Bird care. Let's take care of the birds. Small but reliable house - birdhouse

Makarov Artem

Birds need help, especially in the winter season, so that they can safely overwinter and decorate winter and summer with their singing and diversity.

Birds are man's friends. They destroy a huge number of insect pests, spread seeds.



MOBU "Syasstroy Secondary School No. 1" of the Volkhov District of the Leningrad Region


"Caring for Birds in Winter"

Completed by: a student of grade 3B

Makarov Artyom

Leader: Alekseeva

Natalya Vladimirovna


Hypothesis: feeding birds in winter - saving birds from hunger.

Target: create a canteen for wintering birds.


  • Collect winter bird information our area, to study their food base.
  • Find out which feeders needed for wintering birds, how to make them.
  • Make feeders and hang them on the school site, near the houses where we live.
  • Pick up bird food , feed.
  1. The main species of wintering birds in our city

Great spotted woodpecker- a settled bird. The voice is loud, sharp - "kick-kick". Settles in coniferous forests and parks. In winter, the woodpecker is a blacksmith. It feeds on pine and spruce seeds. He rips off a bump and flies with it to his dining room. He hammers a cone into the slot and begins to knock on it with a strong beak, to get the seeds. Nests in self-hollowed holes.

In winter, the city can be found black crow , although most of them, led by the gray crow, leave our city - they roam. They spend the night in the city center - on the roofs of buildings, and during the day they fly out to feed on the outskirts of the city and in its environs. Raven prefers to settle close to people. Crows are omnivorous, and in winter they can often be found on garbage containers or in the city dump.

Magpie - medium-sized black and white bird with a long tail. Emits a sharp, loud chirp. Small groups of wintering magpies (2-5 birds each) usually feed on landfills and garbage containers. Builds a strong nest on tall trees in March - May. Magpie is a nomadic bird.

Jay - a bright moving bird. The bird is sedentary, in unfavorable years it is nomadic. On her head, a round crest with black spots is clearly visible, and on her wings there are beautiful blue feathers with wavy black stripes. The back, chest and abdomen are reddish-gray. Jay inhabits a variety of forests in the north. In winter, they willingly eat seeds and fruits of various plants, as well as insects (larvae) hibernating on trees. She screams sharply, loudly and unpleasantly for hearing. In flight, they have wide, forward-curved wings and a fan-like tail. The positive role of the jay is to eat harmful insects.

Great tit one of the most common for our places is a settled bird. The "cheeks" are white, the "cap" is black, the belly is yellow with a black tie. Lives everywhere in parks. In winter, it feeds on seeds and other plant foods. Most often, it is tits that visit feeders in winter, and we can hear her gentle “blue-blue-blue”. It nests in hollows and artificial nesting places (birdhouses, bird houses) in April-June.

In our city, this sedentary bird is found quite often. In males, the top of the head is gray, the sides of the head are brown, the "cheeks" are off-white, and there is a large black "tie" on the throat and chest. The back is brownish, variegated, the chest is light gray. Females are uniform grayish-brown. are holding on house sparrows flocks. Lively, energetic, cocky bird. It can even drive starlings out of birdhouses. Publishes a variety of twitter, most often known to all tweets. It feeds on seeds and, to a lesser extent, on insects. It nests in niches, hollows and alien nests from April to August.

Bullfinches very heavily built, bluish gray above with black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and wing stripe. Males have red breasts or cheeks. Young birds without a black cap. They feed on rowan berries, eat out the seeds from them, and discard the fruit pulp. Birds have a characteristic song. They nest mainly on coniferous trees, in winter they roam widely.

These wandering birds appear in our city in large flocks in winter. In noisy companies, they stick around the city rowan trees and quickly eat all the berries. waxwing - This is a large, very beautiful bird with a fluffy crest on its head and a black spot on its throat. Its delicate plumage has a smoky pink color, and a dark tail ends with a wide yellow stripe. The bird was named so, for its gentle murmuring trill, similar to the sound of a flute.

Crossbill - a large sedentary bird of ripe raspberry color with long and narrow wings, short thick legs with strong fingers ending in sharp claws, a short forked tail and dense plumage. The main distinguishing feature of the crossbill is its beak, folded in a cross, it helps it to bend back the scales of the cone and deftly get the seeds out of it. Pine and spruce seeds contain a lot of resin, which they love very much. Klestov are called snowdrops because they hatch their chicks in winter.

Having studied the material about birds, we learned that not all birds winter in our region, but only sedentary and nomadic birds adapted to survive in harsh weather conditions.

Our class, led by our teacher Natalya Vladimirovna, decided to make bird feeders.

All children took part in this process.

I, Kolya, Oleg and Egor were among the first to install their crafts.

Kirill is posing with his feeder.

Maxim and Zakhar have already hung up the feeders and are adding food for the birds.

Natalya Vladimirovna helps Dasha, Alena and Katya to hang birdhouses.

Other boys and girls coped with the task themselves.

After the work done, we were all satisfied!

Especially the boys!!!


These are the birds we saved from starvation.

Conclusion : birds need help, especially in the winter season, so that they can safely winter, decorate winter and summer with their singing and variety.

Birds are man's friends. They destroy a huge number of insect pests, spread seeds.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 16 of a combined type" Conversation "How we take care of birds in winter" for the project "Winter of our region" Educator: Kopyryulina Nadezhda Mikhailovna Efremov 2013 1. Conversation “How do we take care of birds in winter?” Purpose: To clarify children's ideas about familiar birds, their living conditions, the role of man in the life of wintering birds. 2. Ecological game "Guess which bird" Purpose: To learn to recognize a bird by its habits, appearance, songs. 3. Ecological game "Bird's Dining Room" Purpose: To give children basic knowledge about what birds are fed in winter. Developing environment: illustrations - wintering and migratory birds, calendar of observations of wintering birds; recording "Voices of Birds in Nature". Content 1. Inform the children that today there will be a conversation about birds (a record with the voices of birds is turned on). Questions: 1. What birds did you recognize by their voice? 2. Can you hear them now in nature? 3. Why not? 4. Why did they leave? 5. What food do these birds eat? 6. Where are these insects now? To summarize: the birds flew away to distant lands, because with a cold snap there was no food for them. Invite the children to name them in one word (migratory). Educator: Now we will go to visit the birds that did not fly away from us, but stayed for the winter. How can we call them in one word? (Wintering. Children sit on chairs at the easel, on which there are pictures of wintering birds.) Look, who do you see here? How did you guess what these birds are? (Bullfinch - red-breasted, black-winged; crow - important, loud-mouthed; magpie - white-sided, long-tailed, fidget, motley; pigeon - gray-winged; sparrow - cheerful, nimble, small.) The teacher with the children examine the calendar, remember who feeds on the site, what birds can be seen in the area. They find out: all birds are adapted to independent foraging, but in winter there is little of it, so wintering birds need help. They are fed in feeders - this is a good deed of people who love nature. Educator: Guess who sings “blue-blue-blue” (cracks, chirps, coos, croaks)? Now let's see what the bullfinches are doing? (They peck at the mountain ash.) Show how they do it. What does a sparrow do? (Pecks, jumps, flies.) And the magpie? (Jumps, jumps in the snow.) Show how she does it. Tit? (sings). Let's show. (In a low and high voice.) Pigeons? (They coo: gru-gru-gru.) We'll show you. Crow? (Walks importantly, croaks loudly.) We'll show you. 2. And now let's play the game "Guess what bird." (Children guess birds by their habits, description of appearance, songs. ) Fizkultminutka Hands raised and waved. These are the trees in the forest. Elbows bent, brushes shaken The wind knocks down the dew. Gently wave our hands. These are birds flying towards us. As they sit down, we will show. We will fold the wings back. (Children follow the text) 3. Winter is a very difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Do not find food for the birds under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. In winter, the day is short, and in order to survive, not to freeze, you need to eat much more food than in summer. First of all, you need to take care of the birds - true friends of the forest and garden. Not only in summer, but also in winter, they jump from branch to branch all day long. They look for cracks and cracks in the bark where insects hide. If the branches were covered with an ice crust after a thaw or there was a heavy snowfall, their search is useless. We need to support the birds. Seeds of various plants are suitable for feed: hemp, sunflower, melon, pumpkin, watermelon, and many weeds. But oats, millet are pecked only by sparrows, oatmeal, mainly crumbs of wheat bread are suitable for them. Tits, in addition to seeds, are very fond of raw unsalted lard or meat. Pieces are tied with thread or thin wire and hung on thin branches. It is useless to put these goodies for tits on thick branches or in feeders - the crows will drag them away. Don't feel sorry for the bread crumbs, The sparrow deserved them. You fit him a feeder, he will call his girlfriend. And a cheerful knock will go, Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock.

Winter is the hardest and most difficult time for birds. Many of them do not fly to hot countries, they stay for the winter in their homeland. At this time, they experience cold, frost, lack of shelter and food. The most difficult time of the year is February. As a rule, it is accompanied by strong winds, snowstorms and low air temperatures.
It is a person who can help the birds to endure this time and survive. Parents should not only tell their children about this, but also set an example of helping our little brothers. How to help the birds in winter, everyone must choose for themselves. There are a large number of ways, each person is simply obliged to choose one of them.

Small but reliable house - birdhouse

This is a small wooden box that serves as temporary housing for birds. It is fixed with a pole to a tree. In such a house, birds will feel cozy and comfortable. Birdhouses can be made on your own, for example, with dad, older brother, or at a labor lesson at school. There are also designer birdhouses, which are more often ordered for summer cottages or a private house.

Feeder for food

A bird feeder is a place where it can warm up, hide from the wind and get enough food. The main rule is that access to food should be free. Several birds can be in the feeder at the same time. It is very easy to make from improvised materials. The simplest types: feeders from plastic bottles, from empty boxes of juice, milk, plastic packaging for noodles.

How to make a feeder from plastic bottles

From two plastic bottles that have different diameters, sizes and volumes, you can make a place for feeding birds. The smaller bottle is the main part in which you need to fill the food, the larger one is the roof.

Plastic bottle feeders are short-lived, so they need to be renewed every 2-3 months.

There is another way to make a place for feeding birds: a round-sized slot is made in an ordinary bottle, food for birds is poured into the bottom. By the neck it can be hung on a branch.

Helping birds in winter means loving nature. Parents should explain this to their child from a very young age. Feeders and birdhouses can be placed in the courtyard of a house, kindergarten, school, in parks, squares and even in the forest. The child can independently observe the birds that arrive. “How to help birds in winter and why?” - This issue is discussed in kindergartens, schools.

The content of the feeder is a very serious and responsible moment. It cannot be filled with food from the table. Seeds are considered the most suitable food for birds. Almost all seeds and cereals are the main delicacy of birds. In summer and autumn, you can prepare and dry sunflower seeds, watermelon, oats, wheat, corn, and millet. Specialized pet stores sell bird food (it is much more expensive). Birds will also happily fly on bread crumbs.

The fruits of mountain ash, wild rose, and currant will be very useful for birds in the winter season. In order for them to retain their nutritional properties, in the fall they must be dried well, put in a plastic bag and frozen. Some birds prefer more high-calorie foods, such as lard. It must be cut into small slices and laid out on the feeder.

In winter, the feeder should not be filled "to the limit." Birds may not eat all of the food you offer. Food may freeze or become moldy. Adults, tell your child that it is better to feed food in small quantities, but regularly.

Food from the palm of your hand

Many birds can only eat food from hard surfaces. It can only peck from the palm of your hand. But this does not mean that a bird cannot be fed without a feeder. How to help birds in winter? Food or a piece of fresh fat can be hung from the window or spread out on the balcony. Also, food can be poured out on the path in the park or at the entrance. Birds from afar will be able to see a person who can help them.

Environmentalists propose to implement the project "Help the birds in winter." Each edge is reflected here. Ecocenters together with the project will help everyone take care of animals and birds. Not only adults, but also children can take part in this project. Each person should know and realize that his contribution means a lot to the flora and fauna.

The project raises the question: “How can you help the birds in winter?” The program offers several stages, in each of which different methods of helping wildlife are considered.

If you watch the birds, you can understand that only those adapted to frost will remain for the winter. Sparrows, tits, pigeons and magpies are birds that winter in the middle lane.

Wild birds always need help. If you have the opportunity to help them - do not pass by.

Winter view of bird food

How do people help birds in winter? With winter food. This list includes completely different products than millet. They instantly saturate the bird and give it strength. Such products include:

  • finely chopped;
  • mixtures of beetles and worms (sold only in pet stores);
  • high-calorie mixtures of nuts and cereals;
  • fruit peels, trimmings, dry fruits;
  • interior fat or lard;
  • any (cookies, rye, wheat bread);
  • boiled cereals without adding milk (buckwheat, rice, millet, beans, pearl barley, lentils, millet, corn grits).

How to help the birds in winter, now everyone is ready to answer. Food! With the help of treats, the bird will be able to survive all the difficulties of a long and frosty winter.

Winter is the time when people should take care of all living things, including birds. Fortunately, many people continue to make bird feeders. This activity is especially popular among parents and children. Toddlers learn responsibility and elementary humanity, helping the birds to survive in our harsh winters. After all, many birds do not fly south: we are talking about woodpeckers, sparrows, tits, goldfinches, buntings, bullfinches, pikas, siskins and nuthatches, as well as blackbirds and starlings.
The purpose of the winter feeding of birds is to provide them with food hidden under a thick layer of snow and ice crust.
Note: birds are characterized by very fast metabolic processes, so they need to be fed every few hours. And the colder it is outside, the faster the metabolic processes proceed.

During the day, a sufficient amount of nutrients accumulates in the bird's body to reach the end of the day. And if during the winter day the bird did not manage to find enough nutrients, its chances of survival during the night time of the day are almost zero.
If the birds are fed systematically in the same place for a certain period, they will soon begin to constantly fly there, gratefully accepting human help. And you, in turn, will be able to closely observe the birds, their habits and behaviors, discovering something new and amazing again and again.
It is generally accepted that bread crumbs are enough for birds to survive. However, this is not entirely true. For example, insectivorous birds need, first of all, flattened sunflower seeds. They contain a large amount of fat. If the birds you feed are granivorous, the feed should include not only seeds, but also a small amount of oatmeal and oats, as well as millet. By the way, they also will not refuse weed seeds, which are easy to prepare during August.
Birds also love to feast on seeds of watermelon, pumpkin crops, mountain ash, small pieces of meat, nettles, bread crumbs, and quinoa. As for titmouses and woodpeckers, pieces of unsalted lard will be the best treat for them. It is better to pamper titmouse, sparrows, greenfinches, nuthatches, woodpeckers and siskins with peanuts. The fact is that peanuts contain a large amount of fat. Ground nuts are also a great treat for curlews, wrens and robins.
Important: Never feed roasted or salted nuts to birds!
You can not feed the birds with grains of wheat, barley, peas, beans and dry rice. This is due to the minimum amount of water in their composition. Such a delicacy can only be offered to pigeons.
But flour worms are considered the most exquisite delicacy for all birds. And they are very easy to grow. Meal worms are loved by blue tit, robin and other insectivorous birds.
It is impossible for birds to eat unsaturated fats and vegetable oil of any origin - this is not so harmful to their stomachs, but oil-stained plumage can cause a lot of inconvenience to the feathered bird.

Note: if you decide to pamper the birds with oatmeal, under no circumstances boil it! The sticky mass can get stuck in the bird's beak, and getting rid of it will be extremely problematic.
For tits and nuthatches, sunflower seeds, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, as well as pieces of lard and meat are favorite foods. As for oatmeal, they will refuse any food in favor of millet, wheat and oats. And for bullfinches and titmouse there is nothing nicer than nettle seeds. Goldfinches give burdock seeds, while bullfinches and waxwings will give everything for bright rowan berries.
Titmouse has always been, in a sense, a symbol of Russia. They are small forest birds with a dense build. They have a rather short beak and contrasting coloration. They prefer insects and plant seeds as food. Although, in fact, titmouse are omnivorous and, I must say, very voracious. During the day, a titmouse can eat an amount of food that is twice its own weight.
Important: if you have already taught the titmouse to come to you for feeding, do not interrupt feeding until the end of winter! A tit, accustomed to eating in a certain place, will die if it abruptly loses its usual food source. Moreover, they also bring new inhabitants of your impromptu "dining room" - as a rule, these are young titmouses who still do not know how to take care of themselves on their own.
The tit is one of the most useful birds. Indeed, among the insects that it feeds on, there are many pests, including silkworms, weevils, leaf beetles, bedbugs and aphids.

This is interesting: just a few titmouse can successfully clear the garden of numerous pests, ensuring complete plant safety. And if a couple of tits already live on your site, they will not let the second one in there.
Given the active useful activity of tits to destroy pests, the governments of most countries have declared titmouse birds that fall under protection programs. And also people are actively building titmouses in order to attract these orderlies of the site to their territory.

Round table

"Caring for Birds in Winter"
Bogacheva N.N., teacher of geography, Urazov Secondary School No. 1 named after F. Engels, Urazovo village, Valuysky district, Belgorod region
Purpose of the lesson: promote environmental awareness,

development of cognitive interest in the world around; to cultivate a sense of understanding of beauty, love for nature, respect for birds at different times of the year; attracting the attention of children to the fate of birds.

Lesson progress

Teacher: Guys, today we are holding a regular meeting of the ECOS club. You and I are part of nature. Our life is connected with trees, flowers, birds.
Birds are amazing creatures of nature. Can we imagine the life of forests, fields, meadows without birds?! People have long watched the flight of birds and dreamed of taking to the air. Now this dream has come true. Swift steel birds TU, Ila, Yaki conquered the expanses of heaven. Strong and courageous people are usually called falcons and eagles, loved ones are affectionately called "cranes", "swans", children are affectionately called "chizhiks", "sparrows", and cocky and pugnacious - "roosters". Let's give the birds a tribute of love and respect today.
Our meeting will help us learn more about birds, and most importantly, learn to take care of all living things.
In life, the most important thing is to be human in all situations. I want to tell one parable. A sage lived in the world for a very long time. Among the people he had no equal in intelligence and prudence. But one day the boy decided to outwit the sage. Having caught the bird, he hid it behind his back and asked the old man: “Do I have a live or dead bird?” It was worth saying “alive” to the sage, as the boy would behead the bird, and if the sage answered “dead”, he would immediately release it. The sage thought only for a second, then he simply said: “The bird is in your hands.” This is a very old legend. Since ancient times, throughout history, man has carried love for all living things - for everything that makes our life beautiful. This feeling must be cherished, always remember it. And before you do anything, swing at something, you need to remember the words "Beware of life!"

Teacher: The real winter has finally arrived! With her arrival, a revival immediately began in the bird canteens. A couple of weeks ago, when there was no snow, the birds had to wait at the feeder, but now they are always there. This suggests that difficulties have come for the birds and they need help.

Readers' performance(Koryakina Daria, Grishchenko Galina, Primakova Elizaveta, Marchenko Alexandra):

How do birds winter?
It is known that birds
There are no bathrobes,
No flannel shirts.

Many don't even have a nest:
They are in a thunderstorm and hail,
And in the rain and in the cold
They sleep on the branches.

But who gives them shelter,
When does it snow?

There are different types of birds
Some are afraid of blizzards
And fly away for the winter
To the kind, warm south.

Others - those people are different:
In the frost they circle over the forest,
For them, separation from their homeland
More terrible than a fierce cold.

To their ruffled feathers
Snowflakes don't come
They are under the powder
They frolic for a warm-up.

Crows sit on poles
Roaring on the branches of jackdaws,
Sparrows freely jump,
As if twisting ropes.

But if it snows for a long time
And the blizzard lasts a long time
Then, friends, you have to
Our birds are tight.

covered with snowdrifts
Hillocks, yards, paths,
Birds can't find
Not a grain, not a crumb.
And now everyone is flying weaker
Crow, jackdaw, sparrow...

Get help, kids!
Here in this most difficult hour
Rescue birds are waiting for you.
Feed them! Warm up!
Hang a house on a bitch!
Scatter the crumbs on the snow
And then semolina ...
And the poor things will come to life!

Gliding merrily across the sky
Feathered friends fly
And sing, chirping:
“Thank you very much!”

Teacher: During the autumn-winter period, students of grade 6a conducted a study on the wintering birds of our village. Let's listen to their speech.

Student performance(Shevchenko Vladislav, Kobylyatsky Danil, Korobkin Alexander, Tronza Marina):

In the lessons of the world around us in elementary school and in biology lessons, we got acquainted with birds and their distinctive features from other groups of animals. We learned that birds are migratory and wintering. In autumn, on a walk, we watched the birds prepare for the flight. It became interesting for us to find out which birds will remain in our village, what they will eat, what difficulties await them in the winter.

Purpose of the study: observation of bird life in winter; rendering all possible assistance to birds.

Research objectives:

  1. Find out what birds winter in the village of Urazovo;

  2. How does the food of birds wintering in the village change?

  3. Find out which feeders are suitable for birds;

  4. Make feeders in the classroom, hang them in the schoolyard and feed the birds.
We assumed that:

  1. with the onset of winter, the type of food in birds changes;

  2. if the bird is hungry, it will eat any food from any feeder.
Study plan:

  1. Collect winter bird information in various sources of information (from encyclopedias, reference books, fiction).

  2. Find out what feeders are needed for wintering birds, how to make, what materials are needed for this.

  3. Make feeders and hang them on the school site, near the houses where we live.

  4. Pick up bird food.

Bird classification

In the "Birds of the World" encyclopedia, we learned that according to the nature of seasonal flights, all birds can be divided into three groups: settled, nomadic and migratory.

To settled include birds that live in the same area throughout the year. Some of these birds spend their whole lives within a small nesting area, not going beyond its borders even in winter. Such birds can be called strictly sedentary. In the village of Urazovo, they include a sparrow, a dove, a jackdaw and some other birds. They live permanently near human settlements. There they find enough food throughout the year.

semi-sedentary called birds that, after breeding chicks, go in search of food outside their nesting territory and spend the winter in its immediate vicinity. Such species of birds live all winter more or less settled, in one or more points. Within the limits of the Urazovo village, they include magpies, crows, etc. Semi-settled nature is characteristic of birds that are well provided with winter food.

Nomadic called birds that, after breeding, leave the nesting territory and make continuous movements until spring, moving away for tens, hundreds and even thousands of kilometers from their territory. Unlike sedentary birds, migratory birds are characterized by constant movements in search of food and the absence of a more or less long-term residence during the winter. If the birds linger in places where food is concentrated, then not for long, since their natural food reserves in winter are not as plentiful and stable as those of sedentary birds. The direction of movement of nomadic birds is not constant. Visiting during migration places favorable in terms of food and other conditions, birds can repeatedly change the path of their movement in a wide variety of directions, but more often towards warm climatic zones. Nomadic birds living in the village include tits, nuthatches, bullfinches and others.

migratory called birds that, after breeding, leave the nesting territory and fly to other, remote areas for the winter. Unlike nomadic birds, migratory birds are characterized by the presence of not only certain directions and dates of flight, but also a fairly clearly defined wintering area in which the birds live more or less settled. Migratory birds move to wintering areas not in the form of migrations, but in the form of a flight. The direction of flight for different species of birds may be different, but for the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere, most often towards the southern hemisphere. Wintering areas are usually separated from the nesting places of birds by many hundreds and even thousands of kilometers. Most of the birds in our region are migratory.

All these birds cannot find their usual food in their summer habitats in winter.

In the book “Birds” by T. Ya. Shipunova, we learned that hunger is much more terrible for birds than cold. The average body temperature in birds is +41°C (in humans +36.6°C). If the frost gets stronger, the birds ruffle their feathers. The number of feathers remains unchanged, but in the voids between them, the amount of air increases sharply, which does not let the heat coming from the animal pass. In A. V. Mikheev’s reference book “Biology of Birds”, we found out that all birds can be divided into three groups according to nutrition: herbivorous, animal-eating and with mixed nutrition (birds that consume both plant and animal food). Among our birds, the last group is the largest in number. This is due to seasonal changes in food. The appearance of new foods in autumn (berries, seeds, cones, acorns, nuts), the reduction of animal food in winter forces a significant number of birds to switch completely or partially from animal food to vegetable food, and vice versa in spring.

The methods of obtaining food from birds are also different:

  1. pick up food from the ground with a beak (pigeon);

  2. immerse the beak in soft soil (sandpiper);

  3. dig in the ground (chicken);

  4. catch prey in the air (swallows);

  5. they hollow out a tree and look for insects in the recesses of the bark, wood (woodpecker);

  6. they pull out with their beak insects hiding in the cracks of the bark (tits);

  7. cut off shoots and buds (black grouse, capercaillie, ptarmigan);

  8. peck fruits and berries (bullfinches).
In this regard, the beak, tongue and paws are arranged differently in birds. This must be taken into account when making feeders.

Thus, we learned that birds migrate and migrate to the southern, warmer regions of our country due to lack of food. Cold is less terrible for birds than hunger. Birds can change their usual food due to the change of seasons and the lack or small amount of food. Each bird has its own favorite food and, accordingly, its own structure of the beak, paws and tongue.

Bird food in winter

According to our observations, in the village in winter you can see the following birds: rock dove, sparrow, magpie, crow, jackdaw, bullfinch, crossbill, tit, nuthatch. Using materials of various materials, we compiled a table of habitats, nutrition and economic importance of these birds.




rock dove

They live in settlements, next to human habitation.

Feeds on plant seeds, cereals

Due to their speed and ability to navigate, domesticated pigeons have long been used as a means of communication; also destroy the seeds of weeds.

city ​​sparrow

Usually in cities and towns. The bird is sedentary, but sensitive to cold (usually winters in warm sleeping nests)

It feeds on seeds and, to a lesser extent, on insects.

Therefore, in rural areas, house sparrows can cause great damage to crops.

common jackdaw

It lives in forests and parks, in human settlements. It winters in settlements, where it is usually found together with crows. Nomadic or migratory.

It feeds on various invertebrates, mouse-like rodents, destroys the nests of small birds, eats any carrion and plant food.

Jackdaws can attack gardens and orchards, destroying shoots of beans and peas in spring, and fruits of cherries and plums in summer. The jackdaw destroys harmful insects, snails and rodents, and the benefits that it brings cover, and in some places even outweigh its harm.


Occurs in open landscape with individual trees or hedges. Often found in towns and city parks. Settled or makes short migrations.

It feeds on various small animals, chicks, eggs, carrion and fruits.

In the fields, in the forest, in the steppe, the magpie brings undoubted benefits, destroying many harmful insects and rodents, mainly the gray vole. There are times when magpies steal shiny valuables.

Great tit

Lives in forests and parks. More often than other tits settles next to a person. Sedentary bird.

Looks for insects and spiders on branches and trunks. In winter, it feeds on seeds and other plant foods. An ordinary visitor to the feeders in city parks. In some places, by December, tits are already accustomed to take food from an outstretched palm.

common nuthatch

Lives in forests, gardens and parks with old trees. Sedentary bird. In winter, it often roams in flocks of tits.

It feeds on insects, less often on seeds, nuts and acorns. It usually feeds on thick tree trunks, moving upside down.

Destroys many harmful insects.


Coniferous seeds serve as the main food. But it has been established that crossbills eat coniferous aphids, pluck galls on poplar leaves; from deciduous seeds they nibble maple lionfish, beechnuts, hawthorn and even mountain ash (discarding the pulp).

Destroys many harmful insects.


Lives in forests (avoids only clean pine forests) with dense undergrowth, in gardens and parks. Sedentary and nomadic bird.

It feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, it eats out seeds from them, and throws out the pulp of fruits.


Preference is given to cities and towns. In winter, it partly migrates to the south or to cities, where it gathers in huge flocks, feeding on landfills.


The rapid growth in the number of crows has led to the fact that in the cities of the European part of the country there are almost no small birds left, except for sparrows and swifts. Ravens destroy many nests of waterfowl and even birds of prey. But in most places it benefits agriculture by exterminating harmful rodents, locusts, beetles and the winter worm, a pest of winter crops.

Winter is a harsh time of the year. In order not to freeze, the birds need a lot of food. For example, when nighttime temperatures drop to -10°C or lower, titmouse lose up to 10% of their own weight overnight! In order to maintain body temperature (and they have about + 40 ° C) and survive, birds need food from the very early morning. But it happens that you can’t get to it - natural feeding places are either covered with snowdrifts or covered with an impenetrable ice crust. And only people can help the birds survive.

Basic winter foods: unsalted lard and beef tallow, millet, wheat bran, oatmeal, sunflower and poppy seeds, as well as dried hawthorn and rose hips, nuts, cones, dried fruits, fresh soft fruits and white bread crumbs.

Birds are so hard in winter that any disease is almost fatal for them. Therefore, feeders and places of constant feeding must be kept clean so that they do not become a source of disease. Birds can be seen near the feeders as soon as dawn breaks. Therefore, feed in the feeders should be filled in the evening. And while there are severe frosts or snowstorms, this must be done every evening.

According to our observations, in the area near the houses and our school, you can see plants that have preserved seeds and fruits.


In order for the birds not to die in winter, it is necessary to install feeders. Choosing the right feeder depends on the type of bird we want to attract, as well as how close we want to be from them to observe their habits. The best way to watch birds is through a window. To do this, use "window" feeders, they can be attached to the window glass. Such feeders are designed for small birds (titmouse, sparrows). The main thing to consider is the distance between the feeder and the glass so that the birds do not fly into the glass. Brightly colored decorative feeders attract the attention of birds. It is very important to make feeders long before the onset of cold weather, and install ready-made feeders in different places in the fall. You can build a simple feeder from any material at hand. Empty plastic bottles or boxes, juice or milk bags can also be used. But it is important to remember a few basic rules:

  1. The feeder must have a roof, otherwise the food may be covered with snow or rain.

  2. The hole in the feeder should be wide enough so that the bird can safely enter the feeder and leave it.
There are many different types of feeders:

  • Tray feeder. This feeder is the simplest. She looks like a tray.

  • Feeding table. This feeder is different in that the tray is attached to the stand (leg).

  • Feeding houses.

  • Feeders from glass or cans.

  • Feeding pin.

  • Mesh feeder for thrushes, waxwings and bullfinches. The fruits of mountain ash harvested for the winter are placed in it.
In the course of our research, we found out which birds winter in our village, what they eat, studied various types of feeders. None of the guys remained indifferent. The whole class participated in the manufacture of feeders, the guys showed interest in the work, their talent. We hung the feeders together, each brought food with him. Even in severe frosts, divided into groups, we added food to the feeders located not far from the houses. The study turned out to be not only useful, but also very pleasant, and also benefited not only the birds, but also us children. We spent more time together and outdoors. Our assumption that the food of birds changed with the onset of winter and, starving, the birds are happy with any food, was confirmed.

Speech by a 7th grade student Yevgeny Sablisenko(Video story "How I feed the birds")

Pupil: Yes, with the approach of winter, there is less suitable food for birds, which they freely obtained for themselves in the summer, and birds are increasingly turning their eyes to grain-filled feeders. There is an opinion that artificial feeding of birds in winter disrupts the migration process of certain species, however, studies by ornithologists show that such a relationship practically does not exist.

Pupil: For weakened birds that were unable to fly south due to injury, illness, or any other reason, your feeding can save lives and help them survive the hungry winter. Even those birds that never fly south are severely limited in the amount of food in winter. And if we add to this the limited time that birds have to search for food in winter due to the natural reduction of daylight hours, winter is truly a time of difficulties and adversity for birds.

Pupil: You can arrange feeders to which you will add food as needed, or plant plants in your garden whose fruits will be a good help for hungry birds in the winter. Almost all birds love seeds, millet, oats and other cereals, which can always be found in any home. For tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers, i.e. of all insectivorous birds, you can hang pieces of unsalted bacon in the garden - this is their favorite delicacy.

Speech by a student of grade 9a Mikhailichenko Alexei “How to make a bird feeder from improvised materials with your own hands” (presentation)

Game program:

Game "Collect a proverb"

Riddles about birds

Guess the puzzles

Summing up the results of the round table meeting.

The speech of the readers.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all over

They will flock to you, like home,

Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich.

Need a handful of grain

One handful -

And not scary

They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And stayed for the winter

Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs it was not necessary

We welcome spring.


1. Zemlyanova O.V., Kozlova N.B., Patrusheva L.I., Nosova M.N., Garyung S.G., Pogudina N.A. Leafing through the ecological calendar: scenarios of mass events dedicated to the dates of the ecological calendar. Barnaul: AKDETS, 2003.

2. D. Griffin. Flights of birds - M., Mir, 1966. 162 p.

3. Kai Curry-Lindall. Birds over land and sea - M., Thought, 1984. 204 p.

4. A.V. Mikheev. Flights of birds - M., Timber industry, 1981. 232 p.

5. S.P. Naumov. Vertebrate zoology - M., Education, 1973. 421 p.

6. A.M. Cheltsov-Bebutov. Ecology of birds - M., MSU Publishing House, 1982

7. Nuzhdina T.D. The world of animals and plants. Encyclopedia for kids. Miracle is everywhere. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.

8. Shorygina T.A. Birds. What are they? M., 2005.

Speech by a 7th grade student Yevgeny Sablisenko. Video story "How I feed the birds"

Report on wintering birds of Urazovo village.

Marchenko Alexandra - 7th grade student

Quiz “What do you know about wintering birds?”

  1. Which birds stock up for the winter? (Very few: owls collect dead mice in their hollows, jay (ronzha) - acorns, nuts)

  2. Which of our birds can move up and down the vertical trunk and upside down? (Nuthatch)

  3. Which birds move up a vertical trunk only upside down? (Woodpecker, pika)

  4. What is worse for birds than hunger or cold in winter? (hunger)

  5. What birds migrate for the winter to human habitation? (Great tit, magpie, crow, jackdaw)

  6. For which bird is burdock seeds a favorite food in winter? (For the goldfinch)

  7. What benefit does a tit bring to a person in winter, when all insects sleep? (In winter, tits look for insects, eggs, larvae in cracks and holes and eat them)

  8. What types of sparrows nest here? (Brownie and field)

  9. The name of which wintering bird is consonant with the name of the dance? (Tap dance)

  10. Why does the carcass of a dead crossbilly, even when warm, does not decompose for a long time ? (Cleats feed on the seeds of coniferous trees. Their entire body is saturated with resin. The resin keeps the body from smoldering)

  11. Which bird changes the color of its plumage dramatically? (Partridge: gray in summer and white in winter)

  12. What are the wintering birds that have a crest on their heads? (Whistle, tap dance)

  13. What birds breed chicks in severe frost? (crossbills, kingfishers)

  14. How many different tits live in our area? (Six: large, chickadee, moskovka, corydalis, blue tit, long-tailed)

  15. What birds live with us only in winter? (Tap dance, waxwing, snowy owl)

  16. How can one explain that swallows, swifts, flycatchers fly south for the winter, while tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches remain? (Flycatchers, swifts and swallows catch insects in the air, and in autumn insects climb into shelters, that is, they become inaccessible to these birds. Tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches adapt to catching insects, their larvae, pupae and eggs from winter shelters)

  17. Which order of birds contains the largest number of species? (passerines)
Game "Collect a proverb"
1. in the sky, in the hand, than a crane, a tit, better
2. any, well-fed, with its beak, a bird
3. on, glad, someone else's side, his funnel
4. spring, rook - meet, saw
5. without birds, do not live, without forest, birds, and, forest

Quiz "Connoisseurs of birds of the native land"

  1. What are the names of the birds that live with us in the summer, build nests, and with the onset of cold weather fly away for the whole winter to warm countries, in order to return to their native places in the spring?

  2. List the birds that fly to warmer climes for the winter.

  3. In autumn, birds fly to warmer climes. Small birds fly in flocks. Ducks - one next to the other. How do cranes fly?

  4. What birds of our region winter in their homeland without flying to warmer climes?

  5. Birds spend the long winter night in different ways. Crows and jackdaws spend the night in flocks, clinging to each other. Woodpeckers and tits hide in hollows. And where are the black grouse and hazel grouse hiding?

  6. Which birds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds?
Riddles about birds

I knock - my head hurts,
And I don’t knock - I’m hungry.

Who jumps there, rustles,
Gutting cones with a beak?
Voice clear, clear
"Clue! Clue! Clue! - sings with a whistle.

I love to sing in the dawn silence
And I'm in love with my song
So I can't hear anything
If only I get drunk.

Leaves fall from aspens
A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.
Flying, calling to each other,
They look back, say goodbye.

Guess the puzzles



Guess the names of the birds and determine which ones are migratory

_________________ __________________ ________________

________________ ______________ ___________________

_____________________ ___________________ ______________________

Migratory birds: ____________________________________________________


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