Lectures on accounting from scratch. Accounting courses online, distance accounting courses online, online education for accountants

Accounting is a system designed for archiving, registration and systematization of data relating to the state of material assets, in monetary terms.

The accountant keeps records of changes, reflecting them in documentary circulation in the format of business transactions.


The main advantage of online courses is the provision of information support, which can be used by all users. It is carried out in several ways:

  • feedback in the chat during the lecture;
  • service "Comments";
  • service "Questions to the lecturer".

Additional videos are posted on the website page and educational materials, documents that allow you to get acquainted with the topic in detail.

Conditions for conducting classes

Training materials become available after registration on the site, this will allow you to use the program materials:

  • Timetable of classes;
  • teaching materials;
  • video recordings of completed classes;
  • control tests.

The educational process lasts for a month, it consists of 5 lessons, lasting 60 - 90 minutes and given at least twice a week.

Online Seminars - Accounting Training Webinars

One of the forms of training is the organization of online seminars - webinars. This format allows practicing accountants to improve their skills on the job.

Seminars are held in live, you can get access to them by purchasing a training subscription, valid from one month to a year. Topical topics are discussed here, with the participation of reputable lecturers, the material is presented consistently, and most importantly, it is guaranteed to comply with current legislation.

User connects to online broadcasts and directly communicates with the lecturer, in addition, he will have access to the records of all seminars held earlier. Express tests are organized to assess the degree of comprehensibility of the material immediately after the end of the lecturer.

Topics are selected relevant, corresponding to the period of the calendar and financial year.

Example: "Closing the year in accounting", during the lecture, issues of verification and accounting are discussed economic life enterprises, attention is paid to the main errors in accounting, accounting policy. The issues of inventory and reformation of the balance sheet are discussed.

In a separate line, you can highlight the category of articles, necessarily provided with thematic video comments from experts. The most pressing issues are considered:

  • accounting policy;
  • misuse of funds;
  • organization and participation in electronic auctions.

The articles section is available even for unregistered users, and absolutely free.

It is possible to study the specifics of activity from scratch, having only a secondary education, as well as to eliminate gaps in knowledge and improve qualifications. The format of the video lecture allows you to get acquainted with a specific topic in detail, having learned how to solve a practical problem.

Verification of reports in the FIU provided in electronic forms is carried out by two programs CheckXML and CheckXML-UFA, which are developments of URViSIPTO PF RF and BukhSoft. Details.

Example No. 1: the topic "Documentation during the operation of the vehicle." Issues related to the design of a transfer document are considered. Current positions are specified tax office, the real risks arising from the assumption of inaccuracies in filling out the documentation are assessed.

Example No. 2: the topic is "VAT refund from the budget." The tax refund procedure, the legal grounds on which this operation can be carried out are analyzed. Documents, conditions, and terms in which it is required to conduct a transaction, posting rules are specified. Judicial practice and typical mistakes made by accountants are analyzed, recommendations and advice are given.

Advantages of online accounting courses

If a citizen wants to know accounting thoroughly, online training is lovely way master the material, having received not only fundamental theoretical knowledge but practical skills that will allow you to productively perform professional duties.

Online courses are suitable for beginner accountants, experienced professionals seeking to constantly improve. Access to a large amount of information is provided, competently submitted by experienced professionals with high level qualifications.

There is an opportunity to adopt the experience of teachers living in all corners of Russia without leaving your city, thereby saving money.

Allows you to master this science in a short period of time, at minimal cost.

If you are studying for a major in accounting or auditing, you already know how much – no, not much, but oooooo much literature there is on this topic! And all because there are also a lot of people who are completely ignorant of this difficult science. So we decided to find out what are the tricks, tips and tricks that will answer the question: how to understand and learn accounting on your own and not go crazy?

Professionals have their own opinion on how to understand accounting. We have collected here the most useful advice, which will save you time on reading useless books and allow you to deal with discipline once and for all.

So let's go:

  1. We set goals. First you need to clearly understand: why exactly do you need accounting? Do you want to just pass the exam and forget it? nightmare? Or do you need to understand the topic in order to further connect your life with it? By understanding the end goal, you realize how much more / less time you will need to spend on studying.
  2. Letting go of cramming. Accounting cannot be memorized - this leads to short-term memorization of a large amount of information at best. This science is situational, here you need to consider each case separately, because general rules does not exist for all situations.

On a note!

It will be difficult to memorize wisely, so stock up on vitamins and pills to improve your memory.

  1. Reading books like pamphlets. Books and encyclopedic dictionaries we use not as textbooks, but as reference, auxiliary literature. See the meaning of the term, formula, tables, diagrams, relationships - that's what all these tons of materials are good for. Accounting must be taught consistently, which is not the case in all such books and encyclopedias.
  2. Dosing knowledge. You can’t just sit down and go through 16 topics for tonight, and 2 for tomorrow. The body must tune in to a certain amount of load, so carefully evenly distribute the topics for their consistent assimilation.
  3. We try everything "on the tooth". Without practice, nowhere, therefore, we must practice all the newly acquired knowledge - we master, consolidate, apply, challenge. Someone to check...

  1. In parallel, we study useful programs. Modern accounting is a mandatory possession of certain accounting programs that will help you quickly and accurately calculate the necessary numbers.
  2. Looking for a guru. Surely in your environment there is someone associated with this profession - an aunt, grandmother, mother of a friend. Do not be shy - ask to explain to you all the most complex concepts that your "bowler" does not reach on its own. It costs them nothing to explain this to you, and for you the help will be invaluable.

Here are perhaps the most basic recommendations from professional accountants who are waiting for you to succeed them in their difficult field. If you do not succeed in time with the control, coursework or diploma in accounting or auditing, you should know: our authors got a hand in such work and will be happy to provide you with any assistance in this subject.

Oh, that accounting theory. How many courses on it, but in different directions. How many books have been printed? And what names: and “Accounting. Textbook”, and “Basics of Accounting”, and “Accounting for Beginners”, and “Accounting in Ten Steps”, “Accounting in 14 Days”. That's just there are still people looking for accounting for dummies. Why would it?

Is it because the previous materials did not help?
So the terms and definitions remained unknown. Attempts to grasp all the material in memory led to defeat. Moreover, they brought irritation and disappointment. Such is the reality with the theory of accounting and teaching it.

The last hope of finding a theory of accounting for dummies may fail, because it is not so easy to convey accounting to a student. And, no matter how the books are called: “accounting for beginners”, “accounting for dummies”, etc. - do not change anything in the terms, rules and laws in accounting.

Features of the theory of accounting in education

It's all the fault of the poor perception of accounting theory - this is its volume, it seems, which must first be remembered and understood. Or first understand, and then remember. Also, the words that describe the theory are not in favor of understanding.

There is such a common phrase, "the words are understandable, but the sentences from them are not." And in the theory of accounting, they are understandable, if only letters. With words from these letters it is already more difficult. I'm talking about whole sentences. Accounting terms are special words. For them there is no physical object in real world. It is impossible to "touch" these words. They are abstractions.

Our brain, which thinks in pictures and tries to find associations from life experience, wants to somehow understand and attach meaning to words from accounting theory. But more often than not, the result is this: thoughts get confused, and it’s as if the earth is slipping from under our feet, and our brain has nothing to rely on.

And we all show perseverance. By a conscious effort of will, we force the brain to memorize these words. And the crossing brings more uncertainty, because it does not give an understanding of the connections, causes and effects. This is the reality in accounting.

Why is it better to study the theory of accounting in practice than in books?

Ultimately, the thought arises that accounting can only be learned through practice. To a large extent, this statement is true. For example, for some situations, you can learn accounting by working directly at this enterprise, or in a similar industry.

However, most of the accounting theory, one might say - "Basic Theory" - still continues to be learned in practice. Why? I see the answer in the fact that through repeated repetition of the same type practical action, our brain receives a picture and compares it with accounting theory. There is no situation here to learn everything for a short time. Only your area of ​​work.

In addition, there is a mentor, in the person of the chief accountant, who helps to link together the chaos of accounting terms with practical actions in my head.

Of course, it should be remembered that not every beginner can be so lucky. Not everyone is an accountant of a company that is being trained basic knowledge accounting theory and practical skills. More and more candidates are selected who are already ready to start working and who know how and what to do.

What to do when accounting for dummies remains a mystery with seven seals?

I could give this answer:
“Look for accounting theory supported by practice. It's not easy, here's the challenge - here's the answer. And if, how would the chief accountant at the enterprise help you, explaining what to do, how to do it and why?

The meaning of such a study is to give our brain pictures and let it compare them with accounting theory.

On this site, it seems to me, the materials are presented in such a way that accounting for dummies is the material that links real life enterprises with accounting theory. And if something becomes unclear from the article, then it is possible to ask a question.


All accounting is based on Russian codes, the most important of which is tax. Therefore, start studying this system with legislative acts. Special attention pay VAT and income tax. Be sure to read the revised Accounting Regulations.

Accounting is carried out using a chart of accounts, which includes eight sections (production costs, calculations, etc.). To study, purchase the edition from latest changes.

Learn how to draw up correspondence accounts, that is, accounting. Each of them has a debit and a credit. For you to understand the essence of compiling postings, check out active, passive and active-.

During training, use the information and legal portals "Garant" and "Consultant". Even if you use books, double-check the information using the above Internet systems. Keep in mind that laws change regularly, and a book may have been out of circulation a year ago, so all information contained in it is outdated and unreliable.

Currently, organizations keep records using automated programs. So try to master accounting program, which is called 1C. If you can't manage on your own, go for courses that last no more than two weeks.

Learn how to write tax returns. This will help you tax code, it is in this regulatory document that you can get information about all rates, reporting deadlines and the procedure for calculating contributions to the budget.

HTML is one of the most popular document markup languages ​​used to create web pages. It is supported by all browsers. Any novice webmaster should start getting acquainted with the creation of sites from the markup language, since any Internet page is created precisely on the basis of HTML.

You will need

  • - Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage;
  • - HTML tutorials


First you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of an HTML document and basic tags. Download some tutorials and visit tutorial sites. It is advisable to purchase several books on markup languages ​​and the WEB in order to have a basic understanding of the structure of sites.

Then you need to install some kind of editor that will simplify the basics, since at first it is rather problematic to follow the syntax and constantly check the result in the browser, especially if there is no experience in creating such documents. Visual editors will help with this. You can use the professional tool for creating web applications Macromedia Dreamweaver, however, it requires mastering. A simpler program can be called Adobe GoLive. Another pretty handy application is Microsoft's FrontPage.

Download several HTML templates for the selected editor from the Internet. For starters, projects with a minimum number are suitable. Macromedia Dreamweaver has in its standard set several ready-made templates, having analyzed in detail which you can get acquainted with some of the techniques of the language.

Go to some simple site and use the browser menu to view the source code of the page. Deal with unfamiliar tags, try to build a similar page, slightly changing the interface. As you get acquainted with, take more and more complex pages, use large quantity charts. When you reach a sufficient level of knowledge, try to create a page yourself by first drawing a specific . Make your pages more complex. Once you've reached a reasonable level of HTML knowledge, you can complicate the code you've written by progressively incorporating CSS.

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boo accounting is a complex system of registration, collection and processing of information about the obligations of the organization, expressed in monetary terms. In other words, accounting accounting needed to record everything that happens in the organization and relates to profit.


In accordance with federal law« About accounting accounting e", boo accounting must be conducted in absolutely every organization from the moment of its registration, otherwise unnecessary problems with regulatory authorities may arise. For organizations that did not keep accounting accounting or boo accounting was carried out incorrectly, administrative liability in the form of fines is provided: - Article 15.11. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of 2000 - 3000 rubles for incorrect accounting accounting and provision of unreliable financial statements; - article 15.6. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of a fine in the amount of 100 - 500 rubles for the lack of information necessary for submission to regulatory authorities.

Mastering boo accounting, remember its basic requirements and important tasks, which are the same in absolutely all organizations: - any organization, regardless of its form of ownership, must maintain a complete accounting accounting property, business transactions and other liabilities by double entry in the accounts of the accounting accounting a; - boom accounting in Russia is carried out exclusively in the national currency - rubles; - any organization during the reporting year must adhere to a certain accounting noah policy. Accounting policy implies the timeliness of data provision, the priority of the economic content of facts, the consistency and rationality of accounting accounting a; - current costs for the performance of work, the production of products, the provision of services and other financial investments are accounted for separately.

Generate reliable and accurate information about the economic and financial position of the organization, which is necessary for internal users (managers, owners, participants) of the accounting accounting and external users (creditors, investors).

Provide timely full information both internal and external users of accounting accounting a. Prevent possible negative phenomena in the financial and economic activities of the organization, predict the results of the organization's activities.

Knowledge accounting can be useful to various specialists: economists, managers, leaders. An accountant, on the other hand, simply needs to be well versed in this area, from the very basics to the subtleties encountered in this subject. He must not only be able to draw up reports, draw up documents, but also know how to register a legal entity, calculate salaries.


Familiarize yourself with the basics of accounting. Study its tasks, basic rules and concepts used in this area, accounting objects and their classification. You need to know the asset and liability, what transactions affect their size, what is the balance sheet, accounts and double entry system.

Learn the Chart of Accounts. You need to be well versed in synthetic and analytical and sub-accounts, in off-balance accounts. Learn how to write accounting entries, because you will need it in your work.

Accounting activity is regulated by the state. Explore regulations: accounting laws and regulations on accounting and financial reporting. The accountant needs to know the rights legal entities on the organization of accounting and to study the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Learn how to write primary documents. First, study their types and requirements for filling them out. You need to be able to create cash and bank documents, adhering to the requirements for their preparation.

The cash register is kept by an accountant, so you should study the Regulations on the maintenance procedure cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure for compiling cash documents, such as incoming and outgoing cash orders, be aware of the allowable limit at the cash desk and be able to keep a cash book.

Study the procedure for calculating and calculating payroll, because it is engaged in settlements with employees.
You should know how various allowances, vacation pay, income tax are withheld individuals and other deductions, be able to determine the amount of social insurance contributions, calculate the employee upon dismissal.

Learn how to prepare accounting documents such as balance sheet, profit and loss statement, keep accounting records using regulatory framework. In addition, the accountant forms the financial result of the enterprise and calculates

Real short course Designed for students of accounting academic discipline. The author of the course sets himself the task of explaining the basics of accounting for beginner accountants, for those who want to master this interesting specialty. Why the basics? Because if we consider accounting as one of the types of human activity, we must understand that the accounting system itself was not formed immediately, in an instant, but how science has developed throughout the history of human development.

Useful literature for a beginner accountant

It was first systematized during the Renaissance, during the time of Leonardo da Vinci, by the great mathematician of his time, Luca Pacioli, in 1494. scientific work"A Treatise on Accounts and Records". At the heart of any science are specific techniques and methods, accounting work is specific and has its own techniques and methods, namely, accounting provides for the following various tricks and methods: inventory, system of accounts and double entry, etc. In everyday work, accounting, depending on the industry and the taxation system, has its own industry-specific features, some economic phenomenon must be reflected in accounting, some is reflected in a specific, industry-specific manner. Accounting covered wage, materials and inventories, fixed assets, the production and sales process, the financial result, and, finally, the financial result of any organization is determined by accounting. It is almost impossible to overestimate the importance of accounting in the activities of enterprises and organizations, as well as in general for the economy of our country. However, in the course of his work as chief accountant, the author of this course had to constantly come across reforms carried out by reformers from accounting. Constantly, under the pretext of ongoing reforms, changes in accounting are formalized, accounting entries are becoming more complicated, forgetting about the tasks of accounting for a quick and correct assessment of the activities of an enterprise and financial condition enterprises. Accounting should cover all business operations of the enterprise, industry. The accounting department of the enterprise is designed to quickly and accurately solve all the tasks assigned to it. The accounting department of any enterprise should be headed by knowledgeable specialists who are well versed in theory and practice. This course is designed to help you navigate the rapidly changing accounting legislation, an accountant must know the basics of accounting well, distinguish between new and useful in accounting, from unnecessary, far-fetched and sometimes not feasible at all, due to the realities of the economic life of an organization, enterprise. The author of the course is grateful to you for the time spent on studying this course and hopes that you have gained some benefit from your study of accounting in light of the material in this paper.

Accounting made easy

This site is dedicated to the basics of accounting and is intended for those who have had to deal with this subject, who find it difficult and incomprehensible. As practice shows, the authors of accounting textbooks, although they try to offer as much information as possible about the subject, features and subtleties of accounting, often pay little attention to the basics, considering them obvious. This is a serious obstacle for beginners who are just beginning to study this subject. Beginners get the impression that it is impossible to understand accounting. The authors of this site will try to dispel this myth.

Who is this site for? First of all, for those who are faced with the study of accounting, and consider accounting a difficult, overwhelming science. It can be not only university students, college students, novice accountants, but also experienced employees who had to move to a new site. We can assume that the proposed materials are an online textbook on accounting or an online textbook on accounting.

For in-depth study bookkeeping, we recommend stocking up on textbooks and referring to sources - legislative and regulations. The authors of the site did not set themselves the task of creating complete guide across all areas of accounting. The purpose of this project is to provide answers to simple and difficult questions newcomers that they are embarrassed to ask, or there is simply no one to ask them. Only having a complete understanding of the basics, you can proceed to the study of more complex things. Then you can say with confidence that accounting is not so difficult at all.

Accounting for dummies in plain language

Accounting task site section contains example solutions and examples accounting entries for individual account areas. The given examples of problem solving should help beginners in solving problems that they will encounter when studying accounting.

Chapter useful information contains methodological materials that will be useful in the study of accounting.

For self-checking in the accounting tests section, you can find tasks selected for individual topics. With the help of tests, you can test your ability to answer questions correctly. The correct answers to the accounting tests can be viewed immediately.

Management Accounting

A separate category of the site is devoted to management accounting as one of the accounting subsystems. Management accounting is usually studied within a separate discipline outside the subject of accounting. The management accounting section of our website has a similar structure and also contains management accounting tasks and management accounting tests.

Sometimes clients come with a question: we want to register an LLC and engage in commercial activities. Tell me where to start accounting and how much such services will cost if they are provided by SaldoConsult specialists.

We thought and decided to suggest how to organize accounting for those who decide to keep records and submit reports on their own.
Recall that since 2013, all companies are required to keep accounting records, regardless of the applicable taxation system, except for Individual Entrepreneurs.

First you need to decide on the choice of taxation system. This is best done at the LLC registration stage. Most entrepreneurs choose the Simplified Taxation System (STS).

But the tax base can be different:

  1. if a significant share of expenses is expected, select “Income minus expenses”, the tax rate in this case in St. Petersburg is 10%,
  2. if there are not many expenses, choose “Income” 6%.

It is possible that the type of activity that you are going to organize is subject to taxation by the Uniform Imputed Income Tax (ENVD). Since 2013 the regime is optional. To understand whether it is beneficial to use it or not in each specific case, calculations need to be made.

We thought, decided, gave the documents for registration.

Let's move on to buying software .
AT this moment many entrepreneurs use Elba electronic accounting or the 1C-Accounting program. Elba is convenient because it is a “cloud” solution and you will not need to keep track of changes in software releases and reporting forms. Besides, existing system tips allows you to keep records on your own even for beginners.

There is another solution "1C-Accounting". As in the first case, a cloud solution is also presented here. If you decide to purchase a “yellow box” and install it on your computer, this option will be inexpensive, especially the basic versions. They regularly have discounts. The basic version will be updated every time the program is launched via the Internet.

Decide whether you will submit reports to Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund and declarations to the State Tax Inspection via telecommunications (via the Internet) or you are ready to run around the authorities with paper reports and flash drives.

We advise you to immediately think carefully and find an opportunity connect to electronic reporting. You will save a lot of time. You will have access to electronic correspondence with the tax, PF, FSS, thanks to this, the opportunity to receive a reconciliation of calculations or send a request or a letter.

We draw up an Order on accounting policy.

A Short Course in Accounting for Dummies

To do this, you can use the numerous services that are available on the Internet. We print out one of these orders, check that all accounting points are reflected in the Order.
We attach to the Order on accounting policy the Working Chart of Accounts and the forms of documents that will be used in the activity.

We draw up personnel orders. We described what personnel documents a company should have. Therefore, we suggest reading the relevant articles on our website. We advise you not to put off the personnel office work until later, because then there will be many other things to do and you simply will not have time. It is enough to prepare forms of documents, which you will then fill out as necessary.

Software selected, installed. We start working, fill in all the details of the company. For these purposes, the program has an "Assistant". We follow his instructions.

So begin economic activity and reflect sequentially in the program all business transactions. We purchase goods, materials, receive advance payments from buyers. For all paper documents that we have, we create similar electronic documents in the program.

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