Parasites in guinea pigs and how to deal with them. Why are water mites dangerous, their habitat, appearance and physiology Drops from a subcutaneous tick for guinea pigs

Infection occurs on the street or during contact with other animals. Interesting fact, a subcutaneous tick can wait for months for a favorable time in the layers of the skin. Active reproduction begins during a noticeable weakening of the immune system.


Guinea pig tick symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • hair loss;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • combing;
  • dandruff;
  • dull coat;
  • alopecia;
  • touch causes pain.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, contact your veterinary clinic. The sooner you start treatment for ticks, the easier it will be and will give a quick result.


Appoint proper treatment only a qualified doctor can do it. Mostly prescribed injections of "Ivermectin". The dosage is determined based on the weight of the animal, an injection is given once a week. The following drugs are often prescribed:

Apply the required amount to the skin and hold the pet for 15 minutes in your hands so that he does not scratch the medicine.

Repeat the procedure after two weeks.

Don't expect instant improvement. It will be possible to cure a guinea pig from ticks only after 2-4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the situation. It is recommended to supplement the diet to strengthen immunity.

Do not self-medicate. The drug is prescribed only by a qualified veterinarian. A course of treatment can include only one drug. Two or more will cause severe intoxication of the body. A second procedure is mandatory, since parasite eggs cannot be destroyed due to strong protection. After 10-14 days, they come out of the egg and receive a new dose of antiparasitic agent.

  • Class: Arachnida Lamarck, 1801 = Arachnids
  • Squad: Araneae = Spiders
  • suborder: Araneomorphae = Araneomorphic spiders
  • Family: Theridiidae = Tenet spiders
  • Genus: Hydrachna = Water mite

Species: Hydrachna cruenta Mull. = Red spider, water mite

Red spider, water mite - Hydrachna cruenta Mull.

Bright red, small, round, like a ball, mite. Quickly moving its eight legs, this tick quickly rushes through the water and looks like a rolling bright red ball.

Several of these mites, planted in a jar of plants, have a very beautiful view and live quite well, feeding on well-aimed crustaceans in the water. In the aquarium where this tick is placed, neither fish nor large predatory insects should be planted, otherwise it will quickly become their prey.

The persecution of such a tick by a thick water bug with a comb is interesting. Rowing with all its strength with its huge paws, the comb rushes after the water mite. But the cunning tick, noticing the approach of the enemy, instantly changes direction, and the bug flying at full speed, not being able to keep this swing, flies past. The ticker rushes on. The comb is behind him. The tick is back on guard, the comb again misses. And so on endlessly, until the bug manages to somehow squeeze it against the walls of the jar or attack by chance.

Subsequently, some mites seem to attach themselves again, but this time to an aquatic plant, and undergo a second molt, with which they also reach sexual maturity.

The water mite, like its other relatives, is small in size, it will be difficult to see it with the naked eye. A photo of a water mite for study is taken under a microscope, and then enlarged several times. recognize water dweller from arachnids can be according to the following characteristics:

  • adult size is no more than 3 mm, males do not grow to such sizes, their body length is no more than 2 mm;
  • the body has a round shape, a very small head is difficult to see even with magnification;
  • the color of the aquatic inhabitant is usually bright, the colors may vary, mainly yellow, orange, red ticks are found;
  • like other arthropods, there are four pairs of limbs, the first is modified;
  • one or two pairs of eyes on the head;
  • adults are almost completely covered with bristles.

water mite great swimmer, he managed to achieve this through long legs.


Breathing is carried out by the entire surface of the back, oxygen is absorbed from environment. An arachnid can survive even if the ratio of oxygen to other substances is 1 to a million.

Representatives of the genus Limnocharis do not have small bristles on the body, their legs are poorly developed. They move only by crawling along the bottom.

There is a subspecies living in salt water. The sea tick is practically no different from its freshwater relatives.


  • plankton;
  • aquatic invertebrates;
  • small crustaceans;
  • seaweed.

On a note!

The water mite is not at all dangerous to humans, the arthropod will not even think of attacking such a large warm-blooded individual.


Reproduction occurs sexually. After mating, the female lays eggs on algae, they attach to the chosen prey and go through a complex process. life cycle from three juvenile stages. Only after making this long journey in an inert state, the larva hatched from the egg will become a sexually mature individual. It is impossible to find a separately floating egg or water mite larva; only adults can be in this state.


Water mites can be found in almost any body of water, whether fresh or salty. They are common in:

  • large and small rivers;
  • salt and freshwater lakes;
  • mountain streams;
  • seas and oceans.


Analysis of stagnant water from a forest puddle showed the presence of water mites in in large numbers.

With the naked eye, you can find the location of ticks on the shallows of rivers and ponds in clear weather. If you look closely, then very small, slowly moving brightly colored dots are noticeable on the sandy bottom, these will be the desired water sports arachnids.

Danger to humans and animals

water mites(Hydracarina) belong to the class of arachnids (Arachnoidea), to the order of ticks (Acarina) and form a well-demarcated group, with a similar lifestyle.
These animals are widely distributed and inhabit a variety of water bodies. On excursions they come across very often, involuntarily attracting attention with their bright color, which is characteristic of many species. They are also found in large reservoirs (Hydrochoreutes) and in the smallest ones. Most often they can be found in ponds densely overgrown with vegetation (Limnesia, Frontipoda, Limnochares). They are found even in small ditches, pits filled with water, in puddles, etc., especially in spring (Acercus torris О. F. Mull., Hydrachna globosa, Hydryphantes). Even in winter, when fishing through an ice-hole, water mites are caught in large numbers (Limnochares aquatica L.).

Water mites, hydracarines. Gone strongly. 1 - Limnochares aquatica is bright red in color, leads a benthic lifestyle, crawling along aquatic plants, can't swim; 2 - Hydrochoreutes ungulatus male - yellowish in color with a translucent dark liver, has very long swimming legs, not shown in the figure, an inhabitant of large reservoirs - lakes, ponds; 3- Piona nodata - red-brown in color, found in large reservoirs; 4 - Acercus torris male - yellow-brown in color, on the legs of males there are special thickenings that play a role in copulation, found in small puddles; 5- Limnesia undulata female - yellow, occasionally red with a translucent black liver, an inhabitant of shallow waters; 6 - Frontipoda musculus female - green, less often yellow or reddish, with short swimming legs, sitting in a bundle near the mouth, lives in heavily overgrown water bodies; 7 - Arrhenurus neumani - red, rarely green in color with a posterior body appendage characteristic of males of this genus; 8 - Hydrarachna geographica - bright red with black spots, has short swimming legs, is found in ponds and puddles, especially in spring (length 8 mm - "queen" hydracarine); 9 - Hydryphantes ruber female - bright red, found in shallow ponds, ditches, puddles, mainly in spring.

Appearance. Ticks have a sac-like non-segmented, more or less rounded body and are equipped with four pairs of six-segmented legs, which usually end in two claws.
The mouthparts are elongated into a "beak" adapted for sucking.
The coloration of water mites is remarkable and especially attracts the attention of observers; it strikes with its brightness and diversity. The red color predominates, which unusually distinguishes animals against the background of the dark bottom of green plants (Umnochares, Hydryphantes, Hydrarachna Arrhenurus, etc.). There are colors: blue-green, orange, yellow, brown, etc. It often happens that the same species varies greatly in color. So, Limnesla undulata is both yellow and red. Frontlpoda musculus is more often green, but it can be yellow and red. Arrhenurus neumani is red, but green is also found, etc. What variegated tones can be observed in some species is shown by the example of the “queen” of water mites - the geographic tick (Hydrarachna geographica), which has bizarre black spots scattered on a bright red background. In most cases, the patterns on the body of ticks depend on the fact that dark lobes of the liver and an extremely diversely colored excretory gland appear through their skin.
With such a conspicuous appearance, it would be expected that water mites would be exterminated en masse by other animals. However, this is not observed, and, for example, they are very rarely found in the stomachs of fish. It has even been noticed that a fish, having grabbed a water tick, does not swallow it, but spits it out. Do not touch them and other aquatic predators from the world of insects. This phenomenon is apparently due to the fact that water mites secrete a poisonous or unpleasant-tasting liquid from their skin glands, which scares off enemies. Under such conditions, bright coloring is not. only does not harm ticks, but can even be useful for them, playing the role of a color signal that saves them from the danger of attack. A similar "warning coloration" is known in a number of animals (for example, ladybugs). It is possible that here we have something similar.

Masonry of water mites. (According to I. I. Sokolov.)
I - eggs of Piona carnea: 1 - many clutches on a buttercup leaf in eat. led; 2 - three masonry in stole. form; II - Hydryphantes eggs; 3 - masonry in stole. form; 4 - the same masonry with a large magnification; III - clutch of Linnochares aquatica: 5 - in ed. led. on an elodea leaf; 6 - the same stole.

General move development water mites is quite complex. Mature females lay their eggs on underwater parts of plants, stones, piles and the like. Usually eggs are laid in groups, very rarely they are drilled one by one into the plant tissue. Most often, the eggs are colored red or yellow-red and therefore catch the eye, despite their small size, especially since females most often lay eggs in the neighborhood of each other, so that egg clusters can be quite significant (Fiona carnea and etc.).

Pupae of the tick Hydrarachna sp. on a water scorpion. Some led away.

Varieties of ticks

Encephalitic mites - On the territory of Russia, the main carriers of tick-borne encephalitis are two types of ticks. it taiga tick(Ixodes persulcatus) and dog tick(Ixodes ricinus). Encephalitis (ancient Greek ἐγκεφαλίτις - inflammation of the brain) - group diseases characterized by inflammation of the brain (suffix " um" indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease);

Armor pincers - (Oribatidae) - the largest group of soil mites;

barn ticks

In the forest you can meet insects and animals. They are different sizes and coloration. Some of them pose a danger to humans, so it is advisable to avoid any contact even with small animals. For example, many are afraid that lives in water bodies.

Many people believe that ticks are insects. In fact, they are animals and belong to a subclass of arthropods from the arachnid class. Representatives can live in fresh water, and in the sea.

Of particular interest are water mites, which have a characteristic appearance:

  • four pairs of legs;
  • a rounded body, which consists of an abdomen connected to a small head;
  • the size does not exceed 3 mm.

The body is bright, often painted bright yellow or red. Some individuals are decorated with ornaments. Their large aggregations are easy to spot. The jaws are very developed, the leg tentacles are equipped with hooks or bristles - they help to move through the water. They have two or four eyes. Scientists are sure that these little creatures have excellent eyesight, which allows them to easily navigate in troubled waters.


Representatives of water mites are widespread. They live in the following places:

  • ponds;
  • swamps;
  • river backwaters;
  • puddles.

Features of physiology

Ticks have a rather bright appearance, which is easy to see in the water surface. It can be assumed that they are easy prey for other species, but this is not entirely true. Arthropods are rarely found in the stomachs of fish, and scientists have repeatedly noticed that if a fish grabs a tick, it spits it out almost immediately. This is due to the ability of an arthropod to secrete a poisonous or unpleasant-tasting liquid from its glands. Therefore, small creatures rarely fall prey to large aquatic predators. bright coloring acts as a warning.

They swim perfectly in the water, it is enough to put one individual in a jar of liquid and you can observe chaotic and fast movements. Some representatives only crawl on aquatic plants, therefore they lead an exclusively benthic lifestyle. Ticks are predators and feed on zooplankton and invertebrates. The basis of nutrition is daphnia, cyclops and other small animals. The tick grabs the victim with its jaws and sticks to it.

Mature females lay their eggs on rocks and underwater plants. Most often, the laying is done in a bunch, and not attached one egg at a time. The clusters are colored yellow or bright red, so they are easily visible on the surface. The larvae choose water striders, swimming beetles, water scorpions, less often dragonflies and Diptera as their host.

Often mistaken for a tick is a water bug. He has a similar lifestyle most spends time in the pond. But he is not even a relative. The bug is larger, it has three pairs of legs. It does not pose any threat to humans, but you should not grab it with your hands, as the insect can bite hard. In rare cases, this leads to allergic reactions. Lives only in fresh water. Most often spends time on the surface of the water, if desired, dives to a depth, but it is worth serious effort.

Human danger

AT summer time many people prefer to swim in different water bodies. Observant individuals can spot bright red dots on the water. In fact, water mites do not pose any danger to humans. They do not stick, do not bite and do not crawl into different cavities, so you can not be afraid of them.

There is a common misconception that mites lay their eggs on the human body. This does not apply to water. They are also not interested in humans as a food object, since their jaws are adapted only for zooplankton and invertebrates.

The main threat is terrestrial. Argas prefer to settle on animals and birds. They are quite large and can reach a length of 30 mm. They can be found in nests, cracks, burrows. One bite can infect a person with typhus, the puncture site will itch and hurt for several weeks.

The scabies mite is difficult to detect with the naked eye. It is transmitted from a person's contact with another person. As a rule, a fertilized female passes, which, when a new host appears, lays eggs under the skin. The larvae actively hatch and spread. After that, the first symptoms of scabies appear in a person.

Forest ticks are of great danger, as they can be carriers of encephalitis and Lyme disease. They imperceptibly stick, and the virus enters the human blood. Therefore, if an arthropod is found, you should immediately go to the nearest hospital, where they will take the tick for analysis and, if necessary, give an injection of immunoglobulin.

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