Pogudin Oleg main. Evening of rest with Oleg Pogudin. "Love Stories. Bulat Okudzhava - a brilliant poet of our time

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Oleg Evgenievich Pogudin(born December 22, 1968, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian chamber singer (tenor), performer of romances, teacher. People's Artist of the Russian Federation ().


He grew up in an intelligent family of scientists, his childhood was spent in the outskirts of Leningrad. Parents worked at the research institute of the military-industrial complex, several generations of the Pogudins sang beautifully in the male line. Oleg started making music at the age of seven.

He studied at school No. 270 of the Krasnoselsky district, at the Children's Music School No. 34 of Krasnoye Selo, from 1975 to 1987 he lived on the street. Liberation in Krasnoye Selo.

At the end of school, he dreamed of entering the Leningrad Conservatory, but the sixteen-year-old boy was advised to wait until his voice got stronger and come later. Not wanting to wait, in 1985 he became a student of the acting department (workshop of A. N. Kunitsyn). Here Pogudin continued to seriously engage in vocals, his graduation work was a solo performance in which the author performed songs from the repertoire of Alexander Vertinsky, and "did not copy the singing style of the famous Russian chansonnier, but was looking for his own expressive vocal colors, intonations, accents". In 1988, he sang in the church choir for some time and even thought about entering a monastery. In 1989, after an internship at the Theater Center. Eugene O'Neill ( Eugene O'Neil Theater Center), in the USA (through the American National Theater Institute), Pogudin took part in the final musical performance on the stage of Lincoln Center in New York. In 1990 he graduated from SPbGATI with honors. From 2004 to 2010 he taught at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy.

In 2005-2006 he was the host of the Romance of Romance program on the Culture channel. Since 2004, a teacher, and since 2007, an associate professor at the Department of Variety and Musical Theater of the St. Petersburg Academy theater arts. With the participation of Pogudin, the performances “Voices of the Bygone Century”, “ Scarlet Sails”, “Road without end”, which became notable events of the St. Petersburg theater life.

The artist's repertoire includes over 500 songs and romances. Main concert programs: Russian old urban romance, classical Russian romance, folk song; military songs; songs, romances, vocal works of foreign authors. A special place in the work is occupied by monographic programs dedicated to memory famous performers domestic stage: A. N. Vertinsky and B. Sh. Okudzhava , P. K. Leshchenko .

In the 2000s Special attention The artist was focused on working on a series of concerts and recordings called "Russian Genius", the purpose of which is to embody on stage and in recording works of the chamber vocal genre based on poems by Russian poets of the 19th - early 20th centuries. As part of this program, there is ongoing cooperation with literary museums in Russia, such as: the State Museum-Reserve of A. S. Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye", the Museum-Estate of L. N. Tolstoy - Yasnaya Polyana, the Museum-Estate of A. S. Griboyedov - Khmelita , State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov in Pyatigorsk and others.

Since 1995, first on Petersburg Radio, and then in the press and concert organizers, Pogudin has been widely referred to as "The Silver Voice of Russia", "The King of Romance".

Since 2012 Member of the Council under the President Russian Federation on culture and art.

Pogudin himself calls himself a representative of the pop genre, who tries to perform at the academic level. Aesthetically, he connects his creative ideals with the 19th century.

Not married, no children. Lives in Moscow and St. Petersburg, has apartments in both cities.


  • - vinyl record "Star of Love" by the company "Melody"
  • - laser disc "Lark"
  • - magnetic album "Romance"
  • - laser disc "I will keep the words of love"
  • - magnetic album "Chants of Hieromonk Roman"
  • - laser disc "Turquoise, gold rings"
  • - laser disc from the series "To the Russian Genius" "Lermontov Volume I. Prayer"
  • - laser disc "Can I love you quietly ..." songs by Alexander Vertinsky
  • - laser disc "Crystal Panikhida" songs by Alexander Vertinsky, part two.
  • - laser disc "Elegy. Concert"
  • - laser disc "I swear it was love ..." songs by Bulat Okudzhava
  • - laser disc "Favorites, Volume I"
  • - laser disc “Russian romance. Part I"
  • - laser disc “Russian romance. Part II»
  • - laser disc "Chants of Hieromonk Roman"
  • - laser disc "Songs Great War»
  • - laser disc folk song. Part I"
  • - laser disc Soviet lyric song "Love will remain ..."
  • - DVD “Favorites. Concert"
  • - laser disc "Songs of our Victory". Issued for veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Moscow region.
  • - laser disc "... your light touch ..." Romances by Russian composers of the 19th century.
  • - laser disc "Love and separation" Songs of Isaac Schwartz
  • - laser disc "Urban Romance" Russian Romances 2CD
  • 2018 - laser disc "Union of Friends. Songs of Bulat Okudzhava".
  • 2018 - laserdisc "La serenata".
  • 2018 - album (three discs) "Jubilee".


Oleg Evgenievich Pogudin is a People's Artist of Russia, a Soviet and Russian chamber singer, a performer of romances and a teacher. Currently, many fans are wondering how Oleg Pogudin's personal life is developing, whether he has a wife, children. In fact, the artist himself tries not to talk about it.


Oleg Pogudin was born and raised in a family of scientists, it was a very intelligent and developed family, where Oleg was instilled with a love for the high, a love for intellectual work. His parents worked at a research institute, dealing with issues of the military industry.

In addition, several generations in the male line had great voice, although they did not sing professionally. As a result of such a start, Oleg began to study music at the age of 7, which, of course, was the impetus for a bright future.

In the period from 1979 to 1982, he was engaged in the children's choir of the Leningrad Radio and Television, where only the most gifted children were taken. The leader of this choir was Yu. M. Slavnitsky himself, who saw the talent of the young Oleg and made him a soloist, which became a very good basis for the future - even then he learned to take responsibility and not be afraid to receive close attention.

After leaving school, Oleg immediately went to the Leningrad Conservatory, but here experienced teachers rightly judged that at that age heavy loads can lead to a complete loss of voice, so you will need to return when the voice gets stronger. However, not being accepted, Oleg decided not to wait and entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater and Music.

Here he devotes even more time to vocals. Here, during the thesis, there is a positive shift or even a breakdown in Oleg's entire perception of the world of music - he, performing the repertoire of Alexander Vertinsky, begins not to copy his manner, but to add his own notes, brighter and more inspired, which allows teachers to see the real in him professional and future master. Later, the work of Vertinsky will be invisible thread go through the whole creative life of Oleg.


For fans of the work of Oleg Pogudin, a special portal has been created on the Internet dedicated to his biography, personal life, and you can also find videos of performances there. Of course, speaking about the talent of the artist, one cannot fail to note his love for the work of other performers.

In his interviews, he said more than once that he would like to open his own vocal school where children could be taught. He will be able to realize his dream in the near future.

Of course, working in different countries, you need to constantly move and there is no way to create a full-fledged family. Therefore, nothing is known about his personal life.

Today Oleg is an accomplished artist with a huge discography, in which each disc is not like the previous one. He loves to perform songs by Isaac Schwartz, romances by Russian composers, a lyrical or military song. The skill of Oleg Pogudin is appreciated all over the world, because for him world tours are a completely ordinary thing. Let's hope that he will give us many more bright performances.

Personal life

More than once in his interviews, the artist admitted that he did not want to talk about his biography. The personal life of Oleg Pogudin remains a mystery to many.

Nothing is known about whether he has a wife, children, there is not even a photo with other women. In general, the artist does the right thing by not telling anyone about anything.

Oleg Evgenievich Pogudin was born on December 22, 1968 in Leningrad, studied at a music school. In 1979-82 he was a soloist of the children's choir of radio and television. This period includes the first performances at such venues as the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Grand Hall of the Philharmonic. D. Shostakovich, State Academic Capella. M. Glinka, the first recordings on radio and television, recordings.
In 1985–1990 he was a student at the Leningrad State Institute Theatre, Music and Cinematography. N. Cherkasov, who graduated with honors. Trained at the Theater Center. Eugene O'Niel Theater Center, USA.
In 1990-93 he was an actor of the St. Petersburg Academic Bolshoi Drama Theater. A. M. Gorky. Since 1993 he has been actively giving concerts in Russia and abroad. The first solo concert of Oleg Pogudin took place in the famous club of the author's song "Vostok" in 1987. Since then, he has performed at such well-known stage venues as the State Academic Capella. M. Glinka (St. Petersburg), the Great and Small Halls of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Concert Hall. P. I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow), Svetlanovsky Hall of the Moscow International House of Music, Grand Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky" (St. Petersburg), State Kremlin Palace (Moscow), State Central Concert Hall "Russia" (Moscow), and others.
In 1993–96, several musical films with the participation of the artist were released on Russian television, six of which (“Lark” 1993, “Star of Love” 1994, “Let's talk about the oddities of love” 1994, “Gypsy romance” 1995, “Russian song and old romance” in 2 parts, 1995–96) are dedicated directly to his work. Concerts and programs with the participation of Oleg Pogudin are regularly broadcast on domestic and foreign television and radio channels.
In 2005-2006, he was the host of the Romance of Romance program on the Kultura channel.
In 1997, Oleg Pogudin became a laureate of the Voice of the Angelic Russia festival and was awarded the Trumpeting Angel, and in 1999, the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize. In 2002 - the Triumph Youth Prize, in 2003 he was awarded the medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg", and in 2004 - the Lermontov Medal "for personal contribution to the national multinational culture and strengthening of Russian statehood”. In the same year awarded the Medal V. S. Rozov "For contribution to national culture", the Church and Public Order of St. Alexander Nevsky "For the revival of the tradition of Russian romance and spiritual singing, many years of educational and patriotic activity." At the end of 2004, Oleg Pogudin was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Since 2004 - teacher, and since 2007 - associate professor of the Department of Variety and Musical Theater of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. With his participation on the stage of the Educational Theater (Petersburg), the performances "Voices of the Bygone Century", "Scarlet Sails", "Road Without End" were staged, which were highlights of the Petersburg theatrical life.
According to the unanimous opinion of listeners and means mass media, the singer is rightly called the "Silver Voice of Russia". The press constantly notes the excellent vocal abilities, the unique timbre of the voice and the impeccable artistic taste of the singer, the subtle understanding of the works he performs, the complexity, diversity and, at the same time, the integrity of the concert programs, the rare dedication during performances and the exceptionally warm and respectful attitude towards the audience.
With his work, Oleg Pogudin convincingly proves that the romance, traditionally considered a chamber genre, can be successful on the largest stage venues, gathering thousands of viewers. The work of Oleg Pogudin is undoubtedly one of the brightest and most significant phenomena of genuine modern culture Russia.

Oleg Pogudin is popularly called the "silver voice of Russia". But his fans believe that Pogudin is certainly the best. From the age of eleven he has been on stage - at first he was just a soloist in the choir. Then he became more popular and began releasing CDs with his compositions. More than once he received honorary titles and awards, and in 2015 he was awarded the title People's Artist.

Many are interested in the details of Oleg Pogudin's personal life - whether he has a wife and children. Is it possible to find family photos artist on the web? No less interesting are the stages creative biography. For example, in his youth, Pogudin almost went to the monastery. You can find these and other details in the article.


Artist's childhood

Oleg Pogudin was born on December 22, 1968 in a wealthy family in Leningrad. His parents worked for many years at the Research Institute of the military-industrial complex. But Oleg's dad free time He loved to sing and instilled an interest in music in his son. Despite the fact that in childhood the artist dreamed of becoming an astronaut, his fate decreed otherwise. Due to health problems, I had to choose a different path.

baby photo Oleg Pogudin

When the boy was only seven, he began to sing closely. And four years later he became the main soloist of the Leningrad Radio Choir.

Pogudin already then performed on the main stages of the USSR: in the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Glinka State Academic Capella and abroad. His clear, beautiful voice made an indelible impression on the audience. Many of those who at least once heard his singing, then remembered him for life.

Student years

After leaving school, Pogudin dreamed of entering the Leningrad Conservatory of Theater and Music. But in admission committee advised the guy not to act now, but to wait two years. Indeed, at this age, the voice usually breaks in young people. Oleg did not wait, and entered the acting department at LGITMiK on the course of Alexander Kunitsyn.

O. Pogudin in his student years

During his studies, the young man often performed the compositions of the chansonnier Alexander Vertinsky, and even during the final exam he showed a solo performance in which the compositions of this artist sounded.

But the commission was impressed precisely by the fact that Vertinsky showed interesting vocal intonations that were not copied from any of the performers.

Pogudin's classmate was today's famous actor and performer Yevgeny Dyatlov. Together they later performed on the same stage more than once, recorded musical compositions.

At the festival with Evgeny Dyatlov

Singer career

Interestingly, in his youth, Oleg Pogudin, whose biography, wife and children we are discussing today, was a singer in the church choir and seriously thought about becoming a monk. However, these ideas did not materialize. Oleg completed an internship in the United States of America and after that he became very popular and in demand. In 1990, he began working at the Gorky Theater. In 1992, he went on tour to Sweden, and a year later, he went on a tour of Russia. In the 90s he took part in several musicals.

In addition, he released several records, which were well received by the audience.

Singer's first recording

During his life, the talented artist was awarded several prestigious awards - "The Trumpeting Angel", the prize "For Comprehension of the Soul of Russian Romance". And in 2004, Pogudin received the title of Honored Artist on television.

"Lit" Pogudin and on television. In 2005-2006, he was the host of the Kultura TV channel, hosted the Romance of Romance program on the Kultura channel. In this program, popular performers sang long-forgotten romances, songs of bards, jazz.

At thirty-six, Pogudin becomes a teacher at his native university. He worked in this position for six years, and at the same time received the title of assistant professor at the Academy in St. Petersburg.

He never ceased to delight fans with his collections and musicals.

O. Pogudin during his speech

In 2011, the artist became a member of the Russian Presidential Council on Cultural Affairs. In 2015 he received the title of "People's Artist of Russia".

Artist's personal life

Despite the popularity of Oleg Pogudin, such a part of his biography as his personal life, the presence of a wife and children remains a secret. You will not find their photos on the Web. The fact is that despite the crowds of fans, the artist has never been married. Moreover, he does not cover the personal in interviews at all.

He once expressed his position on this issue in an interview. The artist said that his personal life should not be the subject of discussion of people.

Singer during an interview

Of course, there was some gossip regarding the personal life of the performer. He is constantly credited with relationships with a wide variety of representatives of the weaker sex. And I must say, not without scandals around his name. In 2012, the public was excited by the news that speaking at the wedding, Oleg was able to charm the bride herself with his voice. These rumors were unsubstantiated.

In 2013, the press began to write about the relationship of the artist with the girl creative profession- lawyer Ekaterina Pavlova. Journalists wrote about eyewitnesses of this couple's dates in restaurants and at the wedding of Pogudin's friends. They also wrote that Catherine and Oleg traveled together. The couple rested in Monaco, Cyprus, Venice.

During your concert

However, even if these relationships really were, they have not yet led to anything more serious. Pogudin is still single.

It is known that outside the tight touring schedule, Pogudin lives in his own apartment in St. Petersburg. He remained true to his principles, and still believes in God. He never goes on tour without an icon and a gospel.

Oleg Pogudin now

And today Oleg Pogudin, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing, is still known. Although he does not have a wife and children, in 2016 a new album was released - "Urban Romance". And 4 months later, the artist became the hero of the TV show "Turns of Time".

Album "Urban Romance"

November 7 Oleg Pogudin gave a concert in Paris. The program of the evening included a variety of compositions - both classical Russian romances, and songs based on poems by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, compositions by Bulat Okudzhava, as well as some works of French chanson.

In addition, Oleg reminded the audience about important date- centenary of the revolution in Russia. This happened in the context of his performance of the work of Alexander Vertinsky. He, at one time, did a lot for representatives of Russian emigrants.

At the Blue Bird competition

Listening to Vertinsky, they fondly recalled their homeland, which they had to leave. Pogudin also remembered those people who became victims of the political situation in the country at that moment.

In addition, Oleg joined the jury of the Blue Bird competition. It is interesting that he helped young talents to break onto the stage more than once - he organized concerts, helped to record albums.

Singer O. Pogudin

Oleg Pogudin does not deny that he is one of the few in our country who sings really well and, moreover, has an excellent acting education. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stage today can boast of this.

However, he admits that now, that today there are a little more talented performers than in the "nineties". And if Pogudin devoted himself to the theater, he could not show his talent one hundred percent. His activities would be a pale spot against the background of what Pogudin can give his listeners. Now the artist feels in his place, and he is satisfied with his life.

The surprisingly talented and soulful singer Oleg Pogudin is deservedly considered the "King of the Romance" and the "Silver Voice of Russia". He stands out for his unique vocal abilities, a rare timbre of voice and an excellent repertoire. Pogudin devoted himself entirely to music and has been pleasing fans with excellent performance for many years. The proof of his hard work is a large number of albums, which are very popular among connoisseurs of quality music.

The future singer and musician was born in Leningrad on December 22, 1968. The family of Oleg Pogudin was wealthy, because the parents were employees of a research institute, which belonged to the institutions of the military-industrial complex. At the same time, the head of the family was fond of singing, and many hours of his leisure were devoted to this occupation. It was the father who was able to instill in his son a genuine love for music.

After graduating from school, Pogudin had no doubts about choosing a university and a profession. He wanted to study at the Leningrad Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, and in 1985 he managed to realize his dream. Oleg's mentor was Alexander Kunitsyn, who passed on valuable knowledge to the student and helped the talented guy to reveal his abilities.

The young man was always distinguished by originality and sought to perform each task outside the box. Graduation work Pogudin became a solo performance with compositions by A. N. Vertinsky. But Oleg did not want to copy the famous chansonnier, but tried to approach the performance of his songs in a completely different way, surprising the commission with uncharacteristic Vertinsky colors of intonation and vocals. It is natural that a talented guy graduated from his alma mater with honors.


From the age of 7, Oleg Pogudin diligently studied music and four years later (in 1979) he managed to get into the choir of the popular Leningrad radio. The gifted boy immediately conquered his mentors and a few weeks later he already played the role of the main soloist. During 1979-1982, Oleg performed on the best domestic stages, began to appear on television, radio, and even gained fame abroad.

FROM young years Pogudin was very close to the Church. So, in 1988, he was a chorister in one of the local churches and even wanted to become a monk. However, the guy did not dare to take this serious step. Already in 1989, Oleg was sent in a group of student exchange students to the Theater Center. Eugene O "Neill (USA) for two months. After completing the internship, the young singer participated in the final performance, which took place at Lincoln Center (New York).

During 1990-1993, Oleg was a member of the troupe of the Bolshoi drama theater them. Gorky. Also in 1990, the performer prepared the program “I am an artist!”, Created on the basis of the best songs of A. N. Vertinsky. A year later, the singer's debut album, Star of Love, appeared.

This was followed by numerous tours and rapidly growing fame. So, in 1992, Pogudin visited Sweden with two luxurious concert tours, and a year later he went on tour in Russia and neighboring countries.

The performer's talent was multifaceted, which allowed him to appear in ten musical films, among which we especially note such musical films as "Lark" (1993), "Star of Love" (1994), "Gypsy Romance" (1995) and others.

Constantly touring and performing on many stages, Oleg managed to work on new albums. In 1993, a disc called "The Lark" went on sale, and three years later - the album "I'll Keep the Words of Love."

During 1997-2000, Oleg Pogudin often performed in a duet with a classmate, a talented performer and actor. They even recorded a common disc called "Turquoise Gold Rings" and performed together in Germany and the USA. best songs two stars became: “Linden century-old”, “Farewell joy, my life”, “Candles are burning candles”, “When we return home”, etc.

Another area of ​​activity of Oleg Pogudin was work as a presenter. So, in 2005 and 2006, the artist worked on the Kultura channel and was the host of the Romance Romance project. This program showed concerts with performances by famous and emerging performers who delighted the audience with romances.

From 2004 to 2010 Pogudin taught at the Academy of Theater Arts (St. Petersburg). It was he who contributed to the staging of such plays as "The Road Without End" and "Scarlet Sails" on the stage of the alma mater, which became a real event in the theatrical life of the city. In addition, in 2007 Oleg presented two new and extremely deep discs: “Songs of the Great War” and “Chants of Hieromonk Roman”.

Pogudin constantly worked on new compositions, which yielded results. So, in 2008, two albums were released at once - “Love will remain ...” and “Folk Song”, in 2010 a disc was presented under the sophisticated title “... your light touch ...”, dedicated to the romances of composers of the 19th century, and in 2011 the album “ Love and separation.

The brilliant performer also supported young talents. Aspiring singer Alena Bikkulova spoke about Pogudin's help in her interview. As it turned out, the artist agreed to participate in her graduation production of “Voices of the Bygone Century” (2004) and helped the girl organize the first three concerts. Fans of these two performers could enjoy their joint performance of the beautiful song "Eternal Love".

In 2012, Oleg Pogudin became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation, which deals with cultural issues. A little later, namely in 2015, the gifted performer was awarded the title of People's Artist.

In 2016, the famous singer presented his new album called "Urban Romance", and also took part in the "Turns of Time" program.

For 2017, the artist has scheduled almost every day. Fans will be able to enjoy the delightful songs of the star during many concerts, creative evenings and tours.

Pogudin continues to actively work on new compositions. Now the artist's repertoire consists of more than 500 romances and songs. Its main concert programs include Russian classical and urban romance, folk and military songs, as well as works by some foreign authors. In the artist's work, a special place is given to programs dedicated to the memory of such performers as, A. N. Vertinsky,.

Personal life

talented musician and Attractive man has millions of fans, but he has not yet managed to find his soul mate. Journalists are often interested in Pogudin's personal life, trying to find out something about his women, attitude towards family and children, but the performer avoids every time similar topics. He is convinced that personal life should not be flaunted and clearly follows this rule.

However, the artist is regularly credited with relationships with different women and even try to drag him into scandals. In 2012, the headlines of many articles claimed that Oleg Pogudin captivated the bride in an Italian restaurant by singing the song "About Salt Mio." However, no photo evidence or additional information was provided.

In 2013, the press reported on Pogudin's close relationship with Ekaterina Pavlova, a lawyer by profession. It was alleged that the couple was repeatedly seen in restaurants, as well as at the wedding of the artist's friends. In addition, information was spread that Oleg and Ekaterina traveled together to Cyprus, Monaco and Venice, but this woman never became the wife of a famous performer.

Oleg Pogudin at present

Separately, we note that Oleg Pogudin constantly lives in St. Petersburg, although he also has an apartment in Moscow. He is a believer, does not like excessive fuss and attention. On tour, the artist is accompanied by an icon and the Gospel, and he explains his achievements with the help of God and guardian angels. The performer has always been distinguished by simplicity and, despite the status of a star, does not suffer from star disease. His rider only includes mineral water, sandwiches and other little things.


  • 1991 - "Star of Love"
  • 1993 - The Lark
  • 1994 - "Romance"
  • 1996 - "I will keep the words of love"
  • 1997 - "Chants of Hieromonk Roman"
  • 1997 - "Turquoise, gold rings"
  • 1997 - "Russian Genius" "Lermontov Volume I. Prayer"
  • 1998 - “Can I love you quietly ...”
  • 2001 - "Crystal memorial service"
  • 2001 - "Elegy. Concert"
  • 2002 - "I swear it was love..."
  • 2005 - "Favorites, Volume I"
  • 2006 - "Russian romance. Part I"
  • 2006 - "Russian romance. Part II»
  • 2007 - "Chants of Hieromonk Roman"
  • 2007 - "Songs of the Great War"
  • 2008 - “Folk song. Part I"
  • 2008 - "Love will remain ..."
  • 2009 - “Favorites. Concert"
  • 2009 - "Songs of our Victory"
  • 2010 - "... your light touch ..."
  • 2011 - "Love and separation"
  • 2016 - "Urban Romance"
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