Jordan beach season. Jordan - monthly weather. Low season: December-March, June-August

Jordan for most tourists is an unknown country, as they prefer to relax in the advertised resorts of Turkey, Egypt and Israel. But Jordan remains attractive in terms of sightseeing, beach, medical and even club holidays. The weather is conducive to this all year round.

Description of the weather in Jordan for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.


Jordan is under the influence subtropical mediterranean climate. It has hot summers and mild and cool winters. A feature can be called large temperature differences between day and night - this is a typical situation for a desert area, to which 90% of the country's territory can be attributed. During the day it is unbearably hot, at night you can freeze.

The climate is dry, precipitation is rare, and only in the north of the country. In the south, in the summer, it does not rain, in winter they can last not a long day a month. rich flora characteristic of the northwestern region. Only here there is enough moisture and heat due to air flows from the side mediterranean sea. The rains are shed here, not having time to move further inland. The rainiest period is from November to March.

Climate zones

In the north of the country and the Dead Sea in summer +34°C, the water warms up to +28°C and above. The calendar winter is characterized by an air temperature of +15°C during the day and +8°C at night. Water in dead sea heats up during the summer so much that in winter its temperature does not fall below +20°C.

AT central regions in summer up to +36°C during the day, +16°C at night, in winter +19°C during the day and + 8°C at night. As you move towards the Red Sea, the thermometer in summer rises to + 40 ° C in the Aqaba region. In the Wadi Rum desert during the day + 45 ° C, at night + 5 ° C. The Red Sea warms up to +28°C in summer and cools down to +21°C in winter. Despite the high temperatures and heat, the heat is easily tolerated due to the minimum humidity.


Tourism in Jordan is one of the main budget components of the country. Money is being invested in this industry, which cannot but affect the emergence of luxury hotels, elite restaurants, and more. etc. About 3.5 million people visit the country every year. Most of them are from the Middle East. Europeans and Americans appear here less often, and, basically, they come not purposefully, but as part of a visit to Israel, from where you can go on an excursion to Jordan.

The beach infrastructure is developed only within the territory of luxury hotels, therefore, with good weather conditions, huge beaches and the Red Sea rich in flora and fauna, few tourists rest here.

Exit to Dead Sea provides the country with a stable income from medical tourism.

High season: September-November, April-May

This period is favorable for visiting beach resorts, sightseeing trips. Air temperature +24°C, water +22°C. You can be on the beach all day without fear of getting burned. The water is pleasantly cooling, in contrast to the summer period. This period is characterized by a rapid change of day and night, so In an hour, the air temperature can drop by 10 degrees.

The weather is ideal for long excursions with transfers. it best time for classes water sports sports, visits to nightclubs in Amman and Aqaba.

The plus of the season is that even at its peak there will be no crowds on the beaches.
Minus - high prices for flights, accommodation, excursions.

Low season: December-March, June-August

During this period, tourists come for treatment at Dead Sea or to the spas on the Red Coast. In winter, you can swim, and even sunbathe on the Red Sea. If most tourists come to combine beach holiday with excursion or treatment, then the low season is not an obstacle for pilgrims who come to see the monuments of history and religion. Mostly they come from Muslim countries.

In winter, the air temperature during the day is +13°C in the north, +18°C in the south, at night up to +6°C. In the desert, temperatures can drop to -17°C at night!

In summer, at a temperature of +35 C, it is especially difficult for Europeans. In the desert, the thermometer shows +50°C during the day and +7°C at night.

Diving season: May-October

Important! Diving is possible only in the Red Sea, rich in coral reefs, vibrant fauna and flora. The Dead Sea is completely devoid of vegetation and inhabitants, it is impossible to dive and swim in it due to high content salt, which pushes a person to the surface.

In Aqaba, there are the best diving spots in the country, which organize training and bring them to places where, in addition to coral gardens, you can see ancient sunken ships. Diving is possible at any time of the year, but the maximum visibility under water up to 40 m occurs only in the season.

Cruise season: autumn, spring

A Red Sea cruise is a chance to see Egypt and Israel. Cruise ships operate on the route Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) - Eilat (Israel), and this route passes through Aqaba. It is especially popular on New Year's holidays.

Wellness season

Medical institutions on the shores of the Dead Sea operate year-round, but for certain types diseases, doctors advise undergoing procedures in different time of the year. For example, skin diseases are best treated from September to June, respiratory organs- from April to October, nervous system- from September to May. The salts and mud of the Dead Sea have unique properties, therefore, people come to Jordan from all continents: some treat chronic diseases, others put their souls in order, undergo rejuvenating procedures.

What You Can't Do Without in Jordan

At any time of the year, a tourist needs to have:

  • to swim in the Dead Sea you will need a swimsuit, which is not a pity to throw away, as salty water can corrode bright colors;
  • headdress with large fields;
  • cream with a high degree protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • in summer, you will need light clothing made from natural fabrics that will protect you from the sun on the beach, during excursions and daytime walks;
  • sweaters, long-sleeved shirts, jeans for the evening;
  • bandana or pareo from wind and sandstorm;
  • Sunglasses;
  • closed shoes for sightseeing;
  • special rubberized shoes for swimming in the Red Sea, where you can get scratched by fragments of coral on the bottom or step on a sea urchin.

Weather by months


Sudden gusts of wind bring cold air. It can snow in Amman, and the temperature can drop to minus at night. But on average, the thermometer stays at +12°C during the day and +5°C at night. This is the rainiest month of the year, jigging falls about 5 days a month. You won't need an umbrella, but a warm jacket, shoes, and a hat will do. In Aqaba, you can sunbathe and swim, but in the evening you will have to wear jackets and warm pants. A strong wind, often with sand, can spoil the impression of the rest.


Heat at this time is only on the shores of the Red and Dead Seas. In Aqaba + 22 ° C, the north of the country is watered with rain, and the capital "freezes" at + 12 ° C. Sometimes it can snow for a short time.

On the beaches of Aqaba, people sunbathe, in the north they suffer from cold winds. You can enter the desert on excursions only during the daytime, at night the thermometer drops to minus marks. Day turns into night in just a few tens of minutes, so the air cools quickly.


During the day you can wear T-shirts, in the evening - hats and jackets. Unexpected bursts of heat are replaced by sharp cold snaps.

In Amman, the air temperature is +19°C during the day, +11°C at night. Cloudy days are less sunny, rains are rare. 1-2 days of precipitation per month do not make it necessary to come with umbrellas and raincoats.

At the Dead Sea +24°C, at the Red Sea +26°C. There is no rain.


Pressure drops are often observed, which leads either to a hot wind in the desert, or to a decrease in air temperature. It gets hot in April cloudy days, as well as almost no rain. In Amman, Petra and Jerash during the day +24°C, at night +10°C.

On the Red Sea coast, the heat is +29°C, but at night it is cold +15°C. The water warms up quickly and reaches +23°C by the end of the month. There is practically no wind, so it is calm and transparent. At the Dead Sea, the air warms up to +30°C, water up to +25°C.


Only in the evening is it comfortable. During the day, the temperature exceeds the thirty-degree mark, at night sweaters are no longer needed, the temperature rarely drops below twenty degrees. It is better not to go outside during the day; it is not recommended to be on the beach under open sunlight. You can sunbathe in the early morning and evening, it is recommended to swim in T-shirts so that your back and shoulders do not burn.

It is cold in Petra and Jerash at night, this must be taken into account when going on excursions. In Aqaba, there are no people on the streets during the day, shops and cafes are closed. Night clubs, discos, concert venues open only closer to the night, as the city is considered the most party place in the Middle East.


The oppressive heat of the desert - this is how you can characterize the June weather. It is especially hot in the Dead Sea, which is 400 m below sea level. There is no rain and wind here, water warmed up to a thirty-degree mark does not save from the heat. You can relax a little in Aqaba, where you can fully swim.


35°C in Amman, +41°C in Aqaba, complete lack of precipitation and cloudiness. At this time, you can only go to the Red Sea for boat trips, diving, yachting and fishing.


clear sunny weather no rain and temperatures reaching high limits throughout the country. Amman can be called the coolest, where during the day + 32 ° C, at night + 18 ° C. In Aqaba + 40 ° C in the shade, you can go to the beach early in the morning and late in the evening. AT open clothes You can get burned in 5 minutes, so you have to swim in T-shirts.


Temperatures in comparison with August are reduced by only 3-5 degrees, the water does not cool down. In the central and northern parts of the country, the weather does not change, it is more noticeable in the area of ​​the Red Sea coast, but even at night it is hot here. There is no rain, sandy winds complicate sightseeing trips to Petra.


In the south of the country, it is dry and hot, but the temperature is starting to drop, and there are more tourists on the beaches. At night it can get cold +23°C. In Petra and Amman up to +15°C, on the Dead Sea +30°C. Bathing in +27°C water brings little pleasure.


In Amman +21°C during the day, +13°C at night. Rains no more than 1 day per month. This is the best time to visit Petra, famous all over the world in Indiana Jones movies. It gets dark and cold quickly. The thermometer drops to +11°C.

Summer continues in Aqaba, the temperature does not fall below +25°C. Approximately the same water temperature in the sea. It gets cold at night.


In Amman +15°C during the day, +5°C at night. On the Red Sea you can sunbathe and swim and meet New Year under the palm trees, but in the evening it gets cold and you need to wear down jackets and hats. Most warm place countries - the Dead Sea, where during the day + 19 ° C, at night + 8 ° C, and in the sea you can continue to swim + 23 ° C.

For most tourists, this country is attractive all year round. True, with a relatively modest size, the landscape of Jordan is quite diverse, and this, I must say, is strongly reflected in its climate. The optimal time for a visit should be chosen depending on the purpose of the visit.

For most tourists, this country is attractive all year round. True, with a relatively modest size, the landscape of Jordan is quite diverse, and this, I must say, is strongly reflected in its climate. The optimal time for a visit should be chosen depending on the purpose of the visit.

When is the best time to go to Jordan in terms of weather

The high season here lasts from March to May. These are the months when comfortable weather reigns in the kingdom day and night, and wild flora and fauna appear before visitors in all their glory. The temperature ranges from +20 to +25 °C, which allows you to enjoy walking, swimming, sightseeing. Airfare prices are higher than usual, but there are many people who want to relax, and hotel rooms are in short supply. Therefore, our advice: to get rid of unnecessary troubles, take care of accommodation in advance.

low season starts in June and ends in August. During this period, a hot dry summer comes to Jordan with average temperature air +38 °С. Despite the heat, it is quite cold at night, you can not do without a jacket. Well, if you want to save as much as possible, then to the question “KWhen is the best time to go to Jordan? the answer is as simple as possible:in the low season. During this period, the cost of flights and accommodation falls, there are few tourists. It must be borne in mind that Muslims are sensitive to religious holidays. Keep an eye on the dates of Ramadan - otherwise, you risk stumbling upon closed or limited restaurants, bars, shops.

The off-season runs from September to February. The autumn months bring relief after the sweltering heat, opening up excellent opportunities for sightseeing tours. Winter in Jordan is, quite simply, cold! Sometimes the thermometer even drops below zero, which is why many active entertainment not available. Catholic Christmas - official holiday, there are many tourists again, and prices are not far behind. Obviously everyone wants to make money.

When is the best time to travel to Jordan for various activities

Educational trips. To fully enjoy your excursions, plan your trip on late autumn or early spring. The tourist flow dissipates smoothly, allowing you to freely visit interesting places. May, beginning of June, September or October - beautiful time to visit Jarash, Amman, Petra. Around the sights there will no longer be huge queues and onlookers interfering with the inspection. In addition, this period is suitable for swimming in the Dead Sea and diving in the Red Sea.

Active entertainment.The stunning beauty of the desert we are talking about national park Wadi Rum, with reddish-golden sands, forbidding cliffs and extreme jeep safaris, attracts lovers active rest. The spring and autumn months are either too cold or too hot for hiking in nature reserves and overnight camping. Summer in the desert is a test for real extreme people. Hot June strives to turn guests into embers during the day, and turn them into icicles at night. Remember this - without warm clothes beyond the threshold, not a foot! It makes sense to think about traveling in August, when the incredible meteor Rain even one night in the desert will turn into an unforgettable adventure.

Beach relaxation.The off-season is the perfect opportunity to indulge in some of Jordan's gorgeous coastal resorts. In winter, when Russian cities are sad from snowstorms and frosts, tourists enjoy swimming and exploring the underwater world on the Red Sea coast. It is so nice to enjoy sun and sea baths, to look at the most ancient Coral reefs in peace and just bask in the warm sand.

Recovery.The Dead Sea resorts welcome visitors all year round. Beneficial features water is always great, but be careful. With prolonged contact, Dead Sea salt corrodes the skin. Question,When is the best time to go to Jordanto restore strength and health, it’s not worth it - water, as they say, in winter and summer - one ... That is, one temperature of +24 ° C. But still, we do not recommend melting in the sun in summer. If, nevertheless, the vacation dates fall in the hot months, it is better to go outside after 17.00.


Jordan is one of those destinations where it's always good. Autumn and spring are suitable for sightseeing tours. At this time, both the animal and vegetable world display all their wealth and abundance. +40 ° C in summer, but for those who tolerate heat well, this is only at hand. Popular tourist places like Petra will be at your complete disposal. In winter, snow often falls on the territory of the kingdom, especially in desert areas. Moreover, the totality of these natural phenomena, like frosts and showers, can ruin a vacation. In general, follow the weather forecasts and pack your bags!

The holiday season in Jordan is year-round, but spring and autumn are more favorable times to visit this hospitable country.

Tourist season in Jordan

  • Spring: in spring you can spend time on the Jordanian coast (during the day the air warms up to +24-29 degrees). Since there is no sweltering heat at this time of the year, you can dedicate your holiday to sightseeing and wellness. It is comfortable to swim in May, but it is worth considering that it gets quite chilly in the evenings, so you should take warm clothes with you on vacation.
  • Summer: summer months- hot (air + 38-40, water + 26-27 degrees), so at this time it is advisable to relax on the beaches and in spa centers, as well as dedicate your vacation to water activities and night excursions.
  • Autumn: on the Red Sea (water + 28 degrees) you can go diving, and on the Dead Sea (water +32 degrees) - use the services of health centers.
  • Winter: winter months can be devoted to sightseeing and wellness programs.
  • You can find warmth in the Dead Sea and in the Gulf of Aqaba; in the north, in the region of Anjluna and Es Salta, at this time it rains and blows strong winds(January February); and it may even snow in Amman.

Beach season in Jordan

Even in the midst of bathing season(April-late May, September-November) there are no crowds of tourists on the Jordanian coast, so during these periods you will find complete relaxation and opportunities for water activities.

The most popular Jordanian resort is Aqaba: in the south of the resort you will find rocky ones, and in the north - sandy beaches(if you wish, you can relax on the sand and pebble beach Movenpick).

Wellness season

At the resorts of the Dead Sea always reigns good weather(health and cosmetology centers are at your service), so you can come for treatment at any time, but, for example, it is advisable to treat skin diseases in September-June, diseases respiratory system- April-October, and to normalize the nervous system, it is worth coming to Jordan in September-May.


Diving can be done even in winter, but the best visibility (30-40 m) is typical for May-October.

Popular dive sites in Aqaba can be found in the large Marine Park: here you can view the wreck of the Lebanese cargo ship Cedar Pride (visiting this object is available even for beginner divers). Professionals should visit the wreck of the C486B Taiyong barge.

If you want to take underwater photos, then for this purpose you should visit the Aquarium Coral Garden. And for night dives, you can go to the Welcome Reef area (here you will see a lot of lobsters and starfish).

On vacation in Jordan, you will find pilgrimage tours, the Dead Sea, a rich excursion program, snorkeling, diving, the Wadi Rum desert.

Given the versatility and variety of pastime options offered by the country, the best time to travel to Jordan in 2019 depends on what purpose you are coming here for.

  • If you want to soak up the beach, getting a bronze tan, you should pay attention to high season.
  • If there is a desire to improve health, it is advisable to do this in a low period.
  • For those who go on a pilgrimage, in principle, any time of the year is suitable.

Given that the country is in the grip of the Mediterranean subtropical climate It is quite comfortable to be here at any time of the year.

IMPORTANT. Going here, it is worth remembering that the difference between day and night temperatures can be quite significant (bring warm clothes). This is due to the peculiarities of the desert area (it is it that makes up about 90% of the country's territory).

Jordan in winter

Winter is a great choice for those who want to bask in the sun and even swim in the sea during new year holidays, on February 23 or St. Valentine. And this is despite the fact that all the winter months here are usually referred to as the low season. At this time, people come here, as a rule, for wellness treatments at local spa centers.

Also, the weather is quite conducive to trips on excursions. In the southern part during the daytime in winter, the air warms up to an average of +18 oC, in the northern part - up to +13 oC. But at night in the desert it can be about 15-17 degrees below zero.

Jordan in spring

The first month of spring is usually referred to as the low season. But at this time, in addition to pilgrims, lovers of excursions and those who came here for a recreational holiday, lovers of heat begin to catch up to the country. So if you want, you won't regret it.

The period from to here is considered the beach season. Tours to the shores of the Red / Dead Seas are in great demand. Yes, and they are not very cheap at this time.

Starting from May, the favorable season for divers also starts. There is something to see for lovers of diving.

Jordan summer - low season

No matter how strange it may sound, but the period from to here is considered the low season. However, this does not mean that when deciding when it is better to go to Jordan, you need to brush it aside. At this time, the weather here is quite comfortable and pleasant for excursions. And there is something to see in the country. After all, about 20 thousand monuments left from ancient civilizations have been preserved here.

By the way, for those who suffer from respiratory diseases, it is worth planning for given time. Summer is considered the most favorable season for this.

Jordan in autumn - high season

Again, it may seem paradoxical, but the period from to is the high season. And if your vacation in 2019 falls in autumn, you can safely go on vacation to Jordan. At this time, you can bask in the sun, and wander around on excursions, and visit holy places. In addition, the favorable season for diving lasts until November, when the visibility under water is simply amazing.

Jordan is the land of the sun and perfect holiday regardless of the time of year, the state, which attracts tourists with fascinating journeys into the depths of history, provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the amazing underwater world depths of the Red Sea, stunning spa resorts on the coast of the Dead. A country of surprises and fascinating travels, a place where the concept of "season" does not exist at all. Amazing, unique, unique, beautiful, diverse and breathtakingly gorgeous. So different and multifaceted.

Your attention is an analysis of the possibilities of recreation in Jordan, depending on the month.

Weather in Jordan in winter

Holidays in Jordan in December are an example of a calm and relaxed holiday. During the day it is warm but not hot, at night it is cool but not cold. The temperature almost throughout the country does not fall below +15°C during the day, at night it stays within the range of -3-+6°C. It is best to take warm clothes with you, as well as an umbrella, however, holidays on the Red and Dead Seas do not suffer much from this. The water temperature on the Red Sea cools down to +23°C, on the Dead Sea it is +23°C, which is quite suitable for a good rest.

Holidays in Jordan in January are a great time for a relaxing excursion, supplemented beach activities on the coast of the Red Sea and a wellness program in spa centers on the coast of the Dead Sea. The air temperature varies greatly depending on the region of the country. In Amman, the thermometer usually does not drop below +10°C during the day, rain is possible. The central regions warm up a little more - up to + 15 ° C. The southern coast pleases with sunny cool summers - + 21- + 23 ° C. The water temperature is +20°C, providing everyone with an excellent opportunity to swim in a pretty warm water. Tourist flows are few, which makes it possible for vacationers to spend their holidays without haste and unnecessary noise, enjoying a cozy solitude.

A holiday in Jordan in February is an example of an ideal off-season holiday. Low prices pleasantly complemented by the absence a large number tourists on the beaches, in spas and near attractions. Ideal for people who are prone to solitude and are not afraid of temperature changes. In the north of the country there are incessant rains with cold winds, the temperature usually does not fall below +10°C during the day and +3°C at night. In the center of the country around +13-+15°C, at night +1-+3°C. In the south, it is warm and sunny - + 21- + 25 ° C during the day, + 11- + 13 ° C at night, however, due to the special microclimate, temperature drops are not perceived as sharp and are quite tolerably tolerated. The water temperature in the Red Sea is approximately +21°C, in the Dead Sea - +20°C.

Weather in Jordan in spring

Holidays in Jordan in March - the beginning of the season. The rains in the north of the country throughout January and February stop, the weather is good large quantity sunny days. February is the most cold month year, starting from March, the temperature begins to rise gradually. The temperature in the north of the country and in the center rises to the bar - + 15- + 21 ° C during the day, at night - + 7- + 9 ° C, southern part it will warm up to the mark of -23-+28°C, at night - +14°C, so you can sunbathe and engage in health improvement everywhere, however, it is still worth forgetting to take warm clothes with you. The water temperature at this time is about - + 21 ° C in both seas, but the blooming of plankton on the Red Sea coast reduces the visibility of water, however, attracts to its shores different kinds fish and shellfish.

Holidays in Jordan in April is probably the best time to visit this amazing country. The winter weather has already receded, the spring coolness has gradually departed, however, the summer heat has not yet come into its own. Warm air, pleasant water temperatures in both seas give everyone the opportunity to fully enjoy all the delights of a holiday on the Jordanian coast. Water in the Dead and Red Seas warms up to +23°C. The air temperature thermometer ranges from - + 23- + 28 ° C to - + 29- + 33 ° C during the day, from - + 11- + 13 ° C to - + 15- + 19 ° C at night, depending on the region of the country. Warm clothes for evening and night walks are still useful, during the day it is quite comfortable in swimsuits and swimming trunks. Active water activities are not yet relevant due to plankton blooms. For excursions, on the contrary, this is the most suitable weather - there is no exhausting summer heat yet, so it will be an ideal solution to appreciate the magnificent monuments of architecture and sculpture. At the Dead Sea, the concept of "season" does not exist, so the healing process in local spas goes full move.

Holidays in Jordan in May pleases tourists with heat, cordiality and hospitality. The thermometer gradually crept up to + 30 ° C, however, climatic features allow you to easily endure the heat and pay due attention to sightseeing in Jordan, choosing various excursions along the route. The rainy season is finally over, a pleasant sea breeze helps to cope with the heat on the coast, spring still reigns in the central regions. The water in the seas warmed up to -24°C, the blooming of plankton in the Red Sea stopped, so that everyone had the opportunity to appreciate all the beauty sea ​​depths, the time of swimming in the Dead Sea is also now limited only by the desire of the vacationer.

Weather in Jordan in summer

A holiday in Jordan in June is the perfect example of a hot summer. While the whole of Europe is in a state of warming up after winter and spring, the weather in Jordan surprises with its incessant sunshine. The air temperature is standardly kept at + 34 ° C during the day, the water temperature is + 26 ° C. The heat is more easily tolerated due to the coolness of the sea. The excursion part remains the most enduring, all the rest enthusiastically enjoy active sports on the Red Sea coast and wellness treatment - on the shores of the Dead seas. Night excursions are a big success at this time of the year, which help everyone to see historical sights, avoiding overheating in the sun, since all the sights of Jordan are located on open places. Holidays in Jordan in June - the time for outdoor activities on the beach or in spas.

Holidays in Jordan in July are the time for true lovers of the heat. The scorching sun and the general dryness of the air, from which even the sea breeze does not help, are not easily tolerated by everyone. The temperature during the day is +34°C, the absence of clouds in the sky and the long daylight hours make it possible for everyone to feel the taste of real summer in the Middle East. High temperatures, however, are not suitable for everyone, but only for lovers of “hot”, so even in the coldest regions of the country the temperature does not fall below +32°C during the day and +17°C at night. In the Wadi Rum desert, daytime temperatures do not drop below +40°C, so visiting this amazing place it is better to postpone for the night or morning hours. The water on the Red Sea warms up to +28°C, which is ideal even for those who freeze everywhere. Active Views Water sports and entertainment thrive thanks to the excellent temperature and perfect visibility of the water. The Dead Sea warms up to +31°C, which is slightly lower than the air temperature. Holidays in July in Jordan will not appeal to all vacationers, but only to those who feel great high temperature and will be able to appreciate all the delights of a real Jordanian summer.

Holidays in Jordan in August are a continuation of the unbearable heat that July set. The time when it seems that even the stones can not withstand the scorching sun rays, and melt. Rest time, suitable only for true lovers of real heat. The air temperature does not drop below +40°C, so it is best to refuse daytime excursions and opt only for night outings. At night, the temperature drops and is - + 17- + 21 ° C. The water temperature in the Red Sea is close to the record - + 29 ° C, in the Dead Sea it is even higher - 31 ° C. Active water sports and wellness treatment go with a bang.

Weather in Jordan in autumn

Holidays in Jordan in September - almost perfect time for holidays in this country. The air temperature drops slightly compared to hot July and August and drops to +35°C during the day and +16°C at night. However, for older people and families with small children, it is better to postpone your vacation a bit until October or November. The water temperature on the Red Sea is +28°C, on the Dead Sea it is even warmer - +32°C. In general, the rest is diverse: you can go diving in the Red Sea or recuperation in the Dead Sea, but you should still be careful when visiting historical sites, as there is a high probability of sunstroke.

Holidays in Jordan in October are a must have in relation to holidays in this country. summer heat finally gives way to the beautiful, warm autumn if it can be described as such. The air temperature stays on the bar from +26° to +33°C during the day, at night it is -12-+14°C, which helps everyone to see cultural and historical monuments without the risk of earning a sunstroke. The water temperature on the Red Sea is +27°C, on the Dead Sea it is a little warmer - +30°C. Going on an evening or night excursion, you should definitely take a sweater or jacket with you. The time of unbearable heat is finally over, so that all categories of tourists will be pleasant and comfortable in Jordan in October.

Rest in Jordan in November is a time of calm and spiritual relaxation. It's not hot anymore, but it's not cold yet. So you can enjoy all possible types recreation that this amazing country can provide you with: health improvement on the shores of the Dead Sea, beach holidays on the Red coast, excursions to historical sights, of which there are a great many throughout the country. The only thing that makes a holiday in November not the most ideal is the rains and cold winds that begin at this time of the year, although this is not always the reason for a spoiled holiday. The air temperature stays on the bar from +20° to +28°C during the day, at night it is - +10-+15°C. The water temperature in the Red Sea cools down to +25°C, in the Dead Sea it is +28°C.

Whatever time you go to Jordan, you will always be met by amazingly comfortable hotels, interesting excursions and a year-round opportunity to improve your health and engage in active water sports to the maximum.

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