Yulia Kovalchuk admitted that she saw her daughter's name in a dream. Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov staged a luxurious celebration on the occasion of the christening of their little daughter Yulia Kovalchuk finally revealed her daughter's name

11 April 2018


A star married couple, Alexei Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk, six months after the birth of their daughter, finally declassified her name. Young parents decided to name their first child Amelia.

The baby in the family of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov was born on November 12, 2017. Both Alexey and Yulia were born on the 12th. The family is grateful to God that their first daughter was also born on this date. The wife's pregnancy was carefully concealed in the family. When it was no longer possible to hide it, they flew to their apartments in Spain. Shortly before giving birth, the couple announced on social media that they were expecting a baby. There was even an exclusive photo shoot for a popular magazine.

The day before, Yulia Kovalchuk told her fans that her daughter's name is Amelia. The name is of ancient Germanic origin. Amelia is a derivative of the word amal, which translates as “work” or “work”. That is, the meaning of the name is “hardworking”.

According to Yulia Kovalchuk, even in the early stages of pregnancy, when the sex of the unborn baby was unknown, she dreamed of a girl named Amelia. Julia told Alexei about this dream. The star couple decided to stay on this name. They did not even discuss male names. Later, an ultrasound showed that Yulia would give birth to a girl.


In honor of the bright holiday of christening, Pavliashvishi performed his hit "Carry women in your arms." The happy father Alexei Chumakov and Garik Martirosyan, who was present among the guests, sang along with him. The famous humorist came to the celebration with his wife Zhanna. Also among the guests was the wife of the general director of the TNT channel, Elina Dzhanibekyan. “Yulechka, once again I congratulate the baby on the christening! May God protect her, and may she be very happy! ”, Elina wrote on the social network.

Recall that Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov have been living in love and harmony for ten years now, although they officially formalized their relationship only in 2013. At one time there were rumors that Julia could not have children due to health problems. But in the Secret to a Million program, Chumakov denied these speculations. The singer said that they took the issue of the birth of a child very seriously, which is why it took so long to get to this happy event.


The star couple is trying to protect their personal lives from prying eyes. Julia did not even tell anyone about her pregnancy. Therefore, the singer was able to feel calm for all nine months, until the baby was born. But now Alexei and Yulia are openly enjoying previously unknown wonderful parental feelings. We also congratulate little Amelia on her christening, let her grow up healthy and happy!

On the Internet, fans of Yulia Kovalchuk often ask the question - how did the star name her daughter? This question is exciting for many of her fans, since the birth of a child became known last year, but Alexei Chumakov and his wife did not say for a long time what name they would give to their first child. Replenishment in the star family was long-awaited for the young couple. According to the spouses, for a long time they had to listen to criticism that they still do not have children, but they always had their own opinion on this issue. This approach is correct, since the birth of a child is a private affair of the family, and the opinion of fans should not be taken into account here.

Yulia Kovalchuk finally revealed the name of her daughter

The date of birth of daughter Kovalchuk is 10/12/2017. More recently, it became known how the child will be called. The baby was named Amelia.

The singer did not disclose the details of her personal life, and hid her pregnancy as long as the time allowed. When she will give birth, the fans were also not told. Only from photos on Instagram could you find out any details from the life of a star.

Many of her subscribers thought that Yulia Kovalchuk had a daughter, and they were right. They argued their assumptions by the fact that during pregnancy the singer's face changed a little, and Julia herself became more feminine.

Until the christening was over, Alexei and Yulia said they would not name the child and would not show her face. However, in the TV show "The Secret to a Million", the young father told who the child looks like more.

Photos of the three-month-old daughter Yulia can be found on Instagram. However, the child's face is not in the photographs. Despite this, the pictures turned out to be quite touching. The caption to the photo contains words of gratitude to the medical workers and the husband who was at the birth and supported his wife.

Biography and creativity

Julia was born on November 12, 1982. Her homeland is the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. Mother worked as a teacher at a technical school, father was a chief designer. From an early age she was fond of gymnastics and choreography. When she was 17 years old, she prepared performances in her Elite team.

After successfully graduating from school, Kovalchuk decided to get a higher education at the University of Culture in Moscow.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Kovalchuk got into the "Brilliant" group in place of the departed participant. In more than six years, the singer has created three discs in this group, and in total she performed more than forty songs and filmed nine videos for songs.

Since 2008, Kovalchuk has taken up solo performance.

Personal life

For a long time, the singer's fans have been watching the relationship between her and Alexei, many are interested in the question of why, having met for so long, they did not have a child. The couple has not broken up for ten years, they have been married since 2013. This couple can be called exemplary in terms of mutual understanding of the partner. There were rumors about their family, false information appeared that they were breaking up, however, this data was not confirmed and incorrect.

The expectation of a child changed their lives, rather for the better - the spouses spent more time together, attended various events together, they had plans. Both parents are ready to pay attention to the baby.


The singer does not like to talk about her personal life, but she is always ready to share with fans about the features of her work. In her opinion, the life of the family should be known to her and her husband, but not to strangers. Most likely, therefore, the interesting position of the star was not known for a long time.

But after some time, news nevertheless appeared that Julia was pregnant - it was shortly before the time of birth. From the very beginning, the singer hid her condition, and was sure that the gestation time would be happy for her, and there would be no complications. Her health was excellent, she worked on stage until the deadline was not too late.

Even though she was 34 at the time of her pregnancy, she was not afraid that this age is universally considered late. She was confident in her abilities, in addition, her husband supported her.

While waiting for the baby, the singer worked, spent holidays abroad. She was often examined by doctors, who confirmed her stable and good condition. The young mother took vitamins and took care of her health.

According to Chumakov, the couple were preparing for childbirth. Throughout her pregnancy, Yulia led an active lifestyle, practiced yoga, the whole period passed relatively easily. The husband attended the birth.

Fans of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov know that this couple does not like to talk about their personal lives. The singer hid the pregnancy for all nine months and only shortly before the birth confirmed her position. And the name of her daughter, who was born in October 2017, she decided to reveal only now, in April 2018.

Recall that in October last year, Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time. The singer gave her husband Alexei Chumakov a charming girl. Fans learned about the joyful event in the life of the couple from social networks. The actress posted a photo of the baby and admitted that she was very happy. “There are no words in the world, no emotions that can describe this new feeling ... Now it seems like there is no time, but there is inexplicable love and addiction,” Kovalchuk shared on Instagram.

In a recent interview, the former lead singer of the Brilliant group spoke frankly about the heiress and declassified her name.

It turned out that Julia and Alexey decided to name the girl Amelia. Here is how Kovalchuk herself explains this choice:

“I dreamed of this name when she [daughter] was still a very, very tiny dot in my stomach. And the gender was not yet known. I woke up and said to Lesha: “Listen, dear, I saw her. This is a girl. Her name is Amelia." And he agreed: "Well, let it be Amelia." shared Yulia Kovalchuk

“So then we didn’t have a question of choosing a name at all. And we didn’t even think about male names. Subconsciously felt that it would be a girl, from the very beginning. I remember when we were told the sex of the child on the ultrasound, we just looked at each other and smiled, because we were already sure of it, ”said the singer.

Also, according to Yulia, the media incorrectly indicated the date of birth of the baby: “I gave birth on October 12, and not on the 13th, as they say from hearsay,” says Kovalchuk.

“12 is our family number. I myself was born on November 12, Lesha - on March 12. I remember how during pregnancy I told my doctor that I really want to give birth on the 12th. To which she replied: “Yulechka, everything is in the hands of God. But you keep this information in your head, and it may very well be that everything will be exactly the way you want. And so it happened!

A post shared by Julia Kovalchuk/Yulia Kovalchuk(@juliakovalchuk) on Apr 10, 2018 at 9:40am PDT

Having become a mother, Julia plunged headlong into pleasant chores. The artist goes to children's shops and buys dresses for her baby. “We have here, you know, six months in a day, but there is no dress,” the artist wrote in her microblog, posting numerous pictures of children's suits and dresses. Most fans liked the dress with a fluffy skirt and short sleeves. The cost of the outfit is 12,200 rubles, and given the fact that children grow up quickly and in a few months the outfit will be too small for little Amelia, the star mother will have to go shopping again.

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