The name Xenia is beautifully written in Latin. The meaning of the name Xenia. Oral exam and written exam: what is the difference

Kosmo kids is a network of bilingual kindergartens that prepare your child both for entering a strong Russian school and for entering a school abroad! The Russian program includes classes in three areas: intellectual, physical and creative. AT English program includes classes with native speakers: music, fitness, creativity in English, the world. In our kindergarten, you can be sure of the safety of your child, as all rooms are equipped to meet all requirements...

A case was opened against a Don official after she took away...

A resident of Semikarakorsk was deprived of her youngest son by officials of the local administration for almost a year. According to Kommersant, a Donetsk woman was taken to the hospital with two children. There, two specialists from the education department of the local administration came to see her. One of them set a strict condition for the woman: either the mother would be deprived of the rights to two sons, or she would voluntarily give up the youngest child. Frightened, the woman wrote a refusal, and the one-year-old baby was sent to Surgut to a foster family. After 11 months...

A unique eco-festival in defense of the Black Sea for family...

Do you want to give your family not only a comfortable and carefree stay on the Ultra All Inclusive system, but also fun, informative and entertaining leisure, new emotions and impressions? The network of family resorts Alean Family Resort Collection, located in the cities of pearls Black Sea coast: Anapa, Gelendzhik and Sochi, prepares unforgettable holidays for its guests! This year there will be festivals, carnivals, fairs, concerts and incendiary shows for adults and children. From 2 to 7 June...

Ksenia Borodina and her pedagogical genius: the youngest daughter...

The 33-year-old host of "House-2" Ksenia Borodina - the mother of two daughters, Marusya and Theona - does not show the face of the youngest girl, but regularly posts videos on her microblog. Now Ksenia Borodina boasts of the success of her daughter Thea, who recently turned one year and four months old - and offers her pedagogical services: "I will take the children to raise, I will teach them so that they start talking early)) I take it dearly!" In confirmation of the success of the baby, Ksenia Borodina posted a short video: Recently, Ksenia ...

Ksenia Borodina: photo with all the children on the plane and on vacation

While the oligarchs are suing the business press, which reveals the secrets of their well-being, show business workers do not hesitate to demonstrate their delightful life to the whole world - let them envy! “We flew as we wanted,” Ksenia Borodina, 33, the host of Doma-2, signed a photo from the business class of the aircraft. In addition to Borodina, the photo shows her two daughters, 7-year-old Marusya and 9-month-old Theon. The boy is the son of Borodina's husband Kurban Omarov from his first marriage. The head of the family himself is also there, but in a different way ...

What is the difference between an oral exam and a written exam?

EXAMS WITHOUT THE RIGHT TO ERROR Oral exam and written exam: what is the difference? It would seem that, baby question: in oral - they speak, in writing - they write. This point of view is shared by many, but in fact the essence of the difference is not in this. Oral exam- dialogue between the examinee and the examiners; this is the main thing here, and not a means of communication, which is usually oral speech(Note that deaf-mutes quite pass such exams in universities, conducting a written “conversation” or using sign language) ...

In any children's store Scandinavia has Pippi dolls, a muzzle with two red pigtails smiling on boots, T-shirts and cookie cutters. For 70 years, Pippi has been endowed with a variety of characteristics and analyzed in every way. On the home page Swedish state website among the main values ​​of modern society - the top 10 Swedish superwomen. Among the superheroines of our time is the Oscar-winning Alicia Vikander (winner in the nomination for a supporting role,...

Demo cube for learning English


A very interesting idea to introduce the baby to learning the language with early age. From it you can build on and come up with something of your own. found a lot various methods on the Internet, recently I came across on the children's portal an article about the Baby-Bilingual English language club, where children in a fun, relaxed creative atmosphere work with native teachers. It is unfortunate that in our small town there is no such club. I will come up with benefits for my girls myself.

What names are combined with patronymic Olegovna? Olegovych??.

Oleg likes the name, but the resulting patronymic is not very good. What names are combined with this patronymic? Do you know anyone with this patronymic? I want a child beautiful name)) If necessary, the approximate time of birth is December. I think a girl, but there is no confirmation of this yet. Therefore, men are also interesting.

What is traditionally cooked for the first, second and third in Britain


The title is "English with a child in 30 minutes a day." From the text "This exercise will take no more than 20 minutes a day" only on the first point. And there are four of them. Ha.
From the text "If you learn 2 times a week for 10 words, then you can master 80-100 words in a month." Are we talking about a child starting to learn English, or about an aspiring genius with a super memory? I have only experience with two intelligent children with English classes 4 hours a week at school and half an hour at home every day. A hundred words were known by the end of the second grade, i.e. after 20 months. I did not read further, I regretted the time.

And how to find out about his tastes, when he saw the baby only on the screen of the ultrasound machine? What will the baby be like: a cheerful fidget or a modest wise guy, an inquisitive tomboy or a thoughtful quiet one? Also, is it a girl or a boy? We first chose a name for the boy. For some reason, I was sure that this was a boy - such a big, strong, rosy-cheeked, with plump hands. Both my husband and I decided that the name must necessarily be Old Slavonic, so that the traditions, roots, origins of our people help the baby from the first days of life. Stopped...


Yes, it’s cool) only those who are not friends with “r” will have difficulties))) my husband doesn’t like many names precisely because of this letter) but I want the “r” to be!)) it has some kind of brightness that -whether)

Cool :) I know a few Radmila, but Radmira is also beautiful.

Name for the girl: the mother's heart was not mistaken
... Knowing this, I was very worried when choosing a name for my daughter. As usual, my husband liked some names, my relatives liked others, and I wanted to give my little one a name that would bring happiness and joy into her life. Ultrasound stubbornly did not want to see a boy in my ottoman, to the delight of my father, and to the delight of me and my grandmothers, a pretty girl was shining. There was still 2 months left before the cherished date of birth ...



08/19/2013 02:10:33 PM, Damn

Lord, there are so many disputes, snot and “pink envelopes” to name a girl Nastya ... And the confidence that only becoming Nastya, the girl will be happy all her life ... Still, pregnant women and those who have just given birth sometimes have brains completely fail.

08/13/2013 01:07:47, It doesn't matter

"English for children and their parents" Learn numbers.

Dozens. Count up to 100. Tens are formed by adding the suffix -ty to the units. For example six + ty = sixty It is necessary to remember the exceptions for which the root changes when ty is added: two - twenty three - thirty four - forty five - fifty Moreover, for the number eight, when adding ty before the suffix, -t eight + ty = eighty is dropped English language composite numbers 21, 22, and so on, are formed in the same way as in Russian, but a hyphen (-) is placed between tens and ones. 21 = twenty-one 22 = twenty-two...

Violation writing in a child - how to fight?

Maybe the child has dysgraphia?
... As a result, the number of errors for some reason increases. And the student is imbued with hatred for the lessons of the Russian language. Previously, such children were considered loafers, fools, not amenable to standard education. Teachers waved their hand at them, put "stretched" triples and periodically left them for the second year. Now such children are diagnosed with dysgraphia. According to some data, the number of children with dysgraphia among junior schoolchildren in Russia is 30%! With dysgraphia, the child, oddly enough, knows the rules of the Russian language, but when he writes, he cannot apply them. Paradox. How is this possible? How to learn to write without mistakes? First you need to isolate desired sound from a word. Then remember what letter this sound is denoted by. Then imagine how this letter looks like, how its elements are located ...


The ability to write competently is given by nature, like the ability to do mathematics and physics. Of course, it is possible and necessary to develop literacy, but what a job it is for a child! There are children who, when studying the topic, say that everything is easy and simple, a few even claim that they have already gone through this material last year, although this is not at all the case :) And there are those who sit with a blank look, at least break! on mathematics clicks tasks, illiterately writing down explanations and answers!

04.11.2017 12:44:38, Inna47

Maybe it's good that we find an explanation for everything. But before all these smart words did not exist. And we had enough literate people. I wrote with errors until the 10th grade. Although I loved to read. And suddenly she began to feel the language. It helped a lot that my mother worked at ITAR-TASS at the beginning as a proofreader. They were given huge rolls of texts, which were then edited by editors. And the task of the proofreaders themselves was to check for spelling and punctuation errors. So, my mother asked me to read, and she herself had errors on the copy of the rule. Of course, finding a mistake, she stopped me, and we corrected it. There they still had special designations. For example, to underline the letter below twice is to change the small letter to capital. As a result, I quite imperceptibly began to look for errors myself and was very happy when I found them.
One more thing - everyone says - the child should be interested. Yes, I was interested. But it was ALREADY 10th grade. At the time, I didn't even know what I was interested in. Finding an approach even to your child is very difficult. And the main thing that hinders us is our desire. We so want our children to read and write correctly that we cannot bear their objections. And, of course, we meet resistance.

Ksyusha. Vladimir_sh's blog on

Our cat Ksyusha is wearing a scarf. Two years later, they picked up a hungry kitten. Photo uploaded on 06/06/2011 23:23 Folder: Start

I have always liked the name Katya, Ekaterina. It seems to me strong, "ringing" and just very pleasant to the ear. But I live in an English-speaking country and Ekaterina will not pass, and the family already has one. So I'm looking for other options. It seems that Victoria is suitable in all respects, but somehow ... a little bit is not all the same. Alexandra? Too common name in the world :-) What other names would you recommend me? Just curious, maybe I'm missing something.

tut ya licno byla ne odin ras pointeresuytes

08/10/2007 09:52:35 PM

ya moral usekayu...a takze rabotayu s volkami i mnogo izuchila, oni na grani vymiraniya, ich ubivayut prosto tak i iz za skazok takich. U menya 3 volka zivut detey moich obozayut skazki, prezde chem govorit plocho o zivotnich....zaciklilis na "krasnoy chapochke"...a, mezdy prochim, nashi sobaki napadauyt na ludey, children zagryzayut ochen chasto i nikto ich toporom ne rubit, zestocosti u vas, tovarizi.. .i children tomuze uchite...usekaete???????

08/10/2007 08:55:01 PM

Prizes, such as school supplies, that will be awarded at the end of the evening when the number of tokens is counted. Cards with letters for the contest "Domovoi Tricks". For a comic lottery: a candle, a calendar, a felt-tip pen, chocolate, cream, a handkerchief, a comb, a mug (or a tea bag). Postcard with text congratulations for " Comic congratulations"and small sheets of adverbs: boldly, quickly, neatly, slowly, loudly, cheerfully, cheerfully, skillfully, beautifully, quietly. For "Self-portrait" prepare sheets of paper and simple pencils according to the number of participants. ". Tips do not start the holiday with complex contests, take the simplest ones first; rehearse each number (game, rally, tricks); take the role of host very seriously ...


I took this script for my daughter's birthday party. I liked it. Highly. Cool. Thoughtful. The children were happy. It was fun and interesting. The holiday turned out great!!! Thanks

12/19/2018 18:32:58, LyudmilkaD

Thanks for the script. Downloaded, printed: everything is ready. Had a birthday. Children are delighted. A sea of ​​positive, joy and happiness in children. Fun and playful. The daughter said: best day I didn't have a birthday!". Thanks to the author for the great work on creating the script, selection of games and riddles, detailed description competitions, tips for holding a holiday

04/24/2017 00:06:52, Ella M

How do you like this name? :) The girl will grow up in North America, therefore, immediately a question to those living there: how to write this name in English? 1) Maria - it seems like it should be, but it gives off a Spanish name .. 2) Marya - so does anyone record? How does it "look"? I like English Mary, but will native speakers call our daughter that?

There is an opinion that if other Europeans eat at the table, then the British only follow the rules of conduct. Sad, but true: the inhabitants of foggy Albion are not gourmets, but their gastronomic habits and addictions are barbarically simple


I completely agree with Tanya. The article is full of stereotypes. There is English national cuisine, and it consists of dishes that are very tasty and understandable to a Russian person. " English breakfast"very tasty. They say about oatmeal in vain that it has gone into oblivion, many English people eat it in the morning. Where did the author see that a bun was eaten with a knife and fork ?! Nonsense. And there are no more manners in average English companies than in Russian ones.

03/21/2006 08:27:23 PM, Julie

Lived there for several years. I didn’t go to restaurants - I don’t consider the restaurant an indicator of national cuisine, especially since they are kept there mainly by Indians and Italians. Sausages there are different, they just don’t have a difference in names, that a thick sausage, that a thin sausage is all sauce. No one was surprised at my habit of drinking green and flower tea, they themselves did it with pleasure!! To get to know real English cuisine, one had to visit family dinners. Everything there is good and delicious! Because my English acquaintances cooked themselves: puddings, pastries, Scottish "uc? and much more. By the way, they say about us that we drink vodka, eat very fatty salads, and throw crystal glasses into the fireplace. Very I had to dissuade them for a long time and prove that our cuisine is quite decent. starvation in the islands.

Doyle, A.K. "Professor Challenger", "Sherlock Holmes", "Captain Sharkey", "Foreman Gerard". Dovidaitis, Jonas "Sign of Danger". Dombrovsky, Kirill "Island of inexperienced physicists". Donner, Carol "Secrets of Anatomy". Druzhkov, Yuri "Magic School", "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin". Dragunskaya, Ksenia "Kissing is forbidden", "All boys are fools". Dragunsky, Viktor "Denis Korablev", "The Dog Thief", "The Death of a Spy Gadyukin". Dubkova, Svetlana "Tales of the Starry Sky". Dubov, Nikolay "Woe to one", "Lights on the river" and others. Durov, Vladimir "My animals". Dushek, Dusan "Pishtachik travels". D"Ervily "Adventures of a prehistoric boy". Dymov, Felix "Where do you need...
...Lanetskaya, Elena "Full Moon Night", "Obolon-grass". Lari, Jan "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali". Levinson "Farewell to Deberville". Levshin, Vl. "In the Labyrinth of Numbers", "Table of Lost Numbers", "Three Days in Dwarf", "The Black Mask from Al-Jebra", "Seekers of Extraordinary Autographs". Levitan, Ephraim "Alka in the Solar Kingdom", "How Alka considered the planet with his friends", "Wanderings of Alka and the gnomes through milky way", "Kids about the stars and planets". Le Guin, Ursula "The Wizard of Earthsea". Levinova, Lyudmila, Sapgir, Henry "Kubarik and Tomatic or Merry Mathematics". Lee, Harper "To Kill a Mockingbird". Leonid, Leonid "Well, who doesn't likes to crunch with candied sprat ?!", "How to slip on a banana peel". Likstanov, I. "The Adventures of a cabin boy", "Baby". Leeson, R...


I beg you, help me find the book "Bridge to Terrabitia" by Katherine Patterson.

03/29/2007 13:22:23, Denis

Thank you very much! The list came in handy when buying books in a second-hand bookstore. I also make lists of books, but according to a different principle - "What we read with my daughter at such and such an age." It turns out that everything happens very quickly, and the lists - here they are, at hand. In addition, the child really likes to put their own assessments of the work.
The last one can be viewed here:

Women's names Main list: Alexandra Anastasia Anna Elizabeth Eugenia Irene Julia Katherine Lydia Maria Nataly/Natalie Nina Olga Paulina Sofia Tamara English version name. Most of them have transformed into Helen or Ellen. Additional Names Alyssa Christina Kira Margaret (Very Royal in English) Marina Maya Nadia (Like Full) Tanya (Like Full) Victoria (Very...

Hello. All my throwing about the name in the past, our girl has been called Taisiya for 2 months now. Now I started writing to all sorts of imported friends and I’m thinking about how to write her name correctly and most beautifully. For example, I hate when they write me through K and Y - viKtoriYa, I only like Victoria. And I couldn’t find about Taisiya in the dictionary that I have - there’s no such name there. How would you write it and how, in your opinion, does the name look prettier if there are several options?


I would write Taissia. I would not want the first letter to be lisped.
And if you just write "sia" at the end, then 100% will read - "ZhYa".
Just like the English speakers read Anastasia - Anastazhya.
And your girl is amazing!

isn't Tais spelled? or even Thais...

Memo "Compiling an autobiography". Sample CV...

If the child will have a surname that does not indicate his gender, you should not give him a name like Zhenya, Sasha or Vali. Kids get upset when a girl is mistaken for a boy and vice versa. Look carefully at the dictionary for the correct spelling and variants of the same name, so that in the future there will be no ridiculous accidents in paperwork. There is Natalia, and there is Natalia, there is Olesya, and there is Alesya. Sometimes when writing a child's name, confusion arises regarding the name and its variants. Alla is an independent name, and not a diminutive version of the name Alevtina or Albina, and Alena is a variant of the name Elena. Sometimes the literary version of the name is replaced by r ...
... There were Lunachars, Academies, Blankins, Vilenas (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin), Pyatvchet (five-year plan in four years) in this calendar. Russian customs associated with the name of the child They say that the name can affect the fate of a person. Therefore, it is impossible to give a newborn the name of a dead child, so that he does not inherit his fate; you can call the baby the name of the deceased grandfather or grandmother, if they were happy and lucky, since fate is passed down through the generation, or simply the name of a lucky ancestor. Relatives came to the name day without an invitation, the indispensable participants in the celebration were Godfather and godmother, baking the famous "birthday boy" &m...

Girls, tell me, p-ta. How can you affectionately call a man in English or German? Here we have the sun, a cat, etc., but how is it customary there? I really want to express something, but I don’t know what word to choose :)

Short form of the name Xenia. Ksenya, Ksyusha, Xena, Ksenyusha, Ksyunya, Syunya, Xyura, Ksyuta, Senya, Senyura, Ksesha.
Synonyms for the name Xenia. Aksinya, Oksinya, Oksana, Senya.
origin of the name Xenia The name Ksenia is Russian, Orthodox, Greek.

The name Xenia has various versions origin. According to the first version, the name Xenia in Greek "xenia" means "hospitable". Also translated from the Greek "xenios" as "wanderer", "foreigner", "guest", "stranger". The name Ksenia is one of the epithets of Afrophyta.

According to the second version, the name Xenia comes from the ancient Greek "xenia", which in the singular also meant "guest", and in Latin it sounded like "xenia". Xenia in ancient and modern European poetry was called short humorous or laudatory poems addressed to some persons, which were presented in addition to gifts to this guest. Previously, Xenia was written by Schiller, and Goethe, and Yaroslav Ivashkevich, and the original author of the name and the Roman poet Martial.

It is believed that the names Oksana, Ksenia and Aksinya are related names, but many consider them colloquial forms, options for each other. In modern times, these names are independent and are also used independently of each other.

Ksenia is a very attractive and sociable girl. However, when dealing with her, you should be careful. Ksyusha is touchy, takes all the troubles to heart, but at the same time she rejoices violently at positive events. Ksenia is sensitive to injustice, persistently defends the rights of herself and others.

As a child, Ksyusha is sweet and calm. She pleases her parents, studies successfully, is neat and not lazy. Due to resentment, it can be difficult for a girl to communicate with her peers. She does not know how to put up first, so Ksyusha's girlfriends change very often. Only girls who do not like to argue and argue can be friends with Ksyusha for a long time.

As a rule, Ksenia cannot sit in one place. Her mood can change suddenly. Now she is embarrassed, in a minute she is quick-tempered. However, the girl does not rush to extremes, although she clearly lacks balance. Ksyusha strives to express herself and is always ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of loved ones.

Ksyusha has a very developed intuition and high intelligence. She is able to see connections between events and things that are invisible to others. However, Xenia does not use her abilities for profit. The girl is devoid of cunning and the ability to dodge.

In her aspirations, Ksenia is able to show noticeable perseverance, she does not accept defeat. In friendship, she is faithful, reliable and principled. Shows himself as a caring and considerate friend.

In communication with the opposite sex, Ksenia often uses her charm, and this is bearing fruit. Being amorous and dreamy, Ksyusha chooses strong and experienced men. Ksenia is ready to obey such a man, but will not tolerate reproaches or jealousy on his part. Xenia prefers men older than her and with more experience. Love, tenderness and care from her husband are important to her. It is so difficult to be strong, and she seeks this protection in her husband. But a man should be her equal - in terms of intelligence, wealth, goals in life - otherwise strong union and they won't work. Ksenia is very demanding of her partner.

Having met the right man, Xenia dedicates herself to making a home. She knows how to be happy in marriage, becomes a faithful wife and an excellent mother, but it is not easy for her husband. Kseniya faithful wife and a great hostess. She prefers to raise children herself, not giving them to Kindergarten or entrust to the nanny.

Sewing can be distinguished among Ksenia's hobbies. Ksyusha sews not only for herself, but also for all her friends and relatives. She cooks well, loves to make preparations. She likes to draw.

Ksenia is not devoid of abilities, but everything she does is not paramount for her. Own world for this girl will always be of great value. Nevertheless, Ksyusha is conscientious and ready to do any job. In business, she becomes prudent, seeks to lead. As a result, Ksenia often achieves a leadership position, in which she manifests herself as a strict and intolerant boss. However, she still tries to be fair and generous.

Ksenia will be successful in her work. Such a job suits her, where she will be left to herself, she does not need strict discipline and visiting the office during working hours. She needs results. Many athletes can be found with that name - figure skaters, biathletes, gymnasts.

sound. Ksenia is a name of medium length, consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that he distinguishes. In addition, the mysteriousness (89%), strength (85%) and tenderness (85%) of the sound of the name are often noted. Sometimes they hear a certain femininity in him (86%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Mira, Anastasia and Natalia.

Xenia's name day

Notable people named Xenia

  • Ksenia Godunova ((1582 - 1622) in vows - nun Olga; Russian princess, daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov and Maria Grigoryevna Skuratova-Belskaya, granddaughter of Malyuta Skuratov and sister of Tsar Fedor II. Failed bride of a number of Western European suitors, forcibly tonsured into monasticism at the direction of False Dmitry I, who left her alive during the murder of other Godunovs and, most likely, briefly made her his concubine.Witness to the events of the Time of Troubles and participant in the sixteen-month defense of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, a character in a number of works of art.)
  • Ksenia Sobchak ((born 1981) Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress and " socialite". Member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition.)
  • Ksenia Bakhtadze ((1899 - 1978) Soviet Georgian breeder. Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1956) and the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR (1955). Known for her work on tea breeding and seed production. She is the author of a number of high-yielding and high-quality varieties.)
  • Ksenia Kachalina ((born 1971) Russian actress)
  • Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna ((1875 - 1960) daughter of Emperor Alexander III, sister of the latter Russian emperor Nicholas II)
  • Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg (in the world - Xenia Petrova; Russian Orthodox saint, holy fool for Christ's sake. She was born between 1719 and 1730, carried the feat of voluntary insanity for 45 years and died in St. Petersburg no later than 1806.)
  • Ksenia Nekrasova ((1912 - 1958) Russian, Soviet poet)
  • Nun Martha, the great old woman Martha ((d. ​​1631) in the world - Xenia Ioannovna Romanova, before marriage - Shestova; mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, wife of Fyodor Nikitievich Romanov (Patriarch Filaret), who was called in the letters of her son "great empress")
  • Ksenia Larina ((born 1963) pseudonym of Oksana Barsheva; journalist, columnist for the Ekho Moskvy radio station (since 1991))
  • Ksenia Ozerova ((born 1991) is a Russian figure skater performing in pair skating. With Alexander Enbert, they are participants in the finals of the junior Grand Prix series of the 2008-2009 season and silver medalists of the 2009 Winter Universiade in Harbin.)
  • Ksenia Rappoport ((born 1974) Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist Russian Federation (2009))
  • Ksenia Doronina ((born 1990) Russian athlete, two-time Russian champion in women's singles figure skating (2007, 2008))
  • Ksenia Erdeli ((1878 - 1971) Russian and Soviet harpist. Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR (1966. Considered the founder of the Soviet school of harp performance.)
  • Ksenia Monko ((born 1992) is a Russian figure skater performing in ice dancing. She and Kirill Khalyavin are the 2011 world junior champions, two-time winners of the junior Grand Prix finals, bronze medalists of the 2010 World Junior Championships, two-time Russian champions among juniors.)
  • Ksenia Tsybutovich ((born 1987) Russian football player, defender of the Russian national team. In football since 1997.)
  • Ksenia Brzhezovskaya ((born 1975) is a Russian voice and dubbing actress. In 1993, she began working for the Yekaterinburg television and radio company Gorod, where she hosted children's television programs, participated in radio shows, and also voiced advertising videos. In 1996 she moved to St. Petersburg , where she continued her career as a radio host, as well as dubbing commercials. Since 2000, she has been dubbing (Nevafilm studio).)
  • Ksenia Knorre ((born 1953) Russian pianist, professor at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory)
  • Ksenia Alferova ((born 1974) Russian actress)
  • Ksenia Polteva ((born 1981) Russian poet, author and performer of songs)
  • Ksenia Khomenko ((1905 - 1983) Soviet and Ukrainian psychologist, follower of Vygotsky and representative of the Kharkov School of Psychology)
  • Xenia Seeberg ((born 1972) German film and television actress. Known for her role as Zev Bellringer in the science fiction television series Lexx.)
  • Ksenia Marennikova ((born 1981) is a Russian poet. In 2004 she became one of the compilers of the anthology of the latest Russian poetry "Nine Dimensions" (M .: New Literary Review). In 2005, the first book of poems "Received files" was published. More in 2004, Linor Goralik's poems by Marennikova were highly appreciated in the newspaper "Knizhnoe obozreniye" (Shortlist of the Independent Literary Prize "Debut" (2004).)
  • Ksenia Ryabinkina ((born 1945) Russian ballet dancer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, film actress, teacher)
  • Ksenia Solo ((born 1987) actress originally from Latvia)
  • Xenia Milasskaya, Xenia the Roman ((d. ​​in the second half of the 5th century) in the world - Eusebia; Christian saint, revered Orthodox Church in the guise of saints)
  • Ksenia Denikina ((1892 - 1973) wife of Anton Ivanovich Denikin, one of the leaders of the White movement)
  • Ksenia Tsyplakova ((born 1990) Russian luger who has been playing for the Russian national team since 2006. Champion of the national championship, winner of the Russian Cup silver medal, bronze medalist of the World Youth Championship in team competitions, master of sports.)
  • Ksenia Egiz ((1855 - 1937) nee - Koylu; social and cultural Karaite figure in the field of education; founder of the Karaite elementary school, head of the women's school in Simferopol. The first Karaite woman in Simferopol, who graduated from the sixth grade of the Russian gymnasium and passed the exam for the title of home teacher at the men's gymnasium.)
  • Ksenia Jastsensky ((born 1982) figure skater from Serbia, seven-time champion of Yugoslavia (2002), Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2005), Serbia (2006-2007) in women's singles)
  • Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka ((born 1977) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Ksenia Makeeva ((born 1990) Russian handball player, lineman of the Russian national team, Honored Master of Sports (2009))
  • Ksenia Zikunkova ((born 1979) Belarusian biathlete. Has been engaged in biathlon since 1998. Member of the Belarusian Olympic biathlon team at the Olympics in Turin.)
  • Ksenia Strizh ((born 1967) real name - Ksenia Volintseva; Russian actress, radio and TV presenter)
  • Ksenia Borodina ((born 1983) real name - Ksenia Amoeva; host of the reality show "Dom-2" on the TNT channel)
  • Ksenia Zadorina ((born 1987) Russian athlete. European champion in the relay (2010, 2011. Plans to qualify for London in the individual competition.)
  • Ksenia Dudkina ((born 1995) Russian gymnast. Member of the Russian national team in rhythmic gymnastics in group all-around. Champion of youth Olympic Games 2010 in Singapore. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2011). Olympic champion 2012 in rhythmic gymnastics in the group all-around (Composition of the national team: Uliana Donskova, Anastasia Bliznyuk, Alina Makarenko, Anastasia Nazarenko, Karolina Sevastyanova, Ksenia Dudkina).)
  • Ksenia Baskakova ((born 1988) Russian theater and film actress)
  • Ksenia Bohemskaya ((1947 - 2010) Russian art critic, art critic. Doctor of art history. The range of main scientific interests - art XIX-XX centuries, naive and outsider art. In 1990 she founded the gallery "Dar", the director of which since 1991 was S. Tarabarov. She was the curator of many exhibitions, including art fairs "Art Manege" (in 1996-1998, together with William Meiland). She contributed to the discovery by the public of such prominent Russian masters of naive art as Pavel Leonov, Elena Volkova, Tatyana Elenok, Pyzhova Alevtina Dmitrievna and many others. etc. Worked at the State Institute of Art Studies (leading Researcher), in the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin (deputy director for scientific work).)
  • Ksenia Afanasyeva ((born 1991) Russian gymnast. World champion in team championship (2010) and floor exercises (2011); 2-time silver medalist of the European Championship, winner of the World Cup stages, multiple champion of Russia and winner of the Russian Cup.)
  • Ksenia Novikova ((born 1980) Russian singer, soloist of the Russian women's group "Brilliant" (1999-2007, since 2011))
  • Ksenia Kutepova ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004). Since 1993, the actress of the Moscow theater "Workshop P. Fomenko".)
  • Ksenia Kotlubai ((1890 - 1931) nee - Shpitalskaya, stage name - Lanina; dramatic actress, theater director and teacher. Honored Artist of the Republic.)
  • Ksenia Pervak ​​((born 1991) Russian tennis player, who has been playing for Kazakhstan since 2011. Winner of 1 WTA tournament in singles. Winner of the 1st Junior Grand Slam tournament in singles (Australian Open-2009). Semi-finalist of the 1st Junior Grand Slam tournament in doubles (Roland Garros-2009). Former 5th racket of the world in the junior ranking.)
  • Ksenia Tikhonenko ((born 1993) Russian professional basketball player. Silver medalist of the European Basketball Championship among girls under 20, the most valuable player in this tournament. She is a master of sports in basketball.)
  • Ksenia Ustalova ((born 1988) Russian athlete specializing in running at a distance of 400 m. Champion of Russia 2010, silver medalist of the European Championship 2010 at 400 m and European Champion 2010 as part of the 4x400 m relay.)
  • Senja Pusula ((born 1941) married - Nuolikivi; Finnish skier, Olympic and World Cup medalist)

The name Xenia begins with a sharp, clear "Xe" and ends with a smooth, passive "nia". A girl with this name can be bright and interesting, but she will hide her virtues because of her innate modesty.

Xenia, translated from Greek, means “guest”, “foreigner”, “foreigner”, “hospitality”.

Origin of the name Xenia:

There are two versions of the origin of this name.

According to the first version, the name Xenia came from Greek word"Xenia", which means "wanderer", "alien". In Russia, due to the habit of adding a vowel to words starting with two consonants, the name was transformed into Aksinya.

The second version says that Xenia is a diminutive of the Greek name Polyxenia, meaning "hospitable".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Xenia:

Since childhood, Ksyusha loves to play with dolls. The best gifts for her will be various toy items of family life - dishes, doll houses, strollers. Kindness, tenderness and sensitivity are inherent in her from birth. Ksyusha is a very sincere, open and honest person. It is easy to deceive her, she is very gullible. By nature, Ksenia is an altruist, always ready to rush to help her loved one. Ksenia is a sweet, calm and obedient child.

He studies well at school. Extremely diligent, attentive and meticulous. He performs all assignments perfectly. Her teachers praise her for her diligence, Ksyusha prefers to be friends with her peers, avoids conflicts.

girl with it the name will do any job that requires the ability to delve into various little things. Ksenia makes excellent document specialists, lawyers, librarians, and teachers. If Ksyusha is in charge of any project, then it will most likely be brought to an end, moreover, with high quality and on time. To do this, she herself will help her employees in working on the tasks of the project, and sometimes, she can take up work instead of them.

As a partner, Ksyusha chooses a man who is able to protect and self-confident. Since Ksenia has been very weak in character since childhood, stable relationships are very important to her, and in marriage - fidelity and the opportunity to reveal her femininity. She is very well versed in men, able to catch any lie in the words of her beloved.

For adult Ksenia, creating a family is a priority. She is a wonderful mother and wife, able to fully surround her husband and children with love and care.

A strong man with a powerful temperament, with a well-developed logic, is ideally suited to Xenia's husbands. He must be a very skillful lover, well understand the desires of women. In order for Ksenia to become an assistant for her husband in his affairs, a reliable rear of the house, she needs to feel spiritual closeness with her chosen one. She is very devoted to her loved one.

In sex, a woman with this name is devoid of complexes, loves improvisation and experiments. She wants to dominate in bed, is often aggressive, sees in a partner only an object for pleasure. If a man is only interested in sex, then Ksenia is perfect for the role of a mistress.

Xenia's first marriage is often unhappy and ends in divorce. And since this woman does not like to change her partner, then in such a situation, she becomes depressed. To get her out of this state, she needs to start a new relationship with a very caring and patient man who is able not only to "take" but also "give" equally.


In Orthodoxy, the name is patronized by Saint Xenia of Petersburg. According to legend, Xenia lost her husband early, after which, announcing that the soul of her late husband had moved into her, she sold all her property and began to wander, helping the sick, the poor, orphans and predicting the future, for which she was considered blessed.

The name Ksenia is not very popular, it is most often found among city girls.

Unlike Xenia, its derivative form, Oksana, is very common in Ukraine.

1) and, female; national Aksinya, and; unfold Xenya, and. Derivatives: Xenya (Xena); Ksenyusha; Senya; Senyura; Ksesha; Ksyunya; Xunya; Xyura; Ksyuta; Ksyusha; Aksinyushka; Aksya; Aksyunya; Aksyuta; Aksyukha; Aksyusha; Asya. Origin: (Presumably from the Greek xenia ... ... Dictionary of personal names

Kseniya- hospitality, foreign; Aksinya; Xenya; Ksenya, Ksenyusha, Senya, Senyura, Ksesha, Ksyunya, Xunya, Ksyura, Ksyuta, Ksyusha, Aksinyushka, Aksya, Aksyunya, Aksyuta, Aksyukha, Aksyusha, Asya, Oksana, Ksanka Dictionary of Russian synonyms. xenia n., number of synonyms: 11 ... Synonym dictionary

Kseniya- and, well. (… Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Kseniya- Manifestation of the trait of the paternal plant in seeds or fruits during hybridization; K. can appear on the embryo or endosperm (K. 1st order) or on the pericarp (K. 2nd order, or metaxenia, or carpoxenia); obvious manifestation of K. 1st ... Technical Translator's Handbook

KSENIYA- see Early ripe. Vegetation period from full germination to technical maturity 24-25 days. The rosette of leaves is erect, the number of leaves is 7 10, the leaves are green with dense hard pubescence, elliptical in shape, the leaf blade is lyre-dissected, ... ... Encyclopedia of seeds. vegetable crops

Kseniya- * xenia * xenia is a phenotypic manifestation of the trait of the paternal plant in seeds or fruits during hybridization (see), phenotypically expressed in the color, shape and size of the seeds. K. is either a consequence of the manifestation of hybrid signs of the embryo ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

Kseniya- This term has other meanings, see Xenia (meanings). Xenia from Greek. ξενία Etymological meaning: "Traveler" Prod. forms: Xenya, Xenka, Xena, Xenyusha, Senya, Se ... Wikipedia

Kseniya- xenia xenia. Manifestation of the trait of the paternal plant in seeds or fruits during hybridization; K. can appear on the embryo or endosperm (K. 1st order) or on the pericarp (K. 2nd order, or metaxenia, or carpoxenia); obvious... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

Kseniya- ksenija statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Tėvinės formos požymių pasireiškimas hibridinėse motininio augalo sėklose. atitikmenys: engl. xenia rus. Kseniya … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas

Kseniya- Kseniya … Russian spelling dictionary

Kseniya- (1 f), R., D., Pr. xe/nii; pl. xe / nii, R. xe / nii ( short poem) … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Xenia Blazhennaya, Anna Gippius. Xenia of Petersburg is a saint. Therefore, at the request of her, miracles happen. She suffered this opportunity to help us with a long life, where every day and every night was a rejection of ... Buy for 260 rubles
  • literature about me. Ksenia Sobchak (2017) , Ksenia Sobchak. Dear friends! Unfortunately, there was a force majeure: Fyodor Bondarchuk fell ill and postponed the meeting with Dmitry Bykov. But Dmitry Bykov has no shortage of interlocutors. For example, during the summer...
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