Coffee invigorates and tea lulls. Pros and cons of coffee: invigorates, heals and cripples. Instant coffee is fake

My last cup of coffee was accompanied by a strong heartbeat and trembling in my hands. It was both scary and very funny at the same time. It seems like I’m sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee on a date, and my heart is pounding in my ears and everything falls out of my hands.

When I stopped trembling, along with this trembling, the desire to indulge in coffee disappeared. For several years I have not taken a single sip of this drink and have never missed it. I like its smell, and I would not refuse coffee-scented perfumes, but as a drink for me, coffee is too strong and not a necessary stimulant at all.

With coffee, it is important to understand how this drink affects you and whether it is worth it. Coffee invigorates, stimulates, relieves drowsiness and often helps those who have severely low blood pressure. True, this effect is short-lived, and when it disappears, a second and then a third cup is needed. Dependence is gradually formed when, without morning coffee, the head either hurts or “does not work well”. Perhaps it would be more correct to sell coffee in pharmacies and write it out strictly according to the prescription, because the dosage and the reaction of a particular organism are important here. A burst of vigor is often followed by irritability and increased anxiety, and in the long run - depletion of nerve cells and a problem with the adrenal glands.

Like alcohol, coffee dehydrates and acidifies the body. Regular consumption of coffee interferes with the absorption and washes out calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements from the body. By dehydrating, coffee can dull the feeling of thirst, so you should always drink one or two glasses of water for every cup of coffee. The love of coffee is also bad for stomach health and can lead to gastritis.

There is also another side to this. There are interviews with some centenarians who started every morning with a cup of coffee and so got to their centenary. Coffee can also improve memory and concentration due to the effects of caffeine. In some cases, coffee works as an analgesic, relieving headaches. And good coffee has a whole collection of antioxidants.

Coffee does not strike me as the worst of modern evils. I am sure that those who drink a cup of coffee every day, eat in moderation and enjoy life, will live longer and happier than those who suffer from loneliness and overeating every day, even if they fill their stomach from morning to evening with only healthy and natural products. There is a general picture - a state of balance or imbalance, in which a cup of coffee may not be the decisive factor.

Coffee + sandwich

The less heavy foods (meat, refined flour products, refined grains and fried foods) in the diet and the more fresh vegetables and fruits, the more clearly the effects of caffeine are felt. At the same time, the more heavy foods are consumed, the more often there is a need for stimulants such as coffee or alcohol in order to “cheer up” after a hearty, “soporific” dinner. Often, those who change their usual hearty breakfast for a smoothie or a portion of fruit notice that after a couple of days the habit of drinking coffee in the morning, which was usually washed down with porridge or a sandwich, simply disappears.

coffee substitute

The role of coffee in the morning for me is exercise, yoga or trampolining to the music. When the exercises accelerate the blood well, there is a surge of vivacity without any energy drinks and further side effects. You become your own energy. And you can recharge from yourself at any time.

My second replacement for a cup of coffee is my daily freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and herbs. Or a green smoothie with chlorophyll instead of caffeine. Unlike coffee, juices and smoothies are not addictive, there are no withdrawal symptoms, headaches and loss of energy when you are left without a juicer or blender for a couple of days. No juice - okay, smoothies. No, and smoothies - okay, you can just eat fresh fruits or vegetables.

If coffee has become a habit that you want to get rid of, this will also help:

  • Hot water laced with lemon and ginger will invigorate and help improve digestion, but without the caffeine effects.
  • Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and herbs. Take celery, cucumbers, parsley, add an apple, carrot or ginger, and you will get a great invigorating cocktail with a generous set of vitamins and minerals.
  • Chicory drink is suitable for those who love coffee for its taste and aroma. Chicory is similar to coffee, but it doesn't contain an ounce of caffeine. If you like coffee with milk, add some almond or hazelnut nut milk to your chicory drink.
  • Green tea can help break your caffeine addiction. It contains caffeine, but in smaller amounts. Even better, choose a decaffeinated herbal tea, such as rooibos or a mix of spices and herbs.
  • Hot drinks with cocoa are very satiating and also stimulating, but much softer than coffee. Use natural cocoa, without added sugar and milk powder.

Morning without coffee: what foods invigorate just like coffee

Do you think that coffee is the best way to cheer up and drive away drowsiness so inopportunely? Don't rush to answer. There are thirteen more products that can return a high tone much more effectively than a coffee drink.
How to replace coffee, or 13 energy products

One chocolate bar energizes for several hours. If you eat a piece of chocolate in the morning, then endorphins will begin to be produced in the body - they will give you all the energy you need so much in the early hours.

Cold water
Drink plenty of water in the morning: dehydration is most felt right after waking up. Just one glass of cold water, as you woke up - and you will feel much more cheerful, you will quickly enter the usual working rhythm.

Almost all berries contain natural stimulants. But the best and most delicious energy stimulants for you will be: strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Orange juice
If it's hard to wake up in the morning, orange juice will help! The abundance of vitamin C fills the body with energy and perfectly stimulates brain activity. Orange juice can be replaced with lemon or lime juice, but in this case, drinks are best consumed with sugar.

Any cold drink
Not only water - any drink chilled can work wonders. The intake of cold fluid is tantamount to a shock shake: the body turns on energy production and begins to function at full capacity.

If you are planning a difficult day, then it is better to saturate your body with energy in the morning. True, the proteins of animal food are processed more slowly, and energy does not appear immediately, but its supply lasts for a longer period of time than a piece of bread or vermicelli soup can give. By the way, meat can be replaced with fish.

Nuts are not accidentally called "edible batteries". They are so nutritious that they maintain tone throughout the day. However, you should not get carried away with nuts, especially before going to bed. The fact is that the unprocessed energy of nuts during sleep is deposited in problem parts of the body.

Green tea
Any tea contains caffeine, and green tea is most useful for the human body. If you drink a cup of green tea in the morning, you will feel a charge of vivacity longer than after drinking coffee.

Apples contain boron, which increases your alertness and alertness almost immediately. In addition, apples are tasty and full of many useful components.

The main source of fiber and carbohydrates. Add some fruit to your oatmeal and you have an energy breakfast of champions.

Best of all, the body absorbs natural sugar, and bananas contain a huge amount of it. Add bananas to your morning diet - you will feel cheerful for a long time.

Magnesium is called long-lasting energy, and yoghurts contain it in the required amount. Do not forget only that yoghurts with fillers are distinguished by a large amount of sugar.


"Dehydration is most felt right after waking up." What nonsense, because at night glycogen is consumed and water is released. "Glycogen is stored in the body not in its pure form, but associated with water, so the burning of glycogen is accompanied by rapid weight loss (the released water is excreted from the body)." (
And drinking cold water does not invigorate at all.

Berries do not have stimulants at all. If they were, these substances would have been isolated and used from them long ago.

"The intake of cold liquid is tantamount to a shock shake: the body turns on energy production and begins to function at full capacity." Well, this is complete nonsense. Drink hot water and see for yourself that you feel warm and wake up. And from cold water, the body turns on only the bladder to remove this water.

“If you are planning a difficult day, then it is better to saturate your body with energy in the morning. True, the proteins of animal food are processed more slowly, and energy does not appear immediately, but its supply is enough for a longer period of time than a piece of bread or soup can give from vermicelli." Another nonsense. The author, a repeater, does not even know that the body uses the energy of proteins only in the most extreme case, when nothing else remains. For the body to spend precious proteins, both its own and from food, it's like burning expensive type-setting parquet from precious wood instead of firewood. The main fuel of the body is carbohydrates from food, if there are not enough carbohydrates, then fats are used, both from food and from the sides.

"If you drink a cup of green tea in the morning, you will feel energized longer than after drinking coffee." There is more caffeine in coffee, which means that vigor will last longer.

"Apples contain boron, which increases your alertness and alertness almost immediately." So boron is found in other products. Only here in these products, and in the apples of this boron, there is a homeopathic amount that the body simply does not notice.

"Main source of fiber and carbs. Add some fruit to your oatmeal for an energy breakfast of champions." So this is only for athletes. And if sports are disgusting to you, then you don’t need a lot of energy, which means that cereals are not for you.
Likewise with bananas. Sugar is, as we remember, the body's main fuel. If we are office plankton, then we don’t need a lot of energy, so we can do without sugar. Moreover, the body turns excess sugar into fats.

"Magnesium is called long-term energy" Magnesium can be called anything, for example calcium, but this does not turn it into calcium. So it is with energy. About 50-60 years ago, photographers of that time used a piece of burning magnesium foil instead of a flash. But in our body nothing burns and nothing burns out, therefore magnesium as a long-term energy is pure fantasy, which has no basis in human physiology.

Most superfood myths are the result of an active marketing strategy, not randomized scientific experiments that rule out bias. The image of a "superfood" raises its price by a considerable amount.

Many of us cannot imagine a day without coffee. This drink owes its popularity not only to its pleasant taste, but also to the glory of a natural tonic. Why is coffee invigorating? Let's figure it out!

However, in regular coffee drinkers, researchers from the universities of Bristol, Münster and Würzburg determined in experiments on a group of nearly 380 volunteers that this effect disappears over time: the body adapts to the drink and produces additional receptors. But it is worth the effect of caffeine to weaken a little (for example, during a night's sleep), as previously blocked receptors are released again. That's why coffee drinkers tend to feel more tired and overwhelmed in the morning than other people: they suffer from a mild form of withdrawal.

Decreased tone, headaches and decreased attention can be observed already after a short time after stopping drinking coffee. All this, however, does not mean that coffee gourmets are sick with some kind of addiction. Coffee is not a drug. Real drugs act differently - under their influence, a special “reward system” is activated in the brain and neurotransmitters are released, while nothing like this happens when drinking coffee. In the case of caffeine, the negative side effects go away on their own after about a week of abstinence.

The effect of coffee is very individual. Recently, scientists from Zurich found out several interesting features:

1. Coffee doesn't work for everyone—about 8 percent of subjects who had a particular type of caffeine-binding receptor didn't respond to it at all.

2. In some subjects with a certain genotype, drinking coffee caused a state of fear. Professor Katharina Domschke, a stress specialist from Würzburg, explained this by saying that in such cases the body seems to “confuse” the effect of the drink with a reaction to danger, as a result of which some people may even panic. Over time, this genetic feature weakens as the body becomes accustomed to caffeine.

3. As it turned out, sometimes coffee helps ... fall asleep. This can happen when a person has trouble sleeping due to too low blood pressure. In this case, coffee brings blood pressure back to normal and thus can help you fall asleep.

Here are some facts in favor of this invigorating drink:

1. Good source of antioxidants.

2. Helps to cope with stress.

3. 1 cup of coffee a day significantly reduces the risk of various diseases: liver, Alzheimer's disease, skin cancer and even diabetes.

It is worth noting that it is not the consumption of coffee that can harm health, but an overdose and abuse of it.

This article is kind of an inside look. I will start with a description positive effects of coffee I will continue by listing the facts about effects of caffeine on the body man and finish precautions when drinking coffee. The next morning, after reading this article, you will be faced withsomething more thanjust a cup of coffee.

The positive effects of coffee

Traditional medicine says that freshly brewed coffee is recommended for people who have had an infectious disease, and when poisoned.

Coffee eliminates fatigue and drowsiness, increases the level of vigilance and attentiveness. In folk medicine, there is an opinion that coffee helps to endure hunger and thirst. I allow myself to disagree with this, because: what kind of dulling of hunger can we talk about when coffee irritates the gastric mucosa? This leads to the formation of gastric juice and, as a result, the appearance of appetite and cravings for food. Modern medicine confirms this.

headache and coffee

The appearance of a headache in a person is associated with blood pressure. However, headache can occur with both dilated and constricted cerebral vessels. In the first case, dilated vessels put pressure on neighboring nerves. In the second, the narrowed vessels disrupt the blood supply, which causes a headache.

Therefore, when they say that coffee can relieve headaches for a while, they mean people who have them with dilated vessels of the brain.

People with low blood pressure feel the greatest tonic effect on themselves. However, do not forget that this effect is short-lived.You will learn more about why this happens and how coffee affects blood pressure in 4 minutes.

How coffee affects sleep

As with headaches, people are divided into two categories: those for whom coffee relieves drowsiness and those for whom it acts as a sleeping pill. It would seem that the same product affects a person in different ways. Pavlov's conclusions will help to understand the essence of such a dual effect. His research has shown that caffeine has different effects depending on type of nervous system and hence the dose .

Type of nervous system. For the normal functioning of the human cerebral cortex, the processes of excitation and inhibition must be in balance and function. A therapeutic dose of caffeine is able to equalize these two processes to normal. With a strong type of nervous system, caffeine increases the processes of excitation: hence insomnia occurs. With a weak type - caffeine lowers this process, which is why the efficiency of cells drops sharply and coffee acts as a sleeping pill.

Experiments on dogs with a weak type of nervous system have shown that exposure to caffeine in excess of the norm does not increase the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, but, on the contrary, weakens it. There is a process of inhibition, which can also occur with imbalance, despite the strong type of the nervous system.

Efficiency and amount of coffee:

- a small dose of caffeine can increase the number of conditioned reflexes;
- equalization phase: with an increase in the dose of caffeine, the reaction of the body, both to strong and weak stimuli, becomes the same;

- paradoxical phase: excessive consumption of caffeine leads to the fact that strong stimuli do not cause a strong reaction. In this case, the body becomes more sensitive to weak stimuli.

Despite the lightning-fast effect of caffeine, its duration is not so high, as it leads to a rapid depletion of nerve cells. It's like you have to run 5 kilometers, but you decide to take the pace at which you usually run short distances. As a result, you get tired too quickly. spent all their energy at the beginning of the race.

Caffeine-- a tool that tries to find the remaining energy in the body and convert them into a very efficient mechanism. But as soon as these reserves run out, the braking process starts.

Process depletion of nerve cells comes faster with a strong and prolonged load in a weak type of nervous system.

caffeine and blood pressure

On this occasion, there are different points of view, where they say that caffeine constricts blood vessels, and some argue the opposite.In fact, to opheine - constricts blood vessels, and such alkaloids as theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP (also found in coffee) -- dilate blood vessels.

Namely, due to vasoconstriction, in hypotensive patients (people with low blood pressure), blood pressure rises, and after 15-20 minutes they feel an improvement. But after the end of the effect of coffee, people with low blood pressure become sharply worse.

Caffeine, coffee is like a burning match --
fasttones up, but also quickly goes out
After a short-term tonic effect (15-40 minutes),a person has a general malaise and internal fatigue.This is due to the fact that caffeine antagonists come into play: theobromine, theophylline and vitamin PP. These substances dilate blood vessels, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure.This situation forces the person to drink another cup of coffee, because he thinks that one cup was not enough for the effect of cheerfulness to kick in.
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