Vacation in vietnam or thailand. Where is the best place to relax? Choose: Thailand or Vietnam. Where is the best infrastructure

Hello everyone! As you already understood from the title of the article, today we will find out the arguments and facts where better thailand or Vietnam. As you know, these are the two most popular places on the globe for recreation with Russians and not only. During the holidays here you can meet many tourists from other countries, such as America, Germany, India, England, etc.

I will compare Thailand and Vietnam according to my personal feelings and life in resort towns Nha Trang and Pattaya. Let's start with the fact that both of these countries are in South Asia where there is always a favorable, warm climate. At first glance, life in these cities seems very similar, but each of them has its pros and cons, I will list them below in the text. And this is me in Thailand with a local Thai "50 Cent"

Thinking about which is better, Thailand or Vietnam, I remembered such a moment. In Nha Trang and Pattaya, we lived in the city center, we chose this location on purpose so that all the places we needed were no more than a 10-minute walk from home. In the evening in Pattaya, music is constantly hammering from everywhere almost until the morning, one gets the feeling that the speakers are in the next room. In the first few days it is impossible to fall asleep, then you get used to it. If we take Nha Trang, then the situation is absolutely opposite here, everything is quiet and calm.

Both resort towns are located on the coast of the South China Sea. Pattaya is located in a calmer place in relation to the waves - in the Gulf of Thailand. Outwardly, Thais and Vietnamese are very similar, but the people of Thailand seemed to me more friendly and smiling. It's not for nothing that Thailand is called the kingdom of smiles.

In these countries, the most popular transport is motorbikes (in our opinion, mopeds and motorcycles). In both cities, the traffic on the roads is very intense, in the first days it is impossible to cross the road, since they do not have traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. They probably don't even know what it is.

There are no traffic rules as such either, so to understand how to cross the road, see how the locals do it and in a couple of days you will learn :-) I stood and watched road traffic in both countries. In Pattaya, the situation on the roads is sometimes given a logical understanding, but in Nha Trang I could not understand anything.

In Nha Trang, a motorbiker moving along the extreme right lane can abruptly change lanes to the left lane without turn signals, cross a double solid lane and drive along the curb in an oncoming lane - this is in the order of things for them. I was also surprised by the case of some Vietnamese turning around on the ring, while not making a circle, but immediately turned around in the middle and drove in the opposite direction. In Russia, at least they signaled for such an act, they would still catch up and register the people, and if a traffic police officer saw such lawlessness, then goodbye rights.

You can sit and compare where Thailand or Vietnam are better indefinitely, so I propose to move on to a more specific comparison according to the most popular parameters, given which tourists choose a vacation spot for themselves. Let's start with Vietnam.

Nha Trang:


You can inexpensively eat almost any seafood (shrimp, mussels, lobsters, scallops etc.)
clean, free beach in the city center
on the first line near the sea there is a beautiful promenade with sports equipment where you can walk and play sports
you can drink plenty of real Vietnamese coffee, as well as buy it with you - a paradise for lovers of this noble drink.
have the opportunity to ride on one of the longest cable cars in the world and visit the island of entertainment Vinpearl
you can buy inexpensive natural fabrics cotton and silk
given the current dollar exchange rate, food is cheaper by 10-20%
soft, favorable climate
you can buy pearls and other gems
have a normal public transport with affordable prices - air-conditioned buses and cheap taxis
low cost of visa extension (6 months for three people about $160)
there is an opportunity to earn extra money on the spot: in bars, travel agencies, restaurants, stakes
inexpensive alcohol, cheaper than in Thailand

In Vietnam, on an excursion in the park "Yang Bay":


Shopping is not developed (few shopping centers and a small assortment in the markets)
dirty in the city
in the evening, in calm weather, it is not recommended to walk along the beach, sand fleas can bite
Vietnamese are bad and reluctant to bargain
inconvenient to swim in the sea, because big waves especially in the late afternoon
the choice of housing is not so diverse, there is an acute shortage of condominiums
people are a little slow-witted (they free education only 5 classes)
few nightclubs and modern bars for parties
lower quality of life than in Thailand
no McDonald's



Well-developed shopping (many shopping centers, shops, discount centers with branded clothing and markets with a huge range of goods)
Thais are more smiling people and bargain well if done right
many modern nightclubs and bars for parties
there is 5 storey shopping center specializing in electronics - a paradise for lovers of phones, computers, photo and video cameras
a large selection of affordable housing from condominiums to private homes
many Russian TV channels, both local and Russian
comfortable conditions life
many supermarkets where you can buy everything you need
developed tourist infrastructure
many interesting and unusual people different countries
eat McDonald's


Dirty beach in the city center, to swim you have to go to the islands
if you live in the center, then at night it is very noisy
the high cost of extending a visa and a lot of red tape, to extend it you need to contact the Thai embassy located in another country (the cost of a 3-month visa for three people with transport costs, if you go to Malaysia is about $ 1000)
very hot and humid climate
no public transport except tuk tuks
expensive taxi
taking into account the current dollar exchange rate, food is 10-20% more expensive
alcohol is more expensive than in Nha Trang

Resting with my wife in these two wonderful resort cities, we brought out for ourselves such pros and cons that you read above. Based on them, you can choose the best option for yourself. I liked both countries, but next time I would go to Thailand.

If you go to rest constantly in the same place, then be sure to spend your next vacation where you have not been yet. It is quite possible that you will discover a new favorite country for your vacation and a lot of new emotions and impressions!

I hope this article will help you decide on the choice of vacation spot. If you have any additions or your own observations, I will be glad to read them in the comments. Likes and reposts are welcome. Share this article with your friends on in social networks right now, perhaps this material will be relevant to someone at the moment.

To more accurately answer the question of where Thailand or Vietnam is better, then of course you need to visit there yourself and experience the quality and standard of living in both countries.

Who has already rested in Pattaya or Nha Trang? Where did you decide to go on holiday this year?

No matter how ridiculous the question may sound: What better Vietnam or Thailand?”, but it is often heard from many. We can say about ourselves that we like both countries - we lived in both Vietnam and Thailand for many months.

In order for the dear reader to be able to decide where to go - in Vietnam or to Thailand, we will talk about the advantages of both countries.

Where are the prices for housing and food better - in Vietnam or in Thailand?

Where will they better housing rental prices in Thailand or in Vietnam? During our (in Nha Trang) we rented a fully furnished 3-room apartment in a new house in a quiet quarter of Nha Trang for $350 per month. The apartment had: air conditioners, washing machine, comfortable kitchen with a full set of necessary utensils. A similar apartment in the resort towns of Thailand will cost you twice as much.

Thailand or Vietnamwhere better rent a house ? In Thailand, housing prices will be clearly higher compared to Vietnam. But almost all apartments and private houses in Thailand with a good repair and beautiful furniture - everything is in its place, Feng Shui is present in every corner of the house.

Now about prices, quality and variety of food - Vietnam or Thailand, where will be better, cheaper and tastier ? We will express our personal opinion on this matter - we like Thai cuisine more. We have always had tastier and more varied dishes in Thailand, ranging from simple, roadside macaroons and food courts to more expensive restaurants.

If you compare the prices of food in restaurants in Thailand and Vietnam, it will be a little cheaper. Although, of course, the price will depend on your culinary preferences and the category of the restaurant.

Where would it be better to relax in the winter - in Vietnam or in Thailand?

Vietnam or Thailandwhere better and be more comfortable in december, January and february?

If we talk about the popular resort Vietnam - Nha Trang, then in winter months this city will not be very attractive. December, January and February are often rainy. The sea in Nha Trang cools down in winter, becomes muddy due to strong waves and is rarely suitable for swimming.

Similar weather in the winter months will be in the Vietnamese Da Nang.

On the Vietnamese resort Mui Ne December, January and February are months exclusively for kiting. Winter in Mui Ne is the time strong winds and high waves.

But the island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam will be comfortable for relaxing in the winter. The climate of this island is very similar to the climate of Sihanoukville, so the sea in the winter months in Phu Quoc will be calm and warm, and the air temperature will not be too high.

So what same better choose for relax in December, January and februaryVietnam or Thailand? Our answer will be in favor of Thailand. The weather at various resorts, islands and mainland Thailand will vary little. There is very little rain in the winter months in Thailand and the sea is also mostly comfortable. The air temperature in December, January and February at Thai resorts will be gentle - the sun in these months is not yet very hot.

In Thailand, we wintered in Pattaya (our experience of the first wintering in South-East Asia) and on Koh Samui. Pattaya, as a place for a long stay, we have not quite gone.

But from Koh Samui we were completely delighted! We spent the whole winter on this wonderful island.

What to choose for holidays in autumn and spring - Thailand or Vietnam?

Vietnam or Thailandwhere will be better relax in September, October and november? The autumn months will be equally comfortable for traveling in Vietnam and Thailand, it will be difficult to give preference to only one country. The rainy season at this time is already coming to an end and it will be possible to enjoy the sun and the sea on all the beaches of Thailand and Vietnam.

Spring in Thailand and Vietnam will be similar in weather. The spring months are quite suitable in order to travel to these countries.

Where would it be better to spend the summer - in Vietnam or Thailand?

Where will be better in June, July and augustin Vietnam or in Thailand? AT summer months all of Thailand is flooded with heavy rains. It often happens that some Thai provinces and islands suffer from floods.

But in Vietnam in the summer it will be quite comfortable to relax in Nha Trang, Da Nang and Mui Ne. Although in these Vietnamese cities there are rains in summer time, but they are short, a lot sunny days and the sea will be very warm and calm.

The Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc is not worth choosing for a vacation in the summer. The weather and climate there are almost the same as in neighboring Cambodia - during the summer months in Fukuoka, the rainy season.

What is better to choose for a beach holiday - Vietnam or Thailand?

Where better beaches - in Vietnam or in Thailand? It is simply impossible to answer this question in monosyllables ... Probably this is a matter of taste - who likes where more. Both in Vietnam and Thailand there are a huge number of

Our opinion is that beach resorts and the islands of Thailand are still brighter and more interesting compared to Vietnam.

Although, during our wintering in Vietnam, we found for ourselves, which became our favorite and are remembered to this day.

P.S. Compare, what better Thailand or Vietnam it will even be wrong. Both of these countries are beautiful and interesting in their own way.

The most important thing when traveling in any country is to have a positive attitude and a desire to learn as much as possible about the place where you are.

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Vietnam or Thailand, which is better and who better to go.

So, you have finally decided to spend your vacation in Southeast Asia for the first time, and, having heard a lot of laudatory songs about both Vietnam and Thailand, you don’t know what to choose and where to go. Let's shed some light on this really tricky question.

When answering the question, where is it better - in Vietnam or in Thailand, one must proceed, first of all, from the characteristics of the character of the person who is interested in this issue. Let's say right away that comparing Thailand and Vietnam is an absurd thing! It's like comparing real Ukrainian borscht and real thai soup tom yum. Here's what's better? Tell me which tastes better? And neither can be compared. Same here. These two countries are so different that it is very difficult to distinguish anything in common between them, except for rice.

Vietnam has been and will remain our love for life. It is even more wild, untrampled, so not spoiled by tourists, like Thailand. But we still remember Thailand with warmth and dream to be back in Bangkok, on the Phi Phi Islands, to see the mountain landscapes of the northern part of the country, to eat grasshoppers and Pat Thai.

In Vietnam, it is rare to find a person who speaks English well, while in Thailand, English is spoken almost everywhere. But Russian-speaking Vietnamese are not uncommon, even in the south! It seems that the Vietnamese are not as civilized as the Thais. I noticed this on my first visit to Vietnam, when three weeks later I begged my husband: "Let's go to Thailand, I can't be here anymore!" However, on my second visit to Vietnam, on the contrary, I enjoyed the simplicity of being Vietnamese.

Vietnam is suitable for adventure seekers whose motto is "adventure rightly perceived is adventure, and adventure misunderstood is trouble." Such “adventures” happen in Vietnam at every turn, of course, if you are relaxing on your own. And if you came through a travel agency, you will also be in for some surprises.

Only a person who knows at least approximately the complicated history of this country, who knows how to observe and draw conclusions, who accepts the world as it is, will be able to hear and understand Vietnam. In Thailand, there is more modernity, brilliance, it is more comfortable for recreation, more understandable to people with a Western mindset.


Stunning - and there, and there. The most unforgettable landscapes in the northern parts of the countries. It is impossible to compare, it is impossible to say where is better. It's just a must see!


There are more good and truly heavenly beaches in Thailand than in Vietnam, more options in every direction of the country. In Vietnam, the most famous beaches are stretched along the coast. South China Sea 40 kilometers and are located in the areas of Da Nang and Nha Trang. Thailand has amazing snorkeling and diving, which is why thousands of tourists come here every year. In Vietnam, the sea is more boring. Perhaps you will be able to see some underwater exoticism by going to the nearest islands, but we did not see it.


Of course, Hanoi is no match for Bangkok! Bangkok super modern city with all the amenities for a city dweller - ground and underground transport, sidewalks, communications, traffic lights, expensive cars everywhere. In Hanoi, thousands of mopeds rush across each other, which do not stop at traffic lights, there is no public transport (there is, but it is very difficult for tourists), there is no metro, there are no sidewalks as such. But we really love the old center of Hanoi, we could walk for hours along the old streets and at every opportunity we had a mini-picnic near the lake of the Returned Sword. We went to street Vietnamese cafes and felt like Gullivers, sitting on tiny chairs. In Vietnam, all cities are like that - full of motorcycles, few sidewalks, dirty, noisy and annoying at times. But they have their own romance, originality and dissimilarity to each other.

Both Thai and Vietnamese food deserve separate consideration. Everywhere rice, spicy, but very tasty. Kitchens are very different from each other, everything is different. Everything! Need to try. In Thailand, in street cafes, there are disposable chopsticks on the tables, packed in individual packaging, in Vietnam, the chopsticks on the tables are common, they are washed. In Thailand, normal chairs, in Vietnam, they are small for children.

What's the money

Thailand is more expensive than Vietnam. But it depends on how to relax and what to spend. After all, everyone has their own limit. As for independent tourism, in the Kingdom you can eat for 2 dollars per person, but in a socialist republic for only 1 dollar! Again, depending on the number of dishes you ordered. Named price for 1 dish in street cafes. There are cheap and expensive hotels here and there. But if in Thailand you rent a bedbug for 300 baht (300 rubles or $10) for the night, then in Vietnam it will be quite a decent room with a shower, hot water TV and even internet.

So after all, where to go - to Vietnam or to Thailand?

It is impossible to give a definite answer. However, if you are traveling in this direction for the first time, we would recommend that you start with Thailand so as not to be too shocked on your first visit. After all, from there you can go for a couple of days to Vietnam on an excursion, especially since there are special tours. Although many people go to Vietnam for the first time and are completely delighted with both the country and the resort they got to. You can't guess here.

Sometimes it seems to me that I miss Vietnam more, but I remember Thailand, and I already want to go there more. Listen to your heart and perceive the world as it is, and then your vacation in Southeast Asia will leave only positive impressions!

see also

Many travelers traveling to Asia for the first time cannot decide where it is better to go - to Thailand or Vietnam. It seems that there is “sun, air and water” both there and there, there are many resorts and the prices for tours are also almost the same. Site authors for a long time lived in both of these countries and now they will tell in detail all the pros and cons. We will go over everything from comparing resorts to the quality of your internet connection. After that, you can decide for yourself where it is better - in Vietnam or Thailand, and where, first of all, you would like to go.

By the way, I take this opportunity to invite you to visit our website for Asia and other countries, including Vietnam:


It is almost the same here: both in time and in ticket prices. From Moscow to fly 8 hours, to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City - an hour longer. Prices for different dates and for different ones are different, so you can find options of the same price range both there and there.

Climate and weather

During the winter months, the central and northern parts of Vietnam are cooler than Thailand. And it feels like less humidity. But in general, both there and there the tropics are hot and humid. High tourist season falls in December-March. If you can’t stand the heat, then it’s better to go to Vietnamese Nha Trang, and even better - to Danang and Hoi An (there, by the way, there is also a sea, which for some reason many are silent about).


In Thailand, the choice of beaches is several times larger. Moreover, you can find both civilized ones with a well-developed infrastructure, and almost wild ones.

Resorts: "civilized rest"

Here, in almost all respects, Vietnam is better than Thailand: fewer people, signs in Russian everywhere, food and hotels are cheaper, fewer buildings, better ecology, more greenery. Nha Trang is much more beautiful than Pattaya, the sea is cleaner, the coast is wider, there are fewer people. In Thailand, only night life with discos and available girls.

Resorts: "bounty"

Here it is exactly the opposite. Despite the fact that Vietnam is a less touristy country, there are fewer opportunities to catch a “bounty”, that is, to live on the seashore in a bungalow, without cars, on clean air. In fact, only the island of Phu Quoc offers such opportunities, and there are only a few dozen hotels with detached houses right on the shore. And on the island of Con Dao and Cat Ba, such solitude is very expensive.

In general, Thailand better than vietnam in terms of bounty.

Undersea world

Where is cheaper accommodation

There are two options to consider here: short term or long. If you are going on vacation for two weeks, then with equal amenities in the room, Vietnam will come out cheaper. For example, in inexpensive guesthouses with air conditioning, you can stay there for $ 15 per day, which is impossible in Thailand. But if you come for a "wintering" and want to rent the same guesthouse for a few months, then the prices will be approximately equal, and sometimes Thailand will come out cheaper, because the Vietnamese are not used to renting housing in resorts for a long time, and there is less competition.

Prices for goods and services

Almost the same both there and there: food, massage, shopping, movement around the country (buses) and motorbike rental. Only alcohol from Vietnamese producers is much cheaper than Thai, but prices for global brands are the same.


There have been no large-scale wars in Thailand for hundreds of years, so a lot of ancient sights have been preserved. There are even entire open-air museum cities: and Sukhothai.

And in Vietnam in the 60s-70s of the last century there was a war that destroyed many monuments. But! AT major cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City, you can find European colonial palaces and buildings, which is simply not and never has been in Thailand.


If you are just going on vacation for 2 weeks, then visas are not needed. In Thailand, you can stay visa-free for 30 days, and in Vietnam for 15 days.

If you came to "winter", then you need a visa. AT recent times In this regard, Vietnam is better than Thailand. In Vietnam, you can get a visa for 3 months and then, without leaving the country, extend it for a total of another 6 months. And on the island of Phu Quoc, you can generally live without a visa as long as you like.

It used to be possible to stay in Thailand for several years, just leaving every month for Visa Run. But now it has been canceled, and visas are not issued to everyone (if you often visit the country, then it’s really possible to get a refusal), and in terms of money they will come out more expensive, because after 60 days they need to be renewed for 1900 baht, and after another month you will have to leave from the country. New six-month multiple visas will come out even more expensive.


Oddly enough, but according to this indicator, the socialist and poor Vietnam better than Thailand. Wireless Internet is everywhere, even in the most seedy guesthouse. And fast and without brakes. In Thailand, it may not be everywhere and often slow. And if you "managed" to settle in a condominium, then it may not exist at all.

Nightlife and adult entertainment

Here Vietnam is worse than Thailand. There, socialism, "the appearance of morality" and for immorality can give a decent fine. There are discos and clubs only in Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang, in other resorts you will have to look for them for a long time and you may never find them. There are no bars with available girls, and single men can only enjoy the so-called "Karaoke". But such institutions are not present everywhere. In Fukuoka, in Phan Thiet (Muine), Hoi An or Dalat, they cannot be found at all.

In this regard, Thailand is better than Vietnam many times over. For lovers of parties, every little resort has discos and clubs; on Koh Phangan, a crazy Full Moon Party is going on several days a month. In Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket, the nightlife is off the charts. Nua as for girls, Thailand has been the capital of the world for many decades. Various shows for adults, bars with affordable girls, Go Go strip clubs - all this can be found in abundance in any resort and in any city. Only in Pai this is not the case, and on Koh Lanta there are only a few places on the entire huge island.

People, mentality

The Vietnamese are much closer and more understandable to us, which, however, does not make them more attractive. They are more severe and strict, they don’t smile “how much in vain”, like Thais, it’s clear what to expect from them. The bus driver may well yell at the passengers, and the mother - at her child. If they like you, they will smile and court you from the bottom of their hearts, if you do not cause sympathy, then the Vietnamese will not keep a mask of friendliness and make “knees” in front of you, but will simply send you three-story. The concept of “loss of face” does not exist here, therefore, in the country they say everything as it is, everything is sincere and from the heart. No ostentatious welcome.

In this regard, Thailand is different from Vietnam. If you have even a little money, they will fawn and build hospitality. Behind their world-famous smiles, it is often unclear what is hidden. It is much easier to understand a Vietnamese than a Thai. Thailand has never been under the colonial tutelage of the West, and European culture and mentality did not influence the Thais in any way. Therefore, this is a completely different world, alien and incomprehensible to us, although not without attractiveness. Looking good, "not losing face" is the cornerstone of Thai culture. Emotions are often hidden, no shouting in public, everything is in order. True, some are sometimes wedged and the anger that has been accumulating for a long time under a mask-smile turns them into some kind of inadequate psychos.

As for girls, Thais are more attractive in terms of spiritual qualities more caring, friendly and affectionate. Vietnamese are more severe and cold, and girls of uncomplicated behavior are very materialistic and do not even try to hide it like Thais. In terms of appearance, Thais are smaller, thinner and flat-chested, while flip flops look bulkier where needed.

But of course, as in any country, in Thailand and Vietnam there are good people, and bad ones.

Turkey and Egypt, which have become the most visited countries by Russian tourists in the last decade, managed to get bored before they moved from the category of tourist Mecca for Russians to countries that are not recommended for visiting due to recent events in the international arena.

Now tour operators are intensively developing trails in South East Asia, offering a wide variety of tours - short and long, intense and calm, for family vacation and youth companies, for philosophers and extreme sportsmen.

For residents temperate latitudes in these countries, everything is unusual. Screaming colors, the intoxicating smell of flowers and all smells in general, too loud sounds - this is unusual, but a couple of days are enough to, if not get used to, then at least come to terms with this oriental fury. By the way, the more expensive your ticket, the more likely you will live in silence: the most expensive boarding houses and hotels are located away from the noise of cities, where you will be as secluded as possible with your companion or companion and with nature.

There are so many sights here that it is impossible to reconsider in a lifetime. Both ancient and quite modern, for every taste and budget. The same goes for the cuisine: very unusual, but very tasty. Excursions, entertainment, outlandish flora and fauna - all this is new. As well as the unusual climate.

The vagaries of the weather, or when is it better to relax in Southeast Asia

It is impossible to cover all of Indochina in one comparative review, but we can take as an example the country most visited by Russians and one where tourist trails were not so intensively trodden.

We are talking about Thailand and Vietnam. But if it is the most famous country in the tourism sector in Southeast Asia, then Vietnam is not so popular with Russian tourists, although by and large in terms of tourism and attractions, Vietnam is the same Thailand, only in profile. And this also applies to the climate.

In these countries, there are no pronounced summers and winters to which we are so accustomed. But there is an obligatory rainy season, and its own for different regions.


And yet, there are some peculiarities, which are the reason why the flow of Russian-speaking citizens from the CIS to Thailand does not dry out, but to Vietnam somehow without enthusiasm.

The main reason is various risks. If in Thailand a tour operator (whether Russian or local) goes out of his way to ensure that his client is not endangered and that his stay on this land is as safe as possible, then the Vietnamese travel service is, to put it mildly, unobtrusive, and the client is far from always right.

In Thailand, the risk of being robbed or robbed is minimal - except for those cases when the tourist literally runs into such situations himself. With everyone arriving on the hospitable Thai land, they are sure to have conversations about what is possible and what is better to refrain from. So, each city has its own criminogenic areas, where the natives do not really relax, and even more tourists should not meddle there. Street acquaintances with local priestesses of love are also undesirable (among them, about half are Thai transvestites, who are called “lady-boys”). The consequences can be the most deplorable in terms of material damage, and in the police (if you go there, of course), they will carefully listen to you and sympathize, because you will understand your own insolvency immediately after the offer to describe the special signs of the person who separated you from your wallet and valuable things.

In general, if you behave correctly, your holiday in Thailand will be colorful and leave a lot of the most pleasant experience. And the same transvestites are best seen during their performances, where they sing and dance on stage.

In Vietnam, you always have to be on the alert. Local thieves and thieves behave, to put it mildly, unbridled in relation to those who come to rest. This attitude can be felt directly in the first minutes of arrival, when it may turn out that your luggage has partially or completely passed into someone else's possession.

In addition (a fact confirmed), when a flight with Russian tourists arrives, in cafes and restaurants at the airport and near it, the waiters, without the slightest twinge of conscience, add zeros to the prices on the menu.

But in fairness, it should be noted: Russian tourists are largely to blame for the fact that in all countries of Southeast Asia, the local population firmly believes that Russians come to them only to squander money. And it is true. Sometimes people leading a reasonably modest lifestyle at home, for example, in Rostov-on-Don, once in the same Thailand or Vietnam, begin to behave as if they were possessed by evil spirit vanity and greed. Russians often litter money left and right, leave inhuman tips in cafes and restaurants, while Americans and Europeans scrupulously check every bill and check, bringing the servants to white heat - but they spend much less money for the same vacation as we do.

In Vietnam, some hotels will officially warn you that they are not responsible for valuables and money left in the rooms. In Thailand, this simply cannot be.

But if you in Thailand decided to sort things out with local resident not only in words - a night in the police station is guaranteed to you. Find out who started first, will not. And depending on how much the Thai suffered during the showdown, you are guaranteed a fine of various sizes. In addition, a ban on entry into the country for several years is quite likely. If the results of the showdown are really bad, you can thunder into the local prison. The conditions there are terrible, so it's best to behave properly.

In Vietnam, fighting is also undesirable, but if anything, you will not be put in jail. But they will scoop everything out of the wallet and pockets, to the last penny. Do not wait for the receipt of the payment of the fine.

What to see and where to visit

It is very difficult to stop at one thing. Ancient temples, pagodas, palace complexes, modern oceanariums, museums - all this is in abundance.



In Vietnam, you can visit the most famous museum - the museum military history located in . A must see is the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. The same as in Thailand, the number of temples of varying degrees of preservation.

Waterfalls and islands are also included in the tour, in particular, a visit to Khon Lao will be very interesting. In the year of the Monkey, it is especially recommended to visit it. Nature lovers can visit Chi Nguyen Aquarium.

But a trip to the Mekong Delta will be truly unforgettable. Wonderful nature, vegetation and animal world if you want - fishing. No wonder they say that only in these places you can understand what Vietnam is.

From entertainment, except for aquariums:

  • zoos,
  • reserves,
  • fishing,
  • diving.

Everything is relatively cheap and exciting. And the animals you caught can be cooked for you on the spot.

It is impossible to list all the attractions and entertainment, but any travel agency will advise you on what is best to visit, and guides will help you find your way around.

Cards, money, visas

Both Vietnam and Thailand do not require a visa for Russians: you will receive it upon arrival right at the airport. The visa-free regime applies to those who limit their stay in the country to fifteen days (for Vietnam) and thirty (for Thailand). If you want to stay longer, you will need a visa, which can be obtained from the embassy in your country.

As for money, it is better to exchange rubles for dollars at home. As in all countries whose budget is formed by the tourism industry, the exchange rates in local exchangers in Vietnam and Thailand are awkward, especially for hotel exchangers. In banks, the situation is more loyal, but still worse than at home. Therefore - change in Russia. In Vietnam, by the way, you still run if you decide to find an exchanger.

A card can make your life easier. Both "Visa" and "American Express" are accepted for calculation. But before you travel, tell your bank that you are going to go to Southeast Asia. There were cases when, when trying to withdraw money from a local ATM, banks blocked cards, noticing activity in a third world country. You don’t need it - to be left without money with a completely useless card away from your homeland?

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