What do decorative rats like to eat. What to feed a domestic rat - protein, fruits, vitamins, specialized feed. Allowed Foods

Domestic ornamental rats are omnivorous rodents. They need both plant and animal food. The health status of animals and their life expectancy depend on the quantity and quality of feed. A decorative rat of any variety at home should receive a balanced diet. To do this, it is necessary to exclude certain foods from the pet’s diet and add healthy foods to it.

Types of decorative rats

A list of popular breeds of domestic rats is presented in the table:

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Dumbo. A rodent with round ears, a pointed snout, a comparatively short body and a long tail
Satin rat. An animal with a shiny silky coat, each hair of which is long and smooth
Downy. The coat of the rat is fluffy and sparse, without guard hairs. Mustache short and curled
Sphinx. Decorative rats without hair and whiskers. In young children, pigmentation is possible, which disappears in adults. Skin wrinkled and pink
Standard. A large variety of domestic rodents weighing up to 0.5 kg. The length of the individual with the tail is about 45 cm
Tailless. Animals are born without a tail. Trunk pear-shaped
Rex. The fur is stiffer than that of other species, wavy, the whiskers are twisted
White. Albinos with red eyes and pink skin

General rules for feeding domestic rodents

There is a misconception that rats can eat leftovers from a human table. However, their nutrition must be balanced, the diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals.

Rats can't control how much they eat, especially when they like it. If left unchecked, rodents will overeat and gain weight, which will negatively affect their health and longevity. Ideally, pets should receive 55-60% or more carbohydrates per day of the total amount of food. This is the basis of their diet. Proteins make up about a quarter of the daily portion of food, and fats - about 10%. The daily amount of food for one individual is about 30-40 g. In volume, this is 1 tbsp. l. with a hill.

The remains of products that quickly deteriorate should be removed from the cage. Rats can eat them and cause digestive problems. In the diet of animals, there must be solid food, on which they can grind their teeth.

Prohibited Products

Some of the foods can be poisonous or deadly to rodents, but rats can eat them, so it's important to control them. Animals should not be given:

  • Green bananas.
  • Meat and fish, raw and fried.
  • Pickles and spices.
  • Fruits with bones. Previously, the bones, which contain substances harmful to rats, must be removed, otherwise the animals will eat everything.
  • Some raw vegetables, including green or sprouted potatoes, beans, beans, cabbage in all its varieties, beets. In boiled form, you can give them, except for green potatoes.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Soy products.
  • Confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • Houseplant leaves that are poisonous to rats.
  • Types of cheeses with mold.
  • Citrus.
  • Stale, spoiled, very hot or cold food.

What can you feed the animals

In order for a pet to receive a sufficient amount of trace elements useful to it, one should adhere to the correct diet.

Products offered to domestic rats should be stored in a sealed container and thoroughly cleaned and washed before feeding if they are vegetables or fruits.

The composition of the basic diet of decorative rats

The main ingredients in rat food include:

  • A grain mixture that contains cereals - oats, barley, millet, wheat, corn, bran. Cereals are diluted with oilseeds - sunflower, hemp. Add flax seeds, peas, nuts. Too much fat in food is harmful to the health of animals, so nuts and sunflower seeds should be strictly limited. You can make your own grain mix or buy it at a pet store.
  • Raw cereals (rice, buckwheat, barley, millet, oatmeal) and in the form of cereals.
  • Water.
  • Mineral stone for rodents.
  • Chalk (or calcium gluconate), shell rock.

Additional feeding with protein and other food

Feeding rodents with grain mixtures alone is not enough. Pets in such cases will receive less vitamins and minerals necessary for their life. Mandatory feeding with protein foods, which includes:

  • Dairy products - low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt without flavorings and dyes (for example, cottage cheese and yogurt for baby food). Milk is given boiled and at room temperature.
  • Lean meat - boiled beef, chicken, veal, beef heart, liver, kidneys, canned meat for baby food.
  • Hard boiled chicken or quail egg.
  • Boiled fish and seafood - hake, pollock, squid, shrimp.
  • Larvae, worms, beetles bought at a pet store - all season, and in summer you can offer a grasshopper, a caterpillar.
  • Green food - dandelion leaves, parsley, dill, radish tops. In winter, germinated grains of cereals are suitable.
  • Fish oil, yeast, tomato juice as a source of vitamins.

Feed rodents twice a day. Since rats are nocturnal animals, the main portion of food is given in the evening.

Products with medicinal properties

Some foods that are useful for domestic rodents have a healing effect on them:

  • Antibacterial - onions, garlic, mustard seeds, eggplant, raspberries.
  • Antiviral - strawberries, cranberries.

Also, don't abuse it. The daily diet of a rodent should look like this: carbohydrates should be 50-60%, proteins - 20-25% and fats - 5-10%. The daily feed intake is approximately 30-40 grams.

An important component of your pet's diet, from which he receives a lot of vitamins and minerals, is vegetables and fruits. With pleasure, rats eat carrots, potatoes, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, and turnips. Do not give rodents raw vegetables. When treating a rat with fruits, remember that the bushes of many of them contain hydrocyanic acid, so before you give your pet an apricot, cherry, peach or plum, you need to remove the seeds from them.

Include lean meat, liver, chicken bones, fish, and seafood in your rat's diet. The liver in rats is not a strong point, so beware of giving them fried meat, as well as meat seasoned with spices. But fish and meat broths are perfect for rodents.

Rats love dairy and sour-milk products. They can be pampered with yogurt with bifidobacteria, which will have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. Milk and dairy products with a high fat content should be given cautiously. Also, once a week, you can treat the rat with a boiled quail egg.

Nuts are a great source of plant-based fats, while grains are a great source of carbohydrates. Cereals can be given both in germinated form and in the form of grains. Nuts should also be included in the daily diet of the animal, but you should not give them too much, and it is better to exclude almonds altogether.

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Remember that rats are prone to overeating and obesity, and overweight animals often get sick.

The white rat is an albino. Most often, her eyes have a reddish tint. The animal owes its color to nature, which deprived it of the ability to produce melanin. The content of white rats has a number of features, because they are more sensitive to sunlight and have less sharp eyesight.

For a rat, of course, a house is needed - a metal cage with a special pallet. It must be made of wood, as wood can absorb bad odors and cause infection. Please note that the cage area should be significantly larger than for keeping a hamster. For greater comfort of your pet, you should purchase a multi-storey cage: this way it will be possible to lead a mobile lifestyle. The height of each floor should be approximately 20 cm. Make sure that the rat is free of protruding dangerous parts, and cover the floor of the tiers with plastic or linoleum. It is convenient to wash, and will not hurt your paws. If you plan to keep several rats, then you need to “introduce” them as early as possible. Adults can be aggressive and hurt each other.

Remember that your pet's cage should not be in a draft, and avoid direct sunlight, because you have a white rat. It is best to install the cage on a table a little over a meter high. So it is easier to protect the rodent from cold air currents and it is more convenient to observe it. Don't forget about hygiene. Cleaning the cage should be daily, and once a week it is necessary to treat the dwelling with a disinfectant. After treatment, the cage is dried, then thoroughly rinsed with clean water and sent to dry again. Only then can your pet be placed there again.

Diet for the rat

White rats, like any others, eat almost everything, but it's not at all that you can feed it with anything. Remember that a rat is a fairly intelligent creature, and if you offer her a choice, she will prefer what she likes best. Rats love to eat bigger and tastier, but try not to overfeed your animal. You should adhere to a certain diet, then your pet will always be healthy and full.

The main part of the menu should be cereals - these are various specialized feeds, cereals without oil, pasta, bread crusts and boiled corn. Do not forget about fruits and vegetables, they should be present in the rat's food every day, because they have so many vitamins. Remember that excess protein is undesirable for rats - a piece of boiled chicken or cheese twice a week is enough. It is very important that all products are clean and fresh, it is undesirable to give food directly from the refrigerator - it is too cold. Do not forget to feed the animal, a rat can live only two days without food and water.

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  • Decorative rats in the house

The choice of a pet is a purely individual matter. As they say, the taste and color of all animals are different. Therefore, some people get neither cats or dogs, but a small and nimble animal - a decorative rat. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules for the care and maintenance of this rodent.

What you need to know when getting a rat at home?

It must be understood that a rat, albeit a decorative one, is the most common rodent. That is why she will gnaw everything in the house that seems edible to her. In addition, rat walks are accompanied not only by damage to certain things, but also by the label of their territory. Fortunately, the liquid that is used for this does not have and is released in negligible amounts. In any case, while walking around the house for the animal, you need an eye and an eye.

Temperature. The ambient air temperature should not be lower than 18°C, but not higher than 25°C, and the air humidity should be from 50% to 60%. This temperature regime is the most comfortable for the rodent. Violation of these norms can lead to the occurrence of certain catarrhal diseases in the animal. That is why the cage with can not be placed in a draft and in direct sunlight.

Cell. Particular attention must be paid to the cage, which will be the "house" for the rodent. The cage should be spacious, equipped with ladders and various toys necessary for a decorative rat, which is a fairly active animal. The best choice would be a two-story cage that allows you to freely climb around your home.

In the cage, you need to put a drinking bowl (source of water), a ladder leading to the second floor, and, of course, food bowls. Some people buy a plastic wheel for their rats, cage it, and then wonder why their rat ignores it. Everything is very simple! Running in such wheels is the prerogative of hamsters, but not decorative rats. Since rats are rodents that do not particularly like daylight, a special house can be installed in the cage. But this is optional. As mentioned above, the cage should not be placed in a draft or in the sun. Near the battery, the rat "house" also has nothing to do - dry air is harmful to the animal.

Litter. Do not use sawdust or other wood shavings as bedding. Small sawdust used as bedding can get into the eyes of a rodent, cause allergies, or even irritate the skin of a rat. For bedding, it is better to use white paper or a piece of natural fabric.

Feed. Decorative rats should be fed a variety of foods: oats, wheat, barley. It is necessary to take care of trace elements with vitamins. It is necessary to add boiled kidneys, heart and liver to the diet of the animal. For grinding teeth, hazelnuts and pine nuts, as well as chicken bones, are suitable. In addition, rats love berries and fruits.

Baby rats should be fed up to 4 times in one day, and adults need to eat 2 times a day. No need to spoil the stomach of a rodent with various fatty and fried foods, as well as raw potatoes, cabbage and chocolate.

Cell cleaning. You need to clean the cage at least once a week! The fact is that rats prefer their own smell, so do not scare them by cleaning the cage to a shine. During cleaning, the bedding is changed, all bowls are washed and processed. Complete disinfection of the cage is recommended once a month. The water in the drinker needs to be changed every day, as it can quickly get dirty.

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There are people who are biased towards rodents. And absolutely in vain. Decorative rats, which are often kept at home, are cute pets that can give their owner a lot of positive emotions. They are excellent companions. Rats are smart, quick-witted, agile and capable of a variety of tricks.

Decorative rodents are very unpretentious. They do not need much space to keep, they are clean and do not need to be walked or combed out. But what they need is a proper, balanced diet that will provide them with a beautiful appearance and excellent health. Therefore, everyone who decides to make such a friend should know how to feed a rat at home.

General principles of rodent nutrition

Despite the fact that these rodents are omnivores, it is absolutely impossible to feed them with anything. The menu should be balanced and natural. The basis of their diet should be carbohydrates (more than 60%). A little less they need proteins - 25% from the general diet. Zhirov a decorative rat needs only only 10%. For a quality life a rodent needs about 30-40 g of food per day.

How to feed a decorative rat so that it is healthy, beautiful and cheerful? In their diet should be not only cereals, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Domestic rats also need greens and proteins. Protein is best obtained from meat and fish. Be sure to include hard foods in their diet, such as crackers, carrots, apples, etc. This is due to the fact that the teeth of the rodent are constantly growing, so they need regular grinding. You can also offer your pet to chew on twigs or buy special toys at the pet store.

What meat is suitable for pet rats? Almost any. The main thing is that it should not be greasy and fresh. It must be boiled or cooked in a double boiler. It is worth noting that rodents are happy to eat various broths and cold soups. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to regularly prepare them for a decorative rat.

When giving a pet fruits or berries that have bones, be sure to remove them in advance. Since some bones contain hydrocyanic acid, which is poison for rodents. Another source of protein for rats is milk and dairy products. However, it is worth remembering that they should be fresh, not greasy and not sweet.

In no case should you give the rat spoiled and expired products. Rodents, most likely, will eat them, but that's just what will happen to him next is not known. And most likely nothing good. You also need to keep the feeder clean. Spoiled or undereaten food should be thrown away without fail, and the feeder should be washed and wiped dry. Only after that it will be possible to put a new portion into it.

It is not recommended to drastically change the diet habitual for a pet. This should be done gradually, each time slightly increasing the amount of a new product.

For young rats, a large amount of protein foods is important. It can be not only dairy products, but also peas, sunflowers, beans, etc.

How to properly feed a rat

The first thing you should pay attention to is the amount of food. The food of the animal should be moderate. In no case should you overfeed them, as this will lead to the appearance of excess weight in the animal, which significantly reduces the life expectancy of the pet. If food remains after feeding, then this is a sign that too much food was given and the next time the portion should be reduced.

Water should be in the rat drinker at all times. At the same time, it must be changed daily to fresh.

A decorative rat should receive food 2 times a day. Preferably, if it is at the same time. Most of the food she needs to be given in the late afternoon, because they are nocturnal animals and are awake precisely in the dark.

What to feed a domestic rat

Based on what domestic rats eat, it can be concluded whether they have the right diet. P When feeding a rodent, the following must be included:

Fruits, vegetables and greens

They are an essential food component for rodents. After all, they are rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also in fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion. Carrots, cabbage, potatoes are suitable for domestic rats. It is best to give boiled vegetables. Absolutely any fruit will do, but it is important to remember that you need to remove the seeds from them. Of the berries, rodents prefer strawberries and raspberries. Rats are happy to eat lettuce, celery, parsley, dandelion leaves.

Meat and fish

Very often people make the mistake of thinking that only plant foods are suitable for rodents. Meat and fish must be present in the pet's diet, several times a week. For this they are boiled. It is also allowed sometimes to give offal to rats.

Nuts and cereals

These products are an indispensable source of carbohydrates. They are given both in the form of grains and germinated, which is even more preferable for them, since germinated grains are rich in vitamin E, which contributes to the development of immunity. Rodents will like oats, millet, barley. An equally important component are nuts, which contain a lot of vegetable protein. The exception is almonds, which are best excluded from the diet of rodents.

Dried fruits

Any will do - dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

Eggs and dairy products

Decorative rodents can be given hard cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir and natural yogurt without additives. Eggs are offered boiled to rodents once a week.

top dressing

As a top dressing, domestic rats are given chalk, charcoal, as well as yeast. In the autumn-winter period, when the animal's immunity naturally decreases, it is recommended to give him vitamins that can be bought at any pet store.

Essential mineral supplements for a rodent

In the process of life of a pet, minerals are regularly removed from its body. Therefore, they need to be replenished with food and water.

If you feed a rodent with monotonous food, their balance in the body may be disturbed, which negatively affects the health of a decorative rat. Most often there is a deficiency of phosphorus and calcium in their body. This can happen if the food contains a lot of proteins, oxalic acid, potassium, magnesium and fiber, which destroy these minerals. With long-term feeding of a decorative pet exclusively with plant foods, he may also have a lack of calcium. In this case, the animal's diet should be supplemented with chalk, bone meal or slaked lime. At the same time, meat and bone meal is mixed with the main food, and chalk is placed in a separate feeder, where the animal takes it as needed.

Sometimes, rats can be sodium deficient. To replenish it, coarse rock salt is required.

If there is not enough phosphorus in the body of a rodent, then calcium can pass from the bones to other tissues. Without a sufficient amount of this microelement, the hormonal background and metabolism are disturbed in the rat. To prevent this, rats need to be given hard and sour-milk cheeses, sea fish, and liver.

Nutrition of a domestic rat during the period of illness

Veterinarians recommend compiling the diet of your pet in such a way that it can be easily changed in special cases, which can be a disease of the animal, any allergic manifestations, pregnancy and the feeding period of newborn rats. After all, what is suitable for a healthy rat may not be suitable for a sick rodent.

There are products that can become an effective natural medicine during an illness. For example, during an infectious disease, they are advised to eat eggplant, plums, bananas and mustard. No less effective will be raspberries, garlic, onions and beaks. And broccoli does well with any neoplasms. Since such problems in decorative rats happen quite often, they are recommended to introduce this cabbage into the diet to prevent various tumors.

Another common ailment in rodents is arthritis. In this case, you can not avoid visiting the doctor. In addition to therapy, the pet should be fed garlic and ginger.

Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation

When preparing for mating rodents, it is necessary to take into account the change in diet. They should be given less fat, carbohydrates, and foods rich in fiber. If the animal is overweight, it is advisable to put it on a diet that consists in limiting high-calorie foods, as well as corn and barley.

Rodents during pregnancy need a special diet. What to feed a domestic rat during this period?

They need additional vitamins and nutrients, which can be obtained from:
It is necessary to supplement the nutrition of the rodent with minerals that it can get from chalk, shell rock and slaked lime.

There are also some contraindications in the diet of a pregnant rat. These include the use liver, wheat, onion, tomato and sweet pepper. It is also better to exclude during this period grapes, cucumbers, lettuce and egg yolk.

During the period of feeding babies, mom needs to be given more protein foods, fruits, greens and plenty of water. It is with the lack of a sufficient amount of water that cases are associated when a decorative rat can eat a baby, since instinct warns them of an unfavorable environment.

What is prohibited for feeding ornamental rats

It is clear what to feed domestic rats, but it is equally important to know what absolutely should not be given to rodents.

Products that are contraindicated for decorative rats:

  • fatty, fried and raw meat and fish;
  • salty and spicy food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bones from apples, apricots, plums, cherries and other berries containing hydrocyanic acid; raw vegetables (cabbage, beans, potatoes, cucumber, beets);
  • spinach;
  • tofu cheese and other soy products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • sweets;
  • chocolate and products containing cocoa;
  • citrus fruit;
  • unripe bananas;
  • alcohol;
  • blue cheese;
  • houseplant leaves, as many of them are poisonous to animals.

Rats eat almost any food, so feeding them is quite simple. But the owner must remember that the rat's diet must be balanced and healthy.

Rats are omnivorous rodents, so both plant food and meat are suitable for them. Therefore, it is quite easy to provide a rat with a varied diet that will allow it to stay healthy.

Pet stores have special formulas for rats, mostly made up of grains and seeds, but they also have a small amount of animal proteins. These foods are not difficult to find, and they are not too expensive.

Mixtures not suitable for rats

Some owners feed their rats hamster food, which is not the right way to do it, since such food contains a lot of peanut and sunflower seeds, which are harmful to the health of rats. There is a good alternative - hazelnut, it provides the pet with the necessary amount of protein, besides eating it, the rat trains the jaws.

Rats are completely dependent on the owner for food, so you must provide them with the right diet. Special feed for rats contains all the necessary elements for a healthy life of a pet. But do not forget about the treats that rats never refuse.

How to feed a rat

Fruits and vegetables

A necessary component of the rat's diet are vegetables and fruits. They need to feed the animal every day. The best option among fruits are apples and grapes, it is not recommended to feed the rat with citrus fruits.

Rats love meat and fish, but these products contain a lot of protein, which contributes to the development of skin irritations in animals, sores can even form on the skin of a rat.

Vegetables and fruits are important for rats, but they should not be given too much, as their excess can cause indigestion and cause diarrhea.

crunchy food

Rats are not suitable for fatty foods, too sweet or with a lot of spices. Such food is harmful to both humans and rats. In order for the rat's teeth to grind evenly, give it crackers, you can use dog "crackers", which are also not harmful to rats.

Your pet can crunch and broccoli, this vegetable likes rats, besides, it is good for their health.

homemade food

Some types of homemade food, such as cereals and potatoes, are also suitable for rats. But pets should not be fed stale foods or fried foods, as they do not contain the required amount of minerals and vitamins.

Do not feed the animal too often with food from your table. From pasta, the rat will lose its shape, and smoked and fatty foods are harmful to it.


Rats have a sweet tooth. Such treats are a good stimulant during training. But treats should be useful. Rats should not be given chocolate. Raisins, dried fruit, or breakfast cereal are great treats, but not sweet.

With proper feeding, your pet will be happy, healthy and always ready to play.

Watch your rat's weight

A serious problem for rats is obesity, which can undermine the health of the rat. Do not overfeed your pet. Rats should be fed once in the evening as they are active during the night hours. You can give her a little food in the morning and a little more food in the evening. All foods that the rat has not eaten must be removed.

An adult female should weigh about 250-400 grams, and a larger male - 550-800 grams.



Rats eat alone, while they make supplies. They may hide food in the nest or in a secluded place, such as under a chair. So check these places regularly as supplies start to deteriorate and become a source of infection. Only dry food can remain in the nest so that the pet can have a snack at any time.

According to the latest data from zoologists, rats are inferior in number only to insects. And some scientists believe that there are even more rodents. Their number is growing steadily, regardless of the welfare of the country they have chosen to live in. In the same Moscow, according to the most rough estimates, for every city dweller, including guest workers, there are forty rat individuals. The survivability of the latter is explained by their omnivorous nature (what rats eat - we will discuss with you a little later) and the rate of reproduction. But no less important factor is their adaptability, ingenuity and intelligence. Thanks to these qualities, rats quite confidently fit into the category of pets, sometimes showing enviable devotion to the owner and the ability to take into account his wishes. And now about everything in more detail and in order.

Features of rat nutrition

Making a list of what rats eat is almost impossible because they eat everything. The only exceptions are absolutely inedible things, although even wires and polyethylene can be gnawed and partially swallowed by them. However, for all their promiscuity, rats are quite reasonable about food in the wild. In the wild, they never overeat, so they never become obese. If the rat is lucky enough to get a high-calorie piece, it eats less food. If what the rats eat is nutritious, the amount consumed increases accordingly. With a lack of some minerals or vitamins in their body, these rodents are looking for foods with a high content of the necessary substance.

It should be noted that rats (domestic or wild - it doesn't matter) eat constantly. If you forget to feed your pet for at least two days, he will die. Therefore, in the wild, the animals are constantly in search of food, and, if possible, create reserves.

Taste preferences of wild rats

Despite all the promiscuity of the creatures we are considering, there are some foods that rats like more than others. So, if there is a choice between wheat and wholemeal flour, preference will be given to the latter. Although if the grain is thoroughly wet or mixed with odorless vegetable oil, attention will be divided equally between both "dishes".

Sweet is what rats (both tame and free) eat with special pleasure. And no matter how nutritious the food is, sweetened with saccharin will do. So in this case, it is not the calorie content that matters (and, accordingly, the survival factor), but the taste sensations.

The following fact is noteworthy: what a white rat eats can be categorically rejected by its wild relatives. For example, it is well established that laboratory albinos prefer aniseed foods, while ordinary rats studiously avoid them. Moreover, if the experimental cubs are fed only food with such additives, and then offered a treat without them, they will not hesitate to change the imposed diet. Scientists believe that the attachment of white rats to these "flavors" is genetic, innate.

What to feed your pet

The diet of a tame animal must be calculated and diversified, because decorative rats eat everything in a row, like their wild relatives, but they move less, therefore, they can get obese. And if they miss some element, they will not be able to find it on their own. Pet stores sell balanced feeds, in the development of which manufacturers take into account what domestic rats eat and what they need most. However, you should not be limited only to such products if you want to have a healthy animal in the house, and not take it regularly to the veterinary clinic. It is necessary to give the pet boiled meat, seafood and tripe. By the way, even kitten food is suitable. Without fail, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, turnips, cabbage), berries and fruits must be present in the diet. Instead of multivitamins, you just need to regularly feed your domestic rat with greens - lettuce, dandelion and clover leaves, dill. Remember what rats eat in the wild. Grains, right! Grain can be given in its usual form, or it can be germinated. Oat and wheat sprouts are especially useful in this regard - in winter they are a valuable source of vitamin E.

medicinal products

No matter how hard you try to protect your pets, it is very possible that they will still get sick. In this case, you need to be more careful about what rats eat: some foods will help them overcome ailments. So, if your pet is already "aged", so that it does not suffer from arthritis, add a little garlic and ginger to your food. As a prophylaxis of all kinds, you can give onions, prunes, cranberries, strawberries. If a pet needs antibiotics, before injecting him with medicines, feed the patient better with bananas, eggplants, raspberries, plums, all the same garlic and onions. You can drink the animal with a decoction of echinacea.

Vegetables-fruits and other foods that are given little by little

When discussing what rats eat (we are talking exclusively about pets), one should specify not only the quality of the provisions, but also its quantity. So, you need to know what kind of food can harm pets if they receive it regularly and in large doses. Among these products are:

  1. Pears. They are strong, so give no more than once every two weeks.
  2. Grape. It can "pull" fermentation along with it.
  3. Beet. Diarrhea is almost guaranteed, but if it was not observed for the first time, you can give it, because it is useful. Just don't overdo it!
  4. Eggs. Be sure to cook, it is better to buy quail and offer no more than once a week.
  5. Sour cream. Only as a treat, little by little and with the same frequency.

Poison Grass

So, what do rats eat, we figured it out. But one must also have an idea of ​​what is dangerous for them. Especially if your pet has the opportunity to move freely around the apartment, and you are a lover of a home garden. If he can get potato, cherry, tobacco, euphorbia leaves only from your hands (that is, it’s enough just to check that the animal does not eat them), then he can gnaw indoor flowers without your knowledge. The following houseplants are poisonous to rats:

  • dieffenbachia;
  • room feces;
  • azalea;
  • begonia;
  • ivy (any variety);
  • amaryllis;
  • cyclamen.

Worst of all, the rat cannot be forbidden to eat flowers, well, or hide them so that she does not get to them. If you have such plants in your house, you will have to keep the animal in a cage.


Some food is generally contraindicated for these animals, although not as dangerous as herbs. From the fact that rats should not be eaten categorically, first of all, you need to name Yes, and in general, any cheeses are fatty and salty, therefore they lead to obesity of pets. But "blue" can even poison your pet.

Reduce the digestibility of starch. These fruits should be given to rats only when they are ripe.

The green parts of potatoes contain solanine, a rather strong poison for rats. When boiled, it is less dangerous; when raw, it can be fatal.

Raw beans and peas are almost guaranteed to cause flatulence in the animal and, as a result, tympanum.

Smoked meats, bacon (especially salty), fried meat, sausage - your pet will definitely do without all this. The consequences of regular feeding with such products can be very sad.

Chocolate, sweets, cakes and pastries should also be excluded from the rat's diet. If you want to treat her tasty - give a piece of fruit.

War of rats and mice

Many people who keep rodents at home wonder if rats eat mice. In the wild, in the absence of other food, no doubt. However, if there is a choice, the rat will eat more interesting food, although the mouse will kill - as a competitor. However, if rats appear on the territory, the mice themselves leave it and go in search of other housing.

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