The hardest metals in the world. The strongest metal in the world

When we are talking about hard and durable metal, then in his imagination a person immediately draws a warrior with a sword and in armor. Well, or with a saber, and always from Damascus steel. But steel, although strong, is not a pure metal; it is obtained by alloying iron with carbon and some other metal additives. And if necessary, the steel is subjected to processing to change its properties.

Lightweight, durable silver-white metal

Each of the additives, be it chromium, nickel or vanadium, is responsible for a certain quality. But titanium is added for strength - the hardest alloys are obtained.

According to one version, the metal got its name from the Titans, powerful and fearless children of the Earth goddess Gaia. But according to another version, the silvery substance is named after the fairy queen Titania.

Titanium was discovered by German and English chemists Gregor and Klaproth independently of each other with a difference of six years. It happened at the end of the 18th century. The substance immediately took its place in periodic system Mendeleev. Three decades later, the first sample of metallic titanium was obtained. And for a long time, the metal was not used because of its fragility. Exactly before 1925 - it was then, after a series of experiments, pure titanium was obtained by the iodide method. The discovery was a real breakthrough. Titanium turned out to be technologically advanced, designers and engineers immediately drew attention to it. And now metal is obtained from ore, mainly by the magnesium-thermal method, which was proposed in 1940.

If you touch physical properties titanium, we can note its high specific strength, strength at high temperatures, low density and corrosion resistance. The mechanical strength of titanium is twice that of iron and six times that of aluminum. At high temperatures, where light alloys no longer work (based on magnesium and aluminum), come to the rescue titanium alloys. For example, an airplane at an altitude of 20 kilometers develops a speed three times higher than the speed of sound. And the temperature of its case is about 300 degrees Celsius. Only titanium alloy can withstand such loads.

In terms of prevalence in nature, the metal ranks tenth. Titanium is mined in South Africa, Russia, China, Ukraine, Japan and India. And it's far from complete list countries.

Titanium is the strongest and lightest metal in the world

The list of possibilities for the use of metal is respected. These are the military industry, osteoprostheses in medicine, jewelry and sports products, boards mobile phones and much more. Designers of rocket, aircraft, and shipbuilding are constantly elevating titanium. Even the chemical industry did not leave metal unattended. Titanium is excellent for casting, because the contours during casting are accurate and have a smooth surface. The arrangement of atoms in titanium is amorphous. And it guarantees high tensile strength, toughness, excellent magnetic properties.

Hardest metals with the highest density

Osmium and iridium are also among the hardest metals. These are substances from the platinum group, they have the highest, almost identical, density.

Iridium was discovered in 1803. The metal was discovered by a chemist from England, Smithson Tennat, during the study of natural platinum from South America. By the way, from the ancient Greek "iridium" is translated as "rainbow".

The hardest metal is quite difficult to obtain, since it is almost non-existent in nature. And often the metal is found in meteorites that have fallen to the ground. According to scientists, the content of iridium on our planet should be much higher. But due to the properties of the metal - siderophilicity - it is located at the very depths of the earth's interior.

Iridium is quite difficult to process both thermally and by chemical means. The metal does not react with acids, even combinations of acids at temperatures below 100 degrees. At the same time, the substance is subject to oxidation processes in aqua regia (this is a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids).

Interest as a source electrical energy, represents the iridium isotope 193 m 2. Since the half-life of the metal is 241 years. Found wide application iridium in paleontology and industry. It is used in the manufacture of nibs for pens and the determination of the age of different layers of the earth.

But osmium was discovered a year later than iridium. This hard metal was found in the chemical composition of the precipitate of platinum, which was dissolved in aqua regia. And the name "osmium" came from the ancient Greek word for "smell". Metal is not affected mechanical impact. At the same time, one liter of osmium is several times heavier than ten liters of water. However, this property is still unused.

Osmium is mined in American and Russian mines. Its deposit is also rich in South Africa. Quite often, the metal is found in iron meteorites. For specialists, osmium-187 is of interest, which is exported only from Kazakhstan. It is used to determine the age of meteorites. It is worth noting that just one gram of the isotope costs 10 thousand dollars.

Well, they use osmium in industry. And not in its pure form, but in the form of a hard alloy with tungsten. Produced from the substance of incandescent lamps. Osmium is a catalyst in the manufacture of ammonia. Rarely, cutting parts are made of metal for the needs of surgery.

The hardest pure metal

The hardest of the purest metals on the planet is chromium. He lends himself perfectly machining. The bluish-white metal was discovered in 1766 in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg. The mineral then received the name "Siberian red lead". His modern name- crocoit. A few years after the discovery, namely, in 1797, the French chemist Vauquelin isolated a new metal from the metal, already refractory. Experts today believe that the resulting substance is chromium carbide.

The name of this element is derived from the Greek "color", because the metal itself is famous for the variety of colors of its compounds. Chromium is quite easy to find in nature, it is common. You can find metal in South Africa, which ranks first in terms of production, as well as in Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, Russia and Madagascar. There are deposits in Turkey, Armenia, India, Brazil and the Philippines. Specialists especially appreciate some chromium compounds - these are chromium iron ore and crocoite.

The hardest metal in the world is tungsten

Wolfram is chemical element, the hardest when considered along with other metals. Its melting point is unusually high, only carbon is higher, but it is not a metallic element.

But the natural hardness of tungsten at the same time does not deprive it of flexibility and pliability, which allows forging any necessary details from it. It is its flexibility and heat resistance that makes tungsten an ideal material for smelting small parts of lighting fixtures and TV parts, for example.

Tungsten is also used in more serious areas, for example, weapons manufacturing - for the manufacture of counterweights and artillery shells. This tungsten owes its high density, which makes it the main substance of heavy alloys. The density of tungsten is close in value to gold - only a few tenths make up the difference.

On the site, you can read which metals are the softest, how they are used, and what they are made of.
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When it comes to the most durable metal in the world, for sure, many people imagine a formidable warrior in armor and with a sword made of Damascus steel. However, steel is far from the strongest metal in the world, since it is obtained by alloying iron with carbon and other additives. The hardest of the pure metals is considered titanium!
About the origin of the name of this metal, there are two various versions. Some say that the silver-colored substance began to be called that in honor of the fairy queen Titania(from Germanic mythology). Indeed, in addition to being a very durable metal, it is also amazingly light. Others are inclined to believe that the metal got its name thanks to the Titans - strong and powerful children of the Earth goddess Gaia. Be that as it may, both versions look quite beautiful and poetic, and have the right to exist.

Titanium was discovered by two scientists at once: the German M.G. Klaptor and the Englishman W. Gregor. Such a discovery, with a difference of six years, was made at the end of the 18th century, after which the substance was immediately added to the periodic table. There it took the 22nd serial number.

True, due to its fragility, metal for a long time not used. Only in 1925, having gone through a series of experiments, chemists managed to obtain pure titanium, which became a real breakthrough in the history of mankind. The metal turned out to be very manufacturable with low density, high specific strength and corrosion resistance, as well as high strength at high temperatures.

In terms of mechanical strength, titanium and six times the strength of aluminum. That is why the list of possible applications of titanium is endless. It is used in medicine for osteoprosthetics, in military industry(to create a corpus submarines, armor in aviation and nuclear technology). Also, the metal has established itself in sports and jewelry, the production of mobile phones.


By the way, in terms of distribution on earth, the strongest metal in the world occupies the tenth position. Its deposits are located in South Africa, China, Ukraine, Japan, India.

Although, judging by latest discoveries in the field of chemistry, over time, titanium will have to give the title of super-metal to another representative. Not so long ago, scientists invented a substance stronger than metal. This is "liquid metal", or in translation - "liquid". The miracle substance has managed to establish itself as stainless and flawless for casting. And although humanity still needs to work hard to learn how to fully use the new metal, perhaps the future will belong to it.

At the mention of the word "metal", for sure, everyone draws in their imagination a solid, durable and super-strong sheet of iron that cannot be simply bent or broken. However, metals are very different. And if you are wondering which metal is the most durable in the world, then we will provide you with a reliable answer and tell you about such a metal. It is a material of silver-white color, which is called "titanium".

Who opened it and when?

Two scientists worked on the discovery of this metal at once - the Englishman W. Gregory and the German M. Klaptor. They discovered this element at the end of the eighteenth century, but with a gap of six years. In the periodic table, titanium appeared at the twenty-second serial number immediately after the discovery of the metal by scientists. However, due to the high brittleness of titanium long time did not find application. And in 1925. Dutch physicists made a real discovery by isolating the purest titanium, which combines many advantages. The metal began to be distinguished by high manufacturability, excellent specific strength, resistance to corrosion and incredible strength when exposed to high-temperature conditions.

The main characteristics of titanium

The world's strongest metal, created by scientists in 1925, is incredibly ductile, making it possible to create sheets, rods, ribbons, pipes, wires and foils from it. In terms of hardness, titanium is four times harder than iron and copper, and titanium is twelve times stronger than aluminum in this parameter. Titanium products retain their strength even when exposed to high temperatures. Titanium parts are able to serve for a long time under the influence of ultra-high loads.

Also, the most durable metal on Earth has excellent anti-corrosion characteristics. For example, placed in sea ​​water a titanium plate has not been exposed to rust for ten years. Increased interest electrical and radio electronics engineers have access to this metal - and all because the world's strongest metal has significant electrical resistance and is distinguished by non-magnetic properties.

Why is this metal called "titanium"?

There are two versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, it is believed that the silver-white metal was named after the queen of the fairies Titania, who is known from Germanic mythology. And all because the material, in addition to high strength, is also incredibly light. According to another version, the metal is named after the mighty children of the goddess Gaia - the Titans. It is difficult to judge which of these versions is more plausible, but it can be noted that each of them is wonderful and has a place to be.

Application of titanium

The use of silver metal is quite wide. It is used in the military industry (construction of missiles, armor for aircraft, submarine hulls, etc.), medicine (prosthetics), automotive, agriculture, mobile phones and jewelry.

Even lighter and more durable

Quite recently, Californian scientists announced to the whole world that they had discovered the lightest and most durable metal. This is a liquid metal that is created from a mixture of graphene oxide and lyophilized carbon. Liquid-metal has already received high marks from specialists and has established itself as an ideal material for casting and stainless steel.

The new metal is so light that flower petals can easily hold it. As you know, graphene is distinguished not only by its lightness and high strength, but also by its excellent flexibility. Therefore, scientists today are developing in the direction of creating an ultralight material, and perhaps in the near future even more unique materials will appear before humanity.

Since childhood, we know that the most durable metal is steel. Everything iron is associated with it.

Iron man, iron lady, steel character. By saying these phrases, we mean incredible strength, strength, hardness.

For a long time, steel was the main material in production and weapons. But steel is not metal. To be more precise, it is not a completely pure metal. This is with carbon, in which other metal additives are also present. By applying additives, i.e. change its properties. After that, it is processed. Steelmaking is a whole science.

The strongest metal is obtained by introducing the appropriate alloys into the steel. It can be chromium, which also gives heat resistance, nickel, which makes steel hard and elastic, etc.

In some positions, steel began to displace aluminum. Time passed, the speed increased. Aluminum didn't hold up either. I had to turn to the titan.

Yes, titanium is the strongest metal. To give steel high strength characteristics, titanium was added to it.

It was opened in the XVIII century. Due to its fragility, it was impossible to use it. Over time, having received pure titanium, engineers and designers became interested in its high specific strength, low density, resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. Its physical strength exceeds the strength of iron by several times.

Engineers began adding titanium to steel. The result was the most durable metal, which has found application in an environment of ultrahigh temperatures. At that time, no other alloy could withstand them.

If you imagine an airplane that flies three times faster than you can imagine, how the sheathing metal heats up. The sheet metal of the aircraft skin in such conditions is heated up to +3000C.

Today, titanium is used unlimitedly in all areas of production. These are medicine, aircraft building, ship production.

With all the obviousness, we can say that in the near future, the titan will have to move.

Scientists from the USA, in the laboratories of the University of Texas at Austin, discovered the thinnest and most durable material on Earth. They called it graphene.

Imagine a plate whose thickness is equal to the thickness of one atom. But such a plate is stronger than diamond and transmits a hundred times better electricity than silicon computer chips.

Graphene is a material with amazing properties. He will soon leave the laboratories and rightfully take his place among the most durable materials Universe.

It is even impossible to imagine that a few grams of graphene would be enough to cover a football field. Here is the metal. Pipes made of such material can be laid manually without the use of lifting and transport mechanisms.

Graphene, like diamond, is the purest carbon. His flexibility is amazing. Such material is easily bent, folds perfectly and rolls up perfectly.

Manufacturers of touch screens, solar panels, cell phones and, finally, super-fast computer chips.

The debate about which of the metals should be awarded the title of the most durable and valuable in the world does not stop. The reason for the disputes was the difference in their characteristics and features.

The silvery white, extremely refractory metal belonging to the platinum group tops our strength rating. It was opened only in 1803. It is extremely rare in nature, the main source of iridium production is small celestial bodies. The volume of world production of iridium does not exceed 3 tons.

According to scientists, its deposits are also on our planet, they are located in the very depths of the earth's bowels, which makes their extraction extremely difficult today.

Iridium is added to refractory metals: titanium, tungsten, chromium, to increase their resistance to acids, and is used in the manufacture of jewelry and stationery. The possibilities of iridium are also actively used in industry, spark plugs for internal combustion engines, parts for spacecraft are produced.

Due to the rarity, the price noble metal is extremely high, as of October 2016 it is more than $20 per gram.

One of the strongest metals with a high atomic density has a lead hue provided by an oxide film on the surface. In its pure form, it was mined only at the beginning of the 20th century.

To obtain 1 ton of tantalum, it is necessary to process about 3,000 tons of ore. The main deposits are located in France, Australia, China and Egypt. With all its hardness, it has high ductility, comparable to gold.

It begins to melt at ultra-high temperatures (about 3000 ⁰С), it is resistant to chemical reagents and almost all acids, except for a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids.

If after the discovery, tantalum was used exclusively for the production of wire for incandescent lamps, now its resistance to mechanical and thermal influences is appreciated.

It has found wide application in various industries industry, mechanical engineering and space industry. Superconductors are made from it, used in the production of bone prostheses, military armor.

The difficulty of extracting tantalum ensures its high price, which in October 2016 is about $300 per kilogram.

One of the hardest metals, belongs to the platinum group, therefore it is considered noble, differs high temperature melting (2334 ⁰С), rarity, resistance to external influences.

Ruthenium crystals are quite fragile and can be easily pounded in a mortar. Produced in the bulk in South Africa, has a pleasant blue-gray hue. Ruthenium is isolated from the rock by complex chemical treatment, but in its pure form it is practically not used because of its brittleness.

Mainly added to compounds with various metals to improve characteristics such as hardness (to platinum and palladium in jewelry), resistance to aggressive environments (titanium), to improve the efficiency of electrical contacts, thermocouples, is also used for the production of laboratory glassware.

It belongs not only to the hardest, but also the most expensive metals, the price exceeds $20 per gram.

A hard metal of a silvery-white color, not found in its pure form, but mined from chromium iron ore. It melts at a temperature of 1907 ⁰С, is resistant to alkalis and acids, and is not subject to corrosion.

Due to its properties, it has found wide application in light industry, it is used for the production of metal-cutting tools, weapons. The cost of the metal is unstable and fluctuates in a very wide range.

A hard, strong, light and highly toxic metal, light gray shade. Poisoned by beryllium fumes, you can die. Found application in the nuclear industry in the production of neutron reflectors, is added to alloys to give them additional strength, corrosion resistance.

Also used in the nuclear industry, metallurgy, aerodynamics. The price of beryllium in 2016 was $5500-6000 per kilogram

Strong and dense metal of silver-blue color, 3 times heavier than lead by weight. It is rarely found in its pure form, as a rule, it is mined from other representatives of the platinum group, in tandem with iridium, or as part of cosmic bodies that have fallen to Earth.

It has a strong unpleasant aroma. It is found in a number of regions of Russia, Northern and South America. It is separated from other impurities by complex chemical reactions, the duration of which is up to 9 months. Has found wide application in various industries.

In conjunction with tungsten, it is used for the production of filaments, and with platinum - for pacemakers and surgical instruments. Due to the difficulty of extraction and limited quantity, it has a high price, 100 g of osmium costs about $7,700.

It is a by-product in the production of copper and molybdenum. It is used in modern aircraft construction, production of high-precision electronics, in the synthesis of high-octane gasoline.

Expansion of applications of rhenium is hindered by the complexity of mining and dispersion over the surface earth's crust. The same factor provides the metal with a high cost (up to $4,000 per kg).

Light gray metal, reminiscent of platinum, is characterized by high density and refractoriness. It is quite common in nature, occurs in the form of compounds rocks called wolframite.

Despite the hardness of tungsten, it lends itself perfectly to forging at temperatures above 1600 ⁰С, which makes it possible to use it in heavy industry as a base for refractory metals.

Tungsten elements are used in the creation of televisions and lighting fixtures. As of October 2016, the price per kilogram of tungsten is $150.

One of the most durable metals in the world, which is a weak radioactive element. It is ubiquitous, found both in pure form and in sedimentary rocks.

The process of producing pure uranium is quite laborious, divided into several stages, as a result of which only a few grams of metal are obtained from a ton of uranium ore. It is used for the production of nuclear fuel, cores for armor-piercing projectiles, as well as for staining glass.

The cost of uranium for 2016 is about $60 per kg.

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