Biography of Enrique Iglesias. Enrique Iglesias - biography, information, personal life Julio Iglesias and Russian tennis player

Enrique Iglesias is a famous Spanish singer, songwriter, successful producer and popular actor. The wife of Enrique Iglesias is an equally popular personality, former tennis player Anna Kournikova. Is a successful union between two stars possible and why is there so much gossip in the media around this couple?

Now Enrique is one of the most popular Latin American singers. He has more than forty singles and nine studio albums, which have repeatedly won many awards and regularly exploded charts around the world.

Enrique Iglesias wife photo

The history of the star couple from the first days was shrouded in numerous gossip, speculation and fantasies of various media. Enrique Iglesias met his future wife on the set of the Escape video. By this time, Russian sports star Anna Kournikova had almost stopped playing tennis, preferring the career of a model and actress.

The pleasant appearance of the girl and the stunning figure helped her to become popular at breakneck speed and receive numerous job offers. The Russian woman was also noticed in the team of Enrique Iglesias, after which the girl was invited to play the main role in one of the singer's videos. According to the script, young people were supposed to play a couple in love, but according to media reports, they did not do it very well. Between Enrique and Anna immediately arose some kind of hostility, clearly preventing both of them from working.

However, very soon, journalists published pictures in which Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias were captured during private meetings, and the relationship between them was clearly not hostile. After that, information even appeared on the network that the security of one of the clubs was forced to expel the star couple for too hot hugs.

Despite numerous requests from journalists to comment on the situation, it was not possible to obtain official information about the relationship between Enrique and Anna. Information about the wedding of Iglesias and Kournikova appeared on the network only after an engagement ring appeared on Anna's finger. In one of the interviews, the girl nevertheless admitted that she was embarrassed to talk about her personal life and she madly did not want her family's questions to become public.

The next shocking news was the information that Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova divorced. They began to guess about the breakup of the star couple from randomly thrown phrases and individual facts, but just a few weeks later the couple was again seen together in high spirits.

Since Enrique Iglesias and his wife prefer not to advertise their relationship, personal joint photo a couple have very little. On most pictures celebrity couple captured at various events, and the photos look extremely restrained. You can not find on the net and photos from the wedding of Iglesias Jr. and Anna Kournikova. Some even claim that there was no wedding at all, and the couple continues to live in a civil marriage to this day.

The latest noisy gossip around the couple was the discussion of the birth of twins. This news literally stunned numerous fans who did not even know about the pregnancy of the wife of Enrique Iglesias. If you follow the star's Instagram, you will notice that in recent times the girl dropped only portrait photos or photos of pets, so it is possible that she really was pregnant all this time.

Enrique Iglesias with his wife and children is one of the most discussed topics today, since it is still not clear whether the couple had twins or not, although a lot of time has passed since the news appeared.

Of course, the most devoted fans closely follow the accounts of the stars and sometimes know much more than anyone else, but the younger Iglesias hides the details of his and his wife's personal lives so masterfully that one can only envy his skill.

Enrique Iglesias is a famous Spanish actor, singer, producer and just a very handsome man. Which is not surprising, considering that his father is the world-famous macho Julio Iglesias, and his mother is former miss Philippines, and now a successful journalist Isabel Preisler.

Now Enrique Iglesias is one of the most popular representatives of Latin American music., for all the time creative career over 100 million records have been sold.
My musical career Enrique started out under the pseudonym "Enrique Martinez".

Relationship Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova

Enrique always said that he did not want to be a heartthrob and the ruler of women's souls, like his father Julio Iglesias. However, having such a charming appearance and talent, it is impossible not to attract increased attention of the opposite sex. Enrique has several high-profile novels to his credit, the most famous of which were relationships with Sofia Vergara and Alice Mochado, as well as with Jennifer Love Hewitt.

But only the Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova could seriously capture the heart of the Spanish handsome man.

Enrique and Anna first met on the set of the "Escape" video. Prior to that, Anna already had some experience in filming clips of world celebrities. The final episode of the clip was supposed to be a kiss of heroes, but Enrique refused to kiss Anna, which caused her a storm of emotions. The situation was resolved and fateful kiss nevertheless took place. However, Anna Kournikova was seriously offended by Enrique.

After some time, Enrique admitted to reporters that he really liked Anna, but she is unlikely to want to deal with him. But after a few months, Enrique and Anna announced that they are a couple and even live together. A year later, Anna was seen with wedding ring on the finger, which naturally caused a wave of rumors about the marriage of Enrique and Anna. However, the famous couple denies everything.

Anna and Enrique have been together for 10 years, and until now they are one of the most frequently mentioned couples in the press - journalists have married and divorced them probably a thousand times already.

At a concert in Barvikha near Moscow, the sultry Spaniard Enrique Iglesias flirted exclusively with his gender, and then got drunk and called his ex-spouse- tennis player Anna Kournikova - wife.

For the second year already, one of the most famous Spaniards in the world has been promoting his new album Sex and Love, traveling around cities and towns. On the last weekend of November, he was even brought to the "village of the rich" near Moscow, Barvikha Luxury Village. It was possible to listen to the heartthrob, whose albums became platinum 116 times and gold 227 times, only by paying from 20 to ... 150 thousand rubles! But this is for ordinary oligarchs, but celebrities, among whom we noticed the singer Zara, Miss World Ksenia Sukhinova, actress Elena Lyadova (the star of Leviathan surprised everyone by dressing completely inappropriate for the event - in jeans and a sports T-shirt, while while the other ladies chose elegant evening dresses), let it slip that they were allowed in here for free - by invitation.
“Actually, I don’t really like Enrique’s later work, I liked the early one more - I’m really surprised that at the age of 40 he was drawn to youth motives,” Alsu told ProZvezd with a hint of disappointment, who recorded with Iglesias duet. She admitted that since then they had only seen each other a couple of times and did not become close friends.
And Alsou said this even before the performance - it is not known what she would say after seeing how frankly Enrique hacked at his only and not so long concert. He would sing barely halfway through each song, then drop and leave the rest to the veneer and his backing vocalists. He didn’t even pretend to sing: he just threw a microphone and then walked around the stage, then completely sat down to rest comfortably. It seems that he was just tired of singing the same thing, but he still had the desire to jump and dance.
Starting to dance, the Spaniard invited everyone to join him and come closer to the stage. As a result, those who paid 20-30 thousand for a ticket completely blocked the view of those who paid all 150 for a ticket and sat in the front row. Well, the last became the first, and the rich also cry.
- I want to invite someone to the stage! - unexpectedly gave hope to the audience, the vast majority of which were, of course, women of all ages, Enrique.
- Me! Me! Please choose me! - immediately shouted everyone who was near the stage, and one girl even sobbed - she so wanted to her idol.
No, I'm only interested in boys! I want boys! - Iglesias was surprised at such a violent reaction and was looking for volunteers for a long time. There were almost no boys in the hall!
In the end, two were found. Happy singer he sat them almost on his knees, gave them vodka to drink, sang one of the hits together, and he carefully filmed the entire performance on an iPhone of one of the guys. Well, in the end he hugged them and kissed them. A frustrated groan rippled through the hall. The girls didn't get that much attention from him!
“It was my Russian girlfriend who taught me how to drink vodka, oh, that is, my wife,” he finished off the fans even more.
As ProZvezd managed to learn from the fans guarding the singer in Barvikha, on the eve of the concert, Iglesias and Kournikova walked along the most expensive boutiques in Barvikha, holding hands cutely. So, perhaps, Iglesias sang with the boys so that Anna would not be jealous, and not at all because it was not welcome in our country.

Starting to dance, the Spaniard invited everyone to join him and come closer to the stage
Russian wife taught Enrique to drink vodka

Photo by Sergey Solovyov, Global Look Press

One of the most discussed couples of the last decade - the Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias and the Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova - after 16 years of relationship, pleased the fans with great news: a week ago in Miami, secretly from everyone, Kournikova gave birth to twins to the singer.

The history of the relationship of the Russian beauty with the son of “that same Iglesias” began in 2001, when Anna arrived in Spain to shoot the video for “Escape”. By that time, it became clear that the tennis player's career was coming to an end, but external data allowed Kournikova to enter into lucrative advertising contracts.

Their first meeting could be their last.

Luxurious leggy blonde with plump lips, perfect skin and with her green eyes she struck down on the spot the sophisticated Enrique, in whose arms many famous heartbreakers visited, including Jennifer Love Hewitt, Alicia Machado and Christina Aguilera. The singer recalls that at the first meeting he was simply stunned by the beauty of the girl, but behaved like a boy.

According to the plot of the clip, Iglesias was supposed to kiss Anna. But from the surging feelings, in the presence of the entire film crew, he said that he was not going to do this, because he noticed the girl had over upper lip a pimple is a trace of a cold.
Filming was delayed for a couple of hours. Anya ran away from the site and, in anger, almost smashed the dressing room, cursing the Spanish impudent man on what the world stands. But the signed contract made the girl pull herself together and return.

A little later, Iglesias admitted: “I deliberately lied, because I simply did not know how to attract her attention. She was so proud, beautiful and inaccessible, so I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
And our impudent did not lose. Soon they were already kissing - both on the stage where the hero of Iglesias sang, and in the cabin of his car, and even on the washbasin in the restroom.
It was then that the guy realized that he had found the one with whom he wanted to spend his whole life.

Drama of the Iglesias family

Throughout his career, the hot young Spaniard dreamed of dragging tens of thousands of women into bed, but few people know how difficult his relationship with the fair sex was.
The reason is the painful separation of the parents due to the constant betrayals of the father, Julio Iglesias. The famous singer was promiscuous, which caused a strong sense of contradiction in his son - to do everything, just not to be like Iglesias Sr.

"Enrique Iglesias - the last star virgin"

Enrique's favorite thing was teasing overly curious paparazzi. He enjoyed inventing non-existent facts about his personal life. Once, the singer almost brought the journalist to a nervous tic, hinting to her that after several years of relationship with Kournikova, he was still a virgin. But Anna was not his first woman!

The next day, Iglesias had to regret his careless words when headlines about the shocking purity of the artist appeared on the front pages of newspapers. However, even here the singer managed to emerge victorious: at a press conference, he deftly answered uncomfortable questions and at the end misled journalists, hinting at a possible marriage with Anna.
And a little later, the paparazzi completely lost sleep when a ring appeared on the ring finger of the tennis player, which looked like an engagement ring. Since then, the public has watched their romance like a Mexican TV series: will they get married or run away?

Secret connections of Iglesias

Fans' suspicions about the lovers' quarrel were indeed justified. Kournikova has had a difficult time since the British edition appeared scandalous pictures Enrique and the girl sitting on his lap. She turned out to be actress Estella Warren, who, by the way, looked like Anna as a sister.

Kournikova had to take all her will into a fist in order to go to the airport and meet Iglesias from London without scandal. In the arrivals hall, the girl was almost blinded by dozens of video and photo cameras aimed at her with flashes. Who knows what the poor man had to endure at that moment, but the paparazzi failed to capture anything interesting. The girl, as usual, waved to the guy, kissed him on the cheek and led him to the car.

At home, a storm of female jealousy and anger hit Enrique. He hardly justified himself, explaining to his beloved that he had nothing to do with the actress, and then they drank a little in the bar, and he himself did not notice how Estella ended up on his knees. It was probably only then that Anna realized how much she was afraid of losing her beloved.

Russian turned out to be an ideal life partner

No wonder they say: Russian girls - best wives. Anya became Enrique's reliable rear, friend and lover. She never asked expensive gifts, was not eager for fashionable parties and red carpets, did not make scandals and did not go on tour after the singer.
Being a VIP herself, the girl avoids interviews about her personal life and, with all the Slavic care and devotion, provides her beloved with homeliness and comfort. The singer is ready to sell his soul to the devil for Anya's borscht and even took several master classes from her on how to cook it.

Anna's sports career was given quickly and easily: at the age of 14 she became a professional tennis player, and at 16 she reached the Grand Slam Cup semi-finals.

At all competitions with the participation of Kournikova, the male part of the audience, with bated breath, listened to the breathtaking cries of the athlete and admired her tanned legs. At the end sports career the girl successfully realized herself in advertising of famous brands: Adidas, Omega, Yoneks and others.

She never waited for the official marriage proposal

The only thing that Anya could not give Iglesias for a long time was a child, although she knew how much he dreams of an heir. He often admitted to her that he wanted to be a father, but he could not understand that for a girl the birth of a baby out of wedlock is a taboo. The unwillingness of her beloved to marry became for her a quiet insoluble pain.

Kournikova had her own reasons for this: even before Enrique, in her youth, she had two novels - with Russian NHL stars Pavel Bure and Sergei Fedorov. Men showered the girl with jewelry and apartments, but neither the broken engagement with the first gentleman, nor the short-term marriage with the second brought the girl family happiness.

Anna Kournikova and Pavel Bure

Kournikova with Sergei Fedorov

As a result, Kournikova set a condition for Iglesiam - either marriage or no children. The status of a single mother did not suit her at all.
This caused a major quarrel, after which the singer left Miami for Spain and plunged headlong into work. Soon the lovers reconciled and compromised, but they failed to conceive a child.
After dozens of medical examinations, the girl was close to despair. However, after many attempts, she still managed to get pregnant. How the issue of marriage was resolved is unknown. Journalists express many guesses, including the secret wedding of lovers.

One thing is clear: now the couple is happily raising two kids - Lucy and Nicholas. We hope that soon we will learn new details from the life of these bright and passionate people!

Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler (Spanish: Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler). Born May 8, 1975 in Madrid. Spanish singer, songwriter, producer and actor.

Father - Julio Iglesias, famous Spanish singer.

Mother - Isabel Preysler, Filipino journalist and TV presenter.

Enrique became the third child in the family. Enrique has older sister Maria Isabel and elder brother Julio José.

When he was 3 years old, his parents divorced and he, along with his sister Maria and brother Julio, stayed with his mother in Madrid, and his father moved to record songs in Miami.

Since his mother had a lot of work, he was raised by his nanny Maria Olivares (Spanish: María Olivares).

In 1985, the terrorists first threatened his father, and then made an attempt on Enrique's grandfather, Julio Iglesias Sr. After the grandfather was released, the ETA terrorists began to threaten the children, and the mother decided that it would be better to send them to Miami, to their father.

In the USA, Enrique studied at the prestigious Gulliver Preparatory School. He had few friends, as he was shy and was not like everyone else. He recalled: “I went to a rich school in Miami, and while others were driving Mercedes, I was driving a wreck. My father didn't care for me and didn't give me a cent. And when I had a stepmother, the attitude towards me only worsened.

Since childhood, together with their brother Julio, they planned to become singers. At 16, he wrote the lyrics for his debut album.

However, the father wanted to see his son as a businessman. Under pressure from his father, Enrique enters the University of Miami at the Faculty of Business. Even at school, the manager noticed him. While studying at the university, Enrique worked on demos of his songs and, together with his manager, sent them to record label offices, signing them as Enrique Martinez from Central America.

In 1994, Iglesias dropped out of school and signed a contract with the Mexican label FonoMusic. Enrique's father demanded that he return to the university, but Enrique left for Canada. In Canada, he worked for 5 months on recording his debut album. In October 1995, Iglesias' first single "Si tú te vas" (If You Leave) was released, and on November 21 of the same year, the debut album entitled "Enrique Iglesias" was released. The album became popular in Spain, Portugal and Italy. The album sold 1 million copies in one week. This is best result for an album of the time that is not recorded in English.

In 1996, Italian and Portuguese versions of the album were released. Almost all of the album's songs have been translated into these languages. Also, Iglesias, along with his debut album, was nominated for a Grammy Award as "Best Representative of Latin American Music".

At the end of January 1997, Enrique released his second studio album Vivir (Live). A few days later, the song "Enamorado Por Primera Vez" (In love for the first time) was released to radio stations, which led the US Latin American chart for 12 weeks.

In the same year, Iglesias went on the Vivir Tour, for which he selected the best musicians who have worked with Elton John, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel. Enrique has given 78 concerts (19 of them in the USA) in 16 countries.

At the end of the year, Enrique, along with his father Julio Iglesias and Mexican singer Luis Miguel, was nominated for prestigious award"American Music Awards" in the nomination "Best Latin American Singer". But before the award ceremony, in an interview with an American magazine, Julio said that if his son gets the award, he will defiantly leave the hall. Enrique refused the award so as not to provoke his father into a new quarrel (the award went to his father), but performed at the ceremony with the song "Lluvia Cae".

In September 1998, Enrique released his third studio album Cosas del Amor (Love Affairs). At the end of the year, Iglesias was awarded the "Best Latin American Artist" award from the American Music Awards, overtaking Puerto Rican pop singer Ricky Martin and the Mexican mariachi band Los Tigres del Norte in the number of votes.

His song "Nunca Te Olvidaré" became the soundtrack to the Mexican telenovela of the same name, in which Edith Gonzalez played the title role. In the opening shots of the telenovela, the main characters are listening to Enrique. The song "Bailamos" was featured on the soundtrack to the movie Wild Wild West, starring Will Smith. The title track of the album became the soundtrack of the Peruvian telenovela "Love Affairs", where in leading role starred Diego Berti.

The film "Wild Wild West" was not as successful as its creators hoped for. But the song "Bailamos" began to be broadcast on radio stations in Latin America. After it was released a new version songs are brighter and more rhythmic. The track topped the national charts in Israel, Spain, New Zealand, the UK and the US.

In the US, the song's release was associated with the "Latin wave" that began this year with Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca" and Marc Anthony's "I Need To Know" singles. The song became Iglesias' first song to reach number one in the US. After the success of Bailamos, Iglesias began to be offered contracts by more significant labels.

Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos

In collaboration with Interscope, Enrique released the maxi-single Bailamos, and after that the first album recorded in English - Enrique. The album is notable for duets with the American Whitney Houston "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" and with the Russian woman "You're My # 1", as well as a cover version of Bruce Springsteen's song of the same name - "Sad Eyes".

In early 2000, Enrique went on the Bailamos World Tour. After the end of the tour, Enrique did not show himself to the public for a long time. But in the summer of 2001, the composition "Hero" was released on the air of radio stations. First public speaking after a long break, it took place at a concert in memory of those killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, at which Enrique sang the song "Hero".

In October 2001, Iglesias released a new album, Escape, which is considered Iglesias' most commercially successful album. Its circulation is 10 million copies. The video for the title song "Escape" starred the future girlfriend of Iglesias - Russian tennis player Anna Kournikova. At the end of the year, Iglesias received an award as "Best Latin Artist".

Enrique Iglesias - Hero

In September 2002, he released the Spanish-language album Quizás, which is Iglesias' most successful Spanish-language album. The album was recorded not in the Latin American style, more familiar to Americans, but in Spanish. But this did not prevent the songs from the album from becoming popular in the US, for example, the song "Para Qué La Vida" was played a million times on US radio stations.

In 2003, Enrique released his seventh album, simply called "7", while his father Julio Iglesias released his seventy-seventh album.

July 12, 2007 released a new album Insomniac. Three years later, Enrique returned to the world of show business and delighted fans with four hits at once. Even before the release of the album, two tracks became hits, and then another one was released in Europe - "Tired Of Being Sorry". The fourth single was "Push".

In 2008, Enrique recorded the song "Tired Of Being Sorry" as a duet with French singer Nadia and released it as a separate single. For this single, Enrique received the French Music Awards in the Song of the Year nomination.

On June 27, 2008, Enrique performed at the final of the European Football Championship with a new song "Can You Hear Me", which became the official anthem of UEFA 2008 and was included in the re-released version of the Insomniac album.

In 2008, Enrique decided to experiment. He released a compilation album of 12 Spanish-language singles and two more new compositions, which also became successful - "Lloro Por Tì" and "¿Dondé Éstan Corazòn?". The album includes the untranslated songs "Sì Tù Te Vas", "Solò En Tì" and also translated into English language compositions "Ritmo Total", "Heroé" and one of Enrique's most successful songs - a song recorded in two languages ​​at once - "Bailamos".

November 8, 2008, in Monaco, Iglesias received two World Music Awards as "Best Selling Latin Artist" and "Best Selling Spanish Artist".

In July 2009, Iglesias' new song "Lost Inside Your Love" appeared on radio stations.

In 2010, Iglesias included his song "It Must Be Love" in the "Download to Donate for Haiti" compilation, which was created by the band Linkin Park. The money from the sales of the collection was sent to the fund for the victims of the Haitian earthquake in 2010. In February of the same year, Iglesias, along with other artists, rewrote the song "We Are The World", which at one time was written to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia in 1984-85. Proceeds from the sales of "We Are the World: 25 for Haiti" went to charity.

The album "Euphoria" in 2010 was successful for the artist and brought him first 14 nominations for the Billboard de la Musica Latina award, and then the most a large number of awards in nine categories.

Enrique Iglesias - I Like It

He starred in a lot of commercials: he has commercials for the McDonalds restaurant chain, which sponsored his Cosas Del Amor Tour; how the Roman emperor appeared in a Pepsi commercial with Britney Spears, Pink and Beyoncé. He acted in films. In 2003, he played in Robert Rodriguez's Once Upon a Time in Mexico (the role of street musician Lorenzo). Later he played in a number of other films.

As a producer, he co-produced the song "Un Nuevo Giorno" with Gaia Chamberer for Andrea Bocelli's first pop album. The song was later translated into English as "First Day Of My Life" and released by former Spice Girls frontwoman Melanie Chisholm as a single.

Produced the song "The Way" for Academy Of Stars winner Kline Aikin, with Steve Morales and Kara Dioguardi. He also acted as a producer for the British band The Hollies.

Height of Enrique Iglesias: 187 centimeters.

Enrique Iglesias Personal Life:

In the early 2000s, Enrique began dating American actress, producer, director and singer Jennifer Love Hewitt. They dated for a short time and parted as friends.

In 2001, Jennifer starred in Enrique's music video for the song "Hero". Enri and Jennie played lovers so believably that rumors began to appear in the press that they were together again. But it was not so.

Since 2001, he has been in a relationship with. They met on the set of the video for the song "Escape".

Since then, rumors have regularly appeared that they are married. Anna has illuminated her engagement ring more than once.

In December 2017, information appeared that. The couple were born opposite-sex twins son Nicholas and daughter Lucy.

Enrique suffers from insomnia.

Enrique's personal plane landed at one of Miami's airports, and his boats are moored in ports. Even at school, everyone was surprised at his artistry and sense of humor. From an early age, Enrique involuntarily became a participant in social events, and since then he does not like expensive things and attributes of fame, but still he cannot resist the cars of Ferrari and Porsche. Despite the fact that he has money and fame, he performs in T-shirts and jeans, and his favorite food is fast food.

Filmography of Enrique Iglesias :

1995 - Desperate (Desperado) - episode (uncredited)
2003 - Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Once Upon a Time in Mexico) - Lorenzo
2005-2014 - How I Met Your Mother (How I Met Your Mother) - Gael
2007 - Two and a Half Men (Two and a Half Men) - Fernando

Discography of Enrique Iglesias:

1995 Enrique Iglesias
1997 - Vivir
1998 - Cosas Del Amor
1999 - Enrique
2001 - Escape
2002 - Quizas
2003 - Seven
2007 - Insomniac
2010 - Euphoria
2014 - Sex + Love

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