Mushroom twins are dangerous gifts of the forest. Twin Mushrooms Names of Dangerous Twin Mushrooms

Is it possible to distinguish edible mushroom from edible?

Experts believe that it is impossible to derive a universal rule. The only guarantee against poisoning is knowledge of the signs certain types, differences between them.

Among wild mushrooms there are poisonous ones. Some of them, at first glance, are very similar to edible ones, such doubles should be especially wary. So, in pine and spruce forests grow poisonous mushrooms: bile, peppery, satanic. Pepper mushroom is very similar to butterdish and moss mushroom, satanic looks like a “understudy” of boletus, moreover, it is very skillful, gall mushroom from a distance also looks like white mushroom.

The difference between the White mushroom and the false ones: Gall fungus and Satanic mushroom

The bile fungus belongs to slightly poisonous mushrooms, it is often confused with ceps. It is impossible to poison them, but its bitter taste can spoil the whole dish. The main differences are: a dark mesh pattern on the leg (for white fungus it is white), a dirty pinkish bottom of the cap (in the porcini fungus, the tubular layer is always white or cream, it turns yellow or green with age), bitter pulp (it is enough to lick the bottom of the cap to feel bitterness) - this is why the gall fungus is also called mustard. At the break, the flesh turns pink (boletus is always white).

The porcini mushroom is very similar in appearance to the satanic one. But if you click on its inner part (“moss”), it will turn pink. So, this is not a white mushroom, but a poisonous one.

Differences between Chanterelle and False Chanterelle

In fact, it is not so difficult to distinguish a real fox from a fake. For starters, pay attention to the color. In false chanterelles, unlike real ones, it is especially bright orange in the transition to copper red. And ordinary ones are just exactly yellow.

Hat. If you notice very smooth edges, should be concerned. A real fox has a wavy decoration of this part of it.

legs at real chanterelle thick and not hollow. Spores are yellowish. But her false sister has the opposite: the leg is thin, and the spores are white.

Smell it. It has already been said earlier that the difference between the true mistress of the forest is in her fruity or woody smell. But you are unlikely to want to put talkers in a basket after such a check.

Mushrooms do not like to grow alone. Usually this is a whole family, united by a common mycelium. But false chanterelles have just such a feature. They are often found in a single copy. This alone is a sign to be on the lookout for.

Look at the color of the pulp. The real one is yellowish, and in the middle it is white. The fake is distinguished by a solid orange or yellow color.

Press lightly on the flesh with your finger. common fox will blush modestly, but the false one will remain calmly monotonous.

Real chanterelles are rarely wormy, because they secrete chitinmannose and the larvae die under its influence. But the orange talkers do not have chitinmannose, so the larvae can infect them.

Differences of Mokhovikov and Oil from the poisonous Pepper mushroom

The pepper mushroom has a reddish-cherry tint to the pores of the tubules and legs. The flywheel has a tubular layer of olive or brown hues. The poisonous pepper mushroom turns red (the edible flywheel similar to it turns blue, and the butter dish does not change color). Unlike oil, the pepper mushroom does not have a ring on the leg. In the pepper mushroom, the lower spore-bearing layer of the cap approaches red, in the butter dish it approaches yellow.

The difference between real honey mushrooms and false mushrooms

From weakly poisonous mushrooms often found false mushrooms- they can be distinguished by the olive tint. Edible mushrooms are always brown. Twin mushrooms cause stomach upset only if they are poorly cooked or fried.

Remember: in real mushrooms, especially in young ones, such a “skirt” is visible on the leg, like a ballerina. The false ones don't.

The difference between champignon and grebe

In champignon, unlike pale grebe, there is no tuberous thickening at the base of the leg. In addition, the champignon has pale pink or dark plates, while the pale grebe has white and frequent ones.

White milk mushrooms are good for pickles. But they can also be confused with milk mushrooms, which are popularly called "squeakers". The difference is that a real mushroom is with a wet film, slimy and hides in the grass, and the fungus - “squeaky” is absolutely dry.

Very dangerous pale grebe. It looks like russula in appearance. The hat is green, sometimes almost white. On the leg, closer to the hat, a ring is noticeable. Not to

confuse, learn a simple selection rule: all mushrooms for pickles have holes in their stems. This is a sign that the mushroom is edible.

Main principle picking mushrooms

Everyone collects only those mushrooms that he knows and knows how to distinguish in any conditions, knows how young and old fruiting bodies look, what they look like in dry weather, what they look like in rain, etc.

Sometimes mushrooms are overripe: the mushroom looks good, not wormy, and in addition it is very large. From one mushroom you can cook potatoes or cook soup. Such mushrooms cannot be torn!

Overripe mushrooms are spoiled protein. Unlike meat and fish, which are rotten and have a very bad smell, fungal spoilage does not manifest itself externally. He talks about spoilage of the fungus big size, softness, not elasticity. Such mushrooms can harm the body. Mushroom protein is very difficult to digest. It is similar to the protein that forms the shells of beetles, crabs, shrimp - chitin. This protein must be processed for a very long time so that there is no large load on gastrointestinal tract. If you want to fry mushrooms, they must first be boiled for an hour.

Kira Stoletova

Mushrooms are a popular type of mushroom that are easy to grow at home. There is not only edible kind, but also false champignons. They pose a danger to humans - they can not be eaten.

Description of the appearance of the mushroom

Fake champignons differ, depending on the age and place where they grow. Most often there are mushrooms of a reddish hue, which are called yellow-skinned. Also well known is the type of false champignons called "flat cap". It has a sharp unpleasant odor, reminiscent of iodine.

The color of the false champignon cap may vary. If the mushroom grows in a clearing well lit by the sun, it will have a grayish tint. Organisms growing in forests are beige with an orange tint. The young false champignon has white plates under the cap, which darken and turn black with age. They are easy to distinguish, because real mushrooms have a rough hat, sometimes covered with scales, while the double has a smooth skin.

False champignon has a stem 10 cm high and 2.5 cm in diameter. It is cylindrical in shape, slightly thickened at the bottom. There is a double ring in the middle white color. Under the cap are thin frequent white plates with a pinkish tint. In older mushrooms, they acquire a dark brown color.

Differences between false and edible champignon

Mushrooms false (poisonous) and real are often confused, and this is deadly. Poison Doppelgänger champignon has a dark circle in the center of the cap, yellowish spots appear when pressed. This verification method does not give an exact guarantee, so it should be combined with other methods.

Finding a false champignon among the real ones will turn out according to the following signs:

  • its cut quickly acquires a bright yellow tint;
  • the double has a strong smell of disinfectant;
  • when boiled, the water also turns yellow.

These are insidious mushrooms, even after a long boil. toxic substances they do not break up.

Inedible champignon is similar to pale grebe, white fly agaric, smelly fly agaric and meadow mushrooms. They have a similar color and shape of the cap, which sometimes resembles a chanterelle mushroom. False champignons most often appear in July in mixed and deciduous forests, it is also possible to meet them in glades in city parks.

Real champignons look different. The place of the cut they have a pinkish tint. Also, the edible mushroom begins to grow in May, while the false one only begins to grow in the middle of summer.


Inedible champignon actively absorbs toxic substances from the soil. The use of such mushrooms leads to severe intoxication.

Toxoids block the production of deoxyribonucleic acid, as a result, healthy cells die. This affects the kidneys, intestines and liver most of all. A large portion of the eaten mushrooms can be fatal.

There are also substances in poisonous champignons that negatively affect proteins. This causes a violation of the contraction of the heart muscles.

Symptoms of poisoning

The first sign of poisoning is vomiting and indigestion. These symptoms appear after 2-3 hours. Later, stomach cramps appear. Similar symptoms are caused by pale grebe and poisonous meadow mushrooms.

There are several stages of champignon poisoning. Their description:

  • There is spastic pain in the abdomen, the body temperature rises. Diarrhea starts later.
  • A person feels a slight improvement in well-being, but toxic substances continue to affect the liver and kidneys. This is confirmed by the analyses. Remission lasts 1-2 days.
  • At this stage defeat internal organs reaches its peak. Begins liver and kidney failure.

In case of poisoning with false champignons, it is necessary to call ambulance even at the first stage of poisoning. Before her arrival, it is important to remove toxins from the body.

Description of first aid:

  • drink 1 liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting to flush the stomach;
  • take sorbents at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight;
  • a warm heating pad is placed on the stomach and legs: this helps to avoid circulatory disorders;
  • drink strong tea or warm water.

Treatment for poisoning

After hospitalization, the patient is detoxified. This is an enema, gastric lavage or hemodialysis. The choice of treatment method depends on how much of the dangerous product the patient has eaten.

Poison mushroom twins

When picking mushrooms in the forest, it is worth remembering a few immutable rules. Firstly, not all mushrooms are edible, many of the ones we come across along the way are poisonous. It is very important to know that edible mushrooms are different from non-edible ones, but normal mushrooms also have poisonous counterparts.

Many edible mushrooms have twins, even the porcini mushroom, which is rightfully considered the "king of mushrooms." Do not be upset, because even experienced mushroom pickers confuse edible and their counterparts, collect them in a basket, but upon careful inspection of the assembled house, they immediately get rid of poisonous ones.

The counterpart of the "king of mushrooms" is -. Like any double, it is very similar to the original, but even with a detailed examination it can be easily distinguished: the leg of such a mushroom is covered with a mesh, and it itself is darker than that of a real porcini mushroom, and the underside of the cap is completely pink, the flesh on the cut legs turn red.

But like the true king, the porcini mushroom has more than one double, the second and most dangerous among the people is called “forest devil”, it also differs from its edible counterpart: The leg, closer to the top, has a pinkish color, and the hat from the bottom is blood-red, on the cut of the leg, the flesh first becomes red, then blue. Remember the "forest devil" is very poisonous!

Satanic mushroom (forest devil)

The double moss mushroom is a pepper mushroom, based on the name, the taste of this mushroom is hot, like a pepper. The hat of this double is dark below, and the leg is much thinner than the original.

Doubles of honey mushrooms are moth and gray-yellow honey agaric. They are the ones that cause the most poisoning. These changelings appear, just at the time of the collection of real honey mushrooms, in the month of August, but most often all the same in September. It is for this reason that mushroom pickers in the forest must be very careful not to pick those mushrooms that, firstly, they do not know, and those that cause alertness.

You should not take milky-white mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms often have such a color palette, if reddish plates adorn the mushroom cap, then this handsome man is also poisonous.

Not many poisonous mushrooms are fatal, but changeling venom mainly attacks the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Among the poisonous mushrooms, by right of primacy and danger, the place of the king is taken by a pale grebe, it is often confused with a porcini mushroom by inexperienced mushroom pickers, it has a kind of small “fringe” on the bottom of the hat, and again, unlike its fellow, the pale grebe is an aristocrat , in other words, it is much whiter than the "king of mushrooms"

When picking mushrooms, be careful, if something is in doubt, it is better not to cut it and not to take it with you.

Even when picking well-known mushrooms, there is a risk of putting a toxic specimen in the basket. After all, in addition to the usual red fly agaric or conditional grebes, in the forest you can find poisonous or simply inedible mushrooms very similar to edible. In some cases, a mistake can cost a life, so you should carefully examine everything that you put in a basket. What to look for and where to expect a dirty trick? We have made a selection of common dangerous doubles

Summer mushrooms - bordered galerina - sulfur-yellow false honey agaric

Summer mushrooms.

Summer honey agaric is probably not as popular as autumn, but it also has its admirers. And they should take note that this mushroom has a very dangerous double- bordered gallery. What are the differences? Firstly, summer honey agaric bears fruit in large clusters. In turn, the galerina, even if it grows in groups, usually grows together no more than 2-3 mushrooms. Secondly, the leg: at the honey agaric Bottom part- scaly, in the double - fibrous. In general, mushrooms are larger: their hat can reach up to 6 cm in diameter, in the gallery - more often up to 3 cm. If there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse the find. Galerina fringed is deadly poisonous!

The gallery is bordered.

False foam is sulfur-yellow.

Another twin of the summer honey agaric is a sulfur-yellow false honey agaric. Unlike the edible one, this specimen does not have a ring. There are also differences in smell: an edible mushroom emits a pleasant mushroom aroma, while a false one has a more subdued smell. Sulphur-yellow false foam is not as poisonous as bordered galerina, but the consequences are also unpleasant: its use can cause abdominal cramps and mild poisoning.

Champignon - pale grebe (white)


Death cap.

The key difference between champignon and poisonous twin is the color of the plates on the bottom of the cap. If in a pale grebe they are always white, then in an edible mushroom they are pink, and turn brown with age. At first glance, it is simple, but in practice it is not so easy to objectively determine the color, especially in a young mushroom: experience, lighting, and color perception are important here. The rule is the same: if in doubt, it is better to refuse to collect small, separately growing champignons. Eating a pale toadstool can cost your life!

Green russula - pale grebe (greenish gray)

Green russula.

Death cap.

To distinguish the russula from the pale grebe, you need to pay attention to the leg. Firstly, in a toxic fungus, it noticeably thickens downwards and has a well-defined volva - a membranous wrapper in the lower part of the stem, which is formed as a result of a rupture of the protective sac from which the mushroom grew. In young toadstools, this bag may still be intact - then there will be a tuber at the base. Secondly, the pale grebe has a ring at the top of the leg, which you will not find in the green russula.

Chanterelle real - chanterelle false

The fox is real.

Fox is false.

These mushrooms are similar only at first glance. There are several criteria. The double has a brighter color, the mushroom is bright orange or orange with a brown tint, and it is always lighter along the edge than in the center. True chanterelle color ranges from light yellow to yellow-orange, and the cap is evenly colored. The shape of the hat also matters. The false edges are even, neatly rounded, while the real edges are wavy, almost always irregular in shape. The plates of a real chanterelle are dense, thick, they go down the stem of the mushroom, becoming part of it. In the false one, they are thinner and more frequent, they also descend along the stem of the mushroom, but do not pass into it.

An error in this case is unlikely to result in death: false chanterelles- not an edible mushroom, but does not cause serious poisoning. Still, you should not lose your vigilance.

White mushroom - gall fungus (gorchak)


Bile mushroom.

King's doppelgänger mushroom kingdom in principle, it is not difficult to distinguish from a real porcini fungus. First, pay attention to the leg. The gall fungus has a pattern in the form of a dense brown mesh on it. Some types of mushrooms also have it, but thinner and always white. Secondly, the pulp of the gall fungus darkens when cut, becoming pinkish-brown. This does not happen with white fungus. Thirdly, pay attention to the tubular layer: in a young mustard it is white, in an adult fungus it is pinkish or dirty pink, in a mushroom it is white, yellowish or greenish.

The gall fungus is inedible, although not poisonous. The reason for inedibility is in strong bitterness, which cannot be removed even with prolonged cooking. Therefore, one of its names is “gorchak”.

Tales for adults

It is unlikely that any question has generated as many myths as the definition of the toxicity of mushrooms.

There are many popular “tests”! For example, supposedly worms and snails do not touch toxic mushrooms. Or - milk will curdle if you throw a poisonous mushroom into it. Another fiction: onions or garlic will turn brown when cooked, and silver will turn black if poison is wormed into the pan.

Leading Specialist of the Laboratory of Mycology of the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F. Kuprevich National Academy Sci. Olga Gapienko emphasizes: “Typical signs of poisonousness of mushrooms do not exist! Take even smell and taste. A classic example: the pale grebe smells good and has sweet taste. Veselka smells bad, but it's not poisonous. So there are no methods, only the knowledge of mushrooms.”

Smartphone to the rescue

What apps are right for you

Mushrooms of Belarus

This program is, in fact, a handy automated reference. All mushrooms are divided into 6 categories: edible - well-known, little-known and conditionally edible, inedible - little-known and poisonous plus with unknown properties. For each mushroom - photo and detailed description. How can such a program help? For example, you found a mushroom - by all indications it seems to be white, but the color of the cap is unusual. Go to the application, and here there are 6 types of them. Choose the most suitable one from the photo and compare the information with what you see in front of you: do all the signs match? If nothing is in doubt, feel free to put the mushroom in a basket.

Ecoguide: mushrooms

The application consists of three parts: an encyclopedia atlas, a textbook and, most interestingly, a guide to mushrooms. Let's take a closer look at the last one. The program allows you to find out what kind of mushroom you are holding in your hands. To do this, you need to introduce a number of external morphological features- form fruiting body, hat parameters, legs, and so on, a total of 22 points. One of the obvious advantages of the application is that you can work with it without an Internet connection. Minus, however, justified - the program is paid. It costs $3.99 on Google Market.

I'm going home

The application has nothing to do with the search for mushrooms, but it will help you get out of the forest if silent hunting carried away and you do not know how to go back. To do this, you need to open the program at home, turn on GPS and wait until the application receives the coordinates of your location. Save this data, after which you can close the program and even turn off the phone. When you decide to return home from the forest, open the application and click the "Let's go home" button. With the help of voice prompts, the program will guide you to desired point. But keep in mind: it does not see the terrain and forms the shortest route without taking into account obstacles. So this option is better to use as a spare - in case you fail to catch a connection and use online navigators.

We all have heard that there are twins of edible mushrooms, the use of which can be dangerous to our life and health. But what if you are going to the forest for the first time and do not know how to distinguish edible from poisonous? That is why today we will tell you what real twin mushrooms look like.

And we'll talk about fly agarics, gall fungi and scales. Let's talk about what mushrooms they are most often confused with.

Dangerous to health twin of the porcini fungus

We have all heard about the porcini mushroom, which is considered the standard. For example, mushroom pickers often evaluate their “harvest” by quantity. But, unfortunately, if you are a non-professional, then this species can be easily confused with gall. So let's figure out how we can keep our health.

We have already decided on the name of the dangerous twin of the white fungus. Now let's talk about how to distinguish it from the original. First of all, you need to pay attention to the leg.

If it is evenly covered with a light mesh, then this is most likely a white mushroom. But if the grid is dark and is located only on the upper part of the leg, then you need to look at this instance more carefully. Then, in order to make sure whether the white mushroom is in front of you or not, make a small incision on the stem.

If the pulp remains white a few minutes after the cut, then this is definitely an edible product. But if the flesh has turned pink, then such a “harvest” should be thrown away immediately, since you managed to pluck the gall fungus.

By the way, another double of the porcini fungus is considered satanic. Its distinguishing feature is a reddish mesh throughout the stem and a red tubular layer. And a few minutes after the cut, the flesh can turn dark purple.

Dangerous mushroom double champignon

This species is most often confused with the white fly agaric. And he, as you know, is quite dangerous for our lives.

The differences between champignon and white fly agaric are as follows:

  • Champignon

1. Egg-shaped hat. The pulp has a pleasant smell. After touching, the hat may turn yellow;

2. The plates are pinkish or light red. They can also be dark brown;

3. The leg has a cylindrical shape, expanding closer to the base. Approximately in the middle of the leg is a small white circle with a yellowish coating.

  • white fly agaric

1. The hat at the very top is rounded-conical in shape, closer to the bottom it becomes more open. The pulp of the cap has an unpleasant odor;

2. Records are very loose. Most often they are white. They can also be light pink;

3. The leg is thin, slightly swollen near the base. The ring on the leg is quite wide with stripes.

If you know about such distinctive features, then the likelihood of consuming a poisonous product will become much less. Now you understand that you need to carefully consider all the mushrooms so that there is no dangerous crop in the basket.

By the way, the white fly agaric family also includes pale grebes. And a lot can be said about the consequences of poisoning with them. The fact is that all the signs of poisoning with a pale toadstool can appear some time after it is eaten. It is for this reason that people quite often do not even immediately remember what they ate. And, unfortunately, in most cases, they simply do not have time to provide the necessary assistance in case of poisoning. Therefore, when collecting forest beauties you have to be very careful.

Poisonous mushroom double honey agarics

Mushrooms are also quite popular with gourmets. And most often they are confused with sulfur-yellow false-openets. In fact, these two mushrooms are really similar to each other. Therefore, if you are not one hundred percent sure what you put in the basket useful product it's best not to touch it at all.

A real honey agaric has a cream or honey-yellow cap. The smell of the pulp is quite pleasant.
The plates are also light yellow or cream. The stem at the base can be brown, black or brown. And the top is white. If you take it in your hand, the leg should be velvety to the touch.

False mushrooms are distinguished by a gray-yellow hat with a reddish dot on top. The plates are also gray-yellow or greenish. The leg has the same light yellow color.

Signs of poisoning with false mushrooms doubles

As you already understood, it is not difficult to confuse edible and poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you need to clearly know what the consequences of poisoning can be. So you can notice all the negative symptoms in time and consult a doctor.

So, the main symptoms of such poisoning include:

  1. severe nausea and vomiting;
  2. Significant abdominal pain and diarrhea;
  3. Heat. Although this symptom is individual, since someone can no longer get out of bed with a temperature of 37 degrees;
  4. Cold hands and feet.

Fly agaric poisoning has some features. In this case, such signs of poisoning as delirium, the appearance of hallucinations, or the manifestation of a state that may be similar to insanity can be noted.

Similar signs can appear as early as one and a half to two hours after eating a poisoned product. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor or an ambulance. If you have to wait for a doctor for some time, try to lie down constantly and drink plenty of warm water.

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