How is the name Vadim translated from Greek. The meaning of the name Vadim is an interpretation. What character can a boy Vadim have

Full name:

Similar names: Wadzim

Church name:

Meaning: from the old Russian "vaditi" - "to argue, sow confusion" or "tame"
from old Russian word"volod" - "ruler"
short form named after Vadimir - "to argue"

Middle name: Vadimovich, Vadimovna

The meaning of the name Vadim - interpretation

The male name Vadim is one of the most popular. It has rich history and several versions of origin. According to one of them, Vadim comes from the ancient Aryan combination “sowing confusion” or “arguing”. Some linguists attribute to him an ancient Slavic origin. The name contains two roots: "vadit" and "ima". The first is translated as "to attract", "to attract", "to call", and the second - "to possess", "to have". According to this version, Vadim is “having attractiveness”, “beloved”, “calling”. Slavic word“Vadit” has another interpretation - “argue”, “tame”. Then Vadim is a “disputer”, “troublemaker”. There is a version that this name comes from the word "volod", interpreted as "ruler".

Name Vadim in other languages

Astrology named after Vadim

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

As a child, Vadim is a restless, emotional child. The boy tends to take everything to heart. He is not shy about showing his feelings and experiences. The kid is too active, inquisitive. This leads to all sorts of troubles.

The boy pesters his parents with a million questions. This behavior leads to an irrepressible thirst for knowledge. To direct Vadim's energy in the right direction, it is worth writing it down in sports section or a modeling circle, where they will teach patience, perseverance, attentiveness.

At school, the guy does not study very well - restlessness interferes. A good memory and quick wits help Vadim quickly learn new topics.

Vadim at a tender age is attached to his parents. With them, he behaves more calmly, so as not to upset once again. The character of the boy is flexible. Proper upbringing will help grow a successful, purposeful, self-sufficient person. This child should not be restricted. He must make his own decisions.

In his youth, Vadim is calm, reasonable. He is confident and balanced. His imagination draws an individual picture of the world. It is impossible to change the mind of a teenager in this regard. The character of the guy is complex and multifaceted. The inner world of a young man is harmonious. This is manifested by spontaneity, friendliness, emotionality, fortitude.

Outwardly, the teenager is flexible and soft. There is a lot hidden inside strong personality. A sharp mind and ingenuity allow him to easily gain authority and take root in any company. Vadim is not inclined to self-expression. The guy prefers to remain in the shadows.

Natural charm attracts representatives of the opposite sex to his person. The young man is sincere, straightforward, not afraid to offend. Criticism is positive, if it is justified and constructive. Friends appreciate Vadim for devotion and participation.

Adult Vadim surprises with cheerfulness and stability. Unfulfilled dreams turn him into a thoughtful and secretive person. The young man is impulsive. This makes it difficult to make the right decisions. Over the years, Vadim learns to control his emotions, words and actions.

A man treats life easily, perceiving it as an exciting game. He loves fun and is adventurous. Every day is full bright colors and emotions.

The owner of this name is persistent, stubborn and purposeful. He brings any undertakings to their logical conclusion, which is appreciated by colleagues and employers. A man is not ready to jump above his head. He prefers to move towards his goal slowly but surely. An important skill of this person is the correct definition of primary tasks. This makes him calm and balanced. His straightforwardness can bring the interlocutor to a nervous breakdown. Vadim knows how to understand people, which eliminates disappointment in others. His social circle consists of a large number devoted and true friends.

Vadim's character

Vadim is a person who loves to enjoy company. Strong friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation are in the first place for him. He is purposeful, not indifferent to others, but tries to remain calm and not violate his own postulates.

In this person miraculously irrepressible energy, patience and balance are combined. A man is practical and active, kind and sympathetic, honest and straightforward, charming and not touchy. He does not lie, but knows how to dodge. Can easily concentrate on big things. Not ambitious. Easily and quickly adapts to new conditions. Always helps relatives and tries to remain optimistic.

Difficult circumstances make Vadim very thoughtful. To solve important problems, a man approaches with slowness. He quickly gets bored with routine work and daily duties. A man with this name is passionate, curious. These qualities can play bad joke. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate and reckless.

He is subject to the opinions of others, so he risks falling into a bad company. Prone to risk. Vadim's temper quickly subsides, but can lead to adverse consequences.

The fate of Vadim

The happiness of this man depends on the correct choice of occupation, life partner, hobbies, friends. His nature is fatalistic. His mood changes quickly. Vadim is passionate, loves risk. AT young age The boy's life is in danger. In order not to end up in a hospital bed and not lose vital values, he needs to learn to keep himself in check.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Vadim approaches the choice of specialty seriously. Purposefulness and restraint allow him to occupy leadership positions. Suitable Professions- programmer, engineer, mechanic, architect, designer. In business, a man is not lucky - slowness interferes, which is unacceptable in the fight against the competition of the modern market.

Financial well-being in youth is not of interest. The need for money arises after marriage. Vadim strives to fully provide for his family. To do this, he is ready to change jobs, get an additional position or take a step towards a higher rung of the career ladder.

Marriage and family

Vadim is not inclined to early marriage. Long chooses a life partner. But he makes an offer impulsively, following another hobby.

Vadim appreciates family bonds. He is faithful to his wife, caring towards brothers, sisters, children and parents. His woman should be beautiful, with appetizing forms and passionate temperament. Having fallen in love, a man plunges headlong into feelings, keeping them until the end of his life. Vadim's wife is a mistress and friend. Marriage with this man is very happy. The spouse participates in everyday life and in the upbringing of children.

Sex and love

Vadim is a passionate and enthusiastic nature. This man is greedy for women's charms. He repeatedly breaks the hearts of gullible girlfriends. Strong temperament makes him unpredictable in love affairs. The ideal passion is a beautiful, sophisticated, slender, active, experienced girl.

The representative of the strong half with this name perceives sex as a sports competition. Not shy about desires. Often immodest in bed. Sensual pleasure is ready to receive everywhere and always. Agrees to translate into reality not only their erotic fantasies, but also the dreams of the chosen one. AT intimate relationships skillful. Tries to bring the partner to highest point pleasure, using sensitivity and tenderness. He himself receives complete satisfaction only with his beloved woman.


The immune defense of a man named Vadim is at an average level. As a child, he suffers from acute respiratory infections, influenza and other viral and infectious diseases. Often, Vadim is inattentive to his health and too energetic, as a result of which, throughout his life, he often finds himself in situations that are fraught with injuries.

In adult life his health depends on habits. Overeating and addiction to alcohol are fraught with obesity, disorders nervous system, disorders of the heart and blood vessels. It is desirable for a man to adhere to the daily routine and fully relax.

Interests and hobbies

Vadim does not always find time for entertainment, but if he still finds time for rest, then he walks to the fullest. This temperamental and energetic nature needs a surge of internal energy, so a man prefers leisure. Vadim's main hobby is cars. He loves fast driving. Adrenaline makes him feel alive.

The man is excited. He is attracted to casinos, especially roulette. This man's passion is delicious food.

Vadim's main character traits are calmness and love of life. He is characterized by slowness, confidence and natural softness of character.

Translated from Old Slavonic, the name Vadim means "debater".

Origin of the name Vadim:

The origin of the name Vadim is not exactly established. There is a version that it is formed from the Old Slavonic "vaditi", which translates as "argue", "sow confusion".

Another version suggests that Vadim is a form of the name Vladimir, which eventually turned into a separate name.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Vadim:

Little Vadim is a typical restless child. He is very emotional, deeply worried about everything and does not hesitate to give vent to emotions in screaming and running around. All Vadim children are inquisitive and pester adults with dozens of questions, but they never seek to upset their parents and willingly do everything they are asked to do. Restlessness causes problems for Vadim for the most part at school, where they are sincerely interested in the content of the lesson, but rarely are they able to calmly sit through it until the bell rings. Vadim's peers get along easily and willingly, but teachers often complain that he interferes with the lesson. With age, Vadim acquires calmness and prudence, the acquired knowledge helps them build their own unshakable picture of the world. The energy that moved them in childhood goes into a complex and harmonious inner world, but they retain their childlike friendliness and spontaneity until old age.

With people, Vadim is calm and soft, like water, but his complaisance is deceptive - he is smart and quick-witted, and if desired, can be stubborn and tough. Vadim are excellent leaders, sensitive, understanding and effectively managing the work process. Vadim's subordinates are diligent, you can always rely on them. In society, Vadim rarely stands out, and he does not strive for fame - success and recognition among a circle of people significant to him is more important for him. In quarrels and disputes, it is difficult for Vadim to lose his temper, and even when he boils, he cools down quickly and does not consider it necessary to keep an evil eye on the offender. Vadim's natural prudence and inner harmony make him a welcome friend and excellent adviser. He knows how to communicate without putting pressure on people and without bending under them himself, in his company it is comfortable and interesting for almost everyone, regardless of character and hobbies. Vadim is sincere, but rarely when they want to intentionally offend the interlocutor.

Vadim, who have not received recognition and have not found friends, are often overly gloomy and thoughtful. For effective work they need a stimulus, without which they often go completely into inner experiences and succumb to laziness and melancholy.

Vadim in love is changeable and fickle. It is difficult for him to make a choice, he rarely clearly imagines the ideal of his chosen one and often rushes between women, not knowing which one he has feelings for. sexual relations Vadim is always associated with the strength of his feelings. But a truly deeply and seriously in love Vadim confidently marries and never seeks adventures on the side.

AT family life Vadim are good-natured and rational, they are respectful sons and willingly participate in household chores. They love children and enjoy raising them.

Vadim born in summer are characterized by fatalism and laziness, "winter", on the contrary, are energetic and inquisitive. "Autumn" and "spring" - loving and good-natured, good family men.

The best partners for Vadim are Alexandra, Ekaterina and Svetlana, Alla, Olga and Tamara are less suitable for marriage with him.

born: 1932-06-22

Soviet artist pop singer, theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia

Version 1. What does the name Vadim mean

Vadim - "bully" (glor.)

Usually a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, jumps around the room or skips along the alley of the park, scaring the old grandmother or random passers-by with his screams. But it is not from disobedience.

Vadim reacts very sensitively to his mother's remarks, dearly loves her and dad and his sister and brother, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy ... Therefore, in childhood, you need to make sure that Vadik does not ride a bicycle onto the roadway road, fell from a tree or a balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

From Vadimov sensible leaders are obtained. They feel people, caring, remember their promises. Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Having taken up something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. He is not devoid of prudence and some cunning, carefully thinks through his actions and statements. It has "punching" abilities: it is a pleasure to get something rare and scarce for Vadim; he sees a certain game in this and experiences approximately the same feelings that an athlete has when he wins.

This is a passionate, addictive nature. May be addicted to cards, prone to risk. In entertainment, he adheres to the principle of “walk - walk like that” and sometimes, following it, intercepts over the edge. loves to drive fast and nice table.

It happens long time meets a girl, prepares for a wedding, but under the influence of a fleeting passion, he marries another. But, having fallen in love, loves thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. His jealousy is just as passionate. And this is not surprising: Vadim's wife is more than a wife, she is his second "I" for him. The woman who connected her life with him is usually satisfied with her fate.

Vadim is predisposed to colds, he must also beware of accidents.

"Winter" - sociable, cheerful, frank with friends.

"Autumn" - passionate, addicted nature. Can become a builder, a mechanic, succeed in the field of electronics. This is the leader. Suitable for patronymics: Petrovich, Pavlovich, Andreevich, Mikhailovich, Borisovich, Vyacheslavovich, Evgenievich.

"Summer" - energetic, active, to some extent an altruist.

"Spring" Vadim loves comfort, loves to flaunt his abilities, boastful. Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, writer, actor, realist artist. Here is a suitable role for him in life. Patronymics: Egorovich, Zinovievich, Illarionovich, Iosifovich, Davydovich, Lazarevich - will help him succeed.

Version 2. What does the name Vadim mean

Secretive, emotional, hypersexual. These are the conquerors of women's hearts - with an extraordinary appearance and a cold mind. In fact, they are very gentle, easily vulnerable, talented, inquisitive, amorous. All their lives they strive to find an ideal woman, they dream of her.

Winter - "heavy", for a long time they cannot decide on the choice of profession, wife, friends. They write very beautiful poems, prose, pictures.

Summer ones are softer, lazier, but also not without talents. Think fast, read fast, act fast.

3 version of the meaning of the name Vadim

Meaning: : This name is a mystery to explorers. Some produce it from Avestan roots, comparing the ancient Aryan words "Vata" or "Vayu", meaning wind, a symbol of victory. Indeed, the holy martyr Vadim of Persia is known in history. At the same time, this name also found its way into the Novgorod annals, which is not really surprising, given the closeness of many Avestan and Old Slavic roots. Other researchers derive it from the Slavic verb "vadit", meaning "to argue, sow confusion", turning a blind eye to the fact that in this case Vadim is the only canonized insult name of its kind, and not everything is going smoothly with the suffix. According to our version, this is the name of two indigenous people, while the word "vadit" does not mean "argue", but "attract", attract, attract. This root is preserved in the Russian words "povaditsya, privavada" and others. The second root is "ima, imati", meaning "possession, possession, to have". Thus, the name Vadim literally means "having attractiveness, calling, beloved." There is another version of the origin of this name from "Vladimir"

4 version of the interpretation of the name Vadim

VADIM - accuser (old Russian).

Name day: April 22 - The Monk Martyr Vadim, Archimandrite, suffered for the faith of Christ in the year 376.

Zodiac sign - Taurus.

Planet - Moon.

Color - lemon yellow.

Auspicious tree - walnut.

Treasured plant - dahlia.

The patron of the name is an ox.

The talisman stone is turquoise.


Vadim is extremely hardworking and purposeful. Once he starts something, he won't stop until he gets his way. Not devoid of prudence and some cunning, carefully thinks through his statements. Possesses the ability of the great "getting" - for him it is a way of life game. Vadim is a passionate, addicted person; prone to risk. In entertainment, he acts on the principle of “walk like a walk”, and then, to put it mildly, he is promiscuous in his lover of women and love.

5 version of the meaning of the name Vadim

The meaning of this name is controversial. Some researchers consider it to be Persian, while the majority are inclined to believe that it comes from the Old Russian word "vaditi" - to sow confusion, argue, accuse, slander; perhaps this is a shortened form of the name Vadimir.

Usually Vadim is a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, will jump around the room or run hopping along the alley of the park, scaring grandmothers sitting on benches or bystanders with cries. But it is not from disobedience. Vadim is very sensitive to his mother's remarks, dearly loves her and his father, his sisters and brothers, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy ... Therefore, in childhood, you need to make sure that the boy does not ride a bicycle onto the roadway road, fell from a tree or a balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

The Vadimovs make good leaders. They feel people well, caring, remember their promises. Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Once they start something, they won't stop until they get it. They are not devoid of prudence and some cunning, they carefully think over their actions and statements. They have good “punching” abilities, getting something rare and scarce is a pleasure for them, they see this as a certain game, a sporting interest, experiencing something like the feelings of an athlete who defeated his opponent.

Vadim are passionate, addicted natures. They can be addicted to cards, reckless, risk-averse. In entertainment, they adhere to the principle of "walk - walk like that" and sometimes, following it, they grab it over the edge. They also like fast driving and a good table. They can date a girl for a long time, prepare for marriage, but under the influence of a fleeting passion, marry another. Having fallen in love, they love thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. And their jealousy is just as passionate. A wife for Vadim is more than a wife, she is his second "I". Vadimov's wives are usually satisfied with their fate.

"Winter" - "heavy", for a long time they can not decide on the choice of profession, wife, friends. "Summer" - softer, lazier.

Vadim will find happiness in marriage with Alexandra, Vera, Dina, Ekaterina, Lilia, Ruslana, Svetlana. unlikely happy marriage with Alina, Alla, Venus, Helena, Juliet, Elena, Anna, Maya, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Yana.

6 version of the meaning of the name Vadim

There is no established opinion about the origin of the name Vadim. According to one version, it comes from the Old Russian word "vaditi", which means "to argue", "to sow confusion", "to accuse".

Very restless as a child. He is constantly on the move, loves to run and play, while giving vent to his emotions. Vadim can become a good leader. He understands people well, takes care of them, keeps his promises. Very hardworking and goal oriented. When he takes on a task, he always brings it to the end. He doesn't do stupid things and doesn't say anything superfluous. Vadim is easily carried away by nature.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 5.

8 version of the meaning of the name Vadim

Vadim - from other Russian. accuse, slander, abbreviation of the Slavic name Vadimir.

Derivatives: Vadimka, Dima, Vadya, Vadish, Vadyusha.

Folk omens.

If there is no rain, clouds and wind on Vadim in the morning, there will be a clear day and good summer; if the weather is bad - bad weather and a bad summer.


Diligence, purposefulness and perseverance are the main features of Vadim's rich nature. It gives him pleasure to do what others cannot: get a rare medicine, a book, etc. Having promised something, he will not rest until he achieves his goal. He is not devoid of prudence and even cunning, he carefully thinks over any word, remembering that it is not a sparrow. But at the same time, Vadim is passionate, passionate, sometimes inclined to take risks. In entertainment, he acts on the principle of “walk like a walk”, and then he is “knee-deep sea”; with whom he spends time, who are his chosen ones - he doesn't care.

famous namesakes.

The Monk Vadim, Archimandrite, suffered for his adherence to Christ in 376.

Vadim the Brave, the grandson of Gostomysl - according to legend, the leader of the Novgorodians who rebelled against Rurik, dissatisfied with the autocracy of the newcomer and the actions of his relatives; killed by Rurik in 864

Vadim Gabrielevich Shershenevich (1893-1942) - Russian poet, literary critic.

Name day Vadim

April 22,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Notable people named Vadim

Numerology Of The Name Vadim

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, community service. Caring, traditional views, denial of too abrupt changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Vadim

AT- sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with names that begin with "B" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers.

Despite the passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their whole lives with one person.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, will think over everything well several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in a difficult situation. They are overly talkative. They do not accept criticism, very rarely listen to other people's opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

And- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

Name as a phrase

  • AT- Lead
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • D- Welcome
  • And- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • M- Think

Name Vadim in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Vadim in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Can Vadik be called Vadim and vice versa? Will such an appeal cause resentment and omissions? The article will reveal the secrets of this mysterious name.

It seems obvious that Vadik and Vadim are one and the same man's name. But is it really that simple?

Vadim and Vadik: different names or not?

Sonorous primordially Russian name Vadim came into modern times from ancient times, when boys were also called Mstislavs, Mechislavs, Zhdans and Nechays. Vadim - means "rebel", "fighter", "disturber". However, in life this name is not at all associated with struggle and rebellion.

Vadimfull name. Abridged version - Vadya, Vad, and affectionate - Vadik. Therefore, we can say with confidence that Vadim and Vadik are the same name.

Vadim is a name that came from Ancient Russia

Can Vadim be called Vadik?

Vadim can be called Vadik, but not always. The use of a diminutive form of the full name is permissible in case of close relationship or friendship.

That is, if Vadim is brought by a son, brother, husband or friend, and has nothing against such a modification of his name, he can be safely called Vadik, as well as Vadya, Vadimka, Vadechka or Vadyunya. However, we do not recommend conducting such experiments with the boss Vadim Ivanovich or father-in-law Vadim Petrovich.

Vadim and Vadik: how to call the full name correctly?

Vadim is the full name, and Vadik is a derivative of it. However, there is an opinion that Vadim is just an abbreviated form old Russian name Vladimir Whatever it was in Ancient Russia, but nowadays all Vadimovs and Vadikovs have official documents the first version of the name is written - Vadim.

Vadim is a good family man and a talented leader

By nature, Vadima (Vadika) is sensitive, enthusiastic, energetic and responsible people. They make good loving husbands, caring fathers and excellent leaders. Therefore, if among your friends, relatives or just acquaintances there is a person with this mysterious name, consider yourself lucky.

In this article, you will find out the real meaning of the name Vadim for a boy: what his fate awaits and what his character will be. The origin of the name Vadim got its origin from the ancient Slavic root - to drive, which means in translation attract, allure.

What does the name say?

name energy Vadim shrouded in some mystery, in principle, as well as its origin. The sound of this name is filled with slowness and calmness. Water can be associated with this name, since its calmness is sometimes deceptive, it fascinates, and sometimes frightens. This also applies to the name. Vadim, sometimes it is able to fascinate with its depth.

The nature and secret of the name Vadim: The name reflects on the character Vadim, identifying with its owner, the name inclines to thoughtfulness and reflection. In the event that an obstacle gets in the way of Vadim, at first he may boil, but after everything is left behind, he will quickly return everything to its usual course. This, in turn, leads to the fact that among the Vadim, there are quite a few vindictive people. The balance in which this name resides can be surprising, because with all the mobility it is quite stable, as a result, Vadim can easily and easily adapt to new life circumstances.

Sometimes Vadim perceives life as a game in which you can argue, have fun, get upset, but after that not tear your hair out. This allows him neither to darken the soul. Quite often, this helps him in business, he does not get tired of unnecessary worries and worries about the fate of the department, and therefore saves a lot of strength for the main work. But Vadim is the person who will not calm down until he brings his work to its logical end.

As a child, Vadim is a cheerful, healthy and sociable child. The children's characteristic of the name Vadim is always positive. He is sensitive enough to all the remarks that his mother makes to him, dearly loves his parents, brothers and sisters, if any. Vadim studies quite well, but sometimes he is not assiduous.

What does the name Vadim mean for a career: Vadim will be a good leader, as he is able to feel people, keeps his promises, and is caring. Extremely dedicated and hardworking. He has a certain prudence and cunning, he always thinks over his statements and actions very carefully. Endowed with good penetrating abilities, he can always get something rare.

Vadim should be attributed to fascinating and passionate natures. Risk-taker, easily addicted to gambling. Prefers fast driving and a good table.

Vadim can date a girl for a long time, prepare for a wedding, but one day he will get carried away by another and marry her. But if Vadim falls in love, then this is thorough and for a long time. Jealous. A wife for Vadim means more than just a wife, she is more likely to be his second self. The Vadimov spouses are generally always satisfied with their fate.

Vadim, born in winter, is somewhat difficult to communicate with. For a long time it is determined in the choice of friends, profession, wife. Vadim, born in the summer, is much lazier and softer.

Name in history

Although the history of the name Vadim goes far into the past, the most famous namesake is a film director, National artist Russian Vadim Abdrashitov. He is rightly called a master of action-packed social drama. He really creative person, whose main features are maximalism and uncompromisingness. He was never taken seriously by the tastes of the audience, he quite often acted contrary to his own benefit, on the way to achieving his creative goals.

This began to manifest itself at the very beginning of his career. His thesis, a short film - "Stop Potapov!" aroused quite a bit of interest. His, young director, was invited to work at Mosfilm, he needed to shoot a full-length picture based on his thesis. But, he flatly refused the offered job, yesterday's VGIK graduate, refused big money, fame, a tempting prospect, and all due to the fact that this story has already been completed for him.

It turned out that for more than thirty years, Vadim Abdrashitov did not shoot even two dozen paintings. But, his slowness was compensated by the quality, since almost every painting of his was an event in the cultural life of Russia. For many of his films, he received a number of prestigious awards, including at festivals abroad.

As you can see, even though Abdrashitov did not know what the name Vadim meant to him, he still repeated the fate that the mystery of the name Vadim predicted.

Characteristics of the name Vadim: in communication, Vadim almost always says what he thinks, so sometimes his words are perceived incorrectly. Sometimes it can even offend the interlocutor, but in fact hurtful words Vadim, quite rarely there will be a true desire to offend him, so you should not even be offended by this. Believe me, having Vadim as a friend, you will have an ally who is unlikely to hide the truth from you.

Astrology claims

The meaning of the name and character is also spelled out in astrology:
  • Corresponding zodiac sign: Pisces;
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury
  • Character traits: Calm, confident, cheerful;
  • Name Colors: All warm shades of red and brown, blue;
  • Lucky Colors: For greater purposefulness - black and red, for everyday affairs - blue and white;
  • Saint patrons of the name: Persian Vadim (April 22);
  • Talisman Stone: Blood Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Noble Black Opal.

Video stories about Vadim

Many mothers want to know what the name Vadim means for her child, in this video you will find out everything:

Spiritual designation of the name Vadim:

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