Ufo during the second world war. Little-known facts about the Great Patriotic War. German fighters attack the "grey cloud"

Good afternoon friends! =) Today, the anniversary issue of "About the most mysterious", which will be completely devoted to the Second World War
A lot of strange events happened at that time, about which I will try to tell as much as possible =)

So, "Forward to Berlin"

Unidentified objects (UFOs) during World War II(Have to read a little)

The photographs were processed for traces of FS or a defect in photographic equipment, but neither one nor the other did not light the green light.

All information about UFO objects during the Second World War immediately fell under the status of top secret. Moreover, both in Germany and the countries allies of the Nazi regime, and in countries that united against the fascist empire. Reports have been found of flying discs that followed transport caravans across the Atlantic, of unknown objects that appeared over German troops during Rommel's African campaign, of mysterious airship-like luminous clouds seen at night over the English Channel. In all these cases, unusual objects that performed unique pirouettes and maneuvers were considered the newest weapon of the enemy.

The scientific organization Ahnenerbe, which in Germany was engaged in serious research in the field of the occult, developed technologies that were based on principles that went against the usual physical laws and investigated all references to UFOs. The intelligence services of England and the United States were also well aware that if one of the participants in the conflict succeeded in these developments, they would be able to end the war very quickly and seriously influence the alignment of political figures in the post-war world. The USSR did not stay away from research at all, although officially in the 30s metaphysics, as well as the study of the magnetic fields of the Universe and "parallel" mechanics, were branded as pseudoscientific disciplines. It is authentically known that all the reports coming from eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen UFOs went to the very top of the country's leadership.

On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, strange phenomena, if not more frequent, then began to occur more often where they were observed by bystanders. For example, on the Polish-Soviet border on June 15-20, 1941. more than once they noticed strange flying objects that followed the course of the Bug River, the border guards reported these objects to Golomazov M.I., then the deputy head of the outpost, and now a pensioner in Novosibirsk, who told about these events in 1994. Also, our military received information about the accumulation of German troops on the border. Having connected these events, the border guards decided that these objects were new German aircraft. Although the unusual fuselage, exceptional speed and maneuverability did not fit well-known German aircraft.

In the same 1941, a strange story happened in a separate air defense battalion that defended Moscow from enemy air raids. Tsesyulevich A.Z., whose calculation was guarded by the Bolshoi Theater, told that one night their battery destroyed two German bombers and gave up the air raid. Suddenly, high in the sky, above the very center of the capital, three bright spots appeared, located in a triangle, in complete silence they moved from west to east. The searchlight beams failed to locate the aircraft, but the air defense guns opened fire on visual targets. What was the surprise of the anti-aircraft gunners when they realized that the shells not only did not reach objects in the sky, but the very height of the object's flight exceeded all the usual limits. But the surprises did not end there, the UFO, instantly changing its trajectory, moved to the west, which further discouraged the fighters, who understood that the plane could not do it. But in wartime, there is no need to discuss anything for a long time, although the explanation that was read out to the witnesses of the events the next morning sounded unusual: “an optical phenomenon that occurred as a result of the refraction of the light of barrage searchlights in low clouds.”


Koenigsberg (since 1946 - Kaliningrad) has long been famous for sorcerers, witches and soothsayers who flocked to its vicinity from all over Europe. The lords of the ancient city used the supernatural abilities of emigrants as an effective weapon: more than once their enemies died unexpectedly from strange diseases or committed suicide. It is not surprising that it was in the dungeons of the Castle of Kings that one of the most secret laboratories of the Third Reich appeared - "Königsberg-13". Its activities were controlled by Erich Koch, who was in charge of East Prussia, and only a narrow circle of insiders from the Fuhrer's inner circle knew about the existence of a "place of power".

The task was set before the secret unit: having studied astrology, magic, hypnosis and various cults, to develop the concept of psychotropic weapons. According to historian Sergei Trifonov, the employees of Koenigsberg-13 were outstanding psychics whose abilities could be used in the development of certain operations. One of them, the clairvoyant Hans Schurr, paid for his gift. Back in the early 40s, he predicted the time of the death of fascist Germany, and he accurately guessed that Koenigsberg would fall in three days in April 1945. These prophecies were remembered in March of the victorious spring for us, when Soviet troops began to surround the city. Shurr was executed, and a medallion with runic signs was torn from his body.

Unfortunately, the archive of the mystical laboratory, hidden in the dungeons of the castle, has disappeared. According to one version, after the end of the war, he was exchanged by the government of the USSR from the Americans for captured German machine tools, according to the second, he was lost within the walls of the KGB, according to the third, he was destroyed by the Nazis.

But the notoriety of the "13th laboratory" has not gone away. Two years ago, on Victory Day, a group of Kaliningrad students decided to take a picture near the grave of the philosopher Immanuel Kant. On the printed photo, the guys saw next to them ... a blurry figure in an SS uniform.

"Barter Contact"

Even before the outbreak of World War II, the German National Socialists actively searched for the origins of the legendary Aryans and the location of the enchanted Shambhala in the hope of obtaining super-knowledge, with the help of which it would be possible to win world domination. Secret expeditions roamed Tibet and the Himalayas, reached Antarctica. Ufologists suggest that one of these groups could have discovered the crashed “flying saucer” and entered into “barter contact” with its crew. For example, the aliens received from the Germans the materials they needed to repair the interstellar ship, sharing knowledge and technologies that were inaccessible to earthlings in return.

An indirect confirmation of this version is the fact that although many outstanding scientists left Germany, they introduced a lot of technical innovations there. Having only 57 submarines at the end of the 30s, during the four years of the war the Germans managed to build more than 1100 ultra-modern submarines! And also - to create the first Messerschmitt M-163 jet fighter, which significantly surpassed any enemy aircraft in speed and armament (fortunately, they didn’t figure out the problem of guns that jammed every now and then).

"Disks" over Germany

It is no secret that the Nazis worked on the creation of "flying discs". For example, the Haunebu-III variant (diameter - 76 meters, height - 30 m, four gun turrets, each of which mounted three 270 mm caliber guns) was intended for air combat with naval squadrons. Retired American Colonel Windell Stevens claims that the Germans had nine research enterprises specializing in "dish-building". There is also evidence that in the middle of the war a special detachment of 250 people was created to control "disks" and manned missiles.

The American and British archives contain many reports of military pilots who reported to their command about encounters with UFOs over Germany. So, Captain Sobinsky (a Pole who served in the British Air Force) on the night of March 25, 1942, was returning from reconnaissance over the large industrial center of Essen, when suddenly his plane began to pursue some kind of silver disc-shaped apparatus. The machine gun fire did no harm to the UFO. The escort lasted at least ten minutes. Then the "contraption" soared up with lightning speed and dissolved...

Hitler - a servant of the Devil?

Strange and mysterious events associated with Nazism during the Great Patriotic War are still waiting for experts to unravel their essence. One of the biggest secrets is the secret of the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler. After all, there is a lot of evidence in favor of the fact that some occult forces became behind him.

In 1946, on the outskirts of Berlin, an amazing document was discovered in an old chest left in a burned-out house. Although it was somewhat damaged in the fire, it was still possible to read it. After reading it, the German priests immediately sent it to the religious capital of the world - the Vatican. The Vatican experts, having studied the paper, decided that before them ... the agreement that Hitler concluded with the Devil himself!

The date indicated on the document is April 30, 1932. It is signed with something brown, resembling blood. The essence of the agreement was that Satan would give Hitler enormous power, provided that it was used for evil. For this, the great ruler must, of course, give his soul after 13 years. Experts compared the signatures that Hitler put in the 30s with the signature made on this document, and came to the conclusion that they coincide.

Of course, this paper can be considered just a clever hoax or hoax. But how did the leader of the Nazis, who did not differ in intelligence, education and abilities, manage to become the leader of the Germans - well-known rationalists, a wise power? How did he go from a failure to one of the world's greatest leaders?

After all, it was in 1932 that Hitler, who had not even passed the final exams at school before and failed when entering the academy, managed to gain as much as 30% of the votes in the election to the Reichstag.

According to some reports, Hitler was associated with the occult Thule Society, which was founded by Dietrich Eckhart. Before Dietrich died in Munich in 1923, he turned his business over to an occultist named Karl Gaushofer.

Karl often visited the future leader of Nazi Germany while he was in Lansgurt prison after an unsuccessful coup, called "beer". There he inspired his ideas to the unlucky Hitler ... By the way, the famous swastika - a symbol of Nazism in the 20th century and a symbol of the sun in the esotericism of Europe and Asia - was proposed by Gaushofer.

When Adolf was at the helm, he immediately began to create research institutes for the study of the paranormal, because he believed that it was the occult sciences that would allow Germany to achieve greatness. The employees of these institutions were people who studied astrology and magic. Among them we can name, for example, Ernst Kraft, an astrologer. He, in a letter addressed to one and the members of the apparatus of the Third Reich, said that in the period from November 7 to 10, 1939, the Fuhrer's life would be in danger. This message was ignored, but in vain: on November 9, an explosion thundered in the pub where Hitler entered ... The Nazi leader managed to survive only by a miracle.

However, despite the help of numerous magicians and astrologers, the Third Reich fell. Nazi occultists claimed that the intervention of powerful magicians from another, enemy country - Great Britain was to blame.

An interesting fact is that the Fuhrer and his wife committed suicide on the night of April 29-30, when, as you know, all adherents of the dark forces celebrate Walpurgis Night. According to the aforementioned agreement, it was on April 30 that the “payment period” came.

There is another version that Hitler possessed Hypnosis and the gift of persuasion, this is what allowed him to convince Stalin that the Third Reich would not attack the USSR, to convince the entire German people, and throughout the war he could convince experienced military leaders that this is exactly what should be done in military operations, although Hitler himself was not smart in terms of military tactics, this is precisely what played one of the key roles in the Second World War. German experienced military leaders experienced fear when they tried to argue with the Fuhrer.

An organization that existed in Germany in 1935-1945, created with the aim of occult and ideological support for the functioning of the state apparatus of the Third Reich. The president of the organization was Heinrich Himmler.
The secret organization Ahnenerbe became famous for being too fanatical people in relation to the paranormal.
The most ardent fan was a certain Maria Von Below, during the conquest of the Caucasus, she, along with the namesake of the famous philosopher Hegel, Erwin Hegel, went to Lake Ritsa, in search of some object, the external type of which is not specified, which would allow the Third Reich to end and win the Second World War once and for all, some believe that these are the secrets of extraterrestrial civilizations, but this is not known for certain.
Maria was also an ardent fanatic of the ancient Greek goddess Hekate, the most interesting thing in this situation is that during one of the rituals of worshiping her, Maria Von Belov was stabbed in the face, the blow was fatal, BUT a month later, rumors about a girl with one half of her face, and it was a huge scar on the face that spread in the vicinity of Wewelsburg. Some believe that the goddess gave her a second chance.

Research Ahnenerbe

Within the walls of the Ahnenerbe, the question of Atlantis was often raised, and Himmler was interested in it. It was at this institute that the name of the island of Helgoland was coined: "das heilige Land" - "holy land". The ideologists of National Socialism sought to give the German “principles” an independent color, which would allow the Nazis to feel their exclusivity, which owed nothing to Abraham. After the war, Nazi ideas were taken up by the pastor Jürgen Spanut, who identified Atlantis with Helgoland.

Ahnenerbe symbol

Using the bodies of murdered people as material for an anthropological collection

With the entry of Germany into the war, the anthropological research program was brought to the fore among the developments of the Ahnenerbe. This program was carried out by the Institute for Special Missions in the Field of Military Sciences, which used living people as experimental material. One such program was developed by SS-Hauptsturmführer Professor August Hirt. He collected skulls and skeletons of people of different nationalities, alcoholized the bodies. People as material came from the death camps.

Dr. Hirt tried to resurrect "killed people", and according to some reports, one day he still managed to resurrect the Ancient Roman, legate of the 9th legion, who, having left the freezer, decomposed in parts, but there was success and the doctor continued to engage in resurrection attempts.

UFO of the Third Reich

Nazi Germany was actively engaged in the development of new types of weapons, trying to overtake the rest of the world. The best minds were concentrated on the invention of death machines that could turn the tide of the war. Today we know that their search was not limited to general science, but even delved into the occult, mythology and the paranormal. And all the most incomprehensible and mysterious was dealt with by the mysterious organization "Ahnenerbe" (German Ahnenerbe - "Heritage of the Ancestors"). Ahnenerbe takes its origin from the mystical organizations Germanenorden, Thule and Vril. It was they who became the "three pillars" of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in prehistoric times of a certain island - Arctida. A powerful civilization, which had access to almost all the secrets of the universe and the universe, died after a grandiose catastrophe. Some people miraculously escaped. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. That's it, no more, no less! Yes, and how can you not believe it: after all, hints of this are clearly visible in the "Avesta" - the oldest Zoroastrian source!

How successful were the Germans in this? Who helped them? Was the work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret regions of the globe? How true are the rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

One of the most enigmatic areas of research by Nazi scientists remains the development of aircraft similar to "flying saucers", or, as Allied pilots called them during the war, "Foo Fighters". These "saucers", judging by the drawings, did not differ in any way from UFOs, which are often seen in different parts of the earth. But it wasn’t humanoids who were supposed to sit there, but SS officers.

According to unverified rumors, in 1936. near the city of Freiburg (Freiburg), Germany, crashed UFO. It was discovered and, possibly, the German scientists of the Vril Society, with the support of the SS organization, managed to repair and make its power system and propulsion system work. However, attempts to reproduce them in terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the UFO existed in one copy.

During 1936 - 1945. for alien systems, they developed new hulls that acquired familiar features, such as landing supports, antennas and weapons. 4 devices were created, conditionally Vril 1-4. The first disks carried only machine-gun armament, judging by the photographs, the turret of the Pz-V Panther tank was installed on the last Vril-4 disk.

Many mysteries are still preserved in the secret archives of both the Third Reich and the Ahnenerbe. That's all for me. Thank you all for reading the article in full.

Previous releases:

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill believed in the existence of UFOs, and was seriously afraid of them. It was on Churchill's instructions that information about the rendezvous of an RAF aircraft and an unidentified flying object during the Second World War was classified for 50 years. Currently, the National Archives of Great Britain declassified 18 cases with such information, with a total volume of more than 5 thousand pages.

At the end of the war, Churchill received a report that an RAF reconnaissance aircraft, returning from a mission from France, had encountered an unidentified disk-shaped object on approach to the coast of England. The UFO caught up with the plane, slowed down and flew nearby for some time. Then, it accelerated sharply and disappeared from sight. A witness to the conversation between Churchill and Dwight Eisenhower, who at that time commanded the allied forces in Europe, was Churchill's personal bodyguard, who told this story to his grandson, from whom she got into the media. The meeting between Churchill and Eisenhower was also attended by a scientific adviser, who lucidly explained that the object could not be either an airplane or a rocket, based on its flight characteristics. Fearing panic among the population, both politicians agreed to keep the topic of UFOs a secret. At the suggestion of the Prime Minister, a special unit was created in the UK, codenamed D155, designed to collect and analyze information about unidentified flying objects. Information about encounters with UFOs during the Second World War immediately acquired the stamp of top secret, both in the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition and in Nazi Germany. The belligerents considered unidentified objects to be the enemy's secret weapons. A lot of documentary evidence about UFOs has been collected. Mysterious objects appeared over Rommel's positions in Africa, accompanied by caravans of transport ships sailing across the Atlantic. They were often seen by aircraft pilots and ship crews. Cases of the appearance of UFOs over the territory of the USSR became more frequent before the start of the Great Patriotic War. Served as deputy commander of the border outpost stationed on the border with Poland, M.I. Bogomazov later recalled that in the period from June 15 to June 20, 1941, he repeatedly received reports about strange aircraft periodically flying along the Bug River. They had an unusual shape, great speed and possessed maneuverability unusual for aircraft. A.Z. Tsesyulevich, who served in 1941. an anti-aircraft gunner in an air defense battalion, recalls that one night three luminous “circles” appeared in the sky over Moscow, which marched in a clear formation from the front. They immediately opened fire from anti-aircraft guns, but the shells did not reach - unknown objects were at a very high altitude. Before the eyes of the astonished anti-aircraft gunners, the objects instantly changed their direction of flight to the opposite, and left the firing zone. The next day, a written explanation came from the air defense command that the observed objects were an "optical phenomenon" that occurred due to the refraction of searchlights in low clouds. Po-2 pilot Yevgenia Serafimovna Korchina said that during one of the sorties to deliver food to paratroopers thrown out near the village of Eltingen, she noticed black dots flying towards Soviet aircraft. At dusk, the approaching objects were barely visible, and Korchina, mistaking them for German aircraft, went on the attack. When she approached the "enemy" at a distance of a shot, the "black dots" suddenly flashed with a bright orange light, and disintegrated into a dozen smaller ones. Small objects made unimaginable maneuvers in the air. The Po-2 engine began to give interruptions, and the plane went to the ground. Before landing, Korchina managed to notice how the flying objects rapidly picked up speed and disappeared from sight. In 1944 Soviet patrol ship, under the command of Igor Zorin, was on combat duty in the La Perouse Strait. Zorin spotted how a strange rounded object was approaching the guard at high speed across the sky from Japan. Moreover, he flew absolutely silently. The commander prepared to give the command to attack the object, but it abruptly changed its trajectory and, "entering a tailspin", disappeared into the waters of the bay. In complete silence. And the water glowed with a strange green light for several hours. In the spring of 1945 in the Sea of ​​Japan, border guard sailors observed a strange phenomenon - for several minutes, strange luminous cylinders fell from the sky into the waters of the sea. The commander of the ship reported to the higher command about what was happening. A squadron of bombers was immediately sent to the place where the objects fell, dropping a large number of depth charges into the water, most of which, for some unknown reason, did not explode. The archives of many countries have accumulated a large number of documents relating to the appearance of unidentified objects during the Second World War. So they lie there for decades, although many of them require detailed and comprehensive study.

There is a date in the history of the Second World War that is not taken seriously. 70 years ago, on August 26, 1943, on one of the last days of the Battle of Kursk, an event of cosmic proportions took place. Dozens of eyewitnesses claim that in the midst of the battle, a UFO suddenly appeared over the front line and burned a column of German “tigers”.

A ray of light

UFO participation in the Battle of Kursk was discussed in the Soviet Union even before the appearance of the term "flying saucer". True, the unknown apparatus was attributed to the Americans, and not to aliens.

Corresponding member of the Academy of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Mikhail Rechkin found a professional drawing of one of the eyewitnesses in the SMERSH archives. An artillery battery and a disk hovering over the battlefield are depicted on a piece of paper.
- An unknown object suddenly emitted a beam that went through the front fascist "tigers". Their engines stopped, and the tanks stopped. After some time, the tanks moved forward and caught fire. Our troops have not fired all this time ... - Rechkin retells the counterintelligence report.
More detailed information is provided by the head of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society, Mikhail Gershtein. In his book “Secrets of UFOs and Aliens”, he quotes a letter from the former platoon commander, senior lieutenant Gennady Zhalaginov, written to Felix Siegel, professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute, the founder of Russian ufology:
“On August 26, 1943, in the section of the Kursk Bulge in the front sector - Romanovka, Trety Khutor, Polyana and Khomutovka - I had to observe a rare phenomenon. Artillery preparation began after 9 o'clock in the morning. After 30-40 minutes, when our battery transferred fire into the depths of the enemy defenses, I left the observation post and, after examining the German advanced, my gaze involuntarily fell on a crescent-shaped object that was rushing at a very high speed in a south-westerly direction and soon disappeared from sight . The color of the object in front and behind was a bluish-dark color with tints, turning into light orange towards the middle. The impression was that it was a giant dolphin, as the middle part of the object either decreased or increased ... ”The lieutenant then lists the names of the participants in these unforgettable events.

Vengeance plan

Wehrmacht officers have the same memories. But the fact of the appearance of a UFO near Kursk, historians, contrary to logic, is sometimes put in a long series of legends about the scientific and technical superiority of the Nazis.
Allegedly, it was the scientists of the Third Reich who managed to build “flying saucers”, created a secret military base in Antarctica and performed such plastic surgery on Hitler, thanks to which he was hiding in South America.
Now this incredible information is perceived as an indisputable fact. And several Russian TV channels even make ratings for themselves, retelling them hundreds of times.
“Of course, German scientists could not create any “flying saucers,” Academician Vasily Verozin, deputy director of the Aviation Engineering Research Institute, assures. - Scientific and technical thought then moved in one direction - jet engine building. In our country, it was implemented in the form of barrelless Katyusha field rocket artillery systems, and in the Germans in the form of the world's first long-range ballistic missile, the V-2. It was for her that our and American intelligence were hunting.
After the crushing defeat of Germany in World War II, neither the Red Army nor the Allies found in the occupied territory any trace of the “retribution superweapon” that Goebbels used to frighten, except for the V-2.
Where did the fantastic stories about German inventions come from, about which TV shows are so popular? The answer is simple: from fantasy books written by former Nazis.

Right choice

The basis of the legend was laid by Wilhelm Landig. During the war, he rose to the rank of SS Oberscharführer. Not resigned to defeat, Landig continued to promote the Third Reich in fantasy novels.
In one of them, "Idols vs. Thule", published in 1971, the main characters, two Luftwaffe pilots, are on a top-secret mission at the Pole, where they fly on the "V-7" - a round aircraft with vertical take-off, a glass dome and a turbine engine.
His idea in the book "UFOs - a secret German weapon" was developed by the Canadian neo-fascist Ernst Zündel, who led to believe that on the Sixth Continent there is still an untouched Nazi secret base full of submarines and "flying saucers".
What bases? If in the years of the Cold War neither the USSR nor the USA were able to militarize Antarctica, then Germany in the 40s was not able to do it at all, - military historian Vladimir Pavlov laughs.
The German expedition in 1938 was indeed heading for Antarctica. On a small ship with a catapult for a single-seat aircraft, 57 polar explorers reached there. But the goal of the expedition, headed by Alfred Ritscher, was not at all to build a base, but to fly a German aircraft over Antarctica. The plane was supposed to drop Nazi pennants - stake out the territory of "New Swabia" for Germany, now this area is called Queen Maud Land.
As for the appearance of UFOs during the Battle of Kursk, historians prefer not to adhere to any version. They only state the very fact of firing a "flying saucer" at German tanks. Ufologists consider this event a manifestation of the cosmic mind and offer to think.
Probably, aliens, unlike modern Western politicians, saw the difference between Nazism and communism. And, according to the testimony of witnesses, they made the right choice.

In fact, all Soviet historiography about the war of 1941-1945 is part of Soviet propaganda. It was so often mythologized and changed that the real facts about the war began to be perceived as a threat to the existing system.

The saddest thing is that today's Russia has inherited this approach to history. The authorities prefer to present the history of the Great Patriotic War as it suits them.

Here are collected 10 facts about the Great Patriotic War, which are not beneficial to anyone. Because these are just facts.

1. The fate of 2 million people who died in this war is still unknown. It is incorrect to compare, but to understand the situation: in the United States, the fate of no more than a dozen people is unknown.

Most recently, through the efforts of the Ministry of Defense, the Memorial website was launched, thanks to which information about those who died or went missing has now become publicly available.

However, the state spends billions on “patriotic education”, Russians wear ribbons, every second car on the street goes “to Berlin”, the authorities are fighting against “falsifiers”, etc. And, against this background, two million fighters whose fate is unknown.

2. Stalin really did not want to believe that Germany would attack the USSR on June 22. There were many reports on this subject, but Stalin ignored them.

The declassified document is a report to Joseph Stalin, which was sent to him by the People's Commissar of State Security Vsevolod Merkulov. The People's Commissar named the date, referring to the message of the informant - our agent at the headquarters of the Luftwaffe. And Stalin himself imposes a resolution: “You can send your source to *** mother. It's not a source, it's a disinformer."

3. For Stalin, the outbreak of war was a disaster. And when Minsk fell on June 28, he went into complete prostration. This is documented. Stalin even thought that he would be arrested in the first days of the war.

There is a journal of visitors to Stalin's Kremlin office, where it is noted that there is no leader in the Kremlin for one day, no second, that is, June 28th. Stalin, as it became known from the memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, Anastas Mikoyan, and also the manager of the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Chadaev (later the State Defense Committee), was at the "near dacha", but it was impossible to contact him.

And then the closest associates - Klim Voroshilov, Malenkov, Bulganin - decided on a completely extraordinary step: to go to the "near dacha", which was categorically impossible to do without calling the "owner". They found Stalin pale, depressed, and heard wonderful words from him: “Lenin left us a great power, and we pissed it off.” He thought they were here to arrest him. When he realized that he was called to lead the fight, he cheered up. And the next day the State Defense Committee was created.

4. But there were also opposite moments. In October 1941, terrible for Moscow, Stalin remained in Moscow and behaved courageously.

Speech by I. V. Stalin at the parade of the Soviet Army on Red Square in Moscow on November 7, 1941.

October 16, 1941 - on the day of the panic in Moscow, all barrage detachments were removed, and Muscovites left the city on foot. Ashes flew through the streets: they burned secret documents, departmental archives.

In the People's Commissariat of Education, even the archive of Nadezhda Krupskaya was burned in a hurry. At the Kazan station there was a train under steam for the evacuation of the government to Samara (then Kuibyshev). But

5. In the famous toast “to the Russian people”, said in 1945 at a reception on the occasion of the Victory, Stalin also said: “Some other people could say: you have not justified our hopes, we will put another government, but the Russian people will did not go".

Painting by Mikhail Khmelko. "For the great Russian people." 1947

6. Sexual violence in defeated Germany.

Historian Anthony Beevor, doing research for his book "Berlin: The Fall", published in 2002, found reports in the Russian state archive about the epidemic of sexual violence in Germany. These reports at the end of 1944 were sent by the NKVD officers to Lavrenty Beria.

“They were passed on to Stalin,” Beevor says. “You can see by the marks whether they were read or not. They report mass rapes in East Prussia and how German women tried to kill themselves and their children to avoid this fate.”

And rape was not only a problem for the Red Army. Bob Lilly, a historian at Northern Kentucky University, was able to access the archives of US military courts.

His book (Taken by Force) caused so much controversy that at first no American publisher dared to publish it, and the first edition appeared in France. According to Lilly's rough estimate, about 14,000 rapes were committed by American soldiers in England, France and Germany from 1942 to 1945.

What was the real scale of the rapes? The most commonly quoted figures are 100,000 women in Berlin and two million throughout Germany. These figures, hotly disputed, were extrapolated from the meager medical records that have survived to this day. ()

7. The war for the USSR began with the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939.

The Soviet Union de facto took part in the Second World War from September 17, 1939, and not at all from June 22, 1941. And in alliance with the Third Reich. And this pact is a strategic mistake, if not a crime of the Soviet leadership and Comrade Stalin personally.

In accordance with the secret protocol to the non-aggression pact between the Third Reich and the USSR (Molotov-Ribentrop Pact), after the outbreak of World War II, the USSR invaded Poland on September 17, 1939. On September 22, 1939, a joint parade of the Wehrmacht and the Red Army was held in Brest, dedicated to the signing of an agreement on the demarcation line.

Also in 1939-1940, according to the same Pact, the Baltic States and other territories in present-day Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus were occupied. Among other things, this led to a common border between the USSR and Germany, which allowed the Germans to make a “surprise attack”.

Fulfilling the agreement, the USSR strengthened the army of its enemy. Having created an army, Germany began to seize the countries of Europe, increasing its power, including new military factories. And most importantly: by June 22, 1941, the Germans gained combat experience. The Red Army learned to fight in the course of the war and finally got used to it only by the end of 1942 - the beginning of 1943.

8. In the first months of the war, the Red Army did not retreat, but fled in panic.

By September 1941, the number of soldiers in German captivity was equal to the entire pre-war regular army. In flight, according to reports, MILLIONS of rifles were thrown.

Retreat is a maneuver without which there is no war. But our troops fled. Not all, of course, were those who fought to the last. And there were many. But the pace of the advance of the German troops was stunning.

9. Many "heroes" of the war were invented by Soviet propaganda. So, for example, there were no Panfilov heroes.

The memory of 28 Panfilovites was immortalized by the installation of a monument in the village of Nelidovo, Moscow Region.

The feat of 28 Panfilov guardsmen and the words “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind » attributed to the political instructor by the employees of the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, in which the essay “On 28 Fallen Heroes” was published on January 22, 1942.

“The feat of 28 Panfilov guardsmen, covered in the press, is a fiction of the correspondent Koroteev, the editor of Krasnaya Zvezda Ortenberg, and especially the literary secretary of the newspaper Krivitsky. This fiction was repeated in the works of writers N. Tikhonov, V. Stavsky, A. Beck, N. Kuznetsov, V. Lipko, Svetlov and others and was widely popularized among the population of the Soviet Union.

Photo of the monument in honor of the feat of the Panfilov guards in Alma-Ata.

This is information from a certificate-report, which was prepared based on the materials of the investigation and signed on May 10, 1948 by Nikolai Afanasyev, Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR Armed Forces. the authorities staged a whole investigation into the "feat of the Panfilovites", because already in 1942, fighters from the very 28 Panfilovites who were on the list of the buried began to appear among the living.

10. Stalin in 1947 canceled the celebration (day off) of Victory Day on May 9th. Until 1965, this day in the USSR was an ordinary working day.

Joseph Stalin and his comrades-in-arms knew perfectly well who won in this won - the people. And this surge of popular activity frightened them. Many, especially the front-line soldiers, who lived for four years in constant proximity to death, have ceased, they are tired of being afraid. In addition, the war violated the complete self-isolation of the Stalinist state.

Many hundreds of thousands of Soviet people (soldiers, prisoners, "Ostarbeiters") traveled abroad, having the opportunity to compare life in the USSR and in Europe and draw conclusions. It was a deep shock for the collective farm soldiers to see how Bulgarian or Romanian (not to mention German or Austrian) peasants live.

Orthodoxy, which had been destroyed before the war, revived for a time. In addition, military commanders acquired a completely different status in the eyes of society than they had before the war. Stalin feared them too. In 1946, Stalin sent Zhukov to Odessa, in 1947 he canceled the celebration of Victory Day, in 1948 he stopped paying for awards and injuries.

Because not thanks to, but in spite of the actions of the dictator, having paid an exorbitant price, he won this war. And I felt like a people - and there was and is nothing more terrible for tyrants.

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The topic of unidentified flying objects during the Second World War was one of the most secret both among the Axis countries and the states of the anti-Hitler coalition.

There is fragmentary information about the appearance of mysterious objects over the positions of General Rommel in Africa, about luminous cigar-shaped objects in the night sky over the English Channel, about strange disks that from time to time accompanied transport caravans of ships across the Atlantic. And each time, one or another belligerent side mistook objects that were amazing in shape and maneuverability for a new top-secret weapon of the enemy. It is well known that the German scientific organization Ahnenerbe, which dealt with issues of the occult sciences and the creation of technologies based on principles different from the laws of physics known to us, showed great interest in such facts. Such questions were of interest to the intelligence of the United States and Great Britain, whose governments were well aware that the victory of one or another coalition bloc and, as a result, the final outcome of the war and the post-war order of the world would depend on possible revolutionary discoveries in these areas.

In the Soviet Union, since the mid-thirties, the study of questions of metaphysics, "parallel" mechanics, magnetic fields of the Universe was recognized as a pseudoscientific affair, "not conducive to building a communist society." However, the fact that information about meetings with mysterious objects came to the country's top leadership remains a fact. In particular, according to the memoirs of D. S. Khorevich, who worked as an engineer at the Kharkov Tractor Plant before the war, during sea trials of the new Soviet KV tank in the summer of 1940, an egg-shaped object hovered in the evening sky over the range of armored vehicles, flying from the southwest. The apparatus emitted a pulsating light and rotated slowly. The test manager gave the command to return the car to the hangar and immediately reported "upstairs" about a strange phenomenon. After the roar of the engine of the experimental tank subsided and silence reigned on the training ground, the luminous egg suddenly rushed upward and in a matter of seconds turned into a barely noticeable luminous dot.

Harbingers of War

Numerous facts of strange phenomena took place shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War on the border of the USSR and Poland. A participant in those events, a resident of Novosibirsk, M. I. Golomazov, in 1994, said that on June 15-20, 1941, when he was deputy commander of a border outpost, he was repeatedly reported about unusual flying objects loitering along the Bug River from south to north . Even then, our military received intelligence information about the increased concentration of German troops on the border. In this regard, the border guards took the aircraft for German reconnaissance aircraft. That's just their shape, extraordinary maneuverability and speed of movement did not fit any of the known types of aircraft of a potential enemy.

In December of the same terrible 1941, a very curious story happened to the anti-aircraft gunner of a separate air defense battalion A. 3. Tsesyulevich, whose crew guarded the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow from enemy raids. One night, their battery repulsed another raid, destroying two German heavy bombers. The all-clear air raid signal was given around the city, and when people began to leave the bomb shelters, high in the sky above the very center of the capital, three luminous circles suddenly appeared, marching in complete silence in a triangle from the front. Beams of powerful searchlights swept across the sky, trying to capture the suddenly appeared enemy aircraft. When the flying objects fell into the firing zone of the battery in which Tsesyulevich served, their gun opened fire. However, the anti-aircraft gunners soon realized that the shells did not reach the luminous aircraft flying at an incredibly high altitude. Suddenly, the flickering triangle, flying from west to east, instantly changed direction and moved in the opposite direction, plunging the battered air defense fighters into amazement with its maneuver. The next day after the incident, the battalion received a dispatch from the command of the air defense forces of the capital, in which the axis was explained. that the strange objects that were mistaken for enemy aircraft are nothing but "an optical phenomenon resulting from the refraction of the light of obstruction searchlights in low clouds."

UFO over the ocean

During the Second World War, pilots and ... sailors more often than others encountered unidentified flying objects. So, in 1944, the commander of the Soviet watchdog Igor Zorin, who was on duty in the La Perouse Strait. I personally observed how a rather strange plane, which had rounded shapes and did not make a characteristic sound of the engine, was rapidly approaching across the sky from Japan. The sailors were already preparing to repel a possible enemy attack, when suddenly, before reaching the ship, an unusual plane changed its flight path and entered the waters of the strait with a corkscrew. Unusual in this story was the fact that the disappearance of the object in sea waters occurred in complete silence, after which, for several hours, the water in the water area around the watchtower emitted a strange greenish glow.

In the same part of the world, but already in the Sea of ​​Japan, in the spring of 1945, Soviet border guard sailors once witnessed a very strange phenomenon, when unusual luminous cylinders, shaped like an aircraft fuselage, fell from the sky for several minutes. After the commander of the border outpost reported to his command, a squadron of naval bombers was sent to the place, throwing depth charges at the area. However, the most surprising thing in this story was that most of the bombs dropped into the sea never exploded.

Meeting over the Kerch Strait

A typical example of a meeting of aircraft pilots with unidentified flying objects is the story of Evgenia Serafimovna Korchina, who fought as part of the regiment of the legendary Po-2 night bombers - "heavenly slug". These defenseless, but highly maneuverable plywood aircraft took part in the battles on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Evgenia Serafimovna in November 1943 had a chance to participate in the bloody Kerch operation. Then her squadron received an order to deliver ammunition and food to the Soviet paratroopers who landed in the area of ​​the village of Eltigen. Soviet planes flew to the point in groups - one part of them dropped cargo, while the other distracted enemy fighters. One evening, on approach to the village, Evgenia Serafimovna, who was part of a distracting group, suddenly clearly saw dark dots going in the direction of Soviet aircraft. Following the instructions, Korchina made a maneuver and, gaining altitude, went on the attack on enemy aircraft. In the early twilight it was not possible to determine with whom one had to deal. Focusing on the low speed of the approaching aircraft, Evgenia Serafimovna suggested that either attack aircraft or bombers were flying at her, from which there was a chance to escape. Suddenly, four shots approaching at a distance and already quite large dots flashed with a bright orange light and scattered into a dozen smaller ones, which began to write out unusual figures in the air. At this very time, the reliable engine of the “heavenly slug” suddenly began to malfunction, and after a few seconds it stalled. The light bomber began to silently glide towards the ground. Shortly before the fall, Korchina managed to see how the aircraft that continued to glow suddenly rapidly picked up speed and disappeared over the horizon in a matter of seconds ...

The archives of the Department of Defense contain a lot of documents that describe such cases in detail. It is possible that in the rapid arms race between East and West that began in the fifties of the last century, some of these classified documents played an important role in strengthening the country's defense capability. However, even more information requires detailed analysis and comprehension, which will allow us to lift the veil of secrecy over one of the most burning questions of our time: are we alone in the Universe or not?

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