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Of course, the period of pregnancy is a great time for every expectant mother. Sometimes a woman can plan the birth of a baby, but there are times when the onset of pregnancy is an unexpected surprise for her.

One way or another, having learned about the new period of her life, a woman needs to save the child and provide herself with reliable protection from diseases and negative factors.

Very often situations arise when spouses did not plan to conceive a child in the near future, but fertilization did occur for one reason or another. Of course, no matter how healthy a woman is, she will have to reconsider her lifestyle as a whole.

It is extremely important to recognize pregnancy as early as possible so as not to harm the fetus and not jeopardize its full development.

A few facts confirming the need to recognize pregnancy at an early stage:

  • the conception was unplanned, and the expectant mother had already managed to consume products that were harmful to the fetus, or subjected the body to strong physical exertion;
  • the woman before the onset of pregnancy had contraindications to the conception of a child;
  • the expectant mother may take the opened bleeding for the onset of menstruation;
  • not knowing about pregnancy, a woman can continue taking medications that are prohibited in the first trimester;
  • timely registration will help to identify existing fetal pathologies at an early stage.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important period in the development of the fetus. It is extremely important to get rid of all negative influences on the child as early as possible. The earlier a woman finds out about pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of her proceeding without complications.

It is also important that the specialist will detect genetic developmental anomalies at an early stage.

What are the symptoms of early pregnancy

The completed process of fertilization is the reason for the beginning of the hormonal restructuring of the woman's body. The hormonal changes that occur during this period radically change the state of the expectant mother.

This period of time is very difficult to diagnose, in some women it is completely asymptomatic. But, as a rule, already in the first days after the implantation of the embryo, many expectant mothers already notice the onset of an “interesting situation”.

Symptoms of early pregnancy are:

For many expectant mothers, there are no traditional manifestations of the onset of a new period for her, it also happens that there are no symptoms at all throughout the entire time.

As a rule, only the early stages of pregnancy have such dim symptoms; after a short period of time, the baby will remind of itself more and more often.

It should be remembered that the appearance of at least one early sign is a signal that it is time to get rid of bad habits and stress, normalize nutrition and stop taking any medications. And also without fail, a woman needs to be registered and monitored by a gynecologist.

What are the symptoms during pregnancy

After the implantation of the fetal egg is completed, all systems of the woman's body undergo hormonal changes. During this period, symptoms appear, with the occurrence of which the expectant mother is unlikely to be able to doubt the onset of an “interesting” situation for her.

Symptoms during pregnancy:

Often among pregnant women you can hear that the symptoms give them a lot of discomfort. But any negative sign can brighten up the idea that soon all this will end and a baby will be born.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology of pregnancy in which a fertilized egg is not attached to the uterus itself, but outside it. This pathological condition is very dangerous and requires urgent help from specialists. It threatens not only with damage to the female internal genital organs, but also with the onset of bleeding.

A few signs that distinguish an ordinary pregnancy from an ectopic:

  • pregnancy tests give a negative or weakly positive result;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • constant dizziness;
  • cutting pain in the region of the ovaries and uterus;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Unfortunately, this pathology has the same symptoms that accompany a healthy pregnancy. But still, in most cases, there are signs that will alert the woman and force her to seek medical help.

It is worth remembering that not a single such pathological pregnancy has a successful outcome.

There is an opinion that after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman remains infertile. Experts say that this opinion is wrong. It is quite possible to get pregnant, the main thing is to listen to the doctor's recommendations and set yourself up only for the good.

What are the first symptoms of a missed pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is a cessation of the development and formation of the fetus, in other words, its death in the womb. Fetal death occurs without any symptoms of miscarriage, it can happen at any time and for a variety of reasons.

Symptoms of a missed pregnancy:

  1. Allocations. In the first days after the death of the fetus, they may be the usual white color, then, as the embryo decomposes, red streaks begin to appear in them.
  2. Termination of toxicosis. On the first day after the death of the embryo, the urge to nausea is present as usual, after 3-4 days they disappear.
  3. Change in well-being. After the death of the fetus, there is an increase in body temperature, sharp pain in the uterus and weakness.

As a rule, feeling something was wrong, the expectant mother hurries to contact her gynecologist. The death of the fetus can only be diagnosed by a specialist, based on the results of ultrasound.

Ultrasound indicators for a missed pregnancy will be as follows:

  • the heartbeat of the embryo is not audible;
  • the size of the fetal egg does not correspond to the gestational age;
  • there is a deformation of the fetal egg;
  • the fetus is not visualized.

In addition to ultrasound, a woman may be prescribed a blood test for the level of hCG. The result of the analysis during a missed pregnancy may be to identify a low concentration of hCG, or a significant lag behind the norm.

It is impossible to get rid of a frozen pregnancy on your own, all attempts will lead to bleeding.

Summing up, we can say that, ideally, it is better to plan the onset of pregnancy in advance, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit a gynecologist. But even if such good news was not at all part of the plans for the near future, a woman needs to register on time and ensure better health protection for herself and her baby.

And in the next video - more information about the symptoms of pregnancy.

A friend told me that after 2 days from conception she felt that she was pregnant and this confidence grew in her every day.

But with my three pregnancies, I guessed about each of them only after the delay.

However, if conception has taken place in the body, then restructuring begins and you can notice the earliest signs of pregnancy and then, only to confirm the guess with a pregnancy test or by donating blood to the level of hCG.

When to expect the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If you are a sensitive type of woman, then within a week after conception you may notice early symptoms of your position.

Interesting! It happens that a woman knows the date of conception up to the day, although she did not consciously plan the pregnancy, it just feels like you are not alone.

Conventionally, all signs of pregnancy can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Signs of pregnancy before missed period
  2. Symptoms after missed period.

Let's deal with those and others so that you do not worry in vain and can determine the pregnancy that has taken place.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

Subjective sensations

Pregnancy is possible only after ovulation. This happens in every woman in different ways, but on average 12-14 days after the start of the last menstruation.

But sometimes ovulation can occur earlier or later than this due to hormonal changes in the body or stress.

Usually ovulation manifests itself in one way or another at the level of the body. If you carefully observe your feelings, you can notice:

  • pulling pain in the side or lower back,
  • an increase in the number of allocations,
  • increased sexual desire.

Even if intimacy with her husband was on the day of ovulation, it is still too early to look for pregnancy symptoms in the first week after it. And nausea or headache during this period, most likely, is not associated with the onset of pregnancy.

9-10 days after ovulation, subjective sensations may already appear that can indicate pregnancy:

  • Loss of strength and fatigue.

This is due to a natural decrease in immunity so that the embryo can grow and develop. After all, whatever one may say, but it is a foreign object for your body, but in this way nature has provided for its consolidation and growth inside the mother.

  • Deterioration of general well-being.

Absolutely all expectant mothers encounter such a problem. The cause of increased fatigue is progesterone, the level of which increases sharply during this period. As a result, you may constantly want to sleep.

This sign usually accompanies pregnant women until the beginning of the second trimester. However, by the beginning of the third, increased fatigue may return again. In this case, the cause will be an increase in body weight and a growing belly, which often prevents expectant mothers from fully resting at night.

  • Change of mood.

One of the first early signs of pregnancy before a delay is mood swings, from tearfulness to excessive joy. Emotions follow each other with terrible speed and abruptly move from negative to positive. Mood swings will continue throughout pregnancy. This is normal, but close ones have a hard time.

  • Appetite changes.

You may be disgusted by food, or, conversely, suffer from brutal hunger and eat non-stop.

  • Taste changes.

Already in the first weeks after the conception has occurred, you can notice that you are sick of some products, and drawn to the second. You can start eating non-standard food combinations: herring with oranges is something that is very characteristic of the moody state of pregnancy.

  • Change in libido. Usually more and more you want intimacy.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Dizziness and fainting.

Most often occur from pressure drops or poor nutrition. During pregnancy, nutrition becomes more important than ever. Your well-being and the health of the unborn baby will depend on nutrition.

  • Increasing the sensitivity of the breast. Some women note that they cannot even touch the mammary glands.
  • Chills or feeling hot which are constantly changing. In this case, the body temperature does not change;
  • Toxicosis.

Usually expectant mothers are very frightened of possible early bouts of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. In most cases, pregnant women begin to "disturb" by about 4-5 weeks of conception. But sometimes these terms are shifted and early toxicosis occurs already in the first month. In addition to nausea, headaches, pressure surges, apathy, weakness, unwillingness to take any food can be added.

  • Heartburn.

This symptom refers to those that may occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and accompany the expectant mother until the birth itself. In the early stages, this is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

  • Sensitivity to odors. At this time, you may feel disgust for your favorite perfume, and for example, the smell of gasoline or paint will seem quite attractive to you.

Having noticed at least some of the listed signs in yourself, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a test, since even the most expensive and sensitive of them are not able to determine pregnancy earlier than 3 weeks have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle.

External changes

If nausea, headache or changes in appetite are purely individual, then almost all pregnant women pay attention to changes in their appearance immediately after conception. In this case, it is possible:

  1. Swelling of the hands, feet or face.
  2. The appearance of acne. This change in appearance is associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Acne can occur even in those who have never encountered it before.
  3. Redness of the face, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the body.
  4. Breast augmentation.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages include an increase (swelling) of the breast and a change in the shade of the nipples to a darker one.

Sometimes, even before the date of menstruation, a woman may notice that her bra has become too small for her. At the same time, even a slight touch on the chest can cause discomfort and even soreness.

  1. Implantation bleeding.

Physiological changes

  • Elevated basal temperature. If you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time, you are probably familiar with the method of measuring basal temperature. Measuring it throughout the cycle, you can see that in the middle it rises to a value of 37 degrees, and then decreases after some time. If this decrease is not observed, then fertilization has probably occurred.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay

Lack of menstruation - this symptom is the most reliable sign of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as menstruation does not begin on a certain day, you immediately begin to suspect your new condition.

Although there are a number of reasons that can cause a delay: a change in weather or climatic conditions, stress or overexertion.

All these factors can "push back" the period for a period of 1 to 5 days. If the delay lasts longer, and there are no obvious signs of infection, most likely you can be congratulated on a successful conception.

What other changes in your physiological state should suggest a possible pregnancy?

External changes

  1. Constipation. These may be the first signs of pregnancy after a delay. Intestinal peristalsis slows down due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes all smooth muscles. This is necessary so that the uterus does not contract and does not reject the entrenched embryo. To manage constipation, include more vegetables in your diet and drink more water (read the article: Constipation during pregnancy >>>).
  2. Bloating. Unfortunately, such symptoms can disturb mommy throughout pregnancy. Read more about bloating during pregnancy >>>
  3. Tingling in the lower abdomen is an early sign that can indicate 2 conditions:
  • early start of critical days;
  • pregnancy and uterine growth.

Physiological changes

  1. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic region;
  2. Decreased blood pressure. That is why some may experience weakness, dizziness or even pass out;
  3. Decreased immunity. Most women claim that before they found out about their situation, they picked up a runny nose or a viral infection;
  4. Increased salivation. Often it is accompanied by nausea;
  5. Frequent urination. This symptom is typical for all pregnant women. The cause of frequent urination lies in the increase in the volume of circulating blood. Over time, the problem worsens even more, because the uterus, which is constantly increasing in size, will also join the main cause. She begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate (see article Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>).

But, if in addition to this, there are other pregnancy symptoms observed before the delay, then, with a high degree of probability, you will soon become a mother.

However, The most important and reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in the cycle.

Once this has happened, you can take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG (read the article

Many girls, for a sufficiently long period of time, may not even be aware of the conception that has occurred, since they do not know the basic signs of pregnancy, which can appear from the first days.

To reliably determine the presence of pregnancy - you can go to the doctor. However, the first signs of pregnancy can give a signal to the expectant mother about the onset of pregnancy even before the test or going to the gynecologist.

What sensations and signs indicate the onset of pregnancy?

- most important sign of pregnancy- delayed menstruation. But this applies only to those women who have a regular menstrual cycle;

Obvious breast enlargement, the presence of pain in it. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the mammary gland. Already from the first days of conception, the breasts of the expectant mother are preparing for the feeding process;

Urge to urinate frequently due to the expansion of the uterus and its pressure on the bladder;

Change in taste preferences. The reason is the same hormonal changes, as well as a lack of certain substances in the body. Often pregnant women want salty or some inedible things, such as chalk.

Fatigue, fatigue, morning sickness. These signs of pregnancy occur as a result of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman, as well as due to an accelerated metabolism. There is drowsiness, memory impairment, decreased concentration.

When to expect the first signs of pregnancy?

Each expectant mother can feel the signs of pregnancy in her own way. Some will feel something in a few days, others will not suspect conception until the moment of the express test or going to the doctor.

How are exact signs of pregnancy?

Due to fetal palpation by a gynecologist, as a result of which its location in the uterine cavity is revealed;

Listening to the baby's heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope;

Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics. This method reliably confirms the presence of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, most women can feel significant changes in their body: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, severe drowsiness, intolerance to certain odors, etc. In this case, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist or do a pregnancy test yourself.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant after ovulation?

The possibility of getting pregnant after ovulation is reduced to almost zero. There is a chance to get pregnant after ovulation only in a very short period of time, since the vital activity of a mature egg lasts no more than a day.

Signs of color pregnancy, is it worth sounding the alarm?

In some cases, pregnancy may accompany the presence of menstruation for several months. Then they can gradually stop, after which the woman learns about her situation. In such a situation, in the presence of menstruation and possible other disturbing sensations, you should definitely consult a doctor, as there is a possibility of miscarriage or termination of pregnancy.

Unusual signs of pregnancy, what is it?

If with standard signs of pregnancy more or less everything is clear, few people know about rare, non-standard symptoms. They are as follows:

The appearance of veins in the chest in the form of a spider;

Nasal congestion with subsequent bleeding, as well as hypersensitivity to certain odors;

Accumulation of gases in the digestive tract;

Profuse salivation;

The presence of pain and cramps in the muscles of the legs;

The appearance of age spots on the face and body.

Are there signs of a multiple pregnancy?

Multiple pregnancy- a rare case, but occurring. You can try to recognize it by certain signs that begin to appear at a later date:

As a result of the test for the presence of pregnancy - the presence of a greasy and bright strip on it. The reason for this may be an increase in the blood level of the hormone HsG.

Excessive increase in the circumference of the abdomen and a strong expansion of the uterus. An observant gynecologist constantly monitors these indicators and, with their obvious manifestation, may suggest a multiple pregnancy;

The presence of very strong toxicosis. This indicator does not exclude singleton pregnancy, but with multiple pregnancy it is much more difficult;

A significant deviation of the results of the AFR test from the norm, the indicators are abnormally high;

In a doplometric study, the sensor detects two or more pulses;

The presence in the family of future parents of twins. This factor gives great chances for the birth of several babies at once.

Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?

There are many opinions refuting the fact of conceiving a child during lactation. The chance of getting pregnant in the first months after childbirth is insignificant, but some mothers with great surprise notice signs of pregnancy during the feeding period and subsequently the presence of conception is confirmed by a doctor.

Signs of pregnancy during lactation:

Decrease in the amount of breast milk due to the redirection of the main resources of the body to support the pregnancy that has arisen;

Discomfort in the chest area, its swelling;

Possible refusal of the baby from the breast, which occurs due to a change in the taste of milk.

Signs of possible deviations during pregnancy.

Candidiasis accompanying pregnancy. Thrush occurs as a result of the reproduction of Candida fungi on the vaginal mucosa. Allocations of a curdled nature with a specific smell, burning, unpleasant itching bring a lot of uncomfortable sensations. Since pregnant women should not use most modern drugs against thrush, you should definitely seek the help of a doctor.

Increased uterine tone may accompany the course of pregnancy. A woman feels uterine contractions, tension in her muscles, which can often be reinforced by pain and discharge. There are many reasons: stress, the presence of toxicosis, sexual intercourse, hormonal disorders, excessive physical exertion, infectious diseases, the use of certain foods. If at least one symptom of uterine hypertonicity is detected, it is necessary to contact a medical institution with possible subsequent hospitalization.

The common cold is the most common disease among pregnant women. The reason for this may be viruses or hypothermia. During pregnancy, the immunity of even the healthiest woman drops dramatically. As a result, the body becomes more vulnerable to external factors that can cause various diseases. Cold signals are: fever, profuse sweating, chills, general weakness, cough. A cold can leave an indelible mark on the health of an unborn child. Therefore, you need to take this problem with all responsibility and consult a doctor;

Late toxicosis during pregnancy - preeclampsia. With preeclampsia, all functions of vital forms and systems of the body are subject to deep disorder. There is a spasm of blood vessels, the work of the heart is weakened, the supply of tissues with blood decreases. Possible swelling, damage to the kidneys, nervous system, the appearance of convulsions. This disease must be treated immediately to avoid undesirable severe consequences.

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a disorder that can occur as a result of some disease, malnutrition, or in connection with the use of large amounts of water or other liquids. A doctor will help you deal with this problem - self-medication should be excluded;

Constipation during pregnancy is a common problem faced by women. This unpleasant phenomenon can be caused due to malnutrition, insufficient fluid intake, hormonal changes, as well as uterine pressure on the intestinal wall;

Heartburn during pregnancy, resulting from the throwing of gastric contents into the esophagus in the process of pressure of the uterus on the walls of the stomach. In case of heartburn, self-treatment with soda should be excluded and seek qualified help.

As we see, signs of pregnancy there are many, with their help you can determine the onset of conception and its possible deviations. But in order to determine the presence of pregnancy for sure, it would be best to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Change in breast size. Under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, breast size will change in just a few days after conception. You will feel tingling, soreness and heaviness in your chest. You may notice darkening of the nipples and areolas.

Spasms. You can feel them as the uterus grows and stretches. This is normal: stretching muscles respond by contracting. (Tip: Try to bend over and touch your toes. This is about what you feel in the ligaments and muscles of your legs, you feel in the muscles of the uterus and the ligaments that support it.) However, if the pain is very severe or you are worried about constant bleeding and spasms, immediately go to the doctor!

Fatigue. During the first trimester, you will feel very tired. Which is not surprising: your body is busy building the basic systems and organs of the baby. Rest easy, by the end of the first 13 weeks, fatigue will pass.

Morning sickness and odor sensitivity. Toxicosis of pregnancy usually begins on the 5th week, although it may occur earlier.

Frequent urination. The culprits for this inconvenience are the hormone progesterone and the pressure of the ever-increasing uterus on the bladder. The muscles of the bladder are stressed, even if there is little urine in it.

Absence of menstruation or minor bleeding. Weak and short bleeding can occur when a fertilized egg implants in the wall of the uterus.

Hair and nail growth. They may start to grow "like crazy". It's all hormones! It's okay - pluck and wax. No one wants to look like Bigfoot during pregnancy.

Only for dad. All these signs of pregnancy - changes in the mood of the expectant mother, changes in the body and increasing fatigue - are a signal that dad needs to be patient. Be ready for anything.

  • We present how excited you are about the increase in the bust of your beloved. But just try to touch it! Pain in the chest is a standard manifestation of pregnancy. For some expectant mothers, even sleeping on their stomachs is painful.
  • Your partner may be exhausted, especially if you are used to having sex often. “Assembling” a baby is not an easy task, and hormone surges can drive her crazy. Hold your horses! Watch while sports programs or action movies.
  • If your loved one gets sick, calm her down, walk her to the toilet, hold her hair back, and never, ever show her your displeased grimace. This creature, bent over the toilet, is the future mother of your child!

A modern woman, most likely, will not notice the onset of conception immediately after sexual intercourse, although, subject to a developed sense of body and sense of soul, as well as good intuition, this is quite possible. This omission of knowledge of the state of one's own body is due, in part, to the fact that over the centuries pregnancy has been so devalued that it was kept secret for as long as possible. Is it any wonder that over time this repression manifested itself in the way a woman feels her own body.

The most characteristic signs of pregnancy in terms of significance can be divided into 3 groups: presumptive, probable and reliable.

Presumptive (doubtful) signs include mainly subjective sensations - sensitivity to odors, changes in appetite, nausea and vomiting in the morning. And from the neuropsychic sphere - nervousness, irritability, tearfulness, drowsiness. From the urinary system - frequent urination.

When examining the mammary glands, their tension and sensitivity of the nipples are determined. When pressed, colostrum is released from the nipples. During a gynecological examination, the cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix is ​​determined. The study of the uterus determines the softening of the isthmus and some asymmetry of the uterus.

Reliable are signs that reveal the presence of an embryo or fetus in the uterus. This includes pregnancy tests that cannot be false positive, cannot show pregnancy if not present. This also includes a laboratory blood test for the chorionic hormone or its beta subunit. The most reliable of the signs is the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus, on ultrasound, starting from one week of delayed menstruation. In the second half of pregnancy - determining the height of the uterine fundus, during obstetric examination - determining the position and presentation of the fetus, its small parts, listening to the fetal heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope from 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. On ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is determined from 4-5 weeks.

Often the first sign of pregnancy is no menstrual bleeding. In this case, a hormonal test will help to understand whether the woman made the right assumptions. At the same time, even the onset of bleeding does not give reason to assert with certainty that pregnancy has not occurred. It happens that even during pregnancy, bleeding can begin on time, however, it will be much less abundant than usual.

The effect of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) revealed by modern tests shortly after fertilization is also not surprising, and many women soon experience changes in the sphere of sensory sensations, for example, increased sex drive. From a biological point of view, this makes sense, since now a woman needs to “attach” a man to herself especially securely. However, interest in sexual relations may decrease as soon as a woman learns of her pregnancy, for example, if it came against her desire, or if the woman still has not been able to process her thoughts and feelings regarding a previous miscarriage.

Extremely frequent are mood swings. The woman, for no reason at all, has a desire to cry. This tearfulness corresponds to the water-salt aspect at the level of the body and the archetype of the Moon at the level of the system of first principles.

Another early sign of pregnancy is swelling and tension of the mammary glands, which, in particular, is due to an increase in the amount of water retained in the body. The body may begin to take unusual rounded shapes, which is also associated with weight gain. The organism tries to become round and healthy in order to grow up to the state in which it can best perform the important task assigned to it. This phenomenon can also be observed at such a level of manifestation as an undoubted improvement in the quality of the skin. It happens that the first hint of new life circumstances is a ring, which suddenly becomes difficult to remove from the finger. In the morning, there may be a feeling of swelling, which is explained by the accumulation of more water at night. As the pregnant woman moves more and more into the sphere of influence of the Moon principle every day, the night becomes more and more important in her life, in addition, the element of the soul comes to the fore. Where he does not get enough space in a figurative sense, the body comes to the rescue, as evidenced by the tendency of the body to retain water in large quantities.

At the level of the soul, the swelling of the mammary glands corresponds to an intense “growth” into the sphere of the feminine archetype, which finds its expression through the principles of the Moon and Venus. The desire to feed and the desire to please a partner (and thereby bind him even more tightly to oneself), due to the influence of the Moon and Venus, respectively, can manifest themselves at various levels of life.

Increased and unusual fatigue may occur, but not necessarily. However, if the body needs a lot of energy to rebuild, a woman will notice it this way. It would be ideal if it could adequately meet the increased need for sleep, because in this way it would help the body in the best way to gain the energy it needs to re-adjust all body systems. In addition, when the mother is resting, the child gets the opportunity to develop in the most optimal way. Subsequently, by the way, it also grows much better at rest than in the active phase.

Often associated with restructuring and occurring most often in the morning nausea is a reaction to the increased production of hormones; at a time when the feminine pole of life has so little respect, it can be considered a normal phenomenon. However, nausea will bother a pregnant woman only until the restructuring of the body is completed. The adjustment phase can take a long time (for advice on homeopathic remedies and other measures, see Nausea and Vomiting, Symptoms During Pregnancy).

Nausea during pregnancy occurs in much the same way as dizziness and motion sickness. There is a collision of two different internal information structures. The balance organ signals to the “central control room” that the body is on a rocking ship, while the eyes look below deck and see that everything is calm. Something doesn't add up. The brain realizes that it is being deceived, and as a result, the head begins to spin, after which nausea and vomiting appear. In order for the state to normalize, it is necessary to get rid of one of these information structures that contradict each other.

Roughly the same thing happens in the body of a pregnant woman experiencing nausea. This feeling manifests an archaic feminine principle, a typical basal need for motherhood. A woman is likened to a female animal. If earlier this woman put herself on the same level with a man, emphasized isolation and thereby increasingly moved away from the primal ocean of the collective unconscious, now she suddenly finds herself under the crossfire of two archetypes. She has conflicting impulses, she tries to get out of the influence of one of the poles: she feels sick and vomits. This symptom takes root the more intensely, the stronger the opposite poles in the psyche or the individual, courageous pole are expressed.

So, nausea indicates that a woman wants to get rid of something. Most often, she resists not the child and pregnancy, but that courageous part of herself, which at this stage should fade into the background. On the other hand, it’s hard to survive without this part in the modern world (think about what man today would like to see next to him an extremely soft, labile woman who lives exclusively by feelings, near whom he must spend much more time and whom he must constantly protect?) . Thus, pregnancy sets a task for a woman to plunge into the realm of the archetypal feminine, to be soft and emotional and at the same time remain fully armed so as not to endanger her child and herself, not to give up her own independence.

Increased mucous secretions, associated with an increase in the intensity of blood circulation, can sometimes also indicate the onset of pregnancy. All tissues of a woman gradually become more mucous, "juicy" and loose. A woman's psyche can also become more shaky, but at the same time strong, which gives her the opportunity to calm her man, who so often fears the pregnancy of her half.

Hormonal changes also affect the vaginal environment, making it more alkaline. The vagina becomes less acidic, which can lead to a tendency to discharge, which is usually not a problem. At the same time, the risk of vaginal infections is increasing. A pregnant woman should be especially careful and think more often about who and under what conditions she allows to be near her. If bathing in a public pool is a threat to her, and using a public toilet is a provocation, then she also needs to be very careful when making direct contacts. A light pale blue (liquid) shade of the skin in the area of ​​​​the entrance to the vagina is due to the natural activation of the venous circulation and should not cause any concern.

In rare cases, a sign of pregnancy can be pigmentation changes. Darkening of the halos around the nipples is completely normal. Later, these halos will indicate to the newborn his first goal and at the level of archetypes testify to the connection with the topic of feeding, which has already begun to gain momentum in the life of a pregnant woman, but, nevertheless, will truly come into its own only after 10 lunar months. Less common are cases when a dark stripe appears along the midline of the body, running from the hypogastric region to the upper abdomen. She, as it were, demonstrates to the woman where her center is and where she should direct her main attention over the following months; in addition, such a band indicates the need to share, to give.

Sometimes dark pigmentation can appear around the lips (note that this phenomenon is often underestimated), giving the skin an untidy look. This can be interpreted as a hint that a woman should pay special attention to moving to more "clean" forms of interaction and communication.

May occur bleeding gums. She indicates that a pregnant woman is in danger of losing vital energy along with blood. The gums symbolize basal trust, the importance of which in the first weeks of pregnancy is greater than ever. Through bleeding, the theme of primordial trust manifests itself, in the development of which the exercises and meditation techniques mentioned above can help.

The need for iron for hematopoiesis of the fetus is met by iron stores in the mother's body. From a spiritual point of view, we proceed from the fact that an increased need for iron is characteristic of a child because he is preparing to enter the world of opposites. Let's just say he needs to adjust to life between the north and south poles. And iron is the element that "feels" best in the Earth's magnetic field.

The increase in carious lesions of the teeth indicates that a pregnant woman should take more active care of her "weapon in her mouth" - her teeth, and first of all more courageously and even aggressively strengthen her position. It is also necessary to get enough nutrients, because in emergency situations, the reserves of the mother's body will be sacrificed for the formation of the child's body, which can take the form of real "poaching". The folk wisdom that every pregnancy is worth one tooth illustrates this relationship. Today, however, a healthy and nutritious diet can make this sacrifice superfluous.

Problems with the stomach and intestines can also occur at the stage of body restructuring; they suggest to the pregnant woman that the new situation is not as easy to "digest" as her intellect imagines. Bloating may indicate aggression that needs to be released and which, until now, has not been able to find a way out. If a woman begins to emit an unpleasant odor and thus causes not the most blissful sensations in a partner, this can be regarded as a hint to both of them that something remains unsaid in their relationship - something that previously did not get a chance to express itself. In addition, the obvious lack of integration mental strength of partners becomes obvious.

The solution may be to release yourself from the pressure of excess pressure in a timely and appropriate manner, find your source of courage and willingness to interact directly, and learn to speak your mind openly. It is about learning to eat and digest this world, an exercise that in Hinduism and Buddhism is called “bhoga”.

Stretch marks pregnant(striae) in general are quite rare today. Thanks to comprehensive body care and the current trend to maintain a relatively low weight during pregnancy, fewer and fewer women suffer from this kind of stretch marks.

Relaxation of the uterine muscles in former times it was an important sign of pregnancy. The muscles become softer so that they can stretch better later. The increase is preceded by relaxation caused by the deposition of water and the growth of muscle cells. The masculine aspect of the musculature recedes, allowing the feminine aspect to expand and increase acceptance.

If only she didn't come!

The most obvious sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation - this is the case if menstruation used to come regularly.

Some women continue to menstruate in the first three months of pregnancy, but the amount of blood released and the duration of bleeding is reduced compared to normal periods. So if this happens to you, consult your doctor.

Most women also experience other pregnancy symptoms about a week after their first missed period or five weeks after their LMP:

  • swelling and soreness of the mammary glands;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of exhaustion and fatigue;
  • severe dizziness;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • change in taste, strong addiction and aversion to certain foods;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • increased emotional vulnerability. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and other hormones such as progesterone are responsible for suppressing menstruation and these changes. Hormones are produced in a woman's body in order to maintain the pregnancy and take care of the growing embryo. The urine pregnancy test relies on the presence of hCG in the blood and urine to confirm pregnancy.

Urine pregnancy test

Do not rely only on the delay of menstruation. A positive pregnancy test and examination by a doctor is required to confirm pregnancy. Ten days after a missed period, a urine pregnancy test can detect the presence of a person's serum β-gamma globulin in the urine. This analysis can be ordered by your doctor, or you can use the "do it yourself" tests sold in pharmacies, for example, PFegcolour (pregkala), TestPack (testpack), Gravindex (gravindex).

When testing on your own, carefully follow the attached instructions. To perform the test, the first urine in the morning must be collected in a clean, wide-mouthed container. A positive test result is almost always correct. A negative result may be due to the fact that the test is carried out too early or is more than three months late after the PM. With the help of some modern tests, pregnancy can be determined even before a missed period. But to confirm pregnancy usually does not require such complex tests.

As soon as you get a positive urine pregnancy test result, schedule a visit with your doctor.

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