SMS congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces are short. Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces beautiful poems, prose, postcards

On August 2, our country celebrates Air Force Day landing troops(Day of the Airborne Forces). Traditionally, parades, festive events or demonstration performances of paratroopers are held on this day.

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the paratrooper)

We also want to contribute to the celebration of this wonderful date and have selected for you original and beautiful congratulations Happy Airborne Forces Day: in prose, poetry, for those who have served and short SMS that you can copy from our website and send to your dear paratroopers.

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in verse

We want to be brave
Big and fearless
And we want to be strong
To protect the world from the troubles of all.

On land, in the sky and in the mountains -
Nowhere, so that the enemy did not sneak up.
Healthy at any time
For you to return home.

Proud name "paratrooper"
It was given to you for a reason.
Heaven's devoted romantic
He bravely deserved it.

Happy paratroopers day today
Accept congratulations,
I wish to live with dignity
In the sea of ​​happiness and love!

The strongest and bravest guys
On this sunny August day,
I congratulate you on the day of the Airborne Forces!
Aim for your height!

It is not given to you by fate to retreat,
Your right is always to win
You are the winged brotherhood of the country,
We were born to protect our peace!

Courage, courage, strength is your flag,
The fierce enemy is broken by valor!
Only no one can break you,
You are always born to win!

Congratulations to the paratrooper today -
May all your wildest dreams come true.
Let them assign an extraordinary title,
And let the girls give flowers!

So that BeemDashki are fast,
The armor was powerful and strong.
And life flowed, so that peacefully and freely,
So that the bullets do not whistle at the temple!

airborne troops,
The whole country congratulates you!
For a peaceful sky, for service
She sends you a low bow.

All the girls send you smiles,
What are waiting for you at home on earth.
good luck they wish you
On land, in the sky, on the water!

Your souls are winged
Fearless hearts
you always go
And all the way to the end.

May fate keep you!
Let the storm pass!
And in any battle
Only victory awaits you!

I wish on the day of the Airborne Forces
Success and good luck
Only pure thoughts in my head
Get a little richer

Let the service only bring joy
successful career,
I wish you happiness all year round,
Well, love is without measure!

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in prose (official)

Guys, we congratulate you on the Airborne Forces Day! Today we raise glasses for you, for your heroism, for your courage and courage! On this day, we wish you a peaceful sky, true friends at work and at home, happiness to your families! For us, you are real heroes and an example to our children!

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. wish years life and good health. May there be good and memorable moments in your life, there will always be relatives and friends nearby. Never lose heart, be an example for guys and men and always stay in great shape!

I wish you good luck and fun, good friends and true comrades, I wish you real commanders and love! Happy Airborne Troops Day!

As long as such brave, courageous, hardy heroes as you and your comrades serve in the Airborne Forces, the country can be calm. Thank you for your endurance and readiness to stand up for the world. Happy Airborne Forces Day! Happiness, good health, love and peace!

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! This is truly your day, because you have dedicated your life to serving in these harsh troops! Peace to you, happiness, health! And God forbid you raise kids under a peaceful sky!

Each paratrooper is an unspoken symbol of courage, strength and courage. And not in vain, the country calls guys like you its heroes. On this festive day, I want to wish you to always go through life boldly, be strong in spirit and never give up!

Airborne Forces Day is the day of a human hero. Congratulations, paratrooper! Let the canopy of the parachute become your protection from life's adversities, let the health lines be strong and reliable, and only white stripes be present on the vest of life.

Accept the most sincere congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces! I want to wish strength and courage, activity and prosperity, hope and faith in a beautiful future. Let life every day bring only the most real surprises, give bright and real emotions, allow you to gain faith that the fateful path will certainly be successful, active.

On Airborne Forces Day, I wish that the parachute always helps to fly away from failures and troubles. After all, he is the most in the sky true friend and comrade. Let it shine like a star, parachute dome under the dome blue sky!

I congratulate you on the holiday and I hope that the ability to complete any task will help you in a peaceful life. And the readiness to always come to the rescue will ensure the love and respect of friends and relatives and will be a worthy continuation of the landing brotherhood. Happy Airborne Forces Day!

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces short - beautiful SMS

Paratrooper, happy holiday to you!
I wish you easy landings!
Let there be no day in life
Without new, bright achievements!

Dear paratrooper, congratulations!
May success follow you.
I wish you immense happiness
Peace, cheerfulness, health and warmth.

Accept congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day!
I wish you good luck in hard fate,
Like the sky, let happiness be immeasurable,
big love let you not be forgotten!

Happy Paratrooper's Day, I congratulate you
And I wish in the service of a difficult
There are many joys and deeds
And success in life for all 100!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, I congratulate
I wish you good health
Be in good shape, you are good,
You always admire the power!

Today is a holiday of courage and honor,
Happy Airborne Forces Day, we hasten to congratulate you!
Let problems disappear all in place
And in life only luck will rule!

Flies like an eagle, SMS to you!
Accept congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day!
I wish the favorite of the prophet Elijah
Only a peaceful feat on weekdays!

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces and I want to wish you brave endurance and patience, constant good luck and luck, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bopportunities and useful ideas, courageous deeds and inexhaustible strong strength.

On his festive day, I wish the airborne fighter to be strong, self-confident and happy with everything!

May every day be lived in joy, and may all your flights for the good of the country always be crowned with success. Good luck, happiness, health and prosperity! May the Lord keep you! Happy Airborne Forces Day!

My friend, I congratulate you on the Airborne Forces Day! This, in truth, is your day - after all, you have dedicated your life to serving in these harsh troops! Everything was over the years of service, but I want you to know that our friendship cannot be stronger - this is what the landing troops are famous for! Peace to you, happiness, health! And God forbid you raise kids under a peaceful sky.

On the day of the Airborne Forces, my congratulations are intended for you. I wish you great success, unshakable principles and the same health. May life give victories, glorious memorable moments and do not reduce the circle of close and dear people.

Congratulations to the retired paratroopers

How many years have passed since then
How did you serve in the Airborne Forces,
Do you remember everything like yesterday
Forgot nothing!
I wish you, (name),
On the day of the paratroopers now,
For happiness to be near
Every moment and every hour..

I congratulate you on the Airborne Forces Day! This is truly your day, because you have dedicated your life to serving in these harsh troops! Everything was over the years of service, but I want you to know that our friendship cannot be stronger: this is what the landing troops are famous for! Peace to you, happiness, health! And God forbid you raise kids under a peaceful sky!

A fighter in life - he is always a fighter,
The paratrooper also does not happen to be the former.
I wish you happiness and health for a hundred years,
Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day.

All former paratroopers congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces! We are proud of your choice and status, admire your heroism, courage and valor. Thank you for your courage, reliability, and we admire you! Thank you for your courage and heroism, bravery and valor. May your health be impeccable, and the spirit persistent and gravitate towards victories!

Don't forget the years of service
Do not break the bonds of friendship.
And remember: like you, such
Guys do not know the world!
Let grief not touch you
Let fate spoil you.
And on this day the sun shines for you,
And warm words sound!

And the Airborne Forces officer simply does not happen to be the former:
Any of them keeps the flight in his soul.
The second of August celebrates its holiday
Winged Regiment of the Brave Airborne Forces.

We are glad to congratulate you on this date.
To mark it - God himself commanded you.
But courage does not need to destroy all barriers!
In alcohol you know the measure, in actions - the limit!

He can do anything today, believe me!
If he passed the entire service without loss,
Then let the holiday be celebrated as it should be.
We wish you well now guys!

If you have friends of the Airborne Forces, or maybe close people or a loved one, be sure to congratulate them, say kind and pleasant words. Don't know what to say to please a paratrooper on this day? Then feel free to choose our congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in prose, written with all my heart and read to the man personally, if possible, or send an SMS message to cellular telephone. It won’t take you much time, and the Airborne Forces officer will be very pleased and happy.

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday. I wish you long life and good health. Let there be good and memorable moments in life, there will always be relatives and friends nearby. Never lose heart, be an example for guys and men and always stay in great shape!

For the Airborne Forces, men are shouting everywhere today. Men in blue berets today proudly put on their uniforms and declare their choice to the whole country! Airborne troops, these are people who stop at nothing, who have seen a lot in life, but did not stop at anything. This is our pride and hope for the best! We congratulate you. And we wish you that your eyes shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. So that your soul always radiates only warmth! So that there are no obstacles and obstacles on your way! After all, you deserve the heights. Good luck our eagles! May the Lord keep you.

Our army is already strong and famous all over the world, and the Airborne Forces are just its decoration! On Airborne Forces Day - accept my congratulations! From the bottom of my heart, I wish that your life develops like clockwork, that there is love and family happiness in it, promotion, decent rest and respect for others!

Airborne - lifestyle. Having entered this “current” only once, you are forever imbued with its life-giving power. Be strong, persistent, kind and complacent! Follow the sincere impulses of your own heart, defend the rights of the weak, never stand aside and do not get lost in the face of painful circumstances. Happiness to you and peace!

Day of the Airborne Forces - the day of the human hero. Congratulations, paratrooper! Let the canopy of the parachute become your protection from life's adversities, let the health lines be strong and reliable, and only white stripes be present on the vest of life.

In early August, all representatives of the stronger sex who served in the airborne troops celebrate their holiday. They all gather in one place, regardless of age, where they hear solemn speeches and congratulate each other. Wearing a blue beret is a very honorable thing and many soldiers would like to wear it. For male paratroopers, this is one of the most important and significant celebrations.

Therefore, on such a day, be sure to congratulate them with prose, and also download it for free on our website and send it to people who deserve to wear a blue beret.

A lot is hidden behind the abbreviation VDV. More precisely, one can talk endlessly about these troops! And we will definitely talk to you, because it is very interesting to hear about them firsthand, from a person serving in them! But first of all - I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Troops and wish you all the best!

To serve in the Airborne Forces means to devote oneself entirely to the people, because this is how entry into this branch of the military is interpreted. There are the coolest guys, the most devoted patriots and the most honest citizens. You are just like that! Purposeful, noble, open! I wish you to steadfastly guard the peace of the country and not lose vigilance either in life or in the service!

Airborne - it sounds proud! From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate the heroes whose courage made it possible to choose such a serious and important profession as defending the Motherland. May the sky above your head be clear and your landing successful. Thank you for your work and service, which you proudly carry out, glorifying our Fatherland with you. We wish you health strong families and as much as possible joyful moments in life. Celebrate this holiday as worthy as you serve! Congratulations.

Airborne troops. Their strength is not in some kind of magic, but in courage, excellent training, cohesion of the ranks of the armed forces. last word military equipment… Congratulations on the Day airborne troops! I can't even begin to guess what your future will be like! I only know that you will pleasantly surprise us, and even yourself!

I congratulate you, the hero-human - fearless, courageous, courageous, on the birthday of the Airborne Forces! Let it not happen to get into hot spots, and life will be peaceful, kind and bright!

By the way, here you can choose not only congratulations in prose on the day of the Airborne Forces, but also in poetry on the page.

On Airborne Forces Day, I wish that the parachute always helps to fly away from failures and troubles. After all, in the sky - he is the most faithful friend and comrade. Let it shine like a star - a parachute dome under a blue sky dome!

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces and with all my heart I wish you great pride for your faithful service and for the vocation "Paratrooper", high aspirations of the soul and a fountain of bright emotions, great leaps to success, invincible forces and air filled with happiness and incredible inspiration.

Airborne Forces Day is a great occasion to be in shape, like at a parade, and at the same time to relax discipline a little! Today we will support you with special fervor, so that the festive mood will take over you every minute! And you - be patient with our attention and the variety of congratulations and good wishes showered on you!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Forces and wish the air space happiness in life, great expanses of good luck on earth, incredible strength and vigor of the body, great courage and courage of the soul. Let any task be on the shoulder, let faithful companions through life there will be courage, respect, friendship and love.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day! You never thought how to slip away from the service, on the contrary - you dreamed about it! Defense of the Motherland is your calling! You know what it contains - concern for the good of the country, for millions of people, including those who are not indifferent to you and are dear to you ... And I have a conviction, firm as a diamond, that your fate should be very special and incredibly happy!

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces from the General

Who is the coolest in the world? - Airborne! Who jumps through the clouds? - Airborne!

On the day of the airborne troops
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
To life path and search
He was fruitful and bright.

So that every passing day
Leave only happiness for you
To eternal luck shadow
Walked on the heels of joy.

Happy paratrooper day to you
warrior, hero,
I'm always proud of you
I won't hide this.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Have a good walk!
Happiness, joy, love,
Money - definitely!

My paratrooper dear,
Happy holiday to you! Wait a minute
Give me five minutes -
Let the fountains wait!

Be healthy my lord
Lord of my thoughts
Be happy always, everywhere
On the vast earth!

The boys are celebrating today
Airborne Day! They all cheers!
Everyone served after all once,
And now the time has come

Celebrate this holiday together
And remember all your friends!
I am to all of you, blue berets,
I give this congratulations!

cool poems

Let's put on aiguillettes today,
We put on a blue beret.
After all, there is no cooler holiday for us,
Than Airborne Day!

We will not lose face
Though we swim in the fountain, -
Used to pull the ring
Three meters from the ground in the fog.

And nothing! Do we really
After all, our character is firm and ardent,
Not to overcome two or three bottles?
After all, it's just shame and disgrace.

Easily! And it will be in my head
Only a light breeze and fun:
We are not dangerous this potion
After all, we are with you from the Airborne Forces!

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations people!
Happiness is over you
Let the sun rise!

For our immense landing
I poured a drunken glass today.
I drink for those who serve in military service,
Or she once served.

Let the insidious enemy hopelessly rush about -
He will not get into the deep peaceful rear,
When in the ranks - the defenders of the Fatherland,
Paratroopers of the military and Air Force.

You will be recognized not only by berets,
Let the days fly by, the years go by
You are the best, and this is always the case
Airborne assault is forever!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces, guys,
For everyone responsibility and honor.
You are strong and brave soldiers,
Calm down to all of us, knowing that you exist!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in verse

With a peacekeeping mission in various countries,
And in the fight against terrorism in the steppes and mountains -
Risking your life is your usual business:
Your service in the airborne troops.

Many different legends about the "winged infantry"
With the main motto in life: "No one but us!"
You honorably bear your duty to your homeland.
Happy paratrooper's day, we are glad to congratulate you!

May luck always help you in life,
There will be a fighting spirit and excellent health,
Let your parachute always open your dome,
Well, the sky will be cloudless and clear.

Such men, as a rule, are laconic -
What to tell them to all those who did not serve at all?
They are faithful with friends, and infinitely loving with their family.
So there is enough strength for any adversity!

They have answers for any questions!
It doesn’t matter what he’s doing now: a teacher, a businessman -
Since August has come - put on vests, berets!
Hurray - Airborne! Congratulations Airborne!

Voice congratulations on the day of the airborne troops

Our pride, our strength - fate has blessed you!

The Airborne Forces are strength, the Airborne Forces are class!

What a paratrooper, oh my God! Cool, cute, reliable!

Elite military family
Unshakable military brotherhood,
Accept congratulations, friends,
Happy Glorious Airborne Assault Day!

Do not crawl, but fly, you are born,
Being strong is destined.
May hopes and dreams come true
Live in happiness: with joy, with love!

You are fearless, brave, beautiful
Blue berets suit you,
You are reliability, courage, strength.
Airborne Forces - and that says it all.

We congratulate you, paratroopers
Who served and who serves now
We wish you strength and courage
And God bless you in difficult times.

Airborne Troops
Your motto: "No one but us!"
Pulsating young blood in the temples.
Great hopes for you!

Always stay strong and strong!
May a cheerful spirit live in the heart!
Support, protection of our country!
You are her reliable stronghold!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to congratulate you joyfully,
To say warm words to you on holiday,
Merit to the Fatherland to glorify,
And wish you only the best in life!

May fate keep you, protect you,
May it bring you success in business,
Let the holiday lift the mood
So that there is no interference for fun!

Happy paratrooper's day, friends,
I hasten to congratulate you!
I wish you not to get sick
Get younger every year
To pour muscles with force,
Wear a tuxedo on holiday
Riding in a limousine
Keep success in your fist!

greeting card

Paratrooper, today is your day,
May he live well
Let there be a fighting spirit
Let the State be proud of you!

We wish you good luck
In the planned affairs and plans,
Solutions for any task
In fate at the turns of the main!

congratulations for a friend

These guys in berets down the street
They walk with a firm step, without straying!
And with delight the girls admire,
Winking and smiling at them!

Among other events and holidays -
Russians know this day!
Happy airborne paratroopers day
And I congratulate you, my friend!

On the second of August, friends, get your berets!
Today we will celebrate and there are no barriers for us!
We are Uncle Vasya's troops, do not stand in our way,
Airborne paratrooper we will meet the day now!
We're in shape and always ready to jump into the fight
Let our blue beret be clean and bright!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces - Airborne Forces of Russia are collected for you on this page. Sincere in verse and prose, to a friend and beloved, as well as funny video congratulations from the paratroopers. Copy for free to your devices and congratulate your friends, family and loved ones!

Of course, the very first congratulations will be the words of the favorite song of the paratroopers, written by the bard, author and performer of his songs Sergei Ilyev in 1971. It is deservedly considered the unofficial anthem of the Airborne Forces.

It is traditionally performed annually, on the Paratrooper's Day - August 2. "Sineva" is included in the official plans holiday events not only on August 2, but also on May 9 - Victory Day.

It spilled over the vests, over the berets,
Even in the heart the blue was lost,
Spilled with its tempting color.

Behind the duralumin side, the noise of the motor,
Blue lies on the wings like paint.
Don't be afraid of the blue, you won't drown
This is a fairy tale, not a fairy tale.

I remember as a child on flying carpets
Unknown opened routes
And now we found a job in the sky,
Blue fill parachutes.

The blue splashed, splashed,
It spilled over the buttonholes, over the shoulder straps.
I want our life to go on
According to harsh, landing laws.

Troops of Uncle Vasya - why they say so

Until the 50s of the XX century, the airborne troops were simple infantry, which was sent behind enemy lines. Them main duty was holding positions until the arrival of reinforcements. In fact, the Airborne Forces were then "cannon fodder."

They didn't have the proper equipment and special means. However, everything changed when the commander of the Airborne Forces was appointed General of the Army, Hero Soviet Union, Vasily Filippovich Margelov. This is the same "Uncle Vasya", who made a huge contribution to the development of the Airborne Forces.

Margelov understood that only a highly mobile, well-trained landing force could operate effectively behind enemy lines. He rejected the previously adopted installation, according to which the paratroopers had to hold the captured area until reinforcements arrived, and argued that such a method of defense inevitably leads to the rapid destruction of the landing force.

At the end of the 50s on armament of the Airborne Forces An-8 and An-12 aircraft were accepted, which possessed long range flight and payload. Margelov personally supervised the work of the design bureau and accepted Active participation in the development of aircraft for the Airborne Forces.

Margelov gave the Airborne Forces twenty years of his life. During this time, this type of troops gained immense popularity in the USSR. To get into service in the Airborne Forces was the dream of almost every Soviet teenager.

The name of Margelov is the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school, Department of the Airborne Forces of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod cadet corps.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in verse

Who did not run in the paratroopers,
That extreme did not see
Did not crawl a hundred miles through the snow,
Didn't fly over the ground!
We wish you health
To open the parachute
So that the wife waits with love,
Giving the delight of minutes
To please the songs
And flickering neckline
The world was kind and wonderful.
Happy holiday, Happy Airborne Forces Day!

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
Peaceful sky, we always wish you,
Radiant sun, beautiful life,
Career successful and not dangerous!

So that in life, you are always lucky,
So that you can do everything with ease,
The work was to always be a joy,
From happiness sparkled so that your eyes!

So that the sky instills joy in your hearts,
Flights to be like the best sweetness,
And the sky, so that it was your second home,
Just as beautiful and dear!

Takes the colors of the sky.
Even though you're wearing a vest
It's not a secret for friends
That the soul is wide open.

If you suddenly need to fight -
There is no bolder and cooler.
And for those who are with you
There is no better defender.

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations, paratrooper!
Heaven in blue
Dissolved your holiday.

Calling, burlya,
Let the oceans of love
Happiness lays fields
Fountains of wealth are beating!

And luck flies
Already straightened the dome.
So meet! Let him watch
To find the way to happiness!

On the day of the Airborne Forces, you are honored and respected,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
We wish you valor and glory,
Excellent service for your country.

Let courage destroy all barriers
For intelligence and courage, let rewards await you,
Health will be strong and reliable,
And the path of life is flourishing and not difficult.

May good luck always accompany you
Easy to solve important tasks
May hearts always burn with passion
And let all roads lead you to happiness!

The bravest and most beautiful
The most intelligent, honest, strong,
Who looked fate in the face -
Happy holiday, Happy Airborne Forces Day!

Let courage live in the soul
For the good of you and the Motherland,
The heart is filled with love
Let health not fail.

Happiness, faith and kindness
Fight hard against the blues
Let sorrow not be bent -
Homes love you and are waiting for you!

For the Airborne Forces, for courage, for courage
We will shout three times "Hurrah!"
For those who once swore an oath in the army,
That he will be faithful to the Motherland forever.

Congratulations guys, have a wonderful day.
We wish you joy, health, long life.
Soar under the dome in the azure of heaven for you,
Putting on a vest, and, of course, a blue beret.

May the angels protect you from grief,
From a bullet, from the enemy and from trouble.
We wish you great happiness, like the sea,
And we wish you endless love!

For honor, for valor, for courage.
For you fighters! For the airborne forces!
You boldly took an oath
To win any fight.

Let grief not touch you
Let fate spoil you.
May the sun always shine on you
They only sound nice words.

Berets your colors of the sky,
A bright light does not fade in the eyes.
Let all problems be solved at once.
Health to you for hundreds of years!

You are strong, brave and courageous,
These men are hard to find
Such guys are only in the landing,
Do not pass by this.

The Motherland is proud of you
The whole family is proud of you.
Congratulations today
Relatives, relatives, friends.

Let the plane fly beautifully
Let the parachute be reliable
And let everything in life succeed
And fortunately the path will not be difficult.

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day to your beloved man

Paratrooper, my dear hero,
One at heart, unique.
On Airborne Forces Day, your cherished
I send wishes, my love,

And I promise to wait
From your difficult, long service.
Sometimes you just want to hug
To say that the heart has become you need.

I pray that God keep you
In flight to goals and to victory.
My white-winged pilgrim
Let the sun of happiness shine brighter!

My beloved, my meaning of life,
You are a brave defender of the Fatherland,
Happy Airborne Forces Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you health, good luck, success!
May the guardian angel protect you
Will bring you home unharmed
To enjoy peace and quiet,
To become a favorite idol for the kids!

I let you celebrate today
Your holiday of airborne warriors,
After all, you are men, indeed, children
And without entertainment, fountains in any way!

But you deserve this day, no doubt
I praise you and love you dearly.
You are strong, strong, your loyalty is priceless.
I say these words from the heart!

Everyone knows that the Airborne Forces - airborne assault,
What girl would be indifferent to them?
You, beloved, are immediately visible in the figure,
As you can see everyone who serves in the paratroopers.

Today is your holiday, Airborne Forces Day,
There are plenty of guys in blue berets everywhere,
But I'm only waiting for you,
I congratulate you, my paratrooper, loving.

On Airborne Forces Day, I hasten to congratulate
Beloved with all my heart.
So I want to praise from the heart
Man's breadth of soul!

You, my good, I wish
From the life of titles and awards!
So that you find happiness without end,
Encounter no obstacles on the way!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, my paratrooper,
Favorite, dearest!
I love you and appreciate you so much
I pray to the gods for you.

I wish you strength on holiday
To accumulate wisdom, knowledge,
Didn't know the financial need
And reaped good fruit!

My best husband in the world
Today is your holiday, my love!
I am proud of you, my paratrooper,
I can't bear it without you!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, I congratulate you,
With you - always cozy and warm,
I wish you today
To always be lucky in everything!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces short for SMS

In a day Airborne troops nikam- Hurrah!
Thank you for your courage!
Let fate be generous for good
And never run out of power.

Happy Airborne Forces Day to you, with the holiday of glory,
Courage, honor, stronghold of power,
Military prowess, devoted friendship,
We wish you a peaceful, successful service,
Personal happiness, health, luck,
Well, and good mood to you.

On Airborne Forces Day, I heartily congratulate!
May you live easily and carelessly,
Let the sun shine from heaven with good light,
And you be lucky, happy and cheerful!
Takes blue deserving heroism,
Wear it with pride and optimism!

I wish you strength and courage
To be true to word and an oath
build muscle,
Soul to root for the landing,
Carry out any order
And to know: "No one but us."

On the day of the Airborne Forces, I wish you strength,
To protect the angel in the sky
Achieve career advancement
The oath of loyalty and friendship!

On the day of the Airborne Forces, at this festive hour
Our smiles and toasts are for you,
With you, paratroopers, our hearts,
Let there be no end to the victories
Let the orders sparkle brightly,
Your country is proud of your service!

For you, the most important thing is an oath
And a country that has no relatives,
Proudly carry under our flag
He takes his military blue beret,
May your courage keep you
I wish you strength and long life!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, airborne infantry!
We wish you successful jumps and victories,
Alive every time from the binding
So that you go out against the enemies.
Brave - honor and glory, admiration!
Awards to you and wishes of fulfillment!

Paratroopers, glory and honor to you,
Let, relatives, you are always lucky,
Let your enemy be afraid of your strength,
Let your strong fist be firm,
We wish you that there are no barriers,
And there was a lot of happiness and awards!

Happy holiday, paratroopers-heroes,
Let today early at times
The sun will wake you up joyfully
May good luck be with you
Fountains will embrace you
And you will be drunk with happiness!

Paratrooper, you are brave and mighty,
Devoted to the Fatherland by the heart to the end,
You disperse the clouds in the sky with your hands,
The muscle of your face does not tremble,
There is no one stronger and cooler than you,
Happy Airborne Forces Day to such a brave man!

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Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in prose

Here comes your very important holiday- Day of the Airborne Forces! Get plenty of air for a glorious plunge into the fountain, program your liver to work non-stop and prepare your head for powerful blows. In general, be, as always, in great shape. Happy holiday!

Of course, today is a particularly important day not only for you guys, but for the whole country. After all, today is the Day of the Airborne Troops. And this means that today everyone, the whole country, all friends, acquaintances and all relatives will congratulate you. After all, they say that the one who decided to become an airborne officer, his heart hurts not only for himself, but also for his homeland. And for all of us, for our future! You are a true role model. Delight for schoolchildren, heroes for girls, and brave men for relatives. On your day, we dare to wish you happiness. Happiness and inspiration. To wake up every day with a smile on your face. For the airborne forces!

On the Day of the Airborne Troops, you can usually see a lot of guys on the streets, men in blue berets and vests. You paratroopers deserve today to celebrate your day as you wish. And you know, we are proud of you, because you are ready to fight the dangers. And they are always ready to go ahead, not expecting help and support from anyone. We are glad to congratulate you today and wish you happiness, immeasurable happiness like heaven. May your hearts never suffer from anything bad. In the eyes so that the fire always shone, on the face there was a smile. The whole country congratulates you guys and wishes you new heights. Conquer all peaks. After all, you deserve the best! For the airborne forces

On the day of the Airborne Forces, the heroic holiday of worthy men, I congratulate you first of all! For me, you are the standard of a defender, a real paratrooper. Let no life's hardships threaten you under the canopy of the parachute, your nerves will be strong as slings, and the vest of fate consists only of white stripes.

Always stay in excellent physical shape and excellent mood, keep fighting spirit, but be attentive and restrained with loved ones. Let them know that with such a defender and reliable paratrooper, no heights are at all possible, and the sky will always be peaceful!

Real men are not afraid to go through fire, water and copper pipes. Landing brotherhood is given for life. Let the blue fill the percale dome. May strong slings never fail. Let military traditions and catchphrases Vasily Filippovich Margelov give strength to continue to stand to the end!

Service in the army is an honorable duty for every man. Service in the Airborne Forces is the highest proof high confidence country to its citizen. Since joining the ranks winged infantry a man becomes a paratrooper forever. Glorious troops give the guys the opportunity to experience the joy of flying. The glory of the airborne troops is booming around the world. Only real men wear a vest and a blue beret. Happy holiday, worthy among the representatives of the strong half. Not one step back. Let any peaks be easily conquered.

Our army is already strong and famous all over the world, and the Airborne Forces are just its decoration! On Airborne Forces Day - accept my congratulations! From the bottom of my heart, I wish that your life develops like clockwork, that there is love and family happiness in it, promotion, decent rest and respect for others!

Video congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces

All of Russia is in trembling expectation - August 2 is coming soon. Every year after this day, a lot of videos of fights with Caucasians, pictures of congratulations, cool SMS texts and poems appear on the Internet. And all this is due to the fact that the day of the Airborne Forces 2016 is approaching, and with it the classic events for this event: drunkenness, festivities, sports competitions, parades, marches, and so on.

On such a day, do not forget to send to your loved one, brother or friend who served in the Airborne Forces, cool prose or a short verse with congratulations. He will not forget this, and a paratrooper located to you on the day of the Airborne Forces is an almost mandatory guarantee of his own health.

Traditionally, congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces sound on August 2: it was on this day that the first elite units of the Airborne Forces were formed. Everyone congratulates the paratroopers in their own way. Someone just says thanks to them on the street. Someone writes to in social networks that is proud of the "blue berets". And relatives and friends are trying to give their paratroopers more positive emotions.

Believe me, even such brutal guys as the Airborne Forces will always be happy to congratulate you on the Day of the Airborne Forces. Everyone knows that the paratroopers are doing well with a sense of humor. Therefore, funny and cool congratulations Happy Airborne Forces Day. Here is the best selection of postcards and SMS with Airborne Forces Day from our site.

"VDV" - says the tattoo.

Don't joke with them.

They will not forgive punctures,

They won't let me pass.

Airborne - dashing guys,

They don't go to the circus - it's not funny.

After all, they are completely barracks

The tribute was paid long ago.

Everyone is equal guys

Looking at them in the yard.

They say: "Go to the soldiers" -

They are little kids.

Congratulations, my love, on your day!
Airborne Forces Day - in great honor,
He cares a lot about him.
I give you, my husband, a verse,
Sealing him with a kiss!
And it's so nice to understand
That my favorite is the best!
'Cause I can always say
Who can be cooler than the landing?!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, blue berets!
There is a reason to drink, have fun, walk!
There is a reason to sing verses with a guitar!
Well, in a word, celebrate the holiday as it should be!

The boys are celebrating today

Airborne Day! They all cheers!

Everyone served after all once,

And now the time has come

Celebrate this holiday together

And remember all your friends!

I am to all of you, blue berets,

I give this verse today!

Overcoming falling fear
You collect the sky in the palm of your hand
Not in two hands, but in two wings,
Applying on shoulder straps.
Airborne troops
Defend borders from the air
And look from afar
Like proud desperate birds.
We wish you a successful landing in life,
And have fun on your holiday!

Congratulations, paratroopers!
Strength and courage to you all,
Heaven - only peaceful,
Away with the horrors of war.

Good health to you
devoted friends,
Fortitude with courage
Loving people.

Everyone who is called the Airborne Forces,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let happiness burst into your life
Let success always choose you!

Lots of health, courage, patience,
I wish you only loyal friends!
Let the landings be successful
So that you become even stronger in spirit!

Guys, guys of the Airborne Forces,
Handsome, daredevils, athletes!
Without fear, self-pity,
Capable of protecting the planet.

And into the water, and into the fire, and into the cold,
And in the rain, and slush, and in the frost
Are you ready to help
If you hear "SOS" nearby.

May your life not be boring
Rich, peaceful - like everyone else.
Let it be the best!
Let happiness laughter be heard!

For a paratrooper, congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces - cool and short SMS or long and interesting poems - it's always nice. After all, the Airborne Forces officer has two birthdays: one date when he was born, and August 2 is the holiday of his second birth as a paratrooper. Therefore, try not to forget about it and, at least out of respect, poison some cool picture or a rhyme. Here is a good selection of such congratulations:

You live with your soul wide open,

And the strength in every muscle is visible,

And a powerful torso, covered with a vest,

Young girls are deprived of sleep.

Be proud of your strong male friendship,

She has been tested many times.

You are the protectors of peace and tranquility,

Happy Airborne Forces Day, we congratulate you!

On the day of the Airborne Forces, you need to wake up early,

Call all former colleagues

Make them all meet at the fountain

And everything you need to buy for the holiday.

Hang out with friends and swim

Take pictures of each other on the phone,

Happy Airborne Forces Day! Of course, you are right -

This is how your holiday should be celebrated!

And you conquered the earth, and the sky,

You know how to defend the country.

And for those who have never been in the landing,

Your iron character is not to be understood.

We wish you health and good luck,

Always to open the parachute,

And fighting to solve problems,

You returned home, where they are waiting for you!

Although the following congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to your beloved cannot be considered a full-fledged gift, he will still be pleased. It’s better to send a text greeting on Airborne Forces Day to your loved one’s phone than not to congratulate at all. This is important for him, therefore it is better if you yourself come up with a rhyme for him or take one of the indicated poems and redo it. He will definitely like it.

Day today Airborne,

My eagle is walking!

All eyes on friends

Doesn't notice me!

Beats the dishes angry on the forehead,

Looking for a vest

And even though I love him

I'll prepare a plaque!!!

On Airborne Forces Day, I hasten to congratulate

Beloved with all my heart.

So I want to praise from the heart

Man's breadth of soul!

You, my good, I wish

From the life of titles and awards!

So that you find happiness without end,

Encounter no obstacles on the way!

My best husband in the world

Today is your holiday, my love!

I am proud of you, my paratrooper,

I can't bear it without you!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, I congratulate you,

With you - always cozy and warm,

I wish you today

To always be lucky in everything!

Below are apt congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in prose and poetry for a brother, friend or acquaintance of a paratrooper. We recommend that you learn one of them, call your friend "blue beret" and congratulate him personally - so he will definitely remember that you have not forgotten him and respect his holiday. This will be enough if you send congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to a friend at work, school or university. But congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces to a brother, husband or relative must necessarily be with a gift, it is possible with alcohol.

So, here are congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in verse:

Noisy last month summer,

All hotter sun bakes,

But the boys in the blue berets

Heat is not noticed at all.

Airborne Forces Day is a special holiday!

Let the temperature rise!

Everyone recognizes in different areas,

What fun landing!

Uncle Vasya's troops are the elite of Russia,

Berets on them, we know, blue,

Courage and courage for the airborne troops,

Now, as before, remained in the price!

Vests, berets - a special brotherhood,

They stood for Russia with a mountain,

Airborne troops, you are the wealth of the Fatherland,

And each airborne officer is a hero for us!

"No one but us" - for winged infantry

Not just words - this is the motto of life.

Always where it is difficult for landing companies

The order is carried out by flying down from the sky.

For faith and valor, luck guys!

Airborne brotherhood - for you, Airborne Forces!

An example and a dream for any soldier,

You are the knights of heaven in popular rumor!

For the Airborne Forces, men are shouting everywhere today. Men in blue berets today proudly put on their uniforms and declare their choice to the whole country! The Airborne Forces are people who stop at nothing, who have seen a lot in their lives, but stop at nothing. This is our pride and hope for the best! We congratulate you. And we wish you that your eyes shine as brightly as the sun in the sky. So that your soul always radiates only warmth! So that there are no obstacles and obstacles on your way! After all, you are worthy of heights, writes Ros-Registr. Good luck our eagles! May the Lord keep you.

On the Day of the Airborne Troops, you can usually see a lot of guys on the streets, men in blue berets and vests. You paratroopers deserve today to celebrate your day as you wish. And you know, we are proud of you, because you are ready to fight the dangers in the country. And they are always ready to go ahead, not expecting help and support from anyone. We are glad to congratulate you today and wish you happiness, immeasurable happiness like heaven. So that your hearts never suffer from anything bad and painful. In the eyes so that the fire always shone, on the face there was a smile. The whole country congratulates you guys and wishes you new heights. Conquer all peaks. After all, you deserve the best! For the airborne forces!

On this bright and beautiful day, I had the honor to congratulate you, our dear paratroopers air force, with your day. So I wish you the very best. For example, I want to wish you that your courageous and brave hearts never know resentment and disappointment. May your dreams and goals come true soon. After all, you deserve the best in life. You deserve to be on top. Since you are our future, which stands proudly on its feet. And in which case, they are ready to protect us from troubles. On your day, I wish you the very best health and strength. Let everything be as you need it.

It's one thing when you have one or two friends who served in the Airborne Forces. Another is when you are still serving or studying blue beret", and almost all of your friends and acquaintances are paratroopers. Coming up with congratulations for everyone is very hard and long. Therefore, you can send our congratulations on Airborne Forces Day - short poems for sms, funny and relevant. Colleagues will be pleased if they receive pictures, funny SMS and poems from you on the day of the Airborne Forces. Below small selection congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in SMS - choose for health, we do not mind:

With your help, you can sleep peacefully

Knowing that the Airborne Forces will not let you down,

Serve with dignity

We wish to go only forward!

Paratroopers are a great force

Glory and pride of the whole army,

And wherever fate brings

May the parachutes always open!

Airborne - reliability, courage and strength,

And wherever fate throws

They are brave and beautiful

I wish you good luck always!

In uniform, always blue berets,

Keeping the secrets of battle honestly

The country is proud of your courage,

You are completely loyal to her.

Airborne Forces Day 2016 promises to be a bright, fun event with rich activities. Someone on this day will shoot a video of airborne fights with Caucasians, someone will attend a concert, and someone will congratulate their loved one, friend or brother. Special for this inside the article, we placed a selection short sms, cool prose and funny poems for congratulations. To be original, you can attach the given congratulations to the picture and send it to the paratrooper. He will definitely appreciate it.

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