Sketch of mehendi on hand flowers. How to learn how to draw mehendi on the arm and leg: photo ideas, sketches, meanings of beautiful mehendi patterns and video tutorials for painting arms and legs for beginners. Mehendi sun: meaning

Today, henna patterns are becoming more widespread and popular. A similar service is offered by most beauty salons, as well as private masters. Trying to keep up with the times, many girls strive to master the art of mehendi on their own.

Our article will tell about the ancient and modern traditions of decorating the body with henna painting, pasta preparation techniques, pattern care, and application technology.

Ancient traditions of the East

Few people know, but the birthplace of mehendi is Ancient Egypt, and not India at all. From North Africa, this art spread throughout the Middle East, and then throughout the world.

Initially, the Egyptians used a coloring paste to apply patterns to the skin of the deceased rulers. It was believed that this would help them please the gods in the afterlife.

Later, beauties drew attention to the paste with amazing coloring properties. Henna began to be used for makeup.

There were also practical applications. Since ancient times, the Bedouins dipped their feet in a solution of henna so that they would not sweat.

In Asian countries, the art of mehendi is very common. Since ancient times, residents of Muslim countries, as well as Africa and India, believed that henna patterns have a special magical meaning. Drawings there exist not only for beauty, but also to attract good luck and wealth. In addition, it was believed that the patterns protect from evil spirits.

In India, henna patterns are painted on the hands of the bride on the eve of the wedding. This is done by respectable married ladies who initiate the newlywed during the process into the secrets of married life. The ceremony can last several hours, or even days. In India, it is believed that the more drawings there are on the body of a young woman, the more secrets she will learn.

After the wedding, the bride does not have to do any household chores. This "vacation" will last until the patterns finally come off. There are similar rituals in some Muslim countries.

For Eastern women, mehendi is a kind of symbol of femininity, attractiveness, and beauty. Asian beauties use mehendi not only for aesthetics, but also as a means of preserving youth. This is not just an ancient tradition - henna is really healing and good for health.

How to choose henna?

The main component of mehendi paste is henna. Its quality determines the beauty and durability of the image. Henna for mehendi is of two types:

  • natural- a natural dye of plant origin, which is made from the leaves of the cinchona tree. Its color is brown. Many modern stores have henna powder or ready-made mehendi paste. The second option is great for both beginners and professionals. When buying, pay attention to the date - after three months from the date of manufacture, the paste is unsuitable for work. The nose of the cone must be cut off immediately before use. This is a ready-made solution for work - it is very convenient to apply henna patterns with a cone.
  • artificial henna are made using multi-colored synthetic additives. This allows you to significantly expand the palette. It is sold in jars and tubes. Mehendi made with this paste are very similar to colored tattoos. Pay attention to the composition - some components can cause allergies.

It is important to understand that the final color of the patterns also depends on the skin tone. Natural henna on very light skin may not look brown, but orange.


For someone who is going to get a henna tattoo, the pattern is very important. You can choose a sketch that matches ancient traditions or modern trends. During the centuries-old existence of this art, many styles have appeared. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Arabic style is distinguished by motifs reminiscent of oriental painting. They have a lot of floral and plant elements. There are no strict rules, you can improvise. But you should stick to the style and try to make the image sophisticated and rich.
  • African style characterized by an abundance of geometric shapes, stripes, circles. If the pattern is applied to the legs or arms, its contours are limited to the lines of the palms and feet.
  • Indian style the most technically difficult. Images of plants, animals, and various figures predominate. Each element carries a semantic load. Mehendi patterns are large-scale, they take up a lot of space on the body. They resemble gloves, bracelets, stockings.
  • Asian style absorbed the traditions of the Arabs and Hindus. This style is characterized by coloring of the fingertips.

Modern interpretation

European traditions of henna painting are sometimes distinguished into a separate style. It is very common. Along with ancient motifs, a wide variety of subjects are depicted: angel wings on the shoulder blades, bracelets on the wrists and ankles, stars and lightning bolts, animals and birds.

Images drawn with white henna are very popular today. Brides sometimes decorate themselves like this, making such magnificent henna patterns on their hands.

The meaning of some symbols of mehendi (henna patterns)

Experts believe that absolutely any pattern applied to the body with henna carries a good, protective meaning.

The most popular and one of the oldest symbols is the Turkish cucumber (paisley). His image is most often associated with a seed or flame. Residents of different countries interpret this symbol in their own way, but its meaning is always associated with the wishes of wealth, fertility, health.

A pattern such as the Hamsa hand is very common. It has an ancient history and is considered a powerful amulet.

The circles of the mandala are symbols of the integrity of the world, security, selfhood. Such drawings attract those who strive for balance, who want to learn self-organization.

Lotus is a very popular sign in the East. It is associated with water, creativity, space. This flower is considered a powerful female amulet and attracts good luck.

The peacock is considered the messenger of the sun and the companion of the goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati. This bird is depicted on the body by creative bright people who are always open to new things.

The elephant is another traditional Indian symbol. He is associated with Ganesha - a kind and generous deity. The elephant symbolizes wisdom, strength, power, patronage of the Buddha.

But by and large, it is not at all necessary to look for a deep meaning in a sketch you like. Modern rules are not at all strict for applying images to the body. You can be guided by your own taste and aesthetics of the drawing.

Localization on the body

There are no strict rules governing where to depict mehendi. There are two common options.

Some girls, trying to make a surprise for their lover, decorate their hips, lower back, chest, stomach with patterns. These drawings are not intended for public viewing. They can be a spicy highlight of a romantic evening.

But if you plan to show off unusual jewelry in front of friends, you can apply a henna pattern on the wrist, back of the hands, ankle, back of the neck, shoulders.

As in ancient times, hand painting is very popular today.

Preparation for the procedure

Professional masters of henna painting recommend following certain rules. The more accurately you follow them, the longer the pattern will last.

Before making a henna tattoo, perform a peeling or scrub procedure. Cleanse the skin, treat it with a cosmetic product and rub it with a washcloth. It makes sense to wipe the skin area with a degreasing lotion. All vegetation must be removed. You don't need to moisturize your skin.

Drawing Care

Henna patterns on the body will last longer if proper care is provided. Limit mechanical impact (rubbing with clothing), do not expose the pattern to direct sunlight on the first day after application. To prolong the life of the pattern, wipe it with olive oil from time to time.

How to make a henna tattoo at home

The surest way to get a good result is to go to a master with a good reputation, positive reviews and an impressive portfolio.

But you can get a henna tattoo at home. There are several recipes that use the most common powdered henna for hair coloring.

  • 2 tbsp. l. Mix sugar with lemon juice. Add henna powder in portions until the mass becomes thick.
  • Brew a cup of coffee and pour in 3 drops of olive oil, 3 tsp. lemon juice. Stir. Add 5 tablespoons of henna powder to the finished solution.
  • Mix 100 ml of strong black tea with the juice of a small lemon, add a pinch of sugar. Dilute the henna powder with this liquid to a creamy state.

Before making a henna tattoo, soak the paste in a closed container for about a day. It is convenient to draw with a cone-shaped envelope glued from a dense film.

If you are inexperienced, use ready-made stencils for the first time. They are sold in the same place as henna paste. If you're making your own pasta, mix the ingredients in a disposable container that you don't mind throwing away. Limit sun exposure to a minimum the day before getting a tattoo.

Experts do not advise applying a pattern to the same place for several years in a row, this can be harmful to the skin.

Well, for those who are prone to allergies, do not forget about safety. The traditional reaction test, which involves applying a small amount of the agent to the crook of the elbow, is necessary.

Every girl, deep down, dreams of decorating her body with an interesting pattern, but for many, “eternal” tattoos are too serious a step. We suggest considering how to make temporary henna tattoos, provide interesting stencils for girls, tell you about the principle of application and how long the paint lasts, as well as the price of the powder.

Mehndi or henna is a very ancient art of decorating the body of women. It was used in ancient Egypt, India, Persia and even some Slavic peoples. This technique allows you to leave elegant and cute marks on the body, leg, arm, etc., but most importantly, not forever, because the paint is applied precisely to the surface of the skin, and not under it.

Most often, biotattooing with henna, basma, or drawings with a mixture of these substances can be seen on the arms (palms, wrists), legs (feet), bikini (erotic biotattoo), back and lower back. The most desperate representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also draw patterns on the neck, chest, decorate the shoulder or hips with inscriptions.

Safety and health

Most of all, people visiting beauty salons that provide tattoo services with basma and henna are afraid of a possible allergy. It must be said that basma and henna tattoos are the most harmless pictures that can only be applied to the body. They are completely composed of natural substances that are hypoallergenic. The risk is minimized. In addition, many argue that after dyeing the hair and body with henna, the regeneration process is accelerated, this technology even allows you to treat psoriasis, alopecia and other diseases.

The only thing that can alert you is that sometimes cosmetic oils are included in the mixture, it can be orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc. They are used to make the trace after henna darker and more contrasting. If you use low-quality oil, undiluted, or you overheat it, you can get burned. But in most cases, the reviews are encouraging.

This technology is used both for "tattooing" adults and for decorating children.

This paint is natural and useful for the dermis of any age, in addition, such drawings look really beautiful and stylish (especially if the ethnic style is supported by accessories and appropriate makeup).

Advantages and disadvantages:

  1. The skin becomes fresher and more toned, this remedy is sometimes added to nourishing masks and scrubs;
  2. Can be applied to any point of the body, they are completely harmless;
  3. It doesn’t hurt, it’s even pleasant, because the technique of applying henna can replace tactile massage, relax after a hard day, awaken sensuality in girls;
  4. The main disadvantage is that the pattern is washed off very quickly. They say that it lasts from 5 days to two weeks, this is not entirely true, if a person often bathes (for example, visits the pool or swims in the sea), then the tattoo will live no more than 2 days.
  5. The integrity of the skin is not violated, moreover, some diseases are treated;
  6. They don't leave a sticky residue behind like stickers.
  7. It’s easy to do it yourself, if you graduated from an art school, then drawing henna on the body will not be difficult.

Video: how to make temporary tattoos on the hands of henna

Making your own tattoo step by step

Let's take a closer look at how to make a henna tattoo at home, select a recipe and a sketch, and also consider drawing a picture. Important: if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to seek help from a person who knows how to draw, or practice on inconspicuous areas of the body, in any case, a trace of henna will “decorate” you for a while.

Photo - Pattern stencils for tattoos

To get started you need decide on the style of the drawing. There are several options:

We offer you our selection of photos, beautiful templates and ready-made Indian sketches, according to which henna tattoos are made at home. Remember, the meaning of the tattoo will be the way you thought of it for yourself.

To make henna for a tattoo we need:

  1. Henna powder (one spoon will decorate the hands of six people)
  2. A few tablespoons of very strong tea or coffee
  3. Two lemons or limes
  4. Strainer
  5. Wooden or steel alloy spoon
  6. Ceramic, glass or wooden mixing bowl.

Photo - Tattoo on the back

The general rule when mixing henna is that the more acid, the darker the mixture. If the paste does not give a dark enough stain, you just need to dilute more citrus juice into it, i.e. a black tattoo does not imply the addition of more basma or coffee (it will rather give an extra “brownishness”).

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Use the sieve to sift the henna powder into the bowl;
  • Strain the juice from one lemon or lime into a bowl of powder, stirring the mixture until a smooth paste is formed;
  • Add very hot strong tea or coffee to make the mixture a little softer than toothpaste, now cover the mixture with a cloth and leave overnight until it swells;
  • The shelf life of such a paste in the refrigerator is 2-5 days.
Photo - Multi-colored tattoo

Secrets of drawing henna

When the mixture is ready in the morning, you need to mix it thoroughly again and proceed to outline the outline and create a tool with which we will draw. You can use dense polyethylene, foil, real "home professionals" operate even simple packages. In general, anything that does not leak and can be made into a cone will do.

  1. Cut out a 5cm x 5cm square from the plastic bag. Place a tablespoon of henna paste in the center of the square. Henna should be the consistency of toothpaste;
  2. Fold one side over the other to make a cone shape;
  3. Roll the tip of the cone between your thumb and forefinger until the hole at the tip of the cone is the diameter of a sewing needle;
  4. Secure the sides of the cone with tape. When you squeeze the tape, paste will come out of the cone nose;
  5. Use the cone the same way you would with a cake decorator to make fine lines by gently squeezing the tip.

Photo - Henna drawing

Important! Before applying, you need to lubricate the dermis with oil, you should not forget about this, by the way, often a set of cosmetic oils contains wooden sticks for aromatization. Their wide ends are also a great coloring tool.

The average cost of a henna tattoo-inscription in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine is 2-3 dollars, but it is clear that it will be cheaper to make a drawing with your own hands.

You can order henna directly from India or use powder from domestic stores. You should beware of very cheap mixtures, they can be harmful to delicate skin. Also, many stores have ready-made compositions of all colors, just ask the seller for a catalog of tattoo inks, you can also buy other materials and tools there.

One of the distinguishing features of modern life is the erasure of boundaries between peoples and their cultures, the creation of a single interethnic space. In the context of the desire of people of different nationalities to unite, mehendi occupies a special place.

What is mehendi?

Mehendi (biotatu) is a special type of body decoration by applying individual drawings and intricate patterns to the skin using henna. This tradition has its roots in ancient times, when almost everyone tried to draw symbolic figures on the skin, striving for self-expression. The East is considered to be the birthplace of mehendi, where the art of mehendi was addressed in connection with various rituals. For example, in India, henna designs were traditionally used by brides during preparations for the wedding, and in Egypt they served as an obligatory decoration for dancers. Like many centuries ago, today the youth's passion for mehendi is associated with the desire to find the most effective way of communication and self-affirmation. The magic of underwear is that it allows a person to tell about his uniqueness in an original way and at the same time, it is understandable for others.

Varieties of styles

Biotatu can be done in different styles. Today, styles such as Arabic, Asian, African, Indian and Slavic are world famous. The Arab style is based on floral images of varying degrees of complexity, the interweaving of which creates a kind of encoded semantic picture. Asian mehendi, based on traditional Indian plots, glorifies the depth and sublimity of national values. The African style is distinguished by a clear structured mehendi theme, which finds a specific expression in each of its subspecies - Berber and Moroccan. The intricate patterns of African mehendi combine geometric shapes with the world of flowers.

Indian henna painting as the main symbolic signs uses a variety of drop-shaped patterns with religious elements, the smallest flowers, which are connected by lines in a complex pattern pattern. The Slavic style of mehendi attracts attention with its eclecticism, unusual for other styles: in it, folklore motifs typical of the Slavic peoples are closely intertwined with the eastern symbolism of henna drawings, rethought in accordance with Slavic traditions.

Benefits of Henna Painting

Compared to standard tattoos, mehendi has a number of advantages. Yes, they are:

  • are absolutely natural and harmless;
  • if necessary, easily removed;
  • allow you to change the pattern in accordance with fashion trends;
  • protect the skin from sunburn;
  • contribute to the cooling of the body in conditions of tropical heat;
  • bring good luck, fame, happiness in love;
  • attract unusual style solutions.

In addition, if you apply mehendi on your own, you involuntarily develop the makings of an artist in yourself, enter into a creative dialogue with your body and with the outside world.

The meaning of the drawings on different areas of the body

Before you apply the first henna tattoo on a particular part of the body, you should carefully study the semantic fullness of the drawings related to a particular style. Beginners are usually advised to use large-scale schemes filled with bright, crisp colors intertwined with a set of geometric shapes. The degree of complexity of mehendi patterns depends on the number of elements used in them, their heterogeneity, the variability of the connecting components of the pattern, the depth of the transmitted meaning. The most accessible places on the body for applying mehendi are the palm, forearm, wrist and hand. They are suitable for floral ornaments made in Indian style. Miniature drawings on a variety of floral themes can often be seen on the fingers.

Today, henna bio-tattoo on the neck is considered fashionable, which emphasizes the grace and sexuality of a woman. Among the most popular designs applied to the neck are inscriptions that have a certain personally colored meaning. Among lovers of mehendi in the neck area, a barcode has acquired a truly trendy status. The picture is a vertically arranged stripes, applied in accordance with a certain pattern, in which a certain meaning is encrypted. Mehendi in the form of a crown, depicted on a woman's neck, can symbolize her high position in society, career achievements, leadership qualities, lust for power and strong character. The image of a swallow on the neck is chosen by those girls who strive for a brighter future, appreciate devotion, believe in beauty and good luck. Trendy now is the tattoo of the zodiac sign located in the neck area. He is credited with magical properties - the protection of his owner throughout his life path. Images of henna on the neck of a woman of one of the representatives of the feline class - a tiger, a panther, a jaguar or a cat - are designed to warn others about her hidden deceit, prudence and rigidity.

Many women believe that the most beautiful mehendi is a variety of images of an elegant fluttering butterfly. Such a pattern can decorate both the chest, and the wrist, and the ankle. The choice of a certain place for it on a woman's body depends much more on the degree of her emancipation than on any individual interpretations of the symbolic associations associated with a butterfly. Original henna drawings are often done on the legs. The most popular pattern today is the image of a dragon, which wraps around the leg or occupies a small part of it. This mehendi is endowed with different meanings, in particular, the ability to protect the owner, protect him from the vicissitudes of fate, or endow him with supernatural power.

A pattern of poppies, lilies and roses is also often placed on the legs. Each flower has its own symbolic meaning. So, a rose with thorns is a symbol of martyrdom and sacrifice. Women who do not hide their inherent eroticism are fond of drawings in the form of bows and bandages on their legs, therefore such mehendi are more connected with the worlds of feelings, and not with religion and philosophy.

Types and symbolism of patterns

Depending on the ornaments applied by henna to the body, mehendi can be divided into several types:

  1. floristic;
  2. animalistic;
  3. graphic;
  4. combined.

Each type of pattern has its own symbolic function. If, for example, you see your task as broadcasting to the outside world that you live in joy, and your heart sings with happiness, then mehendi from a flowering plant and fruits will suit you. A special reverence for fans of Indian-style henna drawings is the image of a peacock, which, according to mythology, personifies the infinity of space and life. Usually it is made the center of an intricate ornament that gives the bird a mysterious significance. It should be noted that for mehendi the bird is a typical symbol, it acts as a sign of good news, good deed, personal freedom. Therefore, not only the peacock is used in the symbolism of the tattoo. It also contains images of other birds, such as swallows, parrots, pheasants, and owls.

Often, not a holistic image of a particular bird is used, but its part - only wings. Such a fragmentary picture carries a double semantic load. On the one hand, such a mehendi communicates the enduring value of purity, closeness to God. On the other hand, the pattern affirms the priority of freedom over various norms and restrictions. The combination of sketches of wings and a heart is always perceived as a symbol of an unrealistically happy fate, and the presence of a crack in such a mehendi indicates disappointment or severe suffering of its owner associated with the loss of people close to him. Often, the "Dreamcatcher" is depicted on the legs - a drawing symbolizing protection from unpleasant thoughts. It is believed that this pattern protects a person's sleep, clears his thoughts in a dream.

Necessary materials

Ready-made kits for mehendi are sold in the store. But if you like to experiment, try making your own pattern paste. The most necessary material for mehendi is, of course, henna. On sale there are different types of dye, referred to by the place of its production: Pakistani, Indian, Iranian henna and others. If you want to give the picture a darker shade, you should add basma to the paste. Next, you need thick paper. You need to cut a triangle, roll a cone out of it. It is with this “tool” that you will draw mehendi. Henna paste is placed inside the cone. A paper cone can be replaced with a syringe or a wooden spatula.

If you are a professional artist and know the technique of applying henna drawings to the body, use a brush instead of a cone. Its advantage is that the natural hair from which it is made penetrates better into the pores of the skin, and the pattern will look more spectacular and last longer. If you are a beginner, at first you will need stencils of the drawings you like. If you draw well, but have never applied henna patterns before, use a cosmetic pencil to pre-draw the pattern. You may need additional materials:

  • sugar;
  • water;
  • cotton pads;
  • food film (polyethylene).

If you want the drawing to dry faster, do not forget about the hair dryer.

Types and recipes of pasta

Depending on what kind of henna is used in the preparation process, pastes are divided into ready-made compositions and pastes with natural henna. Ready-made paste is more suitable for those who draw professionally and master the mehendi technique. In this case, the advantages of ready-made formulations are that they:

  • provide a quick manifestation of the pattern on the body - immediately after its application;
  • allow you to create a pattern that is equally bright on different parts of the skin;
  • save your time.

However, ready-made pastes are not without drawbacks, in particular:

  • after drawing, the drawing cannot be corrected;
  • patterns remain on the skin for no more than 7 days.

It is more convenient for beginners to work with natural pasta. It is easy to prepare it at home. The advantages of self-prepared composition is that:

  • the pattern will appear after a few hours, and the details of the pattern can be changed if you are not very happy with them;
  • the drawing will stay on the body for more than 20 days;
  • homemade pastas are cheaper.

The only drawback of natural henna paste is that the pattern will be uneven in intensity on smooth and keratinized areas of the skin. In the latter case (on the palms and feet), the color will be brighter. In order for the pattern to be applied easily and last longer, the quality of the source materials must be high. Henna for hair coloring, which is sold in stores, is not always suitable for mehendi. The fact is that the powder must be very fine. You can get out of the situation in one simple way - grind henna in a coffee grinder so that it looks like fine dust.

There are several recipes for making pasta at home, the shelf life of which varies depending on the incoming components.

  • Tea Based Recipe

This composition can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 days. It includes:

  1. half a cup of strong freshly brewed tea;
  2. juice of half a lemon;
  3. 6 tsp Sahara;
  4. 8 tsp henna.

In a ceramic bowl, mix tea leaves and lemon juice. Add sugar, henna, mix well until smooth. After 20 minutes, the pasta is ready.

  • Coffee Based Recipe

To prepare this pasta you need to take:

  1. instant coffee (5 tsp);
  2. warm water (1 tbsp.);
  3. 2 regular packs of henna;
  4. eucalyptus oil (5 drops);
  5. clove oil (5 drops).

We put the coffee dissolved in water on the fire and evaporate by a third. Add henna, oils. The paste should be infused for 2-3 hours and used immediately after this time has elapsed.

  • Recipe based on chifir

In half a glass of chifir (strong thick tea) add:

  1. 2 regular packs of henna;
  2. juice of half a lemon;
  3. any vegetable oil (2 drops).

The mixture must be thoroughly mixed without leaving lumps. The paste is infused for 5 hours. This amount of paste should be enough for 2-3 drawings.

How to prepare the skin?

Before applying mehendi, the skin must be prepared: wash with warm water and soap, clean with a scrub. This procedure will help remove dead cells of the epidermis, and the pattern will hold better. Oil should not be applied to the skin, as it clogs the pores and prevents the henna from penetrating the skin. The oil is used exclusively after washing off the henna.

Immediately before painting, the skin should be steamed - take a hot shower, hold your hand or foot in hot water. Drink hot tea while applying the mehendi to keep your skin warm. Although henna does not irritate the skin, apply a small amount of paste to the crook of your elbow and leave it on for 3-4 minutes. If, after washing off the paste, redness does not appear, you can safely proceed to painting.

Painting technique at home

After you have chosen a pattern and prepared the skin, evaluate your strengths. For professionals, only the surface of the skin will be a limitation. For beginners, patterning can be tricky. If you are making mehendi for the first time, use stencils. You can buy them or cut them yourself from your favorite drawing or photo. The pattern is applied to any part of the body, but for the first time it makes sense to decorate the left palm.

Henna painting on the body has become very popular in modern society. This is especially noticeable among women. Mehendi patterns are traditionally very beautiful, intricate weaves. However, representatives of modern society perceive this art as an analogue of a tattoo, so they choose figures of animals, plants and others for drawing. Those who wish can make such beauty in the salon or at home.

What is mehendi

Indian henna drawings on the body are called mehendi. The history of fashionable art today has its roots far back in antiquity. Many people think that mehendi was taken from India, but there is a theory that henna pictures on the skin were made in ancient Egypt. In this country, the images on the body played the role of talismans capable of accompanying people to the world of the dead. They made drawings on the hands and feet. Henna was obtained from the leaves of the cinchona tree, which grows in Egypt and other countries located in northern Africa, India and the Middle East.

In India, mehendi is an invariable attribute of all holidays. An interesting custom is associated with the wedding. On the eve of the most significant day, a party is organized at which all the women who will participate in the celebration gather. At this bachelorette party, henna patterns are drawn not only for the bride, but for all those present. During this long process, women have time to tell the future wife about how she should behave on her wedding night. It is believed that a girl may not do housework until the henna is washed off.

How to draw a henna tattoo at home

Modernity has turned mehendi into a kind of body art, but it is still used on holidays (Valentine's Day, bachelorette parties and parties). Patterns of intricate mehendi can be drawn at home, especially since you can now buy suitable henna in stores, and the Internet will easily give you the mechanism for using and drawing it.

How to make henna and cone

To make pata you will need:

  • henna - 2 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • tea leaves from black or red tea;
  • tea tree oil - 8-10 drops.

Step by step preparation:

  1. First you need to prepare tea leaves. Pour boiling water over the leaves so that the water is 1 cm higher, leave to brew. It is necessary to insist tea from 1 hour to 1 day. The longer this process lasts, the more paint will give the drink.
  2. To make the drawing bright, you need to use special henna for drawing, you can buy it in oriental goods stores. Among the assortment, there may be white henna, black henna or gold. Take the powder and sift through cheesecloth - this will ensure smooth application.
  3. Add sugar to the prepared henna and mix, then pour in the tea leaves. It needs so much that the paste acquires the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Add the essential oil, mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  5. Henna paste should be infused for about a day.
  6. Prepare a cone with which you will draw. To do this, take flower wrapping paper, cut a triangle out of it and fold the cone so that there is no hole.
  7. When the pasta is ready, place it inside the cone using a tablespoon. Wrap the vessel from the wide side, and the tip should become a small hole.

Rules for applying mehendi

Before you start drawing, you need to follow a few rules:

  • Avoid tanning beds and excessive sun exposure the day before your procedure.
  • If you have done painting before, make sure that you create a new one no more than 2 times a month, as the skin needs a break from paint.
  • The skin in the place where the drawing will be, does not need to be smeared with moisturizers. Prepare it as follows: wash with soap and wipe with an alcohol solution.
  • It is necessary to remove hair from the place of tattooing, because henna comes off the skin faster than from the scalp.

The technique of applying mehendi in stages:

  1. remove clothes at a distance sufficient to avoid staining them with paint;
  2. make a mixture for drawing mehendi, place it inside the cone;
  3. prepare the skin in accordance with the above rules;
  4. put all the tools necessary for creativity next to you;
  5. if you use a stencil for mehendi, securely attach it to the skin; if you will draw according to a model or template, put the paper in your field of vision;
  6. when something in the image does not work out, immediately remove the unnecessary with a cotton swab;
  7. different shades of mehendi will be obtained if you apply henna in thinner or thicker layers;
  8. how long henna dries: 6-8 hours;
  9. after drying, remove henna from the place of application using a wooden stick;
  10. smear mehendi with eucalyptus, almond or sesame essential oil;
  11. Avoid getting water on the composition for about 4 hours.

How to wash henna off skin

Those who want Indian tattoo patterns on their bodies are interested in knowing how long a henna tattoo lasts. There is no exact answer to this question. The paint will stick depending on where it is applied. Mehendi lasts the longest on the palms, henna is quickly washed off from the back. You can go with the pattern for up to 2 weeks if the paste is correctly applied and fixed. This period may seem long, and you will think about how to wash henna from your hands or other parts of your body. You simply won’t be able to remove the drawing, but you can erase it faster using a scrub, citric acid, cucumber, soap.

How to care for mehendi

Like any tattoo, mehendi must be properly cared for. There are several recommendations:

  • do not swim with a pattern in the sea or pool, chlorine and salt will speed up the descent of the image;
  • do not take a hot bath, do not lather the area with a picture;
  • before taking a shower, you can use the oil on the tattoo site;
  • do not epilate where the henna pattern is located until it comes off.

mehendi sketches

When choosing a suitable pattern for mehendi, you need to choose the symbols and their meanings. Once you've decided what meaning you want to convey, choose an image commensurate with its complexity and your skills. For beginners, the simplest schemes of large flowers (for girls) or geometric shapes (men's tattoos) are provided. It is not worth taking complex sketches at once, no matter how beautiful they are, be guided by an adequate assessment of your strengths.


Mehendi fruits and flowers mean joy and happiness. Flowering plants reveal the fragility of these sensations, symbolizing new life. Lotus - the generosity of the earth, the tree of life, the feminine.


Representatives of the animal world are widespread in the art of henna painting. This category of sketches gives a special place to the elephant. This drawing means power, intelligence and dignity, is a symbol of power.


Feathered as mehendi patterns are often chosen by women, as they carry suitable qualities. The meaning of an owl tattoo is mind and wisdom. The symbolism of the peacock mehendi means love, desire and passion. Mysteriousness, patience, cheerfulness and courage of the owner will emphasize the pen.

Photo mehendi

Those who doubt whether it is worth making an image on the body with henna can familiarize themselves with the photo options for everyday and wedding mehendi. Their bewitching beauty will not leave you indifferent.

On the hand

Mehendi is the ancient art of painting on the body. Its exact origin has not been clarified - some researchers believe that it comes from India, while others attribute it to the times of Ancient Egypt. Its inhabitants believed that the bizarre ornaments on the body would provide them with an unhindered path to another world, and the priests kept the recipe for preparing the mixture for drawing in strict confidence.

Today, every woman can make mehendi at home - for this you need a special dye, knowledge of the technique of applying it, as well as a little imagination and creativity.

Mehendi in the video - how it looks, how it is applied:

Technique and rules for applying mehendi

The advantage of this art is that, unlike a tattoo, mehendi does not last long on the skin, so it is great for those who do not want or cannot decorate their body with a permanent image.

Learning the technique of body painting using natural pigments (henna, basma, etc.) is quite easy, but it requires following some important rules, first of all, the correct preparation of the place for the drawing.

You can draw mehendi on the leg, arm, shoulder, stomach, etc., but first you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  • The day before you make mehendi, it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium or intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • You can paint in the same place no more than 2 times a month - despite the fact that henna and other dyes for mehendi are natural, experts believe that the skin sometimes needs to rest from the effects of pigments.
  • The place of the pattern is not recommended to be treated with any moisturizers. It must be washed with soap and then wiped with an alcohol-containing solution. If the skin is rough and uneven, the place should be treated with a scrub or at least carefully rubbed with a hard washcloth.

Hair that grows in the place where mehendi is supposed to be applied must be completely removed. The fact is that henna will quickly come off the skin, but will remain on the hair for a long time, so the former drawing will look like an ugly stain.

  • You can make a drawing with a cone (a bit like a confectionery syringe for cakes) or with sticks of different thicknesses. It is also quite easy to make a cone on your own - ordinary thick paper or even foil is suitable for this, which is twisted into a bag and well fixed with tape or adhesive tape. The pointed edge must be cut so that a hole of the smallest diameter is obtained or simply pierced with a thick needle.
Details about mehendi, application master class:

Mehendi mix recipe at home

The key to a successful and bright pattern is a properly prepared mehendi paste. The main component for her is the usual henna, which can be bought at any cosmetic store.

You can make a painting without henna - some girls make mehendi with basma or even ordinary pharmacy iodine.

In the first case, the “tattoo” will turn out to be almost black, and in the second, it will be less resistant, but more beneficial to health. Such a drawing can be done for those who suffer from thyroid disorders or in a place where there is some kind of skin damage (for example, a bruise or bruise) - this will help mask the defect and cure it faster.

The quality of henna powder is one of the most important rules for a successful drawing. In eastern countries, for which the art of mehendi is considered "native", painting is done with special henna, designed specifically for these purposes.

How to cook henna for mehendi - recipe in video:

In our area, such a dye is sometimes sold in specialized stores, but most often you have to draw with henna for dyeing hair. The powder must be very finely ground, so it must be sifted through a fine sieve or even crushed (for this, only old, unnecessary dishes should be used, since it will be almost impossible to wash henna from the surface).

You need to make a dye for painting in advance - about 24 hours in advance, since it will need to “ripen” well.

There is more than one recipe by which you can prepare a mixture for mehendi, but the following method is the most common.


  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. a spoon;
  • henna - about 20 g.

You can use the henna recipe for mehendi without lemon and add half a cup of strong tea leaves (the so-called chifir) instead.

In addition, the recipe sometimes includes a tincture of green walnut peel, red wine or strong brewed coffee - depending on these additives, the mehendi is black, reddish or dark brown.

  1. To make a drawing paste, mix lemon juice (or tea leaves) with sugar.
  2. Then gradually add henna powder, mixing well so that a thick, viscous mass without lumps is obtained.
  3. After that, it should be kept warm for a day and shifted into a cone.

How to make stencils for mehendi?

The easiest way to make a beautiful, clear body painting for those who are just mastering this art is to use a stencil. You can buy it or make it yourself from self-adhesive film or thin plastic.

It is very important that the stencil is well attached to the place where the mehendi is planned to be applied, otherwise the henna will flow under the edges and the pattern will turn out to be sloppy.

On the selected material, you need to redraw the selected drawing, then put it on a wooden board and cut out “extra” elements with a sharp paper knife, trying to make the lines even and sans-serif, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

Sketches for mehendi

There are several traditional styles of mehendi, from which it is very easy to choose the most suitable one.

  1. Arabic style.

    Arabic sketch for mehendi

    It is very popular in the Middle East, and mainly consists of plant motifs. As a rule, such drawings are made arbitrarily and do not have a clear application scheme.

  2. African style. Ethnic ornaments of the North African peoples are stylized geometric shapes and flowers.

  3. Indian style. Drawing Indian mehendi is the most difficult, as it usually covers a very large area (usually from the tips of the fingers to the very top) and looks like solid stockings and gloves.

    The main elements are religious motifs (for example, an elephant), signs of fertility (ear, Indian cucumber), drawings in the form of drops.

  4. Asian style. Such drawings are characterized by dots on the fingers and toes, and the sides of the limbs are completely shaded with dye.

  5. European style. The most diverse and innovative style of painting, which is a mix of oriental elements, as well as abstraction, hieroglyphs, etc.

Painting mehendi on the hand in stages for beginners

To make a mehendi drawing for beginners, you should find a master class with a video on the Internet. There you can clearly see how to prepare mehendi at home, how to apply the selected pattern to the skin, how to dry it and much more.

Before drawing images on the body, it is better to first practice on paper or glass - first draw straight lines, then curved ones, flowers, waves, etc. And only after that you can proceed directly to painting.

For the first time, it is best to draw mehendi on the left hand (for left-handers - on the right), exactly observing each stage of application.

Step by step mehendi technology

At first, the pattern will have a light orange color, after which it will darken and become dark brown.

Many are interested in the question: how long does the pattern last on the skin? It all depends on the place where it was applied: for example, it lasts the longest on the palms, and is washed off the back and stomach the fastest. On average, properly prepared and dried henna can retain its brightness for 10-14 days.

Applying mehendi at home - video:

Can mehendi be washed off?

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to immediately get rid of pictures from henna. The process can be accelerated with a scrub, intensive washing with soap, as well as the use of natural brightening agents - citric acid, cucumber, parsley root.

In extreme cases, you can take hydrogen peroxide, but there is a high probability of irritation or even skin burns.

How to take care of mehendi?

  • Heat makes the shade of the picture deeper and more saturated, so when drying it is better to keep it under the rays of the sun or an infrared lamp.

After the drawing has completely dried, excessive sweating should be avoided - do not go to the sauna and do not play sports too intensely.

  • You should not bathe in salt or chlorinated water (i.e., in the sea or in a pool), otherwise the pattern will come off too quickly.
  • You do not need to take a hot bath often (it is better to do with a warm shower) and do not lather the places with a printed pattern, but rinse them lightly with warm water.
  • Before water procedures, it is better to lubricate the mehendi with some vegetable oil, which will protect the pattern from fading. Vaseline, baby oil and other similar products should not be used for this.

It is better to apply the pattern to those places that will not be covered by clothing, since the friction of the fabric also contributes to its rapid erasure.

Mehendi is a very beautiful and fairly simple way to make your image original without the pain and discomfort that usually accompany ordinary tattoos.

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