What do plump lips mean in women. What are the types of lip shapes? What will tell about the nature of the imprint of the lips

Even while remaining silent, our lips can tell a lot. Each of us was born with different features in facial features. Knowledge obtained from the basics of Chinese medicine makes it possible to decipher a person's character by the shape of the lips, nose or eyes. Today we will tell you what experts in face reading say about lips, mysterious and alluring.

Golden mean

If the lips are not thick and not thin, not protruding, and do not have any defects and flaws - we can assume that the person is lucky. The ideal shape of the lips is quite rare. The average size of the mouth outlines does not have characteristic peaks. Hence, the character is also distinguished by balance. In love relationships, such people maintain a straight course without deviations. They do not seek to sort things out with a partner and do not play dramas. However, you can’t call them generous with feelings either.

Artificially enlarged upper lip

If a woman has increased her upper lip, then she can change her fate. Chinese experts in face reading warn that changes in appearance lead to confusion in the whole system. If you repeatedly enlarge the upper lip, you can attract drama, become more selfish, or even get out of emotional control.

If the upper lip is naturally plumper, it means that the person is able to show concern for the needs of a partner in a relationship. However, such people are not alien to taking care of their own needs.

Lower lip injections

Women who dreamed of increasing their lower lip and did it, you really love to pamper yourself. Such people dream of pleasant adventures and really want to enjoy life.

Both lips are naturally plump

Such outlines of the mouth are also close to ideal and show how passionately their owner longs to become a mother. Women who naturally have full lips are capable of showing strong concern for others. They have a wide circle of friends and are easy to get in touch with, and they really appreciate the relationship with a partner.

Thin aligned lips

Before us is a man who can be a loner. However, he gets along well with it. People with thin lips do not really need someone's support, but this does not mean at all that they create bad alliances. They're just so comfortable.

The upper lip resembles Cupid's pointed wings.

This shape of the lips indicates that a person is a good communicator, quickly finds like-minded people, loves creativity very much. However, these people often do not follow the words and first speak, and then think, which causes resentment among their like-minded people.

Lips resemble the rounded wings of Cupid

The owner of such lips, as a rule, has a very kind soul. Such people are more compassionate and devote more time to the problems of others.

Indistinct shape of Cupid's wings

In fact, the owner of such a mouth shape may well lack emotional boundaries. A large elongated mouth speaks of responsibility. Such people are used to giving a lot without taking care of themselves.

Natural swelling in the center on the upper and lower lip

The swelling in the center of the mouth clearly indicates that we have a person who loves to be in the spotlight. However, such people do not just like to attract attention to themselves, they pathologically cannot stand loneliness. Relations with a representative of this form of mouth can be very dramatic, due to their selfishness. Roundness in the center of the lips, turning into thin corners of the mouth, indicates a cheerful disposition and emotional excitability of a person.

Small puffy mouth

Before us is the owner of naturally plump lips, but a small mouth. As a rule, they zealously demand increased attention to their own person from their partner. However, they are not as selfish as they might seem. As soon as the attention from the second half is received, they immediately show reciprocal care. Sometimes these people can have difficult times in a relationship, as they feel an urgent need for a love connection on the side. However, this state of affairs does not continue indefinitely. With age, they may well settle down.

Upper lip thin, lower lip normal

This person is used to putting work and achievements above personal relationships. Relationships in a couple for them is an extremely difficult, and sometimes tedious process. A very common mouth shape in men.

Large mouth and normal plump lips

Such people are generous and always ready to help others. But if a person with a large mouth and thin lips appears before you, know that he is more selfish and inclined to think about his own person.


The mouth carries information about sensuality, softness, suppleness, love, friendship, that is, about the emotional world of a person. In ancient times, before taking someone as a student, the sages subjected his mouth to a thorough examination in order to identify vices and virtues. Purely feminine qualities (softness, amiability, affection, dreaminess and passivity) relax the lips. Excessive development of these character traits (fearfulness, weakness of character, laziness, susceptibility to someone else's influence) opens the lips. A stupid person's mouth is often limply open. The more open the lips, the weaker the mental control, the stronger the instincts.

The size and shape of the mouth can determine the strength of a person's internal energy. Reference points for determining the size of the mouth are vertical lines lowered from the centers of the pupils to the line of closing of the lips. Men usually have larger mouths than women. “Everything that contains human nature,” said Lavater, “is put into his mouth. They express reason and madness, strength and weakness, virtue and vice, delicacy and rudeness; are the receptacle of love and hatred, sincerity and hypocrisy, humility and pride, truth and falsehood.

Big mouth people- born "invaders", they strive to keep as much different information as possible near them, in order to then digest it and appropriate it, saying in the end: "This is mine!". They will never miss their own, they will do an excellent job with any business if they see their own benefit in it.

A woman with a big mouth (if the lips are not plump) is considered courageous, which, by the way, strong-willed men do not really like.

Large mouth and downturned lips they talk about the strong will of the owner, who is difficult to influence. Such a person relies on the power of the conqueror. It's good with him, it's dangerous to go against him. He can joke, seem active and cheerful, but the lowered corners of his mouth will give out his depressed state: with prolonged depression, the corners of the mouth are always lowered. At the same time, a large mouth is a sign of a vulnerable, sentimental, creative nature.

Large open mouth is a sign of strength and courage, but also hatred of someone, indicates a person's temper, a thirst for adventure, a need for a change of scenery.

If a person has a large but compressed mouth, in the arsenal of his personality traits there are purposefulness and determination, stinginess, greed, vindictiveness.

Small mouth indicates a weak character and a constant struggle for survival. Such people often have to resort to skill and even cunning. They know exactly what they want and do not try to disperse their forces, which they do not have enough, especially for large prey. But such people have more than enough zeal.

If a small mouth is often open, then this speaks of tenderness, kindness of its owner, love of order and cleanliness, but also of secrecy and skepticism.

Expansion of the oral cavity especially with the sagging of the lower jaw, speaks of a decrease in mental activity.

Slightly open mouth may indicate that a person is listening carefully to your words, or that you have an interlocutor in front of you who always finds it difficult to understand someone else's speech.

If the small mouth is often closed, then its owner is a balanced person, able to come to the rescue. He remains serious both in work and in feelings, although a fire burns in his soul.

Tight lips and clenched teeth talk about the perseverance of a person.

slightly smiling mouth- a sign of an interesting, rich, intelligent, benevolent, open-hearted personality, unless, of course, this smile is not artificial.

Sometimes you can meet man with twisted mouth. This nature is skeptical, with a changeable mood, a tough approach to people and their problems, with high intelligence.

Symmetrical, non-skewed mouth opening indicates a balance of emotions, and a mouth, one side of which is narrowed and lowered, is found in stubborn people.

Constantly twitching mouth is a sign of a neurotic personality.

The outlines of the mouth are constantly changing. In the first years of life, a person is optimistic and always ready to smile, so the corners of the child's mouth are slightly raised. Depending on how life develops later, natural optimism is fixed in facial features or disappears, and the mouth takes on a shape reflected in ancient Greek theatrical masks: the corners of the mouth turned upward symbolize cheerfulness and optimism, downward - a tendency to pessimism.

There is an opinion that it is not the eyes that are the mirror of the soul, but the lips: the more correct and beautiful the lips of a person, the better his character. In profile, they should be even. Beautiful, regular lips are rare, an overhanging upper lip or a drooping lower one speaks of flaws in a person's character.

The observations of psychologists coincide with traditional everyday generalizations. It is noted that people with thin lips by nature they are rather dry, prudent and economical, do not like long conversations and theatricality. As a rule, they succeed in financial transactions, which cannot be said about full-lipped ("lipped") people who are distinguished by generosity and an open demeanor. Women with thin lips often use a pencil and bright lipstick to look more attractive and hide bad character traits behind makeup.

Upturned upper lip speaks of an absurd character and distinguishes capricious people, overly full lips talk about greed. "Dimples" in the corners of the lips distinguish people with a good character.

The painstaking correlation of character with the shape of the lips allows us to distinguish certain types of lips that reflect important personality traits. The ratio of intelligence and the structure of the lips is clearly visible in the example of mentally retarded people: there are no mentally retarded people with neat, even lips.

We stick out the lower lip as a sign of protest, lack of desire, refusal. At the same time, we aggressively raise the chin, thereby expressing disappointment or anger.

When we want to take a decisive step, we tighten our lips. Pursed, drawn deep into the mouth, lips betray a greedy or stubborn, egoist, for whom the world around is cold and alien, and there is only benefit. Tightly compressed lips indicate a reluctance to accept or share information. A “hard” upper lip expresses a cold determination bordering on severity, it can also be a sign of pride or a sense of superiority.

Lips "bow"- the most feminine. They testify to charm, coquetry, sensuality and at the same time about insincerity and deceit. In men, such lips are a sign of vanity and frivolity;

juicy lips live, talkative, open people who quickly make friends, easily adapt to any situation and are distinguished by temperament and sensuality;

small lips- gentle, thin, with soft lines, speak of generosity, intelligence, honesty and modesty;

thin lips, cold, but beautiful forms, give out a passionate nature, very gentle, but sometimes restrained. Such a person is difficult to captivate, in any situation he is eloquent and witty. Too thin lips are hard people capable of meanness;

beautiful, thinly drawn and somewhat ironic lips may belong to a poet and an intellectual who knows how to combine reality with dreams;

if the upper lip is much larger than the lower, then the owner of such a mouth is an imperious, dry person with a rational outlook on life, devoid of emotions. If the lower lip is pursed, this indicates impotence in men and frigidity in women;

thick (puffy) lips- a sign of sensuality and firmness of character, the distinguishing features of which are complete control over oneself, unshakable calmness and the need for sensual pleasures.

The science of physiognomy originated in ancient times and was especially revered in the East. There it was a branch of medicine, where it is still believed that a person's face is a complete reflection of his life path and his inner world.

In the Western world, physiognomy was studied by Theophrastus, Hippocrates and Aristotle, who wrote the systematic work Physiognomica.

The famous figure Leonardo da Vinci and the philosopher John Scott in the Middle Ages supplemented research on the dependence of the appearance and inner world of a person with their observations.

General provisions

Physiognomy is a system of knowledge with the help of which internal personal qualities, both congenital and acquired, are determined, as well as facial features and facial expressions are analyzed.

Modern psychology does not recognize physiognomy as something serious, considering it a pseudoscience. This is substantiated by many experiments that refute the connection between the face and character of a person. In ancient Greece, it was considered "the art of the Chimeras."

However, in everyday life, the knowledge of this branch of science is used in many segments of our life, it is especially popular in the field of recruitment in large corporations.

Read my lips

The famous phrase that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and almost everything can be read from them is known to everyone. However, physiognomy claims that it is the mouth and lips of a person that provide the most information. It is from them that you can read about the moral qualities, successes in life, and the goals of their owner. Studying various lips, physiognomy singled out groups of people according to the shape of the mouth and lips.

corners up

The owner of this form of lips with raised corners in life is in harmony, both with the world and with himself. Such a person is always in a good mood, knows how to share joy with others, charges with positive, gives vital energy. If he still has dimples on his cheeks, then, without a doubt, this person is optimistic, friendly and sociable.

corners down

People with such a curved mouth line are mostly closed, not striving for communication. In most cases, they have psychological problems associated with their own discontent. Since negative experience in life cannot be avoided, it leaves an imprint on such people in the form of lowered corners of the mouth. Also, such individuals are characterized by high self-esteem and egocentrism. At the sight of a man of this type, one gets the impression of his poor health. A woman with such corners of her lips turns out to be stubborn, hardworking and diligent in her work.

Bulging lips

As physiognomy explains, lips protruding beyond the chin indicate that their owner is not in the habit of considering the opinions of others. With his love of communication, such a person is too self-confident and stubborn.

Thin lips in physiognomy

The owners of thin lips are creative personalities, they show themselves well in the literary genre. In work, such people are always stubborn and go to the intended goal. They do not hide what they think about, and they can always give a verbal rebuff. You should be careful with people who have too thin lips, as they are capable of meanness and betrayal.

Thin upper lip

According to physiognomy, the upper lip is smaller than the lower one, which means that this person is balanced, not subject to emotional outbursts. His mental abilities are directed in an analytical direction. Men of this type are happy in marriage, and women - on the contrary.

plump upper lip

People whose upper lip is plump, have a passionate temperament, are carried away by the opposite sex to extremes. They need to control their emotions, otherwise problems may arise in their personal lives. Also, the owners of such lips are very kind and have good manners.

Protruding large lower lip

In most cases, a person's lower lip is larger than the upper lip, so it is a very large convex lower lip that is considered. Such people attach great importance to relationships in their personal lives, are touchy, capricious and overly proud. However, they have excellent leadership and intellectual abilities.

When the lower and upper lips are plump and virtually the same size, then this person has a straightforward character. According to physiognomy, large lips indicate friendliness and practicality. You can always rely on such people, both in family life and in business.

Raised upper lip

The owner of such a lip, when the front teeth are visible, has excellent artistic abilities. And also there is a penchant for political activity. Regardless of gender, such individuals are characterized by a sense of superiority: in appearance, in physical strength, in their achievements, in work and more.

Wrinkled lower lip

According to physiognomy, the lower lip with numerous wrinkles indicates a pleasant person who knows how to win attention in a company. He also attracts the opposite sex with his good nature and cheerful disposition. Among the shortcomings, an addiction to alcohol and food can be found.


The so-called hollow between the upper lip and nose indicates the presence of many positive qualities. The longer the groove, according to the physiognomy of the lips, the better. Such people are aimed at success, which they achieve in any business. They have a lot of vitality and strength. If you look at the faces of prominent actors, businessmen and other personalities, then most of you can see an elongated philtrum.

People with a short cleavage often have a low level of intelligence and lack elementary norms of upbringing.

Lip outlines

According to physiognomy, lips in men and women with good and clear outlines speak of a sharp mind, the ability to make the right decisions. However, the owners of such lines of Cupid may have harsh judgments, sarcasm and causticity. The smoothness and calmness of the lines indicates an ingenuous person who can be trusted.

Focus on communication

When communicating, you need to pay attention to the facial expressions of a person. Based on the statements of physiognomy, the lips of an unemotional person move slightly. If during communication there is a feeling that the person’s face seems to be completely moving, then this indicates a quick-tempered emotional personality.

Calculating an individual with a sense of superiority and self-confidence is quite simple. When talking with such a person, you can notice how he twists his lips. These people have a bad temper.

According to the line of closing of the lips, one can judge the emotionality of a person. A straight line indicates calmness, and a wavy line with a developed nasolabial fold indicates excessive irascibility.

Mouth size

A large mouth is an indicator of success and intelligence. Such people are endowed with high intelligence, quickly converge with people, are quite proud. If the lips are thin, then their owners have incommensurable desires with sufficient prudence. They have good control over their actions. Women with a harmoniously defined large mouth usually have many friends, a career goes up easily due to sociability and openness.

Owners of a small mouth were often spoiled by their parents in childhood, so for the most part they are selfish people. Men are often timid, shy, unable to achieve their goals. But women are popular with the opposite sex, although they are cold in nature. The strong sex next to such a lady feels strong and necessary.

Based on the statements of physiognomy, thin and compressed lips speak of fear and a deep conflict within a person. And a slightly open mouth with relaxed lips, as it were, says that this person can be easily trusted.

Everyone's lips are different. There are no repeating patterns. This is what prompted the French doctor Michel Renault to think that the imprint of the lips could be informative for forensics. The exception is twins.

Physiognomy of the face and lips is a very interesting science that has come to us since ancient times. It is being studied to this day, revealing to us more and more secrets of the human appearance.

Nature has endowed each of us with a different shape and fullness of lips. Many people believe that you can read lips not only words, but also understand what kind of person is talking to you. Amazingly, little things like the corners of the lips, the size of the mouth, the brightness of the skin, the curve, thickness, and geometry can tell a lot about the character of their owner. Today PEOPLETALK figured out what the shape of the lips can say about you.

Full wide lips - reckless

Full lips have always been a sign of sensuality and sexuality. Recognized beauties and owners of plump lips - Marilyn Monroe (1926−1962), Brigitte Bardot (80), Kim Basinger(61), (40) - excite the imagination of men for many years. The owners of such lips are capricious, like to take risks and be the center of attention. If you like something, you get it immediately, and it does not matter at all what it is about - a new handbag or a man. Such a girl does not expect favors from nature and prefers to take everything from life herself. "Now or never" is her motto.

Full but small lips - romantic

The first impression of such a person is often misleading. Sometimes such people are considered spineless, but this is not so. They are the ones most often asked for help. Sympathy and a pack of paper napkins they always have at the ready. But the medal has another side - such a person tries not to delve into serious problems, but simply turns a blind eye to them.

The upper lip is larger than the lower - loves to command

Such a person has the whole range of leadership qualities: charismatic, conceited and with high self-esteem. Life credo - "All or nothing." This girl checks her every step and gets down to business only if she is confident in her abilities and success. And if she starts something, she always brings it to the end, not disregarding a single detail.

The lower lip is more mysterious

Such a girl is always very popular and is in the spotlight. Men often look after her, and women envy. The owner of this type of lips is more likely to prefer to pull on a bag of potatoes, rather than put on what the whole city already walks in. Passion for everything new and unusual prevails in everything, so a girl with such a shape of lips will be very difficult in routine professions. She is looking for an opportunity to move away from generally accepted rules in everything.

Thin but wide lips - pragmatic

The owner of such lips is distinguished by a restrained character and a cold heart. She plans everything in advance, weighing her every step. Such persons prefer not to show their emotions in public, and spontaneity and excitement are alien to them. People with this lip shape tend to be introverts, which is why others consider them withdrawn, cowardly and incapable of compassion.

Narrow and small lips - optimist

If you have this type of lips, you are an incorrigible optimist who knows no fear of new adventures. Such a person thinks big: if it’s a vacation, then conquer Everest, if it’s work, then the Red Cross. This girl believes in herself so much that sometimes she takes on very risky business that others prefer to refuse. Therefore, the owner of such lips is a real fighter and so strong, strong-willed that she frightens men with her pressure and a fountain of emotions.

Our character and temperament greatly affects facial features and appearance. Lips, one of the most sensual organs of a person, they can reveal a large number of secrets about a person and suggest how best to approach him.

No. 1 - plump lips

The owners of such lips are distinguished by a strong character, which is hidden under a soft outer shell. They are not used to shouting about their strength and courage, but in a difficult situation they are always ready for action. Such people are able to protect their loved ones, for them the house is a fortress, and the family is the most important thing in life.

Those who are lucky in life with beautiful and large lips are always distinguished by elegance and charm, they are fluent in the technique of charm, but sometimes they put themselves above others and can look extremely arrogant.

No. 2 - lips "bow"

Small and plump lips speak of a pleasant and light character. It is impossible to be offended or angry with people with such lips for a long time. They, like the sun, give warmth and joy to those around them, they are always open for conversation. Communication with them is always a pleasure, even empty chatter seems pleasant and interesting.

But with such a sociable character, people with such “bow lips” are capricious and even selfish. In no case do they want to be left without attention. If you stop giving them a lot of time, you will have to face resentment and even quarrels.

No. 3 - plump upper lip

Women with such lips are a born leader, ready to take control and responsibility, the main thing is that everyone obeys the instructions. In the family, these are reliable people who never transfer their work and responsibilities to others, they are able to make important decisions and manage the household. But the desire that their whims are always fulfilled often spoils the relationship.

People with a plump upper lip have a strong-willed character, always achieve what they want and never deviate from their plans. They are not afraid of life's difficulties, nor the ways in which they will succeed. Such life attitudes most often lead to material well-being and great prosperity.

No. 4 - plump lower lip

People with such lips are bright and positive personalities by nature. It is difficult for them to sit still and do nothing. They always confidently go to their goal and achieve what they want both in their careers and in their personal lives. Easily understand everyone but themselves. It’s easy for them to find an approach to a person, but it’s almost impossible to understand what they want.

Those around them are always fun, although excessive activity is sometimes tiring. Owners of a plump lower lip are unrestrained and even intolerant. They will never remain silent if their opinion contradicts the opinion of others. Sometimes it is for this that they are loved, and sometimes they become unwanted guests in society, for their harsh statements.

No. 5 - thin lips

A large mouth with thin lips is a sign of an open and kind nature. People with such lips are broad natures, able to give positive and attract attention. It is easy to get along with them. But despite the general openness, they are able to subjugate others to their will and inspire their own opinion.

People with thin lips have a complex character. They are able to tempt and enchant, can be mysterious if they need it, and can become an open book for everyone. In any case, they will benefit from any situation. That's the way they are.

No. 6 - thin and small lips

People with small mouths and thin lips have a complex character. They are very picky in their environment, not everyone can find a common language with them. But the one who has become their friend can be sure: support and help will always be waiting for him, and there will be no betrayal in the future.

Also in the family, people with small and thin lips are faithful and positive spouses. Despite the fact that quarrels are always possible in families, betrayal will definitely not become their cause. They are accustomed to respect themselves and their choices.

Each of us is unique and unrepeatable, each has its own destiny and future. But the common features of a person are embedded in his appearance. Lips are able to convey a large amount of information and give a general picture of the character. We wish you good luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2015 01:20

Signs associated with lips can warn of impending events. Our ancestors were attentive to signals...

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