High nose: photo. Nose size. Nose character. The character of a person according to the shape of the nose: what will he tell about the owner? What does the shape of the nose in women say

The phenotype is determined by the genotype - the blood of which peoples flows in your veins, who was among the ancestors, the features of your face also depend. And it certainly affects some personal qualities and with due observation, parallels can be drawn. Let's say, between the shape of the nose and the character of the person - website will explain to you what you should start from.

Nubian nose

A fairly large, straight nose, the tip is down, which creates a line from the eyes to the lips. Such people are very curious, but cautious, which from the outside may seem shy. By nature, they are optimists and crave everything new, but the manner of expressing their thoughts and desires sometimes leads them into an awkward position.

Greek nose

A narrow, straight, pointed nose - these are people of deeds, but not words. It is generally difficult to get or learn something from them, and it is useless to elicit secrets. They do an excellent job with responsible tasks and are great at keeping secrets.

crochet nose

If an association with a bird's beak comes to mind, know that you have an extremely selfless, persistent person in front of you. It may seem that we are talking about stubbornness, but no. Possessors of hooked noses are able to think deeply, to be creative natures, but diplomacy and the search for compromises are not their forte, because they eagerly undertake to fulfill what they want and do not get hung up on the consequences.

Roman nose

A large, convex nose with a sharp tip is usually worn by high-ranking bosses. Those who have achieved their position by personal qualities, and not by pull, managers from God, brilliant managers. But this does not mean that it is easy with them - parasitism is equated with sabotage, and for disloyalty they can demand their heads off their shoulders.

Nose button

Graceful, small, with a soft and wide tip. The most common nose for the most common type of people who can be called average. They tend to rely on intuition more often, but learn from their mistakes over time. Moderately ambitious, lazy and romantic, they are ready to take part in almost everything and often achieve success. If there are no problems along the way.

Straight nose

A flat, straight nose with wide nostrils belongs to empaths. Those who are extremely difficult to piss off, because they love to "read" the interlocutor, peer at him, patiently ignoring provocations. But it would be extremely unwise to offend them - realizing the threat, the empath is able to arrange a branch of hell on earth for his protection.

Aquiline nose

Thanks to this prominent trait, they are easy to spot in a crowd and tend to smile. Because by nature they are altruists who are ready to bear great pain for the sake of being able to help others. Because of this, they are easy to offend, but you are unlikely to know about it until the situation goes to the extreme.

crooked nose

Not due to injury, but given by nature. These are good listeners, friends, helpers, they rarely cut off the shoulder and are usually careful in words and deeds. Because of this, it is very difficult to find out their personal opinion, and to judge a situation, to assess someone's deeds is something excessive for them.

Football player Wayne Rooney, according to a survey, turned out to be the owner of the cutest nose. In total, scientists have identified 14 types of human noses. Researchers led by Professor Avraham Tamir took 1300 photographs in shopping malls Europe and Israel, took old photographs, reproductions of famous portraits, studied and classified the material. About the results of this scientific experience newspaper reports

So, the whole variety of noses fit into 14 groups. Slightly upturned noses, like those of Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney, evoke positive feelings in other individuals. But at the same time, it must be remembered that their owners often turn out to be direct people who retain a certain “childishness” for many years.

In women, an upturned nose is a sign of sophistication. And he looks very cute (example - actress Carey Mulligan).

The most common in men is the so-called "fleshy" nose (25%). An example is Prince Philip. The owners of such noses are generous, emotional people, ready to help. And Professor Tamir called "hawk" noses the least attractive. They turn people against their owners. Probably, for Barbara Streisand, her nose is a problem.

The classic straight nose (Kate Middleton) is adored by artists. A close type is an aquiline nose, like Daniel Radcliffe.

Another, more pronounced version of the aquiline nose is that of Jean Reno. A man with such a nose is ambitious and prudent. In relationships with women, these people are very temperamental, but they cannot boast of constancy in relationships.

Contrary to popular belief, the bulb-beak (Leo McKern) is not so common (one case in two hundred).

A Roman nose with a cut-off tip (Tom Cruise) is a sign of ambition and cold pragmatism.

The Lenin type of nose (with wide nostrils) occurs in four percent of people.

Owners of proboscis (Richard Nixon) and even less - one in a hundred people has this type of nose.

Talking about how it feels different types noses in the public, a member of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons Simon Whitey emphasized that people like straight noses. Less sympathy is caused by fleshy and broken noses.

The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery published a study by Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir. The bottom line is that there are 8 common forms of this part of the face, on the basis of which you can find out certain traits of a person’s character. Reading the face is engaged in such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bresearch as physiognomy, which originated in the days Ancient China.

How to determine character traits using physiognomy

Physiognomy helps to determine the character traits of a person through analysis external characteristics. The term has ancient roots: it was mentioned as a science in the writings of Hippocrates. The essence of this art lies in the fact that by the color and location of the eyes, the shape of the mouth, lips, one can read the features of a particular person, features, habits, shortcomings. So, according to observations, the shape of the nose and personality type are closely related, and, for example, the shape of the head can read the level of intelligence.

What can tell the size and shape of the nose

Remember: physiognomists describe some features, and not the whole personality by the shape of the nose, and even less the depth or beauty of the soul. For analysis, its proportionality, features, the presence of a hump, length, width are taken into account. It is believed that a person with small nostrils is distinguished by thrift, stinginess, and attentive attitude to money. For a generous and ambitious nature, on the contrary, wide nostrils are characteristic. Although if they are too bloated and huge, it means that a person takes on a lot and is sometimes arrogant. The round shape speaks of generosity and dedication.

The back and its base

Ideally, the bridge of the nose should be straight and smooth. This part signals the stress resistance of the owner. With a thick back, it is difficult to “cut” a person, and with a thin back, it is easy. If a hump is present, this means an instant reaction and an unrestrained disposition. Such a person is only touched by a word or deed - there will immediately be a response. The convex shape indicates that a person endures for a long time, is silent, but at a certain moment it can explode. A self-possessed, enduring personality, not suffering from aggressiveness, has a nose with a flat back.

The high or Greek type indicates pride, independence, nobility. The originality, non-standard part of the face gives zest, makes the appearance memorable, interesting. Such a person cherishes the word, devoted to friends, ruthless to liars. He has neither greed nor a wasteful disposition. Distinctive feature- prudence, control of the family budget. Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson had a Greek nose.

nose tip

The tip is used to judge the character of the owner. So, acute form speaks of a highly developed sense of self-control, as well as the presence of musical inclinations. Impulsiveness, impressionability, curiosity are characteristic of natures with the tip of the nose turned up. If, on the contrary, it is bent down, then you are dealing with a person who is characterized by prudence, suspicion, and even cruelty.

Part of the face in the shape of an eagle's beak means vindictiveness, cunning, assertiveness. The tip with a hole (forked) belongs to a shy, modest person who is constantly in search of something better. The drooping tip indicates a preoccupation with sexual issues and everything connected with it. According to physiognomists, if the nose hangs over the upper lip, this is a sign of a tendency to betrayal.

The proportions of the ideal nose

Ideally, it should have an even shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip, without tilt. In general, it should be in harmony with the contour, proportions and oval, other elements of the face, and be well rooted at the base. The perfect form is also called the "lion". Such a trait is characteristic of a courageous, strong, passionate nature and guarantees success in any endeavors. The owner is endowed with powerful sexual energy. The following characteristics are considered ideal:

  • straight back;
  • neatly rounded tip;
  • beautiful wings.

How does the shape of the nose characterize a person's personality?

The shape of the nose can say a lot about a person's personality. A person is born with certain facial features, has an individual body structure, his own constitution. Physiognomists, analyzing the shape, location, characteristics can make psychological picture. Surprisingly, this is the part of the face that cannot be changed as much by facial expressions as, for example, the eyes or lips. According to this part of the person, they try to determine the type of personality, attitude to finance, career.


A sharp tip and narrow nostrils indicate an inspired person with great potential, organizational skills. They are considered smart, educated individuals, professionals in their field. They are characterized by creativity, logical thinking and the ability to find non-standard solutions in any situation. Individuals with a straight nose are indispensable in a crisis or at some critical moment. Outstanding Representatives in this category - Sean Penn, Paris Hilton.


Men and women with wide noses have leadership qualities. This protruding part of the face indicates a strong, assertive character, active life position. These individuals like to organize work processes, lead, manage. They make great bosses, capable leaders, presidents of companies.


This variety is characterized by a narrow base that expands along its entire length and has a snub-nosed tip. The meaty type characterizes the owner, who is able to think quickly and make decisions quickly. Such people often have a good intellect, are easy-going, peaceful, emotional and charming. Among famous people actor Gerard Depardieu has this form. There is an opinion that a potato nose characterizes its owner as a person who gives great importance financial matters, material wealth, income.


A nose slightly concave in the middle with a protruding tip is a demonstration of the kindness, emotionality and optimism of its owner. Natures with an upturned nose are often ready to help, provide support, care. This category of people is full of enthusiasm, curiosity and is ready for any experiments. The famous owner of the upturned nose is Marilyn Monroe.

Aquiline nose

This feature of the face belongs to individuals who build their lives according to their principles. They do not follow everyone's lead, are not subject to other people's opinions, do not worry about what they think of them. These are proud natures who know what they want, but sometimes show arrogance and stubbornness. The personality of a person with a nose with a pronounced hump is distinguished by excellent organizational skills, a calm disposition, such people are prone to conformism. This category includes:

  • President Abraham Lincoln;
  • actress Barbara Streisand;
  • actor Adrien Brody.

The location of the hump matters. So, if this feature is closer to the base of the bridge of the nose, this indicates a cocky, scandalous disposition, a tendency to attack. The bulge located in the center signals a noble character, a heroic nature, a desire to protect the weak and disadvantaged. People capable of rapid mobilization and able to defend themselves have a hump closer to the tip.


This category is characterized by a small back, round tip, wide nostrils. Representatives of this form are endowed with a hot temperament, quickly start up, and are emotionally unstable. Although this does not prevent them from helping other people, which they willingly do. The flat shape is common among African and Asian ethnic groups.

Nubian nose

A long type with a wide base is characteristic of people with creative thinking. These individuals are able to solve old problems in a non-standard way. They are charismatic, inquisitive, open. They are not afraid to express their feelings and emotions, they are socially active, endowed with a friendly character. The owners of the Nubian nose often become prominent public figures and feel good in the business environment, such as US President Barack Obama.


A person with an aquiline nose does not look for easy ways, he is his own master, lives by his own rules, does not recognize authorities, rarely feels guilty. From the outside, his actions, thoughts and actions may seem strange, differ in originality. Although this does not bother him: such people do not need approval. These people are happy when they achieve their life goals.

It would seem, what can tell the shape of the nose? However, she is able to tell a lot about the nature of the individual and her abilities. So claims, based on his research, a scientist from Israel Abraham Tamir. Its results scientific works shares with its readers Еstet-portal.com.

What are the noses: basic shapes

Straight nose

This nose shape is very common in Asia. It is almost perfectly straight and somewhat flat. The tip of such a nose is rounded, and the nostrils are quite wide. Owners of a straight nose are endowed with a steel character. At the same time, such people are incredibly temperamental and sensual.

Keep in mind that due to the explosiveness of the character, anger in a straight-nosed person is easy to arouse.

Crooked nose

The definition is certainly not the most flattering. Unlike the character of people whom nature has endowed with a part of the face of a similar shape. They are very loving and compassionate. The back of a crooked nose is curved, and the tip is rounded. Also, a feature of the character of the "crooked" is the maximum focus on what they are doing. Still such people know how to listen, these are wonderful friends and companions.

crochet nose

It is worth noting that for many, the hooked nose resembles a bird's beak. However, one should not confuse the crochet nose with the previous nose shape. Moreover, the characters of people with a crooked and hooked nose differ.

The nature of individuals with a hooked nose is such that they are always ready to improve themselves and everything around, to create something new and non-standard. These are a kind of ascetics, they zealously defend own principles, and the risk of losing everything cannot stop them: achieving their goals is much more important for them.

concave nose

This shape of the nose - with a small tubercle on it - is not so common, and therefore it can be somewhat difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with a similar nose are very generous and are distinguished by their willingness to solve other people's problems. These are very sensitive, and therefore easily touchy individuals.

Greek nose

Surely everyone is familiar with the concept of "Greek profile". And creates his nose with the same name. The nose of the "Greek" is distinguished by its narrowness, straightness and outstanding length.

The name of this shape of the nose was obtained as a result of observations of the sculptures of the ancient world. Those who have a similar nose shape do not really like to be objects of attention, most often they are pragmatic. The "Greeks" do not like to talk about their feelings, so they give the impression of uncommunicative people.

At the same time, such individuals are distinguished by loyalty to loved ones. Three-point non-surgical rhinoplasty: technique and results.

Nose button

This is a small but graceful part of the face. This form is very common.

Owners of the "button" nose are impulsive in making decisions, which is often not liked by others.

Such people have strong-willed character and they are used to backing up their words with deeds. They almost always get what they want.

Nubian nose

A distinctive feature of such a nose is the length. Its back is almost straight, and the tip "looks" down. "Nubians" are often great optimists, but you can't refuse them curiosity either.

They are always ready to help those in need and try to create as much as possible comfortable conditions for those around you. Such people almost immediately endear themselves, evoke sympathy, and any problems that arise are “beware” of their determination and perseverance.

Nose arched

Such a nose is similar to a hooked one, but the only difference from the second one is in a more pronounced pointed tip. People with this part of the face are great organizers. They are distinguished by responsibility, honesty in the business they serve, and always achieve their goals.

Thanks to our information, now, having looked at a person’s face and assessing what shape of the nose is given to him by nature, you can in absentia, without even exchanging a few words, find out the nature of this person.

Often such express information is very useful.

The person's face is peculiar open book. It says literally everything - the mouth and eyes, eyebrows and forehead, nose and any of the wrinkles. Of course, each of us face changes with age. However, its most basic features remain unchanged. According to them, according to Chinese physiognomists, one can always read even the fate of a person. At the same time, they highlight the five most important features. These include eyebrows and eyes, nose and mouth. Ears are included in this list.

Nevertheless, physiognomists assign a special role to the nose. This part of the face is on his central location and is a certain fulcrum in assessing the balance of symmetry and proportionality of all features.

Experts who are able to determine the character of a person by his appearance argue that it is the nose that is the main source of information about its owner. After all, it is one of the most expressive characteristic features person, which indicates the belonging of its owner to a particular type of personality.


Looking at himself in the mirror, a person sees only the external nose, which can have a different external shape. However, inside this part of the body has the same structure for all people.

What causes differences in the shape of the external nose? The appearance of this part protruding above the face depends on the location of cartilage and soft tissue, as well as bones. At the same time, they distinguish:

1. The bridge of the nose, which is the root of the nose. This is the outer section, located between the eyebrows. The bridge of the nose is of two types: wide and narrow.
2. The back of the nose. This part is formed by two side surfaces. These are the faces of the nose converging with each other.
3. Side surfaces. These are parts of the back of the nose, passing into the wings and forming the nostrils.
4. Tip or apex of the nose. This is the part located between the nostrils, that is, the place where the back begins.

perfect nose

How modern physiognomy relates to this detail human face? Experts in this field believe that the nose is at the epicenter of the three zones, serving as a fulcrum in assessing the balance. That is why this parameter is of particular importance when reading a face.

The ideal nose (see photo below) is described in ancient Chinese manuscripts. According to the ancient physiognomists, this detail of the face should be distinguished by beautifully shaped wings and a straight back.

Impossible without a well rounded, that is, not particularly upturned tip, which closes the openings of the nostrils. And what should be the height and length of this parameter? Ancient Chinese manuscripts claim that perfect nose has a streamlined shape along its entire length, from the bridge of the nose to the tip. In addition, it does not tilt either to the left or to the right side of the face. In addition, the perfect nose harmonizes perfectly with other features. In addition, the perfect organ of respiration and smell is well rooted in its base, that is, it has a small area between the eyes and eyebrows. This is possible only if there is a strong bone base.

By its nature, the owner of an ideal, or "lion" nose, is a person of unsurpassed courage and a passionate strong nature. He easily succeeds in many endeavors, being a very gifted person. Such people are more likely to occupy a high and responsible position in society.

However, physiognomists emphasize that the fate of a person and his character cannot be finally determined only by the nose. This detail of the face should be studied in conjunction with other features. But it is interesting that of all the five most important parameters, the nose has the largest list of deviations from the ideal shape described above. After all, there are few perfect in the world. In addition, the perfect nose is not for everyone. The beauty of the face does not depend on each individual part of it, but on their harmonious combination with each other. For example, low suitable for women slightly upturned nose. And for tall people, in this case, the nostrils will be too visible, which will not make the lady attractive. On a large face, the size will look good. With small features, everything should be the other way around.

Feature of Caucasians

Surely many of you know that, as a rule, residents of mountainous regions have a very outstanding olfactory organ. They have high noses with a prominent hump on the back. On flat terrain, the picture is quite different. Most of the population here is snub-nosed and flat-nosed.

There is a theory according to which a high nose is formed in people living high above sea level. Here, with rarefied air, it is convenient to have such a respiratory organ.

Greece and Rome

The difference between many indigenous people of these two countries also lies in the shape of the nose. This detail rises high above the face and has a piquant hump. For example, in addition to its inherent loftiness, it has refined and elongated shapes, ending with a curved tip. Such a nose symbolizes militancy and courage, the ability to attack and repel attacks. No wonder the Roman soldiers were considered very brave. They have always bravely defended their possessions. We can see the Roman face in profile on the bas-reliefs of that time. They depict men who are clearly ready to answer the challenge thrown to them, get involved in a fierce battle and become conquerors of enemy territories.

The Greeks also have high noses. However, unlike the Roman ones, they have an almost straight or slightly curved transition line between the forehead and nose. In other words, the Greeks almost completely lack the nose bridge. Unlike the Roman one, such a nose (see photo below) looks good on a woman's face.

This is confirmed by the sculpture of Aphrodite, created back in the days of the ancient Hellenes. Her graceful face still serves as a model of harmony and beauty.

Despite the fact that they are often compared with the standard, physiognomists believe that the owners of such an organ of smell often become gigolos, they like to cheat, lie and cheat. At the same time, they are distinguished by notorious cowardice.

Types of high noses

What does bulge on the nose mean? This can be told based on its type, namely:

Small, with a high bulge;
- sloping;
- elongated.

The first of these types of noses is similar in shape to the beak of a parrot. This is especially noticeable when such a face is viewed in profile. bright volume an example is Gennady Khazanov.

A high nose with a protruding back belongs, as a rule, to people with an artistic nature. They have all the necessary inclinations to occupy leadership positions, in which they will demand from their subordinates the ideal performance of the duties assigned to them. However, the leaders themselves will not be able to boast of outstanding results. People with such noses prefer to lead a secluded lifestyle. At the same time, they never have a strong desire to start a family. In addition, a high and sharp nose in a person can also mean that when a mistress appears, his wife and children will fade into the background.

The second type of nose has a sloping mound and medium size. It is noted that people with such an organ of smell have a high voice. The slope of the high nose indicates the sentimentality of its owner, but one should not expect much tenderness from him.

The one whom nature endowed with a high long nose always remains a child in his soul. Such people are very constrained in the new team and are very critical when choosing friends. A person with a high long nose constantly has a fear of being deceived. In addition, it is always difficult for him to part with his savings.

High noses can differ in many other ways, which will also indicate to us the nature of their owner. And in this case, physiognomists carefully consider the length of the respiratory and olfactory organ, its shape, etc. All these details will allow the specialist to draw up a clear picture of the life and behavior of a person.


The size of the nose, that is, the distance from the bridge of the nose to its tip, does not always approach the ideal.

This determines the type of this face detail. So, physiognomists distinguish:

1. This part of the face is characteristic of a conservative person, often arrogant and capable of technical, artistic or intellectual achievements. These people cannot make a career in the commercial world.
2. Over a long nose. The person who has it is endowed with all the traits described above, but most likely has a more spiritual nature. People with very long noses are often speculative, capricious and unrealistic. However, in this case, you should carefully consider other parameters. So, if the length of the nasal bone has big sizes, but at the same time it is wide, then this indicates a calm person with a stable character and a very calm temperament. Such people are able to live a good life.
3. Fairly long nose. If it is remarkably balanced with the chin and eyes, and also in proportion to the mouth, on both sides of which there are two deep lines, then it can be safely classified as ideal. People with this combination of elements are honest, have a good temperament and great authority. In addition, they are active, active and proud.
4. Short nose. Such a detail indicates a friendly and optimistic person with an open character. These people do not exchange for trifles and carry out the work entrusted to them thanks to their own emotional impulses.

The form

What can this parameter of the most important face detail tell about a person? To determine the character by the shape of the nose is also not a problem for physiognomists. For example, what can be said about the owner of a skinny and bony nose? This person has a low ability to concentrate. A high nose of this type speaks of its owner as a proud and arrogant person who is rather difficult to communicate. Such a person, if he is in power, has invariable problems with subordinates. Most of the time these people are lonely. But in any case, a bony high nose belongs to a proud and stubborn person. In addition, this individual can be very determined and aggressive.

What else can you tell about a person who has a very bony high nose on his face? Such people most often lead a closed life. But if a high nose is only slightly bony, but has a pointed tip, and looks rather flat and full, then it may belong to a very enterprising person. Another character trait of such a person is explosive impulsiveness, capable of pushing close people and friends.

"Root of the Mountain"

This name has a small area located between the eyes. It is the root of the nose. When reading facial features, physiognomists turn to this platform Special attention. The fact is that the "root of the mountain" is associated with the possibility of success in life of its owner. If the site is high enough, then it indicates the loyal character of a person who has close family bonds. Also, this type of root of the nose speaks of the long life of its owner. A flat and at the same time full platform indicates a sincere person who has a warm heart and is happy in marriage.

Well, if the “root of the mountain” has a kink with a hollow and from it there are horizontal lines that cross the back of the nose, then this indicates the poor health of its owner and his possible early death. A low platform, combined with eyebrows hanging over the eyes, and the bridge of the nose deviated to the side, indicates either a deterioration in health in middle years, or the involvement of an individual in criminal activity.

However, the effect of a depression or a break must be compared with other parameters. So if common features faces have straight and long contours, and the internal energy of a person is strong enough, then the difficulties described above will not be too serious.


This parameter is important in determining the artistry of a person. Ideally, it should be a high nose with a straight and smooth back. In addition, such parameters portend a long life.

If the back of a person's nose is full and well rounded, then he is very artistic. In addition, his marriage is sure to be happy.

If a person has a high, but at the same time narrow nose that looks like an edge of meat, then his life is likely to be filled with hard, exhausting work. With a large and flat back of this respiratory organ, one can speak of a cold, prudent nature.

Having met a person who has a high bridge of the nose, but at the same time low and weak cheekbones, know that he was probably born in a family with a high social position. However, in middle age such people are often faced with disasters, and in later years - with deprivation.

nose tip

This detail of the respiratory and olfactory organ can also have different shape, and therefore physiognomists are carefully looking at it. So, experts call the most favorable tip of the nose a “hanging gall”. It hangs down like an ink nut (gall). If such a tip is round, then it indicates a prosperous person who firmly occupies a high position in society. Well, if this detail hangs like a piece of meat? For a specialist, this means that the owner of such a respiratory organ is a supersexual nature. The tip of the nose may be slightly pointed. Such a person should beware. Faces say that he has a treacherous and treacherous nature. But a sharp nose, like an eagle's beak, speaks of a vindictive personality. This type of people maniacally believes that all people get in their way.

The shape of the tip of the nose can be convex and have a fairly large size. This speaks of a kind, warm and sincere person, ready for self-sacrifice.
Hanging nose covering part upper lip, speaks of a person ready for betrayal. But this is only if the tip of this face detail is skinny and pointed.

An upturned nose, in which, due to its position, even the openings of the nostrils are visible, belongs to a person who, as a rule, is not able to keep secrets. In addition, it can be said about such an individual that he prefers wealth and does not think about what lies ahead for him, thoughtlessly spending his financial savings. An upturned nose speaks of a loving nature that does not count on a stable relationship. According to physiognomists, such a person will marry more than once if he considers it necessary to bind himself by family ties.

Wings of the nostrils

These parts of the nose support and balance the tip, located on the right and left of it. If the wings of the nostrils are proportional and devoid of defects, then they indicate a person who succeeds in life. And if they are flat or located too close to the back of the respiratory organ? Then physiognomists claim that their master is not able to make money or keep what he has acquired.

Wings diverging at the tip of the nose indicate strong man who can leave poverty and ascend to wealth. Such facial features are also a sign of sensitivity.

female character

A lot can be said by physiognomists when reading the faces of the weaker half of humanity. So, a high nose in women, which is not balanced by low cheekbones, speaks of a period of need, lasting up to thirty years.

Such a lady is able to compete with the strong half of humanity for a high position. The high nose of the girl indicates that its owner will marry very early. However, if this does not happen, then the creation of a family will have to be postponed for a period after thirty-five years. But at the same time, the marriage is unlikely to be happy.

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