Why a male dog won't fit a female dragon. Compatibility of a dog and a dragon in a love relationship. Compatibility in love

Compatibility male Dragon - female Dog is far from the best. Too differently, these partners perceive life and its core values, so it will not be easy to build a love relationship. True, if it comes to a short affair, then they do not need to know about each other's deep psychological motives, besides, none of them is inclined to delve into themselves and they are not particularly interested in the desires of the other. The tip of the iceberg is enough for them to be happy.

Mutual misunderstanding

It is because of such superficiality in relation to oneself and a one-sided perception of the role of a spouse in one's life that all the problems arise that make it impossible to maintain a long-term relationship for this couple. The people of these signs are too different to create something in common. They prefer to live the outer life.

The Dragon man is full of creative energy, which he invests only in something large and significant in order to fully realize himself. Reality does not frighten him and he is usually quite successful by the standards of society. He wants to lead, while living a rich and colorful life. And illusions only increase vital activity.

The Dog woman is very much immersed in the material world and her personal comfort is her primary need. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult for her to accept the Dragon man, who thinks in completely different categories. For a while, she can give in and agree, but she has a small margin of patience, and besides, she always has her own opinion. The woman of this sign is loyal, sensitive and prefers not to decide anything, shifting this concern onto the shoulders of her partner. But the Dragon man is unlikely to accept such a burden with pleasure.

These relationships cannot be called stable. Most often, each of them is simply not able to give the other what he needs. A woman is looking for care and warmth, while a man is passionate about social activities. And if he does not pay attention to her, then she will become bored, and she will find someone else who can devote more time to the family.

Close relations

Everything can turn out well if the Dragon man not only financially provides the Dog woman, but also satisfies her spiritual needs. The dragon will bring the necessary variety to their common life, and solve important problems. The dog will become a devoted and reliable wife to his man, provided that he takes care of her and devotes enough time.

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The compatibility of the Dragon and the Dog, the Chinese horoscope calls problematic. They have a different worldview, but, as you know, opposites attract. It is not so difficult for them to find common ground, as it seems at first glance. If desired, they can be a great complement to each other.

Characteristics of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon have an extraordinary attraction. It is easy for them to find a common language with other people. They are often called the minions of fate, because the money literally goes to their hands. A sharp mind helps them quickly move up the career ladder.

The man is strong and proud. He has leadership qualities, he can easily win anyone over to his side, trying to prove his case. If people do not follow him, he will not become discouraged, but will strive to do everything on his own. Relations with such a man can be called one-sided, he rarely feels strong love for his partner, but she, on the contrary, is ready to idolize him.

The woman of this sign is no less strong personality. That is why her personal life often does not add up. She is used to achieving everything on her own, the slightest hint of a man's superiority over her infuriates a woman. This lady is not one of those who will put on a dressing gown, curlers and stand all day at the stove. Her character is more like a man's, this woman is in no hurry to start a serious relationship.

Characteristics of the Dog

The sign is devoted to its owner, but does not always love him. Relationships are built more on instincts. Self-sacrifice is characteristic of these people, they often help others disinterestedly, sometimes even at a loss to themselves. If the representatives of the sign manage to find a kind and sympathetic partner, life will turn out well. The only drawback is wariness, they can portray devotion for years, but they will not trust until they are convinced of the partner's good intentions.

The guy and the girl of this sign are strikingly different from each other. The guy is prone to cheating, even if he loves his partner very much. His distrust does not allow him to relax in relationships and enjoy them. The lady, on the contrary, tries to please her partner in everything, faithfully guards the hearth. She is a good mother and will never give offense to her kids.

Dragon Man and Dog Woman


The compatibility of the Dog and the Dragon in such a tandem can be quite successful if the partners can agree. A guy can make his chosen one happy and provide her with a comfortable life. Their relationship can be an exciting adventure with a happy ending.

The lady in this tandem is faithful and caring, she will never leave her chosen one and will strive to make him happy in all possible ways. She is able to surround him with care. Together they are not afraid of any life difficulties. Family values ​​for both of them come first.


Family relationships of these signs will be open and honest. The stumbling block can be the guy's excessive pride. He is used to being admired, to be paid attention to. A lady needs to learn to trust her partner.

With the advent of children, relationships will gain more warmth. They will have something to strive for together. Children will become the center of the universe for them.


Dragon man and Dog woman are perfect for each other in the intimate sphere. The sexual horoscope describes these signs quite well. A guy needs to completely trust his partner, then their sex life will shine with new colors. He can change quite a few girls in his youth, but, having met the one and only, he will cherish and cherish her, because the family is not an empty phrase for him.

The girl is a sensual person. Foreplay, intimate games are very important for her. All this is necessary not only to simply satisfy carnal desires, but also to unite spiritually. She wants the partner to belong entirely to her.


Dragon Man and Dog Woman can build warm friendships. Their friendship has only grown stronger over the years. The girl devotedly protects the interests of a friend.

Often these relationships develop into love. Over the years, people realize that it is very easy for them to be together, because they have learned to accept each other for who they are. In such a tandem, the signs will find happiness.


In work, signs often cannot find a common language. To succeed, you need:

  • clearly delineate spheres of influence;
  • so that the lady does not strive to take a leadership position, but diligently performs the assigned work;
  • so that the guy concentrates more and not be distracted by trifles.

The Dragon man and the Dog woman often do not know how to properly build business relationships, this leads them to a dead end. The guy, entering into a rage from what he is doing, loses control over himself, becomes unpredictable. The lady is trying to quickly seize the reins of government. Against this background, there is a misunderstanding. She needs to show more participation to the partner and support him in order to achieve good results in work.

Dog Man and Dragon Woman


The compatibility of the Dragon woman and the Dog man is weak. The thing is that they can not find common ground in any way. They have nothing in common other than sex. This lady will not sit at home, she strives for prosperity, tries to build a career. It is very difficult for a guy to understand his partner. He constantly thinks that the chosen one is cheating on him, and does not work until late.

Another big disadvantage is the guy's desire to help others, even if it brings loss to the family. This purposeful independent lady does not want to accept this. The Dragon and the Dog are strikingly different in their perception of life. The guy is a pessimist, he always thinks about the bad, and his chosen one, on the contrary, tries to think positively and often takes on seemingly hopeless cases, but always succeeds.


The Dragon Girl and the Dog Guy are unlikely to be able to start a family. These will be constant showdowns, especially since a man rarely remains faithful. An imperious, strong lady will not tolerate such an attitude towards herself.

In addition, the lady does not seek to create family relationships. It is easier for her to do men's work and remain single. If she does not start a family at a young age, she will most likely remain single.


Dragon and Dog are sensual sexual partners. Signs know perfectly well how to please a partner. The guy understands how to get the attention of the girl. He beautifully looks after, for a long time and patiently seeks the attention of the lady he likes. He showers her with flowers, makes lavish gifts, and openly admires her beauty.

The girl is impressed by such an attitude towards her person. But is it love, it is very difficult to say. The guy seeks the lady rather in order to put another check mark on his list, and long-term relationships are not particularly important to her, so it is unlikely that either of the two of them will be too upset by the breakup.


Friendship with these signs is much better. They are both interested. They can learn a lot from each other. A dreamy lady can help a friend cope with his pessimism and see life in a new light. He can teach her compassion. For these signs, such a tandem can be an impetus for development.

The girl often occupies leading positions, sometimes it is difficult for her to cope with the moral pressure of employees. The guy quickly comes to the defense of a friend and supports him in everything. Friendship often turns into love.


In work, signs can create a fairly strong tandem, especially when a woman is the main one. She implements her ideas largely due to the guy who scrupulously fulfills her instructions. The stumbling block may be the girl's reluctance to admit that she is not alone in achieving success.

Dogs are pessimistic natures, and Dragons are optimists. Their relationship can bear fruit if the partners can really look at things and trust each other. They should not focus too much on themselves, but should try to see the problem through the eyes of their soulmate. A marriage between signs can be successful or become a real punishment for both.

To improve relationships, partners need to:

  • find a compromise solution to problems;
  • stop competing;
  • spend more time together.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Dog and the Dragon is small. People born under the signs of these totem animals have a different attitude to life, characters. It is difficult for them to find a common language, to achieve mutual understanding. In an alliance, partners are destined to face problems, because they have few astral points of contact.

Dragon Woman and Dog Man

A woman born under the sign of the Dragon loves to command, control the situation, manage money. In all spheres of life, she tries to dominate her partner, suppressing his opinion, sometimes showing tyranny. The partner loves her husband in a peculiar way. She perceives him as a slave, impeccably fulfilling her orders. In a relationship, the partner is given a secondary role, with which it is difficult for him to come to terms. A girl loves attention, success, fame, when others admire her personality.

The Dog man is a hardworking person. Friendship comes first for him. He is ready to make concessions, to stay away, just to please the woman he loves. A guy born under the sign of this totem animal is a materialist. He tries to provide for his family financially.

family compatibility

The Dragon and the Dog are not made for a long-term relationship. Between them, feelings may arise that develop into a short-term relationship.

Their compatibility in sexual life makes it possible to take domestic disagreements into the background. Representatives of these signs are in no hurry to legitimize relationships - they are satisfied with life in the status of lovers, not burdened with responsibility.

Problems will begin if the Dragon woman and the Dog man get married. It is important for the Dog to find a reliable partner who would share his life positions. A wife cannot provide her husband with a sense of a protected rear. She strives for social life, a crowd of fans, everyone's attention. It is difficult for a wife to sit at home, maintaining comfort in it. She is oppressed by domestic duties. She needs admiration, worship. And the husband in vain expects affection and warmth from his wife.

By nature, the Dragon woman is a loyal person. If the husband can satisfy her need for attention, their union will last a long time. But the despotic nature of the spouse can destroy the family, limiting the freedom of the partner. The dog will not tolerate restrictions from a woman.

Sexual Compatibility

In bed, the Dragon woman and the Dog man feel comfortable. He tends to listen to the wishes of his partner. She, thanks to his skillful caresses, opens up, gives tenderness in return.

Both spouses often change sexual partners in their youth, looking for a person with whom it will be comfortable in bed. In marriage, they remain faithful to their chosen one, so there will be no quarrels due to jealousy or betrayal.

Causes of conflicts

Quarrels between the Dragon and the Dog are the norm. It is difficult for people with different temperaments to find a common language, to compromise. They do not understand each other's character traits. The most common causes of conflict in a couple are:

  1. The instability of the character of a man. The dog by nature needs support, encouragement of his affairs. A woman by nature is not prone to manifestations of tenderness. She is selfish, cruel towards her partner. The coldness of a beloved woman makes a man seek understanding on the side. But he starts a new relationship after the break.
  2. Both partners need attention to their personalities. But none of them is going to give compliments, pleasant surprises to the second half.
  3. Spouses tend to deceive each other. It seems to them that a little lie helps to strengthen relationships. But deceit destroys the union, leaving no chance for reconciliation.
  4. The Dragon Woman and the Dog Man pursue different goals. She loves to travel. Staying in one place is painful for her. He is a homebody who prefers to work and relax close to home. Even when planning a joint vacation, partners will not be able to decide on a place without quarrels.

To avoid numerous conflicts, partners need to communicate more, listen to each other's desires. A couple is more likely to stay together if they have an open relationship.

Dog Woman and Dragon Man

Astrologers regard the Dog and Dragon woman as 50% compatible. In their opinion, the couple has an equal opportunity to both create a strong family and destroy relationships. A big plus for the tandem is the natural perseverance of the girl, the ability to take care of the hearth. She is hardworking, smart, loves to take care of herself.

A man born in the year of the fire-breathing Dragon is able to provide for his family financially. He is a self-confident person who is not afraid of responsibility. The guy prefers to tell the truth, no matter what it turns out to be. These traits are appreciated by the partner. But due to different temperaments in the union, quarrels cannot be avoided. The main reason for the disagreement is the perseverance of the Dog and the desire of the Dragon to be the center of attention of others. The compatibility of the Dog and the Dragon woman may become higher, but the partners will have to give up a lot, and both of them.

Marriage Compatibility

The compatibility of the Dog and the Dragon in marriage is doubtful. Feelings between partners arise suddenly. Their union can become strong, happy if the spouses turn a blind eye to each other's minor character flaws. A woman born in the year of the Dog will make a good caring mother. The husband will conscientiously provide for the family so that his children do not need anything.

In everyday life, spouses tend to move away from each other. If you do not support common interests, communicate little, they will become bored. The Dragon and the Dog have different temperaments, so they often quarrel due to a lack of understanding. The dog is annoyed by the proud nature of the partner, his despotism, the need for attention, ignoring the needs of his wife for care, moral support.

The couple has a high chance of creating a strong family. Personalities opposite in the astral plane can harmoniously complement each other. Girl Dog is a naturally obedient person, it is important for her that someone direct her hard work in the right direction. The dragon loves to be in charge.

Sexual Compatibility

Between the Dog and the Dragon, friendship quickly develops into an intimate relationship. To receive pleasure to the fullest, the dog must completely trust the partner. The domineering fire sign in bed is less despotic. Gentle caresses of a partner help him relax, reveal his erotic desires.

In bed, partners will gain mutual understanding, which they did not achieve in everyday life. Sexual compatibility will help them get closer, make the relationship strong, harmonious.

Possible causes of conflicts

Partners have very different ideas about life. Therefore, their union is filled with conflicts. Most often, quarrels between the Dragon and the Dog flare up due to:

  1. Lack of understanding. The fire-breathing sign considers his wife a mundane, narrow-minded person. And in the eyes of a woman, the husband is in the clouds, his aspirations have nothing to do with reality.
  2. Focus on the shortcomings of the partner, the desire to remake it for yourself. Attempts to change the temperament of a loved one will exacerbate the difficult situation between the signs. To avoid possible conflicts, lovers need to work on themselves, and they are condescending to the shortcomings of another person.

In this thread:

There are a lot of problems in the Dragon-Dog pair. Representatives of these signs have diametrically opposed views on life.

The Dragon

Strong, bright and charismatic personality. Possesses leadership qualities and excellent organizational skills. Aiming for its goal, incinerates everything in its path. At the same time, Dragons are incredibly inquisitive and endowed with violent imagination.

As a rule, they have many hobbies and love adventure. There are practically no homebodies among these people. There are many inventors, travelers, scientists among the representatives of this sign.


A person born in the year of the Dog is a reliable and loyal friend. These people, as a rule, are very decent, do not tolerate injustice. Any cruelty causes them to protest. Seeing how the weak are offended, they will rush to his defense, even if the forces are unequal.

They are prone to self-discipline and really need the support of friends. They need to be praised as often as possible. At the same time, comfort and simple worldly pleasures are highly valued. They love their home and try to make it as comfortable as possible. At work, they have an exceptionally positive reputation: they are executive, organized, and never take part in intrigues.


In tandem, a female Dog and a male Dragon, compatibility is hardly possible. The dog dreams of quiet family happiness. She wants to live comfortably and have a caring spouse focused on family life. The dragon is bored all the time to spend at the hearth. He seeks to experience as many thrills as possible. With such a man, a woman who dreams of a strong traditional family will not feel secure.

In a pair of male Dog and female Dragon, compatibility is also difficult to achieve. The Dragon Woman seeks to take control of her husband's life, which is extremely humiliating for the latter. In addition, the Dragon woman and the Dog man have completely different attitudes in life, it is not easy for them to understand each other.

How to strengthen relationships

So, in a pair of Dragon and Dog, compatibility in love is low. However, if the lovers adhere to some rules, they can coexist quite comfortably. In order for relationships to grow stronger, partners need to:

  1. Condescendingly treat the shortcomings of the spouse.
  2. In no case should you try to "re-educate" your partner - it will only get worse. The temperamental Dragon and the restrained Dog must always remember that they are too different.
  3. Try to understand the inner world of your partner, for example, with the help of horoscopes. The ability to put yourself in the place of another is the most important step towards a happy family life.
  4. Be interested in the life of the spouse: his work, hobbies.
  5. Refrain from criticism.


Unfortunately, the compatibility horoscope of the Dragon and the Dog does not inspire optimism. It is very difficult for the crazy Dragon and the practical Dog to get along together. The dog is annoyed by the detachment from reality in the partner. The dragon considers his other half to be petty and mundane.

The spouses have few common interests. They will spend a lot of time apart. However, if a strong love connects a couple, the marriage has a chance of success.

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