Open lesson "How the animals prepare for winter" in the senior preparatory group. How does a wolf prepare for winter? How to prepare for winter in the forest

Occupation. Reading Bianchi "How animals prepare for winter."


1. Introduce children to the work.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of wild animals;

3. To teach children to think logically, ask questions, make the right conclusions;

4. To develop in children speech activity, creative imagination, observation, ingenuity; develop an interest in nature.

Material: paintings depicting animals.

Course progress.

Introductory conversation. Puzzles

The teacher makes riddles about wild animals.

A ball of fur was winding in the forest,
What made the animals laugh.
And you take it and guess
Who made everyone laugh? Of course, … .

There is a mighty beast in the forests,
You, son, believe me!
Eats raspberries, loves honey.
Who will call me?

I once saw in the forest
Dark red beauty.
She jumped on the branches
Apparently she was looking for bumps there.

My ears are on top:
long, big,
To hear the fox
I'm not even quiet.

She is very cunning.
I ate a kolobok in a fairy tale,
Hens steal, roosters.
Who is ready to name it?

What season is it now? Autumn.

What are the signs of autumn. (It is cold outside, the sun is weakly warm, it often rains, leaves turn yellow and fall on the trees, people put on warm clothes, birds fly to warm lands, animals prepare for winter).

Let's remember how animals prepare for winter.

How does a hare prepare for winter? Changes from gray to white.

How does a bear prepare for winter? Goes to bed in a lair.

How does a squirrel prepare for winter? Prepares stocks of nuts, mushrooms, berries.

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?

Emotional gymnastics "Turn around yourself and turn into a beast."

Children depict the behavior of animals: an angry, angry wolf, a cowardly bunny, sly Fox, anxious squirrel.

Invite the children to listen to Bianchi's work.

How Animals Prepare for Winter. - V. BIANKI

In the forest, everyone prepares for winter in their own way.

Who could, flew away from hunger and cold on the wings. Those who are left are in a hurry to fill their pantries, preparing food supplies for the future.

Especially diligently dragging his short-tailed mice-voles. Many of them dug their winter holes right under the stacks of bread and steal grain every night.

Five or six paths lead to the hole, each path leading to its own entrance. Underground - a bedroom and several storerooms.

In winter, voles are going to sleep only in the most severe frosts.

Belkin dryer.

The squirrel took one of its round nests in the trees under the pantry. Here she has hazelnuts and cones stacked. In addition, the squirrel collects mushrooms - oilfish and birch trees. She puts them on broken knots of pines and dries them for future use. In winter, she will wander through the branches of trees and be supported by dried mushrooms.

They hide.

It's getting cold, it's getting cold! The water freezes in the pond.

The tailed newt left the pond for the forest and hid under the bark of a rotten stump.

Frogs dive, clog in the silt. Snakes burrow under roots and moss.

It's getting hungry, hungry!

Bats hide in hollows, caves, attics. They already have nothing to eat, butterflies, flies, mosquitoes have disappeared.

A fat badger comes out of its warm and clean hole less and less.

Ants clog the entrances and exits of their high city. They huddle in heaps in the very depths of it, where it is warmer.

Fish flocks pile up in whirlpools and deep underwater pits.

The frost is not great, but it does not allow you to yawn - as soon as it breaks out, winter forges the earth and water with ice at once. Where are you going then?

We will briefly describe how animals prepare for winter. Winter time is hard time for animals. It is cold and difficult for them to find food, so the animals make supplies for this period.

Who is the first to prepare for winter

Some of the animals begin training in the summer. The first to prepare are rodents, mice, chipmunks, marmots (babaks).

In the summer, they collect and lay nuts and seeds in minks. Having supplies, they sit all winter in their "dwellings", most time the rodents sleep. Animals wake up to eat.

Bears in winter

Bears are preparing a den for winter. They find ditches, caves and insulate them. To make the "bed" soft, they collect leaves, moss, spruce branches. When snow appears, the animal masks its housing and saves heat in it.

hibernation bear photo

Bears do not prepare food supplies for the winter. In autumn, they actively eat nuts, fish to accumulate a large fat reserve for wintering. Predator in cold period does not sleep, but is in a state of drowsiness. When needed, he leaves the lair. It is in the winter that the bear bears offspring.

Preparing squirrels for winter

In autumn, squirrels stock up on seeds, nuts, and acorns for the winter. In the diet of this species of animals there are mushrooms. Their squirrels are hung between the branches of trees. dried mushrooms rarely have larvae and nematodes.

The red-haired inhabitant of the forest does not hibernate in winter, most of the cold time she is in a hollow, which suits high on a tree. Squirrel red skin changes to grayish fur. Such disguise is needed to protect against predators.

How do hedgehogs prepare for winter?

The active cycle of hedgehogs lasts 4-7 months, the duration depends on climatic conditions. The period is conditionally divided into 3 parts: awakening, reproductive time, preparation for winter. In the summer, hedgehogs do without a home, in the fall they begin to build it to prepare for hibernation. The awakening of animals in the spring depends on how effectively this period passes.

They settle in deep holes (about 1.5m). Hedgehogs do not cook food; before the onset of winter, animals live off the accumulated fat reserve. Fat accumulates under the skin and internal organs. In autumn they eat a lot and become round in appearance, in contrast to the spring period, when they become flat from hunger. In winter, they also molt and change their hairline.

Since common (European) hedgehogs live near people, it is worth leaving leaves along the fence to make it easier for the animals to find soft material.


White hares molt by winter and change into winter coats. Gray summer ones are changed to white fluffy ones. This is an excellent disguise from predators in the forest.

hare hare winter photo

Funny rodents do not hibernate, they spend the whole winter actively, eating tree bark, seeds and withered grass covered with snow.

  • Researchers have not established what burrows hedgehogs use - they dig themselves or find strangers. Hedgehogs living in captivity willingly winter in artificial burrows.
  • Squirrels help trees spread over long distances. Gathering acorns, they hide them in the ground, carry them away from the oaks. They just forget about their "treasures" and cannot find them. Animals also harm trees. For red squirrels North America seeds are the main food pine cone. Rodents immediately eat them or hide them in hollows of trees. Such "storages" are very damp, and the seeds cannot germinate. Squirrels are full in winter, and the trees have little opportunity to reproduce. The pines have developed a way to deal with this behavior of animals. They are covered with a large amount of resin, which creates obstacles for red squirrels. The squirrel understands what it eats. For example, she stores the acorns of red and white oaks differently. The fruits of white oaks are eaten by rodents without delay, due to their rapid germination. Such a stomach does not have nutritional value. And the fruits of red oak do not have the ability to germinate before winter, proteins store them.

For the lesson you will need:

  • animal figurines, or Stuffed Toys, or their images;
  • game "find the shadow" - print;
  • vata - "snow";
  • riddles (you can print below);
  • the story "How animals prepare for winter" (you can print it below).

We arrange toys of forest animals (which are at home) on the carpet. You can use soft toys, you can use rubber or plastic animal figurines, you can also use pictures.

We conduct observation of nature (through the window):
It's autumn outside - it's cloudy, windy, the sky is overcast gray clouds, the last leaves flew from the trees, we remember that there are almost no insects on the street - they all hid from the cold. Soon winter will come, the first snow will fall and it will become even colder outside and there will be less food for animals. We invite the child to go to the forest and find out how animals prepare for winter.
We come to the "clearing" where the animals of the forest are placed - a hedgehog, a fox, a hare, a bear, a wolf, etc.

We invite the child to solve riddles and find out what wild animals live in the forest. The child shows a guess - an animal toy.

She is smarter than all the animals
She has a red coat on.
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
This beast of the forest - ....

He sleeps in a den in winter,
Snoring little by little
And wake up, well, roar,
What is his name? - ...

White in winter and gray in summer.
He does not offend anyone, but he is afraid of everyone.

Who through the pines and firs
Dexterously jumps, branches oppression,
He sees where the cones are ripe,
And he carries himself in the hollow?

Grey, scary and toothy
Made a stir.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals of those ...

So he built a dam
We need twigs and mud -
Builds everything without an ax
There will be a house at ... .

On an autumn day, on a beautiful day
Looks like a spiny ball
Walking along the forest path
I found a mushroom in a clearing.
And mushrooms - I'll tell you -
Like it very much....

Small stature, long tail,
Gray coat, sharp teeth.

This beast with two fangs
With very powerful legs
And with a tortilla on the nose.
He digs the ground in the forest.

From the box we scatter "snow" - cotton wool, reciting the poem "First Snow" by I. Bursov or any other:

Look guys
All around covered with cotton wool!
And in response there was laughter:
- It was the first snow.
Only Lyuba disagrees:
- It's not snow at all -
Santa Claus brushed his teeth
And scattered the powder.

Here comes the first snow! Winter will come soon. Animals are you ready for winter? Who got ready?
We read a fairy tale from the "Forest Book":

We are talking about the story. using animal toys:
- How does a squirrel, a hare prepare for winter?
- How will a hedgehog or a bear escape from the cold?
- What will the fox and the wolf do in winter?

Then we do finger gymnastics:

Finger boy, where have you been?
I wandered through the forest for a long time.
I met a bear, a wolf,
bunny, hedgehog in needles,
met a squirrel, fox,
met an elk and a titmouse,
Gave gifts to everyone
everyone thanked me.
(we bend our fingers when listing)

We play with toys or their images in the game "What has changed?":
We arrange the toys in a row, ask the child to close his eyes and remove one toy. The child opens his eyes, we say that one animal ran away, please remember who.
We play 4-5 times.

Dana liked it so much that he decided to play again, only this time she had to guess who was hiding mom):

Then you can play the game "Find the shadow":

I thought my lesson would end there, but Dana wanted something else, so we decided to make a mink for a hedgehog. But if your child gets tired, it's better to make a mink next time.
To do this, we need: cardboard (we have it from under jars of baby puree), scissors, glue or tape, and of course the hedgehog itself.

We glue the cardboard in the form of a tunnel, it would be nice to do more back wall but I did hastily, so we have a mink with 2 exits.
We stick around the cardboard with plasticine - we smear it (and this is a great workout for our fingers).

Having covered the cardboard with plasticine, we stick leaves, twigs, acorn lids, rowan berries (unfortunately, all that we have left of natural material, these are a few leaves, of course I wanted to make it even more beautiful, but there was nothing more to decorate, because there was already dirt on the street and the first snow fell, so something like that).
That's all! The hedgehog's mink is ready and he can sleep peacefully all winter.

And then Danya decided that it was snowing).

- All animals are ready for winter: some have changed their coats from summer to winter ones, some have stocked up, and some will sleep. And the hedgehog even has a mink ready.
We say goodbye to the animals and "leave".

In winter, the volume of food is significantly reduced, which is why most animals begin to prepare for the cold in the fall, and some begin to prepare food from the summer. The very first to collect supplies are rodents:

  • mouse,
  • chipmunks,
  • grandmothers.

Already in the summer, they are looking for seeds and nuts throughout the forest, laying them in minks. This gives them the opportunity to sit in their house all winter and not go outside. During cold weather, rodents sleep almost all the time, interrupting sleep only in order to refresh themselves.

Who is not afraid of frost?

Chanterelles, hares and wolves practically do not prepare for frosts, as they spend the winter on their feet in search of food. The hares only change clothes: they change their gray coat to white so that predators do not notice them on a snowy carpet. It is very interesting to watch how the animals prepare for winter, because everyone has their own secret.

Chanterelles and wolves

Chanterelles and wolves do not change the color of their coats, but their fur becomes thicker and fluffier: it is easier to survive severe frosts. Wolves gather in packs because it is much more convenient to survive in winter. Cunning chanterelles are looking for any mink to rest and hide from the blizzard.

Beavers and squirrels

Squirrels and beavers do not hibernate, but preparation is done responsibly. Beavers live in large families, all together they build cozy houses near the reservoirs, next to which they put their food - twigs from trees. They also feed on the roots of plants that grow in water.

I wonder how a squirrel prepares for winter? Red forest dwellers do not hibernate, although they spend most of their time in their dwellings - hollows that they equip high in the trees.

This rodent changes the color of its coat from red to grayish to camouflage from predators. What does a squirrel eat in winter? For the period of cold weather, this rodent stocks up with such belongings:

  • acorns,
  • mushrooms,
  • nuts,
  • seeds.

Let's talk about the bear

Bears equip their home in advance. They are looking for caves, ditches, where they carry leaves, branches, moss, from above they make a soft mattress for themselves from spruce branches. When it snows, it camouflages the bear's hiding place and keeps it warm.

Bears do not stockpile food, but in autumn they feed on nuts and fish very actively in order to accumulate as much fat as possible for the wintering period. In fact, the predator does not sleep, but dozes, and if necessary, he can leave the den. It is in winter that the she-bear has small cubs.

This is how animals hibernate. Some sleep all winter, others try not to freeze and find food for themselves. But you can learn a lot more interesting about animals, birds and insects.

In the predominant number of representatives of the animal world, in spring and summer, mating season, and autumn passes under the sign of preparation for the onset of winter cold. Preparing for winter for animals living in fairly cold latitudes is a matter on which, without exaggeration, life depends. Many of them have their own, individual ways to spend the winter. We will talk about this below.

How do most animals prepare for winter?

The most important task is to prepare enough food supplies for the winter. Some animals, such as babaks, field mice and the chipmunks have been dealing with this issue since the end of summer. The hot summer is still reigning, and they are already looking for various nuts and seeds with might and main, prudently hiding them in their hole. So many animals do not make any reserves, but simply eat a lot and gain enough fat that will allow them to overwinter. Their main concern during the autumn months is to absorb as much as possible more food. Such animals include bears that sleep all winter in a pre-insulated den, badgers, hedgehogs, and even the bats. All of these mammals hibernate for the winter, as it is almost impossible for them to find food during the cold season. In many warm-blooded animals, an autumn molt occurs - this is a change from short summer fur to thicker and warmer. Hares, foxes, wolves, squirrels also shed and change their fur.

In addition, hares and squirrels also change the color of their clothes - they become lighter to camouflage in the snow. Birds also molt in autumn, they grow new feathers. Many birds for the winter simply fly away to warmer climes. Beavers, hedgehogs, squirrels and bears are carefully preparing their homes for the winter - they insulate and strengthen it in all possible ways, drag dry leaves, branches, moss there. The life of the animal will also depend on the reliability and security of the home in winter. Foxes, hares and wolves, with the exception of changing their coats, do not especially prepare for winter, since they do not hibernate and winter period spend in search of food. Wolves gather in large packs with the advent of winter, and foxes endure great frosts in their burrows.

How cold-blooded animals hibernate

Cold-blooded animals include amphibians, reptiles, and insects. They survive the winter period in an inactive state. A few months before the onset of cold weather, certain changes occur in the body of a cold-blooded animal. Insects, such as mosquitoes, also store fat for the winter. Ants build large anthills for wintering. An interesting fact is that in the body of ants, beetles and many other insects in winter a special substance is produced that allows you to endure even the most severe frosts. Due to it, in a state of winter dormancy, the body maintains metabolism. In insect cells, the amount of fluid decreases. Almost all frogs, turtles, snakes and lizards go into hibernation, also called suspended animation.
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