Where to look for fish in the cold season. Behavior of fish with the beginning of the autumn cooling of the water Old thickets of reeds

Freezing is a natural phenomenon characteristic of most rivers and lakes in Russia, the Azov, Aral and Caspian Seas, as well as some water bodies of the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia, Transcaucasia. To the question of what freeze-up is, one can answer that it is a fixed layer of ice that forms on water bodies in the autumn-winter period.

What is ice cover

In late autumn, you can observe how the water in the reservoirs becomes dark, almost black. At the same time, it has a dense and viscous consistency. This indicates the beginning of the freezing of the reservoir. After that, ice breaks in. This term is used to refer not only to the layer of ice that covers the rivers, but also to the process of formation of the ice cover, as well as the time period during which it does not melt.

The characteristics of the phenomenon, such as the period, the thickness of the ice, and the rate of its establishment, depend on several factors:

  • from the landscape and terrain;
  • from the features of the river channel and bottom;
  • from the weather - atmospheric temperature, and its intensity, as well as the presence;
  • on the size and flow of the river - the smaller the reservoir, the faster the freezing will occur.

In addition, the duration of this natural phenomenon is determined by the thickness and structure of the ice layer, as well as the duration of the cold period.

In mountain reservoirs with a rapid current, a continuous ice cover is not established. Flat rivers may also have unfrozen areas. They are called polynyas:

Such areas occur in places where the most rapid current or water is warmer than in the entire reservoir.

The process of ice formation

With the onset of cold weather, when the temperature drops below 0 ° C, the process of formation of an ice layer begins. The uniformity of water freezing depends on several factors:

  1. On lakes, ponds, where there is no current, the process occurs evenly.
  2. In calm and frosty weather, the freezing of the reservoir occurs evenly. First, the surface of the water seems to thicken, then a gradual freezing occurs.
  3. If frosts are accompanied by wind, freezing starts from the coast. First, thin crusts of the ice layer form. They are called "zaberegi" - the ice clings to the coast, signaling the beginning of freezing. Further, areas with a thin layer of flat ice floes appear along the entire riverbed. When it goes and the flakes fall into cold water, they no longer melt. The movement of ice floes together with water and snow leads to the formation of a mushy layer. This process is called sludge - snow flakes mixed with water. They float not only on the surface, but also form in the water column. Gradually, the sludge turns into ice patches that freeze and completely cover the reservoir.

The final period of freeze-up begins when the riverbed gradually becomes covered with ice from the banks and connects with the banks. The water freezes faster at the sources, where the current is not so fast, and the mouth of the river is the last to be shackled by the ice layer.

When does ice fall

The process has no definite time limits. In which month it will come depends on what features the reservoir has, as well as on weather conditions, including the amount of snow that has fallen.

Freeze-up is typical for almost all water bodies in Russia and its duration increases from south to north.

In the northern part of the country early freeze-up. Ice rises from the end of October and completely covers the reservoirs by the beginning of November. In the southern expanses, it begins in mid-November. At this time, the air temperature there is set below -5°C.

The Taimyr River is the first to be covered with ice. Ice breaks here already in September. Further, the process moves south and lasts about three months. The process ends by the end of December.

Freeze zones

The duration of freeze-up depends on the climate and lasts from 1 to 8 months. Depending on this, it can be divided into zones. Conventionally, four zones are distinguished:

  1. Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, Tyumen, the Komi Republic, Taimyr, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Amur region, Magadan region - here the freeze-up lasts especially long. A continuous ice cover fetters reservoirs in October and lasts until May.
  2. Kursk, Bryansk, Astrakhan regions, North Ossetia, the southern regions of Primorsky Krai, Stavropol Territory - in these places a steady process is observed on rivers from December to March.
  3. The Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, the Azov, Aral and Caspian Seas - here the duration is short-term. At the same time, the ice on the rivers is unstable.
  4. Moldova, Central Asia, Transcaucasia - the process of freeze-up is absent here or has an irregular character. Only small sections of rivers can be covered with ice and for a short time.

Even with knowledge of the time intervals of freezing in a particular zone, it is not possible to accurately predict the timing of river freezing. This is due to the fact that in each zone there may be deviations from the average. Dates can be shifted by one to three months depending on weather conditions.

Autumn freeze-up may be accompanied by ice movement caused by wind gusts and currents. As a result, congestion may occur. This happens most often in small water bodies with a weak current. The process can be caused by warming. Under the action of the current, the ice that has not yet fully formed begins to break and accumulate. With the onset of frost, the ice floes freeze and form hummocks. Their length can reach three meters.

In some regions, vehicular traffic across the rivers is possible only during the freeze-up period.

Most of the rivers in Russia begin to break up from ice in March and this process ends completely only in May.

Synopsis of the excursion in the preparatory group.

Water and I are friends.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the importance of water in the life of plants, animals and humans. About the fact that water is a "home" for many plants and animals, about the need to protect these animals and their habitat.


Deepen and systematize children's knowledge about the river, its purpose;

Cultivate a positive attitude, awaken aesthetic feelings for native nature;

To form the skills to behave correctly;

Activate and enrich the children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic.

The course of the tour.

1. Today we will go for a walk, and where you have to guess.

(any riddle about the river) That's right, we will have an excursion to the river.

2. Arriving at the river, the teacher asks the children if they know the name of our river. Then the teacher explains why the river is respectfully called "nurse and worker". After that, the banks are considered (steep, gentle, covered with sand or vegetation). A conversation about what rivers are (powerful, majestic, fast, quiet, mountainous, etc.). What is our river?

3. Do you think the water in the river is now warm or cold? Why? We draw the attention of children to the color, transparency of water.

Yes, the water in the river is clean and clear. Is it possible to drink water from the river? No. Why? (Children's answers) The teacher concludes why you can not drink water from the river (it has not been cleaned). Further, the teacher’s story about how water is purified (first, water is taken from a river or some underground reservoir, then it goes to special water treatment plants, where, using complex filters, water is purified from sand, dirt, various microbes, and only after that water already enters the water supply).

4. Ball game "What is water like?"

Answer options: sea, river, swamp, water, mineral, rainwater, clean, dirty, transparent, colorless, tasteless, hot, cold, warm, etc.

"What can water do?" - splashes, murmurs, runs, pours, flows, overflows, etc.

5. The river is a community where everyone needs each other: both plants and animals. Children say what inhabitants of the river they would like to turn into (show by facial expressions and movements).

6. Why does river water become dirty? How to make a river clean?

7. Ball game "Good - bad."

The teacher is in the center of the circle with the ball. Throws the ball to the children in turn and asks: “Water is good. Why?”, “Water is bad. Why?".

Answer options:

Good : water is needed for drinking; to wash, wash hands; water can be tempered, play with water, swim, cook, wash floors, dishes, toys, wash clothes; watering flowers, plants in the garden; different animals live in the water, birds live near the water.

Badly : if you drink cold water in the heat, you can get sick; hot water can burn you; if you handle it carelessly and spill it on the floor, you can slip and fall; if you often water the plants with water, they may die; if you do not know how to swim, you can drown; there are floods and then water destroys houses, etc.

8. Bottom line.

Water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet. Water is a good friend and helper.

What have we learned about water today? (children's answers)

Reading a poem by N. Ryzhova "Magic Water".

"Magic Water"

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere!

You will find it in the pond

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist,

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses.

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to tell you:

We can't live without her!

Indeed, without water it is impossible to live on earth, so water must be protected and protected.

In autumn, when the water in the river becomes cold, the chub begins to gravitate towards deep places. At this time, it can be successfully caught with a donkey.

In autumn, the chub, having gathered in a flock, can stand in the pits, waiting for food carried here by the current. On medium rivers, the depth of such a pit should not exceed 3-4 m; if the pit is deeper, the chub will look for food areas on the rift, standing behind underwater hills, stones, and snags. In early September, large chubs can still stay in calm water, bordering on fast water. Such areas can form below the islands, at the ends of capes, near bridges, dams, and fallen trees. In early autumn, on medium-sized rivers, the chub, just like in summer, can still adhere to coastal shelters, so casting under the bushes of the opposite bank, to areas near grass and rubble, are effective.

Equipment for catching this fish is more often used either picker, which uses the simplest installation of the paternoster type, or feeder with an open or closed feeder. To catch a large chub, you need leads made of extra strong fishing line with a diameter of 0.2-0.23 mm, and the diameter of the main fishing line should be 0.02-0.03 mm larger. The tip of the rod is preferably hard, but in areas with a quieter current - medium hardness. Hooks use No. 7-15 (with a long forearm for a bunch of worms and with a short one for a bunch of maggots and vegetable baits).

Feeder equipment

Depending on the fishing conditions, different feeder gear is used. In a fast current, where the bait is quickly washed away, and the light feeder is blown away, it is better to use a medium or heavy feeder. However, if a good feed path is created in some way, and the tackle does not need to be thrown far, you can get by with a light feeder. A light or medium feeder is more convenient to use on narrow, but deep rivers. For long-range casting in strong currents, a heavy feeder is used. Also, this type of equipment is used if a lot of food is required to attract fish.

For open and closed feeders, there are many ways to mount on the line. When fishing in the current, flat feeders are convenient, which are attached to the end of the main fishing line - they lie securely on the bottom. Sometimes, especially on rocky ridges, a rolling rig is used based on an open cone or oval plant feeder. There are ways to mount the feeder based on special equipment called "Rocket". There is a method of mounting on a symmetrical loop and others.

Often in autumn days you have to use a feeder designed only for live food - bloodworms, maggots. It looks like a closed plastic case, on the sides of which there are holes for the exit of bloodworms, maggots or mobile small worms.

When fishing both in the current and in low-flowing water, you can use a tandem feeders, one of which is closed - for live food, and the other is open - for vegetable. For fishing in still waters, where a chub can also live in autumn, a feeder unloaded with lead is useful, which should sink rather slowly. Sometimes its slow immersion additionally attracts fish, since in this case the smell of the food spreads better in the water, but this, of course, depends on the composition and consistency of the food.

When the chub does not bite very actively, it is most convenient to catch on 2-3 feeder gear mounted on special stands. When fishing on a fast stream, bottoms should be thrown one after another against the current at an angle. With this tactic of fishing, the gear carried by the current will be in the most convenient places (approximately opposite the angler). If the current is very fast, then it is better to cast at an angle downstream, then the pressure of the stream on the line will be less.


For the chub in early autumn, especially during the sunny Indian summer, when the heat returns again, different baits may be suitable. When fishing at medium and fast speeds with an open feeder, good results are obtained by bait, which includes 40% steamed millet, 30% breadcrumbs, 10% ground "Hercules" or baby oatmeal, ground (in the peel) fried seeds or cake and hemp seeds. Sometimes it is appropriate, by reducing the amount of one of the ingredients, to add steamed peas. Aromatic additives - vanillin, anise, cumin can play their role. It is effective to add maggots, bloodworms, worms to the bait - from about 5 to 30%, depending on the viscosity of the bait. In a thicker bait, there should be more components of animal origin, since they are difficult to wash out, but if the bait is consumed quickly, their amount can be reduced.

If a flock of white fish has approached, in which a medium-sized chub is kept, and the fish are actively biting, then you often have to recast a rather heavy tackle. In this case, the viscosity of the bait should be increased in order to do this less often. It is better to have several containers with bait of different composition and consistency. Often the effect is given by that feeder, one part of which is clogged with loose, the other with a thick mixture. But if only a thick mixture is at hand, then it is necessary to stick it on top of the spiral part of the feeder, then the top layer, not connected with wire, will fall off at the moment the equipment falls to the bottom, which will additionally attract fish.

Chub on different rivers may prefer different nozzles. It is known that on the southern rivers it is even caught for cherries. By the way, I met fishermen who catch chub for cherries and on rivers flowing through regions not so far from Moscow, in particular, on Zusha, on the Beautiful Sword. In September, bottomers still use pearl barley, wheat, peas, semolina, which are steamed so that they are securely held on the hook, and they also catch maggots, worms (dung, earthen or underleaves).

In quieter areas of water, when fishing with a short cast, you can use a crust of white bread with pulp, first it must be dipped in unrefined sunflower oil. It's good when the nozzle is part of the bait. In order not to attract a lot of little things, the nozzle should be large. Barley or wheat grains can be planted in 2-3 pieces so that they completely cover the hook, there should be 3-5 maggots on the hook, worms, 3-4 medium leaflets, it is better to plant in a bunch, piercing each 2-3 times and hiding the sting in one of the ponytails. On the Oka in the autumn it was possible to catch a chub on a tiny piece of bacon (preferably two pieces). To do this, it should be cut into cubes and planted so that the sting of the hook is hidden. In addition to the chub, large silver carp, bream, weighty roach, ide, white-eye and other fish are caught on such a nozzle. Sometimes a chub takes baits on a sandwich, for example, a worm is planted along with steamed wheat.

Night fishing

The large chub prefers to feed at night. Obviously, this is due to the excessive caution of mothers. During the Indian summer at night, he can go out to feed on the shallowest parts of the river, where there is more food. When searching for food, he is guided mainly by the sense of smell and wave impulses emanating from a living organism, so finding a nozzle on the ground is not difficult for him.

At night it is desirable to catch on odorous baits. Preference should be given to naturally smelling baits of animal origin, and when using vegetable baits, it is important not to overdo it with flavoring. Sometimes, to enhance the smell of an animal nozzle, you can add an appropriate flavor to it, for example, with the smell of a dung worm, maggot.

For night fishing, it is more convenient to use signaling tips with a luminescent coating. To better distinguish the tips by the degree of flexibility, they can be additionally painted in different colors.

As lighting fixtures, it is most convenient to have special gas burners, one charge of which is enough for one or two nights of fishing. Suitable for night fishing are also gasoline and kerosene lanterns of the "bat" type. When using 2-3 donks of lighting fixtures, there should be at least two.

For the convenience of baiting a hook or changing equipment, experienced anglers use a headlamp mounted on a wide stretchable strap.

Biting and playing fish

The bite of the measured chub almost always ends with a confident bending of the signal tip, but before that, there may be several hesitation, signaling that the fish has approached the bait. The cutting should be done, just waiting for a confident “press” of the rod tip.

When fighting, a large chub always tends to go into the support, algae, under the branches of a bush hanging over the water. If the skills of playing and the characteristics of the rod do not allow the angler to keep the fish, then, as they say, goodbye to the desired trophy! Often breaks in the leash occur in vast shallow water with a fast current, when the fish, somersaulting during the struggle, clings to the bottom. Therefore, in such areas, you should be especially vigilant and soften the jerks of the fish in time.

Required accessories

An important accessory for the angler is a convenient landing net with a wide mouth for capturing large fish.

As a stand for rods, you can use a telescopic flyer, which is used when fishing with conventional float rods. However, it must be made of durable metal, since when fishing with donks, especially in the current, a large load falls on this part, and in addition, it must be of sufficient length so that the rod can be set as high as possible. It is most convenient to use a telescopic aluminum tripod with at least three sections.

The tripod is placed under the third knee from the top (the butt is simply rested on the ground) - this allows you to set any angle of inclination of the rod, depending on the current. With a long rod and with its more vertical position, a significant part of the fishing line is above the water and is less blown out by the jet. There are also folding stands made in the form of the letter "P", which have grooves on the crossbar, designed for several rods. Usually with such coasters they catch on a quiet stream. Putting 2-3 rods side by side, take into account the drift speed of the sinker when removing the tackle.

Other necessary accessories for a donochnik are a slingshot or a “cobra” for feeding the fishing spot, a set of plastic utensils for mixing food, a spacious box for storing spare equipment, a comfortable folding chair or high chair, and, of course, boxes with different attachments should be at hand, because in the fall, the one who experiments more and offers a different menu for the chub catches .

Look for features

From the shore, the water surface looks the same, but each body of water has features that are attractive to fish in the cold season. Find such places - and you are halfway to success.


In summer, fishing on the island gives the maximum result. But also in the winter, they can be a boon.

In the shallow waters of coastal areas, you probably shouldn't fish in the morning, especially after a night frost that will make the water very cold in such places. Thus, in the morning it is necessary to fish deep areas in the lower part of the island slope.

If the sun is strong, shallow island areas will warm up a bit and are worth paying attention to by mid-afternoon.

Overhanging trees.

Try not to fish under overhanging trees. Water in the shade of trees will not be able to warm up even in sunny weather. You will also most likely have piles of rotting leaves and twigs lying on the bottom at the point of fishing, which will not allow you to make a good presentation of the bait.

Direction of the wind.

If north and east winds are blowing, position yourself so that they do not blow in your face, but from your back. The best option for protection in such cases is the high bank, which is located behind you. South and west winds will be warmer and more productive.

Old reed beds.

Avoid fishing in close proximity to old reed beds, as there will be a lot of decaying stems below the surface of the water that will make your fishing impossible.

Short catch time.

In cold weather, you need to spend extra time in bed and start fishing later than usual. In many reservoirs, the fish will not even think about feeding until the water warms up a little from the sun.

Keys, springs.

In such places, the fish constantly feeds even in winter due to the constancy of the water temperature in places near the springs. If it is possible to find out about the exact location of such places, try to fish as close to them as possible.

shallow bays

Well-protected and lit shallow bays that receive plenty of sunlight are natural areas that attract fish in the winter. Shallow water warms up quickly in the sun and attracts fish like a magnet. If your technique and tackle allows you to deliver bait to such areas, your chances of catching will increase significantly.


Historically, fish tend to gather in the same places during the winter. Be guided by the knowledge of these traditional places of parking of fish when placing on the reservoir.


Surely you have often heard and read that in the cold season you need to fish in deep places, since the water is warmer there. However, in some waters, this approach is fundamentally wrong, so do not make the mistake of automatically setting up to fish from the bottom at great depths, remaining in this place throughout the fishing in the absence of bites.

There are 2 factors that most influence the temperature of the water in cold weather - these are the sun and the wind. It is they who create such a natural phenomenon as the temperature stratification of water. These layers are located one above the other and are created because, along with a change in temperature, the density of water also changes. Thermoclines are most pronounced in bodies of standing water and depths of 20 feet or more (greater than 6 meters). When fishing in deep waters, such as gravel pits, you will notice that fish often congregate in warmer layers, and can be found anywhere from a foot (30cm) from the bottom to a foot from the surface of the water.

(In fairness, it should be noted that such a random distribution of fish in depth is typical for the cold season, i.e., both when water bodies are not yet covered with ice, and after the formation of an ice cover. With a rapid transition to cold autumn nights and the passage of cold fronts, the upper layer water begins to cool and its autumn cycle occurs.At a water temperature of 4 °, it acquires its maximum density.More dense, cold water from the surface begins to put pressure on the remnants of warm, moving it down.This mixing becomes more intense and is recognized by such a sign as separation and the appearance of particles of bottom fouling on the surface of the water.In late autumn, when the main volume of water cools to 4 °, the turnover is completed and the thermocline dissipates.After that, the temperature soon ceases to affect the dislocation of fish, and it can be found at almost all depths.This period is one one of the hardest fish to find, as early winter turns into late autumn, ice begins to form. In shallow bays, the surface of the water becomes uniformly cold, and warm water (4°) sinks to the bottom of the lake. When the surface of the water is completely covered with ice, the annual cycle of temperature stratification of the water will end, to begin again with the advent of spring - approx. translator).

The working horizon of fishing, on which the fish stands, is easy to calculate at this time when fishing with a plug. To do this, you need to use a very light equipment with a load in the form of several shots No. 8 and 10, a very light small hook that will make your bait (bloodworm, maggot) fall very slowly in the water column. If you get bites on a dip, decrease the depth until you find the depth at which the fish are feeding in your area today.

Translated by Eugene the Svyatoshchik

Kirillova Tamara
Synopsis of OD on cognitive development “Autumn is also on the water bodies” in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 3, Dankov

Synopsis of OD

on cognitive development

"On the ponds are also autumn»

in preparatory group of children with mental retardation


educator: Kirillova T. N.


1. To consolidate the idea that seasonal changes in nature autumn affect the lives of the inhabitants reservoirs.

2. Expand and refine views children about preparing the inhabitants of reservoirs for winter.

3. To give children a more complete idea of ​​where fish, crayfish, frogs, aquatic plants disappear for the winter.

Equipment: presentation.

vocabulary work: silt, zhor.

OD move

1. Introductory remarks by the educator.

Every day more and more noticeable are the signs of the coming autumn: leaf fall is spinning, migratory birds gather in flocks, insects, mice, spiders, centipedes are hiding somewhere. They climbed into dry pits, snakes intertwine, freeze. Animals - some dress in warm fur coats, some clog their pantries in holes, some make a lair. Everyone is getting ready for winter.

In rivers, lakes, ponds, the water became cold. Above reservoirs fog often rises. And the inhabitants reservoirs are also preparing for winter. Our conversation today is about frogs, fish, crayfish, aquatic plants. Seasonal changes in nature autumn too affect the lives of the inhabitants reservoirs.

2. The teacher's story "Like fish prepare for winter in autumn» .

Pisces start prepare by the winter season already from the summer - in the middle august: the fish begins to swim near the shore and eat a lot. She does this in order to survive the winter fast without any problems. After all, with the onset of cold weather, she feeds mainly on the reserves of her fat, which she ate in August.

Closer to winter, fish gather in flocks to spend the winter. They descend into the very depths of rivers and lakes. Their body is covered with a thick layer of mucus, like a fur coat. And the fish spend the whole winter at the bottom reservoir. After all, there the water does not freeze even in severe frosts.

By the winter period, the fish are marked by immobility, lethargy.

Each species of fish hibernates differently. For example, carp and crucian carp burrow as much as possible into the mud that is at the bottom. reservoir, and survive the winter, remaining absolutely motionless until spring.

Most fish hibernate - these are catfish, bream, tench, roach. The fish goes to the bottom reservoir or just burrow into the mud.

It is very difficult for fish to stay under the ice in winter. start to rot seaweed, the air becomes, as a result, less and less, and it is difficult for them to breathe. Therefore, in reservoirs people punch holes through which clean air enters under the ice.

3. The teacher's story "Where Crayfish Hibernate".

Crayfish hibernate not far from the places where they live permanently. Only with the onset of cold weather do they tend to go down a little deeper, this is due to the fact that at depth the water, although a little, is still warmer, so they hibernate. Despite the low water temperature, they are awake and looking for food. Most of the time, and this is about twenty hours a day, crayfish are in their own holes and doze quietly. However, with the onset of twilight, they begin a fairly active life. They get out of their holes, walk along the bottom reservoirs and even hunt. In a word, there are no mysteries in how crayfish hibernate. In the cold, they are at a depth and lead their usual way of life.

4. Reading the story of N. Sladkov "Perch and Burbot".

Preparing for winter and burbot, although he does not hibernate. Burbot is a predatory fish, minnows are the favorite food of burbots, then ruffs. A lot of burbots devour their own fry. Autumn zhor burbot continues until the beginning of winter, for three whole months, with short intervals. With freezing rivers autumn wandering in search of food at the burbot stops. A sudden change in the environment also affects burbot: he rises to the top and becomes under the ice; he, apparently, is not on his own and is no longer up to food. Within a week, his body adapts to new conditions. And then the burbot begins the usual, familiar life for him.

I will now read you a little fairy tale about burbot.

Miracles under the ice! All fish are sleepy - you alone, Burbot, cheerful and playful. What's wrong with you, huh?

And the fact that for all fish in winter it is winter, but for me, Burbot, in winter it is summer! You, perches, doze, and we, burbots, play weddings, caviar with a sword, rejoice, have fun!

Ayda, perch brothers, to Burbot for the wedding! We will disperse our sleep, have fun, have a bite of burbot caviar ...

You have already guessed what kind of lifestyle burbot leads in winter.

5. The teacher's story "Like frogs prepare for winter in autumn» .

The frog goes into hibernation in winter. Like other animals, frogs prior to hibernation emphasize feeding and accumulating relatively large stores of nutrients.

Spadefoot frogs begin to prepare for winter in September-October. They burrow deeper into the silt or use other people's shelters. Very often they can be seen wintering in wells and cellars.

Common frogs overwinter in flowing streams, rivers, ditches. Sometimes they travel long distances to their wintering grounds. In this case, one of the main requirements is the saturation of water with oxygen. autumn grass frogs are located near the bottom, in the thickets of aquatic vegetation themselves, or not far from the coast in the sand.

Lake frogs with a decrease in temperature reduce their activity and go into hibernation. They begin to prepare for hibernation at a water temperature of about 6-9 degrees. Such frogs hibernate at the very bottom reservoirs, migrating there autumn, buried in the bottom silt. At the bottom of lakes, rivers and deep ponds, they spend the whole winter, while breathing through their skin.

Wintering amphibians very often gather under overhanging shores or carefully hide in underwater vegetation. Some lake frogs remain active even in the cold, falling into a shallow sleep - they are lethargic, but at the same time they are not deprived of the ability to jump and swim. If the animal is disturbed, it easily moves and hides in another place.

6. The teacher's story "How Aquatic Plants Prepare autumn to winter» .

Plants play an important role in body of water. They serve as food for animals, release oxygen into the water, which is necessary for the respiration of organisms. Underwater thickets serve as a refuge for animals.

Cattail, reeds, reeds, arrowheads are attached to the bottom with their roots, and the stems and leaves float on the surface reservoirs.

In winter, the yellow capsule in the rhizome retains the reserves of nutrients necessary for the formation of the next year's leaves and flowers of this plant. In addition, the rhizome, like other parts of the yellow capsule, has air channels through which the oxygen necessary for breathing enters the underwater organs of the plant.

Flowers that flaunted on the surface reservoirs in summer, autumn dropped their seeds to the bottom, and dragged their long pedicels under the water. On the surface, they can freeze. autumn the sun does not shine as hot as in summer, the water does not warm up well, the plants do not have enough solar heat.

7. Outdoor game "Carp and pike".

A circle is drawn on the floor. One child is chosen as a pike, the rest are divided into crucians swimming inside the circle, and pebbles. By signal: "Pike!" a pike child runs into the circle and tries to catch carp. And the crucians are in a hurry to hide behind the pebbles. Carp caught by pike leave the circle. The game is repeated with another pike.

8. Conversation “Where do they disappear autumn fish, crayfish, frogs, aquatic plants?”

Why do frogs burrow autumn in silt? (Answers children: frogs burrow autumn in silt to overwinter, and also so that they are not eaten by predatory fish).

And who else, besides frogs, in pond prepares in autumn for winter? (Answers children: autumn except frogs, body of water fish and crayfish prepare for winter).

Which fish leads a normal, habitual way of life in winter and does not hibernate? (Answer children: burbot).

Why do aquatic plants droop in autumn at the bottom of the reservoir? (Answers children How do plants prepare for winter?.

With the onset of winter, the water body of water freezes and turns to ice. But only the surface will turn into ice reservoir, and at the very depths, the water will not freeze, and this is what will help the aquatic inhabitants to winter and not die. Now you know that they are all autumn prepared for winter.

Related publications:

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development "The kingdom of ice and snow" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development "Food chains in the forest" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development "Let's visit the water" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development "Let's sit in the meadow on a sunny day" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development “Beetles woke up from the heat” in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Synopsis of OD on cognitive development "Mysteries of Nature" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of OD on cognitive.

Abstract of the lesson on cognitive development "Invisible - air" in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3, Dankov Abstract of a cognitive lesson.

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