Chemical elements in nature. Elements. The most common chemical elements on earth and in the universe

Oxygen is the most abundant on earth chemical element, and what is the second most common element?

  1. The most common element in my opinion is NITROGEN.
  2. Oxygen 49.5%
    Silicon 25.3%

    Carbon 0.1%, nitrogen 0.01%, hydrogen 0.97% cannot be the second most common
    And H2O is not a chemical element, but a substance 🙂

  3. Silicon. 26% by weight in earth's crust.
  4. Carbon, (all vegetation).
  5. In its pure form, cre#769;mnium was isolated in 1811 by French scientists Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and Louis Jacques Tenard.

    In 1825, the Swedish chemist Jins Jakob Berzelius obtained pure elemental silicon by the action of metallic potassium on silicon fluoride SiF4. The name silicon was given to the new element (from Latin silex flint). Russian name silicon was introduced in 1834 by the Russian chemist German Ivanovich Hess. Translated into Greek kremnos, a rock, a mountain.

    In terms of prevalence in the earth's crust, silicon ranks second among all elements (after oxygen). The mass of the earth's crust is 27.629.5% silicon. Silicon is a constituent of several hundred different natural silicates and aluminosilicates. Silica or silicon oxide (IV) SiO2 (river sand, quartz, flint, etc.) is the most common, making up about 12% of the earth's crust (by mass). Silicon is not found in free form in nature.

    The crystal lattice of silicon is cubic face-centered like diamond, parameter a = 0.54307 nm (at high pressures other polymorphic modifications of silicon have also been obtained), but due to the greater bond length between SiSi atoms compared to the bond length C C, the hardness of silicon is much less than that of diamond. Silicon is brittle, only when heated above 800 C does it become plastic. Interestingly, silicon is transparent to infrared radiation.

    Elemental silicon is a typical semiconductor. The band gap at room temperature is 1.09 eV. The concentration of charge carriers in silicon with intrinsic conductivity at room temperature is 1.51016m-3. On the electrical properties of crystalline silicon big influence microimpurities contained in it. To obtain single crystals of silicon with hole conductivity, additives of elements are introduced into silicon III group boron, aluminum, gallium and indium, with electronic conductivity element additives V-th group phosphorus, arsenic or antimony. The electrical properties of silicon can be varied by changing the conditions for processing single crystals, in particular, by treating the silicon surface with various chemical agents.

    At present, silicon is the main material for electronics. Monocrystalline silicon material for gas laser mirrors. Sometimes silicon (technical grade) and its alloy with iron (ferrosilicon) are used to produce hydrogen in field conditions. Compounds of metals with silicon, silicides, are widely used in industry (for example, electronic and atomic) materials with a wide range useful chemical, electrical and nuclear properties (resistance to oxidation, neutrons, etc.), as well as silicides of a number of elements are important thermoelectric materials. Silicon is used in metallurgy in the smelting of iron, steel, bronze, silumin, etc. (as a deoxidizer and modifier, as well as an alloying component).

What is the most abundant substance in the universe? Let's approach this question logically. It seems to be known, it is hydrogen. Hydrogen H makes up 74% of the mass of matter in the universe.

Let's not climb into the wilds of the unknown here, let's not count Dark Matter and Dark Energy, let's talk only about ordinary matter, about familiar chemical elements located in (at the moment) 118 cells of the periodic table.

Hydrogen as it is

Atomic hydrogen H 1 is what all stars in galaxies consist of, it is the bulk of our familiar matter, which scientists call baryonic. baryonic matter consists of ordinary protons, neutrons and electrons and is synonymous with the word substance.

But monatomic hydrogen is not exactly a chemical substance in our native, earthly understanding. This is a chemical element. And by substance, we usually mean something chemical compound, i.e. combination of chemical elements. It is clear that the simplest chemical substance is the combination of hydrogen with hydrogen, i.e. ordinary gaseous hydrogen H 2 , which we know, love, and with which we fill zeppelin airships, from which they then explode beautifully.

Two-volume hydrogen H 2 fills most of the gas clouds and nebulae of space. When, under the influence of their own gravity, they gather into stars, the rising temperature breaks chemical bond, turning it into atomic hydrogen H 1, and the ever-increasing temperature detaches an electron e- from a hydrogen atom, turning into a hydrogen ion or just a proton p+ . In stars, all matter is in the form of such ions, which form the fourth state of matter - plasma.

Again, the chemical substance hydrogen is not a very interesting thing, it is too simple, let's look for something more complex. Compounds made up of different chemical elements.

The next most abundant chemical element in the universe is helium. He, its in the universe 24% of total mass. In theory, the most common complex chemical there must be a combination of hydrogen and helium, only the trouble is, helium - inert gas. In ordinary and not even very normal conditions helium will not combine with other substances and with itself. By cunning tricks, he can be forced to enter into chemical reactions, but such compounds are rare and usually do not last long.

So you need to look for hydrogen compounds with the next most common chemical elements.
Only 2% of the mass of the Universe remains on their share, when 98% are the mentioned hydrogen and helium.

The third most common is not lithium Li, as it might seem, looking at the periodic table. The next most abundant element in the universe is oxygen. O, which we all know, love and breathe in the form of a colorless and odorless diatomic gas O 2 . The amount of oxygen in space far outstrips all other elements from those 2% that remained after the deduction of hydrogen and helium, in fact, half of the remainder, i.e. approximately 1%.

This means that the most common substance in the Universe turns out to be (we deduced this postulate logically, but this is also confirmed by experimental observations) the most ordinary water H2O.

There is more water (mostly frozen in the form of ice) in the universe than anything else. Minus hydrogen and helium, of course.

Everything, literally everything, is made of water. Our solar system is also made up of water. Well, in the sense of the Sun, of course, it consists mainly of hydrogen and helium, and gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn are also assembled from them. But the rest of the matter of the Solar System is concentrated not in stone-like planets with a metal core like Earth or Mars, and not in the stone belt of asteroids. The main mass of the Solar System in the icy debris left from its formation, comets, most of the asteroids of the second belt (Kuiper belt) and the Oort cloud, which is even further away, are made of ice.

For example, the well-known former planet Pluto (now dwarf planet Pluto) is 4/5 parts ice.

It is clear that if the water is far from the Sun or any star, it freezes and turns into ice. And if too close, it evaporates, becomes water vapor, which is carried away by the solar wind (a stream of charged particles emitted by the Sun) to distant regions of the star system, where it freezes and again turns into ice.

But around any star (I repeat, around any star!) There is a zone where this water (which, again, I repeat, is the most common substance in the Universe) is in the liquid phase of water itself.

Habitable zone around a star, surrounded by zones where it is too hot and too cold

Liquid water in the universe to hell. Around any of the 100 billion stars in our galaxy Milky Way there are areas called Habitable Zone, in which liquid water exists, if there are planets there, and they should be there, if not for every star, then for every third, or even for every tenth.

I'll say more. Ice can melt not only from the light of a star. There are many satellite moons in our solar system, orbiting gas giants, where it is too cold from lack of sunlight, but which are affected by the powerful tidal forces of their respective planets. Liquid water has been proven to exist on Saturn's moon Enceladus, it is assumed to exist on Jupiter's moons Europa and Ganymede, and probably many other places.

Water geysers on Enceladus captured by the Cassini spacecraft

Even on Mars, scientists suggest that there may be liquid water in underground lakes and caverns.

Do you think I will now start talking about the fact that since water is the most common substance in the universe, then hello other life forms, hello aliens? No, just the opposite. I find it funny when I hear the claims of some overzealous astrophysicists - "search for water, you will find life." Or - "there is water on Enceladus / Europa / Ganymede, which means that there must certainly be life there." Or - in the Gliese 581 system, an exoplanet located in the habitable zone was discovered. There is water there, we urgently equip an expedition in search of life!"

There is a lot of water in the universe. But with life, according to modern scientific data, it’s somehow not very good.

The most common substance on earth

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There is the most common chemical element and the most common substance on our planet. amazing planet, but there is the most common chemical element in the vastness of the universe.

The most common chemical element on Earth

On our planet, the leader in prevalence is oxygen. It interacts with almost all elements. Its atoms are present in almost all rocks and minerals that form the earth's crust. Modern period The development of chemistry began precisely with the discovery of this important and paramount chemical element. Scheele, Priestley and Lavoisier share the credit for this discovery. Disputes about which of them is the discoverer have been going on for hundreds of years, and still have not stopped. But the very word "oxygen" was introduced by Lomonosov.

It accounts for a little more than forty-seven percent of the total solid mass of the earth's crust. Bound oxygen makes up almost eighty-nine percent of the mass of fresh and sea ​​water. Free oxygen is found in the atmosphere, making up about twenty-three percent by mass and nearly twenty-one percent by volume. At least one and a half thousand compounds of the earth's crust contain oxygen. There are no living cells in the world that do not have this common element. Sixty-five percent of the mass of every living cell is oxygen.

Today, this substance is obtained industrially from the air and supplied under a pressure of 15 MPa in steel cylinders. There are other ways to get it. Spheres of application - food industry, medicine, metallurgy, etc.

Where is the most common element found?

It is almost impossible to find a corner in nature where there would be no oxygen. He is everywhere - in the bowels, and high above the Earth, and under water, and in the water itself. It is found not only in compounds, but also in the free state. Most likely, it is precisely because of this that this element has always been of interest to scientists.

Geologists and chemists are studying the presence of oxygen in combination with all elements. Botanists are interested in studying the processes of nutrition and respiration of plants. Physiologists have not fully figured out the role of oxygen in the life of animals and humans. Physicists seek to find new way its use to create high temperatures.

It is known that regardless of whether it is hot southern air or cold air northern regions, the oxygen content in it is always the same and is twenty-one percent.

How is the most common substance used?

As the most abundant known substance on the planet, water is used everywhere. Everything is covered and permeated by this substance, but it remains little studied. An in-depth study of it modern science started relatively recently. Scientists have discovered many unexplainable properties of it.

Without this most common substance, not a single economic activity person. It's hard to imagine Agriculture or industry without water, just as without this substance, nuclear reactors, turbines, power plants where water is used for cooling. For domestic needs, people use from year to year an increasing amount of this substance. So a man of the Stone Age per day was quite enough ten liters of water. Today, at least two hundred and twenty liters are used daily for the share of each inhabitant of the Earth. People consist of eighty percent water, every day everyone consumes at least one and a half liters of liquid.

The most common chemical element in the universe

Three-fourths of the entire universe is hydrogen, in other words, this is the most common element in the universe. Water, being the most common substance on our planet, consists of more than eleven percent hydrogen.

In the earth's crust, hydrogen by mass is one percent, however, by the number of atoms - as much as sixteen percent. Such compounds as natural gases, oil and coal cannot do without the presence of hydrogen.

It should be noted that in the free state this common element is extremely rare. On the surface of our planet, it is present in small quantities in some natural gases, including volcanic ones. There is free hydrogen in the atmosphere, but its presence there is extremely small. It is hydrogen that is the element that creates the radiation inner earth belt, like a stream of protons.
But the most big star in the universe has a diameter of 1,391,000. .
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It was a sensation - it turns out that the most important substance on Earth consists of two equally important chemical elements. AiF decided to look into the periodic table and remember what elements and compounds make the Universe exist, as well as life on Earth and human civilization.


Where does it meet: the most common element in the universe, its main " construction material". It is made up of stars, including the Sun. Thanks to thermonuclear fusion involving hydrogen, the Sun will heat our planet for another 6.5 billion years.

What is useful: in industry - in the production of ammonia, soap and plastics. Hydrogen energy has great prospects: this gas does not pollute environment, because when burned, it gives only water vapor.


Where does it meet: Every organism is largely built from carbon. In the human body, this element occupies about 21%. So, our muscles consist of 2/3 of it. In the free state, it occurs in nature in the form of graphite and diamond.

What is useful: food, energy, etc. etc. The class of compounds based on carbon is huge - hydrocarbons, proteins, fats, etc. This element is indispensable in nanotechnology.


Where does it meet: Earth's atmosphere is 75% nitrogen. It is part of proteins, amino acids, hemoglobin, etc.

What is useful: necessary for the existence of animals and plants. In industry, it is used as a gas medium for packaging and storage, a refrigerant. With its help, various compounds are synthesized - ammonia, fertilizers, explosives, dyes.


Where does it meet: The most common element on Earth, it accounts for about 47% of the mass of the solid earth's crust. Marine and fresh water 89% oxygen, the atmosphere - 23%.

What is useful: Thanks to oxygen, living beings can breathe; without it, fire would not be possible. This gas is widely used in medicine, metallurgy, food industry, energy.


Where does it meet: In the atmosphere, in sea water.

What is useful: Thanks to this compound, plants can breathe. The process of absorbing carbon dioxide from the air is called photosynthesis. It is the main source of biological energy. It is worth recalling that the energy that we receive from the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) has been accumulated in the bowels of the earth for millions of years precisely due to photosynthesis.


Where does it meet: one of the most common in solar system elements. It consists of the cores of the terrestrial planets.

What is useful: metal used by man since ancient times. A whole historical era was called the Iron Age. Now up to 95% of the world production of metals falls on iron, it is the main component of steels and cast irons.


Where does it meet: One of the scarce items. Previously met in nature in a native form.

What is useful: Since the middle of the 13th century, it has become a traditional material for making dishes. It has unique properties, therefore it is used in various industries- in jewelry, photography, electrical engineering and electronics. The disinfecting properties of silver are also known.


Where does it meet: previously found in nature in a native form. Produced at the mines.

What is useful: the most important element of the world financial system, since its reserves are small. It has long been used as money. All bank gold reserves are currently valued

at 32 thousand tons - if you fuse them together, you get a cube with a side of only 12 m. It is used in medicine, microelectronics, and nuclear research.


Where does it meet: In terms of prevalence in the earth's crust, this element ranks second (27-30% of the total mass).

What is useful: Silicon is the main material for electronics. It is also used in metallurgy and in the production of glass and cement.


Where does it meet: Our planet is 71% covered with water. The human body is 65% composed of this compound. There is water in outer space, in the body of comets.

What is useful: It has key value in the creation and maintenance of life on Earth, because due to its molecular properties it is a universal solvent. The water has a lot unique properties which we don't think about. So, if it did not increase in volume when it freezes, life simply would not have arisen: reservoirs would freeze to the bottom every winter. And so, expanding, lighter ice remains on the surface, retaining a viable environment under it.

We all know that hydrogen fills our Universe by 75%. But do you know what other chemical elements are no less important for our existence and play a significant role in the life of people, animals, plants and our entire Earth? Elements from this rating form our entire Universe!

10. Sulfur (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.38)

This chemical element in the periodic table is listed under the symbol S and is characterized by atomic number 16. Sulfur is very common in nature.

9. Iron (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.6)

Denoted by the symbol Fe, atomic number - 26. Iron is very common in nature, it plays a particularly important role in the formation of the inner and outer shells of the Earth's core.

8. Magnesium (prevalence relative to silicon - 0.91)

In the periodic table, magnesium can be found under the symbol Mg, and its atomic number is 12. What is most surprising about this chemical element is that it is most often released when stars explode in the process of their transformation into supernovae.

7. Silicon (prevalence relative to silicon - 1)

Referred to as Si. The atomic number of silicon is 14. This gray-blue metalloid is very rare in the earth's crust in its pure form, but is quite common in other substances. For example, it can be found even in plants.

6. Carbon (abundance relative to silicon - 3.5)

Carbon in Mendeleev's table of chemical elements is listed under the symbol C, its atomic number is 6. The most famous allotropic modification of carbon is one of the most desirable precious stones in the world - diamonds. Carbon is also actively used in other industrial purposes for a more everyday purpose.

5. Nitrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 6.6)

Symbol N, atomic number 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, nitrogen is most commonly found in the form nitric acid and nitrates.

4. Neon (abundance relative to silicon - 8.6)

It is designated by the symbol Ne, the atomic number is 10. It is no secret that this particular chemical element is associated with a beautiful glow.

3. Oxygen (abundance relative to silicon - 22)

A chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8, oxygen is indispensable for our existence! But this does not mean that it is present only on Earth and serves only for human lungs. The universe is full of surprises.

2. Helium (abundance relative to silicon - 3.100)

Helium symbol is He, atomic number is 2. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and its boiling point is the lowest among all chemical elements. And thanks to him, the balls soar up!

1. Hydrogen (abundance relative to silicon - 40.000)

True number one on our list, hydrogen is listed under the symbol H and has atomic number 1. It is the lightest chemical element on the periodic table and the most abundant element in the entire known universe.

The simplest and most common element

Hydrogen has only one proton and one electron (it is the only element without a neutron). It is the simplest element in the universe, which explains why it is also the most abundant, Nyman said. However, an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium contains one proton and one neutron, while another, known as tritium, has one proton and two neutrons.

In stars, hydrogen atoms fuse to create helium, the second most abundant element in the universe. Helium has two protons, two neutrons and two electrons. Together, helium and hydrogen make up 99.9 percent of all known matter in the Universe.

Yet there is about 10 times more hydrogen in the universe than helium, says Nyman. “Oxygen, which is the third most abundant element, is about 1,000 times smaller than hydrogen,” she added.

Generally speaking, the higher the atomic number of an element, the less of it can be found in the universe.

Hydrogen in the Earth

The composition of the Earth, however, is different from that of the Universe. For example, oxygen is the most abundant element by weight in the earth's crust. It is followed by silicon, aluminum and iron. AT human body the most abundant element by weight is oxygen, followed by carbon and hydrogen.

Role in the human body

Hydrogen has a number of key roles in human body. Hydrogen bonds help DNA stay twisted. In addition, hydrogen helps maintain the correct pH in the stomach and other organs. If your stomach gets too alkaline environment, hydrogen is released as it is associated with the regulation of this process. If the environment in the stomach is too acidic, hydrogen will bind to other elements.

Hydrogen in water

In addition, it is hydrogen that allows ice to float on the surface of water, since hydrogen bonds increase the distance between its frozen molecules, making them less dense.

Typically, matter is denser when it is in a solid state rather than liquid, Nyman said. Water is the only substance that becomes less dense as a solid.

What is the danger of hydrogen

However, hydrogen can also be dangerous. Its reaction with oxygen led to the crash of the airship Hindenburg, which killed 36 people in 1937. Besides, hydrogen bombs can be incredibly destructive, although they have never been used as a weapon. Nevertheless, their potential was demonstrated in the 1950s by countries such as the USA, USSR, Great Britain, France and China.

Hydrogen bombs, like atomic bombs, use a combination of nuclear fusion and fission reactions to cause destruction. When they explode, they create not only mechanical shock waves, but also radiation.

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