Certificate of open accounts sample. How to get a certificate of open current accounts

Very often, obtaining some kind of certificate is required to be carried out in as soon as possible, and in the absence of necessary information how to do it right, people lose a huge amount of time standing in vain in long queues. Obtaining a certificate of open accounts from the IFTS is not a happy exception to this rule, therefore, before you go for this document, you need to properly study all the “painless” ways to purchase this paper.

Help from the IFTS

Each entrepreneur, when registering a business activity, must open a bank account for income Money during the implementation of trading operations or other actions that must be paid. These accounts can also be used to pay for services and various goods that are necessary for doing business.

Information about open current accounts is collected by the tax authority to control the activities of the entrepreneur, so if you need to receive written confirmation of open bank accounts, you can go to the Federal Tax Service, where, after making an official request, this document is handed over to the entrepreneur or his authorized representative . To confirm the existence of a bank account, you can contact a credit institution, but such a document is not always permitted when carrying out certain types of financial activities.

It will also not be entirely rational to use the time to receive required documents when settlement accounts are opened in various credit institutions, the branches of which may not be in this locality, therefore, in many cases, when a certificate of current accounts is needed, it is more expedient to immediately apply for it to the tax office.

Despite the fact that this document is not often used, for some types of commercial activities this certificate must be obtained without fail.

A certificate must be submitted for the following situations:

  • When applying for participation in tenders or auctions.
  • If the company is liquidated or reorganized.
  • When negotiating an investment large sums money that is provided as a long-term investment.
  • If the opening of a legal entity requires the development of a detailed business plan.
  • When going to court.
  • At the request of the prosecutor's office.

In addition to the cases listed above, there may be a need to obtain this document in case of bankruptcy of the enterprise. This procedure It has been used for many years in relation to enterprises that cannot pay their bills, therefore, after the organization is declared bankrupt by the bailiff service, supervision over the company's settlement accounts is carried out.

How to get a certificate of open accounts

To obtain a certificate, you will need to visit the tax authority at the place of registration and fill out a request on a special letterhead. Only in this case, you can count on the fact that the certificate obtained in this way is genuine and there will be no questions about its origin from counterparties who need to present this document.

In most cases, it takes about 5 working days to issue a certificate after the request from the entrepreneur to receive this document is registered. Sometimes, for one reason or another, there may be a delay in providing a certificate of open accounts, but according to the law, such a period cannot be more than 1 month. If the request was made in accordance with all the rules, but the certificate was not issued to the entrepreneur within the specified maximum period, you can safely contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint about the work of the tax authority.

In addition to the option of obtaining a certificate, when an entrepreneur or his authorized representative is required to personally contact tax organization, you can use the remote version of relationships with government and commercial structures.

Get a certificate of open accounts from the IFTS online

Thanks to electronic means of communication, it is possible to request a certificate of current accounts through online services. This method is less popular among the population, only due to lack of awareness and lack of experience with a computer. You can make a request without leaving your home within a few minutes.

This requires a computer with an internet connection. For self-acquisition of this document, you must go to the official website tax office and fill out a special form. The received certificate of the availability of settlement accounts will have the same legal effect as well as the paper version of this document. If you do not want to engage in self-registration of an online certificate, then you can use electronic commercial services that, for a fee, will complete the online application.

Help form

In an arbitrary form, it is not allowed to make a request to the tax authority to obtain a certificate of the entrepreneur's current accounts. Regardless of whether this document is drawn up online or directly at the IFTS branch, the application must be made on a special form that contains the following information:

  • The name of the organization or individual.
  • The name of the credit institution where the current account was opened.
  • State the reason why you need help.
  • Specify the personal data of the recipient of the certificate.
  • Sign the application with the date of registration of the request.

This information must be entered without errors, otherwise obtaining a certificate of accounts will be increased by the time it takes to re-apply to the tax office.

When the certificate is received, this document should contain the following information:

  • List of settlement accounts registered by the entrepreneur.
  • The name of the currency in which accounts were opened with financial institutions.
  • List of all credit organizations where accounts were opened.
  • Registration and identification information.


Obtaining a certificate of current accounts usually does not take much time, both for processing and submitting this request to the tax authority, and for issuing a document.

The execution of all documents and the receipt of a certificate can be entrusted to intermediary companies only if there is no desire to independently understand the features of obtaining this document.

In this case, the entrepreneur's budget can be reduced by up to 2000 rubles. In most online offices, and intermediaries who work offline this service it costs that much. Having paid such a service, you can not be afraid for the result, because the employees of intermediary organizations are engaged in the execution of such documents in daily mode, so they probably know about all the pitfalls that may be when working with the tax authority.

In the case when there is nowhere to rush, you can independently deal with the design of such papers. This option will help save not only significant financial resources, but it will also allow you to gain valuable experience in independently obtaining certificates from the tax office. If the status of this document does not matter, then a bank statement can be obtained with less time. In this case, the application is made in the name of the head of the bank department that serves entrepreneurs and legal entities.

To request information from a credit institution, various forms, therefore, when contacting this institution, it is necessary to indicate in the application that a certificate is required on the current account. A request to the bank can be sent by mail. To do this, it is necessary to certify the application with the signature and seal of the organization or individual entrepreneur. If the individual entrepreneur does not use a seal, then this request is certified by the signature of the entrepreneur for whom the current account is issued.

The maximum term for the execution of such an application is 3 business days. Before making such a request from the bank, you need to inquire about the cost of issuing such a certificate. This account statement is paid service. It is impossible to receive by mail a certificate of the presence of a current account in a credit institution, therefore, you will need to personally appear at the bank, since an extract can only be issued after the recipient's signature on a duplicate of the certificate.

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In the article:

Not so long ago, businesses were required to notify the tax authority of opening or closing a current account. Since May 2014, this obligation has been abolished at the legislative level.

Help from the IFTS

Many entrepreneurs are wondering why the tax authority needed to provide such notices? The tax authorities may use this information for distribution to representatives of the judiciary, for sending to law enforcement services and other authorities. A certificate of open settlement accounts from the INFS could also be required by the duty payers themselves.

It is necessary to submit a certificate to the state service in order for the body to complete the registration of the account. Without this action, the company will not be able to start its activities legally. In addition to the fact that, prior to the adoption of the law, entrepreneurs had to notify about the creation of an account, it was also necessary to notify about the opening of additional accounts. After there was no need to notify the tax authority, entrepreneurs got rid of unnecessary red tape with documents. Now the public service makes a request directly to the credit company with which the entrepreneur has signed a contract.

How to get a certificate of open accounts

Where can I get this act? The tax authority or financial institutions may issue a certificate of open current accounts from the IFTS. The term for issuing a paper is about 5 working days, but in certain cases it can take several weeks. To get help, you need to send a request to public service. If you plan to receive information at a banking institution, then it is worth considering that such services may be paid. The first step is to find a form for a certificate of open current accounts from the IFTS. The request must be made on company letterhead. What does an account statement contain?

  • The name of the company, as well as its identification information;
  • The address where the company is located;
  • Request text;
  • Data on the institutions in which the accounts were opened;
  • Purpose of the request;
  • Details of who can receive the requested information;
  • The date of the request, as well as the signature and seal of the head.

Next, you will need to send a request for a certificate of open current accounts from the Federal Tax Service. The term for obtaining the act cannot be more than 1 month, since this period is the maximum in the case of issuance of certificates by state bodies.

Get a certificate of open accounts from the IFTS online

There is another way to obtain a certificate of open current accounts from the Federal Tax Service. An online request will save the entrepreneur's precious time. An application is made through the tax website. Certificate of open settlement accounts from the IFTS in in electronic format has the same capabilities as the regular help. Entrepreneurs often wonder why such a certificate may be required?

  • The document may be required as an annex to other acts that are used for negotiations with investors wishing to invest in various projects of the enterprise.
  • If the firm wishes to approve the business plan, this certificate may also be required.
  • The document may be required if the enterprise participates in various tenders.
  • Documents can be requested by prosecutors or law enforcement officers.
  • A certificate may be needed in case of reorganization of the enterprise or in case of its liquidation.
  • Sometimes a certificate is required to provide the company in various judicial instances.

After the paper is received, it will contain the following information:

  • List of available accounts;
  • Various registration data, as well as identification information;
  • The currency in which the accounts were registered;
  • Names of financial or credit organizations that issued the account.

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Help Form

The form of a certificate of open current accounts from the IFTS may be required by the taxpayer to monitor the accounts entered into the tax base. After the bank employee receives an application from the entrepreneur with a request for an act, he registers the request and assigns an incoming number for it. Further responsibility passes to an employee who works with entrepreneurs and legal entities. A businessman may find any error in the tax base. He can provide the IFTS independently with reliable information in such a situation.

Certificates of open accounts today are issued by all tax services. In order to obtain a certificate from the territorial branch of the tax authority, it is necessary to draw up an application. This can be done in any form. It also happens when an entrepreneur submitted an application in accordance with all the rules, but the tax service specialists made a mistake when entering data into the database. In this case, the accountant of the enterprise or a lawyer working for the company may also ask for a certificate.

Open current accounts (video)

A certificate from the tax office on open settlement accounts can be obtained by submitting a paper request to the tax office or electronically through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Read in the article:

A certificate of open current accounts is needed by companies and individual entrepreneurs for various purposes. In particular, it is necessary during reorganization and liquidation, to obtain a loan and participate in public procurement. It can also be requested from the company by investors, prosecutors, judicial and investigative authorities.

There are two ways to obtain this document: an official paper request to the tax office and receiving it through the nalog.ru website.

Certificate from the IFTS on open current accounts

The inspectors are required to issue you a certificate of the existence of your company's current accounts upon your request. You can refer to the law "On Informatization, information technology and on information protection” and a letter from the Federal Tax Service (clauses 2, 3, article 8 federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, letter of the Federal Tax Service dated May 23, 2011 No. PA-4-6 / 8136 p). All necessary information Banks inform inspectors about the accounts of firms and individual entrepreneurs.

When applying to the tax office, you will need a document, a Russian passport, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP, an official application in paper form.

Draw up an application on the letterhead of the company in any form on behalf of the director, chief accountant or other person specified in the constituent documents. These persons must sign the certificate. It is also required to put the seal of the organization. If the application is submitted by an authorized representative, then you will have to issue a notarized power of attorney for him.

In the application, describe why you need the requested information and the legal basis for obtaining it.

A request for a certificate of current accounts from the tax office may look like this:

Application to the tax office for open accounts: sample

Head of Inspectorate No. 38
in the Tver region
Petrov I.I.
from the director of Omega LLC
Sviridova M.M.
TIN 5698536473
KPP 5963127494
Legal and actual address:
569821 Taldom, st. Centralnaya d. 44


According to paragraph 3 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ and the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of May 23, 2011 No. PA-4-6 / 8136, I ask you to provide a certificate listing all current accounts opened with Omega LLC. This document is necessary for our company to attract credit funds.

Director of Omega LLC _________ M.M. Sviridov

Inspectors within five to thirty calendar days will provide you with a certificate with information about all opened by the firm accounts. It will contain a list of them, the names of banks where they are open, the currency of accounts and other information.

Note: in some cases, inspectors may refuse to provide a certificate. This will happen if you correctly indicated the information about the company or individual entrepreneur in the application.

Certificate of open current accounts in electronic form

Requesting a certificate of current accounts through the website of the Federal Tax Service will save you time. But at the same time, you will need an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Open the site nalog.ru. Register on it or log in, if not registered, in personal account. Select the appropriate section. Enter in it all the necessary information and documents. Put electronic signature. Send information and wait for a response from the tax authorities.

Application form to the tax office for open accounts

Head of the IFTS No. ...

Legal and actual address:...


According to paragraph 3 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ and the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of May 23, 2011 No. PA-4-6 / 8136, I ask you to provide a certificate listing all current accounts opened on .... This document is necessary for our company. .. .

Director _________

Attached files

  • Application form for open accounts to the tax office.docx

All data on open and closed settlement accounts of the enterprise must be contained in the information bank of the tax inspectorate. And if the company needs to obtain this information, its representative can send a corresponding request to the IFTS, after which he will be issued an official certificate of accounts.

When is it relevant?
It may be necessary to obtain a certificate of accounts for:
- providing it to investors;
— registration of a bank loan;
liquidation of the enterprise or change of its activities (management);
- solving internal issues of the company;
- participation in a tender or auction;
- drawing up a business plan;
- submission of a document to the Arbitration Court.
In any of the cases under consideration, the head of the enterprise or his authorized representative can apply to the tax authorities to issue a certificate of open / closed accounts. However, for this it is important to comply with certain formalities.

How to draw up a document
To obtain the certificate you need, you should draw up an application indicating the basic data about the enterprise and submit it to territorial body IFTS. The application is drawn up in any form, but it must contain current information about the taxpayer, the purpose of issuing a certificate, the desired method of obtaining it, the date of application to the tax office. It is necessary to draw up a statement thoughtfully and carefully so as not to make mistakes. However, if you do not specify the date of circulation, this is not a problem - it will be set automatically. The same applies to the desired method of obtaining a document - entrepreneurs who have not paid due attention to this item are simply sent a certificate by mail.

How long does it take to process a document

The issuance of a certificate is free of charge, but the waiting period can be quite long. On average, such documents are processed in 5-10 working days. But in some cases, delays up to 30 calendar days are possible.

Subtleties and nuances to be taken into account

Even if the procedure for issuing a certificate of open / closed accounts went without problems, do not forget to carefully check the document. It is important that it contains the identification data of the company, lists all accounts used by it (with currency), and also contains information about banking and other financial institutions.
In addition, remember that you can get a certificate of accounts directly from the bank where they were opened. However, such documents are not accepted by some organizations, since they are not recognized as a worthy alternative to papers received from the tax office.

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