The most dangerous rivers for rafting. Categories of complexity of water obstacles. Class III: Be Always Ready

There are more than two million rivers in Russia. Among them there are shipping giants, and small, more like streams, channels. Of course, all of them are important, but this year on International River Day, it is worth remembering those of them that not only feed or transport, but also entertain.

Nerl (Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Vladimir regions), I category of complexity

The Nerl is an absolutely simple river, without rapids and obstacles, and its banks are ideal for parking and recreation. You can pass it from May to June, and then the river will overgrow and become shallow, becoming not very convenient for rafting. The best vessel for the Nerl is a kayak, if only because the catamaran will not pass between the banks everywhere.

However, for those who do not like rowing, there is also a more comfortable option here - renting a motor boat, sometimes directly with the captain. If in May you can still meet groups of schoolchildren exercising here, then by the summer only bathing summer residents remain on the Nerl.

The most vivid memory: “Of course, this is the moment when the snow-white Church of the Intercession on the Nerl suddenly appears among the greenery. She is so touching, defenseless that you freeze in front of her, unable to tear yourself away. Many drop. She is so touching, defenseless that you freeze in front of her, unable to tear yourself away. Many people drop the oar and the boat just hits the shore. They say that the church is best seen at dawn or dusk, but this is nonsense - it is equally beautiful regardless of the time of day.

Msta (Tver, Novgorod region), II category of complexity

Known to all water tourists, Msta is not only a great place for a spring workout before going to big water, but also the point of the annual competitions in kayaking and catamaran alloy. They come here for May holidays from all neighboring areas, and there is simply no parking space on the shore.

However, by May 9, the crowd of tourists is already thinning out, and only on the Opechensky threshold is a brigade of volunteer rescuers on duty. Passing Msta is also worth it in the first half of May, because then the rapids become shallow and uninteresting. However, after snowy winter water can hold until June. The only disadvantage of Msta are the numerous villages along the coast. Because of them, it is difficult to choose a place to stay for the night, and the residents, tired of tourists, are not friendly.

Most vivid memory: “The most unusual queue that you can imagine gathers in front of the Opechensky threshold for the May holidays. Right in the water, dozens of kayaks, kayaks, catamarans and rafts are waiting for their rafting. Of course, this happens only in the midst of preparations for the competition, but the spectacle is still unforgettable.

Shuya (Karelia), II category of difficulty

The small river Shuya, flowing from the lake and flowing into the White Sea, is most interesting for tourists in the first month of summer. A variety of rapids, picturesque banks, rich nature and the transience of the route make the river optimal for a summer trip.

They overcome it both on kayaks and on catamarans, however, there are also amateurs on rafts, although the river is not very suitable for this. The entire route lasts a maximum of a week, unless, of course, the group stops for a couple of days to go fishing or relax.

Most vivid memory: “When you first go to Karelia, the fishing surprises you the most. Every evening we went to catch something for supper, and every evening we returned loaded with giant pikes, perches, ides, and fish we didn't know the name of. The girls even managed to catch a small perch with the cauldron when they went to fetch water for tea.”

Pistajoki (Karelia), III category of difficulty

In the north of Karelia there is a river whose popularity has not fallen for several decades. Pistajoki, aka Pista, has all the types of rapids you could want. In addition, sections of interest for passing in it are located at short distances, so tourists do not have to be bored.

Like most Karelian rivers, Pista is able to feed any group of travelers, you just need to choose the right time for the trip. In June and July, it is still interesting on the river, but in August it makes no sense to go. The most popular place for parking on the river is considered to be a small cape above the Furlyalai rapids - it is on it that they most often stop to organize a bath, work out, and just relax.

Most vivid memory: “In front of one of the rapids, we sat on a stone in the middle of the river. I jumped onto it to throw off the catamaran, but the crew did not have time to hold the ship and sailed away, leaving me, like Alyonushka, on a pebble, right in front of the threshold. I didn’t want to spend the night on the water, there was no one to save, I had to jump into the water and cross the threshold “self-rafting”. The impressions were enough for a lifetime, and now I know exactly what the laundry feels in the washing machine.

Tumcha (Kola Peninsula), III category of difficulty

Another river of the III category of complexity is one of those that remain “for dessert”. Tumcha is so short that it can be completed in one day, so most tourists make it a kind of addition to the passage of Koutsajoki or Tuntsajoki. As with most northern rivers, there are no settlements on Tumcha, therefore, having completed the route, tourists must still get to the people in one of the nearest villages.

By the way, despite the fact that Tumcha is small, it is at the first parking lot at its source that you can find maximum amount abandoned products. The tradition of leaving something in a cache is valid on all tourist routes in the region, but Tumcha is especially fruitful in this regard, because those who do not have time to pass it leave all their unused reserves here.

The most vivid memory: “The summer was dry, and Tumchu we walked through low water. The rapids were practically dry, and I had to invent other entertainment for myself. Someone suggested picking mushrooms without leaving the kayak. The bottom line was that you need to approach the high bank, find a mushroom, reach it with an oar, cut it off and put it in a kayak. At the parking lots, the prey was counted, the winner was awarded, and soup was cooked from mushrooms.

Katun (Gorny Altai), IV category of difficulty

Katun is the largest river Gorny Altai, and even her name means "lady". Several beautiful love stories are dedicated to the river, and tourists love to tell them to newcomers in the evenings. There are about two dozen rapids on the Katun, but it is quite difficult to pass them all in one route, since it will take a very long time.

If you go to the river not for the sake of extreme sports, but solely for aesthetics, you should see the bend of the river, better known as the “Katun horseshoe”, in the upper reaches and the confluence of the Katun and Biya. The uniqueness of this place is that the waters of the rivers, which have a completely different color, flow for some time without mixing, and the river is divided into white and blue stripes. It is best to pass the Katun in the summer, having previously chosen a section of the river for rafting and having agreed with the locals about the transfer and throwing off the route.

Most vivid memory: “In front of one of the rapids, we moored to the shore and decided that a few people would go to view, while others would wait. The current was already strong enough, so I had to constantly hold on to the coastal stones while sitting on the catamaran. And at some point, my strength was not enough, and the catamaran was nevertheless pulled into the distance, and I hung between it and the rock. The noise of the current drowned out the screams, and when someone paid attention and rushed to help, I already managed to mentally say goodbye to the catamaran.

Chegem (Kabardino-Balkaria), V category of difficulty

You can raft along the Chegem from late April to early November, but you should take into account weather and the amount of snow in the mountains. At the same time, complex sections appear on the river in the summer, which require skill and a huge reaction speed. Although the length of the rafting part of Chegem is only 30 kilometers, it is unrealistic to pass it in one day, if only because the pace of the rafting is exhausting.

The advantage of Chegem is that the road runs along the river all the time, so there will be no issues with transport. By the way, there are also Chegem waterfalls on the river, to which tourists are taken, but it is better to set aside a separate day for their inspection.

Most vivid memory: “It is believed that in spring and autumn big water Chegem is quite logical and not dangerous. Unfortunately, the trees falling into the water and blocking the entire channel do not know about it. It was on Chegem that we happened to cut a tree, which was partially hidden by water, while standing waist-deep in an icy, incredibly fast stream.


Of course, there are many more rivers popular in water tourism. It is impossible to make a rating that would determine the best of them. The only thing that can be done for sure is to rent a boat and a tent this coming warm weekend and go to any nearby river to finally experience the magic that water tourists love to talk about, and, perhaps, become one of them yourself. them.

The article used Russian classification river complexity.


Over the past few years, extreme tourist routes have begun to gain popularity. Moreover, the more difficult the tour and the more dangerous, the more willing to take part in it. All over the world, new routes are being opened that are available to ordinary tourists: here are rafting on mountain rivers, and climbing mountain peaks. In our country there are also a large number of areas designed for extreme recreation.

Plateau Man-Pupu-Ner

The Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is located in the Northern Urals, this natural complex one of the seven wonders of Russia. The plateau is a high plateau, on which seven huge stone pillars rise. The height of the highest reaches 42 meters, which is slightly less than the height of a building of seventeen floors.

This natural complex is called weathering pillars; it attracts tourists who are not indifferent to extreme, dangerous rest. Moreover, there are many mystical legends associated with this place. The route to the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau is considered very dangerous, since it can only be reached by snowmobiles. Moreover, tourists will need not only basic skills to manage this vehicle. Those who decide to go to the plateau must master snowmobiles, as there are no roads leading to the plateau.

The whole route is accompanied large quantity stone accumulations, small sharp rocks, mountain cliffs. In addition, on the way you will not be able to take advantage of any benefits of civilization. There will be no toilet, no shower, no electricity, no internet, not even cellular communication. Members of the expedition communicate with each other using a walkie-talkie.

Also, the infamous Dyatlov Pass is usually included in the itinerary list of the expedition, its visit is usually provided after the tourists reach the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau. Those who like to tickle their nerves are delighted with such a bonus to the program.

Konzhakovsky massif

Tourist routes Northern Urals almost all are extreme and extremely dangerous. Trekking to the Konzhakovsky mountain range, as well as climbing the mountain Konzhakovsky Kamen are among the dangerous tourist routes. Mount Konzhakovsky Stone is one of the most high mountains Ural mountain range, it reaches a height of 1569 meters. Bottom part the slopes of this mountain are covered coniferous forests, the passage of which is very difficult and impossible without additional preparation. Climbing to the top of the mountain will also pass through the tundra zone and rocky areas.

Tourists who do not have mountaineering skills are unlikely to be able to overcome this dangerous route. Konzhakovsky Kamen is one of the mountains of the Konzhakovsky mountain range, which includes the mountain peaks Kazansky Kamen, Katysher and Burtym. These mountains are also climbed by individual extreme tourists. The fact is that there are no special tourist routes that would be laid for climbing the tops of these mountains. This is the main danger of such an extreme tour: you will have to become an experienced climber who will be able to determine a reliable route for himself.

A snowmobile trip to the foot of the ridge is also possible, however, even here it is impossible to cope without advanced driving skills. But the beauty that opens when climbing to the top, and the adrenaline rush when climbing, for many tourists seem worth all the effort and danger.

Rafting on the Belaya River

The Belaya River is one of the largest tributaries of the Kuban River, it flows through the territory of Adygea. alloy by mountain river is a type of dangerous and extreme tourism, which has also become especially popular in the last few years. Thrill-seekers are not afraid of either sharp rocks or the current of the river, washing away everything in its path.

There are mountain canyons on the Belaya River, which make this tourist route very dangerous. Beginners and amateurs are unlikely to be able to take part in this tour, as to overcome all the obstacles that exist throughout the route, you will need a special professional training. Rafting itself, or rafting, is extremely difficult. Some fans of this type of extreme tourism call rafting “survival races”, and indeed, if you lose control of the boat, you can’t avoid getting injuries of varying severity. But, despite the danger, every year more than a thousand tourists take part in a dangerous route - rafting on the Belaya River.

Its length is about 64 kilometers. Naturally, there are easier routes along the river, which are usually offered to people who are not professional rafters. But there are few such sections of the river.

Climbing Elbrus

Probably everyone knows that Mount Elbrus is the most high point Europe. But not everyone will dare to climb to it. However, there are such daredevils. The western peak of Mount Elbrus reaches a height of 5642 meters and is one of the seven highest mountain peaks in the world. But the main difficulty in conquering Elbrus is not in overcoming its slopes. On the contrary, the mountain has rather gentle slopes, along which it will not be difficult to get to the top. The danger lies in the great height, overcoming which without proper acclimatization is simply impossible and can cause enormous harm to health. At an altitude of more than 5 thousand meters, extreme tourists expect rarefied air and very low Atmosphere pressure, these factors affect the walls of blood vessels and cause altitude sickness.

Climbing Elbrus is possible from its southern and northern sides. The southern route is not difficult and very popular, since even a person with an average physical training. Climbing the southern slope, taking into account stops for acclimatization, is 8-9 days. But the route passing along the northern slope of Mount Elbrus is the most difficult and dangerous. There are no specially laid asphalt paths that run through the southern slope. Also, there are no special lifts and the benefits of civilization. In addition, the northern slope is cut by cracks and crevices, which also pose a danger. The passage of the route will take 11-12 days, and the stops, which will be required for acclimatization of the body, usually include accommodation in special huts or tents. But, having climbed exactly on this slope, from the north of Mount Elbrus, you can proudly say that you have made a dangerous ascent along the route of the first climbers who conquered the mountain about 180 years ago.

Rafting on the Chuya River

Gorny Altai is rich not only in stunning natural landscapes, but also in places where traveling is dangerous. However, extreme tourism, which is gaining popularity, is not afraid of dangers, because it is in them that the meaning of the route is passed.

The Chuya River is one of the most difficult rivers in the Altai Mountains, not all professionals dare to raft down this river. Chuya is a violent mountain river, which is a tributary of the Katun River. The length of the Chuya River is about 320 kilometers, it originates in a mountain glacier, which is why the water in it is muddy, white color. Length tourist route along the river - 84 kilometers. At the same time, more than 500 kilometers will have to be reached by an off-road vehicle to the place where the rafting begins.

Beginners and amateurs are not allowed to raft down the Chuya River. Moreover, in order to become a member of the tourist route, you need to have experience of rafting on rivers of the third (most dangerous) category of difficulty. The fact is that there are a large number of rapids on Chuya, overcoming which is extremely dangerous, since many of them reach the fourth and fifth (highest) category of difficulty. To overcome such thresholds, a preliminary survey of the area from the shore is carried out, and only then tourists are allowed to overcome the obstacle. Usually 3-4 instructors supervise the passage of the route, who monitor the rafting and, in case of danger, must provide emergency assistance tourists. If you still decide to dangerous adventure, like rafting on the Chuya River, you must remember and follow all safety rules.

Rafting in Russia began to develop rapidly after the advertising campaign from Camel. Then the idea of ​​this sport was picked up and began to be included in tourist competitions. Most of the teams did not have their own rafts, so they had to be rented directly at the competition.

As a sport, it was included in the All-Russian Register of Sports in 2003 (number-code 1740001411Ya).

commercial alloy. The instructor sits behind

Rafting is fundamentally different from other types of water tourism both in the type of vessel on which the rafting is carried out and in ideology. Rafting is a commercial type of rafting, i.e. no previous experience is required to participate in the rafting. It is enough to pay for the tour, and you are in the group. Accordingly, rivers for rafting should be easily accessible, i.e. roads are laid to them for the start and finish of the route.

Examples of classic routes:

  • Melun 3-4 k.s. - Turkey;
  • Bhote-Kosti 4-5 k.s. - Nepal;
  • Marsiandi 4-5 Ph.D. - Nepal;

Rivers with an abundance of rapids, shivers, riffles and waterfalls are suitable for rafting. Such rivers are usually found in mountainous regions or in very rugged terrain. As a result, such areas are sparsely or not populated at all.

Rafting routes are classified on a six-point scale (1-6) of difficulty categories. Clarifications are allowed: for example, 3+ k.s. or 5-k.s. The obstacles themselves are also characterized on a seven-point scale (0-6) of difficulty categories. Similar to routes, clarifications are also allowed here: for example, an obstacle of 5 ++ k.s. or 4-k.s.

Rafting is a rather dangerous hobby, especially when it comes to routes of the 3rd and higher category of difficulty. The main dangers are:

  • overcoming powerful rapids and waterfalls;
  • getting rafted into "barrels" and blockages, underwater pockets;
  • injury, hypothermia;
  • remoteness from civilization and, as a rule, lack of communication with rescue services;

The most popular place for rafting in Russia is Altai:

  • Katun (1-4 category of complexity)
  • Chuya (5 category of complexity)
  • Argut (6 category of complexity)
  • Bashkaus (5-6 category of complexity)

The history of the development of rafting

River rafting is an occupation known to man since time immemorial. There is evidence that hundreds of centuries BC, ancient peoples traveled along the rivers in canoes. With the development of civilization, wood was rafted along the rivers, gold miners and geologists were transported through mountain waters on various swimming facilities.

In extreme rafting on mountain rivers, the most noticeable trace was left by the Englishman M. Jones, who laid the foundation for modern ideas about rafting in a kayak. He organized the first kayaking trips along the Blue Nile in Africa, the Orinoco River in South America and the Dudh Kosi River in Nepal. Among the Soviet and Russian athletes who have done a lot for the development of the extreme rafting movement are raftsmen V. Brezhnev, V. Mustafin, V. Govor, M. Kolchevnikov, A. Krasnov, G. Leontiev. Most of the first ascents along the most difficult rivers in the territory of the former USSR are associated with their names. Catamaran sailors S. Kirillov, A. Volkov, S. Lagoda, S. Chernik are recognized experts in the field of pioneer ascents on catamarans in water bodies with the most difficult and dangerous obstacles.

The rafts themselves appeared during the Vietnam War, where these watercraft were used to deliver goods across waterways to American army bases.

In the USSR, rafts were first seen in Altai during the international Chuya Rally competition in 1989. This representative forum, which brought together 350 watermen from all inhabited continents and one and a half thousand spectators, became the stage in the birth of Russian rafting. 144 crews of ships of various classes from 14 countries of the world took part in the launches. Crews from Zambia, Nepal, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Austria, New Zealand, the USA and other countries performed very successfully at the competitions; "bronze" went to the UK, "silver" from athletes from New Zealand, the medal of the highest standard - "gold" from athletes of the USSR.

An amazing feature was then noticed by the chief judge of the competition M. Yu. Kolchevnikov, that the superiority of foreign colleagues in the production of rafting equipment does not lie in ideas, but in technology. These technologies have allowed rafts to become the most popular rafting medium in the world. By the middle of the twentieth century, rafting on mountain rivers began to separate into separate view sportsmanship. Various "water" festivals began to be held, in which participants competed for the title of the best. By the beginning of the 90s, the development of the international raft movement began to require the unification of the rules for holding competitions. In 1997, the International Rafting Federation (IFR) was formed, and a year later, in 1998, the Russian Federation rafting (RFR) under the leadership of Alexei Viktorovich Rumyantsev. RFR is a member of the European Rafting Association and International Federation rafting.

AT International Association rafting consists of 28 countries (South Africa, Chile, Canada, Czech Republic, Norway, USA, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Russia, etc.).

Rafting World and European Championships are held every two years.

In March 2000, the World Rafting Championship was held in Chile on the Futaleufu River. Russia in Chile was represented by the Neva-Tour team from St. Petersburg. 14 men's teams and 6 women's teams came to the competition. These were the strongest teams. Nevertheless, our team won (team captain Sergey Petrov (39), Vladimir Bykadarov (34), Ilya Korolev (29), Alexander Levitsky (20), Dmitry Karbutov (29) and Dmitry Eremin (28)). According to the sum of all types of programs, our team scored 840 points out of 1000, the Germans, who came second - 588 points, the third place was taken by the team from Slovakia, the fourth place was taken by the Czechs.

In the same year, the wild water festival Camel Ak Talai Margan ("Stormy Water Challenge") was held in Altai, where 15 teams from 11 cities of Russia took part. Within the framework of the festival, a 70-kilometer marathon on rafts along the river, which has no analogues in the world, was held. Katun. Eighteen metropolitan journalists representing ORT, NTV, Ren-TV, TV-6 and others arrived in Altai to cover the competition.

In 2001, the team of the Gorno-Altai State University participated in the Camel White Water Challenge championship in Zambia on the Zambezi River, where it took only 14th place out of 16 men's teams, and the Neva-Tour team in 1997 took 4th place on the Zambezi - 4th place among 21 commands.

In 2003 "Altai-Raft" wins the national selection, which is held on the river. Chuya, Rep. Altai and represents Russia at the World Championship in the Czech Republic on the Lipno Canal, where it takes 6th place due to a series of errors. Average age team was less than 20 years old, and it was clear that with competent work of the coaching staff, they will still head the podium, which happened first at the "Amazon Cup" in rafting in 2004, and then on the Quijos River in Ecuador at the World Championships in 2005.

At the World Championships in 2005 - in the first type of program, parallel sprint, ours remained only third, lost to the Czechs and Canadians. However, this result could not be considered bad; the level of the best rafters for last years grew incredibly. This is confirmed by the fact that in the qualification of the parallel sprint, seven teams finished in one second.

In the slalom, our team became the first, beating the Czechs and Slovaks in a very difficult fight.

In a long race, where more points are played, the Altai-Raft team took third place, and this was enough for the final victory. And at the Rafting World Cup, which was held in China, the team from the Gorno-Altai State University became the strongest in the crews of four-seater rafts.

In 2006, the European Championship was held. He passed on the river. White, rep. Adygea. Competitions were held in three disciplines: slalom, long race and parallel sprint. Russian athletes have two awards, both for men. In the sum of three disciplines, the Altai-Raft team took first place, and the athletes of the Gorno-Altai state university(GASU) won the bronze medal.

At the European Championship in 2006 women's teams from Russia declared themselves as a strong contender. Russia was represented here by two women's teams from Krasnoyarsk and St. Petersburg. The teams did not win prizes, but the Krasnoyarsk team took fifth place in the overall standings, before that Russian women's teams took places only in the second ten.

Having won the "Amazon Cup" in 2004, the World Championship 2005 and the European Championship 2006, the Altai team "Altai-Raft" was the first in the history of Russian rafting to receive the title of master of sports of international class (MSMK), the following athletes: Mikhail Kalinin, Konstantin Shipulin, Alexander Dolgov, Makar Maimanov, Sergey Nechaev and captain of the Menovshchikov team Leonid.

On May 13-18, 2008, the European Rafting Championship was held in Austria. Teams from 22 countries participated in the competition, athletes participated in the raft-4 and raft-6 classes at distances: qualification, parallel sprint, slalom, long race. 25 teams entered the competition in the raft-6M class, 20 teams in the raft-4M class, 22 teams in the raft-6J class and 16 teams in the raft-4J class. Among the men's raft-4 and raft-6 crews, the first places were taken by Russian teams (Altai-raft and GAGU); Russian women's teams did not take any prizes; the women's Russian team "BZKO" in the raft-4 class took only 14th place in the overall result, and in the raft-6J crews the team from Novosibirsk took 20th place; the team "Krasnoyarsk" eventually took 8th place - for the first time raising Russian women's rafting to the first half of the standings.

Rafting as a sport

Rafting is rafting on mountain rivers with the passage of natural and artificial obstacles for a while.

The word "rafting" comes from the English word "raft", which means "raft" in translation. Rafting is a team sport and each participant performs certain functions during the rafting, and the crew as a whole follows the instructions of the leader-captain.

Rafting competitions consist of four disciplines: Qualifying race (according to international rules - Sprint), Parallel sprint, Slalom, Long race. The maximum number of points for a victory in each event: 100, 200, 300 and 400 respectively. The team that scores the maximum number of points in total becomes the winner in the overall standings - All-Around.

Occupied space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Percentage of points 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%

Every year in Russia such competitions are held as: Ak Talay Margaan, Chuya Rally, Russian Championship and Russian Cup, where the strongest athletes of the country come together. Competitions are held in two classes: Raft-6 and Raft-4 (divided into men's and women's teams).

The World Rafting Championship is held every two years. Until 2008, only crews of six people participated in the competition, but since the European Championship, competitions between crews of four have also been held. Russians became the first champions on raft-fours.

Rafting technique

In rafting, there are 4 teams that move the raft.

  • Move forward.
  • Slow move
  • Taban - back.
  • Hook - a stroke with oars perpendicular to the axis of the raft, in which the raft moves parallel to its previous location.

Results of international competitions

World Championships

Year Host country Class Team Qualification Parallel Sprint Slalom long race all-around
2011 Costa Rica R-6M Altai-raft 13 28 14 12 14
2011 Costa Rica R-6Zh Krasnoyarsk 8 4 4 7 6
2010 Netherlands R-4M GAGU 1 4 6 8 5
2010 Netherlands R-4Zh Krasnoyarsk 7 2 7 9 8
2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina R-6M Altai-raft 15 3 11 3 4
2009 Bosnia and Herzegovina R-6Zh Krasnoyarsk 4 4 6 8 7
2007 Korea R-6M Altai-raft X 9 3 2 4
2007 Korea R-6Zh BZKO X 11 13 12 12
2005 Ecuador R-6M Altai-raft X 3 1 3 1
2005 Ecuador R-6Zh BZKO X 13 10 13 12
2003 Czech Republic R-6M Altai-raft X 11 5 4 6
2003 Czech Republic R-6Zh Women's team X 10 9 9 9
2001 USA R-6M Neva tour X 7 2 5 4
2000 Chile R-6M Neva tour 2 1 3 1 1
1999 South Africa R-6M Neva tour 1 5 4 2 2
1998 Costa Rica R-6M Men's team X 7 8 7 7

World Championships

Do you want to experience the thrill and try your hand at extreme rafting on a stormy, rapids river? Then we bring to your attention the most dangerous and extreme places for rafting. This is the best you can find in the world in terms of active and extreme recreation, which can give you a lot of thrills.

Zambezi River (Zimbabwe)

One of the best and most extreme rafting routes is the Zambezi River in Zimbabwe, which boasts the majestic Victoria Falls. full flowing river has many rapids and whole line waterfalls. There are rapids of the fourth and fifth difficulty levels here, which can give rafters a real burst of adrenaline. Traveling along the Zambezi River is a constant struggle with extremely difficult and long rapids, as well as strong whirlpools.


On the Zambezi there is also a threshold of the sixth level of difficulty - such rapids are considered simply impassable on a raft. Rafting in Zimbabwe is excellently organized. All participants are provided with helmets, life jackets and related equipment. Rafting on the river is carried out under the supervision of professional African instructors. Camping equipment is also provided. All you need to take with you is warm clothes and hygiene products.

Colorado River (Arizona, USA)


The origins of the Colorado River are in the Rocky Mountains, after which it rapidly descends and flows into Pacific Ocean already in Mexico. This is the most dangerous and popular rafting route in North America. The river is known for its numerous rapids. Overcoming the rapid waters of the river, you can observe amazing landscapes on the coast - rocky cliffs, wild beaches and mysterious caves. By the way, eleven US parks are located on the territory of the Colorado Basin.


The main local attraction is the famous Grand Canyon, which is visited by five million tourists annually. The duration of commercial rafting on the Colorado River can be from one to eighteen days, depending on your desire. The waters of the river change in different parts of it - sometimes they are brown, sometimes green, which creates an incredible picture. During the rapid rafting, rafters can overcome several dozen rapids, getting a huge adrenaline rush.

Futaleufu River (Chile)

Northwest Rafting Company / Foter / CC BY

Futaleufu is fed by waters that are formed as a result of the melting of the glaciers of the Patagonian Andes. It flows through the territory of the magnificent national park Los Alerces in Chile, after which it passes through the territory of Argentina. The roaring river with turquoise deep waters is a great place for rafting. There are both calm sections suitable for beginners and level 5 rapids where professional rafters can test their strength. For days on end, you can spend "battles" with the turbulent waters of the Futaleufu River and all sorts of obstacles that arise along the way.

San Kosi River (Nepal)

Nepal is a mountainous country with some of the highest mountain peaks in the world. Therefore, it is more suitable than any other for rafting. First of all, noteworthy is the long river in the country - San Kosi, which flows between the Himalayas and the Mahabharat range. The sensations and adrenaline that you can get by rafting down this river is definitely not for the faint of heart. There are Category 5 thresholds here that will be difficult for beginners to overcome. The surroundings of the river are very beautiful and picturesque - white sandy beaches and palm forests. Rafting on a mountain river usually lasts for six to ten days. Being in the mountains of Nepal, you can be far from civilization, feel unity with nature.

White Nile River (Uganda)


On the African continent the White Nile River is also popular among rafters, which takes its waters from the calm Lake Victoria, but then gains strength and explodes, passing through the territory of Uganda and a number of other countries in a swift stream. But it is in Uganda that the most insidious and dangerous rapids of the fifth level of difficulty are present. Here you can rent modern equipment and use the services of a professional instructor. Beginners are offered a small water course, which tells about the basics of safety and features of overcoming the rapids.

Middle Salmon River (Idaho, USA)

Another swift river in North America, rafting on which can give you the most vivid impressions. It is located in the northwestern United States and originates in the mountainous part of Idaho. Rafting and kayaking are very developed on the Salmon River, as there are more than a hundred rapids of the third and fourth levels of difficulty and rapid water turns. The river itself flows through the picturesque canyons and steppe expanses of the "Wild West".

In Europe, the best and most dangerous places for rafting are considered routes in Italy, Croatia and Turkey. Although they can only offer rapids to rafters intermediate levels difficulties, however, rafting on local rivers can be very exciting and extreme. For example, rafting on the river Noce, which is fed by the waters of alpine glaciers. Conquering the most dangerous routes in search of unforgettable sensations and adrenaline, you should not lose your head and forget about your own safety.

The use of metals in Everyday life began at the dawn of human development, and the first metal was copper, since it is available in nature and can be easily processed. No wonder archaeologists during excavations find various products and household utensils made of this metal. In the process of evolution, people gradually learned to combine various metals, obtaining more and more durable alloys suitable for the manufacture of tools, and later weapons. In our time, experiments continue, thanks to which it is possible to identify the most durable metals in the world.

  • high specific strength;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • low density;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • mechanical and chemical resistance.

Titanium is used in military industry, aviation medicine, shipbuilding, and other areas of production.

The most famous element, which is considered one of the most strong metals in the world and in normal conditions is a weak radioactive metal. In nature, it is found both in a free state and in acidic sedimentary rocks. It is quite heavy, widely distributed throughout the world and has paramagnetic properties, flexibility, malleability, and relative plasticity. Uranium is used in many areas of production.

Known as the most refractory metal of all existing, and belongs to the strongest metals in the world. It is a solid transitional element of a brilliant silver-gray color. Possesses the high durability, excellent infusibility, resistance to chemical influences. Due to its properties, it can be forged and drawn into a thin thread. Known as a tungsten filament.

Among the representatives of this group, it is considered a transition metal of high density, silvery-white in color. It occurs in nature in its pure form, but is found in molybdenum and copper raw materials. It features high hardness and density, and has excellent refractoriness. It has increased strength, which is not lost with repeated temperature changes. Rhenium belongs to expensive metals and has a high cost. Used in modern technology and electronics.

A shiny silvery white metal with a slightly bluish tint, belongs to the platinum group and is considered one of the most durable metals in the world. Similar to iridium, it has a high atomic density, high strength and hardness. Since osmium belongs to platinum metals, it has properties similar to iridium: refractoriness, hardness, brittleness, resistance to mechanical stress, as well as to the influence of aggressive environments. Found wide application in surgery, electron microscopy, chemical industry, rocket technology, electronic equipment.

Belongs to the group of metals, and is a light gray element with relative hardness and high toxicity. Due to its unique properties, beryllium is used in the most various fields production:

  • nuclear power;
  • aerospace engineering;
  • metallurgy;
  • laser technology;
  • nuclear energy.

Due to its high hardness, beryllium is used in the production of alloying alloys and refractory materials.

Chromium is next in the top ten most durable metals in the world - a hard, high-strength bluish-white metal that is resistant to alkalis and acids. It occurs naturally in its pure form and is widely used in various industries science, technology and production. Chromium Used to create various alloys that are used in the manufacture of medical and chemical processing equipment. In combination with iron, it forms a ferrochromium alloy, which is used in the manufacture of metal-cutting tools.

Tantalum deserves bronze in the ranking, as it is one of the most durable metals in the world. It is a silvery metal with high hardness and atomic density. Due to the formation of an oxide film on its surface, it has a lead tint.

Distinctive properties of tantalum are high strength, refractoriness, resistance to corrosion and aggressive media. The metal is a fairly ductile metal and can be easily machined. Today tantalum is successfully used:

  • in the chemical industry;
  • in the construction of nuclear reactors;
  • in metallurgical production;
  • when creating heat-resistant alloys.

The second line of the ranking of the most durable metals in the world is occupied by ruthenium - a silvery metal belonging to the platinum group. Its feature is the presence in the composition of the muscle tissue of living organisms. Valuable properties of ruthenium are high strength, hardness, refractoriness, chemical resistance, and the ability to form complex compounds. Ruthenium is considered a catalyst for many chemical reactions, acts as a material for the manufacture of electrodes, contacts, and sharp tips.

The rating of the most durable metals in the world is headed by iridium - a silvery-white, hard and refractory metal that belongs to the platinum group. In nature, a high-strength element is extremely rare, and is often combined with osmium. Due to its natural hardness, it is difficult to machine and has a high resistance to impact. chemical. Iridium reacts with great difficulty to the effects of halogens and sodium peroxide.

This metal plays an important role in everyday life. It is added to titanium, chromium and tungsten to improve resistance to acidic environments, used in the manufacture of stationery, used in jewelry to create jewelry. The cost of iridium remains high due to its limited presence in nature.

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