Why Pattaya is cheaper than Phuket. Where is it better to relax - in Pattaya or Phuket? Entertainment and active recreation

Where is better - in Pattaya or Phuket? We made a big comparison of two major resorts in Thailand according to various criteria (sea, beach, prices for hotels and food, transport, flights), wrote a review and concluded where it is better to go on vacation.

Phuket and Pattaya are the two main resorts. Usually tourists choose between them, because few people fly to Krabi or Koh Phangan. We decided to help our readers with a choice - read and choose where it is better to relax.

Prices are indicated for the high (winter) season.

Exchange rate: 1 Thai baht (THB) ≈ 2 RUB.

Pattaya or Phuket: Sea

Phuket. The sea is a million times better than in Pattaya! It is clean, you can see crabs and colorful fish that swim in flocks in shallow water. Diving and snorkeling is popular. The entrance is gentle almost everywhere, which is convenient for families with children. The color of the water is deep blue.

Pattaya. The sea is green murk with garbage. I don't want to go into the water. There are several beaches where the situation is better - Jomtien, Wong Amat, Pratumnak. For a clear sea, you need to sail to the neighboring islands - Koh Lan, for example. It seems that everyone goes there to swim, because in Pattaya tourists exclusively sunbathe. The sea on the island is cleaner, but it’s expensive to swim there every day: it takes 2 hours and 120 baht a day for two to travel by ferry, plus food, drinks and fruits on the island are more expensive.

The clearest water on the secluded beach of Kata Noi in Phuket.
Jomtien beach in Pattaya.

Beaches in Phuket and Pattaya: where is better?

Phuket. For a relaxing holiday, head to Phuket - the beaches there are picturesque and clean. Even unloved by tourists was rehabilitated. This is not a heavenly place, but the most comfortable in Phuket for living and recreation. Sand with silver can be sung individual praises.

There are many beaches on the island - you can choose the right one. We liked Kata Noi, Nai Harn, Yanui, Banana Beach and Mai Khao.

Pattaya. We did not like the beaches of Pattaya. They are almost all dirty, crowded and noisy. Even if you manage to retire, merchants will overtake you. The sand is the most common yellow. The central beach is filled with paid sunbeds and umbrellas.

Where are the best beaches, in Pattaya or Phuket? Our opinion is that Phuket is much cleaner and more beautiful.

Banana Beach in Phuket is small, secluded and beautiful.
The beaches in Pattaya are quite busy. It is better to go to the island of Koh Lan.

Sights of Phuket and Pattaya

Phuket. The sights of Phuket are mostly natural - numerous idyllic islands, beaches and viewing platforms. In addition, there is the Big Buddha, Wat Chalong Temple, the Old Town of Phuket Town, Soi Bangla and colorful shows and performances. The main attractions are other islands: Phi Phi, James Bond, Similan, etc. They mainly go there with excursions.

Pattaya. It is richer in attractions: islands, the Temple of Truth, an elephant village, a floating market, the Khao Keo Zoo, the Alangkarn Theater, the Nong Nooch Tropical Park, etc. Much of this can be seen on a bike.

Pattaya has a convenient location - only about two hours by bus, and that's where the expanse for lovers of cultural recreation is! In addition, from Pattaya you can get to Ayutthaya - the ancient capital of the kingdom of Ayutthaya.

Last minute tours to Thailand. Which is cheaper: Pattaya or Phuket?

Trips to Thailand can be very cheap! Often, a ready-made tour package costs as much as an air ticket. See examples in .

Last-minute tours for two to Pattaya from Moscow for 7-10 nights in the high season can be found from only 60 thousand rubles! Phuket tours usually cost the same or a little more. Tours are cheaper in summer.

Vouchers from St. Petersburg to Pattaya and Phuket usually cost from 80-100 thousand rubles.

How to find a really hot tour? Search on search engines, and - they will find the best deals among different tour operators. Be sure to check out ours - it will help you save!

Cinematic Yanui Beach in Phuket.
We do not understand why people go on a tour to Pattaya when there is Phuket.


Phuket. Chinese couples rule the ball here (young ladies are always in romantic dresses) and families with children. Indians in Rolexes haughtily walk around, and elderly Europeans and Americans drive up to go-go girls in bars. Russians feel at home and try to convey something to the Thais in louder Russian. Perhaps the most Russian speakers are in popular resorts: Patong, Kata, Karon and Surin.

Pattaya. The resort is dominated by elderly Europeans and Americans looking for a hot girlfriend for the rest of their vacation days. There are many young and middle-aged men attracted by the breadth of views of local workers and workers of the most ancient profession. And - oddly enough - full of Russian tourists with children, decorously walking along the promenade.

In general, Pattaya is more of a retirement resort, and Phuket is a youth and middle age resort.

Hotel prices in Pattaya and Phuket: where is it cheaper?

Pattaya. There are many hotels in Pattaya - from cheap nameless to expensive and well-known. Cheap guesthouses near the beach cost from $13 per night. In the middle price category, we recommend The Pattaya Park 3 * for $ 22 per day. Of the expensive ones - we recommend Siam @ Siam Design 4 * from $ 75 per day. This hotel has a huge number of excellent reviews and a rating of "excellent".

Advice: rent an apartment or a villa on Airbnb.ru - it's more interesting! Fabulously beautiful villas in Phuket cost from $50. For Pattaya - a huge selection of apartments.

Prices for food and fruits

If you choose which is better, Pattaya or Phuket, based on the prices of food, fruits and drinks, then Pattaya should be preferred. At the resort, even in tourist establishments, food prices do not go off scale. But in restaurants in Phuket prices are closer to those in Moscow. However, on the island in local cafes, night markets and macaroons.

Pattaya Phuket (Patong)
Skewers in a bowl from 10 baht/pc. from 20 baht/pc.
Rice with meat or padtai in a macaron from 40 baht from 50 baht
banana pancakes from 40 baht from 60 baht
shaky from 25 baht from 40 baht (on the market - from 25)
Substrates with fruits on the street from 20 baht (depending on the type of fruit) from 100 baht (any)
Beer at the bar from 50 baht from 80 baht.
Coconut on the street from 20 baht from 50 baht

Prices for kebabs at the night market in Patong.

Flights from Russia

From the cities of Russia you can fly to Pattaya and Phuket. There are direct flights and transfers. Usually tickets to Bangkok are a little cheaper than to Phuket (but sometimes vice versa).

You can get to Pattaya through Bangkok, and from there by low-cost airline, transfer or bus. There are also direct flights from Siberian cities to Pattaya Utapao Airport.

If you do not want to understand local transport and get there with transfers, order a taxi - it's safe and easy. We used KiwiTaxi when we traveled from Patong to the airport.

Intro image source: © nathanh100 / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0.

Updated: 09/16/2019

Which is better: Phuket or Pattaya? This question is one of the most popular among those who are going on vacation to Thailand and have not yet decided which of these two most popular resorts in the country is better to go. The question is really important, but there is no definite answer to it. On the other hand, you can get the most out of your holiday in Thailand only if you make the right choice between Pattaya and Phuket, taking into account exactly your ideas about relaxation. The article presents a large comparison of Phuket and Pattaya according to the most important parameters that will allow you not to make a mistake and organize your best holiday in Thailand!

For ease of reading and a comprehensive understanding of which resort is best for you (Pattaya or Phuket), the most important characteristics are listed in separate paragraphs. With links in the content, you can quickly jump to the most important point for you and find out whether Phuket or Pattaya will be better for you in this regard. But I still recommend reading (or at least viewing) other comparative characteristics: many parameters are interconnected, each of them is important for comparison in its own way and can quite unexpectedly become decisive in the process of choosing Pattaya or Phuket as the best vacation spot.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (click on the link for a quick jump)

Phuket or Pattaya - where the climate and ecology are better

When choosing between Phuket and Pattaya, you need to know about the climate in these Thai resorts. Both Phuket and Pattaya are located in the tropics, so there is no winter in the usual sense for us. Thailand is a country of eternal summer, but not everything is so simple. The main thing that distinguishes Pattaya and Phuket is the pronounced seasonality to varying degrees. Due to the location of the resorts in the waters of various seas and even various oceans (see), there are significant differences in the weather at the resorts at different times of the year.

Surely many have already heard that in Thailand (like many other countries located in the tropics) there is a rainy season. Often, at the mention of this phrase, the imagination immediately draws the following picture: days and nights, streams of rain pour from the sky, due to which visibility on the street is only a few meters, and there can be no talk of a beach holiday at this time. If we talk about Thailand, then in reality, a similar picture can be observed in the northern regions of the country (see), but in Phuket and Pattaya everything is much better. But if the weather is of paramount importance to you, you must remember that the rainy season in Pattaya and Phuket are different things.

Stormy, muddy seas and rain are common during Phuket's monsoon season

Pattaya can be called without exaggeration the resort with the best climate in Thailand, because in fact it is a year-round resort. During the dry season, which lasts from November to April, it rains very rarely in Pattaya - 2-3 times a month, while the rain lasts no more than an hour, and more often 20-30 minutes. During the rainy season in Pattaya (from May to October), precipitation usually occurs 1-2 times a week. At the same time, such short-term rain almost does not interfere with rest (although a couple of times a year some areas of Pattaya can be flooded for several hours) and brings freshness. And the only drawback of the weather at this time in Pattaya is the periodic cloudiness in the sky (which does not hurt to get burned if you don’t know).

Unlike Pattaya, in Phuket, even during the dry season, it rains periodically (usually no more than 1-2 times a week), but during the rainy season, precipitation can fall daily and last from an hour to several hours. Of course, the weather is unpredictable. Therefore, do not think that someone is deceiving you when they say that they had a great rest in Phuket during the rainy season and during the two weeks of rest there were only a couple of rainfalls - an hour a day. Yes, it doesn't rain every day. Yes, it can rain after sunset or at night and not interfere with rest at all. But there may be a reverse situation, when the rain in Phuket lasts for several days and your vacation at this time will be ruined.

Pattaya Central Beach during intermittent rainfall (low season)

In addition, it is very important to know that during the rainy season, red flags may be hung on the beaches of Phuket, forbidding entry into the sea due to high waves. Muddy seas, partial overcast and a high risk of prolonged rains - all these are Phuket's obvious shortcomings in front of Pattaya, where such a situation is almost completely excluded. Of course, if a beach holiday in Thailand is the main thing, why are you planning to visit this country. will allow you to see the weather at this resort in the Gulf of Thailand, and you can always see the state of the sea and the weather on the tropical island of Phuket in real time using the best selection of which is also presented on the site and is constantly supplemented with new cameras.

If we talk about whether Phuket or Pattaya is better in terms of environmental conditions, then on the island this is somewhat better than in Pattaya. And the air in Phuket in the area of ​​​​the beach villages will always be somewhat cleaner than in the city of Pattaya with more transport and residents, but with less vegetation. The disadvantage of Pattaya is the unpleasant odors from the manholes of the city sewerage, which now and then reach your nose while walking along the city streets. In Phuket, however (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsome beaches), small muddy rivers are somewhat frustrating, which also resemble sewers and, during heavy rains, freely reach the sea.

Phuket or Pattaya - where the sea and beaches are better

In this matter, Phuket outperforms Pattaya, but with some reservations. Firstly, if we are talking about the high season on the island. And secondly, if only the sea and beaches located directly in the city of Pattaya are taken for comparison. After the end of the rainy season, the sea in Phuket becomes calm and transparent, and its rich blue color is pleasing to the eye and looks great in photographs. There are many more beaches in Phuket than in Pattaya, although only a few are the most popular, mainly in the western part of the island. At the same time, there are many beaches with a gentle entrance to the water and soft white sand, which makes holidays with children in Phuket more comfortable. The beaches in Phuket are wider than in Pattaya, so even on the most popular of them you can find sections where no one will disturb you.

Karon Beach in Phuket - view of the southern part in sunny weather (high season)

In Pattaya, the beaches are not so good. The central beach is very noisy and dirty. Suffice it to say that for 4 trips to Pattaya, I never ventured to swim there. On other beaches of Pattaya (and there are seven of them in the city (see), the situation is better, but there is no need to talk about perfect transparency, although the water is cleaner than in many Russian resorts. The sand on the beaches of Pattaya has a yellowish tint and a larger fraction. From on the other hand, during the rainy season (which I wrote about in the previous section), the beaches of Pattaya outperform the beaches of Phuket, or at least not worse.You can see photos and videos of Pattaya beaches in a separate article (link above).

And if you take into account the coral island of Koh Lan, which is located just a few kilometers from Pattaya and which is easily accessible by ferry for only 30 TBH ($0.85), then during the rainy season, Pattaya generally looks preferable in terms of the sea and beaches. you can find the link, and also find out which beaches of the island are better not to choose because of the mass vacation of noisy Chinese tourists. During my last trip to Thailand, I rested (and collected information for the site) at several resorts at once, both in the Gulf of Thailand and on the Andaman Sea, but most of all I liked the color of the water and transparency on one of the beaches of Koh Lan near Pattaya (see photo below).

I am writing all this so that beach lovers are not afraid to go to Pattaya after hearing stories about dirty beaches and muddy waters. If you are not afraid of a 45-minute ferry ride to the island and back, a beach holiday in Pattaya will be great. In response to the question: "Pattaya or Phuket - where are the best beaches?" - you can also add that on most beaches in Pattaya and on the island of Koh Lan there is a sufficient number of sunbeds that can be rented for the whole day for 50-100 THB. But in Phuket in 2015, sun loungers on the beaches were banned and now you can sunbathe either on a towel, or on a mat, or on a rented mattress. On the one hand, it makes the beaches more picturesque. But on the other hand, it does not add convenience to vacationers. Diving, snorkeling and sea fishing are better in Phuket than in Pattaya (again in the case of high season on the island). And active water entertainments are present at both resorts in sufficient quantities.

Pattaya or Phuket - where are the cheapest flights

According to this indicator, Pattaya almost always outperforms Phuket. If we are talking about flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, air tickets to Bangkok (namely, it is easier and cheaper to fly to the capital's airport to rest in Pattaya) cost about 2-3 thousand Russian rubles less than air tickets to Phuket. In this case, we are talking about both direct flights and flights with transfers. If the flight is planned to be carried out from other Russian cities (Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, etc.), air tickets to Bangkok are on average cheaper than to Phuket by 4-6 thousand rubles, or 15-20%.

In the case of air tickets to Thailand from Belarus and Ukraine, Pattaya (Bangkok airport) definitely outperforms Phuket, because the price difference is on average 30-40%. And in the case of Kazakhstan (flights from Almaty and Astana), the overpayment for a flight to Phuket can exceed 60% compared to a flight to Bangkok. In fairness, I want to note that we are talking about the average price. During the validity of special offers from airlines flying from many major cities, the difference in the cost of air tickets to Phuket and Bangkok may not be so noticeable (for example, 5-10%).

I remind you that it is better to look for the best price for air tickets not on airline websites, but with the help of a metasearch that scans all airlines and leading air ticket agencies at once, so that all experienced travelers can always buy air tickets at the best price at the time of the search. The search form that I always use when planning my travels is located below. And in order not to miss the opportunity to buy a ticket at the best price, I advise you to additionally read the information on the page and apply this information in practice.

I also remind you that if you definitely want to relax in Phuket, but flights from the airport closest to you to this island are much more expensive than to Bangkok, you can always fly to the capital of Thailand, and from there get to Phuket in about 12 hours by bus (there are night, allowing you to save on the hotel). Bus tickets can be ordered and even paid in advance using a reputable search service of all kinds (link to the Russian version of the service).

Pattaya or Phuket: road to and from the airport

If we compare which is better - Pattaya or Phuket in terms of the road from the airport to the resort and back, then we must take into account two indicators: travel time and fare. When it comes to travel time, Phuket has a slight advantage. The international airport is located directly on the island (in the northern part), so the road to the popular beaches behind the west coast takes from half an hour to an hour (on average 45 minutes), depending on the transport you choose and the particular beach. When it comes to traveling to Pattaya from Bangkok Airport (which is located just 110 km from the resort) and connected to it by a freeway, the travel time takes approximately 1.5-2 hours (also depending on the mode of transport).

Thus, we can conclude that the road from your city to your place of residence in Phuket will be about one hour shorter than when flying to Bangkok and moving to Pattaya. However, in reality this is not entirely true. Phuket is located south of Bangkok, so it is almost certain that the flight time to the island is about one hour longer than to the capital's Suvarnabhumi Airport. Those. the road to both resorts from the city of your departure to Thailand will take approximately the same time. You can also add that when searching for flights to Phuket, you will certainly find options that include an additional transfer in Bangkok. In this case, the travel time to the holiday destination in Phuket will increase even more.

Now let's compare the cost of local transport. When using a taxi from the airport, Phuket has a slight advantage (approximately 25%). But when it comes to inexpensive public transport, Phuket, which has its own airport, loses to Pattaya, even taking into account the fact that in the latter case we are talking about a much greater distance. For example: a small bus ride to Patong Beach will cost 150-180 THB per person, and to Karon and Kata beaches - 180-200 THB (depending on the carrier). The road to Pattaya on a comfortable intercity bus costs from 134 baht(cm. ). And the difference in price is enough for public transport in Pattaya.

Local transport in Phuket and Pattaya - comparison

During a holiday at any resort, the issue of mobility is quite acute. After all, very few people spend their entire vacation on the territory of hotels (if we are not talking about Turkey and Egypt with all-inclusive hotels). So where is the best local transport - in Phuket or in Pattaya? This is the first point in this big comparison of resorts, where Pattaya wins an undeniable victory. To get from one end of the resort to the other, for example, from north to south, you will need in most cases only 30 baht (less than $ 1). And to drive a fairly impressive part of the resort without a transfer, you need only 10 baht.

Transport in Pattaya - tuk tuk or songthaew for 10 baht

The transport system of Patatya is so simple and convenient that you only need to remember a few routes and transfer points to use it. You can read more about this in the article, which will help you save a lot of time and money during your vacation. Even in the case of the additional use of taxis and motorcycle taxis in Pattaya, your expenses for moving from point A to point B in the resort will only rarely exceed 100-150 baht. To visit Koh Lan, you just need to get to the pier (in the very center of the resort) and buy a ferry ticket (30 baht) or a speedboat (150 baht for a return ticket, including a free drink on board) on your own.

But local transport in Phuket is one of the obvious disadvantages of the resort. Thanks to a strong lobby of taxi drivers (who are rumored to be "roofed" by the Chinese mafia), public transport between the beaches of Phuket is not provided. For tourists, this means one thing: you must either use public songteo buses for 30 baht to get from your beach to Phuket Town (the administrative center of the island), and from there, use similar transport to get to another beach. Those. the road to another beach using even the cheapest public transport will cost at least 60 baht one way. But you still need to get back and forth, which requires another 60 baht and a lot of time - the most valuable resource during a holiday in Thailand.

Transport in Phuket - expensive taxi "tuk-tuk"

Of course, taxis can be used to travel to neighboring beaches. But due to the lack of competition from cheap public transport, local taxi drivers have long lost their remnants of conscience and demand 300-400 baht one way for a 5-7 minute trip. And despite the statements of the Thai authorities to finally put things in order in this matter and to “restrain” taxi drivers a little, the situation has not changed for many years. If you want to go to the islands, you will also have to initially get from the beach to Phuket Town, then to the desired pier and buy a tour from a local travel agency there. As a result, it is much more profitable to rent a car for a vacation in Phuket or for a few days in which you are planning a rich excursion program. The most profitable way to do this is right at the airport of the island, but in Phuket Town and on popular beaches you can also find places with inexpensive rentals. The estimated cost of renting a car per day is $25-$30 for a small 4-seater car with air conditioning, automatic transmission (which is important when the driver's seat is located on the right) and insurance against theft and damage to the car. Those. for the specified amount, comparable in price to a 20-minute taxi ride, you get a completely different degree of freedom for the whole day. Of course, if you have a driver's license. To rent a car in Phuket, it is best to use the search form below, with which you can choose the best of the available options for your dates at once in a dozen reputable rental offices.

Hotels in Pattaya and Phuket - where is better and cheaper

During any independent trip, accommodation costs usually make up about 30% of the holiday budget. And the share of these expenses grows in proportion to the time spent at the resort. Therefore, it is very important to compare: where are the best hotels - in Phuket or in Pattaya and where accommodation will be less expensive. Phuket is more expensive than Pattaya in many ways, and hotels are no exception in this comparison. On average, hotels in Phuket are about 15-20% more expensive than similar hotels in Pattaya. But in this situation, it cannot be argued that Phuket is definitely losing. Good hotels in a good location (by the sea or near places of entertainment - whatever you like) can be found both there and there. Both resorts feature both hotels from the chain of global hotel chains (Hilton, InterContinental, Marriott, etc.) and independent hotels.

Proper planning of your trip to Thailand, in which you study the cost of living at the selected resort in advance and use it for search, will most likely allow you to choose a hotel of the right class, with the right set of services and at a price suitable for your budget. This applies to both city hotels and guesthouses located in areas with an active nightlife, as well as luxury five-star hotels with their own territory on the first line from the sea (there are more of them in Phuket than in Pattaya). Also, a distinctive feature of expensive hotels in Phuket is that many of them involve living in separate bungalows, often located on hillsides surrounded by well-groomed shrubs and palm trees. These hotels are not cheap, but the view from the rooms is worth it.

In Pattaya, most hotels, even of the highest class, are classic multi-storey buildings with territories of various sizes or without them at all. For lovers of infinity pools overlooking the sea, I can tell you that you can find these in Phuket and Pattaya. In the latter case - usually on the roof of the hotel, as in - one of the best hotels in the city according to tourist reviews, where you definitely need to stay at least for a couple of days while relaxing in the city (especially if you want to please your soulmate or just impress her ). By the way, you can see the pool of this hotel using one of Pattaya's webcams overlooking the sea.

Food in hotels is about the same in quality and variety, especially since in Thailand this is far from the most important point that you need to pay attention to when choosing a hotel. Please note: in hotels in Thailand (no matter where: in Pattaya or Phuket) the All Inclusive system and in general multiple meals are not developed. Usually only breakfast is included in the price. Free Wi-Fi in 2016-2017 is no longer a luxury, but a standard service not only in five-star hotels, but also in inexpensive guesthouses. Therefore, it will be more difficult for you to find a hotel without this service than with it. For those who would like to stay in one of the island hotels located directly on the beach (and there are very few of them in reality), I advise you to look at the selection by clicking on the link.

Pattaya or Phuket - comparison of prices in resorts

Since the prices for accommodation and transport have already been dealt with in the previous paragraphs, it remains to compare the cost of food, drinks, fruits, entertainment and shopping in general in order to understand whether Phuket or Pattaya is better in this regard for recreation. When going on vacation and planning your food expenses, you need to prepare for the fact that the cost of visiting local cafes and even the prices of street food in Phuket are 30% or more higher. For many positions, the difference in prices generally exceeds 100%; there is more than a twofold difference. I'll give you a simple example. If you eat in Pattaya from mobile street stalls (macashnitsa), then the cost of chicken skewers on a skewer is 10 baht, a slightly larger portion of pork is 20 baht, and a large piece of chicken fillet (in the center of the photo below) is 50 baht.

Street food in Pattaya - skewers on a skewer. In Phuket, everything is 1.5-2 times more expensive!

In Phuket, similar food is already offered for 20-30 baht, 30-40 baht and 80-100 baht, respectively. Of course, in some places you can find street food at the same prices, but for this you will have to spend a lot of time searching, especially during the high tourist season in Phuket (usually the lowest prices are in night markets). And such a difference in the price of almost all goods. Pancakes with bananas or mangoes (pancakes) in Pattaya - almost everywhere 40 baht. In Phuket - from 60 and above. Even on Walking Street in Pattaya- the center of the resort's nightlife - you can easily find many bars where the price of a bottle of beer starts from 50-60 baht. In Phuket, the minimum price in night bars is 80 baht. An even bigger difference in prices can be for fruits, not only at street vendors, but also in large stores (Big C and Tesco Lotus).

Not far behind the merchants and the service sector. In Phuket, compared to Pattaya, you will overpay one and a half to two times for Thai massage (classic, foot massage, oil massage and other types), for hairdresser services, for motorbike rental (both for renting for a day and for long-term rentals ), for motorcycle taxi services (about the “appetites” of taxi drivers have already been mentioned above), for going to the cinema, for active water activities on the beach (banana, parasailing, jet ski, etc.) - listing everything will take too much time. The conclusion is this: in terms of the cost of rest in the resort, Phuket outright loses to Pattaya in all respects.

Massage price in Phuket. Off the beach 100 baht cheaper, but still 1.5 times more expensive than Pattaya

By the way, who cares: close communication with local (more precisely, working in Phuket) Thai girls in Phuket will also cost about 1.5 times more. That is why a lot of tourists come to the island with Thais, previously "rented" for a long time in Pattaya. A very popular question is: "Pattaya or Phuket - where is the best shopping?" You can answer this: approximately the same in terms of level, but in Pattaya, of course, everything is cheaper. In addition, it is easy to get to Bangkok from Pattaya, where shopping is the best in all of Thailand (and possibly in all of Southeast Asia).

Pattaya or Phuket - where are the best sights

Another important point and another clear victory for Pattaya over Phuket. Almost all the sights of Phuket can be listed on the fingers of one hand. In addition to natural attractions (viewing platforms, waterfalls and neighboring islands), only the Old Town can be noted in Phuket (there are colorful streets in the Portuguese and Dutch style left over from Europeans), several old temples and the statue of the Big Buddha (which was built already in the 21st century). Of course, there are objects on the island such as a dolphinarium, an oceanarium, a butterfly park, a water park, shows with elephants and snakes. But all this is present in Pattaya, so you can "bracket".

Wat Chalong is one of the few attractions in Phuket

If we compare the sightseeing attractiveness of Phuket and Pattaya, then here Pattaya is far ahead. Due to the location of Phuket in the southern part of the country, there are no interesting excursions (apart from sea excursions around the islands) here either. Of course, you can visit the province of Krabi, but this trip is not close and in most cases it consists in visiting natural attractions (thermal springs, rocks, lakes). The journey from Phuket to Bangkok by bus takes about 12 hours, and cheap flights can not always be found.

The Temple of Truth in Pattaya is one of the most beautiful buildings in Thailand.

But Pattaya is good both for one-day excursions and for a little more long ones. From Pattaya it is customary to make excursions to the Tiger Zoo in Si Racha, the interesting Khao Keow Zoo (Khao Kheow Open Zoo), the Safari World safari park in the vicinity of Bangkok. Just a couple of hours by bus - and you are in Bangkok itself, where you can spend your entire vacation exploring the temples and not even visit half of them. But you can still visit the largest in the world, which you can spend the whole day on, the Erawan Museum, the floating market in Bangkok, the Chinese and Indian quarters, observation decks on the highest skyscrapers in Thailand, etc.

From Pattaya, 2-3 day excursions to one of the most beautiful provinces in the center of the country - Kanchanaburi, as well as one-day excursions to the ancient capital of the country - Ayutthaya are popular. Finally, choosing Pattaya as a holiday destination makes it easy to get to the islands of Koh Chang and Koh Samet, as well as make an excursion to the neighboring country - Cambodia with its amazing temple of Angkor Wat. In fairness, it can be noted here that it is more convenient and faster to get to Koh Samui and Krabi from Phuket, but it is not too difficult to do this from Pattaya with cheap night buses and proximity to Bangkok.

Pattaya or Phuket - much cheaper tours

As a rule, the cost of ready-made tours to Pattaya is slightly lower than the cost of similar tours to Phuket (when staying in a hotel of the same category, flying on a charter flight and the same type of food included in the package price). This, in general, is quite understandable, because the flight to Phuket takes longer, and everything on the island (hotels and meals) is also more expensive not only for independent travelers, but also for tour operators). This difference in prices is most noticeable when choosing hotels in Phuket, located close to the coastline.

Pattaya or Phuket - the cost of tours to Phuket (12 nights)

But due to the fact that today everyone who wants to relax in Phuket or Pattaya on a tourist package has a chance to do this at minimal cost, it can be argued that tours to Phuket and Pattaya cost about the same. The difference of about $ 50 for a ten-day tour, which can be both in favor of Pattaya and in favor of Phuket - depending on the chosen day of departure - can not be included in the calculation. For those who do not know yet: it is better to look for the best prices for ready-made tours to Thailand not on the websites of tour operators, but with the help of special services that accumulate all hot offers in one place. By the way, in this case, burning trips mean not only those that involve a departure in the coming days, but with a departure throughout the next month and even beyond.

For example, the article contains several screenshots. I used, which in 95% of cases finds the lowest prices for tours with a departure from Moscow. If you are interested in flying from another city in Russia, you can additionally check the prices in a competing service - - sometimes there are better offers). On the first and second screenshots there are tours to Thailand (Phuket and Pattaya) with a stay of 10 nights and a departure in two weeks (a good time to prepare for the trip) in the second half of November (the beginning of the high season at both resorts). The screenshots show not the lowest offers for Phuket or Pattaya, but those that meet the general conditions of comparison: 3-star hotels with a pool and breakfast.

Pattaya or Phuket - the cost of tours to Pattaya (12 nights)

As you can see, in both cases, the cost of a 12-night tour is about 70 thousand rubles for two, or about 35 thousand per person (about $550 per person at the current exchange rate). At the same time, the price of tours to Phuket is even lower than to Pattaya. The higher price of tours to Pattaya is due to the smaller number of hotels with private pools in this resort. If the pool is not required, it is easy to find a tour to Pattaya for about 30 thousand rubles per person. The service is convenient in that it allows you to find ready-made tours to a specific resort, and the duration of tours to Thailand can be not only the standard 7-15 days, but any number of days up to 30 (29 nights)!

Thus, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question: "Phuket or Pattaya - which is better in terms of buying a tour?". After all, modern technologies make it possible to find tours similar in price, amenities and duration both to Phuket and Pattaya. But here it is important to remember that when relaxing in Phuket, your additional costs will certainly be higher than during a package holiday in Pattaya. Indeed, as has been repeatedly mentioned above in the text, in Phuket almost everything is 20-50% more expensive than in Pattaya.

Phuket or Pattaya - where is safer

It is more correct to answer this question in the context of the main potential dangers that you may encounter while relaxing in the Land of Smiles. In the last two years, I have been regularly reading crime chronicles in resorts in Thailand, so I can say that there is a chance to lose money and valuables in Pattaya and Phuket. As a rule, thefts and robberies come first, and ladyboys (in both resorts) or guest workers from Burma (in Phuket) are most often responsible for such crimes. Typical victims of such crimes are inattentive tourists in crowded places (pickpocketing) or drunken people walking alone at night (street robberies with possible beatings).

If we talk about general safety while relaxing, then in Phuket there is a risk of becoming a victim of a reef current (see), getting injured and burned by dangerous jellyfish of the Indian Ocean while swimming in the sea (usually beaches are closed for swimming in the presence of such living creatures in the water) . Also in Phuket, in an unfortunate set of circumstances, get injured during a fall from a motorbike (every year in Phuket, several hundred tourists become victims of an accident due to poor motorbike driving skills and alcohol intoxication). Finally, Phuket is located in the Indian Ocean, in which devastating tsunamis sometimes occur. The last major tsunami that claimed the lives of several thousand people occurred in December 2004 and, among other coastal areas, covered Phuket. You can easily find creepy shots of bodies on the shore by searching for "tsunami in Thailand".

Phuket or Pattaya - where is safer - Tsunami in Thailand 2004

If we talk about Pattaya, then there are no reef currents there at all, there is also no danger of a tsunami. Pattaya is not only located in the Gulf of Thailand, where there are no tectonic faults in the earth's crust, but also in a rather narrow place in this bay, where in any case the wave would not have enough distance to gain destructive speed and height. As for motorbikes, there is always a risk of falling off them, but due to the cheapness of public transport in Pattaya, renting motorbikes here is far from being as popular as in Phuket. However, this does not mean that in Pattaya you need to relax in matters of ensuring your own safety. God saves man, who save himself! Remember this always, wherever you are - in Phuket or Pattaya - and everything will be OK! In separate articles on the site, you can learn more about some common resorts.

Phuket or Pattaya - where is it better?

It's time to sum up this big comparison and determine which resort is still better: Pattaya or Phuket. If you carefully read the article, you have probably already determined for yourself the main criteria that this or that resort meets (or vice versa) does not meet. For those who prefer to immediately read the conclusions, below are brief recommendations on which resort is best for you based on the goals of your holiday in Thailand, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages of Pattaya and Phuket in comparison with each other.

Advantages of Phuket over Pattaya:

+ a large selection of excellent beaches within walking distance from places of residence,
+ clear beautiful sea right at the resort (during the high season),
+ availability of interesting sea excursions,
+ the possibility of diving and snorkeling,
+ more greenery in the resort and a slightly better ecological environment.

Disadvantages of Phuket:

— weak excursion program;
- the minimum number of interesting sights on the island and in general in the region;
- little sun, strong waves, rain and muddy water during the low season;
- lack of cheap local transport and impudent taxi drivers;
- almost all entertainment - on Patong Beach;
- noticeably higher prices for EVERYTHING compared to Pattaya.

Who better to choose Phuket

If for you during your holiday in Thailand, a beach holiday comes first, i.e. the main thing for you is the presence of a good beach with clean water within walking distance from the hotel, then Phuket is your choice. True, you should be prepared for the fact that the vacation budget due to the high cost of the resort will be noticeably larger than when relaxing in Pattaya. And when choosing Phuket, do not forget about the pronounced seasonality on this tropical island, as well as the fact that the cultural program during your vacation in Phuket will be limited. Also, Phuket during the low season is perfect for surfers, because it is here that there are many special schools, and in the fall international competitions in this sport are held.

Advantages of Pattaya over Phuket:

+ the cheapest resort in Thailand (a richer holiday on a lower budget);
+ year-round resort (no pronounced seasonality);
+ the best place for shopping (due to lower prices and proximity to Bangkok);
+ availability of attractions and interesting excursions in the resort and nearby;
+ cheap local transport
+ cheaper flights (when flying to Bangkok).

Disadvantages of Pattaya:

– lack of beaches with crystal clear water in the city;
— more hotels without their own territory;
- in many areas of the city - more noisy than in Phuket (except for Patong Beach);
- the presence of unpleasant odors in sewer manholes (in the early days it can be annoying).

Who is best suited for Pattaya:

If you want to have a good rest with a modest budget and at the same time the main thing for you during your vacation is parties, acquaintance with the history and culture of Thailand and shopping (at the resort and in Bangkok) - Pattaya is your choice. Also, this resort is more suitable for single men who want to find exotic adventures during their holidays. A beach holiday here can also be great, because the resort has many beaches that are easy and cheap to get from any part of Pattaya. And if you don’t want to put up with not quite transparent water on the beaches of the city, just 45 minutes from the resort there is a coral island of Koh Lan with white sand and crystal clear water. At the same time, you can go on vacation to Pattaya at any time of the year, without waiting for the right season. Also, holidays in Pattaya with children will be much more interesting for the latter, when they are suitable for excursions to amusement parks, water parks and zoos by age.

Perhaps, after carefully reading the entire article, someone noticed the lack of comparison of tropical nature in Phuket and Pattaya. Therefore, in the end, I would like to add that for real exotic you need to go to other resorts in the country (for example, to the coconut island of Koh Samui). But if from a vacation in Thailand you want not only clean sea and white sand, but you definitely plan to relax in Phuket or Pattaya, I advise you to get to neighboring resorts for at least a few days, which, in terms of the exotic nature and picturesque beaches, are noticeably superior to Pattaya, and Phuket and are better suited for a romantic getaway (for example, for a honeymoon trip). During your vacation in Pattaya, I advise you to visit the island of Koh Chang in the Gulf of Thailand, and during your vacation in Phuket, the Phi Phi Islands in the Andaman Sea.

I hope that a large comparison of resorts has allowed all those who have not yet been to Thailand, but are going to relax in this wonderful country, to more consciously approach the choice of Phuket or Pattaya as a vacation spot. If we draw the main conclusion that Phuket or Pattaya - which is better?– then there can be no unambiguous answer. It all depends on the main goals of your holiday, the season and the available budget. In most cases, choosing Pattaya or Phuket, you have to make some compromise. And to finally determine what is still better specifically for you: Phuket or Pattaya - you can only visit both resorts on your own. I wish you a great holiday and bright positive emotions, regardless of which resort you choose in the end - Pattaya or Phuket!

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When the time comes for a long-awaited vacation, many of us wonder how to spend it in the most interesting way, so that it will be remembered for a long time? Where to go for these unforgettable experiences? Very often the choice falls on Thailand, but even here the questions do not decrease. An unsolvable dilemma immediately presents itself: what to choose or.

The choice is quite difficult, since these two resorts have a lot of advantages. No wonder they are the most popular in. To decide on a place of rest, first of all, it is worth realizing what exactly our soul desires. Entertainment to the fullest, active and noisy pastime or peace and quiet in a secluded paradise among pristine nature. Indeed, in this sense, Pattaya and Phuket are very different.


Pattaya has recently acquired the status of the most "party" resort city in the country. Life is in full swing there 24 hours a day. A variety of entertainment venues can be found on every corner. Restaurants, cafes, bars, pubs, Thai salons, shops, and street performers and clowns amuse passers-by right in the middle of the streets. So you won't be bored for a minute. Pattaya is especially famous.

With the onset of twilight, the city, no less noisy during the day, takes on a new breath. The streets are filled with people who want to relax and forget about all the problems and have fun. From all sides, colorful signs of nightly entertainment venues are lit with multi-colored lights and the sounds of music are heard, attracting visitors. It seems that even the air is filled with some unusual energy from which, willy-nilly, you forget about everything in the world and become a participant in the general fun.

Based on the above facts, it can be concluded that Pattaya is the best option for young people, single men wishing to relax in every sense of the word, and to all active tourists who love to spend time energetically and cheerfully.

In the city of entertainment, the main attraction is the Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, which is the hallmark of Pattaya. It has the largest collection of palm trees in all of Thailand, and also has a garden of orchids, bromeliads, cacti, and even a rock garden. Architectural masterpieces from all over Europe can be seen in Mini Siam Park. It presents reduced-sized copies of all the unique buildings in the world. Having visited it, you will no longer need to wander around different countries and continents to see the Roman Colosseum or the Statue of Liberty, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Big Ben, the Cheops Pyramid, the Tower Bridge and many other world-famous attractions.

You can see Pattaya at your feet by climbing the View Point observation deck, which is located on Mount Khao Pratamnak. When you go there, be sure to take your camera with you. Photos of the city taken from above are incredibly beautiful. Another of the most visited attractions is the Temple of Truth. It is the largest wooden temple in the world built without a single nail. In addition to all this, Pattaya has many museums, water parks, a dolphinarium, snake and crocodile farms.

Resting in Phuket, you can visit all the nearby islands. The most popular and Lovers of natural beauties are happy to visit the Butterfly Park and the Orchid Farm. And to see the most beautiful sunset on the island, you should go to Cape Phromthep. For families with children, visits to the aquarium, zoo and Phuket Fantasy amusement park will be exciting.

One of the main attractions of the island is the temple of Wat Chalong where the relics of the Buddha himself rest and a huge statue of Buddha towering over the island on Mount Nak Kood. A huge structure 45 meters high can be seen from anywhere in Phuket. Also, from the observation deck near the statue, a magnificent view of the entire island opens.


Often, when choosing a resort, one of the first thoughts that comes up is whether a vacation on it will hit the family budget a lot. And if you compare these two resorts in terms of the possibility of spending your vacation more economically, then Pattaya is undoubtedly the leader in this matter. In Phuket, everything is much more expensive. Prices for accommodation, food and even amenities on the beach are higher than in Pattaya. Especially shocking is the cost of a taxi on the island. In Pattaya, in addition to the Hilton Pattaya type, there is, and transport costs in general are scanty.

Shoppers, of course, are better off. The city has a huge number of large, chain supermarkets, shops, shops and various markets. So Pattaya can safely be called a paradise for shopaholics. In addition, it is not far from the city to Bangkok where you can buy a lot of wonderful things at lower prices.

Having considered Phuket and Pattaya for all points, you can opt for one resort, which is more suitable for the availability of amenities, entertainment and many other factors. But still, the best option would be to visit both of them and not deprive yourself of the opportunity to see all the beauty that is hidden in Pattaya and Phuket.

Most of our tourists, going to Thailand, ask a sacramental question: where is it better to go? On one side of the scales - sexy and cheap Pattaya, on the other - a quiet and respectable Phuket. Each of these resorts has its pros and cons, which we will try to highlight in this article.

Pattaya and Phuket on the map

Phuket Island is located in southern Thailand and borders the Andaman Sea. In addition to being the largest Thai island, Phuket is also an independent province. Moreover, it is quite well-to-do.
The province is spread over 590 km² and includes 39 small islands.. Bangkok lies 850 kilometers to the north.

An interesting detail: the island is connected to the mainland of the kingdom through the half-kilometer Sarasin Bridge.

Pattaya, being part of the province of Chonburi, is located on the east coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Only 165 km separates it from Bangkok. It is easier to get here than to Phuket, and many travelers see this as an undeniable advantage.

Arriving from Bangkok

Let's compare the delights of the transport links of both resorts with Bangkok. We previously wrote that it is better to fly to Bangkok and then move around the country using domestic passenger lines.

It is easy to guess that getting to Pattaya is much easier and cheaper than Phuket. We make a mental note.

Distance from Phuket to Pattaya

Phuket and Pattaya are separated by 993 kilometers which are easily overcome by several modes of transport. Most wanderers prefer buses.

Moving from Phuket to Pattaya

Back in 2011, there was no regular bus service between Phuket and Pattaya. However, over the past 2 years the situation has changed markedly. Having paid about 1300 baht for a VIP seat in a comfortable bus, you can easily reach the coveted island. Pleasant bonuses will be free food and water with a bun, included in the fare.

Travel time will be approximately 14 hours. Departure daily at 18.00. This is the only flight connecting Pattaya with Phuket, so try to be punctual. The starting point is North Street.

Resort comparison

Comparing Phuket with Pattaya is a thankless task. Each of these resorts has its own niche in the tourism sector, each has its own adherents. And yet we dare to go over the main criteria for quality rest.

Weather in Phuket

Vacation in Phuket Best time is October-April. Other months you will remember only endless heavy rains, since monsoon winds prevail in those latitudes. This climate is called tropical monsoon.

The air temperature here in the hot season is 28-32ºС. Rain is a very rare occurrence. In the low season, there is also a chance to "catch" good weather. However, we do not recommend swimming in a storm.

Compare with the weather forecast in Pattaya for a week:

Weather conditions in Pattaya can be divided into three seasons:

  • Cool (November-February). The average daily temperature is 30-32ºС. At night, the mercury column does not fall below 21-23ºС. Sometimes there are brief showers. With the advent of February comes a sharp warming.
  • Hot (March-June). In some cases, the thermometer shows + 40ºС. The night temperature is around 26 degrees. The sun is extremely active, so you can easily get burned. High humidity makes the local climate a living hell for the inhabitants of the middle zone.
  • Rainy season (July-October). The air temperature drops to the 32-degree mark. The rainy peak falls on August-September - at this time the humidity exceeds 90%. The sky is mostly overcast. Mosquitoes appear.

Beaches at resorts

Pattaya, although a resort, is still a large city, so there are not enough beaches here. And those that are are significantly inferior in terms of ecology to the beaches of Phuket. The sandy strip stretching along the coast is narrow. The natural limit is the road. The sea is calm but cloudy. Vacationers seeking tropical nature with its rocky and sandy beaches will have to make an excursion to the nearby islands.

Phuket is confidently ahead of its depraved competitor in the level of beach culture. The sand here is presented for every taste - from snow-white and fine to coarse, crisp like snow. Enough in Phuket and secluded beaches, as well as recreational areas with developed infrastructure.

Everywhere - greenery, waterfalls, mountain rivers. The sea is clear and clean. Each beach is unique, you will be pleased with the environment, invigorate walking and bring a lot of impressions forays to neighboring islands.


Experienced wanderers calculated that Phuket costs 1.5 times more than Pattaya. Since Phuket is a young and rapidly developing tourist center, all the hotels in Phuket are ultra-modern and newly built. The flight from Bangkok to Phuket will also cost more, since the island is far from the center.

Clothing and food, when compared with Pattaya price tags, more expensive by 10-20%. The same applies to taxis, but the prices that drivers bend are quite fair. The fact is that Phuket is a very vast island, and in Pattaya everything is at hand.


There are very few cultural attractions in Pattaya, except for those clubs that put on transvestite shows. There are interesting places in the vicinity of the capital of debauchery, but you still need to get there.

Here is a list of Pattaya "wonders" worth visiting:

  • Hill of the Buddha;
  • Orchid park;
  • Mini Siam;
  • Sanctuary of Truth;
  • floating market;
  • Elephant Village;
  • crocodile farm;
  • park of million-year-old stones.

Phuket, on the contrary, boasts ancient temples, waterfalls, various natural monuments and educational museums.

We list the most interesting points of the excursion program in Phuket:

  • Mining Museum;
  • Tiger Temple;
  • Phuket Zoo;
  • Butterfly Garden;
  • Waterfall Ton Prai;
  • Museum of sea shells;
  • Monkey Mountain;
  • snake farm;
  • Phra Nang Temple;
  • Tai Hua Museum;
  • National park.


Entertainment, in principle, is enough at both resorts. The only difference is their direction. In Pattaya, everything is focused on the sex industry, and in Phuket you will be offered a lot of trekking, hiking with tents and exotic night fishing for octopuses.

nightlife lovers, those who went to Phuket for "movement" will have to migrate to Koh Phangan beach- it is there that most of the local discos, bars and nightclubs are concentrated. However, their prices will not please you.


This is where Pattaya comes forward. Firstly, it is a large city, all the shops and shopping centers of which are within easy reach. Secondly, the famous Floating Market operates here, which is an attraction in itself. And, finally, the determining factor that throws Phuket to the back of shopping is the proximity to Pattaya of Bangkok with its endless shopping malls.

Reviews about Phuket or Pattaya

Analyzing the reviews of travelers who have visited Phuket and Pattaya, we can draw certain conclusions:

  1. If you are young and aspire to an active nightlife - head to Pattaya. Holidays in Pattaya are best combined with trips to the tiny islands of the Gulf of Thailand. Then the beach will be yours to enjoy.
  2. Strive for solitude and natural purity- save up more money and fly to Phuket. Pattaya beaches make a depressing impression on many.
  3. Hotels in Pattaya cause a storm of conflicting opinions. Many people like their budget, but the level of comfort in cheap hotels leaves much to be desired. Tales about rats, cockroaches and unfriendly staff roam the net.
  4. Some tourists, paying tribute to the snow-white beaches of Phuket, criticize the scarcity of the entertainment program.

Vacation pros and cons

Summing up, let's try to highlight the negative and positive aspects of both resorts.

  • Pattaya. The advantages include: a favorable climate, a wide range of entertainment, cheap accommodation, service focus on Russians. Among the minuses are poor ecology, dirty beaches, problematic family vacations.
  • Phuket. Pros: the resort specializes in beach holidays, you are surrounded by luxurious natural landscapes, a high level of service. Cons: the island is remote from Bangkok, high prices, expensive accommodation, little entertainment.

It's high season, which means it's time to make a decision. Both Phuket and Pattaya have their own unique charm, they weave an unforgettable atmosphere filled with fresh sensations around the European. Which of the two resorts attracts you more depends on your temperament and wallet size.. One way or another, Thailand will certainly live up to all expectations and settle in your heart forever.

A selection of characteristic photos of Phuket for comparison

We figure out which of the resorts in Thailand is better - Pattaya or Phuket. We compare the sea, beaches, excursions, prices and reviews of tourists about Phuket and Pattaya - 2020 in order to understand where it is good to go on vacation on your own or on a last-minute tour.

Where are these resorts located?

Pattaya and Phuket on the map of Thailand:

Which resort to choose in Thailand:

  • Phuket: holidays with children, swimming, beach holidays;
  • Pattaya: excursions and attractions, entertainment, separation.

The main argument of Pattaya's supporters is "Phuket gets boring after a few days." But this opinion is individual: it will be boring or fun - it depends only on your needs.

Below in the article we will compare all aspects of recreation in these resorts in Thailand so that you can decide for yourself where it is better to go - to Phuket or Pattaya.

At the end of the article you will find a comparison table of the advantages of each resort, which will help you make the right choice.

Pattaya or Phuket: where is the best weather

When choosing Phuket or Pattaya for a holiday in Thailand, you should have an idea about the climate in these regions of the country.

Holidays in Phuket

In Phuket, it is better to relax in the period from mid-November to April-May - at this time there are no rains, strong winds and waves on the sea, the water is clear, and the beaches are best suited for swimming. It is about the rest during this period that tourists leave the most enthusiastic reviews about Phuket.

The rest of the time (May-October), the rainy season lasts in Phuket: the sky is often overcast and gray, there are waves on the sea, the water can be muddy. It rains often, but mostly in the evenings and at night.

Holidays in Pattaya

In Pattaya, the period from early November to mid-May is also considered a good holiday season. But the rainy season in this part of Thailand is weak, so you can comfortably relax in Pattaya both in summer and in autumn. In addition, due to the geographic location there are never big waves in Pattaya.

Read more about the climate and holiday seasons here:

Thus, if good weather is important to you, you should go to Phuket or Pattaya in the following months:

  • Phuket: early November - mid-May
  • Pattaya: all year (but better - from November to the end of May)

Phuket or Pattaya: where is the sea better

If the purpose of your trip to Thailand is swimming and a beach holiday, Phuket will be preferable to Pattaya. If at the same time you are going to rest with small children, you should not even consider the option with Pattaya - the sea and beaches there are much worse, you definitely should not go to such places with a child.

Sea in Phuket

In the holiday season, the sea in Phuket is clear, with clear azure and blue water, excellent photos are obtained on the coast. The bottom is clearly visible at great depths, the entry into the water on the popular beaches is gentle: you can swim and relax even with small children. The purity of the sea is also evidenced by the presence of representatives of the animal world - crabs, lizards, small fish.

Video from the sea at Patong Beach in Phuket (November):

Sea in Pattaya

In Pattaya, the sea is much worse than in Phuket. There is often garbage in the water, it is cloudy, green in color. Almost no one swims in the city, for this tourists go to the beaches in the vicinity of the city or to neighboring islands - and this will have to spend time and money.

The sea in Pattaya is not so terrible that it was dangerous or forbidden to swim in it, but such swimming will bring much less pleasure than in Phuket.

Video of the sea and water in Pattaya:

Which is better: the beaches of Phuket or Pattaya

In our opinion, the beaches in Phuket are generally better for relaxation than the beaches of Pattaya - they are more beautiful and cleaner, but not as rich in clubs, bars and other entertainment.

One of the main advantages of the beaches of Phuket over the beaches of Pattaya is also the proximity of the sea: to get to a good beach in Phuket, you need to walk 200-400 meters from the hotel, and in Pattaya you will have to go at least an hour.

Phuket beaches

Phuket has over 20 beaches, all located on the western side of the island. The beaches are different, you can find the right one for you.

There is a popular and party Patong - generally similar to Pattaya, but on a smaller scale. There are many bars and discos, there is even its own analogue of the depraved Walking Street - here it is called Bangla Road. Patong has many hotels, restaurants and activities for those who love fun.

There are quiet and beautiful beaches without tourists and hotels where you can admire the aquamarine water and natural beauty - these are Tri Trang, Nai Harn, Freedom, Mai Khao.

Finally, there are good beaches Karon, Kata and Kamala - a cross between developed Patong and a quiet deserted coast. It is not as noisy and crowded as in Patong, but it is beautiful, clean and has all the necessary infrastructure for recreation.

Panorama of Karon Beach in Phuket in low season, September (click on one of the arrows if the picture is not visible):

Pattaya beaches

There are also many beaches in Pattaya, but the best of them are those that are further from the city center - for example, Jomtien. However, even Jomtien does not suit many tourists - not everyone swims there.

Panorama of the central beach of Pattaya (Pattaya beach) in the season - December (click on the arrow if the photo is not visible):

Other beaches within the city are usually even worse. Judging by the reviews of tourists, many people like to meet sunsets on the beaches of Pattaya, but for swimming and beach holidays, tourists prefer to go out of town or to the nearest islands - for example, Koh Lan or Koh Samet.

On the islands, the sea is quite clean, there are beaches with good sand and no garbage. The only negative is that you need to spend at least an hour and 50-100 baht to get to the island.

The best beach in the vicinity of Pattaya is the Military Beach. It is located 30 kilometers south of the city, getting there by moped or car is still more convenient than sailing to the island of Koh Lan. The military beach is valued for its cleanliness, good sand, clear sea - all this is quite a rarity for Pattaya. Entrance to the beach is paid (100 baht = 190 rubles), on weekends there are going to rest a lot of tourists and local residents.

There is also a good Nong Ram beach - it is located a little further, and some tourists like it even more than the Military Beach.

Entertainment in Thailand

What is better in terms of entertainment - Phuket or Pattaya?

There are more good bars, restaurants, nightclubs in Pattaya. In Phuket, of course, they also exist, but not in such large quantities. In addition, the prices for food and entertainment in Pattaya are lower.

Pattaya is known as the "City of Debauchery" due to its Walking Street. At the same time, in Phuket there is a similar street (on Patong Beach) - Bangla Road. There, those who wish can find everything the same as on Walking Street in Pattaya.

Attractions and excursions

It's believed that Pattaya is better than Phuket in terms of cultural component: there are more attractions, and excursions are more diverse.

Indeed, in Pattaya itself and its environs there are many attractions, and getting to them is easier: after all, Pattaya is a city, and Phuket is a whole island. In addition, from Pattaya it is easy to get to other cultural places in Thailand - for example, to Bangkok or ancient Ayutthaya.

The sights of Pattaya are the most beautiful park complexes (especially worth noting the Nong Nooch garden), monasteries, zoos.

There is also something to see in Phuket, but there are not so many attractions, and to get to them, you need to rent a moped or take an expensive taxi (prices start at 800 rubles per train). Excursions in Phuket are mainly by sea - to neighboring islands or to the province of Krabi.

Our maps will help you navigate the sights of Thailand:

Photo: Temple of Truth in Pattaya

Shopping malls and shopping

In terms of shopping and shopping, Pattaya outperforms Phuket: there are many large shopping centers in the city, and if necessary, you can go to Bangkok, which will satisfy the needs of any shopaholic.

Prices for trips to Pattaya are a little more expensive - from 62,000-70,000 rubles for two people (7 nights). For such a price, you can go, for example, to a popular hotel (breakfast included).

Are you planning to travel on a tour? The material Prices for all-inclusive tours to Thailand - 2020 will be useful to you, where we analyzed the cost of tours to different categories of hotels (3, 4, 5 stars) and to different resorts in the country (Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui).

Last minute tours to Thailand: Pattaya or Phuket

In 2020, among the trips to Thailand, there are often last-minute tours to both Pattaya and Phuket. It is convenient to search for such tours through special search engines that compare the price of vouchers from all tour operators - for example, or.

The cost of last-minute tours to Phuket starts from 34,000-39,000 rubles for two people (7 nights).

Last minute tours to Pattaya can be cheaper - we met options for 30,000 rubles for two.

Resort transport

According to many travelers, transport in Phuket is more expensive than in Pattaya, and not as convenient.

Buses and minibuses

Minibuses (songteo) run around Pattaya around the clock, a ticket for which costs only 10 baht (19 rubles). You can get to almost any part of the city by songteo.

In Phuket, minibuses travel only along the routes "beach - Phuket town", a ticket costs 30 baht. That is, to get to the neighboring beach by public transport, you need to go through the center of the island - this is long and inconvenient.


Taxi in Phuket is generally the most expensive in Thailand: even for a short trip to a nearby beach, the driver will charge you 400-500 baht (800-1000 rubles). In Pattaya, the price of landing in a taxi is 30-40 baht (60-80 rubles), plus 6 baht (12 rubles) for each kilometer.

Where is it cheaper to travel on your own?

If you are traveling to Phuket or Pattaya on your own, the cost of a flight from Russia may affect the choice of a resort.

In 2020, the difference in airfare is negligible, but you can most likely get to Pattaya cheaper.

Flight to Phuket

Unlike Pattaya, Phuket can be reached by direct flight from Russia. Aeroflot tickets cost from 26,800 rubles in summer and autumn, at other times of the year the price rises to 28,000-30,000 rubles.

To get from the airport to your hotel or beach, you need to spend another 120-180 baht for a minibus / bus or 700-800 baht for a taxi.

Read about the cost of a flight to Phuket and the price of a trip from the airport here:

Calendar with prices for flights to Phuket:

Flight to Pattaya

There is U-Tapao Airport 32 kilometers from Pattaya, but planes neither from Russia nor from Bangkok fly there. Thus, to get to Pattaya, you need to fly to Bangkok and then go by bus or taxi.

For the car.

Calendar with prices for flights to Bangkok:

Phuket or Pattaya: where is safer

Experienced travelers claim that Phuket is safer than Pattaya.

In Pattaya, thefts and robberies (for example, cutting off bags and stealing wallets) happen more often, especially in the center. The city has both quite safe areas and those where it can be dangerous in the evening. The hotter the place, the higher the risk of running into scammers and pickpockets.

Phuket is quieter and calmer, there are much fewer security problems: thefts, although they happen, are much less common than in Pattaya.

At the same time, if in Thailand you behave adequately and not defiantly, the probability of getting into an unpleasant situation both in Phuket and Pattaya is extremely small. Just keep a close eye on your bags and things, do not conflict with the locals.

Pattaya or Phuket: which is better to choose for a holiday

So that you can decide where to go on vacation in Thailand, we have made a convenient table with the advantages of each resort.

What is better in Phuket or Pattaya:

If you are traveling to Thailand with small children, it is definitely better to choose Phuket. In other cases, the decision will depend on your preferences: for parties and excursions, you should go to Pattaya, for a beach holiday and clear sea - to Phuket.

Video: what is better to choose from Pattaya, Phuket and Koh Samui:

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