Get rid of sadness. A conspiracy from love longing for a loved one

Everything is fine with your loved ones, you are loved, loneliness does not threaten you. You are valued and respected, so you won’t have to look for a job in the near future.
Go into even obvious things, remind yourself more often that everything is fine (it really is), and the result will appear.

Dealing with sadness
"Sadness-longing eats me" - is it about you? Get started. Arrange a stunning party, an outing into nature or a crazy photo session - everything that prevents you from turning into a measured existence.
Remember to remind yourself that there is no reason for you to be sad, because thought is material.

Chasing boredom
Dealing with boredom is easier than you think. The thing is that no matter what your life is, sooner or later you still get used to it. Work, relationships, hobbies, sports - many components, but day after day the same thing ...
Start making changes little by little: change your workout schedule, and on an unexpectedly free evening, go to a cafe. Watch a cute comedy instead of learning new words every night.
Bring a little variety into your life, and it will become bright and wonderful. Just the way you want it.


How to become happy again? Grief primarily affects the heart - the heart rhythm is disturbed. In difficult moments of life, there is a bitter taste throughout the body, and in order to get rid of this, a person wants sweets. But at this time, women mistakenly begin to consume a lot of sweets and cakes. However, you can replace this sweetness with another sweet taste.

Useful advice

Our psyche is designed in such a way that it needs longing just like joy and anger. But there are moments in life when we can’t be moping at all. And now I will describe several ways to get rid of the blues. Many people consider their depression to be depression and try to get rid of it with the help of antidepressants. Remember: depression is a diagnosis made by a doctor, and if the doctor sees fit, he will prescribe pills for you. If you have the usual blues, these seven ways will help get rid of it.

Almost every person is familiar with the state of melancholy, when everything falls out of hand, and tears well up in their eyes. Longing is accompanied by depression, low efficiency, apathy, sad thoughts. This state cannot be called pleasant, and it is quite difficult to get out of it. It is as if a person is being sucked into a funnel of melancholy, and day by day he becomes more and more oppressed. But psychologists have found a way to overcome melancholy.


Diversify your life. Most often visited by people leading a monotonous monotonous life. Work, household chores, sleep. And the next day it all happens again. Get into the habit of pampering yourself from time to time. little holiday. Cook your favorite food or go to a cafe, turn on pleasant music, make yourself a long-awaited gift. And if longing overcomes your loved one, arrange a surprise for him. An emotional jolt will instantly drive everything away.

Go in for sports. Often, longing causes chronic fatigue syndrome from mental labor over physical. In addition, sports help muscles, tighten the body and make it more attractive. Within a couple of weeks, your reflection in the mirror will make you smile with satisfaction, and there will be fewer reasons for it.

Diversify your diet and enrich it with vitamins and minerals. Experts concluded that depressive

The state of sadness gives a person not only emotional discomfort, but can also negatively affect health. Lack of appetite, lethargy Bad mood, susceptibility to stress - all these are symptoms of sadness, which in the future can transform into prolonged depression.

Forget about sadness once and for all mental suffering such a conspiracy will help you

Come out, bless, go, cross, From door to door, from gate to gate, Under clear sky, under the pure stars, Under the clear sun, under the moon, Under the whole of God's chariot.

straight to blue sea I will go, I will come closer, I will bow lower. You, blue sea, there is a stone in my heart - Peña, roots, yellow sands, Steep banks. Wash away sadness, melancholy, sadness from me, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Wash away all the disease and help, Lord. Accept, Lord, my prayer and bless. Glory to Thee, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is one of the most popular rites to heal the soul from longing, to forget about the feelings that weigh. You can read the plot for yourself or loved one. The ritual also helps with depression, stressful situations and emotional stress. The words of the conspiracy are recommended to be read in order to alleviate the condition after the funeral of a relative or moving a loved one far abroad.

The conspiracy is read for one week, it is important not to miss a single day so that the rite does not lose its strength. Best time- early morning. At the same time you need to pronounce such words

In the bottomless, blue ocean, on the distant sharp Buyan, in a flowering, colorful meadow, under a sprawling tree, the servant of God (Name) sits - he is sad, sad.

Seven elders go, uninvited guests, they say - stop sitting and spinning, let your misfortune find your home in a distant land, where there is no way, go away from your little head and your heart.

Let the misfortune-sadness of your age not know peace, wandering around the world - from the sea to the ocean, from east to west, so that no one accepts that sadness, does not give shelter. I speak the servant of God (Name) for joy and happiness forever and ever.

No one can take my word. Amen!

The prayer is repeated three times daily. A week later, a person feels much freer and happier.

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How to get rid of lovesickness, longing for the dead, or obsessive thoughts about the offender

Sometimes in life the situation is such that we experience unrequited love. The object of our love is not available, but longing for him gnaws from within.

And it also happens that, unfortunately, a person dear to us has left, died, but we continue to yearn ...

True, there are not so bright options.

Often we cannot forget the offender, the person who hurt us and caused damage. Hatred gnaws as well as longing.

But in reality, nothing can be changed, and nothing can be done.

I offer you a technique that you can do yourself, which helps in such situations.

The technique is based on visualization and helps to get rid of emotional dependence and attachments, whether longing or hatred.

Make sure in advance that no one disturbs you during its execution.

Straightaway advice those who have poor visualization: can be imagined according to the principle "as if", the main thing is to keep the corresponding state inside oneself.

First, decide what you want to work with. It only has to be one person, one situation. Now try to imagine this person as clearly as possible. And place him mentally in the space in front of you - imagine this person in any place, starting from the place directly in front of you and to the left. By no means to your right.

Describe it for yourself: what does it look like in your mind now? What posture - sitting, standing? The expression on his face, where he looks. What are you wearing, etc.

Have you heard in your life expressions about someone: "They connects ...", "They have a connection", "Do not mess" etc.? In the language, the word "connection" is very often used to describe the relationship between people. But only material things can bind: threads, ropes, chains, etc. And, nevertheless, you understand that you are also connected with this person by certain, and maybe difficult feelings, memories, experiences for you ...

Look, please, into the space between you and this person whom you imagined in front of you. And imagine that something really binds you, but visualize it with something material. For example, ropes, threads, beams, magnetic field… anything. But the main thing is what your imagination and the unconscious tells you. Trust your unconscious, even if it is a bizarre image for you. Let this image of connection appear between you.

Now note where this connection comes from your body and where it attaches to the imaginary body of a person. Thank your unconscious for the work!

Despite the fact that this connection between you causes you unpleasant experiences, nevertheless, there is something very important in it for you. Otherwise, it was not so strong, and you would have already released this person. Often difficult experiences can teach a person more than joyful ones. And bitter experience or an enemy can teach more than the most intelligent books. This is your experience.

What is valuable and important for you this connection? What did you understand in life thanks to her? Which new experience? What is a positive experience? (even if you have been harmed, you still have a positive experience now, how to be in such situations - what to do and what not to do). What have you learned? What do you appreciate now because of what you experienced with this person? Say it out loud in detail, looking at the imaginary image of this person, referring to him. Give thanks!

And now let's wish positive changes to this person and create a new image for him. If this is the deceased, then still create an image the way you would like to leave it for yourself - maybe that he was younger, healthier, etc. If you felt negative towards this person, then create it perfect image for himself - as he could be otherwise, not causing damage. Maybe you want to do better for your beloved distant person. Maybe you want the troubled person to realize their mistakes.

Place this image in the space in front of you to the left of the previous image. "Improve" the new ideal image until it suits you, and also so that it suits the "first" image that you created.

Mentally ask the "real" (i.e. the first image) whether he likes his ideal image? Ask these two "people" to get to know each other better, get used to each other, get used to each other. Watch how it happens in your imagination. Then ask them to wait a bit.

Now please create ideal self image. Place this image on the right in front of you. Start with a description of the appearance you want (but based on real requests, of course). What position are you in, how are you dressed? Facial expression. This is you, but more perfect, having reached the development of your abilities and capabilities, a certain ideal for you today.

Now external image fill internal content. What would you like to be? Character traits, abilities, abilities? And now remember that new experience, those new qualities that you acquired thanks to the connection with that person. Add these qualities too. Let this image become more alive, bright for you. And now let him, too, wait a little with us.

Now please return to the original image of that person and your connection with him. Remember what the connection looks like, how it is attached to your bodies. Find a place on this connection, about 2/3 from you. And in this place, open this connection, in any way conveniently imagined for you: just open, cut, cut, etc.

Now take a part of the connection that comes from a person and connect it with his ideal image at the same level at which it leaves the first image (for example, from the stomach of one to the same place in the stomach of another). And now let the "real" person through this connection enter the "ideal" one. They should turn into one image. We want him to be perfect.

When you get one image, mentally send it to that real person from the life with whom you are working on a relationship, wherever he is now. Let this image "fly away", go to it, as your wish for good. If this is the deceased, then say goodbye to him and send the image to the upper left corner, "to heaven." Wait until the image disappears completely. It should no longer be in your field of vision, even in your imagination.

Now look at your ideal image. Do you like it? Is there anything else you would like to add? Then do it. Now look at your remainder of the connection. And now take it and connect the end of your connection with the ideal image of yourself at the same level at which it comes from you. And as the connection between you connects and unfolds, it can transform into something else or change somehow. Become more pleasant to you. Let the unconscious again choose convenient and comfortable material for this connection.

Now milestone: start breathing deeply and with each breath imagine that you are breathing this connection into yourself, into the body. Those. in the place where it is formed, it goes inward with each breath, and at the same time the ideal image approaches you with this breath. And there will come a moment when you literally “breathe” the image into yourself completely, it will enter you. At the same time, close your eyes.

Imagine that this ideal image fills you from the inside, settles in, straightens out all over your body: hands to hands, legs to legs, etc. It saturates every cell, seeps into the whole body. And at a deep unconscious level, you will also learn easily and simply how to really be like that ... And let this integration, which has begun now, continue until the process is completed.

And when you feel completion and fullness, thank your unconscious for the work done, for the help. Open your eyes.

Now remember again that person from your real life. Notice how you feel about him now.

Very often, love becomes that feeling that can only bring suffering. The reasons may be different, but the result is the same - unbearable heartache from love anguish. And if in those cases that may have hope for the restoration of relations, you can enlist the help of Heavenly helpers, then in hopeless cases there is only one way out - to pray to the Almighty to cool unrequited love and help you forget your loved one.

Hopeless love for everything is also a very dangerous feeling, it takes away confidence, inspires despondency, can lead to insanity and attempts to harm oneself physically. A person stops thinking about God and about himself, sinks to the bottom, where demons can captivate his soul. A desperate person can be a victim of the devil's instigations and commit the irreparable sin of suicide.

For these reasons, the Orthodox Church equates such lovers with the mentally ill and advises relatives to pray for the salvation of the soul of such a person from anguish and ask the Lord's mercy to cool love feelings. If a lover has the strength to pray himself for the salvation of his soul - this is wonderful! But if the will has left and love has overcome the mind, then any caring Christian is obliged to take patronage over such a person and pray for his soul from the Almighty. They definitely try to attach the patient with love to prayers, so that prayer heals and gives peace to the suffering heart and helps to forget the beloved.

Of course, a lost soul needs to be pulled out of the arms of anguish, and for this they must turn to the Creator in prayer for salvation. In especially difficult cases, when the human soul undergoes unthinkable torment, they resort to the rite of praying it out of the devil's captivity in order to return a healthy mind and love of life to it.

  • First of all, the name of the one who is freed from lovesickness is served in three different churches for a prayer for health. And at the same time, you need to put candles at the main icons and ask the Lord to return the mind and cool the heart so that the love fever releases the unfortunate.
  • In the temple, you need to ask for the pieces of prosphora left over from the sacrament. To do this, buy in the church shop the ribbon “Alive in the help of the Most High” and the image of the Virgin “Joy of All Who Sorrow”. The image must be consecrated according to all the canons Orthodox Church, so it must be bought at the church shop.
  • And if you do not have candles and holy water, then you need to consider these points. To perform the ritual, you will need twelve candles - the ritual is read for twelve days, without missing a single day.

Once a day, over the person who needs to be freed from spiritual anguish, they read a prayer three times, dedicated to the icon of the Theotokos “Joy of All Who Sorrow.” The power of this icon is to heal the body and soul! Prayers are offered to her for all kinds of suffering and seeking consolation, protection from ailments, both of bodily and spiritual origin.

“The hope of the unreliable, the strength of the helpless, the shelter of the overwhelmed, the cover of the afflicted, the intercession of the offended, bread-and-butter, delighting the hungry, the nectar of the heavenly rest of the thirsty, the Mother of the Blessed God, the Blessed and Most Immaculate Virgin! I resort to You alone, to Your cover I whole-heartedly bow my knee, Lady. Do not despise weeping and tears, weeping joy! If my unworthiness and the wretchedness of my sins terrify me, but this whole-bearing image assures me, on it is Your grace and strength, like an inexhaustible sea, I see: blind sighted, galloping lame, wandering like under the shade of Your charity, the mother of the reposed and all the petition of the abounding ; looking at these pardons, I resorted, blind to the eyes of the soul and lame to the feelings of the soul. Oh, Light Necessary! Enlighten and correct me, weigh all my sorrows, weigh all troubles, do not despise my prayer, O Beneficent! Do not disdain me a sinner, do not despise me filthy; we know, as if you can do everything, you will, oh my good hope, my hope is from my mother’s breast. I am devoted to You from the womb of my Mother, I am left to You, do not leave me, do not depart from me, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer is read when the sufferer is on his knees, it should be a gesture of humility and a petition before the Lord to heal from mental illness. After the prayer is read, the icon of the Mother of God is blessed by rebaptizing the accountant. Then you need to let him put his lips to the image, humbly asking for mercy.

After reading the prayer to the Mother of God, they read psalm 90 "Alive in the help of the Most High." But before that, the accountable person is given a piece of prosphora and a sip of holy water. And do not forget that the whole ceremony should burn a candle.

Important! If you have taken up the rite, then diligently finish it, reprimanding all the prescribed twelve days. Then it will turn out to cool the heart in love and make him forget his misfortune.

If a person is able to perform the ritual on his own, the mind and will have not left him, then everything described, he can do himself, humbly kneeling before the face Holy Mother of God to beg for peace of mind. The main thing is not to forget that we are the creations of the Lord, we trust in his will and, asking for healing from heart ailments, we will definitely receive salvation from him.

The Psalter will give comfort in despair

When the mind is clouded by love fever Dkoy, then to get rid of troubles of the heart, you can read the psalms - the songs of David. They have been known since ancient times as helpers from various troubles that make people easy prey for the devil. And love fever is considered a dangerous disaster, because how many hopelessly in love it occurred to them to fall into despair and despondency, becoming suicidal. The Lord is omnipotent and will always show mercy to his children, giving them deliverance from longing, the main thing is to ask him about it, not following the lead of the demons of despondency.

  • Psalm 6 - gives liberation from the devil's spell and returns the mind.
  • Psalm 8 - prays for the salvation of the souls of those who have suffered evil from demons.
  • Psalm 9 - they read against the further influence of the demon, on human feelings.

Psalms are read sequentially at any convenient time. They are especially necessary to read when thoughts about who fate has irrevocably separated from are aggravated. Switch your thoughts from your beloved to diligence in prayer, and the Lord will give deliverance from heartache.

The same psalms can be read if an unfortunate person in love has renounced his mind from outside world and is in a desperate situation. Any caring relatives or close people can read psalms next to a person in need of help. But it is better if, in such a situation, prayers for health will still be offered in order to pull his soul and body out of a terrible state.

Prayer rituals in the temple will help in the most hopeless situations

When the situation takes on the scale of a catastrophe and independent prayers and the efforts of home guardians do not help, then it is worth turning to the Power of Heaven by asking the clergy about this. Every priest, first of all being God's anointed on earth, has wisdom and the gift of healing lost souls. Having understood the essence of the problem, he will be able to gently influence the desperate lover, will tell with his instructions the right way of deliverance.

It is also worth persuading the one for whom we are asking to confess and take communion - this will help the Holy Spirit enter him in order to heal the wounds of the soul. After that, they order to three Sorokoust temples. And at home you need to solder with holy water, then heart suffering will recede.

Sorokoust - everyday prayers you are in the temple for health for forty days in a row. Has incredible healing power. It is ordered in especially desperate cases, but not only for those who are sick in body, but also for those who are sick in their soul and spirit. It is the strongest antidote for any heartache for those who have lost loved ones, who are in trouble of unrequited love. It also has tremendous power from enemies and spiteful critics, who are trying with all their might to harm. In addition, "Sorokoust" is ordered on the eve of great achievements, victories in the material field.

In severe cases, it is allowed to order a prayer for the repose of the one who is the object of love. But this ritual is resorted to in the most extreme case, when it is necessary either to save the sick love feelings, or there is a risk of losing his lost soul. This ritual will help to forget the object of suffering.

But after the love fever for your beloved is released, you need to repent of your sin and fulfill the penance imposed by the priest, so that the Lord forgives you your free sin. And if the one who was mentioned for repose is alive, then it is necessary to order a prayer for health, this will turn away evil from him. After all, you did not wish him evil, but saved the lost soul of a lover.

Important! Be sure to part with all things, photographs and gifts from the one they are trying to drive out of their thoughts. These things store a particle of energy from him. And as long as such energy is present in the house, it will return again and again, even after prayers. Therefore, they decisively get rid of them - it is pointless to suffer about the past and the past, when there is no return to the passed stage!

It grabs us imperceptibly. A stupid feeling of longing for the departed. This is not a banal nostalgia that passes like a runny nose. No, this is the destructive, destructive influence of past memories, events and people. How to get rid of longing, sadness, the past?

Such negative emotions how constant depression, sadness and deep sadness, longing in the soul cause a person to feel hopelessness and incredible self-pity. I want to constantly shed tears, complain about my unfortunate fate and arouse sympathy.

Today, many people know for themselves what it means to fall into depression and feel aching sadness and longing in the soul. Permanent depression is a serious mental disorder, although many take it for granted modern life and treated with special antidepressants. But these negative emotions cannot be cured with the help of pills, their presence indicates serious problems and an internal breakdown of a person.

In a state of depression, a person, as a rule, feels severe depression, he is overcome by sadness and melancholy and sad thoughts, a person tends to feel sorry for himself, he feels complete loneliness and his misunderstanding by others, he does not even want to move. A person who is depressed by longing and sadness can eat sweets (or drink alcohol) in order to somehow brighten up a bleak state. He can be tormented by bleak thoughts about how bad everything is, sometimes leading to thoughts of suicide.

A person can fall into deep sadness and depression different reasons: if an accident happened to him or someone close to him, problems at work, due to gloomy and cloudy weather, after watching a sad movie or just like that - it will take and longing will roll over the soul.

Depression and eternal longing in the soul are dangerous for a person, they not only reduce his vitality and spoil his mood, but also constant depression and sadness threaten the appearance serious problems with health. In addition to gastrointestinal disorders from constant dissatisfaction with oneself and life, heart problems from tormenting experiences and longing, insomnia from heavy thoughts, problems with the musculoskeletal system from unwillingness and fear to develop and move forward in life, constant depression also contributes to dependence on any means of avoiding problems (alcohol, drug addiction, food). Also, in the most extreme case, it leads to a complete unwillingness to live, a feeling that a person is dying of longing.

Why is there sadness in your heart?

Certainly to blame external circumstances in the occurrence of his depression and deep sadness is not worth it. There are many reasons for these negative emotions, and all of them lie not in external stimuli (which are only an excuse), but inside the person himself. Of course, the reason to be sad is not in rainy weather outside the window, not in a quarrel with a loved one who poured water from head to toe on a passing car, turmoil at work, or an unexpected pimple that popped out on his face. After all, someone easily perceives such "little things in life", but for someone prone to a state of depression and melancholy - this greatest tragedy in life.

Like many other negative emotions, depression, sadness, melancholy and sadness appear in us as a result of certain past events, as a response to past grievances, psychological trauma, lack of attention and love. From birth, we accumulate information from adults about what is "good" and "bad", we remember their reaction to certain events, we copy emotions. If adults in a family perceive any life changes as a problem, their child is very likely to learn to react and fall into melancholy at any obstacle that arises.

"Everything is bad..." Where do we get such attitudes from?

Also great importance relates to others around us: if a child is not loved, they are often scolded, especially using rude words (such as "fool!", "Stupid!"), Demonstrate in every possible way that we are unworthy of love or must carry out some assignments for this and tasks of adults - depression and sadness will become a protective reaction of an unloved child to such indifference.

But depression, sadness in the soul and deep sadness that rolls over us from time to time - this is not the real us. These negative emotions are a kind of automaton that works in us every time. We get used to reacting this way, to perceive everything that happens as a problem. All previous life served as a pretext for the accumulation of such automata within us:

negative attitudes fixed in us ("everything is bad", "life is a complicated thing", "it is hard problem"," you can't handle it"), which we receive more often from relatives;

events of the past, when we were no longer ready to calmly accept them (for example, parting, unhappy first love, deuce at school, for which we were strongly scolded) and all the conclusions drawn as a result of them;

the dislike of loved ones, which we turned against ourselves ("I'm not handsome", "fat");

patterns of response and behavior that we have adopted from others (oohs and sighs, tears, cautionary tales with unhappy endings, sad movies, sad songs).

To get rid of depression, deep melancholy, sadness at heart and your endless sadness on your own, you need to go through a serious path and go to such personal deposits of mental material that is stored in our subconscious. Otherwise, it will not be possible to cope with depression. All of the above, as well as a lot of other material (it is different for each person, rough sketches are given here) - all this daily feeds the state of depression.

A person will not just die of longing and feel sadness in his soul. The reasons are in it. It is necessary to remove the charge from this material (otherwise, to deprogram the subconscious). After all, if you start extracting from memory episodes that were especially traumatic, you can feel the same pain as you once did, you will also want to cry, feel sorry for yourself. This confirms that the material has a charge and it awakens depression and longing in a person again and again. The only thing is that you need to be ready for long work, because a person saved up his negative long years and you can't just get rid of it. But this is quite realistic if you work for a total result and do not skimp. I wish everyone to know the joy of life, without tears, depression, sadness and sadness!

How to get rid of sadness:

1. Find reasons.

Think about what is causing or causing your discouragement. As a rule, this is a routine that we are forced to do at home or at work. And, accordingly, fatigue from total immersion in all this many small and again boring, routine, but, as it seems, necessary, not canceled and urgent matters. When, because of this routine, we do not see the goal and do not understand at all what and how. When, for some foreseeable period of time - 2 - 3 days, we do not see the results of our efforts, that is, we do not receive feedback from the work being done and immersed only in the process of work, this reduces motivation and plunges us into discouragement.

Sometimes, however paradoxical it may seem, the cause of despondency, on the contrary, may be complete relaxation. And hence the feeling of own uselessness, restlessness and often loneliness.

2. Find a solution.

In any case, think about what you can qualitatively change in your life regimen and in your lifestyle in general? Think also about how to do things that will radically reverse the situation. Those. if before that you were immersed in many things and worked without a break, then you need relaxation.

Need abrupt change conditions - vacation, a trip to the mountains, to the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk, etc. If, on the contrary, you toiled from idleness and uselessness, you need urgent involvement in some kind of vigorous activity - getting an appropriate job or two at once, new acquaintances, possibly new personal relationships, marriage or some kind of social activity, joining a group of active people, an interest club, for example. In other words, you need to bring something essentially, qualitatively new into life.

Thus, if you carefully and consciously approach the consideration of this problem, then the solution will be found without the help of specialists. It is important here not to delay and not allow yourself to sink into a state of despondency for a long time. As in solving any other problems, the disease is easily overcome in the early stages. Chronic despondency can turn into depression, which is considered one of the most difficult to treat conditions. And in this case, it is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist. So be careful and take care of yourself and your condition.

  1. Remember how in childhood after an injection you were treated to something sweet - and your mood immediately rose? This will work even now! After all, from the sweet endorphin is produced in the body - the hormone of happiness. Buy a cake, pastry or just chocolate, pour hot strong tea and relax in a comfortable chair. Such a pastime will cheer you up and give you strength.
  2. Another way to get your dose of endorphin is exercise stress. go for a run, fitness, gym… This will not only cheer you up, but also help tone your muscles.
  3. This method is especially relevant and popular for the weaker sex - this is shopping. If the funds do not allow you to buy a new thing, you can simply call your friends and have fun trying on a variety of outfits. It's great to go to a fancy dress store and see yourself in different looks.
  4. If you are sad because of the absence of an interlocutor, great option- start pet. Whoever you choose, the animal requires care, participation and communication. If you are needed and loved, then the mood rises!
  5. Well, perhaps the most effective and fun way to get rid of depression is sex. It will cheer up both you and your partner, give you a boost of energy for the coming day or let you fall asleep sweetly for the coming night - that's how it will turn out for someone.

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