Pomelo benefits and harm to human health. Pomelo fruit: useful properties, benefits for the body and possible harm. Description and types of fruit

Pomelo is a citrus fruit known in European countries since the 15th century, but its beneficial qualities received special recognition only in the 18th century.

One of the amazing features of the pomelo is the size of its fruit, reaching in its homeland - the tropical regions of Asia - up to 10 kg in weight and up to 30 cm in diameter.

The shape of the fruit can be round or pear-shaped, it is sweet and sour in taste and has a delicate aroma. The peel of the fruit has a variety of colors depending on the variety - green, yellow, pink, orange.

The closest relative of this plant, characterized by some bitterness in taste and greater juiciness of the pulp.

Nowadays, pomelo is cultivated in China, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Tahiti, Vietnam, Taiwan, Israel, southern regions of Japan and the USA. In Eastern countries, this fruit symbolizes well-being and prosperity, it is presented as a New Year's gift to relatives and friends and as a religious offering in temples.

With a low calorie content - from 25 to 39 kcal per 100 g, this product contains:

many vitamins:

  • C - from 30 to 53 mg,
  • A (beta-carotene) - about 30 mg,
  • B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 5);


  • potassium - 235 mg,
  • calcium - 27 mg,
  • phosphorus - 25 mg,
  • iron - 0.5 mg,
  • sodium - 1 mg;
  • carbohydrates - from 6 to 9 g,
  • fats - 0.02-0.04 g,
  • proteins - 0.6-0.8 g,
  • fiber - 1 g;

As well as essential oils, lipolytic enzyme, pectins, limonoids.

These substances determine the beneficial properties of the pomelo, which are very valuable for the body. For example, the content of vitamin C in one medium-sized pomelo is 120-130% of the required daily allowance.

Medicinal properties

Pomelo has medicinal properties that are widely used to improve the body:

  1. The high content of antioxidants, vitamins and essential oils increases immunity and susceptibility to viral and colds, and also helps to fight age-related changes in the body of the elderly, participating in the regeneration of damaged cells.

It is very useful to include pomelo in the diet during the flu epidemic.

  1. The high content of potassium in the composition of the fetus strengthens the cardiovascular system, supporting the work of the heart muscles.
  2. Pectin prevents the formation and deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, which is the main cause of high blood pressure and is involved in the formation of blood clots.

Proper lifestyle and regular use of pomelo can prevent the development of heart attack and stroke.

  1. The lipolytic enzyme contained in the pulp of the fruit contributes to the active breakdown of fats and proteins, and the fiber creates a feeling of satiety.

This allows you to quickly and easily lose weight, including it in the diet.

  1. Regular inclusion of pomelo in the diet (about 150 g per day) helps to improve metabolism and lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.
  2. The use of pomelo contributes to the prevention of malignant tumors, since the limonoids contained in it prevent the reproduction of cancer cells. Another of their properties is to prevent the development of cataracts.
  3. When eaten, a pomelo creates an alkaline environment in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion.

Chinese healers treat indigestion and alcohol poisoning with a remedy prepared on its basis.

  1. Special diets, the main therapeutic component of which is pomelo, alleviate the condition of a patient with bronchial asthma.
  2. Moderate consumption of pomelo is very beneficial for pregnant women.
  1. Pomelo supplies the body with calcium and phosphorus.

Calcium accelerates the healing of fractures, makes the skeletal system stronger, phosphorus improves thought processes and has a positive effect on brain activity.

Vitamins, enzymes and limonoids have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on skin cells, which is widely used in cosmetology and for the preparation of cosmetic masks and scrubs at home.

The antidepressant properties of this fruit are well known, which can improve a person’s endurance and performance, cope with nervous disorders, improve mood and vitality.

Properties of pomelo juice and peel

The main property of pomelo juice is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is useful to use it in disorders of the stomach and intestines. It also helps to cleanse toxins from the liver and kidneys.

In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, with colds accompanied by sore throat and sore throat, caries, toothache, bleeding gums, rinsing with juice diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 with water, which has a softening effect and inhibits pathogenic microbes, has a good effect.

Like the pulp, pomelo juice is widely used in cosmetology due to its ability to inhibit pathogenic microflora, restore skin elasticity and freshness, rejuvenate its cells, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Benefits bring not only the pulp and juice of this exotic fruit, but also its peel and leaves.

The peel contains many bioflavonoids that contribute to the normalization of estrogen levels and strengthen the gastrointestinal tract. Jam is made from it, and when dried, it is added to tea.

Fresh leaves of the plant are applied to abscesses, boils, burned and frostbitten places. The decoction prepared from them is washed with wounds.

Contraindications for use

  • It is undesirable to use pomelo for people who have allergic reactions to citrus fruits.
  • In the presence of chronic peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum and high acidity in the stomach, you need to take this product in a small amount, with an exacerbation of these diseases, it is better to completely exclude it from the diet for a while.
  • Very carefully, after consulting a doctor, you should use pomelo for hepatitis, colitis or nephritis.
  • Harm to health can also be caused by excessive consumption of pomelo with urolithiasis.

People who do not have contraindications should also not switch completely to this fruit, but take it simultaneously with other fruits that are no less important and beneficial for the body in the optimal amount. Fully useful qualities appear only in well-ripened fruits.

The use of pomelo in medicinal recipes

In the maximum volume, pomelo has a therapeutic effect in its natural fresh form without heat treatment, which significantly reduces the amount of useful substances contained in the fruit. For a change, it can be added to a salad or fruit smoothie.

  • To prevent atherosclerosis, remove the film from pomelo slices (100-150 g), cut them and mix with a tablespoon of olive (sunflower oil).

To clear cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, you should use this mixture several times a week.

  • In case of acute bronchitis, accompanied by a wet cough, fresh fruit juice can be prepared, heated to 40 ° C and drunk in small sips to free the bronchi from sputum.
  • To relieve sore throat with acute respiratory infections and sore throat, squeeze 100 ml of juice from peeled slices, dilute with water (1: 1 ratio) and rinse regularly throughout the day.
  • To cleanse the intestines of toxins and harmful substances, eat 0.5 kg of pomelo instead of breakfast, the next meal should be taken no earlier than 3-5 hours later.

Diet with pomelo for weight loss

For breakfast, eat half a fruit with 50 g of low-fat cheese.

For lunch, cook steamed or stewed vegetables and boiled fish.

For an afternoon snack, eat the other half of the fruit and a boiled egg.

For dinner, prepare a portion of boiled cauliflower, 1 boiled egg, ½ pomelo and 1 apple. Tea and coffee can be drunk without sugar, replacing it with a teaspoon of honey.

If you follow such a diet, you can feel a significant result in 2 months.

Use in cosmetology

To restore freshness and youth to the skin of the face, it must be wiped with juice in undiluted form - for oily skin and diluted in half with boiled water - for dry.

Preparation of a nourishing mask that moisturizes the skin:

Grind a slice of pomelo, stir with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Remove with pre-made chilled green tea and apply a thin layer of moisturizer. Sometimes oatmeal and egg yolk are additionally added to the mask.

If the skin of the face is oily, the following mask is used:

Peel and chop a piece of fruit, combine with 1 teaspoon of kefir. Dip a cosmetic disk in a small amount of juice and wipe the skin with it. After it dries, apply the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Peel Body Scrub:

Shredded pomelo peel and half a lemon stir with a little sugar and olive oil. On the body previously moistened with warm water, a scrub is applied with light rubbing movements for 15 minutes. It should not be applied to the chest area. After washing off with a contrast shower, you can repeat the procedure.

How to choose a pomelo

The most useful are well-ripened fruits.

They are quite soft, with a shiny, even and fragrant skin without damage.

It should not have spots or uneven coloring. If one side of the pomelo is green and the other is yellow, it can be assumed that it is not ripe enough.

It is not the size of the fruit that is important, but its weight - the heavier one contains more juice. As a rule, the peak of fruit ripening occurs in February. Therefore, purchasing this fruit during February - March, you can be sure of its freshness.

A whole, undamaged fruit can be stored for one month at normal room temperature and 3-4 months in the refrigerator. After the fruit is peeled, it can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

Pomelo is one of the most wonderful fruits given to man by nature. Using the properties inherent in it is a great opportunity to heal the body, strengthen strength, get a charge of vivacity, good health and optimism.

Such an exotic fruit as a pomelo is the fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. China is considered the birthplace of the pomelo. Today, in Asian countries, fruit is a real symbol of prosperity and well-being. Previously it was believed that the pomelo is a type of grapefruit. The pulp has less juice than grapefruit. Also, the flesh is quite fibrous and sweet, without a bitter or astringent taste. The rind of the pomelo is thick and green. The size of the fruit breaks all records among citrus fruits. In diameter, citrus can reach 30 cm, and in weight - 8-10 kg. The fruit is very beneficial for human health. What is the use of pomelo? And can the fetus harm the body?

The chemical composition of the pomelo

All the benefits of this fruit are due to its rich composition. It is worth noting that there are three varieties of pomelo. Fruits will differ not only in chemical composition, but also in taste, size and color. So, there are red, white and pink fruits. Red has a slight bitterness and sourness. The pulp has a red color. The shape of this fruit is mostly oval.

Pink pomelo will be sweet and juicy. The pink flesh has multiple seeds and is used as an anthelmintic. The largest fruit is the white citrus. The pear-shaped form can reach up to 2-3 kg in weight. The pulp is white, sweet. The nutritional value of the fruit is appreciated by many citrus lovers.

It is worth starting with the vitamin composition of the pomelo. This fruit can be considered a real champion in the content of ascorbic acid among all citrus fruits. 100 g of pomelo pulp contains 117 mg of vitamin C. And this is almost two daily norms of this vitamin. The pomelo also contains B vitamins - B2, B3, B1, B6, B9. Also, vitamins A, E, K can be noted, albeit in a lower concentration.

No less significant is the mineral composition of the product. Pomelo contains the following trace elements and minerals:

  • Potassium;
  • Copper;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Zinc;
  • Calcium;
  • Iron.

The pomelo peel is also useful. The peel contains a large amount of essential oils. In this regard, it is the peel that is very often used in aromatherapy. In addition, the skin of the fruit is saturated with bioflavonoids.

fruit calories

Pomelo is considered an excellent food when dieting. The pulp of the fruit is dietary, low-calorie. 100 grams of pomelo contains no more than 33 kcal. The calorie content of the whole fruit depends on its weight. On average, the pulp of one fruit has 160 kcal. One fruit a day is enough to compensate for the vitamin and mineral balance of the body.

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The composition of the product includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are few proteins in the pulp - 0.75 g. But carbohydrates are 18 g, which is 7% of the total daily intake of carbohydrates. Pomelo fruits are rich in fiber, pectins, and dietary fiber. These components are extremely important for the normal functioning of the digestive system. All a couple of fruits a week will completely restore bowel function.

Useful properties of pomelo

Speaking about the beneficial properties of the product, first of all, it is worth noting the benefits of vitamin C. Pomelo is saturated with ascorbic acid, which increases the protective functions of the body. Therefore, with a weakened immune system, the fruit is definitely recommended for consumption. And just one fruit a day neutralizes the effects of free radicals on the cells of the body. Pomelo promotes the production of antibodies that will protect the body from bacteria. Fruit is advised to use during colds, viral diseases.

Pomelo is also useful for the skeletal system. With a decrease in bone density, such a serious disease as osteoporosis begins to develop. The high level of potassium in pomelo enhances the process of absorption of minerals and vitamins necessary for bones. Vitamin deficiency leads to bleeding gums, tooth decay. Pomelo fruit will help prevent these processes as well.

In general, the fruit has the following beneficial properties:

  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Essential oil from citrus peel strengthens the immune system;
  • Has an anti-cancer effect;
  • Helps with cough, sore throat, asthma;
  • Has anti-edematous effect;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, softening effect;
  • It has a positive effect on brain function.

The benefits of pomelo for blood

Regular use of pomelo is recommended for those who suffer from iron deficiency in the blood. This condition is called anemia. Against the background of anemia, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the body is more susceptible to various diseases. Vitamin C promotes better absorption of iron. Therefore, pomelo is considered a unique fruit that combines these components. You also need to eat pomelo to prevent anemia.

Pomelo: beneficial properties for the heart

Many people know that potassium is the main trace element necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Potassium reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic. Vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques, which is the prevention of atherosclerosis. Also, the use of pomelo pulp, decoction of citrus peel will help to cope with hypertension.

Read also The benefits of dried apricots and how high in calories

fruit for diabetes

With diabetes, the patient is required to follow a strict diet. All foods consumed should have a low glycemic index. It is responsible for the rate of transition of carbohydrates into glucose. So, in the case of this endocrine disease, it is allowed to eat fruits with an index not higher than 60 units. Pomelo also has 30 units, which is quite acceptable for diabetics to use. It is better to eat fruit in its natural form, without adding jams, syrups, yogurts, and of course sugar to it.

Pomelo for digestive health

The pulp of just one pomelo contains 28% of the daily fiber requirement. Fiber is essential for normal bowel function. Thus, intestinal motility improves. Thanks to this useful property, toxins are removed from the body, and constipation is eliminated. And dietary fiber has a fixing property, which helps with diarrhea. Fiber also stimulates the production of gastric juice, which will accelerate the breakdown of complex fats and proteins.

The benefits of pomelo for the female body

Pomelo is a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals for the female body at any age. For every girl, beauty is not in last place. Vitamin A will help improve skin condition. The component increases blood flow to the face, which contributes to cell saturation. So, the face retains its natural, natural shine. With regular consumption of pomelo, collagen production can be enhanced, which allows you to maintain youth and beauty.

Collagen is required by the body for the rapid healing of abrasions, wounds, and other damage to the skin. It is important to know that pomelo juice reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin of the face. And this saves the fairer sex from such problems as seborrhea, acne, acne. Vitamin C, B1, zinc have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. They also activate their growth, so every girl can have beautiful hair.

In general, antioxidant vitamins prevent premature aging. The fact is that vitamins C, A and E neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, which not only accelerate aging, but also cause cancer. Regular consumption of the fruit will keep the skin in good condition, supple and elastic. Also, vitamin C actively fights freckles, age spots. To do this, wipe your face with pomelo juice, or a decoction of the peel of the fruit.

Hello to everyone who ran into my light! Outside the window, it’s getting dark already unusually early, causeless sadness rolls over every now and then, everyone around stocked up on handkerchiefs, anticipating the season of colds ... And this means that it’s time to look for helpers in the fight against autumn diseases of the soul and body. Meet! The hero of my today's monologue is a pomelo - a fruit, the beneficial properties and harm of which I will try, as always, to sort through.

Pomelo - what kind of fruit is it

Even being familiar with pomelo, not everyone knows where and how this fruit grows and what properties it has. Meanwhile, the first documentary mention of it was found in Chinese manuscripts and dated to the 1st century BC. Hence the opinion that China is the birthplace of a delicious fruit.

Nevertheless, scientists say that evergreen pomelo trees with large white flowers grew in Southeast Asia, and on the Fiji Islands, and in Malaysia ... be that as it may, today's sun-fruits on our shelves come mainly from China and Thailand . In Europe, the seeds of the plant did not take root.

An English navigator named Sheddock brought the pomelo to the territory of the modern islands of the Caribbean Sea, which is why the new exotic fruit was called sheddock for a long time. There is also a Dutch version of the name of the fruit - pompelmus, which is supposedly translated as "apple-melon".

What is a pomelo? This is the fruit of the long-lived tree of the same name from the citrus genus. It appeared on our market relatively recently, unlike its grapefruit relative. This is probably why pomelo and consider him a younger brother. Meanwhile, things are quite different.

Interesting! It is the grapefruit that is the hybrid... but what kind of fruit? His "parents" are an orange and a pomelo! Scientists have not yet fully understood the reasons for such natural selection, but the very fact of parenthood is beyond doubt.

Today, there are several varieties of pomelo, differing in taste, color, and shape. Its fruits can be round, oval, pear-shaped, and range in color from dark green (even when ripe) to almost pink. The taste of this fruit is something between a bitter grapefruit and a sweet orange. It is less juicy than its citrus counterparts, but the largest - under natural conditions, a pomelo fruit can grow up to 10 kg in weight! True, such beauties are not imported to us.

The composition and calorie content of the fruit

Pomelo fruits are interesting in that they contain a minimum of calories (calorie content is only 25-35 kcal per 100 grams) and the largest amount of fiber among all citrus fruits.

Important! It is worth noting that coarse fibers are contained in the peel and pulp of the fruit, and its juicy part consists of water and vitamins and microelements dissolved in it.

So, the composition of the fruit contains:

  • vitamins: C, A, group B;
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus;
  • essential oils.

In some quantities, the pomelo contains folic acid, iron, sodium and other substances, but they are so small that this fruit should not be considered as their full-fledged source. Therefore, the beneficial properties and possible harm of the solar pomelo fruit are mainly due to the high content of potassium and ascorbic acid in it.

Useful properties of pomelo

The juicy fruit is an excellent assistant in the prevention of cardiovascular and viral diseases, is an excellent antidepressant, and is also used for weight loss. But, first things first.

  1. Vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of human interferon, and therefore participates in immunomodulation. Thus, eating pomelo during the cold season naturally activates the immune system to fight viruses.
  2. This fruit is recommended to use for the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, for the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  3. Potassium maintains blood pressure levels, and therefore foods high in it are popular among hypertensive patients. Daily use of pomelo normalizes blood pressure and prevents its jumps.
  4. The peel of this citrus contains a lot of fiber, and therefore its use contributes to the normalization of the intestines, prevents constipation.
  5. Dry peel can be boiled and drink such a decoction for eating disorders and poisoning. Being a powerful antioxidant, pomelo also relieves hangovers.
  6. Eating a delicious fruit speeds up metabolism, which comes in handy for those who are on a diet or play sports.
  7. Pomelo is a natural antidepressant that can reduce irritability, calm outbursts of aggression and anxiety.
  8. Delicious fruit reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood, and therefore is recommended for use in diabetes.
  9. Pomelo pulp is widely used in home cosmetology in the preparation of face masks.
  10. Some studies claim that the use of this exotic fruit contributes to the prevention of cancer.
  11. The good news for men is that pomelo contains aphrodisiacs that increase sexual desire.

The properties of pomelo are best manifested when eaten raw. Ideal - with a thin inner skin. Alas, like grapefruit, it is bitter.

Educational program for the consumer

The best time to buy a pomelo is between the end of January and the end of March. The ripening time of its fruits falls approximately in February, therefore, by purchasing them at another time, you risk “running into” a product that has grown on “chemistry”.

How to choose

Usually, a bright fruit is sold in nets, which can make it difficult to choose, but still, do not be too lazy to examine it from all sides. So, a good, ripe fruit is distinguished by:

  • uniform coloring;
  • waxy sheen of the peel;
  • strong aroma;
  • elasticity (the fruit should be hard enough, but not "stone").

If you find dark spots on the skin, this indicates that the fruit is starting to deteriorate or has been frozen. Greenish islands may be on the skin of an unripe fruit. Like any citrus, the pomelo is quite sharp, but it smells good, but the presence of any foreign odors is unacceptable.

Interesting! In some countries, the fruit is sold in cling film already half peeled, which is certainly nice, because you don’t have to pay for it. But such an innovation does not shine for us yet - both the demand is not the same, and the mentality.

Where to store

  1. Ripe pomelo is best stored not in the refrigerator, but in a dark place at room temperature. So he will retain his qualities for a month and a half. Therefore, at the end of the season, fruits can be taken for future use and the last fruit will delight you with a delicious vitamin cocktail at the end of April - at the very peak of spring beriberi and insidious colds.
  2. A slightly greenish fruit can be placed on the window and periodically turned over. It will ripen and taste better.
  3. Already peeled pomelo should be eaten immediately. Of course, it will lie in cling film on the shelf of the refrigerator for a day or two, but there will be little benefit from it for the body.
  4. Dried fruit can be stored in wooden or cardboard containers under a tightly closed lid for up to one and a half to two years.

how to eat

Well, you brought home a little hello from mysterious China. And what to do with it? As it is? Peel like a regular grapefruit and enjoy! Despite the fact that its peel is much thicker than that of any other citrus, it is separated from the pulp very easily, leaving delicious slices. Usually they are from 5 to 8 in each fruit. Thinner membranes, in which appetizing fibers live, are also removed without problems. But the fruit can be eaten with them - it's healthier.

For more information on how to "disassemble" a pomelo for parts, see this video:

In addition, pomelo can be used in many other ways, the recipes of which are full on the Web:

  • make juice out of it. the yield will be less than that of other citrus fruits, but the finished drink is sweeter;
  • make candied fruits from peels;
  • cook jam (you can directly with the peel);
  • bake pies, pies or muffins with sweet and sour filling;
  • make homemade marmalade or sorbet;
  • make a spicy sauce for meat dishes;
  • dry the zest and throw it into the teapot with tea;
  • add slices to vegetable and meat salads, seafood dishes.

Those hostesses who are not alien to culinary exoticism will be interested to know that in the homeland of the fruit, sweet soups are prepared from it, and its peel, boiled in sugar, is poured with chocolate. Filipinos eat it as a snack with salt, while in Thailand, powdered sugar and chili powder are added to the salt.

About the glycemic index

Pomelo can be safely included in the diet of a dieter. This citrus has a rather low glycemic index (up to 40 units), which means that it is slowly digested. For example, watermelons, bananas, kiwis, mangoes and other sweet fruits saturate faster¸ but the feeling of hunger after them comes after a very short time.

Such a glycemic index allows even people with diabetes to eat pomelo. 100 grams per day in the form of juice or pulp (with or without peel) is the allowed norm, which allows you to satisfy cravings for sweets and get a whole complex of vitamins without harm to health.

Products with a low glycemic index are useful for athletes to use an hour and a half before training. By slowly releasing energy, they increase stamina, which means you can perform more strength exercises. Therefore, pomelo is an excellent snack option before a workout aimed at drawing muscle relief.

Important! Speaking of the glycemic index, it should be understood that it grows during the heat treatment of the product, the addition of sugar and other ingredients to it. Therefore, jam, candied fruits, sauces, dried and dried pomelo can no longer be called dietary.

Contraindications and harm

The use of pomelo, like any other type of citrus fruit, certainly benefits the body. But there are “lucky ones” who are better off just leaving this fruit on the store counter.

  1. These are, first of all, people prone to allergies. If you have an individual reaction to oranges, grapefruits, lemons, then it is better not to take risks with the use of pomelo.
  2. You should not eat this fruit for those who have erosive damage to the digestive tract, and also suffer from gastritis or colitis. Pomelo is a sweet and sour fruit, because it irritates the gastric mucosa, provoking exacerbations of existing diseases. For the same reason, the use of this product will bring little pleasure to people with high acidity of the stomach.
  3. As already mentioned, pomelo contains quite a lot of potassium and this is not a problem for healthy kidneys. Alas, for any diseases of these organs, it is recommended to reduce the intake of potassium by at least half, and therefore it is better to refuse the “sunny” fruit.
  4. Be careful when using this citrus when coughing. A high concentration of essential oils can cause bronchospasm in diseased lungs.

As for the use of fruit during pregnancy, this is a "double-edged sword." On the one hand, it contains a certain amount of useful folic acid, on the other hand, it is a potential allergen that can affect the fragile immune system of the fetus. Pomelo cannot be called a vital product for pregnant women, therefore it is better not to risk including it on the menu. By the way, for the same reason, some pediatricians do not recommend giving citrus fruits (including pomelo) to children under one and a half years old.

Now you have got a little acquainted with the solar pomelo fruit itself, with its beneficial properties and potential harm from consumption. I hope that the information received was useful and interesting to you. Leave feedback, tell us what is your experience of friendship with this fruit. And while I say to you: "See you soon!" Be beautiful and healthy!

Citruses are fruits from the tropics, distinguished not only by their amazing aroma, but also by their wonderful taste, which adults and children like so much. Familiar to everyone, tangerines and oranges have long been considered exotic, but pomelo is a curiosity for almost everyone, because this fruit has only recently appeared on store shelves. What is a pomelo fruit, useful properties and contraindications, how to use fruits correctly - you definitely need to know this so as not to harm your health.

What is a pomelo and what does it look like

The birthplace of an exotic fruit is hot lands, it is here that a pomelo fruit is grown, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were studied many years ago. In appearance, the exotic resembles a large orange, although the shade can be light green or dark orange. The shape may also differ - some fruits look like a large pear, others are round.

What is a pomelo? It is a fruit with dense thick walls and delicious juicy-sweet pulp. A slight bitterness may be present, but this most often depends not on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, but on its variety.

At home, fruits can reach a good dozen kilograms, while in stores you can buy relatively small fruits - about one kilogram. Among citrus fruits, this giant is considered to be the largest. Another advantage is its shelf life. If you leave it in a warm room, it will not spoil for at least a month, and in the refrigerator it will lie without signs of spoilage for even longer.

Exotic pomelo, benefits and harms

If you are going to enjoy a fragrant pomelo, the benefits and harms should be carefully studied, because this fruit has not only useful, but also quite dangerous properties. What are the benefits of fruit? There are not so few of them:

  1. a huge amount of minerals and vitamins in the composition;
  2. the content of antioxidants;
  3. the presence of fiber;
  4. contains acids that are necessary for the good functioning of certain organs;
  5. low calorie;
  6. contains essential oils.

Studying the advantages that a pomelo fruit has, useful properties and contraindications, it is imperative to find out the negative aspects of this fruit. People who have stomach problems should not get carried away eating exotic - it is quite possible to get a side effect in the form of heartburn and stool disorders.

What is pomelo useful for, and for what health problems should it be used

Knowing how pomelo is useful, you can easily cope with many health problems. The only thing to consider is that only ripe fruits can be eaten, otherwise, instead of a beneficial effect on the body, an unpleasant surprise will be expected.

You can use fruits with such problems with well-being or health:

  1. at risk of oncological neoplasms;
  2. with early aging (antioxidants contained in fruits can prevent the appearance of wrinkles);
  3. with problems with the intestines;
  4. with low acidity of the stomach;
  5. with excess weight;
  6. with hypertension.

It should be remembered that you need to use not only the core, but also the peel - it contains essential oils that can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Another remarkable property of fruits is to increase tone, invigorate and even improve working capacity and mood.

A little about how pomelo grows

Seeing such a giant in the store, many are interested in how the pomelo grows. The homeland of this exotic is Malaysia, but now it can be found in China, Israel, Thailand and Japan. In the wild, it almost does not grow - most often the fruits are grown on huge plantations.

Fruits grow on fairly large trees of the same name. Usually fruits have a non-uniform color, lighter on one side. This happens due to the fault of the sun, which cannot illuminate the giant balls from all sides.

Interestingly, in China, this plant is considered a symbol of well-being and its fruits are usually given for the New Year. This giant will certainly bring happiness and joy in the near future. In Thailand, he is revered no less and on major holidays they are sacrificed to the gods. On some tropical islands, the indigenous people use the fruits for rituals and rituals.

A few tricks on how to choose a pomelo

Few people know how to choose a pomelo to benefit from it. There are a few tricks on how to do it right:

  1. the fruit ripening period is in February, so they should be purchased no later than March;
  2. the peel must certainly be shiny and dense, without signs of decay and damage;
  3. be sure to smell the fruit - a pleasant aroma of citrus should come from it;
  4. do not purchase fruits whose color is too heterogeneous - most likely, they will be unripe.

If you still managed to get an unripe fruit, you should not rush to throw it away - you can put it in the refrigerator, in a few days it will be ready for use. If left at room temperature, ripening will also occur, but it will begin to deteriorate much faster.

How to clean a pomelo properly

Another question that will certainly arise among those who first picked up this exotic is how to clean a broom. The size of this giant should not be intimidating - it is quite simple to rid him of the peel.

To remove the peel, you need to arm yourself with a small knife and make a small incision. You won’t need a knife anymore - you can finish the job with your hands. The peel comes off the pulp much more easily than most citrus fruits.

If the peel is not removed, there is a risk that the fruit is not yet fully ripe. No need to try to clean it - most likely that after that it will only be thrown away - the taste of an unripe fruit is quite unpleasant. It is better to stop trying to remove the skin and let the fruit ripen. Since the incision has already been made, be sure to wrap the giant with food-grade polyethylene film - this will keep the fruit from rotting and speed up ripening. After a few days, you can take the fruit out of the refrigerator and try to peel it again - most likely, the peel will easily fall behind the pulp.

Things to remember before eating pomelo

Those who have never tried this exotic will be interested in how to eat a pomelo. There will be no particular difficulties in this, especially if the peel has already been completely removed and it is obvious that the fruit is fully ripe. Before you start eating the fruit, you definitely need to remove the bones - usually there are not very many of them, about five in each slice.

The membranes separating the pulp are quite loose, they should also be removed - they are too hard and dense, so they are not eaten. How to properly remove eardrums? Here, too, one cannot do without a knife - it is enough to make a small incision on each slice and release the pulp. It is quite easy - it almost does not touch the partitions.

How to use fruits? You can enjoy it in its pure form, without cooking, but fruits will be no less useful in salads, marmalades, and spicy snacks of Asian cuisine. Skillful housewives use them in fillings for pies and even in homemade jams.

You should not rush to throw away the peel - it can also be used in cooking. By sending the peel to infuse in good vodka, you can get a wonderful alcoholic drink with an exquisite aroma. You can add this valuable part of the fruit in compotes or even add it to tea - this is not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Pomelo fruit, useful properties and contraindications - you definitely need to know what surprises can be hidden in this exotic in order to prevent complications or unpleasant manifestations. For those who are just going to feast on a giant, it should be remembered that if you are allergic to citrus fruits, it is categorically not recommended to eat fruits - this can lead to rashes and even swelling of the throat. If everything is done correctly and contraindications are not neglected, then wonderful exotics will certainly bring only benefits.

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Pamela is a relatively new exotic fruit on our market, resembling a huge greenish grapefruit in appearance. Despite its wild popularity at home, in China, it is almost unknown to the European consumer, and completely in vain. What is pamela good for? What kind of plant is this, what is its composition and in what capacity can it be useful to men and women?

The pomelo hails from Southeast Asia, and this is the main area of ​​​​its distribution today. Citrus fruits grow on evergreen trees that can reach 10 meters in height. Its leaves are elongated and dense, dark green in color.

During the flowering period, large white flowers appear on the plant, in the place of which fruits subsequently grow. Their color varies from green to yellow-orange. In diameter, the pomelo reaches 30 cm, and the weight of one fruit reaches 10 kg. The skin is thick, the core is lobules separated by membranes. The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour, with a slight aftertaste of bitterness.

In stores you can buy a pomelo weighing up to 2 kg, this is a medium-sized fruit with a greenish-yellow peel.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Pomelo is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. First of all, it is one of the champions of the citrus family in terms of the content of vitamin C, an immunomodulator and antioxidant. The fruits also contain vitamins of group B, PP, pectin, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, fluorine, calcium.

The fruit has a low calorie content - only 39 kcal per 100 g, so it is actively used in dietary nutrition.

Nutritionists claim that with its help you can quickly get rid of excess weight.

How pamela is useful for the body of a woman, a man

Fruits contain many vitamins and minerals, and the beneficial properties of pomelo can be described as follows:

  1. The fruit is a storehouse of vitamin C, which helps fight infectious diseases and has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  2. Due to the content of nutrients, pomelo contributes to the improvement and normalization of the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle becomes healthier, the elasticity of blood vessels increases.
  3. The fruit perfectly removes "bad" cholesterol from the body, thereby avoiding the formation of blood clots.
  4. The product prevents the accumulation of fat, so its regular use will help get rid of excess weight and maintain it at the right level.

Also, the fetus has a specific effect on men:

  1. Pomelo is a natural aphrodisiac that creates and keeps sexual desire.
  2. Promotes the production of sperm.
  3. Helps fight hangover after a heavy meal.

For a woman's body, fruit will also be useful:

  1. Regular consumption of the fruit will help improve the condition of the skin and hair, the nails will become less brittle.
  2. Pomelo effectively removes toxins from the body, improves well-being.
  3. With problems with bowel movements, pomelo, with regular use, is able to cope with this problem.

Regular consumption of fruit will help improve health, improve the functioning of organs and body systems, as well as improve the appearance of any person, regardless of gender and age.

Useful properties during pregnancy

Due to the rich composition, the fetus has a beneficial effect on the health of the pregnant woman:

  • helps to remove toxins;
  • has a calming effect;
  • relieves panic before childbirth.

Folic acid in the composition helps to properly form the tissues of the unborn child, as well as the placenta.

Since the fruit is quite juicy, it can be used as a source of juice, which has a pleasant taste and perfectly quenches thirst.

Traditional medicine recipes

The best way to consume the fruit for its healing effect is to eat it raw, as it does not retain its medicinal properties for long.

The best option is to eat about 150 grams of pulp daily. This will meet your daily requirement for vitamin C.

During illness, in agreement with the doctor, the portion can be increased, as well as additionally produce juice that you need to drink throughout the day until recovery.

The use of fruit in cooking

The fruit is actively used as an ingredient in fruit salads, cakes and pastries. It is used to create various desserts, juices and sorbets.

  • The juice can be consumed on its own, it is very refreshing due to its slightly sour taste.
  • The peel is used to prepare a variety of desserts, in the manufacture of marmalade and candied fruits.
  • Pomelo is also used as an ordinary citrus, having previously been cleared of dense skin and internal membranes.
  • In the traditional cuisine of the Asian region, the fruit is added to soups and desserts to give a special flavor to dishes.
  • Often the pulp is consumed after dipping in a pepper-salt mixture.

Use in cosmetic procedures

The pomelo fruit is often used as a skin care product, as it contains a huge amount of nutrients. An important note - as such, it can be used by those who do not have allergic reactions to citrus fruits and vitamin C. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from such experiments with pomelo.

The most popular way to use the Asian fruit is to make face masks.

For this:

  1. Take the crushed pulp of the pomelo and liquid honey in equal amounts.
  2. Add a few drops of lemon juice to them.
  3. The mixture is carefully distributed over pre-cleansed skin and left for 15 minutes.
  4. After this time, the composition is washed off with warm water.
  5. Then the skin should be blotted with a soft towel and apply your usual skin care cream.

Another way is to use the juice as a tonic. To do this, the pulp is crushed in a blender, the resulting slurry is squeezed out, and the liquid is poured into a clean, dry container and stored in the refrigerator. With this homemade remedy, you can wipe your face after washing. As a result, the skin will acquire a more uniform shade, and dead cells will exfoliate faster.

Contraindications and possible harm to pamela

Despite the undeniable benefits of the product for the body, it should not be thoughtlessly consumed.

Pomelo has the following contraindications for use:

  1. The presence of allergic reactions to citrus fruits and vitamin C. Since the fruit contains it in excess, people who are sensitive to it can develop severe reactions.
  2. In the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers, gastritis, colitis. The sour taste of the fetus can provoke an increased production of hydrochloric acid, which will lead to heartburn and aggravate the patient's condition.
  3. During breastfeeding, the use of the fetus should be discarded, as it can affect the well-being of the child.
  4. If you eat too much pulp, it will lead to intestinal upset and cause a diuretic effect.
  5. Exotic fruit should not be combined with certain types of medicines, as it may reduce their effectiveness.

In any case, you should start eating the fruit with caution, in order to avoid negative reactions. In the presence of chronic diseases, as well as regular medication, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

Pomelo is a tasty and healthy Asian fruit that will bring invaluable health benefits. It is important to observe some precautions when using it, and then you can enjoy its positive effects without the risk of complications.

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