You can take out the garbage with your own transport. How to properly dispose of construction waste and old furniture from the apartment. When to take action

Construction waste is a type of garbage that cannot be thrown into a bin near the entrance or a garbage chute. It includes any residues and waste accumulated in the apartment after the repair or construction, including old furniture, window frames, doors.

Construction waste can be divided into several categories depending on their size: large, medium and small. All species belong to 4-5 hazard class. This is the category of waste that causes minimal harm to the ecological environment with the possibility of its subsequent recovery within 3 years.

But sometimes during construction or repair, it is possible to release salts, heavy metals, gas-forming mixtures into the atmosphere, as well as the appearance of alkaline and acid residues. Its storage is prohibited near sources of open fire, as well as electrical wiring. Transportation by special transport and storage in iron containers is recommended.

What is construction waste

Construction waste includes:

  • Fight of concrete, brick, asphalt.
  • Metal armature.
  • Various blocks.
  • Glass in any condition.
  • Pieces and residues of any other materials, including paper, film, bulk, liquid.
  • Containers and packaging from materials and substances.

Construction waste is considered to be all types of waste that accumulate as a result of repairs in premises, the construction of structures, buildings, the dismantling of any types of structures and objects, as well as the demolition of buildings.

Export methods

Where can you take your construction waste?

  • Dispose of construction waste on your own.
  • Look for a special container.
  • Sell ​​waste.
  • Seek help from specialized companies.

Note! In order not to think for a long time where to put or throw away garbage, you need to look in the yard for special containers for construction waste. Often they are placed near new buildings, but they can also be found in ordinary yards near the location of ordinary household waste bins.

Contacting a specialized company

It is important! Previously, the company must conclude an agreement with the client, which provides a guarantee of the fulfillment of obligations.

To save on waste disposal with the involvement of specialists and movers, you can look for the services of specialized companies on bulletin boards on the Internet, in newspapers or any other media.

Take it to the landfill yourself

When thinking about where to take out the garbage yourself, and not leave it near the garbage can or entrance, the first thing that comes to mind is a city dump or a special landfill. However, this method is one of the most complex and labor-intensive.

Sell ​​bulky trash

Sometimes people do not know where to take out construction waste on their own. But it turns out that it consists of high-quality and valuable waste, you can try to sell it, and very successfully.

You can earn money on the following types of waste:

  • The battle of brick and asphalt - an average cost of 15 rubles / m³.
  • Construction waste - price 110 rubles / m³.
  • Soil - 50 rubles / m³.

Interesting! There are points that can accept this type of garbage for free. Still, it's better than receiving an administrative penalty in the form of a fine for dumping in the wrong place.

You need to know that only those materials that can be reused are valuable. You can search for buyers via the Internet or contact garbage collection points, as well as find out through specialized companies. The greatest demand is for concrete, brick, asphalt, as well as sand, clay and soil. Less demand for firewood, plastic, rubber, sawdust and film.

To dispose of rubbish on your own after repair, you can ask your neighbors where they take out the garbage. You can also try to sell junk or hand over the leftovers to collection points, private individuals, after giving advance notices on the Internet or in the newspaper.

Is it possible to throw construction waste in the trash?

Some citizens do not know where to put a lot of construction waste, so they simply take it to the dump or try to fit it into garbage cans near the entrance, which are completely unintended for this. So it is forbidden to throw away construction waste.

For each house, entrance, or even an individual tenant, there are allowable limits on the amount of garbage. Accordingly, the management company cannot transport waste volumes exceeding the allowable ones.

Advice! If some people think that they can get rid of the consequences of repairs imperceptibly under the cover of night, then they are greatly mistaken. For such citizens, the Criminal Code installs outdoor video surveillance cameras. Or there will always be witnesses.

How long can it be stored in the yard, on the site, etc.

The period of storage of construction debris is determined by the ambient temperature, as well as by the decision of the sanitary services. In the cold season, when the temperature is not more than -5 degrees, the removal of bulky waste should be carried out every 3 days. At temperatures of +5 degrees or more, waste must be removed every day.

According to the rules of fire safety and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, it is forbidden to store large items and any construction or repair waste in the entrances. They clutter up the passages, are able to contribute to the rapid spread of a fire in the event of its occurrence, attract rodents and pests, and violate the aesthetic component.

Fines for individuals

Garbage disposal must be authorized in the places allowed for this. If waste is placed in places not intended for this, then due to violation of environmental requirements, fines ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles are imposed on citizens. At the same time, they undertake to remove or take out the placed remains to the appropriate places strictly within the specified time. Legal entities need to pay a much larger fine from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

How is garbage disposed of in a landfill?

If these are building materials, then special equipment will be required due to the significant weight of the waste dimensions. You can order a special container from the Criminal Code, which is fully or partially loaded with rubbish, and then taken to a landfill.

Get rid of construction waste and not get a fine (2 videos)

Removal of construction debris after repair (15 photos)

Every day, people leave behind a large amount of waste. In order to take out and dispose of garbage in Moscow without violating the law, you must contact the garbage disposal companies.

Despite the presence of a large number of packaging materials and utilities, this problem in our country continues to be acute. State housing and communal services cannot cope with the entire volume. The question arises, is it possible to tackle the problem on your own?

The process of independent waste disposal must be carried out in accordance with regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection";
  • Federal Law of June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ "On production and consumption waste".

Process features

According to the current legislation, rubbish belongs to the private person or enterprise that produced it. If the volume is small, then it is quite possible to pack it in bags and bring it to the nearest landfill in the trunk.

However, it is not always possible to get rid of waste so easily. There is a high-grade litter of danger. For its disposal, modern equipment samples should be used.

Basic rules for self-export

The law does not restrict human rights regarding the transport of waste. He can do it on his own. The process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. That is why you should follow a number of basic rules:

  • Waste may only be transported to landfills. These are legal waste disposal sites.
  • The landfill will accept rubbish only if it is pre-sorted into hazard classes. To date, there are five of them. Additionally, it should be noted that garbage can be household, industrial or construction.
  • To transport waste with a high hazard class, you must have a license. The same document gives the landfill the right to dispose of it.
  • When transporting each type of garbage, the rules and norms of sanitary hygiene must be observed. Otherwise, the risk of fixing a violation by state control bodies increases. In this case, the person will be required to pay a substantial amount of the fine.
  • Garbage bins should be for each class of waste. When renting or buying them, you should consider the size, strength and method of storage. These rules are also included in the law.
  • A certain amount of money must be paid for the disposal of garbage at the landfill. Dumping garbage for free in front of a landfill is illegal and may result in a penalty for an administrative violation.

The current legislation allows a private or legal person to independently take out the garbage. However, the process will require spending not only finances, but also personal time. It is much cheaper to seek help from real professionals in their field. They have extensive experience in this field, so they organize everything quickly and efficiently.

Nowadays, the problem of export of construction waste has become more relevant. Since many seriously believe that containers standing in a row at special sites can be loaded with any rubbish. But this is not so, because the main purpose of these garbage containers is to collect municipal solid waste generated during everyday life in an apartment building. In addition, a special document indicates the norm of the composition and volume of what is allowed to be thrown there.

What is construction waste?

Anyone who decides to start repairs, even with insignificant amounts of work, can face the problem of how to take out construction waste. Since it will be necessary to throw garbage from the construction site into the yard in order to free the premises. How to deal with mountains of old tiles, torn wallpaper, window and door frames and other similar rubbish in order not to become a lawbreaker?

To begin with, it would be good to figure out what kind of waste is construction. Everything is simple here, the waste that was formed as a result of dismantling, repair and restoration is called construction waste. It includes:

  • trimming of metal structures;
  • pieces of concrete, brick, upholstered plaster;
  • old window frames and door blocks;
  • remnants of drywall, linoleum, wallpaper, laminate and tiles, etc.

There are three types of construction waste

In the first group, the waste formed at the beginning of the work. These include bulky debris, namely large and heavy remains and fragments from demolished walls and other structures. It must be removed immediately, because it will interfere with further work.

In the second group - unnecessary parts of building materials and their packaging that appeared during the repair process.

In the third group, waste generated in the process of finishing work.

What does the law say about this?

Articles 8.1 and 8.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation serve as a regulator of technology, how to take out construction waste in the legislation, in case of violation of which a fine is provided.

Article 8.1 states liability for violation of environmental standards during the construction process. Although the article itself does not contain detailed information about what exactly is non-compliance with the requirements, it can be read in the official comments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Common violations of this article include: the lack of fencing of the construction site and the release of construction waste outside of it. For non-compliance with the requirements of this paragraph of the article, namely for the incorrect disposal of waste from construction, a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles is provided for individuals.

At first glance, the size of the punishment is small, but paying it does not exempt the violator from the requirement to immediately take out his construction waste to the right place. For legal entities, the fine for such a violation will be in the range of 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

If, on time, construction waste is not removed, then Article 8.41 will apply. The amount of the fine will already be from 6,000 rubles for an individual, and for a legal entity - up to 100,000 rubles.

You also need to know that according to local laws, the release of garbage from a construction site in large volumes can be regarded as an unauthorized landfill. Fines for this can reach 50,000 rubles for individuals. persons, and for legal entities. persons - up to 200,000 rubles. A fair conclusion would be that it is rational to take out construction waste without violating the requirements of the law.

What should be done with the generated construction waste and old furniture?

Not in all cases, it is possible to predict the true scale of the repair, and the volume of waste may be greater than expected. In this case, there is no need to make hasty decisions about how to remove construction waste from the house. Since not the best ideas immediately come to mind, for example, put trash near street containers or on the landing. If you go the first way, you will eventually have to pay a fine, and if you go the second way, relations with your neighbors will deteriorate.

For urban conditions, the option of concluding an agreement with a specialized company that can take out the garbage is ideal.

This is a rational decision for two reasons: it will not entail the resentment of the neighbors and the consequences of breaking the law. In addition, the amount of an administrative fine may exceed the cost of such a service several times.

Removal of construction waste on your own or involvement of a company specializing in this?

Citizens who honor order will not arrange a dump of rubbish formed from repairs in their apartment. They will do the right thing and take him to a special landfill. Many of them believe that it is cheaper to take out the garbage on their own than if a specialized organization is responsible for this. When you need to take out the garbage in the amount of one or two bags in the trunk of your own car, this option is fully justified.

For already you need a truck. Renting a flatbed car or a dump truck can cost a pretty penny, especially when the place of unloading is located quite far from home.

In addition, the required landfill still needs to be found, because not all of them allow waste sorting and disposal of residues from building structures. And most importantly, all this requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, it would be more rational to contact a company that specializes in the removal and disposal of waste.

Video: Construction waste disposal

Buying a home on the secondary real estate market almost always means that the new owners will have to make repairs. And since most people buy an apartment or a house only once in their life, they plan the repair work to the maximum - with the opening of the floors, new communications and the replacement of all plumbing. And in the process, the question arises of where to throw construction waste. There are several ways to properly dispose of construction waste, it remains only to choose the most convenient one.

What is construction waste?

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste during repairs, you should clearly understand what exactly applies to such waste. For some reason, most people are convinced that only large and bulky waste, such as toilet bowls, fragments of concrete slabs with protruding reinforcement, fragments of furniture, etc., should be considered construction waste. In fact, such waste includes everything that needs to be thrown out in the process of repair work. For convenience, they are divided into three categories:

  1. Large waste during the dismantling of buildings - pieces of ceilings, windows, doors, etc.
  2. Waste of building materials used in the repair and construction, as well as empty containers from them.
  3. Remains of finishing materials - wallpaper, paint, pieces of linoleum, tiles, drywall trimmings, etc.

Can I throw this in regular trash cans?

Where to dispose of construction waste from the apartment? Some residents of high-rise buildings do not even ask themselves this question, but immediately go with bags and large waste to ordinary trash cans. Such a picture can be seen in almost all cities of Russia - the household container is crammed with construction scraps so much that there is no room left for anything else, and an old toilet bowl is lonely next to it.

Such actions are illegal. Household waste containers are intended only for plastic, wood, glass, paper, organic and food waste. It is forbidden to throw any bulky rubbish (more than 75 cm) into the waste bins.


All those who carry out unauthorized dumping of bulky waste into solid waste bins face fines. According to Art. 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, they will be as follows:

  1. For individuals, that is, all those who carried out repairs in their own housing and improperly disposed of construction waste - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs engaged in repair work - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Legal entities are punished most severely. Their fine for unauthorized disposal is from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

In addition, penalties threaten all officials responsible for the illegal disposal of bulky waste - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles.

Class of cargo and danger

Before you decide where to throw construction waste, you need to determine which class of goods the waste belongs to. This is due to the fact that a different class of cargo requires its own equipment, depending on the properties of the material, its flowability and gravity. For example, dump trucks are used for sand and gravel, and low-bed vehicles are used for extra-heavy waste.

In most cases, construction debris is assigned the first class with a load-carrying capacity equal to one. This means that the rated load capacity of the equipment will be used by 100%.

All types of waste are also divided into hazard classes - from the first to the fifth. The first and second are very dangerous, usually containing toxic and radioactive substances. They are found in industrial enterprises, and they are disposed of using special methods.

Most of the construction waste is class 4 and 5 waste, that is, non-hazardous and slightly hazardous. They can be disposed of at regular sites.

A small percentage of construction waste may contain class 3 materials, that is, moderately hazardous. Usually it is wood with toxic impregnation, combustible paints and varnishes, toxic solvents, etc. They should be disposed of by special neutralizing enterprises.


The easiest way to solve the problem is self-delivery. And if we are talking about 2-3 bags that can be placed in the trunk of a car, then the problem is solved. Construction waste must be taken to one of the approved landfills or recycling sites.

However, before transporting waste, it must be securely packaged. And if we are talking about transportation by car, then the waste should be packed in special bags.

Where to buy construction waste bags? They are sold in any specialized store with building materials. Or you can order them online. They differ from ordinary ones in large volume and high strength and can withstand severe loads. Price - from 6 to 30 rubles, they sell goods at retail and in batches of 10-50 pieces.


Perhaps you should not figure out where to throw construction waste. If there is a lot of waste, and they can be useful to someone else, they should be sold. In many organizations, they are happy to purchase a battle of brick and concrete, pieces of asphalt, clay, soil or sand. Much less often, buyers are interested in film, wood trimmings or plastic.

Prices are roughly as follows:

  • soil - from 50 rubles per cubic meter;
  • construction waste - from 110 per cubic meter;
  • the battle of bricks, concrete slabs and asphalt - from 15 rubles.

These wastes are used to fill ravines and pits and as secondary gravel. In most cases, it is profitable to sell construction waste only if it is in large volumes, that is, during the construction of high-rise buildings. However, even with private construction, you can sell some of the rubbish, for example, soil from a foundation pit.

Pickup service

There are construction waste removal companies in every city. Moreover, if the repair is carried out by any organization or individual entrepreneur, then they undertake the transportation of waste. If the work is carried out on their own, then you can simply order garbage collection - from the apartment or from the yard. In the first case, the loaders themselves will transfer all the waste to the car and take it away. In the second, the organization will provide a container for construction waste. It will need to be filled out within a specified period, after which it will be picked up.

Ordering a container for construction waste

It does not always need to be ordered from a third party. During repairs in a new building, the management company often keeps a special container for construction waste - until a certain time. If the housing was bought on the secondary market, then you should ask your management company for what services they charge residents. Most often, the MC collects money only for the installation and maintenance of solid waste bins, but in some organizations, the MC is obliged to provide a container for construction waste (PUHTO) upon request.


How much does construction waste removal cost? The cost is calculated individually and depends on many variables: the amount of waste, the use of equipment, the use of consumables, the involvement of movers, etc. Roughly speaking, in the region, old windows and doors after dismantling can be taken out for only 4-5 thousand rubles. This price includes equipment rental and a loader. In a large city for a similar service, the price may differ by an order of magnitude.

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, it should be remembered that only the owner of the premises is responsible for the disposal of their own construction waste. You should not quarrel with the Criminal Code, which obviously does not like the misuse of household tanks. No need to piss off neighbors who can't throw waste into overflowing containers. And even more so, you don’t need to arrange it in the forest - this will be followed by penalties.

After the completion of repair work, construction waste always remains, and there is especially a lot of it if the repair was major, with redevelopment of partitions, replacement of doors and windows, replacement of pipes, radiators and plumbing. Disposal into bins on the street or into the garbage chute is prohibited by law. So what to do with construction waste after apartment renovation?

After completing the repair work, you may have:

  • fragments of brick, concrete and drywall;
  • bags from dry construction and cement;
  • cans and cylinders after paints, glue, polyurethane foam;
  • scraps of wallpaper and broken tiles;
  • old window frames and doors;
  • glass in any condition;
  • cutting pipes and wires;
  • suspended ceiling details;
  • pieces of plaster and other waste of finishing materials.

All this waste can be classified by size as small, medium and large. In addition, there is a separation of waste depending on the level of harm caused to the environment and the environment, since the emitted materials may contain salts, alkalis, acids, heavy metals, explosive gas mixtures.

Ways to dispose of garbage after apartment renovation

There are six legal options for disposal of construction waste:

  • take out construction waste to a special landfill for construction waste on their own;
  • throw away part of the waste in special containers;
  • hand over metals and plastics for recycling;
  • sell bulk and stone materials for backfilling;
  • contact a specialized company for a comprehensive solution of the issue;
  • agree with the developer on the use of its container.

Each of these methods has its own specifics that must be taken into account.

Self-delivery to the landfill

This option is one of the first that comes to mind when deciding where to take out construction waste on your own. Many people think that this is a city dump, but they are wrong. It is forbidden to throw away construction waste at the city dump, and at a special landfill this service is paid. That's why this is the most complex, time-consuming and expensive method of disposal, and not vice versa, as it may seem.

Special waste containers

This method of garbage disposal after apartment renovation is cheaper and easier, but not all yards have bins for collecting glass, plastic and paper. Therefore, you should find an equipped site and dump a certain part of the waste there.

Recycling points

In this case, you can not only not spend money, but even earn money on recycling. However, only those that can be recycled and sorted according to this attribute are considered valuable secondary materials. This is, first of all:

  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • polyethylene, polypropylene and other plastics by grade;
  • metal-plastic pipes and window profiles;
  • uncontaminated paper and cardboard;
  • rubber and rubber.

There are points where you will accept wood waste for processing into chips and the manufacture of chipboard and other sheet products. Addresses of collection points in your city can be easily found on the Internet.

Sale of stone and bulk materials

Fragments of brick, concrete, ceramic tiles, drywall and removed plaster are in great demand in construction as a material for backfilling and filling voids. On average, for these types of waste, buyers offer:

  • brick, concrete and tile battle - 150 rubles / m 3;
  • plaster, gypsum, sand - 110 rubles / m 3;
  • infertile soil and clay - 50 rubles / m 3.

Sometimes you may come across ads that such construction waste can be taken out for free, but they will take it out of the apartment, load it and take it away with their own transport. Here you need to carefully calculate. Often, these offers are quite profitable.

Specialized companies

The main thing to remember when contacting specialists is the need to conclude an agreement, which indicates the contractor's guarantee on the mandatory and legal fulfillment of his obligations.

A specialized company provides loaders for the removal and loading of garbage, its own vehicles and has an agreement with a landfill. The range of prices for services is quite large. Therefore, do not be lazy and look at the network, at least a dozen ads.

In accordance with Government Decree No. 1280 dated October 20, 2017, public auctions are held in the Russian Federation for the removal of construction waste. It is on them that the prices for the provision of such services are formed.

Contacting the builder

If the total volume of waste is small, then you can contact the construction site about dumping garbage into the developer's container. For a relatively small fee, it is quite possible to do this. Especially in cases where some of the materials were handed over for recycling.

What to do with the garbage that remains after the construction of a country house

As a result of the construction of a building of individual development, a large amount of waste remains. However, in contrast to the repair, in this case, construction waste here includes:

  • fragments of bricks, blocks, and other stone materials;
  • trimming drywall, flooring, roofing materials, ceramic tiles, sheet iron;
  • pieces of plastic and metal pipes;
  • pieces of boards, timber and lining;
  • a variety of containers and packaging materials.

First of all, all solid and bulk materials can be used to fill underground voids, to fill the blind area, parking area and driveways. With the rest of the waste, do the same as recommended when carrying out repairs in the apartment.

Legislative grounds and conditions for disposal

Sanitary Rules and Norms prescribe to take out all the garbage remaining after the repair or construction only to specially designated areas. Non-recyclable waste must be delivered to a special landfill for subsequent neutralization and disposal. Therefore, you will not be able to simply hire any car and take construction waste to the city dump. Now it is strictly prohibited. The current rules for the disposal of construction residues and debris are clearly spelled out in Federal Law No. 89-FZ.

After the adoption of a number of legislative acts, all residents of multi-apartment buildings and owners of private houses were obliged to sign contracts for the removal of any solid waste. They indicate where to dispose of construction waste and that only a specialized company that has received a permit and issued a license can provide such services.

The owner of the apartment needs to contact his management company and find out if she has an agreement for the removal of construction residues and with whom. If such an agreement is not concluded, then you will have to look for the contractor yourself. It must have a staff of employees, appropriate transport for transportation, containers for storing and warehousing residues, and a package of permits. If there is a contract, simply decide on the time for the delivery of equipped vehicles and the performance of work.

Penalties in case of incorrect disposal

The amount of administrative penalties in the event of dumping construction waste in the wrong places is determined by Article 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It says that individuals can be fined up to 2,000 rubles. with obligatory garbage collection in strictly appointed terms. For the same violation, legal entities may be fined up to 100 thousand rubles.

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