Scenario of a New Year's concert for adults. Scenario for the new year for adults in the house of culture

Christmas tree script for adults

Soundtrack sounds songs "New Year is knocking" from the repertoire of the Disco Crash group. Out, leading.

HOST: Hours go by, days go by, that's the law of nature

And today we want to wish you a Happy New Year!

We wish you New Year all the joys in the world

Health for 100 years ahead to you and your children.

Dear guests, hello! It's time to say goodbye to the old and hello to the New Year! Hello New Year! We see off the year of the monkey and meet the year of the red fiery rooster.

(A rooster crow is heard, characterizing the coming year according to the eastern calendar.)

Leading: Now I'll spend in our big company small interview. Let each of you answer the question: “Why do I love the New Year holiday?”. Now I'm going around the microphone(the presenter takes out a microphone or its imitation)

Leading: New Year's holiday is not complete without the main characters. What? (Ded Moroz and Snegurochka). Let's call them. Santa Claus….. Snow Maiden….. Wait a minute, there was a slight hitch.(The host leaves the stage)

The sound of an airplane landing. Baba Yaga with a broom runs into the hall.

BABA YAGA: FAQ, darlings, did not wait? And I myself, myself came. Didn't get dusty. Coo-coo, goats! Are you smiling? All-all on clean water I'll bring it out!Look, sit down! Hey, relax! Only now, old woman, no one will give way! Nobody on New Year's celebration will not invite guests. For this good reason, I am so angry. (He swings a broom at someone). Jokes are bad with me.(Whistling).

Baba Yaga's daughter Akulka and her nephew Leshy run into the hall.

SHARK: Well, why are you, mother, whistling, in kind, like a nightingale-robber!

Goblin: Well, you, Aunt Yaga, give, just like a policeman. I'm at a loss.

BABA YAGA: That's what the city does to children. Where are cultural workers looking? The daughter is “in kind”, the nephew is “out of the way”, but before, they used to express themselves in normal Russian.

SHARK: Get to the point, Mom. Time is money! And then the New Year is on the nose, and we are not in business yet ...

Goblin: And not with money...

BABA YAGA: We will now be both in business and with money! Do you know who they are waiting for here? Snow Maiden with Santa Claus.

SHARK: And who is the Snow Maiden?

Goblin: And what do they eat it with?

BABA YAGA: She is so slim, beautiful, smart, white. Ooh, and dear! We will find her now, steal her and demand a ransom.

SHARK: Let them splurge!

Goblin: Look, the rich have gathered!

They walk down the hall looking at the women. They approach one of them.

SHARK: Look, mother, smart! I see it in my eyes, don't I?

BABA YAGA: No, this is not the Snow Maiden, she must be white.

KASHCHEY: But, aunt, look, white is white, isn't she?

BABA YAGA: Yes, not her, look better.

Goblin: Found! Here she is! Slender, beautiful, smart, white! Aunt, drag the rope, we will knit!

Baba Yaga walks around, looks, sniffs.

BABA YAGA: Good! But not her. They would give a lot of money for this one, of course, but that one seemed to be smaller!

Sounds like music, The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

SNOW MAIDEN: What's going on here? Why did the holiday begin without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

SHARK: Yes, who are you?

Goblin: The commander was found, the unfortunate piglet!

SNOW MAIDEN: I am a Snow Maiden. And who are you?

BABA YAGA: Here they are our money came!

Goblin: She herself confessed.

BABA YAGA: Knit it guys!

They take a rope, throw a lasso over the Snow Maiden and, with cries of joy, they take her out of the hall.

The leader appears.

Leading: It seems that while I was gone, something happened here? Yes?

A postman approaches the presenter, who holds out a telegram and leaves. .

HOST: Dear friends! We received a telegram:“We have a Snow Maiden, zap, there will be no holiday, period. Prepare a ransom, pt. With you 1000 in Euros, or ditties, period. Baba Yaga and company. It is necessary to redeem the Snow Maiden. I propose to sing along a cheerful ditty.Guests perform ditties

Here comes Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh-oh, these ditties of yours are already aching from boredom. So let's rehearse what I wrote for you.

Distributes his ditties


I'll celebrate the New Year

I'm on my whole paycheck

And twelve meeting

I face in the salad!


Santa Claus is so handsome

I fell in love with him!

If I were an icicle

It would have broken for him!


I will meet the Snow Maiden,

I'll bring you to the house

Where to find a fool

To without payment.


I danced all night

I fell asleep under the tree.

Only in the morning I found out

I drank how much...


In the new year such a life:

Don't plow, don't sweat.

Two weeks off:

Sleep and hug!


Santa Claus, that's the trouble

Knee-length beard.

Nowhere to go -

Flying to kiss!


How I brought a snow woman.

In the morning, look - only water!

So think, guess

Went where?


I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden

And I'll sit in the tarantass.

I will drive through the village

kind people to the show!


Go bolder in the New Year

Which path you want

And you in any home

They treat with a stack.


Oh, how about Santa Claus

I want to meet -

My beauty is not enough

I'll pay for moonshine.


Snow swirls on the threshold

white blizzard

It's time to continue the holiday

Stop fiddling!

Baba Yaga : Well done! Another thing!

Baba Yaga leaves.

HOST: Well, in the meantime, the postal order in ditties is transferred to the account of Baba Yaga and her company, we will dance with you.

The song sounds, everyone dances .

Here Baba Yaga flies in again.

Baba Yaga: What is this dance? (teasing everyone) Here's how to do it! Well, DJmusic! (Baba Yaga begins to show her dance , after a short passage, her movements begin to repeat everything).

Baba Yaga : hey, you are my killer whales! Here is another matter! We won't give up the Snow Maiden anyway. You haven't paid everything yet.

(leaves the room)

Presenter: Well then, in order to somehow cheer up our evil spirits, let'slet's sing a song. Let's all stand around the Christmas tree.

They sing a song around the Christmas tree.

Leading: And now let's try to invite Santa Claus again. Let's all call together. Remember how in childhood - three, four ... Santa Claus!(all in unison). Snow Maiden!…

At this time, a picturesquely dressed Baba Yaga runs into the room under the snow maiden. She joyfully jumps, examines the situation with interest, sniffs all those present.

Leading: Who else is this?

Baba Yaga: It's me - Snow Maiden!

Leading: Well, let's get out of here, you bastard!

Baba Yaga: Well well! No culture! They start calling right away!

I am not evil spirits, and I have had a name and patronymic for a long time.

Madame Yadviga Kostyantinovna! (bows).

Leading: Okay, tell me why you came? What you can do?

Baba Yaga: Yes, my dear, I can do anything!

Baba Yaga : What did you think! Not khukhr-mukhr… Well, there are different games, fun there, riddles, jokes… In general, we’ll start right now! I willriddlesguess. And let them guess, for prizes.(He takes out 2 tangerines from his pocket, carefully wipes them on the hem, sniffs, wipes again). So, listen: Who brought us gifts? Good grandpa...(all in unison: Frost). The same grandfather froze the nose of the children ...(all in unison: Frost). The guest was visiting, the bridge was being paved
No axe, no wedges. (Freezing.)
Transparent as glass
Don't put it in the window. (Ice.)

He lay all winter

In the spring he ran into the river. (Snow.)
The old man at the gate
Warmly dragged.
Doesn't run on his own
And he won't stop. (Freezing.)

Which tree does not fall leaves? (From the tree.)
The girl Belyan passed,

Whitewashed all the fields. (Snow has fallen.)
Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)
It flowed, flowed and lay under the glass (Ice on the river.)
Poor Tikhon was kicked out of the sky,
Where it runs, it covers it with a carpet. (Snow.)

Baba Yaga: And here you are, my dear guests, get up in a circle, I'll play a game with you, "Zoo"called. Now I’ll say the name of an animal or bird in everyone’s ear, and then you guys, hold hands, but stronger. I will call the animals in turn, and whoever hears “their” animal should sit down, and the rest should not allow this. Did everyone understand?(B.Ya. goes around everyone in a circle and says the same word in everyone’s ear, for example, “rooster”). Well, everyone joined hands, hold each other tightly and listen carefully. Rooster!

Leading: Well, Yadviga Baba. Ugh, how are you(swings).

Baba Yaga: Next competition "Stars and Constellations". I will say to everyone: "The stars are going into constellations of 3", and everyone should be divided into threes, holding hands and dancing, and so I will call different numbers, and you, at my command, gather in constellations, according to these numbers: 4 - four each, 5 - five each, etc. I will watch for those who do not have time to connect into constellations in time and take them aside.

Everyone plays this game. At the end, Baba Yaga approaches those whom she has "picked up".

Baba Yaga: I will let you go if you sing a song about the Christmas tree in chorus.

(penalties sing a song).

Baba Yaga: Let me test you for strength - here are two ropes for you, come out two real men. Tie 5 knots on a string, let's see who ties faster and tighter!(men tie). Here are the good guys! Who's better? Yes! Oh, I forgot to say that the one who unties the knots faster will win, sorry young lady. The winner's prize is my kiss.

Baba Yaga: You see, Santa Claus left for his bag, so ... Do you want me to hold a lottery with you? Will I give gifts to everyone? Naturally, they are not like Santa Claus, but much better. But - not just for that. I announce a competition for the most best compliment to me.

Everyone gives compliments. Satisfied Baba Yaga drags a voluminous bag. She chooses several people whose compliments she particularly liked, asks each one in turn to tell her the number of her lottery ticket (does not pick up tickets), then checks her badly rumpled and shabby list and gives each small prizes or paper bundles with the following inscriptions, reading them solemnly , in a joyful voice.

Baba Yaga's comic lottery:

1. Here's a lucky one, with laughter, straight, I'll die, you have a dummy, go cry in that corner over there!(-)

2. And you got paper clip- hold on to it very tightly!(clip)

3. And you quickly run here, bow, and get out of here soon!(-)

4. Original vase - I have never seen more beautiful!(empty bottle).

5. This button, where you want to sew, you will be happy without any fuss!(button )

6. And now this person has a super win of the century, zero without a wand!

Baba Yaga: Well, that's all, and let no one cry - that's what it is a game to fool people!

Baba Yaga (bows): This, sorry, was a little joke, just don't tell Santa Claus(leaves).

HOST: I was told by gypsy mail that devilry released the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus took her away, and they are already at the entrance to the house of culture.

The phonogram of the New Year's melody sounds, Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden appear before the audience, dancing.

SANTA CLAUS: Good New Year's Eve to all, my dears!

SNOW MAIDEN: To all those gathered, New Year's sparkling greetings!(to the village of Moroz) . Grandpa, are you shaking so much with excitement? Maybe he fell ill?

SANTA CLAUS: And look, Snegurochka, is my temperature normal?

(The Snow Maiden measures the temperature of Santa Claus with a large fake thermometer).

SNOW MAIDEN: A little lower, grandpa. Need to raise. (Turns to the audience). And how to raise the temperature of the grandfather?(someone offers Santa Claus a drink, Santa Claus accepts the offer).

SANTA CLAUS: ( makes a toast:

Here's a drink, thanks

I'll say a beautiful toast to everyone.

I wish you a new year

All awards for business,

I wish you friends

All that is possible and impossible!

But first, the strength in the body,

I really wish

After all healthy man,

The whole century will be happy!

Happy New Year,

More money I wish

So that the rudders of every house,

It grew like a snowball!

And now, for my arrival,

Happy New Year!(drinks a glass of wine)

Snow Maiden:

And so that dreams come true in the New Year,

We need to have a big round dance!

(All guests become in a round dance around the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: Now let's play a little game with you.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden spend a New Year's attraction with guests:

"Christmas tree elegant..." - both girls and boys take part in the game. Girls - Christmas trees, which the young men for certain time should dress up and embellish for the holiday. In front of each of them is a box with various ladies' cosmetics, jewelry and accessories: beads, bows, clip-on earrings, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, hairpins, Christmas decorations and tinsel. The winner is the pair of players that aroused the greatest sympathy among the audience.

"Blind Game" - two players participate. Before each of them big leaf paper and pencil.
Condition of the game: blindfolded, draw, for example, a snowman. The winner is the one whose drawing will come out more successful and reliable. The winner receives a "sweet prize", in the form of a large candy with a surprise "filling". Rewarding the winner, Santa Claus imperceptibly pulls the string and the “candy” popper suddenly explodes in the hands of an unsuspecting player, showering him with colorful confetti.
"Two silver horses will rush me in an instant..." - two rival players, using roller skates as ordinary skates, must simultaneously leave the "same destination", overcome a certain distance and return safely. The winner is the one who is more confident and quickly cope with the task.

Father Frost: The Year of the Rooster is just around the corner!

We wish you no worries!

Let health be stable

And the sick will forget the path to you!

May all dreams come true

New ideas will be born!

Prosperity, blessings for the whole year!

Open the door - the rooster is coming!

Snow Maiden:

Under the sonorous cry of "Ku-ka-re-ku!" the New Year will come

He will bring good luck, joy and enthusiasm to your house!

All troubles, all failures, our Rooster will spur

And in one moment it will smash them all to ashes and fluff!


The turn came for the cheerful Rooster Monkey.

There will be joy and gifts

Hello, hello New Year!

Let the Rooster, as a symbol of the year, bring enthusiasm and laughter,

It will give energy, freedom and give success to everyone,

It will take away sorrows and troubles, grind everything into flour.

Waiting for good luck and victory - in the New Year!

ALL: Ku-ka-re-ku!

SANTA CLAUS. Sorry, but it's time to say goodbye...

SNOW MAIDEN. We leave to meet again.


Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the guests, and the presenter continues to lead the dance and competition program.

→ New Year >" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=3&prazd=1231&page=1">

17.02.2019 | We looked at the script 43 human

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Matryona in Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.

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Flower: Yeah! .. She is the most, just like in childhood, wow! I'm just all...

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New Year like a snowball!
It grows every moment!
Joy, happiness brings us!
So let's congratulate each other!
All pleasant leisure!

Eat, drink gentlemen!
Years are not a problem!
There is no reason to...

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Phrases of the participating heroes:
New Year - Well, you give!
Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
Snow Maiden - Both-on!
Old ladies - Well, nevermind yourself!
Goblin - Well, good luck!
Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
Guests - Happy New Year!

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SNOW GIRL: Oh! How many men are there! ...

Comic horoscope for women for the New Year

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Ladies, that CAPRICORN, you do not be too strict!
You can drink - but not much!

I can assure you that I dare - love will overtake AQUARIUS!

For FISH I will give you the following forecast: Bouquets of scarlet roses are waiting for you!

For ARIES, I will say in verse: there will be no problems with ...

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We opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw a forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slim,
She glows with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the tree?

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New Year's scene for adults "Snowman"

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I'm a very strange snowman
I've had a bug!
I slipped on ice
And I forgot where I was going.

I've been on the road for 7 days
My legs rolled back.
Only one carrot sticks out
Know stuck it cleverly!

This head injury
Everything is ruined, alas!
I woke up on...

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Scene from a New Year's fairy tale for adults

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 13340 Human

Music. MARIA SERGEEVNA enters the club stage, she is also the Hostess
New Year's ball.

MARIA SERGEEVNA. Dear friends! It's time to call Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Let's go three or four together! Grandfather Frost!.. Once again! Santa Claus!..

To the stage...

Scene. New Year's fairy tale for adults. Koschey and wife.

11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 11916 Human

Baba Yaga:
How are you, kitty?
Have not seen you for a long time.
You are out of your mind
There and a pimple on the lip.
Oh, you're wasting your health
On the family trail.

Try rabbit litter
He is vigorous, he will get through,
He is much more vigorous than honey,
Even if it doesn't taste like honey.

The stage is decorated with various New Year's gifts; large boxes with bows, large candies, huge bouquets of flowers and of course, the main character of the New Year's scene - a Christmas tree, or decorated branches.

New Year's fanfare sounds, passing to the musical background of the presenters. Leader exit.

Great New Year's health to everyone who came to plunge into the atmosphere of an important winter celebration, which the wonderful artists of our cultural institution are ready to create for you!

On the eve of the long-awaited holiday, saturated with magic and coniferous aroma, filled with feelings of love and friendship, waiting for gifts, souvenirs and congratulations from your dear and close people, our variety concert is held.

For us artists, the dearest and closest people, of course, you are respected viewers. We will not bore you with long speeches, but we immediately begin to give our creative gifts, among which there will be congratulations from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Prepare your hands and smiles, the team you know will be the first to enter the stage, and your applause is already sounding!

1. "Winter" - performed by the ensemble of Russian songs

The New Year is completing its circle, but the creative year is coming to its very peak, the members of the creative teams have worked hard for the meeting of 2019, each Russian family, and wish you to show all their skills!

And there really is something to show! We invite the viewer to an exciting New Year's journey in search of a miracle together with our artists!

Enjoy pleasant moments, magnificent numbers of our local amateur performances, songs, dances and of course, instrumental music.

The Municipal Brass Band is playing for you - meet!

2. "Happy New Year" - performed by a brass band.

3. "Salute of Moscow" - performed by a brass band.

Official congratulations of the leaders on the New Year 2019

Talented people of our region have prepared their creative gifts for you, who during the season delight both the townspeople and guests of our land with their skill.

We really have a lot of talents and not only in stage skills. The ability to work and benefit not only your family, but also society, the socio-economic development of the territory. Labor is also a great talent of our people, about which the leadership of the city and district knows the most. Welcome:

(The presenters alternately call names, patronymics and positions, officials go to the microphones under the background music)

Congratulations to the leaders on the New Year 2019

Today you could see a lot of people with Christmas trees on the streets of the city, everyone is trying to warm a small Christmas tree with festive warmth and joy of children, who know for sure that not only the Christmas tree is cold in winter!

We invite to the stage the youngest participants of the pop concert, young, but already experienced artists who know more than all New Year's songs and poems.

4. "New Year" - performs folklore ensemble"Fidgets" - your applause, the golden reserve of our stage!

5. " Birch Grove" - performed by the folklore ensemble "Fidgets.

What is good for children in the New Year is always not easy for adults! Everything needs to be done! Buy groceries, hide with drinking drinks, prepare gifts, make a menu, tidy up the house, decorate the Christmas tree and dozens of other New Year's things for the adult population of the country!

Men always get more ... More reproaches from the wife, mother-in-law, sisters, mothers and grandmothers. Indeed, by the new year, all the imperfections are revealed: change the light bulbs, fix the sockets, finally fix the leak in the tap, fix the picture on the wall, and even figure out how to install a Christmas tree! Our wit and comedian knows about all the New Year's skirmishes.

6. Humoresque "How to meet ..." - performed by a humorist.

Everything is included today to create a New Year's mood, perhaps only our employees do not care about it public service, which traditionally "please us" with another increase in tariffs.

Therefore, our main task is for you to relax a little before the new year and get a little distracted from the affairs of the day and even oppressing us in weekdays. Your sincere congratulations are presented to you by a wonderful creative team!

7. “We wish you happiness” - performed by a pop trio.

8. "My desires!"

9. "Winter fireworks"

10. "New Year's love" - ​​performed by a pop trio.

Setting your emotions in a festive mood New Year's mood is simply vital! And how without it? With bad mood to meet the new year 2017 means to spend it also, gloomy and gloomy. Who needs it? To no one!

Even if one of you did not receive a holiday charge, the most important characters of the most important winter festival will fix it, of course ... That's right, Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka, meet!

D. M. and Snow. They come out with a song about the New Year, sing, go into the auditorium and return to the stage.

Father Frost

Peace and happiness to all the inhabitants of this beautiful land! You have worked hard, sparing no effort and talent! Rejoice, good people, in your deeds, your efforts, the successes of your children and grandchildren! Your zeal in work will certainly be rewarded, I say this, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden

Let's right now, to the magic music, make a wish that will certainly come true! Close your eyes and remember your most cherished dream, your New Year's wish!

Father Frost

New Year, the most exciting holiday and the most wonderful! But only your aspirations in work and love for your neighbors are able to realize truly magical plans!

  1. Santa Claus
  2. Snow Maiden
  3. leading
  4. bag of toast
  5. Zina and Vanya (alcoholics)
  6. Khokhols (moonshine, appetizer - 3 Khokhols)
  7. Game "Truckers" (2 cars with long ropes, 2 glasses of wine)
  8. The game "Who did not have time - he was late" (5-6 glasses with something, and constantly update them until the end of the game)
  9. New Year's ditties (shawls)
  10. Competition "New Year's card" (4 people, 2 drawing paper, felt-tip pens, eye patches)
  11. Princess and the Pea (candy, buttons - 4 girls)
  12. Relay race (bottle of wine, snack - 2 teams until the bottle is empty)
  13. Think of a wish - horoscope (numbers from 0-9 - in 3 copies)

Vedas: Dear colleagues! Let's open the champagne, pour it into glasses and listen to me for a while.

There are many wonderful holidays
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
Most the best holiday- New Year!
He comes on a snowy road
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The New Year fills the heart with mysterious and strict beauty!
Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment mysteriously ringing
My love is the fuse of all my deeds.
My first toast is for your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you
For the joy of meeting that awaits us -
For the thirst that knows no quench!

Dear friends! Let's quickly fill our glasses and drink for the upcoming New Year!

We drink, we eat. (one)

A minute later, it’s not worth pulling anymore, the host continues to lead the evening.

We have a New Year today.
There will be dancing, round dance.
On the porch at the door
We are all waiting for guests.
Oh, and the day will be today!
Santa Claus is coming soon.

let's shout it out together

name is Santa Claus……..

Enter to the music of "New Year's" D. Accident Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: On New Year's holiday to you friends,

I came with my granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: congratulations on the fun, and on the holiday pay!

Santa Claus: oh, brothers, how sucks I am, I got sick,

But I defended the duty, as they say - I could.

In each house, and quartile, they poured us 100 grams,

He puffed, of course, as best he could, only himself.

Snow Maiden: Finally, Santa Claus and I came to you,

And your task is to laugh and sing from the heart.

Santa Claus: I suggest everyone fill glasses with wine,

And after, as we drink, we sing and pour a new one,

Snow Maiden: it's time for us to light the Christmas tree according to our tradition

Santa Claus: then around the round dance we will dance for the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: well, first we want to wish

More salary to shine with smiles.

Santa Claus: so that more “play” with your spouse in bed,

And those, in turn, did not upset the wives.

Snow Maiden: so that the quality of the fur coat is sable or scribe,

So that if the car, then be sure to Mercedes

Santa Claus: May all your wishes come true,

It's time for everyone to raise their glasses,

Let's drink champagne

For you! For the new year! Hooray!!!

The tree lights up and we drink (2)

The dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is dancing around her Balagan Limited

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave the bag

Vedas: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden left, but they left the bag, let's see what is in it, whoever pulls it out should read what is written there.

Vedas: Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce it with a special feeling, because you can say them only once a year. And that “once a year” has finally arrived. And this opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of us is given to our beloved leaderNatalya Fedorovna .

Natalya Fedorovna:

We are gathered today in this hall,

To congratulate everyone cheers, cheers, cheers!!

Look, is there anything in the glass?

Behind last year it's time to drink!

Let's forget about worries

About flu, colds, headaches,

About what stresses us work,

An extra zero has not been added to the salary ... ..

Let's drink, let the wine sparkle

Pour me some champagne,

And let only good things happen in the new year,

And only happiness will meet at the door.

An exciting speech is made by the manager and after that she walks around the guests with a glass, after which everyone has a snack (3)

As soon as she has bypassed everyone, cheerful music begins to play and a “strange couple” Zina and Vanya “tumble into the hall”, they look like an alcoholic, but with a touch of nobility.

Miniature for the song by V. Vysotsky "Oh Van, look what clowns."


Oh, Van, look what an audience

It must be a holiday here.

Well, give someone half a donut,

Or maybe someone will splash?


Well, do you remember, Zin,

For my birthday, shame alone,

I drank perfume like a master

Well, really, Zin!


You, Van, run into rudeness,

Why is all this in front of people

You are gaining spirits

I look, and you already on the eyebrows!

And people are not like that at all.

They eat, so only for a penny,

And you eat like a fool

Don't be offended, it's true!


You, Zin, run into rudeness!

Everything, Zin, you strive to offend,

Itself, how do you tumble,

Come, sit with the men!

How can I ask you

So everything is distant relatives,

And the brother-in-law was generally Georgian,

Aren't you ashamed, Zin?


You, Van, have already noted for that,

I've been wearing glasses for a month now

Hit in the eye, as if rushing,

When I remember, I'm trembling all over again!

Well, Georgians, well, Georgians,

And remember all your cousins?

How to remember, so shameful alone,

And you all: "Zin".


Come on, Zin, let's not quarrel,

After all, the holiday is here,

Look how they're arguing

Perhaps someone else will pour!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

All your guests are good

Well, everything is as always with us,

let's go then...

During the miniature, they work with the public, drink and eat, Zina hides everything that she is given in her bag and leaves

Vedas: it's good that most women look and behave quite differently. And men appreciate them for it. Let's drink to that.

We drink, we eat. (4)

Vedas: What else is there in our bag, pull ____________ (approaches someone) and read.

But so that the ardor of fun does not go out,

For you girls - laughter,

Prepared ditties.

New Year's ditties (shawls)

  1. Santa Claus came to me

The night went well.

Figured it out too late

Stork fun.

  1. I guessed on New Year's Eve

On coffee grounds

Add vodka to coffee

That's what spit me

  1. Santa Claus was invited

They treated him to vodka,

He sits and eats and drinks

The third month won't go away

  1. the whole year we were tormented by the crisis,

We don't care about the crisis

We will catch up with moonshine

We'll get through anything with him.

  1. New Year's Eve is like a nightmare

Everything floats in the fog.

Drink vodka with beer

It is impossible even in the heat

  1. new year ditties,

For a ruble ditty.

Pour me girlfriends

I will sing for you for free

All: we shook the old days -

Danced with the whole crowd

And now at the Christmas tree

All gray needles

They go to the music at the tables

Vedas: Look __________ into the bag now,

And read aloud for all of us:

I want to raise a glass of wine for

So that no one dares to break fragile happiness,

So that every house keeps a hearth of warmth,

So that life is desperately bright.

Let it sparkle like wine every day

Let there be no walls on the way,

May there always be a holiday in the soul

So that darkness never comes.

Vedas: A good toast, let's drink so that there is always a holiday in our souls.

We drink, we eat. (5)

Vedas: well, now it's time to play. I need 2 members.

Game "Truckers"

  1. toy car. A glass of champagne is placed in the back of the car, and the participants pull the car by the rope, trying not to spill the champagne. Whoever drinks champagne first is the winner.

The game "Who did not have time - he was late"

This competition is very similar to a children's game with chairs. Best for this game round table. Glasses or glasses with some kind of alcoholic drink(the choice of drink depends on the preferences of most players). Participants become around the table (there should be one more person than there are glasses on the table). The optimal number of participants is 5-6 people. If there are fewer of them, the game will pass quickly, if there are more, there will be crush and confusion. The host turns on the music, and the players begin to walk around the table. As soon as the music stops, they must grab one of the glasses from the table and drink its contents. The player who does not get a glass is out. One glass is removed, the rest are refilled, and the game is repeated. Play until there is only one winner (or until the players can stand on their feet).

Dancing, singing, drinking. Music sounds, we have a rest (6)

Ukrainian performance

Moderator: Dear colleagues, You are probably tired during the break, you need to warm up, and in order for the warm-up to be successful, you need to drink.
Let's drink to the fact that when we go home, money would attack us and we could not fight them off!

We drink, we have a snack (7) we dance

Vedas: Once again, let's look at what is in our bag .... Come on, __________ get it and then read it.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy.

Everyone who is single - get married,

Everyone who is in the litter - face off,

Forget about insults, everyone who is sick - to become healthy, flourish, rejuvenate.

Everyone who is skinny - become fatter,

Too fat - lose weight.

Too smart - become simpler,

Not far off - smarten up.

All gray-haired - to darken.

So that the songs, so that the dances never cease.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Let us be in trouble!

We drink, we eat. (eight)

Host: In the meantime, so as not to be bored,
I suggest you play!

Competition "New Year's card"

The most valuable gift is the one made with your own hands. It has long been a tradition to give new year's eve postcards to each other. A trifle - but nice. For this competition you will need whatman paper, brushes and paints, 4 people. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. One person from the team is blindfolded. The second is holding paper. The task of those who are blindfolded is to draw a New Year's card with a Christmas tree. The action of the process should be led by the participant that holds the basis for the postcard. He must tell his friend where to direct the brush. The team that draws the most beautiful postcard. The winners will get the resulting works of fine art.

Princess on the Pea
This is a game for girls. As many chairs are placed in a row as there will be participants. On each chair put the right amount of caramel sweets or buttons on the leg. From above, everything is covered with an opaque bag or a piece of cloth. The task of the participants, sitting on a chair, dancing to the music, is to determine the number of sweets under the fifth point. The fastest and most accurate girl wins the competition.

Think of a wish - horoscope

Vedas: Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite all those present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a piece of paper with a number from my hands (prepared in advance about a dozen of each number, provided that there will be 20 people marking the audience ... 30, if there are more people, then more leaves need to be prepared, the size of the sheet is about the size of a matchbox). After everyone has chosen, the presenter says “Who has the number number 1 and reads out the horoscope:

1- act boldly today, risky. To fulfill your desire will require determination, assertiveness. It can come true, but for this you have to fight.
2 - the desire will come true. It will bring joy, a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 - stands for unambiguous "NO". This is advice to stop decisive action Don't try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.

TOAST: For good luck, to whom she smiled, let her share it with all of us.

Relay race

For this competition, you need to divide the players into two teams with the same number of participants. Teams line up in a column. At the opposite end of the room, a chair is placed for each team, on which there is a bottle of wine (vodka, cognac), a glass and a plate with a snack (lemon slices, sweets, pickled gherkins - depending on the drink). At the command of the leader, the first participants in each column run up to a chair, fill a glass, drink, have a snack, put the glass back in place, return to the team and stand at the end of the column. Then the next participants start and perform the same actions. The winner is the team that will empty the bottle the fastest.

Vedas: Without promising good luck, I hope that the New Year
He will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits all of us like never before.

Let's drink to be happy.

New Year's party for adults. Scenario

“How evil spirits met the New Year 2018”

Under gloomy music, representatives of evil spirits appear in the hall: the goblin, the kikimora, the devil.

They slowly move in a circle, from time to time freezing in bizarre poses. Then the whole procession is dispersed by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Ugh, evil spirit! They set up some bacchanalia here. They told me: do not mess with Western agencies! No, in our opinion, in Russian: they would dress up a Christmas tree in the forest, according to tradition, they would steal gifts from Santa Claus. I would dress up as the Snow Maiden, I would prove to everyone that she is not at all cold ... (Notices the guests.)

Oh, and the guests are already here! Hello, vampires and kikimorki, ghosts and all evil spirits! Thank you for coming to my New Year's party!

kikimora. FAQ? What else is a party?

Baba Yaga. Ah, the village! Party is the American holiday. Now Western showmen will arrive, that is, for you, the dark ones, entertainers-buffoons. They will amuse us, entertain us, arrange a New Year's performance in their own way. Only something they are delayed - but that's okay, we'll warm up for now. Make grandma happy, tell me how terrible and vile I am.

Baba Yaga holds a competition.

Terrible Compliment Auction

Participants take it in turns to name the negative qualities of a grandmother. The one who repeated himself, made a mistake or was late with the answer for more than 3 seconds, is out. Baba Yaga presents her portrait to the winner.

From afar, mournful groans and sounds similar to singing are heard.

Oh you are cute

You hear me.

I'm standing under the window

I'm with a guitar.

To whom am I

Did you leave?

Is it really love

Is ours dead?

Do you remember how you

Have you had mercy?

Every bone

Did you grind?

Oh, you are a darling

You are Yagushechka

You come back to me

On a pillow!

Kashchei the Immortal appears with a stunted bouquet of flowers and a guitar.

Kashchei. Yaga! Why didn't you invite me, your most devoted admirer, to your Sabantuy? Maybe, Last year see you!

Yaga. Are you crazy, Kashchei? Or your needle is completely rusted, hee hee hee!

Kashchei. It's you, Yagusya, behind the times. Or have you heard nothing about the end of the world? In 2012, we are all finished, so you and I have only a year left.

Yaga. I'd rather live this year as free self-sufficient woman than to endure your endless frills.

Kashchei. What are you talking about, old lady? Have you completely lost your mind?

Yaga. Exactly. “Old, hag, lost her mind” - Vasilisa the Beautiful, I suppose, you will sing other songs! That's it, my feminine patience has run out. I want to be respected and seen in me not only as a woman, but also as a man!

Kashchei. What are you, Yagusenka. You are very personal with us - both as a woman and as a representative of the forest fauna. There will be more terrible than you.

Kashchei holds the "Scarecrow" contest.

The hosts call two teams of 3 people each (1 lady and 2 gentlemen).

The lady stands between the gentlemen, and they must dress her in a minute, but only in the clothes that they themselves have on (watches and rings are also considered). Accordingly, the team with the most clothes on the lady wins. The game goes just fine, especially when such a picture appears: 4 representatives of the stronger sex are in what their mother gave birth, and two beauties resemble garden scarecrows.

Yaga. It doesn't justify you. You are very rigid. Tell me, how did we have fun? Dinner with toadstools by candlelight and riding on a mortar. And the Americans offered me to dance a striptease.

Kashchei. And what is this nonsense?

Yaga. Now I will demonstrate!

To the appropriate music, Baba Yaga begins to slowly undress.

Kashchei. That's horror! Stop it, Yaga, otherwise the blow will be enough for me before the end of the world comes!

Yaga. Okay, look then soft option.

Conducts a contest "Soft striptease".

Several participants are called to the stage. They are given sheets with small slits. On a signal, they throw the sheets over themselves and begin to take off their clothes. A minute later, a second signal sounds, and the presenters count who took off large quantity items. In the final, you can announce that the clothes of the participants will be sold at the auction, which will take place in 15 minutes.

Distributed in the hall harsh sounds— metal on glass.

Kashchei. What is it? Who is it? (Hides behind Yaga)

Yaga. Do not be afraid, dear guests. This is our foreign showman has finally arrived!

Freddy Krueger appears.

For the audience to recognize him, a hat, a striped T-shirt are enough, and, of course, the notorious hand is needed (2-3 forks are attached to the fingers with a plaster).

Freddie(with an American accent). Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, Woman Yaga! (Kisses Yaga's hand.) Sorry for being late, bottles.

Yaga. What other bottles?

Freddie. Well, I don't know how to say it in Russian... Transportation collapse...

Kashchei. Bugs, right?

Freddie. That's it, traffic jams... (Notices Kashchei.) And this, as I understand it, is your national superstar hero. (She holds out her hand with the forks to Kashchei.)

Kashchei. Firstly, I still have a lot of old age, and secondly, I myself could organize a holiday for our evil spirits in the forest - we would save a lot of money.

Yaga. Yeah, save money with you ... So they would have watched The Irony of Fate all night ...

Freddie. I will now show you one trick, and you will understand what performance is.

Focus Freddy

Freddy takes out the prepared flowers: 3 red and 3 blue. He pushes back

at a distance of 10 steps from each other two chairs and puts a glass on each. Then he gives red flowers to one spectator, blue ones to another and asks them to remember the color of the bouquets.

Blue flowers are placed in one glass, red flowers in another. Both glasses are covered with colorful handkerchiefs and the audience is asked to keep a close eye on the bouquets. Within a few minutes, Freddy lavishes compliments on Yaga and quarrels with Kashchei. He then states that the flowers are magical and were able to switch places unaided. The handkerchiefs are removed, and, to everyone's surprise, it turns out that blue flowers turned red and red turned blue.

Focus secret. It is necessary to make flowers from white matter. Then two strong infusions are prepared - red litmus and blue. Each trio is impregnated with its own solution.

Before the performance, a little is poured into one glass vinegar essence, and in the other - the same amount of ammonia. Blue flowers are placed in a glass with essence, and red flowers are placed in a glass with ammonia. From the action of acetic vapor, the blue flowers will gradually turn red, and from the vapor of ammonia, the red color will change to blue.

Kashchei. Me too, focus! Now I'll show you, I'll show you!

Focus Kashchei

Kashchei demands a hundred-ruble bill from the audience and, holding it horizontally, folds it in half in length. Then he brings a pencil under her. Viewers will see how the pencil, piercing the paper, appears from the other side. Without pulling out the pencil, Kashchei turns the bill vertically and, holding it with one hand from above, with the other sharply lowers the pencil down. It easily passes through the paper, and the bill is safe and sound.

Focus Secret. In the middle part of the pencil, a cut 4 centimeters long is made. Showing the trick, Kashchei moves the pencil from the opposite side of the bill from the audience so that half of it enters the cut. The second half is bent. Seeing a tongue-like part of a pencil, viewers will mistake it for a whole pencil. After that, it remains only to sharply lower the pencil down and release the bill from the cut.

Yaga. Focus is too easy. I want to dance!

Kashchei and Freddie compete in the performance of rock and roll, Yaga involves everyone present in the dance.

Yaga. Well, dear guests, what do you like more: the Western mentality or the Russian soul?

Goblin. We would, grandmother, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. They will be more pleasant than these monsters!

Yaga. All right! Everyone join the New Year's round dance - we will light the Christmas tree and receive gifts!

The guests form a round dance, sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

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