Effective handling of customer objections. The most versatile and simple algorithm for dealing with objections

That we are all about the sad, but about the sad. There are some good things about network marketing. For example, I like the methods of dealing with objections that are taught in direct sales training.

The same techniques can be successfully applied in traditional business negotiations or, for example, to work in social networks for solutions conflict situations with clients.

At the presentation of a company, a product, or even at the stage of an invitation to it, your interlocutors may have questions and objections. You have to learn how to work with them properly. To begin with, let's figure out what they really mean and where these very objections come from.

Main reasons for objections

  • Material misfeed. Your presentation contains many understatements or controversial points. Perhaps you have incorrectly defined the priorities and desires of your audience. For example, you talk about business opportunities in front of potential consumers of your products, and not partners and businessmen.
  • Your own doubts. Perhaps your uncertainty about the quality of the company and its products is manifested. That is why personal use of the goods and services that you have to sell or offer is always recommended. You will better imagine the features and consumer qualities of the product. This advice does not apply to fraudulent type companies with a nominal product, in which case you just need to learn how to lie brazenly, as personal use of the product can harm your health :-).
  • Uncertainty of your clients in their abilities. In this case, it should be recalled that MLM is suitable for a wide range of people. It would be useful to tell a few success stories of people from the people.
  • Fears and stereotypes. In this situation, it is usually advised to tell in colors about positive properties network marketing(or some other product depending on your situation).
  • Doesn't really fit the person.. It is clear that the same MLM is not a universal model for the distribution of goods that is suitable for everyone. Not every person can achieve significant success in the network business. The same can be said about ordinary goods and services.
  • What about talking? Some people suffer from a lack of communication and like to argue once again because of this. It is also another reason to draw the attention of the audience to yourself, to increase your HRW (sense of self-importance).
  • The intrigues of competitors. Professional agents and black PR people work. They can only be defeated through high-quality products and a competent information policy.

There may be various motives behind objections. And it's not always a firm no. If a person argues and asks, it means that he is already interested in your proposal, but you only need to eliminate his doubts or, conversely, give him additional confidence. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to correctly work with objections, this skill will allow you to attract new partners or make additional sales in seemingly hopeless cases.

10 Effective Methods for Dealing with Objections

1) Clarifying questions. Get your opponent to start reasoning and respond to their own comments and statements. Works well with standard excuses.

a) I do not want. What don't you want? Are you sure that you do not want to change your life for the better, open up new opportunities for your growth?

b) No money. What don't you have money for? Do you regret these worthless pieces of paper for your health or financial well-being? And how much should the services or products of such High Quality? Expensive, but people vote with their own wallet for quality.

in) Need to think. About what? How much time do you need for this? Let's figure it out together?

G) No time. What is there no time for? For yourself, for your loved ones? You need to show the value of time and the benefits of the proposed program or product. The washing machine frees up a lot of extra time.

e) Borrow money to get started? I would like us to start this business as equals, as partners. I would not like to put you in a dependent position.

2) Translation into humor. Try to joke and get away "on the sly" from a direct answer. You can try to condemn a person for stupidity and gullibility. Who is doing this? Who trusts the conclusions of these charlatans?

3) Pause. You maintain a pause, during which the person begins to look for the answer to his question on his own. It is possible that he himself will be able to realize its meaninglessness.

4) Repeat objection. You repeat only that the objection expressed by the person. This technique is based on the peculiarities of human psychology, in contrast to the perception of one's own words when they sound not from oneself, but from an outside interlocutor. At this moment, a person can independently understand the insignificance of his objections, questions and doubts.

5) Personal opinion. If the objection is based only on someone else's experience, then it is worth asking your opponent's own opinion on this issue. What do you yourself think? What are your personal thoughts on this?

6) Praise. Which good question! These are the people we are looking for, this program is especially for you. A very professional question! Here you will find partners and colleagues worthy of your level.

7) Alternative questions. Offers with an imaginary choice. A kind of "choice without choice." Do you want tea or coffee? Are we meeting tonight at 6 or 7 pm?

8) The high chair effect or the imaginary refusal of the client. Why do you need it? Some kind of financial freedom, money, own house, car. I don’t play games here, it’s not interesting, it means it’s not interesting.

9) Delay in response. I do not know the answer, but I will find out later from the management and I will definitely let you know. Let's exchange contacts now? Or better yet, come to the presentation of the company, there will be a person who is more competent in this issue, than me.

10) Working ahead of the curve. You prudently address a number of standard objections and questions in your presentation. Give ready-made answers that are beneficial to you, without waiting until you are asked the relevant questions.

Of course, there is another option. Generally do not fight objections and only work with people who don't have them. But this is not our method, we are not looking for easy ways :-). Nevertheless, there are cases when, in order to save time and effort, it is easier to avoid a dispute and refuse to cooperate with a person. Especially if this is an ordinary troll, for whom the very process of communication is important, your attention, and not a specific business or product.

It is also important to be clear about who you are talking to. this moment. A person may be familiar with objection handling techniques, then it will not be difficult for him to apply them against you. Therefore, such people should be treated differently. Suppose you invite a person over the phone to a meeting in a cafe to present a new company and its business opportunities.

Dealing with objections over the phone

In the technique of telephone combat ( TTB) there is a reception " that's why". You call, say hello, introduce yourself. Briefly talk about the topic of your conversation and invite your interlocutor to a personal meeting or presentation. He usually tries to find out the details in advance. People are inherently lazy and don't want to take active steps, so it's best to find out brief information on the phone and immediately refuse. But you and I are grated rolls :-), you can’t get rid of us so easily.

- And what kind of business, what kind of business?
- This is a high-tech product marketing organization. Purchases large and small wholesale. Favorable retail distribution.
- Well, and if in a nutshell?

Newbie answer:

- you smart man! About such things, you know, business people do not talk on the phone! That is why I invite you to the cafe. When will it be convenient for you tomorrow at 17 or 19?

Answer to an experienced interlocutor:

- But you business man and you know very well that it is not customary for us to discuss serious issues over the phone. So let's meet today in a cafe on Lenin Street. When would be more convenient for you at 18 or 20 hours?

Similarly, you can work out a frequent excuse: “ I don't have time or I don't have time«.

- Hello. I, Sergey, represent the company "Merry Things!" We provide excellent training for middle and senior management big companies. Our unique program allows…


Your customers like to object… You can understand them. The market is saturated, there are a lot of offers ... Money, as always, is not enough ...

This stage of the sales process is deliberately depicted in the "vertical" diagram.

This emphasizes that, in fact, objections can come from the client at any stage of the negotiation. And at any time, an experienced salesperson is ready to respond to objections. For many inexperienced salespeople, customer objections represent a major roadblock to closing the deal. For a seasoned salesperson, objections and responses are the most interesting part of the sales process. The objections of the client indicate his interest!

Typical objections

Many years of experience as a trainer suggests that most objections are related to price or a specific product. About them - a little lower. Here we consider several objections that are specific to sales of a wide variety of goods and services. You are also given the choice of answers. Every experienced salesperson understands that there is no “magic” trick to overcome any objection. However, perseverance combined with the enthusiasm of the seller is a sure recipe for success!

Objection: "I don't have time for these conversations!"

Answer(s) :- I understand… You are a busy person… If I call back later, would you mind?

"I'll take some of your time...

Objection: "Where's the guarantee...?"

Answer: - Our company has been on the market for 5 years…

Our clients are reputable companies. For example…

– Our Warranty Repair Center is located at…

Objection: "We already have a supplier"

Answer: - Of course, this is not surprising ... Such a reputable company should have regular suppliers ... But maybe he has slightly different delivery conditions ...

Let's try to compare...

Objection: “This refrigerator (cupboard, sofa…) is too big for our family…”

Answer: - Where are you going to put it?

Objection: "Need to think…"

Answer: - Of course... We are talking about a serious deal... However, please note that if tomorrow we deliver goods to you, then tomorrow you will be able to receive the corresponding profit...

Objection: “Your product does not sell well (in the store)”

Answer: - Let's take a look at the display of goods on the trading floor together

As the seller gains experience, the list of typical objections and answers expands. It is clear that the above answers are not the only possible ones. Experienced sellers will always be able to “strengthen” this list with their own versions of answers.

How to respond to objections

The experience of many "generations" of sellers suggests the following "creative" scheme:

1. Hear objection

2. Express gratitude or empathy

3. Ask questions open type. Ask the client to elaborate on their objection

4. Summarize the information received

5. Answer the objection

6. Make sure your answer is accepted and understood

- Give the client a chance to speak. Don't interrupt...

Don't tell the client they're wrong. Even if you are sure that his opinion is wrong, keep silent or say, for example: “Original point of view”, “There are people who would agree with you”.

– If the client raises several objections in a row, take notes (to answer), separating the objections you agree with from those you disagree with. Start answering with the words: "I agree with you ..."

- Don't rush to talk about the price.

- Avoid discussions.

- Know in advance about options customer objections. Be prepared to answer them the best way, taking into account the motives for the purchase and the needs of the client.

Don't linger on the "difficult" objection. It hits right on target. Therefore, your careless answer: "I agree" can make the whole subsequent conversation meaningless. Say, for example: "This is an important remark ... I will answer it for you ... a little later." What follows are a few strong arguments and your prepared response.


Very often, the objections of the buyer are not even objections at all, but simply excuses. They are just contrived reasons for not buying. It’s rare that you hear from a buyer: “Yes, there is no reason - I just don’t want to buy it.” Most often, objections are given that are classic excuses.

In order to “pull out” the real reason for the refusal from the buyer, the seller must monitor the reaction of the interlocutor during the presentation of the product, at the argumentation stage. If the buyer is not interested in the price or features of the product, it is wise to stop and try some other way.

Price objections

The issue of price is very typical in the process of negotiating a sale in Ukraine. Typical price objections and suggested responses are as follows.

Objection: "It is expensive…"

Answer: - Quality products don't come cheap...

- Sometimes they say: "The miser pays twice" ...

- Pay attention to unique properties our products

- And what price do you think is fair?

Objection: “It costs less at Lotos”

Answer: - Are you sure it's the same product? What are the characteristics of their model?

Objection: “I can buy much cheaper at the market”

Answer: - Buying at the bazaar comes with a certain amount of risk...

– You still need to get to the market, and you and I can make a decision “here and now”

How else can you respond to price objections?

Compare the price with the client's price. The resulting difference can be "reduced to nothing" if you divide it by the period of use of the goods and evaluate the "expenses for one day."

If they ask you to lower the price, make a “counter offer”. It must be prepared in advance. For example: "If you buy two sets, a 5% discount is possible", "If we sign a contract for a year, the discount can be very significant."

Benefits are more important than price. You talk again about those key advantages that accompany a purchase or about the losses that a client can incur if he does not buy. (“Yes…Worth considering…But note that there are only two sets left in stock…Maybe it’s safer to make a decision today?”)

Product objections

Consider specific example - wholesale trade medicines. A conversation between a manager of a wholesale company and the head (manager) of a pharmacy.

Objection: “We already have enough antihistamines”

Answer: - It's good when the client has the opportunity to choose

- We offer products of a domestic manufacturer. She is always in demand...

Objection: “There are only pensioners in our microdistrict. What do they buy - you know "

Answer: - It's good that there are many pensioners. After all, pensions have recently been raised.

On the good medicine they will spare no money.

Objection: “This one… is a bad buy”

Answer: - I noticed that it is displayed in an inconspicuous place.

If you'll excuse me, I'll ask the "first-timer" to rearrange it closer to the checkout.

Objection: “You have a small assortment of drugs. It is more convenient for us to work with a large supplier”

Answer: - A large assortment is important. However, pay attention - we have drugs that others do not have.

Another example. Sale passenger car Volga.

Objection: "Well ... what quality Russian cars have - everyone knows!"

Answer: - Many people think so ... However, in last years Russian manufacturers have very noticeably improved the quality of their products.

Objection: “The upholstery is too light. Any stain will be immediately noticeable!

Answer (option 1):- Yes, the upholstery is light ... But what a feeling of spaciousness and space!

Answer (option 2):- Let's see another salon.

One more example. Sale of advertising placement services in the magazine.

Objection: “Your circulation is large, but your readers are women. And our product is designed for men!”

Answer: - There are statistical materials that show that 80% of men's deodorants are bought by women - for their husbands and loved ones ...

Objection: “On the original layout - the colors are the same, but in the circulation - they will be completely different! We already have experience!”

Answer: - You can understand… Sometimes this happens… We recently purchased new equipment that provides exceptionally accurate color reproduction in printing.

Objection: “People read the news, not ads!”

Answer: - That's right... But subconsciously the reader notices ads on the page too... And in the store he will make the appropriate decision!

Another example. Sale of office furniture.

Objection: "It's expensive. And where is the guarantee of reliability?

Answer: - We give a 10-year guarantee for cabinet furniture and 5 years for upholstered furniture.

Objection: "Why can't you deliver the furniture tomorrow?"

Answer: - We work on individual orders. Everything will be made in the right color and size ... Therefore, it will take 7 days for production and 3 days for delivery.

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In our new cheat sheet you will find answers to the most common customer objections. For example, "It's expensive", "I don't like it", "I work with your competitors" and others.

To whom? sales managers; sales consultants; employees who interact with customers directly or by telephone.

Summary: rules for dealing with objections; the main objections of customers and the answers to them; common mistakes when dealing with objections.

Rules for dealing with objections

  1. The salesperson does not start at 9:00 or 12:00. It begins when the client raises objections. Get ready for it!
  2. The client objects to all sellers in the same way (often we believe that the objection is addressed to us: “Expensive!”). So don't take it personally.
  3. There are not as many objections as it seems. If there are too many, go back to the stage of clarifying the needs or presenting the product. So the omissions were made earlier.
  4. It is necessary to distinguish between the objections themselves and their causes. To understand the true reasons for objections, you need to know your client well, be able to ask the right questions.
  5. Listen carefully to the customer's objection. Don't "shout", just listen!
  6. Nod your head in agreement as the client speaks. Sincerely accept the client's position on this objection.
  7. Move on to the next objection only after you are sure that the previous one has been exhausted.
  8. Use persuasion and argumentation techniques to deal with objections.

Objection- this is a meaningful disagreement between the client and the seller.

false objection- the objection of the client, which he uses as a disguise true reasons for which he does not want to make contact with the seller.

The main objections of customers and the answers to them

  1. Objection "It's expensive"
    Answer options:
    • Tell me, what are you comparing it to? (The following is a story about the benefits and competitive differences of your product or service).
    • What amount did you expect?
    • What indicators, besides price, are important to you?
    • Yes, our prices are slightly higher than the market average. Therefore, you can take a trial batch / a few pieces, etc.
  2. Objection "I think"
    Answer options:
    • Let's think together! What exactly are you worried about?
    • Good. May I clarify what exactly you want to think about?
    • Good. Please note that ... (a story about the benefits of the product).
    • Good. I just want to remind you… (a story about a limited-time promotion).
  3. The objection "The competitor is cheaper!"
    Variant objection: "I'm already working with your competitors."
    Answer options:
    • Please clarify who you are talking about.
    • Why did you decide that we offer the same? Let's compare.
    • Yes, our prices are higher than… because…
  4. Objection "I don't like it"
    Answer options:
    • What exactly do you not like?
    • Why do you want this option?
    • Which option would suit you?
  5. "I don't have time" objection
    Answer options:
    • I won't take much of your time, just one minute.
    • What time would be convenient for you to discuss this?
  6. The objection "The quality of the product is poor"
    Answer options:
    • Why do you think so?
    • Let's evaluate together (offer a product sample, show a portfolio, etc.).
  7. The “I/we have everything” objection
    Variant of the objection: "I / we do not need anything."
    Answer options:
    • Okay, I understand you. Only want to give you more options to choose from.
    • I understand you. And yet I am sure that this offer will interest you.
    • You might be interested in this in the future. For now, just look...

Common mistakes when dealing with objections

  1. Avoid answering the standard objection, agreeing with it, treating it as a refusal.
  2. Fear of appearing intrusive. To think that the client will get annoyed and leave.
  3. Talk a lot. Don't let the client speak.
  4. Respond to an objection without ascertaining its true cause.
  5. Arguing with a client or imposing your opinion.
  6. Point out to the client his incompetence.
  7. Demonstrate their incompetence, refer to someone more competent (“I don’t know ...”, “It was the leaders who ordered ...”).

Golden Rule

Eliminate the causes of objections, not the objections themselves.

In most cases, people never make a purchase on their first visit to your online store: before making a final decision on the transaction, we always carefully evaluate the product, weighing all its pros and cons.

If a we are talking about online shopping, then consumers have much more doubts than usual: this is a behavioral pattern.

Commercial transactions on the Internet always cause more doubts among users, and even after carefully familiarizing themselves with the benefits and benefits of the product, buyers continue to find reasons against closing the transaction.

But how to deal with customer objections in sales while remaining correct and
increasing business efficiency? The task of every Internet marketer is as follows: to eliminate all possible objections and doubts of a potential client, thereby inducing him to make a conversion.

In our today's article, we will talk about the six main sales barriers of Internet consumers that arise in the process of marketing interaction and give the basic rules for working with objections, learn how to eliminate conversion obstacles and how to deal with customer objections as efficiently as possible.

Let's list objections in sales, examples of working with them and answer the question: what stands between the consumer and the purchase?

1. Too high price

Let's figure out how to deal with customer objections to overpricing. Inadequately high consumer value of the cost of goods / services has always been, is and will be the main reason for consumers to refuse to make a transaction.

Obviously, no one wants to overpay for an overpriced product, especially if a large assortment of the market allows you to find a free or cheaper analogue.

This is one of the most basic objections in sales, and there can be several answers to it.

First way- convince potential buyers that the money they spend will certainly bring great benefits. This method perfectly applied in practice by the RJ Metrics eCommerce analytics service.

RJ Metrics' cheapest monthly subscription plan is $750, with each subsequent higher plan doubling in price. Obviously, business owners will be more inclined to use free platforms like Google Analytics and Piwik than to pay a hefty $750 for an analytics service.

But the RJ Metrics user cases posted on the company's landing page almost completely eliminate the doubts of the target audience regarding the increase in prices for premium tariff plans.

The NoMoreRack website, for example, using RJ Metrics, received more profit in 2 months of 2014 than in the whole of 2013. An extra $100,000,000 for just $750 a month is a well-deserved expense, isn't it? :)

Second way to neutralize buyers' doubts about the price - to make the cost of the product more acceptable. good example using this approach is a platform to promote AppSumo.

AppSumo is offering their potential customers a $300 How To Make a $1,000 a Month Business info product.

Such a high one-time payment can alienate many aspiring Internet entrepreneurs, which is why AppSumo offers to pay for access to the training course at $30 every month.

Despite the fact that the annual cost of such a tariff plan is more expensive than a one-time payment, it is easier for novice businessmen to pay a small $30 monthly than to immediately part with a large sum of money.

AppSumo also allows you to pay $1.15 daily for access to the training course. As with the monthly plan, buyers will end up paying more for the info product, but small, frequent payments don't seem like a big deal to them.

The third effective method to dispel customer doubts that arose because of the price - to differentiate subscription plans.

Few users are willing to pay impressive amounts for access to the full functionality of a cloud service without understanding what is included. That is why most SaaS businesses create several tariff plans, the simplest of which allows the client to use the most basic features of the cloud service either at a low price or completely free.

Once you have added a new user to your client base, you can cross-sell add-ons to your current subscription plan and persuade them to switch to a more advanced, paid plan.

Buffer, a popular SMM marketing automation platform, uses this method to eliminate price friction.

“It was not possible to agree, but at least they shouted to their heart’s content.” Yuri Tatarkin.

Customer objections are something that is really hard to "fight" with.

- this is what managers and sellers are very afraid of in the process of negotiations and sales.

- this is something that always arouses keen interest. Moreover, when collecting expectations, this topic often sounds like “fighting objections”, “overcoming objections”, or “how to break the client’s objections”, “how to prove to the client that he is wrong”, etc.

I believe that objections should not be fought. Better warn them. Prevention - the best remedy from objections. Remember, when a flu epidemic is approaching, what are we all doing together? That's right, we begin to drink tea with lemon heavily, take vitamin C, i.e. try to boost your immunity different ways. And as a result of all our actions, the likelihood of getting the flu is noticeably reduced.

Now, imagine that customer objections are something you don't have to deal with. They just need to be warned. And instead of tea with lemon, we should have prepared questions with the help of which we can best identify the needs of the client. Questions are your salvation. And then, believe me, there will definitely be fewer objections. Just do not think that they will not exist at all. In this case, it is no longer a sale, but a sale.

Schemes for dealing with customer objections

If someone has forgotten, or does not yet know the scheme for working with customer objections, then briefly it should be like this:

1.Listen to the objection to the end. Let the person talk and waste energy. Every client needs to be heard. Moreover, if he tells you about his dissatisfaction, he is still ready to cooperate. Otherwise, he would silently leave, drawing his own conclusions.

2. Agree with the human right to have an opinion. And don't forget to "join" this opinion. Just a little different than the client expresses it. If a client tells you it's expensive, tell him he's right. And you agree that the issue of price (including for you) is important when choosing a product / service. This is where the benefits of your product come into play.

3. Ask a series of clarifying questions to find and understand the source of the objection. “What do you mean when you say…”, “What exactly do you mean by…” I.e. it should be absolutely clear that you and the client mean the same thing. And talk about the same things, not different things.

4. Answer the objection competently and professionally. Work with the client's inner beliefs. Try to get the client to talk. Ask positive questions. Turn to the future, to the pleasure that the client will have as a result of your communication. Make it clear to the client that you are at the same time with him, that you are on his side.

5. Find a way that satisfies both of you. Reinforce your intention to satisfy the client with specific agreements. Thank you for your cooperation and part ways good mood. Notice that your mood has also risen.

The following rules are important not to forget under any circumstances. For any emotions that you experience while communicating with a client, observe them.

Rule 1 Never argue with a client. Get in touch and have a dialogue.

Rule 2 Never attack a client. Every person is entitled to their own opinion.

Rule 3 Try to get the person to suggest options and object to their own objections.

Rule 4 In any communication with the client, make sure that he leaves you in in a better mood than came to you.

Do not forget about yourself in this exciting process. What emotions you will experience will depend, among other things, on your knowledge and ability to understand and desire to negotiate with your best client in the world.

And now for those who are looking for the most best secrets from the most the best craftsmen in sales - a great master class by Dmitry Nork! In 2012, his advice on dealing with customer objections will definitely come in handy.

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