as possible.

How to control your emotions

Exist a large number of techniques to help you manage your emotions will help you learn how to learn to express your feelings. Sometimes we need to different reasons hide what we really feel. Observance of subordination, good manners, general cultural norms dictate a certain model of behavior to us, which sometimes goes against what we actually feel. Sometimes too strong a reaction does not allow us to convey to the interlocutor what exactly we want to say, what feelings we are trying to express. And in this case, we need to pull ourselves together. Where should you start, so as not to succumb to your own emotions, but to benefit from them?

Exercises for controlling emotions in psychology

Of course, this will require our efforts. But the result of this work will be the control of emotions and self-control in any life situation.

Everyone knows that good mood in the morning can, as they say, do the whole day. Give yourself at least a few minutes after waking up, stay in a calm environment, drive away thoughts of all problems, think about the good that the coming day can bring you. Do not watch the news, do not cling to relatives. Remember that their day starts now and they don't need to ruin it at all.

A very simple but very effective remedy is a smile. And the first person you smile at is yourself. Stand in front of a mirror. Take a few deep breaths, look at yourself and smile from the bottom of your heart, close person. Speak your favorite affirmations, find a reason to praise yourself now. No matter how banal this action may seem to you, it will definitely cheer you up, and this is the key to calmness and balance. Keep a smile on your face throughout this exercise, even if out of habit you want to stop doing it.

During the day, anything can happen to you, and reached state tranquility can be easily destroyed. We offer you simple steps to manage emotions. Another common truth is laughter the best medicine. It not only improves mood, but also the general tone of the whole organism. During laughter, the flow of oxygen to the brain increases, it begins to work more actively. Just a few minutes of sincere laughter can replace a couple of hours of rest. After such a beneficial effect, it will be much more difficult for negative emotions to get the better of us. Well, you can find a reason to laugh without much difficulty, at least remember a funny situation or an anecdote.

If your negative emotion is directed at a specific person, use your imagination. Imagine him in a ridiculous costume, or without it at all, in a funny situation. Remember that if you laugh, it's much harder to make you angry, positive emotions neutralize negative ones.

Another method is to mentally bring the situation to the point of absurdity. In this case, you need to become aware of your emotion, understand why you are experiencing it, and mentally develop this situation, preferably making unexpected funny conclusions, or imagining the most positive outcome. Of course, this approach will not solve the problem in any way, but our task at the moment is to avoid negative emotions– can be solved with minimal effort.

These simple techniques can be used as a tool emergency assistance when you need to take control of your emotions here and now. But sometimes everything is much more complicated, and the technique in this case will require more serious.

Distance from emotion

A negative reaction can sometimes be so strong, so painful, that it can be detrimental to your mental and physical condition. Such a factor can be, for example, a feeling of intense fear or irritation when something is out of your control. In this case, the ability to look at everything as if from the outside will help you. Be aware of your emotion, say to yourself: “I am angry (angry, annoyed) because ...”. Find the cause of this feeling and imagine that you are observing yourself, seeing how emotions affect you. The role of an outside observer will help you focus not on the irritant, but on yourself, on your own reaction, on awareness of it and its consequences. The very awareness and statement of emotion will help to find the fastest way to eliminate it. Your focus on observation will help to disengage from unpleasant sensations and feelings. Maintaining balance and self-control will become a familiar and very easy practice for you if you practice a little at every opportunity.

Switching attention

It is very difficult to control your thoughts, and in fact they often become the source of many of our negative emotions. It is useless to force yourself not to think about the bad. The more we try to suppress these thoughts in ourselves, the more they grow in us. In a psychology class, a teacher once asked his students, no matter what they did for the next five minutes, not to think about the green monkey. And if they still think, give a sign by clapping your hands. For the next five minutes there was nothing but applause. It is necessary to be able to switch attention so that the new activity captures you completely, not allowing evil thoughts to sprout like weeds in your mind. Favorite hobby, funny comedy, music, walking. Any person has such “magic wands” that can switch you to a completely different wave. Use them whenever the need arises.

Autotraining for relaxation

The ability to relax will be an excellent means of controlling emotions for you. The modern rhythm of life requires more and more stress from us every day, we get tired more and more, we live on the limit. But all these factors will have less effect on you if you master a technique such as auto-training.

Autotraining- this is a way of self-regulation of your state, which resembles hypnosis, with the only difference being that it is not a psychologist or a hypnotist who plunges you into a trance state, but you yourself. In order for this practice to bring you maximum benefit, you need to conduct it regularly, following all its stages consistently.

The first stage is relaxation. Take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down. The main thing is that in this position you can achieve maximum relaxation of all muscles. Take care of comfortable clothes, a quiet, calm environment, and eliminate all potential irritants for the duration of auto-training. You can turn on quiet music for meditation, but only if it does not distract you from experiencing your own states. Focus on your breathing. It should be deep and even. Mentally watch as the air fills and leaves your lungs. Imagine every cell in your body relaxing, from your fingertips to the top of your head. When you feel a pleasant heaviness of the whole body, you can proceed to the next step.

The second stage is suggestion. For this stage, you will need to prepare in advance. Think or select from the relevant literature a positive attitude that suits your needs. Avoid negative constructions, the installation must be completely positive. Do not use phrases like "I will try", "I will try", only statements like "I will", "I can", "I will achieve". Say these phrases to yourself several times, as if scrolling through the same record. Visualization will be very effective at this stage. The more vividly you present a picture of what you are striving for, the more firmly it will be imprinted in your subconscious.

Examples of settings for auto-training:

  1. I am calm and balanced. I am able to fully control my emotions.
  2. All problems remain in the past. In my life there is only room for success.
  3. My business is getting better every day.

It will be better if you compose such phrases yourself, in your usual language. In this case, their perception will be stronger.

The third stage is the exit from auto-training. Don't do it abruptly. Gradually begin to focus on the sensations of your body, move your fingers slightly, stretch. You can start the countdown from 10 to 1 by mentally telling yourself that on the count of "one" you will come out of relaxation refreshed and refreshed. If you're doing this before bed, change the wording to "on the count of one, I'll fall asleep and wake up light, well-rested, and energized in the morning."

This technique will help you, but only if you use it regularly and not occasionally.

When emotions need to be contained

We have already dealt with you that emotions will be with us, as part of our nature, regardless of our desire. We know how to restrain ourselves in emotions, not allowing circumstances to dictate to us how to act. In what situations is self-control especially important?

  1. Family life. Very often it is our loved ones who become the target of our bad mood.
  2. social situations. We lose our temper very easily. public transport, in a long line at the store, bank, post office. In this case, we splash out our irritation on people, thereby multiplying the negative. Move away from emotions in this case, do not take everything to heart.
  3. Job. She takes most our lives, so we inevitably face numerous problems, causing stress. Find the opportunity to relax for a few minutes and do not allow negative influences.

Remember that by managing emotions, you make your life brighter and more fulfilling, free from negativity and its consequences. Good luck with your self-control techniques.

The emotional background is an assistant in establishing contact between people, thanks to it a person is able to see the reaction of his interlocutor, as a result of which it becomes easier for him to find mutual language. However, it is not always beneficial for us to advertise our emotions. In general, it is worth noting that the ability to control your emotions is a gift that can be received from nature or developed throughout life. It can be developed by learning the secret of endurance and learning this art.

How to take control of your emotions

Throughout life, we enter into many contacts, get into various situations and, as D. Carnegie says, we must remember that "we communicate with illogical creatures, with emotional creatures, overgrown with prickly prejudices and driven by pride and vanity." The ability to control our emotions helps us maneuver and build relationships with people.

The surrounding reality is not very conducive to indulging our weaknesses, our inability to communicate, our ability to worry about the most insignificant reasons. We're constantly exposed" mental attacks", we get into stressful situations and, not being able to restore their peace of mind, we deviate more and more from the point of the optimal state. There are feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Evaluation of situations under the influence of neuro-emotional excitement becomes inadequate.

Fear, anger and other negative emotions cause strong muscle tension in a person ("face cramped", " nervous breathing"," hands clenched into fists ", etc.)

A person at such moments is like a self-excited system in which muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, "rapid breathing" are additional signals that enter the brain and support emotional arousal.

On the other hand, a relaxed state, even breathing are signs of calmness, a positive emotional state, balance. "Calm down, pull yourself together!" - we hear advice from friends or say it to ourselves, knowing full well that this is an ineffective remedy.

To control your emotions and not be nervous, you need to try in a different way. After relaxing the muscles of the body, cut off the flow of excitatory signals to the central nervous system. Smile - and send a powerful impulse from the muscles of the face to the brain, associated with a pleasant emotional state.

The connection between the psyche and muscle tone allows, by influencing involuntary functions with words or images, to cause states in muscles and organs that correspond to emotional peace, rest, and stabilization of all body systems.

In a state of deep muscle relaxation (relaxation), a person can take a deep and quick rest, reduce neuro-emotional stress, use the reserves of his body, activate it physiological functions purposefully influence your personality. Muscle relaxation is the basis of auto-training.

The ability to manage your emotions is a great sign of self-control. Only a balanced and self-confident person can keep his emotions under control. Very often you have to feign emotions, depicting the joy of meeting or showing complete indifference in those situations where the soul is clearly not calm. In fact, this is a rather difficult task, it should be understood that the manifestation of coldness and a certain indifference carries with it the need to delay strong emotions. As a result, a person in the future will need to make an emotional outburst, since, holding emotions in himself, one can come to receive a neurosis.

But it is worthwhile to understand that the ability to control emotions is necessary only in some situations - the occurrence conflict situations, working moments and some others.

Emotionality is great weapon. Thanks to correct application emotions, such as: delight, playfulness, interest - you can win over a person. When using some of the antipodes of the above variations of emotions, a person is able to express his disfavor.

Emotions can be expressed in several forms: expressive movements, emotional actions, personal attitude to the surrounding reality, statements about those present. emotional states.

Facial expressions play a huge role in building emotions. It is she who is able to be reflected on our face and is sometimes able to clearly give out our thoughts and desires. By learning to control your thoughts, you can achieve and full control emotions.

The voice is the next kind of emotion that is displayed during the intonation embedded in the spoken words. In combination with facial expressions, gestures, voice features can give the conversation one or another character, which each person can determine independently. It is unacceptable to allow emotions to rule you, learn to manage them yourself, so you can always control emotions and any situation.

dynamic life modern society every now and then leads us to the "redistribution" of our own emotions. It's no secret that today almost everyone is faced with the need for emotional release. If this does not happen, then emotions only intensify, are pumped up, and then a person, not knowing how to overcome his emotions, breaks down on loved ones and relatives, even worse if emotional stress provokes a disease.

So, since it is worse for oneself to withdraw into oneself and accumulate one's emotions, how can one control and overcome them?

Find a way to express your emotions. Cry if it makes it easier for you to overcome tension.

Discuss your problems and pour out your soul to your loved ones.

If there is no one nearby, then tell about your problems to yourself through reflection in the mirror. Such a story in some way can even be more effective than a dialogue, since it will help you to explore in more detail the reasons for your emotional tension and get rid of them.

Lead The Diary, this way to control and manage your emotions is also very effective, writing down everything that happens to you, you get the opportunity after some time, without unnecessary emotions, to analyze the causes and consequences of your condition.

Sometimes allow yourself to be a little child - play pranks and frolic as in childhood, this way of "childishness" is often used in psychotherapy to achieve carelessness and confidence.

Use self-hypnosis by repeating the phrases “I am calm,” “I am calm around me,” “I feel better now,” and similar mantras to control your emotions.

Anger is one of the most powerful human emotions and if you learn to control it, the rest of the emotions will "surrender without a fight" before such endurance!

Stop and slowly count to ten before making any accusations or reproaches to the person's face. At first, it will be difficult for you to do this, but very soon this technique will help you keep your emotions under control. This is not about "holding a grudge" or "hoarding grudges in oneself." The fact is that most often we get angry over trifles and after some time we regret the quarrel. Isn't it better to just wisely give a person the right to make a mistake?

Be kind to those close to you. Sometimes the idea that you are the most serious, smartest, oldest, and are responsible for those who are younger and more unreasonable, helps to restrain anger and soberly assess the situation.

Do not spread your mood to others. As a rule, they are absolutely not to blame for the fact that you have these or those problems. Therefore, if you have any troubles at work, then when you come home, you should completely disengage from them, and not take revenge on your relatives who turned to you with any question or request.

Remember that if you can’t figure out how to control your emotions, and still say too much to a loved one, then this unpleasant incident can play against you in the future, for example, when you need the support and help of relatives and friends. In addition, you will have an unpleasant aftertaste from what happened for a long time, since human memory tends to reliably record nervous, stressful situations.

Do not expect sympathy and empathy from others. Remember that, in most cases, the problems of others seem insignificant to people. Be prepared for the fact that, under the best circumstances, you will simply be listened to, and do not be surprised if you are dismissed, citing employment. It is unlikely that such behavior of others can be called a sufficient reason for hysteria. But a word thrown in the heat of the moment can ruin your relationship with someone close forever.

Remember that, being angry, you, first of all, destroy yourself, and the flow of your angry emotions - and the person to whom they are directed. Take care of yourself and those around you, and try to resolve all conflicts that have arisen only when you are in a good mood.

© T.Z. Saturday

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How to control your emotions and what is it? Emotions are the prerogative of every mentally healthy person, but the difficulty lies in the fact that often we do not understand at all how to control them.

Inefficient Methods

Almost constantly, we turn to tried and tested ways to manage emotions.

Young men often resort to computer games, strong drinks and cigarettes.

Girls try to curb their own emotions through food or shopping.

There's nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't happen all the time. But in most cases, these are not quite good ways we actually use on a daily basis. We end up having relationship problems official duties and well-being.

Ways to control emotions

What are rational ways to control emotions?

There are some postulates that should not be forgotten.

  1. Emotions are not your choice, since they are the responsibility of that part of the gray matter that is beyond our control.
  2. Emotions are not governed by ethical standards. These are emotions, and nothing more.
  3. You are responsible for your own emotions.
  4. You are able to curb emotions, but you are not able to eradicate them.
  5. Emotions often lead a person to the wrong path. But in some cases they can open up great prospects for us. It all depends on what you intend to do.
  6. The more you suppress them, the more intense they become.
  7. The most correct method for taking control of emotions is to allow yourself to experience them.
  8. Emotions feed your thoughts. You can use your thoughts to control your own emotions.
  9. You need to become aware of your emotions, as well as what they signal, and in this way you will get rid of nervous shocks. Simply put, you need to brainstorm your emotions.
  10. Every emotion has a hidden meaning. This meaning allows you to better understand yourself, even if you try not to show it. Take care of yourself and come to terms with all the emotions that you experience by living the appropriate state.
  11. The way your mother and father responded to your emotions influences how you perceive them now. While you were developing as a person, your emotions underwent similar changes. They became more and more complex and distinct.
  12. Your emotions have long sought to splash out. They do not evaporate, but grow inside, and all this is not devoid of a certain meaning.
  13. If you want to better understand your own emotions, then you can not fence yourself off from them, so as not to allow disagreements with people.

Since ancient times, many people have been interested in the question: “How to control your emotions”? Many people ask this question even today. The desire to control one's emotions is explained by the fact that in a person's life there are many situations when, for example, an attack of laughter or anger is not very appropriate and can only do harm.

This applies above all to various work situations. After all, you must admit, when conducting any serious negotiations, it would be completely inappropriate to laugh for no apparent reason.

People for these purposes resort to a variety of tricks. Especially popular are various psychological techniques that tell how to control emotions. By practicing regularly, you can learn. However, this requires a lot of time and effort. Let's look at what problems can arise from the inability to restrain yourself and how to learn to manage your emotions in more detail.

Possible problems

As mentioned, the inability to restrain oneself can cause various problems. This is especially true for negative emotions.

After all, as shown by numerous medical research and observation, from a calm state to the appearance of overwhelming anger, a very small period of time passes.

And being in this state, a person is capable of many things that he would not have done while in a calm, restrained state:

Now let's define what a person can lose without knowing how to control their emotions:

  1. He can quickly lose what he has earned for long years respect, authority and all because he does not know how to learn to control himself. After all, such a person may well resemble a wild animal that rushes at everything it sees.
  2. He loses peace and tranquility in his soul. After all, judge for yourself, it is impossible to save them when you are constantly in anger. The feeling of joy and all positive emotions disappear.
  3. As mentioned earlier, a person who does not know how to manage his emotions can quickly lose the respect of his environment, which includes friends, relatives, colleagues, acquaintances.
  4. In addition, under the influence of anger, you can ruin your whole life by doing things that will simply be impossible to correct.

As we can see, the management of emotions should be developed, because otherwise you risk losing a lot. Let's look at a few basic rules that will help you stay calm in any situation and know your emotions and manage them.

How to achieve psychological balance

If you want to not succumb to fits of anger and manage your emotions, psychic is perfect for you. With its help, in moments of anger, you can switch your mind to any positive memories.

Of course, this cannot be learned in a couple of days, but if you wish, with a little effort, you can achieve excellent results.

Mental self-regulation includes the following rules:

  1. If they try to impose other people's problems on you, do not give in. You can listen, sympathize, but you should not take them to heart. After all, this will not be able to bring benefits, and you will spoil your mood.
  2. Watch yourself, listen to your feelings, try to understand what most often makes you angry, at what time you are usually prone to bouts of anger. If you determine this, then the management of emotions will progress.
  3. Mental self-regulation may require some kind of soothing rituals. For example, every day before going to bed, soak in the bathroom, relax in this way, throw away all the problems that have accumulated during the day.
  4. Try to always get enough sleep. Make it a rule to go to bed no later than 11 pm. Indeed, as observations show, a person who constantly complains about lack of sleep is more likely than others to be angry and managing emotions is an unattainable luxury for him.
  5. In order for mental self-regulation to be at its best, regular yoga and meditation are recommended. With the help of these Eastern, spiritual practices, you can effectively control yourself. But, of course, to achieve tangible results, you will need a lot of time and effort. But the result will not disappoint you, and you will not only understand how to stop freaking out, but you will also be able to significantly improve your health, you will always be cheerful, full of energy and strength.

Ways to help deal with emotions

Despite the fact that these methods are quite simple, as observations show, they work great and help control emotions:

  1. Make it a rule - when in anger, before doing or saying something bad, take a deep breath, and then slowly exhale. At first glance, everything is very simple and it may seem that this method is not effective. But it's not. With his help, many marriages were saved and quarrels with many relatives and friends were avoided. If you do not know how to turn off emotions, use this method.
  2. Thinking about any pleasant events helps a lot. You can try to think about your child, wife, parents. About rest. About anything, just to feel positive, which will help to calm down. Also, if circumstances permit, you can listen to your favorite music, watch a movie or read.
  3. If you do not know how to learn to control yourself, apply the following method - put your palms on your chest, try to feel and focus on the heartbeat. Breathe deeply and calmly. Soon you will notice that your pulse slows down and you calm down.
  4. If the situation allows, you can talk to yourself out loud. You can even express to yourself the emotions you feel. You will see, you will immediately feel much better, and you will get a way to control emotions.
  5. Very often people complain that speaking in front of an audience, they are worried. One of the most simple ways overcome this feeling, pick up an ordinary pen. As has been proven by psychologists, it can become a kind of barrier for a person, make you feel protected and understand how to control your emotions. In addition, turning a pen in your hands is not as noticeable as, for example, fiddling with buttons.

Possible mistakes

Very often a person tries to calm down, but at the same time makes mistakes. Let's look at the most common mistakes that people make when they want to learn how to manage emotions:

This is just a small part of how to control your emotions. All of the above may seem too simple, but nevertheless, all these methods work great and have helped many people.

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