How to escape the heat in the tropics. How to save yourself from the heat in the summer at home and on the street, at night: tips. How to get rid of heat in an apartment, house? How to survive in the desert: scientific experience and life hacks from the Bedouins

When the thermometer does not drop below +30, when the asphalt melts, and the air seems viscous and thick, like jelly? Many people feel in summer period extremely uncomfortable. Try to use the tips below - and the long-awaited relief will surely come.

How to beat the heat at home

First of all, you should pay attention to the windows. Curtains or blinds hung on them will already reduce the temperature inside the room by 3-10 degrees. In addition, a reflective film glued to the windows or sewn to the curtains for the summer period will help. Windows should only be opened wide in the early morning and late evening. If possible, sleep with open windows and a balcony.

You can refuse an expensive air conditioner if you buy a fan and make it so that, while working, it blows a container of ice or cold air. And to reduce energy losses from fan operation, say goodbye to old incandescent lamps and replace them with energy-saving ones. Which, in addition to their direct purpose, emit 4/5 less heat than those familiar to us.

The diet on hot days is fresh vegetables and fruits, cold snacks, in general, foods that do not require cooking on the stove or in the oven. Drink hot tea or cold water(only in small sips, so as not to chill the throat).

It is better to take a warm shower, with a water temperature above 20 degrees - then the blood will not rush to the skin to compensate for its cooling. If it becomes completely unbearable, a remedy from India will help, where they escape from the heat by wrapping a turban from a wet towel around their heads.

2-3 hours before bedtime, place in the refrigerator folded in plastic bag linens. When choosing it for the summer, by the way, give preference to light and natural fabrics. And at night, a bottle with cold water for drinking and rubbing the face.

How to beat the heat at work

Clothing - spacious, light colors, cotton or other natural fabrics. Makeup, cream, antiperspirants - to a minimum: women, take pity on your skin, it's not easy for her.

Saviors who are always with you: a bottle of water that has lain overnight in the freezer, a handkerchief and a fan. Water, however, will have to be drunk as it thaws, in a small sip. A handkerchief is useful for wetting and wiping the face and hands.

Try to move all the important and necessary things to the first half of the working day, while it is still not so hot. Then the head will be much more difficult to think.

To humidify the air in the working room, you can use a small spray gun, a houseplant with large leaves, a small aquarium (you can also without fish).

During your lunch break, just like at home, give up heavy meals and coffee in favor of vegetable salad, fruits and green tea.

How to beat the heat in your car

The easiest way is to wash and polish it regularly. A perfectly clean car perfectly reflects the scorching Sun rays.

Protect the car interior with sun shades on each window (inside) and a reflective screen on the windshield (outside, the edges of the screen must be clamped by doors).

To keep the air in the cabin cooler, place containers of ice or frozen water (in reasonable quantities and appropriately packaged) on the rear seat.

Take advantage essential oil coniferous trees known for its refreshing effect when inhaled.

How to escape the heat in general

Walk barefoot.

Quench your thirst with mineral water, water with lemon, compotes, fresh juices.

To quench your thirst, and for the benefit of the body, you can use cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits that contain a lot of water.

Do not quench your thirst with beer and other alcoholic beverages (dehydration), coffee (increased pressure on blood vessels), lemonade ( a large number of sugar raises blood pressure).

Try not to go outside from 11 am to 5 pm, in the heat of the day.

Do not turn on household appliances that heat the air during the day.

Get out of the city to nature, to a natural reservoir (stream, lake, river, sea, ocean).

All year round (not only in summer) healthy lifestyle life - it will help you easily adapt to any season and any weather.

Hot summer in the city can be a real challenge

1. Shower, pool or swim in water

2. Various drinks

In the hot season, especially in sweltering summers, the need for liquid increases. The reason is that the skin sweats, the person breathes more often and loses moisture. The body turns on a protective cooling mode, which requires the expenditure of water. For this reason, the daily intake clean water per day should be increased from 1 to 2-2.5 liters in the absence of contraindications (for example, renal and cardiovascular insufficiency).

Many seek to refresh themselves with cold sodas or ice cream. Be warned, this is not best method, it has the exact opposite effect. The icy liquid after entering the stomach causes the body to spend energy on warming it, as a result, the body temperature only rises. In addition, sweet drinks cause intense thirst, this applies to sodas, juices and ice cream. What is the best thing to drink then?

If you ask a doctor how to escape from the heat in the summer, then, among other options, he will certainly mention warm or hot tea, including herbal or fruit tea, fruit drinks or compotes. After a glass of these drinks, a person feels that the air has become cooler and more comfortable.

3. The right choice of clothes

Even if at work accepted business style There are ways to save yourself from the heat even in a stuffy office. It is worth reviewing the wardrobe and replacing synthetic, dense, leather, dark fabrics with light, light linen and cotton. The body sweats less in them, breathes better and the heat is much easier to bear. If possible, then pencil skirts, tight trousers and blouses should be replaced with something lighter and more floating.

4. Fan

The fan is inexpensive and there is no need for installation

This is the easiest way to cool down, however, it is also the most inefficient. The fan is a device with blades of various sizes, usually connected to the mains. There are many varieties of the device, there are also those that can be connected to the USB port of a laptop and installed directly above the screen. The fan blades rotate rapidly and create accelerated room temperature air currents that are multidirectional if the unit changes direction.

This device is inexpensive and, if the manager wants to save money, then to create comfortable conditions works for its employees acquires it. However, as practice shows, fans practically do not help, as they drive room air. More modern options are fans with a cooling function, but they cost an order of magnitude more expensive (30-40 thousand rubles). Another disadvantage of the fan is that it raises the dust that has settled on office furniture and creates a draft.

The advantages of the fan are low cost, energy consumption and no need for installation - it can be placed anywhere. It is installed even in street cafes and on balconies, so the fan is the answer to the question of how to escape from the heat in the summer on the street.

5. Conditioner

An air conditioner is a modern, efficient device that cools the room air, some models can even humidify it. The most advanced ones are dust removal and ionization. Thus, the air conditioner has many advantages that distinguish it from the fan. The disadvantages include the fact that it is impossible to simply bring it from the store and put it in the room. It requires special installation, the involvement of specialists. Usually the place where it will be placed is planned in advance, even at the stage of finishing the premises. The air conditioner is also expensive: from 10 thousand rubles. Requires regular Maintenance. In addition, the device cannot be installed outdoors, it is only suitable for indoor use.

6. Recuper

The heat exchanger is a relatively new device that allows you to ventilate the premises. Its plus lies in the fact that, unlike an air conditioner, it takes air from the street, warms / cools it and moisturizes it. It turns out that airing occurs without opening windows and balconies. It is expensive and requires not only installation, but also a through hole to the street, which is not always possible.

We hope that our 6 useful tips they will not let you go crazy in the city stuffiness, but will allow you to enjoy the warm summer days.

Good day, dear readers!

Summer, sun, heat... Someone dances until the morning, and someone sweats until the morning. Be that as it may, the summer heat affects everyone without exception, the only difference is who and how endures this matter.

In today's article I want to talk about: "How to save yourself from the heat, and without air conditioning".

TOP 15 effective ways to cool down

  • Drink more liquid

The first thing that happens to human body in the heat - increased loss of fluid, so its amount must be maintained at the proper level, otherwise it may occur. To do this, try to drink more, especially liquids enriched with potassium, and which prevent swelling and improve blood circulation. In addition, decoction is also great for these purposes.

  • Don't Overeat

Try to eat small meals. Because when overeating rises. Less and more often is better than once a day to the point of failure.

  • Spicy food

Eat foods with spices, as well as spicy foods. Spicy foods and spices have a cooling effect.

  • Sweet and salty

Try to use less salt, and also avoid sweets, lemonades, which make you want to drink even more.

  • vitamins

In the heat, vitamins and calcium are simply necessary, as they help get rid of excess fluid that does not leave the body naturally and turns into swelling.

  • Refresh yourself in the water

Bathe in a shower or a river. If you are outdoors, dampen your hair, or you can dampen a T-shirt and tie it around your head, and as it evaporates, your body will cool down. You can also wipe the back of your neck, knees, and feet with a cool, damp cloth that has been in the freezer.

  • Mint spray

Very refreshing minty spray. Simply brew mint tea and chill it in the refrigerator. Fill a spray bottle with decoction and use as a body spray.

  • Cooling down the wrists

Many animals lick their paws to lower their body temperature, and the same will help us. Just dip your wrists in cold water (in a bowl or just hold it under a tap) for 10 seconds. This lowers body temperature for 1 hour.

  • Turn on the fan

If you have the opportunity, put a fan in the room, and if you put a bowl of cold water in front of the fan, this will generally speed up the process of cooling the room.

  • wet floor

I sometimes save myself in the heat with the help of floor cooling. If the floor is washed, it will be easier in the room for a while, but if you take and moisten an old sheet with cold water, twist it and lay it on the floor, the room will be cooler for a long time.

  • Removing jewelry

Metal accessories, i.e. decorations absorb heat, which is later absorbed by the body from them. Therefore, in the heat, if possible, it is better to minimize, or even refuse to wear them altogether.

  • Turn off electrical appliances

All electrical appliances generate a large amount of heat, therefore, those that can be dispensed with should be turned off.

  • Rest on the floor

It is better to rest on the floor, because. warm air going to the top.

  • cool bed

In the heat, it is best to sleep on a silk bed. If you sleep on a cotton bed, then you can put it in the refrigerator before going to bed until it cools completely, or sprinkle the sheet with talcum powder. This sheet will keep you cool throughout the night.

  • Cover windows with thick, light-colored curtains or foil

Light colors repel the sun's rays. If the windows are closed with foil or thick curtains of light colors, the temperature in the room will drop by a couple of degrees.

Heat and stuffiness often lead to terrible state. Now, when the whole of Europe is languishing from record heat (I'm already silent about the Middle East and Central Asia), I want to cool down like never before.

At the time of this writing, I'm in my hometown and the outside temperature reaches 43 degrees in the sun and 39 in the shade. Sweat flows in hail and it becomes bad, my heart hurts. With such weather, due to changing climatic conditions, the population of the planet Earth will have to face every summer. This is especially true for tourists, as there is a need to go on another trip in the very heat.

When you're in such difficult climatic conditions It is extremely important to stay healthy. To do this, you need to follow a number of rules and nuances, knowing some tricks, which will be discussed in my article.


I am going to consider ways to survive the heat without endangering yourself, reduce its harmful effects and improve your own well-being, based on medical recommendations and many years of experience of those peoples who have lived in hot climates for centuries, coping with such weather with time-tested means.

In addition, I plan to bust a number of myths and warn against the advice that is full of Internet if you enter the query "How to escape the heat." A number of them will not only not help, but can seriously harm your health.

To begin with, I want to talk about the most banal recommendations that will suit everyone. They need to be known as common truths, because if they are not observed, then one can suffer quite seriously.

Heat and stuffiness can cause heat or sunstroke, dehydration, swelling of the face, hands and feet. They increase the pressure on cardiovascular system and make the body work in conditions in which it is increasingly difficult for it to overcome any load that it previously coped with without problems.



Fluid is one of the most essential components in the human body. One of the main problems that drive people unconscious in the heat is dehydration.

With an acute shortage of fluid in the body, a sharp deterioration in well-being begins. This affects all parts of the body. A striking example, which is familiar to me, as a traveler led, is pain in the knee joint. While cycling, even in the most intense heat, even a small breeze blows over you, and you simply do not feel that heat and loss of fluid through sweat. Soon starts sharp pain in the knee, one or both at once. Going through pain is impossible. However, it is worth stopping and drinking water, as after 5 minutes you are ready to go again.

Naturally, you should not stress yourself. Therefore, you need to worry about the liquid level in advance.

At any time of the year, a person must constantly drink water. The minimum for an adult is 1.5 liters per day. In the heat, the norm doubles, as does the required minimum. At +35 degrees, I can drink from 3 to 7 liters per day.

When calculating this amount, various other liquids are not taken into account, including coffee, tea, soda, and so on.

We are talking about water, and not just from the tap. If you drink ordinary bottled water, then there will not be much benefit, and maybe vice versa. With a large amount of water, it will increasingly come out with sweat and remove the necessary salts and electrolytes from the body.

  • Buy mineral, still water. We need one that will have at least a slightly significant level of mineralization. An example is the waters of Morshynska. It has a great taste and good mineral content.
  • Add some salt to plain water. This is already from the category of "do it yourself", but often an indispensable option. For a liter of purified water, ordinary water will suffice. edible salt(and even better - iodized sea) on the tip of a knife and 14 teaspoons of sugar. At such concentrations, they do not affect taste qualities liquids, but will help replenish the necessary balance of electrolytes in the cells of your body.
  • If you can’t take a lot of liquid with you (for example, in a bicycle race or crossing deserts), or for one reason or another you take ordinary purified water, then it can help to replenish the necessary balance in the body. medicinal product"rehydron". It can be diluted in a very - very weak consistency of a teaspoon for 3 - 4 liters instead of salt and sugar, or you can take a separate bottle of 0.5 liters and dilute in the correct proportions. In addition to your normal fluid intake, you should take 1-2 small sips every 20-40 minutes. Although, it should be noted that the taste of such a solution leaves much to be desired, but it is still.

Sweet and carbonated drinks

Many people, especially children, like to drink sweet water and soda in the heat. Sprite, Fanta, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other bottles and cans of effervescent drinks scatter from store shelves so that sellers do not have time to punch a check on their cash register.

However, it is worth noting that they do not help. Not at all. Firstly, they contain a huge amount of sugar, which, after drinking a portion, makes the thirst even stronger. Secondly, a large amount of gas can begin to cause discomfort to your stomach, which will not add to the pleasure in such heavy weather.

All cooling drinks are nothing more than tasty and harmful pampering, which in no way helps to alleviate well-being in the heat.

All these soft drinks benefit only from the fact that they are stored in the refrigerator. After drinking this, on a very short term(up to 10 minutes) a person feels relief, after which an increased attack of thirst begins.


You can’t drink coffee in the heat, from the word at all. I know that coffee drinkers will throw rags at me now, but nothing can be done about it. Coffee does not quench thirst, but rather increases it. Caffeine puts an additional strain on the heart, which is already unhappy with the weather.

If you cannot live without this fragrant drink, then you can literally drink a little. When doing this, do not consider it to be a liquid, but vice versa.

Do not drink strong espresso or americano. Try to limit yourself to light ones: frappe, cappuccino. Better yet, replace it with cocoa.

Beer and other alcohol

Alcohol in the heat is just suicide. And drinking it is extremely dangerous.

I'm not a big fan alcoholic beverages, but do not mind enjoying a good cognac or whiskey. Therefore, do not think that I am speaking now from the side of the advocate of a sober lifestyle. This is your way of life and it's not for me to climb into it. However, alcohol, entering the body, greatly expands blood vessels and raises blood pressure. Together with the heat, this threatens with very sad consequences.

Beer is a separate conversation. I have no idea why, but people in many countries love to drink it in the heat. They drink it in liters, believing that it quenches thirst, although this is not so. But the intoxicating component will perfectly give a load on your heart. Considering that some people manage to drink beer on the beach, under the scorching sun and then plunge into the water ... This is unacceptable.


Hot tea is good way deal with bad health. This is where the mysteries I talked about begin. Absolute cognitive dissonance in people who grew up in our latitudes. We have never known serious heat. Therefore, we believe that you can cool off if you drink cold.

Residents of hot regions (the Middle East and Central Asia) are much more aware of this matter and know that hot tea without sugar is one of the best means during the hot season.

Turks often go to the beach after 18:00 with a samovar and sit down there drinking hot tea.

Uzbeks have a tradition of sitting down in bathrobes over a cup of hot, unsweetened tea. They drink it with delicious grapes.

Indeed, if you drink hot tea in the heat, you will feel relief. I myself do this often now. The reason for this is that immediately a person begins to sweat a lot, as a result of which his body cools down.

Dairy products

When it gets very hot and I'm thirsty, I often use fermented milk products to quench my thirst.

Ancient nomadic peoples who regularly roamed the desert believed that these drinks were the best way to quench their thirst. They used koumiss, shubat, matsun for this. Many of them are sold not only in places of distribution, but also in Ukraine, Russia (for example, ayran and tan).

Domestic and familiar to all of us since childhood, kefir is no worse. Take it with a minimum fat content and eat it with pleasure!


In the hot season, you should not eat a lot of fried, salty and spicy foods. These products increase thirst, put a strain on the heart and blood vessels. They are difficult for the stomach to digest.

Instead, try to lean on fruits and vegetables. Make okroshka with kefir or kvass, or similar dishes with sour-milk inclusion of other nationalities (for example, chalop).

Replace meat with poultry (chicken and turkey are great alternatives) and fish, especially sea fish.

Ice cream

Eating ice cream in the summer is just pampering. I eat it daily and try a wide variety of varieties in different countries However, I always do it solely for the sake of taste itself. And I do not hope that it will be able to help me cope with thirst or heat. After all, this product is very sweet, and therefore you will want to drink even more from it. And I'm not talking about those varieties that add icing, chocolate and other ingredients that, coupled with flavors and flavors, make you want to drink more and more.

How to beat the heat indoors

Let's look at the most common situations when you need to somehow reduce the harmful effects of heat on the human body. This happens both outdoors and indoors. And very often, in rooms not equipped with air conditioning, the temperature is much higher than that outside the window.

Therefore, I decided to turn to both science and the experience of other peoples, trying to find the most convenient ways.

When you are in an apartment, and even more so your own, everything is very simplified. Here you are free to do whatever you want. And the first thing I recommend, if possible, get rid of all unnecessary clothing. At home, you can afford to be in a light bathrobe or in shorts - swimming trunks, underwear.

Clothing should be made from natural fabrics and not restrict your movements.

If there is an air conditioner, it must be used. However, it is ideal to do this when you are not in the room. That is, when you go outside or just into the next room, turn it on and let it cool. When you arrive, turn it off. This will help you not get sick, it will be easier for the body to adapt to a sharp temperature drop, and the air conditioner will last much longer.

At the same time, be aware that the air conditioner can only be turned on with the windows closed. Otherwise, it will work "idle", thereby not giving any cooling effect, but seriously reducing its working life.

In that case. If you do not have air conditioning, you can replace it with a fan. Moreover, it is possible to increase its efficiency by about 1 degree by placing in front of it, at a short distance, several 2 or one and a half-liter bottles of frozen water.

Pay attention to the temperature inside and outside the house. It is very convenient to do this when you have a thermometer installed both there and there.

  • If the outside temperature is higher, then the best way out will close the windows so as not to let in hot air from outside.
  • In the case where the temperature is approximately the same, it will be very good to open several windows to allow air to move through the draft and cool the room.
  • When it's cooler outside, everything is clear here without me. Probably. We just open windows.

The windows themselves, especially in strong sun, need to be closed. Curtains, shutters or blinds - at your discretion. Some even put foil on the windows. This is really effective, but greatly reduces the aesthetic appearance, in my opinion.

Then I would like to turn to the Uzbek traditions, which I adopted for myself. You can go to the shower, but not cold, but a little hot. Coming out of it (you can not wipe yourself) and put on a light natural dressing gown, you will feel significant relief.

In addition, you can drink not only water, but also hot tea without sugar, eating it with fresh grapes.

In a hotel, office, school - almost the same advice is typical, only in underwear you will be allowed to roam here.

How to escape the heat outside

On the street, you will not be able to carry an air conditioner with you, and therefore the right clothes will be your main ally.

The first thing to learn is that long sleeves and trousers are everything. It is long, maximally free clothing made from natural fabrics.

As you probably know, satin, chiffon and cotton are considered the lightest and most breathable fabrics. And despite the fact that they wrinkle very strongly in their pure form, it is from them that it is desirable to purchase clothes.

For women and girls, light sandals are ideal for light natural dresses below the knees in warm colors. And now I'm not talking about fashion trend, but about a way to increase body heat transfer and reduce the sensation of heat.

Be sure to cover your head. Men - caps or arafatka, ladies - hats or scarves. I don’t need to talk about “not fashionable”, because lying down with sunstroke is even less cool.

Such clothes will protect your skin well from harmful ultraviolet rays and overheating. If you still decide to wear short t shirts and shorts with sandals - then you better choose fabrics that remove heat well (synthetic materials from which sportswear is sewn have proven themselves well), and it is advisable to apply sunscreen to unprotected areas of the skin.

It's a good idea to leave a hot place. You can try to find a shady spot or move to a cooler room. It would be ideal to go down to the water or into the forest. But, it is worth remembering that hiding in a room in any hot country, you will instantly find yourself in a cold environment where air conditioners are in full operation. It is important to have a light cape with you so as not to get sick.

How to save yourself from the heat in the car

If you are unlucky and the car you are driving in does not have air conditioning and climate control, then you will have to make do with improvised means.

Water bottles pre-frozen in the freezer and installed next to the air ducts will come to your aid.

Try not to park your car in the open sun, find at least a little shade. And in any case, cover it, especially glass, with special sun screens that you can buy at any car market. Due to the reflective surface, they will perfectly protect the car from excessive heating from the sun, while you are doing your own business and do not have to climb into a hot interior.

Moreover, it is best to hang them from the outside, and not from the inside. So much more efficient. They cost a penny and you should not regret it if they suddenly steal it. It's not a bad idea to have a spare just in case, as with other road trip gear, though.

By opening the windows, you will make your way easier by arranging a small draft. And in order to achieve this very draft, you need to open at least two opposite windows.

Well, do not forget to flush the radiator before the trip, this will also help reduce the temperature in the cabin by a couple of degrees.

How to beat the heat on a train

Sprinkling with plain water helps a lot. To do this, you can buy a spray cap at any hardware store (sold for spraying flowers), put it on a small bottle and spray each other =)

It is worth remembering that the legislation establishes norms that cannot be violated by the carrier. In particular, they relate to the temperature inside the cars and compartments. If it exceeds the allowable, you can demand a solution to this problem, and then claim financial compensation.


  1. Drink more liquid
  2. Do not drink alcohol, coffee, sugary drinks
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits
  4. Wear light clothing made from natural fabrics.

What not to do is to sit directly under a fan or air conditioner in extreme heat, and also wear wet clothes. This can lead to a person getting a sore throat or pneumonia.

At the same time, following these simple rules, you can stay healthy and at the same time save yourself from the heat, which is so exhausting at times.

And I want to ask you - maybe you know some other ways that I forgot to mention?

If you found my article helpful or liked, please share it on social networks. It is very important for me. Thank you!

04.10.2018 / / from How to escape the heat

Up-to-date tips on how to save yourself from the heat indoors and outdoors.

Along with the long-awaited summer comes abnormal heat. Many people simply cannot stand the heat, they feel bad and hard. Even those who love the heat are not always ready to endure temperatures below 30 °.

Important: The surest way to avoid heat in an apartment or house is to install air conditioning.

But if for some reason you don’t have air conditioning in your apartment or house, you will have to look for other ways to solve such a problem as heat.

How to avoid heat in an apartment or house?

  • Open windows and balconies at night. In the daytime, when the sun appears, be sure to close all windows and the balcony. At night, on the contrary, open. This will help keep the heat out of the room.
  • Tape the windows with reflective film. It is especially good to do this in those rooms that are on the sunny side. Reflective film is not very expensive, but it works effectively. Regular foil will do.
  • Close windows with blinds or curtains. How less light gets into the room, the better. The sun can heat up the temperature in a room by 10°C or more. Therefore, it is better to create twilight in the rooms with thick curtains or blinds.
  • Instead of an air conditioner, you can use a fan. A fan is much cheaper than an air conditioner, but it can come in handy in hot weather. Cooling from a fan will be especially effective if you put a couple of bottles of frozen water in front of it. You can also put a fan near an open window, it will disperse the air coming from the street.
  • Limit the use of ovens and stovetops. This in no way means that you should completely switch to food in cafes and canteens, but it is worth preparing simpler food, since heating cookers and ovens leads to unbearable closeness, especially if the apartment is small.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning. Get in the habit of daily wet cleaning throughout the apartment. This is not only useful, but also cools the room by several degrees in the hot summer.
  • If you have a hot towel rail in your bathroom, just wrap it in foil.

How to make an air conditioner from a fan?

Video: How to survive the heat in the apartment?

Important: There is a lot of talk about the rules of being outside in the summer, however, most people forget about them. They remember only when the sun is already preventing you from feeling normal. We recall these simple rules.

How to survive the heat?
  • Before going outside take a refreshing shower. No need to take a cold shower, sharp temperature contrasts are not helpful. It is enough just to freshen up with slightly warm water.
  • Headdress required. A hat is especially useful if you are outside during the peak of the heat. The choice of headwear is great - hats, bandanas, baseball caps. Choose the most suitable options for you, but don't give yourself a sunstroke.
  • Sounds trite, but desirable stay at home during the afternoon peak of the heat. If there is no urgent need, it is better to solve cases before the moment when the peak comes solar activity, namely from 12 to 14 hours.
  • Wear cotton clothing. Loose cotton clothing makes you feel much more comfortable in the heat. If you don't want to get sunburn, choose clothes that cover the body as much as possible. Synthetics are not the best the best choice in general, and even more so in the heat, in such clothes you will be even hotter.
  • Take it to the street cold drinks- water, green tea, homemade lemonade. In the heat, it is unacceptable to get involved in beer, coffee, cocktails with vodka. This leads to dehydration of the body.
  • Women can put in a purse small fan. This simple device will help you escape from stuffiness in public transport, in public places.
  • If you went outside during the peak of the heat and you have an extra minute, eat ice cream in the shadow. Just don’t get carried away with ice cream, in the summer people often get a sore throat due to hypothermia of the throat.

Important: Many doctors recommend walking barefoot on the grass in summer. There are many points on the soles of the feet that stimulate work internal organs. As a result of walking barefoot on the grass, biologically active points are stimulated, blood circulation is stimulated, which leads to an increase in body tone.

summer heat

Exhausting heat often prevents sleep at night. What to do? The answer is to look for simple, but effective ways cooling.

  • If you have a room houseplants spray them with water from a spray bottle. Moisture in plants will last for a long time and thereby facilitate your breathing.
  • Place next to bed water bottle so that you can always freshen up at night.
  • Linens should be made of natural fabric, it is not so hot to sleep on it. Some people cool their laundry in the refrigerator before going to bed. We do not recommend doing this. This method of cooling can lead to inflammatory diseases.
  • Do it at night slight draft in the apartment. Draft is something that many people are so afraid of, but in the heat it helps out well. If the layout of the apartment does not allow you to create a draft, open the windows wide. Anti-mosquito nets save you from mosquitoes and other insects flying at night.
  • Install fan to the minimum or average speed by placing it at your feet. From a thermoregulatory point of view, the best way cooling.

How to keep the room cool?

How else can you help the body endure the summer heat:

  • Wear minimal make-up on your skin.
  • Collect long hair in a bundle.
  • The heat is easier to bear if you are on the beach.
  • Eat light meals, limit heavy and fatty foods, and sweets.
  • Sweet sodas do not help quench your thirst, it is better to drink plain water, green tea, mint tea, water with lemon and mint, lemonade.
  • Reduce active physical exercise(running, strength training, cardio loads), temporarily switch to more relaxed sports (walking, swimming, gymnastics with yoga elements).

summer heat- it's time for homemade cooling drinks

If you approach the issue of heat correctly, you can endure this time calmly and without suffering for the body. Until the thermometer begins to slowly fall down. It would be useful to know what to do if suddenly a person has a heat and sunstroke. You will learn about this by watching the video.

Video: Heat and sunstroke, what to do?

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