Is it possible to eat Black Sea scallop. Sea scallops - what is it, cooking features and properties. Sea scallop cream soup “Chowder”

Burdock is a unique plant that has been known to people since ancient times. This is a perennial. Its botanical name is large burdock. It contains a lot of useful substances, so it has found its application not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology and even in cooking. Usually, perennial leaves and roots are harvested for various purposes, but in some cases fruits are also useful.

Burdock is a unique plant that has been known to people since ancient times.

The correct use of culture really allows solving many problems that for a long time do not allow a person to live normally. Many people do not even realize that in this plant lies the deliverance from many diseases. However, the increased content of active substances carries a certain danger and has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

Burdock is a rather large plant that usually reaches 60 to 120 cm in height. In some regions, burdock can grow up to 3 m. All types of perennials belong to the aster family. They form a separate genus. This perennial grows almost everywhere in the middle zone of Eurasia. In addition, it is found in the British Isles, India, China, North and South America. This distribution indicates that since antiquity it has hardly undergone significant changes, as well as an extremely successful method of seed dispersal. Until recently, perennials grew only as weeds, but now entire areas are sown with them. Some giant plantains look like burdock, but the similarity ends in the shape and size of the leaves.

Individual types of burdock have their own characteristics, but certain characteristic features that are inherent in all of them can be distinguished. The whole plant is strongly pubescent. Notable is the root of the herb. It is quite long and reaches about 60 cm and is thick. It has a rod spindle shape. It has an upright stem. This part is powerful and reinforced with longitudinal grooves. In a mature perennial, the stem is distinguished by a reddish tint and a mass of erect, protruding branches.

The correct use of burdock really allows you to solve many problems that for a long time do not allow a person to live normally

Particularly noteworthy are the leaves, they are very large in burdock. Usually these parts of the plant are ovoid or heart-shaped. In most cases, the leaves are arranged notched-toothed or entire. Their upper surface is smooth and green. The reverse side is usually painted in a light olive color and covered with a large number of hairs. There are a few yellowish glands here. Usually the basal leaves are larger in size, reaching 50 cm in length.

Usually, the leaves decrease towards the top. The latest leaves reach only 5-7 cm.

The perennial has peculiar flowers. They have a tubular structure. These formations are usually located on tall peduncles, reaching about 10 cm in height. As a rule, a perennial produces in the spring several stems at once, on which burdock fruits are formed. At first they are slightly prickly small flowers with purple petals. The seeds of the culture are enclosed in capsules with small spines. After ripening, the fruits dry out and remain in the boxes, waiting for an animal that will allow them to spread. Usually, catching on wool, the spines can travel for a long time on the body of a wild or domestic animal in order to find a suitable place for sowing away from the mother plant.

Gallery: burdock (25 photos)

The chemical composition of individual parts of burdock

Medicinal properties are due to the inclusion of a large number of nutrients and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The nutritional value of the root is extremely high. 100 g of this product contains:

  • dietary fiber - 3.3 g;
  • ash - 0.89 g;
  • water - 80 g;
  • di- and monosaccharides - 2.9 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 0.025 g.

All types of burdocks belong to the Asteraceae family.

All elements are rich in various vitamins, including the high content of choline, phylloquinone, ascorbic acid, thiamine, niacin equivalent, alpha-tocopherol, pyridoxine, riboflavin, etc. in burdock tissues. Big burdock is rich in zinc, copper, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium , potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, manganese, zinc and other components necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Burdock roots contain essential oils, lignan glycosides, stigmasterol, inulin, sitosterol in large quantities. This is not a complete list of useful substances that contribute to the normalization of the work of all body systems.

Burdock root (video)

Medicinal properties of burdock

People have long adopted the healing properties of this amazing perennial. Almost universally, it is used as a component of a number of effective folk remedies to get rid of various diseases. A long study of the chemical composition of this plant made it possible to adopt its beneficial properties and modern pharmaceuticals. Very often, burdock-based products are used to stabilize the condition in cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

In addition, burdock is indispensable in the treatment of various pathological conditions that negatively affect the state of various elements of the joints. The use of some medicinal potions based on a useful weed makes it possible to achieve a clear improvement in people suffering from osteochondrosis. In addition, this plant is simply indispensable in the treatment of allergic and autoimmune reactions. The substances contained in it have an immunomodulatory effect.

All elements are rich in various vitamins, including the high content of choline, phylloquinone, ascorbic acid, thiamine, niacin equivalent, alpha-tocopherol, pyridoxine, riboflavin, etc. in burdock tissues.

In folk medicine, burdock is actively used to treat enterocolitis, accompanied by severe constipation. In addition, the use of this medicinal plant is justified in the treatment of febrile conditions and intoxications, including those caused by heavy metal poisoning. Fresh leaves and formulations based on them allow you to quickly cope with many skin diseases. This plant component is actively used to eliminate hyperemia and itching caused by insect bites, as well as for the treatment of furunculosis and dermatitis of any etiology. Healing compositions are actively used for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, for example, those that have developed as a complication of diabetes mellitus. Burdock is indispensable in the treatment of eczema and hair loss.

Among medicinal plants, burdock occupies almost the first place in terms of the amount of useful substances. In alternative medicine, burdock leaves and roots are most actively used. Fruits are used much less frequently. This plant has the greatest medicinal properties only if it is properly collected. Young burdocks that have just begun to develop from seed are of little interest. Plants can be harvested only in late autumn, when they already have time to accumulate many useful compounds in the rhizome. The greatest benefit can come from specimens that have survived one or two winters. They can be harvested even in late spring. In summer, after the release of pedicels, the burdock root contains fewer nutrients, as the plant wastes them on vegetation. Burdock leaves can be harvested throughout the spring and summer. Usually, already at the beginning of autumn, useful substances from them gradually move back to the rhizome, as the burdock begins to prepare for winter.

Healing folk recipes based on burdock

You need to know how to properly prepare and use this medicinal plant for various diseases, like any other. For example, with peptic ulcer, gastritis, diabetes, it is recommended to use an infusion of leaves. For the preparation of this tool is taken approximately 1 tbsp. l. crushed shoots. They must be filled with a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be transferred to a thermos for 1 hour so that it can brew well. Fresh infusion should be taken in a glass 3 times a day after meals.

For allergic reactions and kidney diseases, it is best to use a remedy based on dry crushed roots. To prepare this composition, you will need approximately 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials per 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture should be transferred to a thermos for a day. After this time, it is necessary to drink this remedy ¼ cup after meals. To improve the taste, you can add 1 tsp to the infusion. honey.

In the presence of tumor formations, radiation damage to the body and poisoning, a decoction of the burdock root should be used. It is very important to properly prepare the remedy. To reveal all the medicinal properties of this plant, you need to take about 1 tbsp. l. fresh chopped root and grind it in a blender. Next, the resulting slurry must be mixed with a glass of hot water and boiled for 1-3 minutes. After that, the product must be moved to a thermos for infusion.

Drink the decoction should be ¼ cup before meals.

With tumors, a certain positive effect can be achieved with the help of burdock root powder. First, this plant component should be dried in a dry, well-ventilated place or oven. Next, you need to grind the root slices in a coffee grinder to a powder state. You need to take it 0.5 g 2-3 times a day for a month.

To eliminate ulcers, bedsores, speedy healing of lacerations and burns, fresh perennial juice is used. To obtain it, the leaves are carefully crushed in a blender. Next, a liquid is squeezed out of the resulting slurry, which is used to irrigate the existing defects.

Compresses to eliminate the manifestations of various diseases of the joints can be based on both dry and fresh leaves. When the weather is warm outside and you can find this herbal component, you can use it without much additional preparation. It is better to take the lowest large leaves for a compress. Before use, they must be washed with warm boiled water and allowed to drain. After that, it is applied to the sore spot and secured with an elastic bandage.

However, fresh leaves may not always be at hand. Thus, it is better to immediately prepare them for further use in the winter. In order for the shoots to retain all their useful properties, they must be dried under glass, like a herbarium. Dried leaves are moved to storage in books. They need to be steamed before use. In addition, slurry obtained from fresh burdock leaves is often used to eliminate joint pain.

Burdock large (video)

The power of burdock for solving cosmetic problems

This plant is actively used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. When used correctly, it allows you to achieve good results in the shortest possible time. To improve the condition of the hair, accelerate their growth, activate dormant follicles and eliminate excessive peeling, burdock is simply irreplaceable.

A good effect can be given by the use of a decoction of burdock roots. To prepare it, a small saucepan should be filled 1/3 with chopped herbal ingredient. Next, the roots are poured with cold water so that the container is completely filled. The resulting mixture should be put on low heat, boil for 30-40 minutes. The broth must be cooled, and then strain through cheesecloth. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to moisten the hair roots with this remedy once a day for 2-3 weeks. Next, you need to take a short break, and then, if desired, repeat the procedure. Leftover broth should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, it must be heated to a comfortable temperature.

If desired, you can cook burdock oil yourself. To make it, you should carefully chop the root and pour it with warmed olive oil in a ratio of 1: 2.5. Next, you need to boil the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. After that, it is necessary to move the oil for a day to infuse in a dark place. The finished composition must be filtered and used to rub into the hair roots. A strong decoction based on dried leaves is recommended for washing to improve skin condition in the presence of enlarged pores, acne, etc.

Application in cooking

Most people know about the beneficial properties of this medicinal plant, but do not even realize that it is an important component of some folk dishes. For example, from the root of this plant, you can make a very tasty and healthy jam for diabetics. To prepare it, you should take about 4 tbsp. l. vinegar essence and dissolve in boiled water. Finely chopped pieces of the root should be poured into the resulting mixture to the top. The product must be boiled for 2 hours, after which it can be used as food. In addition, jam can be made from this plant, which will have a very pleasant taste and will be an excellent addition not only to home tea drinking, but can also be used as a filling for baking.

Among other things, the leaves are an excellent ingredient for making diet soup. To make this dish, you need to take about 200 g of potatoes and 40 g of rice. These components are moved to the pan and boiled. Approximately 10 minutes before readiness, finely chopped leaves and sautéed onions should be added to the pan. Lastly, about 25 g of fat, salt and spices are added to the soup. The finished dish has a very pleasant taste and aroma. Only the roots and young shoots are used for food.

Do not use daily folk remedies, including burdock, for more than 1 month

Contraindications to the use of burdock

It is believed that burdock, which has a lot of useful substances in its composition, cannot have any negative effect on the human body. This is not entirely true. Doctors strongly do not recommend using it for therapy for pregnant and lactating women. You should not try to treat diseases with various folk remedies from a perennial for people who have an individual intolerance to the substances that make up it. Extremely carefully, this medicinal plant should be used by those who suffer from alopecia caused by hormonal disruptions.

Do not use daily homemade healing products, including medicinal herbs, for more than 1 month. This can cause hypervitaminosis and acute allergic reactions. Only the correct preparation and use of burdock can significantly improve overall health in various diseases and solve existing cosmetic problems. This natural remedy is safer than modern chemicals, ointments and creams that are used to eliminate certain defects, but even it should be used carefully.

The scallop shell is associated with the feminine principle and the water from which all living things came. The ancient Roman goddess Venus (aka the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite) according to legend was born from sea foam and emerged from the sea in the shell of a scallop. The shell of this mollusk is also a symbol of the Apostle James (in France - Jacques), who made a pilgrimage to Spain. A wide variety of women's jewelry and interior items are made from the shells of this mollusk.

But scallops are not only a symbol of fertility and femininity, but also a valuable marine delicacy product. Sea scallops have been eaten since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, they were eaten during long fasts. In modern French cuisine, this delicacy is present in many dishes.

What it is

Scallops are bivalves found in all oceans and many seas. They have shells with sashes of different shapes and sizes. With the growth of the mollusk, their shells also grow: additional ribs are added to their surface or existing ones are bifurcated.

These are bottom dwellers. Burrowing into the sand, they filter the water, catching plankton and small crustaceans from it. In one hour, a small scallop (up to 4 cm in diameter) is able to pass through itself up to 3 liters of water.

The scallop is very mobile. Quickly opening and slamming the shell valves, the mollusk moves along the bottom in leaps and bounds, running away from its main enemy - the starfish, or rises from the bottom into the water column.

Inside the shell there is a muscle-contact (actually clam meat) and a coral - a caviar bag. Along the edge of the mantle of the shell, the mollusk has tentacles - organs of touch and about a hundred small eyes that can grow again after loss.

Several types of scallops are of commercial importance: Japanese (the largest), Scottish, Icelandic, coastal, Black Sea, Chilean red. On an industrial scale, these mollusks are caught in the North, Norwegian, Japanese and other northern seas. Every year, up to 12 million tons of these delicious products are mined in the world.

Chemical composition

The meat of scallops 3/4 consists of water. It is not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a source of easily digestible protein and minerals. The meat of this clam is rich in:

  • complete protein - up to 17.5%;
  • fats - up to 2%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 3%;
  • vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements.

Shellfish protein is complete. This means that it contains essential amino acids that are necessary for a person to build their own protein molecules, but are not synthesized in the human body themselves. Essential for an adult human body are eight amino acids, and for a child, two more additionally - arginine and histidine.

Scallop fats contain both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. The presence of omega acids compensates for the rather high cholesterol content in these mollusks, binding it in the blood and preventing its deposition in the vascular walls.

There are few carbohydrates in scallops, so its meat can be considered a product for diabetics. The glycemic index of scallop is 0.

The meat of scallops is a source of minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. In terms of iodine content, these mollusks are leaders among seafood.

These mollusks do not lag behind in terms of the amount of vitamins in them. They contain large amounts of vitamins A, E and group B.

The calorie content of scallops is low and ranges from 88 to 92 kcal per 100 g of mollusk (depending on its type).

Healing properties

The amino acid, fatty and vitamin-mineral composition of scallops determines its healing effect on the organs and tissues of the human body. The meat of these mollusks with its frequent use in food:

  • has an anti-atherosclerotic effect;
  • increases the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • helps to lower blood pressure;
  • exhibits anti-ischemic action;
  • normalizes the work of the endocrine and immune systems in the body;
  • improves microcirculation in tissues;
  • increases the vitality of the body;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • has a general sedative effect;
  • promotes the production of sex hormones.

In addition, the meat of this mollusk has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the human body:

  • saturates the blood and thyroid colloid with organic iodine;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • improves calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • has a positive effect on fat metabolism;
  • improves the condition of the skin and its appendages.

Low calorie content with the usefulness of the composition of the meat of these mollusks is used in dietetics. Regular use of this product has a positive effect on the body of those who lose weight during their stay on a diet.

Athletes are shown the use of scallops before the competition to dry the body, because they contain a lot of useful protein, which contains all the essential amino acids.

Medicinal use

Sea scallops improve the health of people suffering from various pathologies, therefore they are recommended for use in:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteoporosis and osteomalacia;
  • obesity.

A feature of these mollusks is that with a sufficiently high protein content in their meat, they do not increase the amount of purine bases in the blood, so they can be eaten even by people suffering from urolithiasis and gout.

  • after a long illness;
  • in old and senile age;
  • weakened;
  • pregnant women;
  • losing weight;
  • children over 7 years old.

In depressive states and frequent stressful situations, scallop meat minerals have an antidepressant and analeptic (mood-enhancing) effect.

Harmful properties

For all their usefulness, scallops can also be fraught with danger in certain diseases and conditions.

In hyperthyroidism, the iodine contained in the product causes an increase in the production of thyroid hormones, which can lead to a thyrotoxic crisis.

Individual intolerance to the meat of these shellfish is a contraindication to their use, because it can cause severe allergic reactions in humans, up to anaphylactic shock.

Scallops should not be eaten by people who have high levels of calcium and phosphorus in their blood.

Like all other seafood, scallops can accumulate mercury in their meat. The content of mercury in their meat is much less than, for example, in the meat of an octopus, squid, crab or predatory sea fish, but it is present in it. According to the recommendations of Canadian doctors who studied the problem of methylmercury in the meat of crustaceans, mollusks and fish of the seas and oceans, it is undesirable to consume scallops more than 2-3 times a week. In this case, one serving should not weigh more than 150 g.

How to choose

Sea scallops are a very perishable product, therefore, in stores in countries located far from the place where these mollusks are caught, they can rarely be found chilled.

More often, stores sell quick-frozen scallops with shells or previously peeled from them. When buying a frozen product, preference should be given to shellfish in a purified form and vacuum-packed. When cleaning the scallops, the intestines are also removed along with the shells, which reduces the likelihood of spoilage of the product. Buying shellfish by weight is not a very good option, as they quickly lose moisture, becoming dry and inedible.

The advantages of vacuum packaging scallops are:

  • the presence of the original branded label of the manufacturer with the present date of manufacture;
  • preservation of the original appearance and juiciness of the product;
  • lack of airspace (prevents spoilage of the product);
  • the minimum layer of ice glaze on the product (the amount of balance moisture in the product does not increase);
  • protection against foreign odors;
  • long shelf life.

Frozen clams in vacuum packaging are stored at temperatures from -12°C to -18°C for up to 6 months, while quick-frozen clams without vacuum packaging can be stored under the same conditions for no more than 3 months.

Use in cooking

These clams cook very quickly. If they are overcooked or overcooked, they become rubbery. To preserve all the softness and juiciness of frozen scallops, you need to defrost them in the refrigerator. If you defrost shellfish in hot water or under the influence of microwaves, you can irrevocably lose the softness and juiciness of their meat.

Only the obturator muscle of the mollusk and its caviar pouch - coral are used for food. On the basis of coral, sauces are most often prepared for watering scallop meat.

These mollusks are eaten in different forms:

  • raw;
  • pickled;
  • boiled;
  • fried;
  • baked;
  • stewed.

From them prepare the first and second courses, add to salads and appetizers.

The taste of sea scallops is emphasized by:

  • anise and sesame seeds;
  • ground black and white pepper;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • oil from nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts);
  • butter;
  • mushrooms;
  • onions, especially leeks;
  • ham and smoked meats.

Scallops are very popular in French cuisine. From them prepare both dishes for the daily use, and refined gourmet dishes.

Fried sea scallops

To prepare this dish, you will need shellfish meat, refined olive oil, salt and white pepper to taste, lemon. After defrosting, the scallops need to be dried, a little salt and pepper. For frying, the pan and the oil on it should be very hot in order to “seal” the proteins of the meat with high temperature. Fry the clams for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden brown. You can’t fry longer, otherwise the meat will become rubbery. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving.

Cream soup of sea scallops "Chowder"

To prepare a cream soup, you need to take: 600 ml of chicken broth, roots (carrots, celery) 1 each, 3 medium potatoes, 1 onion, 500 g of champignons, 200 ml of heavy cream, 2 tablespoons of butter, dried herbs , egg yolk, 0.5 cups of white wine, salt and spices to taste. In the broth over medium heat, boil vegetables with herbs for 10-15 minutes, cool slightly and grind with a blender until smooth. Stew sliced ​​mushrooms for a couple of minutes along with scallops in hot butter. At the end, add wine and vegetable puree, simmer on the smallest fire for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Beat the yolk and heavy cream and add to the soup. Exquisite soup is ready!


Sea scallops are a delicious seafood delicacy. In addition to taste, they are very useful, so they are recommended for use in many diseases, even diabetes and gout. Low calorie content, high value of shellfish protein, a large amount of vitamins and minerals make it an excellent dietary product.

However, leaning on scallops is not worth it. Mollusk meat contains methylmercury, which can accumulate in the human body, so you can’t eat it more than three times a week.

To prepare a delicious and delicious dish, you should learn how to choose and defrost the product correctly so as not to deprive the scallops of their juiciness and benefits. Sea scallops are a perishable product, so any violation of the terms and conditions of their storage and defrosting can lead to food poisoning.

In order for a dish of sea scallops to bring pleasure in taste, when preparing it, you need to remember that they are very delicate. It is necessary to devote a minimum amount of time to the heat treatment of the mollusk, because its meat can be eaten even raw. To prevent scallop meat from becoming rubbery, you need to cook it in a matter of minutes.

The famous Black Sea beaches, at any time of the year, are strewn with a huge number of shells, and of the most diverse shapes and colors.

Black Sea Rapana

The mollusk, which we call "rapana", appeared in the Black Sea in the fifties of last year. The fact that these mollusks are female and they are correctly called "rapana" was learned relatively recently. They were brought here by chance from the Far Eastern Gulf of Peter the Great, on the bottoms of military boats. And their mass reproduction presumably began from the coastal waters of Novorossiysk. Today, rapans have filled the bottom of large and small bays, becoming a real natural disaster. For by their nature and essence these mollusks are dangerous predators. In appearance, they seem to be completely harmless, but they have caused tangible damage to the number of mussels and oysters that lived in the Black Sea, and recently they have reached the tasty crabs. They act, tantamount to spiders, in a very insidious and unexpected way - they literally screw into their victim, let terrible poison into it, and then suck in the softened mass.

Every year, after multi-point storms, on the Black Sea coast, one can observe thousands of beautiful spherical shells inhabited by rapana molluscs.

Local residents willingly collect them in whole bags. Some are delivered to restaurants or the meat is taken out and traded in the same Central Market, they keep a little for themselves and cook a variety of dishes. Actually, the shells themselves go after special processing for the manufacture of souvenirs, the sale of which during the season brings tangible income. But many shells, especially small ones, go directly to spa guests. After their departure, shells are extremely rare. Unless after another storm that happens in the summer.

For the human body, shellfish meat is very useful - after all, it is the most valuable protein, moreover, it is highly saturated with iodine, potassium, calcium, and other elements from the periodic table. Rapana is highly valued in the meat market.

Black Sea mussel

Mussels are a genus of marine bivalve mollusks that have inhabited the Black Sea since ancient times.

Mussels live in colonies, attaching themselves to concrete structures, large stones, etc. They feed on plankton, passing through themselves up to 70 liters of water per day. Mussels purify sea water with their food.

More recently, they were literally teeming with the supports of moorings and ports, coastal ridges. However, in recent years, there has been a decrease in the number of the marine population, because of which the sea is quickly silting up and turning into a muddy swamp. And the fault is the rapana, for which mussels are the same delicacy as for humans.

Black Sea Skafarka

Skafarka is a very ancient mollusk, brought to the Black Sea from the washed waters of the Indochinese Islands.

Skafarka shells are very beautiful and noticeable. Their open doors look like the flapping of the wings of white swans. Someone from the most observant has noticed this for a long time, and sculpts graceful white birds with long beautiful necks with red beaks on graceful heads from shells.

Skafarka not only took root well in the Black Sea waters, but also has great prospects for the growth of its population. By the way, their meat is much tastier and more expensive than that of rapans.

Black Sea Scallop

The only species of scallops in the Black Sea. Shell size up to 5 centimeters. The scallop is now practically destroyed by Rapana.

Shells, the remains of a feast of rapans, are often thrown ashore by the surf. Probably everyone who rested at the resort saw them in the sand.

The scallops are edible and very tasty.

Chernomorskaya Serdtsevidka

Mollusk Heart-shaped is a native inhabitant of the Black Sea coast, although outwardly it is not much different from the arrived Indochinese Skafarka, trying with all its might to acquire the status of one of the owners of the Black Sea seabed.

Heartworm, unlike Skafarka, likes to settle on the sandy bottom, while Skafarka prefers to live on rocky ridges.

The soft fleshy texture and delicately mild sweet flavor of scallops appeal even to those who are not particularly fond of fish or other marine products. Like many seafood, scallop is a delicacy. Containing omega-3 fatty acids and relatively low in calories, they are one of the richest sources of protein. Another thing about this seafood delicacy is that many people like their versatility, they can be cooked in a variety of ways, from simple frying or grilling to soups, stews, and other dishes. Therefore, you definitely need to learn more about the benefits of this seafood, how to choose, cook and eat it correctly.

What are sea scallops and what do they look like?

From year to year, people increasingly began to cook and eat this marine product. For example, in France they don’t imagine breakfast, lunch or dinner without it at all. Therefore, having visited a French restaurant, it is impossible to refuse a dish with scallops. But many of our compatriots do not know what scallops are, what they look like. And this is quite justified. Although we have maritime borders, most of us live far from the sea and ocean.

At the bottom of many seas and oceans live peculiar molluscs, which are known throughout the world as scallops. In appearance, they may resemble oysters or mussels. But still different from them. Scallops are mollusks that have two beautiful shells. If oysters and mussels have a smooth shell, then in scallops it is ribbed or serrated and resembles a comb, 20 centimeters in size (diameter).

The sink consists of two shells hinged to each other at one end, thanks to which it can be opened and closed. Biologists, they belong to the family of bivalves and belong to the order Pectinoida.

Unlike other shellfish we eat, such as mussels and oysters, most species of scallops are free-swimming and can move along the seafloor, moving several centimeters at a time, rapidly opening and closing their shell flaps in the process.

Thanks to the clapping of the shell valves, the mollusk moves not only along the bottom, but also rises up. Inside the shell is a jelly-like substance called the mantle. Along its edge there are up to a hundred scallop eyes. When the flaps slam shut (during a period of danger), muscles are used (they are also called a single muscle), which look like a certain substance of gray or pink color, which is a column.

The edible part of the scallop is the white muscle that opens and closes the shell flaps. The reproductive glands known as "corals" are also edible, though not widely consumed. The color of the muscle itself can vary from light ivory to beige.

Raw scallop is usually round in shape, somewhat translucent. Large scallops can be 2.5 to 5 centimeters thick. But most species are much smaller.

Scallops are found in all oceans and seas. There are several hundred species of these bivalves. In Europe, the most popular type is the Icelandic scallop. We are found in the Barents Sea in its southeastern part.

In addition, seaside and Black Sea scallops are commercial species. The habitats of the first are near the coasts of Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The second is the waters of the Black Sea.

What do scallops look like?

Sea scallops composition and useful properties

It is not uncommon when a consumer, although he considers seafood valuable for the body, in most cases does not think about their composition and the beneficial substances that they contain.

Not at all appetizing at first glance, scallop meat contains:

  • easily digestible protein (by the way, it is completely digested);
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates (although some experts claim their absence);
  • essential amino acids;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • lipids;
  • water;
  • B vitamins (pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, cyanocobalamin (B12), nicotinic acid);
  • minerals represented by magnesium, sodium, sulfur, calcium, copper, iodine, iron, phosphorus, nickel, molybdenum, chlorine, zinc, fluorine, manganese and others.

The calorie content of 100 grams of seafood meat varies from 88 to 92 kilocalories.

If we talk about the beneficial properties of this type of seafood, then first of all it is necessary to note the protein that the body needs as the main building material of cells and a source of amino acids. One 100 gram serving contains about 18 grams of protein, and is a good source of primarily three amino acids: cystine, tryptophan, and isoleucine.

Cystine is a sulfur-containing amino acid needed for healthy skin, hair, bones and connective tissue. This amino acid plays an important role in the metabolism of vitamin B6, in the healing of burns and wounds, and in the production of insulin.

Tryptophan helps regulate appetite, elevates mood, and is important for good, healthy sleep.

Isoleucine is another important amino acid for human health. It is involved in the repair of muscle tissue and may contribute to faster muscle recovery after exercise.

Although scallops contain fat, they contain very little of it. There is only 1 gram in one 100 gram serving. They, albeit a little, but still give us Omega-3 fatty acids (only about 0.35 grams per serving). Our body cannot produce these fatty acids on its own, but they are important for health. Omega-3s play a role in maintaining normal brain function, growth and development. They also help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

Foods that are high in protein but low in fat can prevent excess calorie intake and the accumulation of elevated cholesterol levels.

Sea scallops contain various minerals useful for the human body. First of all, iodine, selenium and zinc should be highlighted in this list. One serving (100 grams) contains almost 26 percent of the daily value of selenium and 9 percent of zinc. Selenium is an antioxidant and helps prevent the oxidative effects of free radicals. Zinc is involved in over 100 different enzymatic reactions. It helps support the immune system, is involved in protein synthesis, cell division, and promotes wound healing. Iodine is needed for the functioning of the thyroid gland. Products containing this element are necessary in the diet of both adults and children. It should be noted that it is almost 150 times more in scallops than in the same portion of beef.

They are also a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Calcium and phosphorus are the most abundant minerals in the human body. Phosphorus is especially important for the good condition of bones and teeth. It is in scallops about 30 percent of the daily requirement.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions and is also important for bones. One serving can provide 19 percent of this element. By causing blood vessels to relax, it helps lower blood pressure while improving blood flow.

Potassium is primarily important for the cardiovascular system, as well as for the proper formation of cells. It plays a role in normal muscle function and maintains normal blood pressure.

Scallops are an excellent source of vitamin B12. We need this vitamin to convert homocysteine, a substance that can have an adverse effect on the walls of blood vessels. High levels of homocysteine ​​have been linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, diabetic heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Some studies show a link with the risk of osteoporosis: people who have a low content of this vitamin are more prone to this disease. This is especially true for women. It is they who most often suffer from this disease, especially after the onset of menopause.

sea ​​scallops health benefits

In fact, any seafood is useful for a person from one point of view or another. Sea scallops, which belong to the category of seafood, can bring the following benefits to the body:

  • stabilize and normalize the work of the stomach and pancreas;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • cure psycho-emotional disorders;
  • strengthen bone tissue, in particular teeth;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevent and treat atherosclerosis (vascular cholesterol plaques are destroyed);
  • remove excess and “bad” cholesterol from the blood;
  • help to reduce body weight in case of obesity;
  • provide stable work of muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • contribute to the production of easily digestible protein in the body, which is considered a building material for all cells;
  • at the intercellular level, they activate metabolic processes;
  • strengthen the human body as a whole;
  • are used as a valuable natural dietary food product;
  • there is a rejuvenation of the body by increasing regenerative functions;
  • increase the level of testosterone produced;
  • strengthen "male power", maintaining potency for a long time (scallops are considered natural aphrodisiacs and are highly valued by oriental men).

In cosmetology, it is customary to use the extract of these sea mollusks, which is added to many creams, lotions and face masks.

How to choose scallops

Back in the days of ancient Greece, there was no problem choosing the so-called shell food. After all, it was always fresh, because it was very popular.

Today, to prepare a tasty and healthy scallop dish, you need to find the right approach to choosing a product that is most often sold in stores peeled.

Thus, you should pay special attention to the following:

  • sizes (Chilean are the smallest, Irish or Scottish are considered medium, seaside and Japanese scallops are considered the largest);
  • color (it should be cream or light pink, but in no case white, because whiteness indicates prolonged soaking in order to extend shelf life);
  • smell (it should resemble a warm sea);
  • for frozen scallops, the packaging with the production date becomes the main choice when choosing (it should not have a leak).

How to store scallops

Since scallops are extremely perishable, they are usually removed from the shell, washed and frozen. Ice is allowed.

When storing all types of seafood, including scallops, it is important to keep them cold as seafood is very sensitive to temperature. Therefore, when buying scallops or other seafood, be sure to put them in the refrigerator as soon as possible. If this is not possible to do quickly, then after purchase, put them in a cooler bag so that they remain cold and do not deteriorate.

The temperature of most refrigerators is slightly warmer than the ideal temperature for storing seafood. Therefore, to ensure maximum freshness and quality, it is important to use special storage methods to create the optimal temperature for preserving scallops. One of the easiest ways to do this is to place the scallops, which need to be well wrapped, in an ice-filled baking dish. Then place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the lowest temperature is maintained.

Refill ice once or twice a day. Scallops can be refrigerated for up to two days, although they should be purchased shortly before cooking.

You can extend the shelf life of scallops by freezing them. To do this, put them in a plastic container and place them in the coldest part of the freezer, where they will keep for about three months.

How to cook sea scallops

Despite the fame of scallops in cooking since ancient times, they still won special honor from the French. After all, it was in France that culinary specialists learned to make truly masterpiece dishes from them.

In order to do everything right if it is impossible to purchase freshly caught mollusks, but only frozen ones, they must be:

  • thaw at room temperature;
  • do not use hot water or a microwave;
  • do not unpack the scallops until they are completely defrosted.

Alternatively, they can be placed in the refrigerator to defrost.

And only after all these stages, you can start cooking by choosing your favorite dish. The scallops should be cooked within a few minutes, as prolonged cooking will make them tough and fibrous, and therefore not tasty.

The main methods for preparing scallops are as follows.

Cooking. To do this, lower the seafood into salted boiling water and count to 100; after this time, you need to quickly remove the scallops.

Roasting. A piece of butter is melted in a frying pan. Scallops are placed in it with culinary tongs, taking into account their quick turning. Fry until golden brown on all sides.

Pickling. A mixture of cinnamon, black and red pepper is used as a marinade. The scallops are dipped in the marinade, placed in a glass dish and then drizzled with olive oil. Literally in 15 minutes, marinated scallops are ready to eat.

Any option for cooking scallops becomes a good component of salads, cereals, vegetable and fish soups. They can be consumed fresh raw. In order to make the meat spicy, it is poured with lemon juice or olive oil.

Cooked scallops can be served with papaya, cilantro, jalapeno and ginger salsa.

Leek, cherry tomatoes are suitable for barbecue of marinated scallops. Roast the kebab in the oven, basting or brushing with garlic olive oil after cooking.

Scallops can be added to gazpacho soup, which will give a better taste to the dish and provide additional nutrients.

Contraindications and harm of scallops

Unfortunately, such marine products are not useful for all their consumers. First of all, it is worth checking the level of calcium in the blood. When it is normal, it is better to refuse a delicious dish with scallops, because an allergic reaction may occur (and this is a very unpleasant effect that can forever cause an aversion to the tender meat of the sea).

Individual intolerance, although it refers to rare cases, but it also happens.

In general, scallops are a healthy seafood, rich in protein and other nutrients.

Learn more about the benefits of scallops, how to choose, store and eat.

At the mention of shellfish, everyone, perhaps, first of all remembers ordinary snails, and someone - gastronomic delicacies. Meanwhile, this is a separate type of animal, including a very large number of species that are completely different from each other, including sea scallops. What is it, or rather who, we will understand in more detail.

Bivalves: class description

The second name of the class is lamellar gills. There are a lot of bivalve mollusks on Earth, about 20 thousand species. They are well adapted to fresh and salt water. Compared to other mollusks, representatives of this class are sedentary bottom dwellers of water bodies. They have a flattened body, closed in a shell, consisting of two wings. Most have very well developed gills (ctenidia), which have a lamellar shape (hence the name of the class), they perform the function of not only respiratory organs, but also peculiar filters. Mostly bivalves are inactive bottom dwellers. They burrow into silt to escape predators, stick to rocks and other surfaces. Some are capable of short duration such as sea scallops. What is it, or rather who, we will find out further.

The shells of bivalves, like the rest, are formed from calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). In shape, they are two valves, identical in size, which are interconnected by means of a protein ligament (ligament).

Sea scallops: what is it?

This is an extensive group of molluscs, included in a separate family of the same name. They belong to the class Lamellar gills. The habitat of its representatives is quite large. They are found in almost all oceans and seas, at absolutely different depths. The waters of the subtropical and temperate zones are especially rich in species. In Russia, these mollusks are found mainly in Bering, Okhotsk, and Chukotka.

Scallop: description

What scallops look like (the photo can be seen in the article), perhaps everyone knows. After all, not only are they very popular in cooking, their shells are a very common souvenir brought from sea voyages. A characteristic feature of their external structure is a shell with valves that are slightly different in size and have “ears”. This is a special area behind and in front of the top. The top flap is flatter than the bottom. The surface of the shell, as a rule, is decorated with a radial or concentric convex pattern (ribs). Very often they have various types of spikes or scales, which makes them even more decorative. The color of the shell can be different, depending on the habitat and what species the mollusk belongs to. Sea scallop is a filter feeder. A small mollusk (4 cm in diameter) is able to filter about 3 liters of water in one hour.

How do sea scallops move?

Representatives of the Scallop family are one of the few bivalves that are capable of active swimming. They do this in two ways. In the first case, the mollusk moves forward by the ventral edge, while periodically flapping the shell valves. This is explained as follows. Water accumulates in the mantle cavity, which all mollusks have, and sea scallops also have it. What it is can be understood from the name. A special cavity, which is limited from the outside by the mantle (body fold), and inside by the body of a mollusk. Water cannot exit through the ventral margin. It is ejected in front and behind from the dorsal edge. As a result of this, which arises and pushes the mollusk forward. Part of the water drains to the ventral edge. As a result of this interaction of multidirectional forces, scallops move along the bottom in leaps and bounds (forward and upward).

The second variant of locomotion is used by the mollusk in times of danger or sudden action of some kind of irritant. In this case, the mantle edge hanging from the shell is quickly drawn inward, and water freely exits through the ventral edge. At the same time, the scallop makes a sharp and long jump forward (up to half a meter). In nature, these molluscs have a lot of natural enemies, for example, this method of movement very often saves from predators and is defensive in nature.

Types of scallops

This family of mollusks is quite numerous, so we will focus on the most famous, commercial species of our country.


Sea shellfish, whose names are familiar to everyone (scallops, mussels, oysters, etc.), have been eaten since ancient times. It is known that they were actively caught and even bred in the Roman Empire. The usefulness of this product is undeniable for many reasons. Firstly, scallop meat is 38% protein, it is a good alternative to regular pork or beef. In addition, it is low-calorie (100 g is only 88 kcal), so it, and indeed all sea shellfish (see names above), is often recommended to people who are obese or on a diet. Secondly, scallop meat contains quite a lot of different macro- and microelements, including sulfur, molybdenum, zinc, nickel, as well as vitamins, such as PP. Everything is overshadowed only by the rather high price of this product. It is due, first of all, to the difficulty of obtaining, and in fact only a small part of the mollusk itself is eaten - the muscle-connector (about 30% of the total mass).

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