1 husband of Irina pegova. Two separations of Irina Pegova. Irina Pegova at the Golden Eagle award ceremony

She never looked for a man on purpose. She is not a superstitious person, but she tries to fulfill all the prescribed rituals. She is sure: if she is destined to play three great roles, she will definitely play them. She blossomed after the birth of her daughter. She ceased to be afraid of men, became more at ease in dealing with them. And this is after she experienced a very painful divorce, during which the husband of Irina Pegova (it will be discussed below) did not behave quite like a man. But Ira did not despair and believes that the same, beloved and dear person is walking somewhere.

Happy carefree childhood

On a warm June day in 1978, a daughter was born in the family of a professional athlete and a worker of a metallurgical plant, who received the name Irochka. Parents were expecting a boy, but a girl appeared, though with a boyish character.

As a child, she tried her hand at several sports - riding, fencing, swimming, excellent skiing and skating. At one time, Ira began to think that a sports career was her choice.

What to choose?

As a schoolgirl, Ira got into one of the competitions that were arranged for children. Moreover, she performed so interestingly and vividly that she thought about whether she should become a singer. The girl even entered a music studio. The team, where she got, not only performed at ordinary concerts, but also went on tour, worked in a professional studio.

After leaving school, Pegova decides not to injure her parents with her ideas and enters the Polytechnic Institute. And only then becomes a student of the theater school. The theater-studio of Pyotr Fomenko appeared in her life when Ira was a second-year student. Showing the prepared sketches to the master among other students, Irina liked him. The talented game of the girl was marked by praise, which prompted Irina to think that now she simply has to become an actress and study only at GITIS.

And so it happened. Despite the somewhat thorny path to the realization of a dream, Pegova was accepted into the directing department. True, Irina, a native of the Gorky region, had to save money for this trip to Moscow for a very long time (in the evenings she worked as a cleaner at the school).

Debut in theater and cinema, subsequent work

In the second year of the new millennium (2001), Irina Pegova, whose filmography will now be replenished with incredible speed, became part of the troupe of the "Peter Fomenko Workshop". In the very first weeks, she was introduced to several performances - "Wolves and Sheep", "Barbarians", "War and Peace". And no matter what role she gets - servants or ladies with wealth, each turned out very talented. And the role of Sonya in the production of "Uncle Vanya" brought a nomination for the "Golden Mask".

Then came the fertile year 2002 for her. Irina began acting in films. The role of a veterinarian in the film "Spartak and Kalashnikov" was her successful debut. And next year, the aspiring actress is invited to shoot in the film "Walk" directed by Alexei Uchitel. The heroine Olga made Irina, if not yet famous, then very famous among a wide audience. This time, the rightfully deserved award was the Golden Eagle.

Now filming proposals rained down on Irina like from a cornucopia. She chose the Teacher's film "Space as a Premonition" and again made the right decision: in 2005 at the MIFF, the picture was recognized as the best, received two Golden Eagles and two Nickas.

After Pegov, she starred in other equally interesting films - Admiral, Love with an Accent, Moscow Fireworks, Fairy Tale. There is"...

Better quality, not quantity

Now the bar of her skill is raised too high. And this is beyond doubt. Irina Pegova can afford to choose roles. She almost never agrees to star in serials. There are only a few exceptions - series based on the works of Tatyana Ustinova "Girlfriend special purpose”And“ The Law of Reverse Magic ”(Irina Pegova’s husband then shared the set with her), the TV project“ Spas under the Birches ”, the TV series“ Zoya ”.

Was in her creative biography another work - the television series "Masha in Law", from participation in which she simply could not refuse. Even in an interview, Irina said that before that she had always played exclusively positive, balanced ladies. And here she was almost herself - lively, quickly making decisions where necessary - persistent and cheerful. And Pegova was delighted with the script. And in 2016, comedies with her participation appeared on the screens: “SuperBobrovs”, in which Irina starred as Rita, a flying accountant, and “ Good boy”, where Pegova vividly played the wife of the headmaster and mother of Ksyusha - Maria Dronova.

sad result

Their scandalous divorce attracted public attention for many months. Pegova Irina Sergeevna, whose husband was eager to divorce her, was very worried about this period of her life. First, the family, which she built bit by bit, collapsed. Secondly, by the desire to leave, Dmitry Orlov undermined his wife's faith in people in general and in men in particular. Husband of Irina Pegova (photo from family archive used to often appear on the pages of glossy publications) preferred a quiet life to share the common property and their only daughter Tanya.

Moreover, if Irina did not give any interviews about the current situation, Orlov constantly made accusations that it was his wife who was to blame for the collapse of their happy marriage and forbids him to see Tanya. And it all started so beautifully...

Woman's happiness

They met at the Moscow Film Festival in Warsaw. True, Dmitry saw her a little earlier - in the play "War and Peace". The beginning of the relationship between two young people was like a fairy tale. And if Ira almost instantly realized that it was Dima who was her destiny, then Orlov was in no hurry to fall in love, in every possible way showing that he was interested in Pegov insofar as. Later, he said that he did it on purpose, so as not to show his emotions and not to give Ira premature hope.

In the end, it was Ira who took the first steps. Young people got married, listening to the opinion of relatives. They themselves were not going to put stamps, because they did not believe that love would become stronger from this. Soon they were born only daughter. In one of the interviews, which took place just in anticipation of the trial between the now former spouses, Pegova said that she unwittingly became more selective about scenarios after certain events in her life.

Once she played the role of a woman who could not get pregnant. Unexpectedly for herself, Irina Pegova, her husband, whose children have always interested viewers, after only six months, found herself in the same situation. After the birth of their daughter, the couple thought about another child. Coincidence or not, but Ira survived three unsuccessful attempts to bear the baby. The first time there was a miscarriage, the second time the fetus froze, the third time there was also a miscarriage. After that, the woman is afraid to agree to scenarios that describe such events.

Hopes for the future

Despite these difficult moments, the family was together. Spouses were considered one of the strongest and most friendly couples in Russian cinema. Pegova Irina Sergeevna was truly happy then. Personal life, husband and daughter were for her, such a sought-after actress, in the first place.

At that time, the couple did everything together - they worked, raised a child, went on vacation. They didn't get tired of spending time together. Irina Pegova's husband, Dmitry Orlov, proudly told the whole world how lucky he was with such a wonderful wife: she is smart, beautiful, and a great mother. Young people even managed to build a house that they dreamed about so much in order to live in it as a large and friendly family. Then they hoped for the birth of a second child.

That's why thunder among clear sky there was news that Ira and Dima were getting a divorce. But this happened seven years after the marriage. Tanya stayed with her mother.

The time of the divorce was very difficult for Irina. But, unlike Orlov, who was now pouring buckets of dirt on his ex-wife right and left, she did not utter a word to the public, experiencing everything at home, behind a tightly locked door. Such stress did not go unnoticed. True, there was also some plus for the actress in it: Irina Pegova (personal, photos with her husband were now too taken out to the not always good-natured court of the townsfolk) managed to mentally survive and even lose weight significantly. Now, with her small stature (only 1 m 56 cm), she began to weigh a little less than 60 kg.

The story continues...

By the way, unlike Dmitry Orlov (Irina Pegova's husband has already managed to enter into the next marriage with actress Ksenia Entelis), she was not noticed "in defamatory relationships". Although journalists attributed novels to her, either with actor Sergei Kempo, who played in Legend 17, or with Evgeny Raev, with whom she danced in the TV project Dancing with the Stars. True, it was not possible to confirm these rumors with interviews or spicy photographs.

No matter what happens, Irina Pegova lives together with Tanya. Personal life, photos with her husband are a thing of the past. But this beautiful wise woman I am sure that somewhere, around the bend of fate, a real, all-consuming feeling awaits her. And then it will begin new page her history.

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Biography, life story of Pegova Irina Sergeevna

There are girls in Russian villages

Irina Pegova was born in the city of Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod Region, on June 18, 1978. Irina's mother worked at a metallurgical plant, changed several professions - from an accountant to an accountant. Dad is an athlete - skier, athlete, ran a marathon (42 km), was the champion of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Now he teaches physical education, works as a coach. On the father's side, there are many athletes in Irina's family, and from her, too, they first raised a great athlete. The girl was engaged athletics, skiing, skating, swimming, fencing, equestrian sports.

Here is what Irina tells about her childhood: “ Parents waited until the last moment that a boy would be born. A girl with a boyish character was born. As a child, I didn’t even have girlfriends, together with the boys I climbed trees, fell, broke my knees into blood. Such an imp. Together with my numerous relatives, we went hiking - it was remembered for a long time».

But the main childhood memories are connected with the village with the "cheerful" name Dead End, where Irina spent all weekends with her grandmother and summer vacation: « If only you knew how much I adored this Dead End! For me, these were just blissful days: fresh air, fields, forests, we went for berries, grazed sheep ... But my favorite pastime was haymaking. Of course, I didn’t mow myself, but I always collected shocks, dragged them, cracked the hay ... When they mowed, naturally, they sang folk songs... And when they didn't go for haymaking, they dug potatoes. We had just a huge plot - and all summer I weeded potatoes, spudded them, collected Colorado beetles ... I loved it very much Fresh air, the sun, some kind of rustic freedom. Now sometimes I dream that I didn’t go to Moscow, but after finishing school I moved to my grandmother forever ...».

At the insistence of her parents, who sought to give their daughter a comprehensive education, Irina graduated from a music school in the violin class. As Ira admitted later, for a long time she did not understand what a great instrument it was - the violin. Understanding came only in the last class. Once in Vyksa there was a competition "I want to become a star", and Irina decided to take part in it. No sooner said than done. The debut on the music scene turned out to be so successful that Irina began to seriously think about the career of a pop singer and entered a music studio, where " everything was serious"- at first, the female soloists reworked popular songs, and then they composed themselves, toured and even recorded at a professional studio in Nizhny Novgorod.


After leaving school in 1995, Irina Pegova did not have a question who to be - she firmly decided that she would become a great singer, like Edith Piaf. But for this, it was necessary to continue practicing vocals and speech professionally, i.e. enter the nearest theater school. The situation was complicated by the fact that the parents of the future Edith Piaf were strongly opposed to their daughter's artistic career: “ Mom believed that this was a world of vulgarity, lies and debauchery, that actors and actresses had an unenviable life. She did not want me to fall into such a world. She said: "Only over my dead body." And in order to study at the theater school, I had to enter the Polytechnic Institute in Nizhny Novgorod for my mother. Then I entered the theater, and my mother calmed down". And at first, Irina, on the advice of her friends, decided to enter the puppet department. At the school, other applicants convinced the girl that the drama department was much better, so, in the end, Irina entered both the puppet and the drama department. And although she had never been to the theater by that time, she nevertheless chose the drama department and, as time showed, she was not mistaken.

In the second year of her studies, the P. Fomenko Workshop came to Nizhny Novgorod on tour and somehow miraculously ended up on the Pegova course, where the actors showed their work, and the students, in turn, theirs: “ Pyotr Fomenko made, of course, a strong impression. I, as I looked at him, decided immediately: a monster, strong personality. Fomenko then looked menacingly at me and said, well done. The guys from the Fomenko troupe said that I needed to go to Moscow. Almost the entire course left our school that year, and everyone hid from each other: you never know what they would say in Nizhny Novgorod. Then, of course, they all met at the entrance and laughed a lot.". Of all the students of the Nizhny Novgorod theater who came to Moscow that year to try their luck on the stage of GITIS, only one actress was enrolled in Fomenko's directing course in 1997 - Ira Pegova, who, in order to raise money for a trip to Moscow, was forced to wash the floors in her native theater.


In 2001, Irina Pegova was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop" and actively entered the life of the theater. She played in productions by P. Fomenko Anfisa Tikhonovna in Ostrovsky's Wolves and Sheep, Egorovna in One Absolutely Happy Village by Vakhtin, Sonya and Lisa in the play War and Peace. based on a play by Gorky.

One of the most bright roles Piegovoy - Irma the dishwasher in the play "Mad from Chaillot" by J. Giraudou. Her impulsive heroine confesses in a passionate monologue that she hates ugliness and adores beauty. Irma dreams of finding her only love. At the same time, she chooses a very controversial method: the heroine gives herself to all men, trying to guess her fate in everyone. Pegova often plays age roles. She managed to do this most brilliantly in N. Druchek's play "White Nights" in the role of Grandmother, who does not want to be old and lives on the memories of her youth. Fomenko suggested to the actress a wonderful gesture that conveys the blindness of the heroine: she clings to the air. Last season, Pegova played Sonya in the play "Uncle Vanya" by M. Karbauskis in "Snuffbox". Her heroine is simple and sincere, she wants to live, work, love. Despite the fact that Sonya's love is broken, hope for the future does not leave her. For this role, Irina was nominated for the Golden Mask award.

The last roles of Irina Pegova were in the performances "Wolves and Sheep", "One Absolutely Happy Village", "War and Peace. The Beginning of the Novel", "Mad from Chaillot", "White Nights", "Uncle Vanya" (performance by the Theater p.r. . ).


Irina's work in cinema began in 2003 with A. Uchitel's film Walk. The debut was more than successful - for the role of the columbine Olga, charming in her frivolity, Irina Pegova received the Golden Eagle and the prize of the Window to Europe film festival, although at first the director saw Olya quite differently - modern girl, slender, stylish and fatal. As always in Pegova’s life, chance intervened again: “ Everything happened by chance. First they approved Pasha Barshak (Alyosha), then, a couple of weeks later, - (Petya) and the last one approved me, which was very unexpected, because I was already supposed to star in another film of the Teacher (approx. - “Space as a premonition”, 2005 ), The teacher just suddenly came up with the idea to try me for this role - and a week later the shooting began».

Irina first appeared on film set, although The Walk was more of an experiment than a real, "staged" film, with clearly arranged scenery and exposed lights: " I just had to learn the text - and forward, into the frame. Twenty minutes of time, five sheets of text and a route, for example, from the Griboedov Canal to St. Isaac's Cathedral. It was necessary to play without rehearsals - as it turns out, it will turn out. Moreover, all my partners are my classmates, we have known each other for one hundred and fifty years, but at the same time there was a danger that we would not be able to play people who were strangers to each other».

In the theater, Irina is mainly engaged in the classical repertoire, where she embodies unambiguously positive images that a priori evoke sympathy from the audience. The viewer's sympathy for Olga - the heroine of "Walks" - is entirely the merit of Irina: " In general, we are very similar to her ... I like her - because of this, it seems to me that I made her a little softer, more humane, or something ... In my opinion, she does not cause condemnation when she does not very good things . Although initially, according to the plot, she was supposed to be a bitch. I tried to make her more human, so that there was ... more sympathy, probably for her ..

Irina's work in the "Walk" did not go unnoticed - in 2004 Irina Pegova was awarded the Golden Eagle Prize, which, by her own admission, was a complete surprise: " I went to this solemn ceremony, obviously knowing that I would not receive anything. And so, when my name was announced, I was shocked. And my bewildered speech, which everyone heard from the stage, is the best proof of the unexpectedness of this award for me. Now I understand that this event has serious consequences for me - people began to look at me ... biased, or something. I feel like I have to prove something to someone. But I don’t want to, and you don’t need to expect anything from me. I want to do my job in peace. After prizes and awards, there may be a feeling that there is nowhere else to strive. And for an actor, the main thing is not to stop and have some goals. And it's also important to forget all the past successes and applause».

The set high bar of skill does not allow Irina to accept numerous job offers in serials, for 2 years she made an exception for only two television films - "The Savior under the Birches" (dir. L. Eidlin, 2004) and "Special Purpose Friend" (dir., 2005 ). Cooperation between Irina Pegova and A. Uchitel continues successfully - in 2005, the film "Space as a Premonition" was released based on the script by A. Mindadze, where Irina played the touching waitress Lara. Sports training came in handy here for Irina along with acting skills: in “Cosmos” there is an episode when Irina runs across the cross-country stadium and comes to the finish line first. " According to the script, I had to lose, - said the actress. - But I couldn’t help myself, apparently the sporting ambition that was passed on to me with my father’s genes made itself felt. The teacher cursed, shot several takes, but I stubbornly came first. In the end, he spat and changed the script". By the way, the moment when the heroine Pegova, winning in a physical culture competition, tears the finish line with her chest, critics call the first worthwhile erotic scene filmed in Russia over the past 15 years.

AT recent times she spends a lot of time at home. Irina recently married an actor, and it is quite possible that an addition is expected in their family. However, she still found time for filming in such films as "Vanka the Terrible" (2008), "Do not rush love" (2008), "Passenger Annushka" (2008), "Return of the Musketeers, or the Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin" (2009) , "Moscow Fireworks" (2009), "The Law of Reverse Magic" (2009), "Fairy Tale. There" (2010), "Zoya" (2010), "Five Brides" (2011), "Joy to All Who Sorrow" (2011) , "Varenka. Both in sorrow and in joy" (2011), "Indian Summer" (2011).


The actor ("Sky. Plane. Girl", "Sisters", "Brother-2", "Hope leaves last") for the first time saw his colleague Irina Pegova in the performance of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop "War and Peace" and " was absolutely captivated by her smile and dimples". Then he noticed Irina at the Moscow Film Festival and was again subdued, but he was in no hurry to get to know her better, because he was sure that he could not live with the actress, much less marry her. " Actresses - special type women who always strive to work for the public, - says Dmitry, - Therefore, he preferred to admire Irina from afar. But we did get to know each other. It happened in Warsaw at the film festival. I imagined the picture “Sky. Airplane. Girl", and Ira - "Walk", for which she received the "Golden Eagle" last year».

Their romance began romantically and fatefully - with a walk. By Warsaw. In the company of the translator Stas, who tactfully faded into the background and did not interfere with the chance to do its job - to bring Ira Pegova to new round life. " It was clear to me from the very beginning that I had met my soul mate.", - Irina claims, and Dmitry at first resisted his feelings and answered Irina with mock coldness, guided by the principle " how less woman we love…". Shortly after they met, the actress left with the theater to tour Europe for a month, and communication almost ceased. Dmitry showed indifference, which in fact did not exist, and therefore Irina had to take the first step and call herself: “ While touring in France, we often moved from one city to another. Once I lost my luggage. I was terribly upset and decided to call someone, cry in a vest. Mom should not have been disturbed, because she would have become very worried. And I called Dima. And he spoke so dryly that it was insulting to tears. Night, an unfamiliar French city, an empty square and me in a telephone booth, ready to burst into tears».

After Irina returned from the tour, meetings with Dmitry became more frequent and one night there was a conversation when the lovers finally said to each other: “ I love you". And then they began to live under the same roof. Dmitry Orlov says: I think if Ira was not an actress, we would get closer to her faster. It took me a while to get over my prejudice. In Ira, I discovered a completely uncharacteristic nature for an actress. With all her acting talent, she strives for a simple, normal life, she wants to be an ordinary woman. This duality fascinates me to this day».

At the request of their relatives, Dmitry and Irina finally registered their relationship in the summer of 2005, although, in their opinion, the stamp in the passport will not add anything to them, and a magnificent wedding is completely an excess, foreshadowing the imminent end of love. The newlyweds do not wear rings and dream of children, and in the near future they plan to get married in a church.


A. Teacher: " It is impossible for Ira to explain anything philosophically. But she has amazing intuition, amazing! And she does some things on a subconscious level. Here, let's say, the scene of the explanation in the kitchen: I was very afraid of this scene, because Ira could go out into bad mood- someone could call from Moscow, upset her with something. All these impressions affect her, and fortunately, unfortunately, but a lot depends on it. And it was impossible to play this scene only on one professionalism. But she did it, and the second double has already entered the picture. This is a natural talent. And, of course, "Fomenkov's" upbringing. She is such an amazing actress! A discovery can happen to her that you didn’t even put in your head!».

Y. Klimenko: “ I am amazed by the degree of persuasiveness of what she does, the way she plays, she is an actress the highest class ».

: « I was never bored with Ira Pegova. This is an amazingly bright person. Constantly laughing. She is very contagious, charming in her optimism.»

Direct speech

About the city and province

When you live in a village or a deep provincial town in Russia, you live and understand that there is no life here. There is life only there, somewhere, in Moscow, New York, Paris. Here is a swamp, and you live with a dream - to escape from here. And when you live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you do not appreciate it. It seems that people lose the feeling that they live in a place where life is in full swing.

About sport

In my life great importance has sports, I do them a lot, actively, strongly, every day for two or three hours. The sports club where I work out is a great place to relax. The people gather there different professions and not in order to show their coolness, since the club is quite expensive, but simply to spend time with benefit, relax and chat. I have a lot of friends there, great atmosphere. I like to swim in the pool, walk on the treadmill, at this time you can watch a movie or even read a book. But most of all I love group classes of step aerobics. This is where the active raskolbas begins to the music.

About love

I can easily fall in love with talent. Come to the theater, see the actor and fall in love with him. I'm so... And it doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man. But it won't be love in the main sense. I believe that you can fall in love at first sight. But a relationship is more reliable when, over time, you delve into a person, you see in him what you then fall in love with, those features. Passion and falling in love quickly pass, the relationship must develop into something deeper, real and truthful. Now, in these circumstances, when my heart is busy - I am an absolute monogamous ...

About men

There must be harmony in a man. In everything - in words, clothes, deeds. For me, the main thing is that a person should not be hypocritical. So that his actions do not contradict what he says. The man needs to be checked different situations, it is revealed in different situations. It's one thing when you go swimming with him, and when you go to the cemetery, and even at 12 o'clock at night, and even when the moon is full ... A man still has to be witty - this is one of the important male qualities. Beauty is generally relative - I do not order from the fate of the blond with blue eyes. It is not interesting. Courage, yes. A man must be, of course, first of all, courageous. He must want and, probably, be able to earn.

About optimism

I never give up. Sometimes I get angry with myself that I have no patience, I really don't like to wait. I always believe that something good will come.

About walks

I love to walk and get to know the city with my feet. Also skating and cycling. By the way, I often come to the theater by bike. I even ride abroad - there is usually no time there if I go on tour or with a film. Therefore, to see more, you need to rent a bike. And in New York, where we took the “Walk”, I saw bicycles in the trunk of our operator Yuri Klimenko and asked for a ride. All week I cut through Manhattan, along the Hudson embankment. You should only travel alone. I saw all the New York behind the scenes - including garbage dumps and packs of dangerous African Americans. What shocked me is that everything is like in horror and science fiction films. Every day the city was different. I liked it so much. New York is now one of my favorite cities to return to.

About the acting profession

I like to act in the theater and act in films, but I know for sure that I will not wait long for offers if they suddenly run out. The thing I hate most about this job is waiting. It will be necessary, I will easily leave this craft and do something else.


Learn to draw. To master perfectly musical instrument- violin. I dream of living in beautiful place, draw, play the violin. And to have many children. Although, probably, for a long time in this dream of mine, I could not exist. I definitely need to engage in a profession, theater. Without it, the meaning of life is lost.


Laureate of the film award "Golden Eagle" for the best female role in 2003 ("Walk", directed by A. Uchitel).

Laureate of the Film Festival "Window to Europe" (Vyborg, 2003).

Laureate of the National Theater Award "Golden Mask" (Sonya in the play "Uncle Vanya", directed by M. Karbauskis).

Video Pegova Irina Sergeevna

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News Pegova Irina Sergeevna

Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova, famous Russian actors, while still formally married, are trying to mend a broken relationship. Recently, Irina, unexpectedly for many, easily let her daughter Tatyana go on vacation with her father ....

popular actress Irina Pegova, who played the main roles in the films "Varenka" and "Five Brides", told the media her version of the scandal and the subsequent divorce from ex-husband and actor Dmitry Orlov. The general public became aware...

The sad news about the conflicts in the family of Dmitry Orlov and Irina Pegova appeared in December last year. Fans of the actors until the last hoped that the relationship of the spouses would improve, because Dmitry and Irina always seemed very...

Photos of Pegova Irina Sergeevna


Natalia (Partizansk, Primorsky Territory)

Irina Pegova for me is an actress without falsehood for all 100. And let all the difficulties on her way turn into diamonds, although she may not need them. And let her high bar get higher every time. For people like her, only this can lead to success. And female to her warm, cozy, family happiness. Necessarily.

2017-05-12 04:43:59

Elena (Kirov)

Irina Pegova reminds me very much of the actress Valentina Telegina. At first I thought that she was her granddaughter)))

2016-06-12 09:14:35

Dmitry (Moscow)

Wonderful actress. In the cinema, her roles are somehow spiritual, she really lives the life of her heroines. Good luck. Health. Happiness. Let him continue to please with his roles in cinema and in the theater.

2015-12-14 22:45:41

Eugene (Voronezh)

No words!!! I have never seen such a wonderful actress! Learned from the movie "Indian Summer".

2015-11-13 01:53:54

Maria (Feodosia)

My subjective opinion - Irina Pegova could be good in supporting roles. Ranevskaya and many other great actresses glorified unsuccessful films only with their short episode. Pegova, on the contrary, is only an obsessive presence and only the main roles. The series, of course, is not something masterpiece, I would like not to get annoyed at these moments, looking at the puffing and sniffling Irochka with a shapeless body, who, for example, plays the role of a runner, Pegova, I don’t know who pays there, for to film you. Have mercy, disappear!.. Just for the love of art...

2015-08-27 17:32:21

Anna (Tallinn)

There is talent, sincerity, original appearance and personality with valuable internal content for today's audience requests.

2015-04-29 20:27:37

Kotey (Chita)

I remember the very first films. There are no words. You didn't play, you lived. And for that, thank you very much. Good luck to you and more work. You are our generation of the 70s and 80s. Respect to you is huge!!!

2013-11-26 21:27:08

Galina (Moscow)

I like the way she acts in films. And I haven’t seen it in the theater yet ... And she doesn’t need to lose weight. This is what makes her stand out among young actresses.

Irina Sergeevna Pegova — Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Born in the small town of Vyksa on June 18, 1978. Mom Vera Alexandrovna worked at a metallurgical plant. The girl's father, Sergei Zakharovich Pegov, worked as a physical education teacher and trainer, was famous athlete. As a child, dad actively instilled in his daughters a love for a sports lifestyle. Therefore Ira long time She was engaged in skiing, athletics, swimming, figure skating, equestrian sports and fencing.

Once Irina entered the contest "I want to become a star." She then successfully performed and thought about the career of a singer. Then she entered a music studio and tried to write her own songs.

In 1995, Ira graduated from high school, and then decided to continue her vocal lessons and enter some theater university. Parents were against it, so the future artist had to make concessions. So Irina Pegova first entered the Polytechnic Institute, and then the theater school.

Later, Pegova was admitted to the directing department, to the course of Pyotr Fomenko.


In 2001, Irina joined the troupe of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop. She played several performances - Anfisa Tikhonovna in "Sheep and Wolves", Sonya and Lisa in "War and Peace", the image of Pelageya Pritykina in "Barbarians", the role of Irma in the play "Mad of Chaillot". So the actress worked with Fomenko until 2006.

In 2004, the girl collaborated with the Oleg Tabakov Theater Studio, in which she played Sonya in the play Uncle Vanya.

Until now, the actress has been collaborating with the Studio Theater and has played in many performances, such as: Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro, The Story of Happy Moscow, Wife, Uncle Vanya.


She first got a role in the film "Spartak and Kalashnikov" in 2002. Later, she played the beautiful Olga in the film "Walk". This film brought the actress great popularity and fame. She also received the Golden Eagle and was awarded the prize of the Window to Europe festival.

In the filmography of Irina there are many interesting works. The most significant are "Space as a premonition", "Passenger", "Varenka", "Vanka the Terrible".

Today Irina Pegova is quite in demand, it turned out a large number of interesting pictures with her participation. The audience was able to see the actress in such films: “Seven main desires”, “Lonely hearts”, “What girls are silent about”, “Country of good kids”. The woman also played the role of Masha Pirogova in the famous television series Masha in Law.

Personal life

The personal life of the actress is full of rumors and events. At the film festival in Warsaw, Irina met actor Dmitry Orlov, where the man presented the film Sky. Airplane. Girl ", and Pegova Ira - the picture" Walk ". On September 8, 2005, people in love got married.

Later, Irina gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Tatyana, and her mother did an excellent job with her family responsibilities. But after 7 years living together the spouses divorced. Dmitry said that ex-wife changed a lot, she put her career in the first place, so the man could not stand it and divorced.

Actress Irina Pegova with her husband and daughter

Today, the Actress devotes more time to her appearance and devotes a lot of time to her daughter. She claims that loneliness did her good.

Details Created: 10/06/2017 20:54 Updated: 10/11/2017 11:39

Irina Pegova is a young, charismatic and talented film actress who captivated the whole country with her extraordinary appearance of a real Russian woman. Appearing on TV screens, she causes general delight, and will captivate viewers with her tenderness and innocence. Who is she? Let's find out below.


According to sources, the girl was born on June 18, 1978 in the small town of Vyksa ( Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Russian Federation). According to the horoscope, Gemini is a mobile, bright, intelligent, dexterous and sociable woman.

Irina's family is small and consisted of 4 people: father Sergey (coach and sports teacher), mother (worked at a factory) and older sister Tatyana.

Young years

Since it was decided at the family council that the girl should build sports career, she went to almost all possible circles and went in for swimming, figure skating, athletics and other sports. For the general variety, she also attended a music school (played the violin).

Maybe she beat and became someday a famous athlete, but the case changed everything. When Irina was a high school student, she decided to take part in the competition "I want to be a star." There she showed herself well and after success, she terribly wanted to become a singer. As soon as I graduated from school, I decided for myself that I need to apply to a theater university and realize my dream, but my parents protested.

Therefore, the girl had to enter the local polytechnic institute and immediately study at the same time at the theater school.

Her desire to be an actress was so great that a year later she was already a student at GITIS (she entered the directing department). And after graduating from the institute, she immediately began working in the theater. "Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko" within the troupe.

For all my creative career the girl changed several theaters and work groups, but continues to play on stage until now.

On the stage of the theater


A trial film, where Irina first appeared on television, was filmed in 2002 under the title "Spartak and Kalashnikov". And the first real work was done in the movie "Walk" (2003), and for this the actress was awarded the prize for the main role.

Shot from the film "Walk"

To date, the filmography of the actress has more than 40 films and television series, and she is not going to stop there.

Films with her participation:

  • From 2003 to 2005: "Spas under the birches", "Where childhood ends";
  • From 2006 to 2010: "One Day", "Admiral", "Vanka the Terrible", "Passenger", "Return of the Musketeers";
  • From 2011 to 2016: "Five brides", "7 main desires", "What girls are silent about", "Country of good kids", "Eight", "It doesn't get better", "SuperBeavers".


Starring: "Space as a premonition", "Special Purpose Friend", "Varenka", "Do not rush love!", "Varenka. Test of love", "Varenka. Both in sorrow and in joy", "Indian Summer" , "I love because I love", "Masha in the law", "Joy to all who mourn", "Lonely hearts", "Tankers do not leave their own", "Old gun", "Citizen Nobody", "House for rent with all the inconveniences" other.

"House for rent with all amenities"

Interesting Facts

Despite her small stature and tendency to be overweight, she is a very athletic and full of energy woman. According to the media, it height is about 155 cm, and weight is about 65-67 kg. She loves to skate and does not miss the opportunity to spend free time skating with her daughter.

The actress has her own Instagram page and about 200,000 subscribers. In one of her interviews, she admitted that she loves to work both in the theater and in the cinema.

In 2015, the actress participated in the TV project "Dancing with the Stars" and together with her partner won.

Personal life

touch the topic family life Pegova is terribly disliked. Her school and student novels for the public remained a secret with seven seals. It is only known that she was married once. Seven happy years she and her husband considered perfect couple, walked hand in hand through life and enjoyed family happiness. But soon the fairy tale ended, and Irina joined the ranks of single women...

According to sources, it all started with the fact that a young student of GITIS fell desperately in love with a student of the same institute, Dmitry Orlov. They met at a film festival (it was love at first sight), which was held in Warsaw (each presented his film there) and after arriving at home they began to meet.

Irina and Dmitry spent long evenings together and all the time dreamed that they would become professional actors, create strong family, they will have children and they will meet old age together. Only one of these desires went astray, because both took pride of place in cinematography and achieved fame and recognition.

Irina and ex-husband photo

They lived together for several years and Pegova was still waiting to be called to marry. But Dima was in no hurry, because the stamp in his passport was not important to him. And only thanks to Dima's sister, who simply pushed him to a responsible step and explained that it is very important for every girl to be officially married, he finally made her marriage proposals. The wedding was played in September 2005.

Newlyweds built Vacation home and began to live away from the noisy city in a quiet and cozy place. Soon came into being joint child- little Tatyana.

They were considered an example ideal family among all the stars Russian show business. Irina and her husband did what they loved, lived soul to soul, raised their daughter, and it would seem that nothing and no one in this world could interfere with their happiness.

Together with Dmitry Orlov and little Tatyana

And then, like a bolt from the blue, there was news in the press that Pegova and Dmitry Orlov were getting a divorce. Little is known about the reasons for this decision. Rumor has it that recently Irina moved away from her family, was more engaged in a career, and even her mother-in-law interfered in their relationship all the time.

The trial was very difficult, because each side expressed to each other everything that had accumulated over last years. There were a lot hurtful words, scandals and tantrums. But over time, the couple cooled down, reconciled and former spouses even became friends.

The daughter stayed with her mother and Irina intensively took care of her intellectual development. At first, the girl was fond of figure skating and drawing, and also attended taekwondo lessons for self-defense. Then she switched to music (playing the piano) and dancing (engaged in the children's ballet group TODES).

In 2012, she even tried herself as a film actress and appeared with her mother on television in the movie "Eight". Although, according to the media, the girl did not like this activity (she was very mentally nervous) and she categorically refused to become an actress.

Pegova with her daughter photo

After the divorce, Pegova decided to radically change everything in her life and she began with appearance. First she lost a lot of weight, and then became a blonde. Mine excess weight she got because she's a big fan of sweets.There was no way he could fight on his own. I could not follow the diet, and I practically did not go in for sports. And only after participating inStarHit program "Everyone is losing weight", she finally managed to lose seven kilograms.

Now she tries not to eat sweets and follow the diet that nutritionists have prescribed for her in order to keep her new weight. Also, Pegova, without the slightest regret, cut off her long braid and became a flirtatious blonde.

Thinner Pegova

After the divorce, she became more involved in creativity and raising her daughter. But, according to the media, already in 2013, she threw aside loneliness and started an affair. with artist and stuntman Sergei Kempo. This relationship lasted only a year, then the couple broke up. Rumor has it that the reason for the contention was that Pegova decided that she needed an older and more serious man. Recall that Kempo was seven years younger than his girlfriend.

Sergei Kempo

To date, there are rumors on the network that Ira has long been a lonely woman. Lately, she has started to appear in public a lot. with dancer Evgeny Raev. They are holding hands all the time and look very happy. Also, a couple of times the actress posted several of them on Instagram. joint photo. Rumor has it that their romance began back in the days when Pegova took part in the project "Dancing with the Stars" and are currently only gaining momentum.

Irina was born in the Russian outback, in the small town of Vyska, in the Gorky region (the city of Gorky is now called Nizhny Novgorod). Her mother worked at a large metallurgical plant, first as an accountant, later as an accountant. Her father was a famous athlete in the region, worked as a coach and at the same time taught physical education. Irina and her sister Tatyana were instilled by their father with a passion for sports as a way of life, so both girls with early childhood spent a lot of time in different sports sections. What Irina did not do: athletics, equestrian sports, swimming, fencing, figure skating, and skiing.

As Irina herself says, her parents thought that they would have a boy, but she was born. But the girl had the most boyish character. She didn't even have girlfriends, she always played in the yard with the boys and loved to climb trees and go hiking. And she also loved to go every summer to the village to her grandmother, where there was clean air, and you could go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. The girl herself took part in haymaking, dragged sheaves, and also spudded potatoes, and then harvested them. Even now she doesn't seem to better than that village life.

Ira was not only a very athletic, but also a very musical girl. Her parents sent her to a music school in the violin class. In addition to the fact that Irina deftly handled this elegant musical instrument, she also sang well, and the older she got, the stronger her desire to become a pop singer grew stronger. Therefore, in high school, she simultaneously attended a music studio, where she seriously studied vocals, recorded songs in a professional studio and actively toured.

Carier start

Parents did not share the optimism about the future singing career daughters were against her admission to a theater university, so Irina had to first enter the Polytechnic Institute. But in the same year she managed to be enrolled in the theater at the drama department in Nizhny Novgorod.

Irina Pegova at the photo shoot:

When Ira was in her second year, the "Workshop of Pyotr Fomenko" arrived in their city, and her team decided to go to the theater school where Pegova studied. And they went to her course, which was a great success for the students. Fomenko praised the young actress after watching her work. The guests advised the whole course to go to next year to Moscow, to enter GITIS. Everyone went, and only Irina entered the directing department to Fomenko himself. By the way, she did not have money for a trip to the capital, so she had to work as a cleaner for some time.

After graduation, Peter Fomenko took her to his job. Irina played a lot interesting roles within the walls of his Moscow theater, for one of them she was even nominated for the Golden Mask award.

Irina Pegova in the movie "Zoya":

Irina Pegova in the movie "Varenka. Test of Love":

And three years later, Ira began to collaborate with Oleg Tabakov's studio theater and continues to play in it to this day, but she left the "Workshop" in 2006 and got a job at the Moscow Art Theater. In it, she is considered one of the leading actresses and plays mainly the classical repertoire.

Irina Pegova on the set of the film "Varya knows":

Pegova played her first small film role in 2002 in the film Spartak and Kalashnikov. And here is the first the main role she got in the film by Alexei Uchitel "Walk". It was a very unusual work, largely impromptu. No, of course the actress had a text, but they shot everything in one take and there was enough improvisation in the picture.

Irina Pegova during the Golden Eagle award ceremony:

In addition, Irina made her heroine softer, although the plot was supposed to be a bitch. Ira's classmates became partners on the court, so it was very comfortable for them to play together. The fact that the actress received the Golden Eagle for this role was a complete surprise for her. On the “Walk” alone, cooperation with the Teacher did not end, and soon Ira starred in the film “Space as a Premonition”.

Irina Pegova during participation in the show "Everybody Dance":

Then there were many more interesting roles that set a high bar for the actress, so now she is trying not to lower her and not to star in television series. Exceptions are made only occasionally.

Personal life

Irina was married to actor Dmitry Orlov. Dmitry saw future sweetheart in one of the performances. He was impressed, but tried not to show it, all the more he believed that it was not worth marrying actresses, since they always have a career in the foreground. They met at the Warsaw Film Festival, walked under the moonlight.

Irina Pegova with ex-husband Dmitry Orlov and daughter:

Ira immediately realized that Dima was her soulmate, but Dima showed outward indifference with all his might. Irina, and then she had to take a few steps towards her, which for some time ran into Dmitry's coldness. But later, young people began to meet more often and, in the end, confessed their love to each other. In 2005, the lovers went to the registry office only at the request of their parents, otherwise they would have lived with each other without a stamp in the passport. And soon their daughter Tatyana was born.

Irina Pegova with her daughter Tatyana:

Dmitry said that his wife is not only a wonderful actress, but also a wonderful mother and mistress of the house. However, in 2011 the couple broke up. At first, they spoke very impartially about each other in the press, but then they gained wisdom and improved relations. Now they don't fight anymore. And recently it became known that Irina had a fan - a choreographer. And it is no coincidence that last year, 2015, she won the Dancing with the Stars competition.

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