Simple and compound unions. Summary of the lesson "Unions are simple and compound. Unions are coordinating and subordinating."

In the article we will analyze what unions are. It has to do with the morphology section. In the picture below you can see the answer to the question of what parts of speech are in Russian.

The peculiarity of unions is that they do not belong to independent members of the sentence and do not change, like verbs or adverbs. So, in more detail.


Below is an image with the answer to the question: "What is a union?". Let's highlight three points:

  1. Unions refer to the official parts of speech. What does this mean? What are unions for? This is a method of communication that is used to connect homogeneous members, simple sentences that are part of a complex one.
  2. Morphemes cannot be distinguished in them, since they are whole and indivisible.
  3. These are not independent members of the sentence.

Communication examples

Conjunctions are different from prepositions: they are not related to grammatical features neighboring words. They do not require nouns to be in a specific case. This syntactic link is more high level. In this case, unions can be repeated, although this is absolutely not necessary. Consider in more detail sentences with unions:

  1. He hung the portrait back and looked thoughtfully out the window. "And" connects homogeneous predicates.
  2. The lessons were canceled because the air temperature was very low. "Because" connects two parts of one compound sentence.
  3. We often forget memorable dates, names of friends, birthdays of loved ones. We also show inattention to our colleagues at work. "And also" combines the meaning of two separate sentences in the text.

Union types

A table is presented to your attention. Unions differ in the ways of formation, which can be clearly seen below:

The table shows that, from the point of view of morphology, they are divided into simple ones, which consist of one base ( and because), and composite (two or more). Example of the second kind: while. Compound, in turn, are divided into double and repeating. In doubles, the obligatory part can be highlighted.

Example: "Not so much he wanted, as circumstances required it." Other options are more common: "If it is cloudy outside, then he absolutely does not want to get up early." The most common of the recurring ones are: neither ... neither, or ... or, then ... then. Example: "Neither she nor he were ready to take a step towards each other."

You should pay attention to spelling: all compound (derivative) unions are written separately. Example: "She was happy, no one noticed her absence."

The diagram above shows that, depending on syntactic feature All unions are divided into two types: coordinating and subordinating.

The former connect simple sentences that are equal in their meaning, as well as homogeneous members. The second occurs when the parts are not equal. One sentence is subordinate to another and from it you can ask a question. In turn, they have a finer gradation. Examples are shown in the table below.

Coordinating conjunctions

To understand the meaning in which these unions are used, consider the table.

From the table proposed in the picture, it can be seen that sometimes others are distinguished coordinating conjunctions. These are explanatory and connecting. There is also such a thing as comparative conjunctions in Russian. But they are more often referred to as the first option - connecting. Example: "Both the children and the parents did not accept the new teacher."

Subordinating conjunctions

Connecting unequal components and indicating the dependence of one on the other, subordinating conjunctions are used not only to connect sentences, but also homogeneous and heterogeneous members.

Examples: "The series is interesting, although somewhat drawn out." Here "although" connects. What conjunctions are used for such connections? it like, than, like, like. Example: "The lake in winter is like a mirror."

Let us give the categories of subordinating unions, but note: some can be attributed to several at once. Multivalued examples: to(explanatory and target); when(conditional and temporary).

Discharge nameUnionsExamples
TemporaryWhen, barely, yet, onlyHe went for walks until autumn came.
CausalBecause, because, becauseDon't talk loudly in class as it distracts other students.
ConditionalIf, if, ifIf you eat irregularly, you can ruin your stomach.
TargetIn order toYou need to drink purified water so as not to get poisoned.
concessionsthat althoughShe spoke more and more quietly, although he continued to scream.
ConsequencesSo thatWe need to hurry, so we can do without breakfast.
ComparativeHow, precisely, as if, as if, thanHe pounced on the food like he'd never eaten something so delicious before.
ExplanatoryHow to whatShe didn't understand how he could do that.

Pay attention to the spelling of unions. Most often they are written together (z ato, too, also). They must be distinguished from another part of speech - prepositions with adverbs. Only compound unions are written separately, as well as "that is" and "that is."

Before starting to study the topic "Composing conjunctions", let's consider in which section of the Russian language they are included. In the Russian language there are service parts of speech, where particles, prepositions, conjunctions and copulas are studied. They do not have a nominative function, i.e. do not name objects, signs, phenomena, but help to express the relationship between them. In a sentence, they are not members and are used as a formal grammatical means of the language. They have no stress, they are unchangeable and morphologically indivisible.


Unions connect homogeneous members of simple sentences and parts of a complex sentence. They are composing and subordinating.

Homogeneous members of a sentence and parts of a compound sentence can connect coordinating conjunctions.

Unions and their groups

By value, these unions are divided into the following groups:

1. Connecting: and, yes (and), neither ... nor, and ... and. For example: Write and read in Russian. It rained all day and the wind continued to whistle outside the window. And he listens to everything Yes shakes his mouth. Neither wind, neither storm, neither the thunder could not keep him from the trip. And first, and second, and the third was brought to the table without delay.

2. Nasty: but, yes (but), but, however, the same. For example: Father said a the whole family listened attentively. Today is cloudy, but warm. Small, Yes remote. It was difficult there but very interesting. The officer approached the building but not in a hurry to enter the entrance.

3. Dividing: or, or…or, either, or…or, then…that, or…either, not that…not that. For example: Whether sun, either snow, either love, either no. To be or not to be? Wet dogs wandered around or sat waiting for food. Or I had to go ahead or stay and wait. Sharp gusts of wind then plucked the leaves from the trees, then branches were bent to the ground.

4. Comparative: like…and; not only but). For example: Guests how unexpectedly arrived so suddenly they left. They visited Not only in Moscow, but and in Kyiv.

5. Connecting: yes, and, also, also. For example: We are learning, adults are learning too. He laughed at us also became fun. We were praised for our work yes and for the children too

Writing unions. Kinds


Singles: but...

Recurring: and...and, or...or, either...either, neither...nor...

Double: like...and, not only...but also...

Spelling of coordinating conjunctions. Punctuation marks

A comma is placed before the union and when it connects parts of a complex sentence.

before the union and the comma is not put if it connects two members of the sentence.

When repeating the union and a comma is placed after each member of the sentence connected by it.

Before opposing alliances ah, but, yes (but) always put a comma: The sky was overcast, but there was no more rain. We went to the commandant a the son went into the room. Small spool, Yes roads.

Unions are written together: also, also, but. To make sure that also, also, but unions, you need instead too, also substitute union and, but instead but- union but. If such a stand is possible, then these are unions and they need to be written together.

Coordinating conjunctions: examples

1. I too wrote, but Same(pronoun then and particle same) while listening carefully.

2. Poet also sang well. They all same way(adverb So and particle same) every day waiting for letters from children.

3. Hide for that(pretext per and demonstrative pronoun then) wood. Worked a lot but all finished.


Sentences with coordinating conjunctions are very widely used in the scientific, colloquial, official vocabulary of the Russian language. They make our speech rich and interesting.

§one. general characteristics unions

A union is a service part of speech that serves to connect homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a complex sentence and individual sentences in the text. The peculiarity of unions in the role they perform. This role is an expression of coordinating and subordinating syntactic links. Unlike prepositions, conjunctions are not connected with the grammatical features of other words. Why? Because they serve for higher-level syntactic links.

Unions are an invariable part of speech. The union is not a member of the proposal. Conjunctions - a class that unites dissimilar words. Unions differ in education, structure, function, meaning.

§2. Union formation

Like prepositions, unions, according to the method of formation, are divided into non-derivative and derivative.

  • Non-derivatives unions: and, but, or, like, what and etc.
  • Derivatives educated differently.
    • by connecting non-derivative unions: as if, but also, as
    • by combining a demonstrative word and a simple union: in order to, in order to
    • by combining a union with a pronoun and a word with a generalized meaning: while, until
      from other parts of speech: although to

§3. The structure of unions

By structure, unions are divided into simple and compound:

  • Simple:and, and, but, or, what, so that, how, if, however, but, also, also, moreover, moreover etc., consisting of one word.
  • Composite: since, while, as soon as, due to the fact that, due to the fact that. Compounds are divided into double and repeating: not only ..., but also ..., neither ... nor ..., then ... then ...

§four. The function (role) of unions. Ranks by value

The function (role) of unions is the expression of syntactic links: coordinating and subordinating.

A coordinative connection is a connection that expresses equal relations of elements.

Writing unions. Ranks by value

  1. Connecting: and, yes (=and: cabbage soup and porridge), and ... and ..., not only ... but also, like ... so and, too, also
  2. Dividing: or, either, then ... then, not that ... not that, or ... or, either ... or
  3. Opposite: a, but, Yes(= but: good-looking, but poor), but, but
  4. Gradational *: not only, but also, not so much ... how much, not that ... but
  5. Explanatory*: that is, namely
  6. Attachment *: also, also, yes and, and moreover, moreover

* Traditionally offers with writing connection are considered more accessible for understanding and are introduced into training earlier than others: already in primary school. Then the children are taught to distinguish the meanings of unions. Therefore, the material is presented in a simplified form. This is how the idea is assimilated that there are three types of coordinating conjunctions: connecting, dividing and adversative. In high school, children are faced with a wider range of phenomena that need to be understood and realized. For example, everyone should be able to distinguish and write conjunctions correctly too, also and combinations the same, the same you need to know how to punctuate sentences with different conjunctions. And the question of what these unions are does not arise. However, gradational, explanatory and joining unions are very frequent, they can get caught in test tasks. Therefore, I advise high school students and graduates to pay special attention to them.

A subordinate relationship is a relationship of unequal components, in which one of the components depends on the other. This is how parts of complex sentences are connected.

subordinating unions. Ranks by value

  1. Temporary: when, while, barely, just, while, just, a little, just a little
  2. Causal: because, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because (obsolete), due to the fact that
  3. Conditional: if (if, if, if - obsolete), if, once, whether, how soon
  4. Target: so that, in order to, in order (obsolete), in order to, so that, then so that
  5. Consequences: so
  6. Concessions: although, despite the fact that
  7. Comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly, than, as if, like, rather than (obsolete)
  8. Explanatory: what, how, to


Some unions are polysemantic and can, performing different functions, enter into different categories. For example, let's compare:

Tell him, to he did not call: I will not be at home.
to - explanatory conjunction

To to please his mother, he washed the dishes left in the sink in the morning.
to- target union

When the teacher entered the classroom, Mishka was talking on the phone.
when- temporary union

I dont know, when he will call.
when- explanatory union

When He does not want to understand anything, how can you explain it to him?
when- conditional union


Many unions have homonymous forms, which creates problems in their distinction and correct spelling. See the exam: "A, B, C" - everything for preparation. A18. Continuous, hyphenated, separate spelling of words.

test of strength

Check your understanding of the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. What are unions for?

    • To connect words in a sentence
    • To connect homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of complex sentences and individual sentences in the text
  2. Is there a difference between coordinating and subordinating conjunctions?

  3. Is it true to assume that simple conjunctions are coordinating, and compound ones are subordinating?

  4. Is it correct to assume that simple conjunctions are used in simple sentences, and compound ones in complex ones?

  5. What syntactic relationship expresses equal relations of elements?

    • writing
    • Subordinating
  6. What syntactic relationship expresses the unequal relationship of elements, in which one depends on the other?

    • writing
    • Subordinating
  7. Do coordinating or subordinating conjunctions express a coordinating connection?

    • writing
    • Subordinating
  8. Do coordinating or subordinating conjunctions express a subordinating relationship?

    • writing
    • Subordinating
  9. Are there multi-valued conjunctions in Russian?

  10. Is it true that many unions have homonyms?

  11. Unions are derivative or non-derivative: and, but, or, how - ?

    • Derivatives
    • non-derivative

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