Bibliographic description of literature. Basic rules for the design of a bibliographic list of references. Description of regulations and documents

Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation.

Stukanov, V. A. Fundamentals of the theory of automobile engines and automobiles: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / V. A. Stukanov. - M. : Forum, 2004. - 336 p.

Perova, T. Yu. Management: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / T. Yu. Perova. - 3rd ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2006. - 342 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

Adamov, R. O. Materials science (metalworking): textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education in special mechanical engineering and metalworking / R. O. Adamov, V. I. Zuev. – 3rd ed., stereotype. - M. : Academy, 2006. - 240 p. - (Professional education).

Pugachev, V.P. Introduction to political science: textbook. for stud. universities / V. P. Pugachev, I. Yu. Soloviev. – 4th ed., revised. and additional - M. : Aspect-Press, 2003. - 466 p.

Sapronov, Yu. D. Life safety: textbook. allowance for students. middle prof. education / Yu. D. Sapronov, A. L. Dmitrov, A. Yu. Proshin. - M. : Academy, 2003. - 320 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

Varlamov, T. B. Cars: textbook. for stud. middle prof. education / T. B. Varlamov, K. O. Zhuk, S. P. Chernykh; ed. M. G. Shatrova. - M. : Academy, 2003. - 420 p. – (Secondary vocational education).

The statement of responsibility may list all authors or one with the words "[et al.]" at the discretion of the bibliographic agency.

Automated information technologies in the economy / M. I. Semenov [and others]; under total ed. I. T. Trubilina. - M. : Finance and statistics, 2003. - 415 p.

Blooming land of Podolia: a guide / V. D. Bovkun, N. S. Kvetny, I. A. Pshuk, I. G. Telman. - 2nd ed., additional, revised. - Odessa: Mayak, 1988. - 208 p. : col. ill.

The statement of responsibility may list one or three authors with the words "[et al.]"

World artistic culture: 11th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / [G. I. Danilova, A. A. Pashaev, V. G. Rozhnovsky and others]. - 2nd ed., revised. - M. : Interbuk, 2000. - 253 p. : ill. - (Moscow textbook). - Auth. listed on the back of tit. l.

Books under a surname combining two or three persons

Weiner, A. A. Visit to the Minotaur / Arkady and Georgy Vainers. – M.: Mezhdunarodnaya kniga, 1993. – 400 p. - (Masters of the Soviet detective)

Vladimir (Kotlyarov V.S.). Abode of the northern capital: ist. essay / Met. St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir; [last igum. Nicholas and others]. - St. Petersburg. : Domostroy, 2002. - 322 p.

Entry titled

The title proper may bethematic or typical, those. consist only of the designation of the type of publication

Atlas of the world / chapters. ed. Ya. A. Topchiyan. - M. : Federal service of geodesy and cartography of Russia, 1997. - 71 p.

on the title page

Informatics. Basic course: textbook. allowance for tech. universities / ed. S. V. Simonovich. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 2004. - 640 p. - (Textbook for universities).

History: textbook. allowance for students. secondary special textbook institutions / P. S. Samygin [and others]; resp. ed. P. S. Samygin. - 2nd ed. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2003. - 480 p. – (Textbooks and teaching aids).


Collection with common title

Detectives of the classics of modern prose: a collection. - M. : Respublika, 1993. - 512 p. - Contents: Office of Fear / G. Green. Death under sail / Ch. P. Snow. Paddle / W. Faulkner.

Collection without a common title and indication of authors

Karamzin; Pushkin; Gogol; Aksakovs; Dostoevsky: biogr. essays / comp. N. F. Boldyreva. - 2nd ed. - Chelyabinsk: Ural, 1997. - 479 p. : ill. - (Library of Florenty Pavlenkov. Biographical series, 1890-1915; v. 2).

Gilyarovsky, V. A. My wanderings; Theater people / V. A. Gilyarovsky; intro. Art. A. Petrova. - Minsk: Science and technology, 1987. - 415 p.

Multi-volume editions

Document as a whole

Gippius, Z. N. Works: in 2 volumes / Zinaida Nikolaevna Gippius. - M .: Lakom-book, 2001. - (Golden prose of the Silver Age).

T. 1: Novels. – 367 p. - Bibliography. in note: p. 360-366. – Content: No talisman; Winners; Spirit Twilight.

T. 2: Novels. – 415 p. – Contents: Damn doll; Biography in 33 ch. ; Alien love.

Single volume

Kazmin, V.D. Directory of a family doctor. At 3 o'clock. Part 2. Children's diseases / V. D. Kazmin. - M. : AST: Astrel, 2002. - 503 p.

Normative documents on standardization

Occupational safety standards system: collection. - M. : Standards Publishing House, 2002. - 102 p. : ill. – (Interstate standards). – Contents: 16 docs.

Standards for library and information activities / comp. T. V. Zakharchuk, O. M. Zusman. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2003. - 576 p.

GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for compilation. - Input. 2004-01-07. - M. : Publishing house of standards, 2004. - 156 p.

Official and legislative materials

Title entry

The Russian Federation. Constitution (1993). Constitution of the Russian Federation: official. text. - M. : Marketing, 2001. - 39 p.

The Russian Federation. The laws. On military duty and military service: Feder. law: [adopted by State. Duma March 6, 1998: approved. Federation Council on March 12, 1998] - 4th ed. - M .: Os-89, . – 46 p. - (Current law).

Entry titled

Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M .: Prior, . – 32 s.

Dictionaries, reference books

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary / ed. E. F. Guro. - M. : Infra-M, 2004. - 578 p. – (Library of dictionaries).

Vechkanov, G.S. Micro- and macroeconomics: an encyclopedic dictionary / G.S. Vechkanov. - St. Petersburg. : Lan, 2000. - 352 p.

  • Artemyeva, T. V. The history of metaphysics in Russia in the 18th century [Text] / T. V. Artemyeva. - St. Petersburg. : Aletheya, 1996. - 317 p.
  • Atamanchuk, G. V. The essence of public service: history, theory, law, practice [Text] / G. V. Atamanchuk. - M. : RAGS, 2003. - 268 p.
  • Vasilyeva, A. V. Yu. M. Lotman [Text] / A. V. Vasilyeva. - M. : Rostov n / D: March, 2005. - 141, p. - (Philosophers of the XX century. Domestic philosophy / ed. E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolin). - Bibliography. : with. 135-142.
  • Belov, A. V. Finance and credit [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students on special. 060800 "Economics and Management at Tourism and Hospitality Enterprises" / A. V. Belov, V. N. Nikolashin; Moscow state un-t service; Institute of Tourism and Hospitality. - M. : Prometheus, 2004. - 215 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : with. 213-215.
  • Starostina, E. V. Protection against computer crimes and cyberterrorism: questions and answers [Text] / E. V. Starostina, D. B. Frolov. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 183, p. - (Protect your rights).
  • Shraiberg, Ya. L. Automated library and information systems in Russia: state, choice, implementation and development [Text] / Ya. L. Shraiberg, F. S. Voroisky. - M.: Liberea, 1996. - 271 p.
  • Akimov, V. V. Analysis of non-current assets [Text]: pract. manual on discipline "Financial management" / V. V. Akimov, T. N. Makarova, N. P. Khvatkov; Feder. agency for building and housing.-commun. household Ros. Federation, Institute of Advanced Training for Managers and Specialists, Dept. economy. - N. Novgorod: Gladkova O. V., 2005. - 58 p. : ill. - (Professional retraining). - Bibliography. : with. 57-58.
  • Venigrov, Yu. M. Elements of mathematics in physics [Text]: textbook. allowance / Yu. M. Venigorov, S. I. Egorova, N. T. Mishnyakov; Ministry of Education Ros. Federation, Don. state tech. un-t. - Rostov n / a: DSTU, 2000. - 34 p.
  • Forests of the Solovetsky Islands: (Based on the materials of the forest inventory of 2003) [Text] / L. F. Ipatov, V. P. Kosarev, L. I. Prourzin, S. V. Torkhov; [ed. L. F. Ipatova]; Archang. region societies. fund "Forest Museum". - Arkhangelsk, 2005. - 59 p. : ill. - Bibliography. : with. 57-58.
  • Management activity: structure, functions, staff skills [Text] / K. D. Skripnik [and others] - M.: Prior, 1999. - 189 p.

Books titled

  • Innovations in science, education and production [Text]. - St. Petersburg. : Polytechnic Publishing House. un-ta, 2005. - 153 p. : ill. - (Proceedings of St. Petersburg State Technical University / Federal Agency for Education, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University; No. 493). - Bibliography. at the end of Art.
  • Personnel management: from factors to the possibilities of the future [Text]: textbook. allowance / A. A. Brass [and others] - Minsk: UE "Technoprint", 2002. - 387 p.
  • Economic theory [Text]: textbook.-method. allowance for students of economics. fak. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Department of Personnel Policy and Education, Moscow. s-x. acad. them. K. A. Timiryazeva, Ekon. fac., Caf. polit. savings. - M. : Publishing House of the Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2005. - 102 p. - Bibliography. at the end of sect.

Books without a common title

  • Institute of State and Law (Moscow). Collection of articles by graduate students and trainees of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Text]. - M. : IGPAN, 2004. - 310 p.
  • Gilyarovsky, V. A. Moscow and Muscovites [Text]; Friends and meetings; Theater people / V. A. Gilyarovsky; intro. Art. and note. A. Petrova; artistic I. Lykov. - M. : EKSMO-Press, 2001. - 638 p. : ill. - (Russian classics).

Books with subtitle information

  • Antonova, E. S. The mystery of the text [Text]: method. recommendations for the workbook. for 5-6 cells. / E. S. Antonova. - M. : Verbum, 2000. - 159 p.
  • Korndorf, S. F. Radio measurements [Text]: textbook. for technical schools / S. F. Korndorf, M. I. Yaroslavsky. - M.; L.: Energoatomizdat, 1953. - 464 p. : ill.
  • Yadov, V. A. Sociological research [Text]: methodology, program, methods / V. A. Yadov; Samar. state un-t. - Samara, 1995. - 332 p.

Books showing liability information

  • Beekeeping [Text] / [ed. V. M. Zhabtsev]. - M.: Kyzyl; Minsk: Harvest, 2005. - 552 p. : ill.
  • Specialized rolling stock for the agro-industrial complex [Text]: cat. / Number of villages. farm Ros. Federation, Feder. education agency; [comp. E. P. Shilov]. - M. : Rosinformagrotekh, 2005. - 129 p. : ill.

Books indicating reissue

  • Kirsanova, M. V. Paperwork course: documentation support for management [Text]: textbook. allowance / M. V. Kirsanov, Yu. M. Aksenov. - 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.; Novosibirsk: INFRA-M - Siberian agreement, 2000. - 287 p.
  • Economics of an enterprise (firm) [Text]: textbook. allowance / ed. O. I. Volkova, O. V. Devyatkina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2002. - 601 p.

translated edition

  • Microsoft Access [Text]: [trans.]. - M. : Mir knigi, 2004. - 288 p. : ill.
  • Nikolay (Velimirovich). Indian letters [Text]: per. from Serbian / St. Nicholas of Serbia. - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. diocese, 2004. - 238 p.
  • Fractionated and unfractionated heparins in interactive therapy [Text]: [trans. from Ukrainian] / G. V. Dzyak, E. N. Klihunenko, V. I. Snisar, V. V. Ekhalov. - M. : MEDpress-inform, 2005. - 196 p.
  • Harjung, M. Roller skates. Warm-up and rest on eight rollers [Text]: per. with him. A. Prokopieva / M. Harjung, A. Atanasiadis. - Vilnius: Polina, 1996. - 160 p.

When compiling a description of books under the name of the author, the following data are reported: the surname and initials of the author, the title of the book, information related to the title, information about responsibility, information about the repetition of publication, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, volume.

Lavrushin O.I. The evolution of the theory of credit and its use in the modern economy: Monograph / O.I. Lavrushin. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 394 p.

Srebnik B.V. Securities Market: Textbook for students., obuch. according to special "Finance and credit" / B.V. Srebnik; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 288 p.

Korotchenkov A.M. Market failures. Debts, deficits, crises, defaults, pyramid schemes, financial bubbles, banking panics - links of the same chain: Monograph / A.M. Korotchenkov, D.A. Vinogradov.- M. : Prospekt, 2016. - 152 p.

Nureev R.M. Economic history of Russia (experience of institutional analysis): Textbook / Nureev R.M., Latov Yu.V. ; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 268 p.

Brusov P.N. Modern corporate finance and investments: Monograph / P.N. Brusov, T.V. Filatova, N.P. Orekhov; Financial University. - 2nd ed., erased. - M. : Knorus, 2015 .- 520 p.

Mirkin Ya.M. Statistics of financial markets: Textbook / Ya.M. Mirkin, I.V. Dobashina, V.N. Salin; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 250 p.

The title describes books published without an author's name or having four or more authors: collections of articles by different authors and having a common title, collective monographs, official documents, etc. In this case, the description contains the following information: title, information related to the title, information about responsibility, information about the repetition of publication, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, volume.

The description may contain information about all persons and (or) organizations indicated in the source of information. If necessary, to reduce their number, they are limited to indicating the first of each group with the addition of the abbreviation "and others" [and others] or its Latin equivalent in square brackets.

Status, trends and prospects for the development of cash circulation in Russia: Monograph / M.A. Abramova [and others]; Financial University. - M. : Rusayns, 2015. - 167 p.

Taxation of non-profit organizations: Textbook for students, obuch. for example "Economics" / L.I. Goncharenko [and others]; Financial University. - M. : Knorus, 2016. - 272 p.

Collections of articles

Development of the Russian banking sector in conditions of uncertainty: Collection of scientific papers of students and undergraduates / Financial University; ed. N.E. Sokolinskaya and V.E. Kosarev. - M. : Rusayns, 2016. - 184 p.

WTO law in the legal system of the Russian Federation: Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference (Moscow, May 19-20, 2015) / Financial University; resp. ed. AND I. Kapustin, I.A. Shulyatiev, I.V. Shirev. - M. : Ekon-Inform, 2016. - 456 p.

3. Description of the article from the collection

Pivovarova M.A. Cluster initiatives: general and special // Cluster initiatives in the formation of a progressive structure of the national economy: Collection of scientific papers of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference (March 17-18, 2016). V.1 / Southwestern State University; resp. ed. A.A. Gorokhov. - Kursk, 2016. - S. 173-177.

Solovyov A.I. Assessment and monitoring of global risks // Strategic management in the sphere of national security of Russia: planning and forecasting: Proceedings of the Third All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow, May 22, 2015) / Institute of Law and National Security; Faculty of National Security, RANEPA. - M., 2016. - S.121-133.

4. Description of the chapter or section of the book

Eskindarov M.A. Chapter 1 Factors that determined the Victory in the war // The glory of the Great Victory will not cease / Financial University; comp. N.Z. Kunz; ed. M.A. Eskindarov. - M., 2016. - S. 5-12.

Eskindarov M.A. Chapter 1.3 The place of Russia and the prospects for positioning in the world economy in modern conditions // Foreign economic policy of Russia in the face of global challenges: Monograph / Financial University; ed. A.A. Tkachenko. - M., 2015. - S. 35-51.

Makurina A.O. Information and analytical support for the development strategy of telecommunications company services: dis. … cand. economic Sciences: 08.00.12; defended in 2016 / Makurina A.O. ; Financial University. - M., 2016. - 225 p.

Rodina M.S. Increasing the information content of cash flow reporting: Ph.D. dis. … cand. economic Sciences: 08.00.12 / Rodina M.S. ; Financial University. - M., 2016. - 25 p.

6. Description of articles from magazines and newspapers

Fedorova E.A. Fedorova E.A., Fedotova M.A., Nikolaev A.E. Assessing the impact of sanctions on the performance of Russian companies // Voprosy ekonomiki. - 2016. - No. 3. - S. 34-45.

Siluanov A. Money in one hand: The head of the Ministry of Finance explained why a unified payment collection system is being created in Russia / A. Siluanov // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. -2016. - January 21. - No. 10. - S. 1.2.

7. Official documents

Constitution of the Russian Federation: official text. - M. : Dashkov i K, 2003. - 40 p.

On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs for the 2015/16 academic year; Admission procedure ...: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2014 No. 839 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2014 .- September 3. - No. 199. - S. 18-19.

8. Electronic resources


Corporate finance [Electronic resource]: Course of lectures / Eskindarov M.A., Kuznetsov O.V., Shokhin E.I. [and etc.] ; Financial University, Higher School of Public Administration. - M. : Financial University, 2011. - 194 p. - Access mode:

Money, credit, banks. Money and credit markets [Electronic resource]: Textbook and workshop for applied bachelor's degree / Financial University; ed. M.A. Abramova, L.S. Alexandrova. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - Electronic text data (1 file: 27.7 Mb) 1CD-ROM


Udaltsova N.L. National innovation complex: main trends in organization and management [Electronic resource] // Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal. - 2016. - No. 3. - Access mode:

Balatsky E. Resource dependence of Russia: time for radical decisions [Electronic resource] / Federal Internet publication "Capital of the Country" ( March 2, 2016 - Access mode: /article/resursnaya_zavisimost_rossii_vremya_radikalnyh_reshenii/

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