Breathing exercises: gymnastics. Breathing technique. The best breathing exercises to calm your nerves

By doing these simple breathing exercises, you will dramatically improve in addition to lung function, and the health of your entire body as a whole. You can not perform exercises for the lungs for people suffering from chronic diseases that are directly related to the cardiovascular system, although your doctor can make a final ban, so be sure to consult with him.

During classes, you need to control your pulse, and if it becomes very fast, then this complex is absolutely not suitable for you, so classes should be stopped immediately. The pulse after class should be deep and with good filling, but not much more frequent. After gymnastics, you need to regularly measure the pressure, which may increase slightly, but should not reach dangerous values. Increase the intensity of training should be gradual, so that the body can adapt.

Breathing warm-up

  1. Relax and stand up straight, hands should be lowered along the body.
  2. Exhale and then begin a slow deep breath. As your lungs fill with air, your shoulders begin to rise. Then a sharp exhalation is made, and the shoulders lower accordingly.
  3. On the next inhalation, as your lungs fill, your shoulders slowly pull back, your shoulder blades come together, and your hands behind your back come together. Then you need to slowly exhale, while the arms and shoulders are pushed forward, and the chest is compressed. Shoulders and arms should be relaxed.
  4. With a deep breath, we tilt to the right, the chest on the left stretches accordingly. With an exhalation, we return to the original position. We make the same slope to the left. When performing this exercise, the back must be kept straight, and the neck and arms should not be bent.
  5. When inhaling, slowly tilt your head back, while the spine bends strictly in the thoracic region. With an exhalation, tilt your head forward so that you can see your knees, the spine also bends in the thoracic region. And the arms hang freely along the body.
  6. We take a deep breath and with a leisurely exhalation, the spine is smoothly twisted clockwise, while the right hand is retracted behind the back, and the left goes forward. We take a breath and take the initial position. We do the same, but counterclockwise. We make sure that the hips remain motionless.
  7. First, we make circular movements alternately with the right and left shoulders, similar to those that rowers do in a kayak. Then rotational movements do it with both shoulders at the same time. Breathing is arbitrary.

Breathing exercises should be performed for 6-10 minutes. After its implementation, you should relax and unwind. After rest, you can begin to do breathing exercises for the lungs from the complex below.

Basic breathing exercises that develop the chest, various groups of its muscles and ligaments

These exercises are quite simple, but extremely effective. You should not try to master many exercises at once. As experience and practice show, the breathing exercises provided below develop the muscles and ligaments of the chest, the air cells of the lungs, etc. Of all the breathing exercises, “cleansing breathing” is considered the main one. It is used when the need is felt to clear and ventilate the lungs, it is commonly used as the finishing touch to many other lung exercises, and is used continuously.

cleansing breath

This exercise not only ventilates and cleanses your lungs, it improves the health of the whole organism, excites all its cells and refreshes it. The lesson is very useful for people whose profession requires a lot of strain on the lungs: singers, actors, musicians playing wind instruments, speakers, teachers, etc. It is performed as follows, first a full breath is taken and the breath is held for a few seconds. The lips are compressed as if for a whistle, while the cheeks do not swell, then exhale a little air with considerable force and stop for a second, then exhale a little more in the same way and continue until all the air is completely exhaled. It is very important to exhale the air with force.

Holding your breath

Develops and strengthens the respiratory muscles, as well as the lungs in general. Its constant implementation will expand chest. At the same time, temporary holding of the breath helps to cleanse the lungs and contributes to the best absorption of oxygen by the blood. To perform the exercise, you need to stand straight and take a full breath. Breathing in the chest should be held as long as possible, and then through the open mouth exhale the air with force. Then do a cleansing breath.

Breath-holding can be done with a watch, marking the time and noting your ability to increase your achievements daily. Gymnastics has a refreshing effect on a tired and tired person, its positive effect can be felt after a short period of time. To get the fastest positive effect, you need to carefully practice.

Excitation of lung cells

Allows you to excite the activity of air cells in the lungs. It must be done with care, and beginners should not abuse it. Many after its implementation feel a slight dizziness. Therefore, you should always be ready to stop its execution. To perform it, you need to stand straight, lowering your arms along the body. Slowly and gradually we inhale the air, until the lungs are full of air and hold the breath. Then we strike the chest with the palms of our hands and begin to slowly exhale the air. At the same time, we “drum” on the chest with our fingertips. We finish the exercise with a cleansing breath.

Joyful upper breath

This exercise is believed to improve mood. For control, you need to put your hands on your collarbones, then when you inhale, the air will fill only the upper sections of the lungs, and the chest will rise up. When exhaling, it returns to its original position. At the same time, the abdomen remains motionless, and the chest does not expand.

Soothing Down Breath

When you inhale, air fills the lower sections of the lungs and therefore the stomach protrudes, and when you exhale, it retracts. At the same time, the chest remains motionless. In combination with this exercise, medium breathing is performed, which increases the tone of the body. When you inhale, air fills the sections of the lungs, and the chest expands, and when you exhale, it returns to its original position. During the exercise, the stomach remains motionless.

To see a positive result from any exercise, you need to practice regularly, and not quit halfway through the work you have begun. Persistence, desire and willpower are the main components of effective success.

Few people think about how to breathe correctly: this process occurs uncontrollably, at the subconscious level. Meanwhile, there are chest, abdominal and combined types breathing (diaphragm, stomach, both together), each of which is equivalent. For the formation correct breathing it is necessary to regularly perform a set of breathing exercises, but before that, evaluate how correctly you breathe (observe the frequency and rhythm when inhaling and exhaling).

Fundamentals of the formation of correct, deep breathing with the stomach and chest

Proper breathing is especially necessary in winter and during the transitional winter-spring period, during an influenza epidemic. According to experts, improper breathing significantly increases the likelihood of respiratory infections entering the body, which increases the risk of flu or colds.

Many people breathe by the type of shallow breathing: too often (the norm is 16 breaths per minute in a calm state) and shallow, from time to time holding inhalation and exhalation. As a result, the lungs do not have time to properly ventilate - Fresh air enters only the outer sections, while most of the volume of the lungs remains unclaimed, that is, the air in it is not updated, which is beneficial to viruses and bacteria.

The basis of proper breathing is an extended breath-pause-short exhalation.

Breath type. Determine exactly how you breathe: actively relaxing the stomach - abdominal type of breathing, raising and lowering the chest - chest type, combining both - mixed type breathing. What kind of breathing is correct for the stable functioning of the body?

Thoracic breathing, in which the intercostal muscles are mainly involved in the act of breathing, nature has reserved for women. But men sitting over a pile of papers, in front of a TV screen or driving, also breathe in this unusual manner. The main thing is that the process of chest, abdominal or mixed breathing should be clearly debugged, which will require training.

How is proper breathing characterized?

Proper breathing is characterized by frequency and rhythm.

To determine the respiratory rate, sit comfortably, put a watch with a second hand in front of you, relax, straighten your shoulders. Count how many breaths you take in one minute.

14 breaths per minute - this is an excellent indicator of correct, deep breathing: this is how well-trained and hardy people usually breathe. Taking in the air with a full chest, you let the lungs straighten out, perfectly ventilate them, that is, you make your respiratory system almost invulnerable to infectious agents.

14 to 18 breaths per minute - a good result. This is how most practically healthy people breathe, who can get the flu or SARS no more than 2 times a season.

More than 18 breaths per minute - cause for concern. With shallow and frequent breathing, only half of the inhaled air enters the lungs. This is clearly not enough to constantly update the pulmonary atmosphere.

The system for developing the correct rhythm of human breathing

The rhythm of correct breathing is the ratio of inhalation and exhalation, the arrangement of pauses in this cycle.

Long inhale - pause - short exhale. This is how people who are endowed with high performance breathe. Try entering a mobilizing breathing rhythm to feel energized and activate your defense system. The body is very wisely arranged: inhalation is an exciting factor, exhalation is a calming factor.

Short energetic breath - extended exhalation - pause. This rhythm acts like a sedative pill. With the help of this rhythm, the nervous system relaxes the muscles, getting rid of internal tension. began to sigh often without apparent reason? This body is trying to unobtrusively remind us - it's time to take a break, relax. Don't ignore his hint. Remember, chronic fatigue weakens the immune system.

An insufficiently clear rhythm of breathing with a periodic delay in inhalation or exhalation, combined with frequent and shallow breathing, greatly increases the likelihood of getting the flu or. And not only. Incorrect breathing, in addition to complicating the work of the lungs, disrupts the accompanying movements of the diaphragm, which normally should improve and facilitate the activity of the heart, activate blood circulation in the organs abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

What breathing is correct: chest and abdominal types

To form proper breathing, a person needs to perform special exercises.

Special breathing exercise to develop abdominal breathing:

  • lie on your back, put your palms under your head and slightly bend your knees;
  • to train proper breathing with the stomach, you need to tighten the abdominal muscles, drawing in the stomach and exhaling air vigorously;
  • take a short pause until there is a need to inhale;
  • using the diaphragm, inhale, as if filling the stomach with air;
  • after a short pause, exhale, strongly drawing in the stomach.

By mastering chest and abdominal breathing and combining these skills into one whole, you will feel how much stronger your body will become. But do not stop there, continue to develop proper breathing - the basis of the foundations of good health.

Special breathing exercise to develop chest type of breathing:

  • lie on your stomach, straightening your legs and assuming the pose of a resting lion: slightly raise your chest, leaning on the palms and forearms of arms bent at the elbows;
  • straining the intercostal muscles, slowly take in a full chest of air so that the chest rises;
  • hold your breath for a few seconds, and then exhale briefly, relaxing your muscles and lowering your chest;
  • take a short pause, and when there is a need to take a breath, repeat the respiratory cycle from the beginning.

Full (mixed) breathing, in which the abdominal press, diaphragm and intercostal muscles simultaneously participate, is considered the healthiest. With such a system of proper breathing, not only the lungs, but also the intestines, the liver work like a clock, the resistance of the bronchi and nasopharynx to adverse effects increases. So no viruses will be scary.

It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of breathing exercises. You need to train in this way at least several times a day. It is best to do this outdoors while walking at a calm pace.

In the morning and afternoon while walking, perform simple breathing exercises that activate the type of full breathing: an extended inhalation (by 4-6 steps) with a pause (by 2 steps) and a shortened but active exhalation (by 2 steps). And in the evening before going to bed, breathe in a calming mode: a short full breath (by 2 steps), an extended exhalation (by 4 steps) and a pause after exhalation (by 2 steps).

Remember that increased ventilation of the lungs without proper training can lead to excessive loss of carbon dioxide - you will feel dizzy, you can even lose consciousness. To prevent this from happening, exercise in a well-ventilated area, in the morning on an empty stomach or in the afternoon 3 hours after eating. Be sure to pause after each exhalation and gradually increase the time of classes: from 2-3 breathing cycles to 10-15 during one session.

You can not perform a full breath if you are on a gassed street when cars are scurrying around.

Special breathing exercise for training full breathing:

  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms along your torso. After exhaling the air, wait until there is a need to inhale;
  • counting up to 8 in the mind, slowly inhale through the nose, successively directing the air stream from bottom to top: first - into the stomach (while slightly sticking it out), then - expanding the chest, and then raising the shoulders. At the end of inhalation, the abdomen should be slightly drawn in;
  • exhale vigorously in the same sequence: first, relax the diaphragm and tighten the abdominal press, drawing in the stomach, then relax the intercostal muscles and lower the shoulders;
  • take a short pause, and when there is a desire to take a breath, repeat all over again. When taking a full breath, you need to slightly raise your head, and when you exhale, lower it a little.

The video "Correct Breathing" shows all types of correct breathing:

Special static exercises for the respiratory system

1. Standing, feet shoulder width apart. Exhale completely, then slowly inhale through the nose, as if in full breath. Without pausing at the height of the inhalation, exhale through the lips, folded as if for a whistle, but without puffing out the cheeks. Exhale air in short, strong bursts, for which, during each air push, you should strain (pull in) the stomach and relax the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. If the air shocks during exhalation are weak, the exercise loses its meaning. One breath is divided into three pushes.

This breathing exercise is useful for quick ventilation of the lungs after a long stay in a stuffy room.

2. Sitting on a chair. Taking a deep breath, slowly exhale through the nose, noting the duration of exhalation in seconds. In the process of training, the exhalation gradually lengthens (by about 2-3 s in each week of training), and it is necessary to finish the exhalation without much volitional effort.

3. Sitting or standing. Take an intermittent breath through the nose in 3-4 doses, that is, after each breath, make a small exhalation, and each subsequent breath should be deeper than the previous one. When the lungs are filled with air, after a short breath hold, exhale quickly, forcefully through a wide-open mouth. This exercise is for respiratory system must be done 3 times.

4. Standing without tension. Take an intermittent breath in 3-4 doses, accompanying each breath with a protrusion of the abdomen (the diaphragm goes down). Exhalation is done through the nose with jerks. With each push, the stomach is pulled in a little.

5. Take a full breath through the nose. After a short pause (3-5 s), exhale through the mouth with the sound "s". Then again take a full breath through the nose and after a pause, exhale in jerks with the sound “fu-fu-fu”. Simultaneously with each sound "fu" draw in and relax the stomach. Shoulders are slumped. Run 3 times.

6. Breathing training with a gradual lengthening of inspiration. Breathing is performed under the mental account. The pause after inhalation during this special breathing exercise is equal to half the inhalation. Eight breathing cycles are carried out with a gradual lengthening of the breath (by counting from 4 to 8) and a short exhalation.

The best dynamic gymnastics exercises for proper breathing (with video)

These breathing exercises strengthen the muscles of the chest, abdomen and diaphragm and, like static ones, contribute to the development and consolidation of the skills of correct (full) breathing:

1. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. On an inhalation, lean back slightly, on an exhalation, lean forward slightly, bringing your shoulders together and lowering your arms down. Run 5 times.

2. Feet shoulder width apart, hands on hips. After inhaling, simultaneously step forward with your left foot and tilt your head back a little; right foot on the toe. As you exhale, put your foot in place, lower your head a little. Do the same with the right leg. Run 5 times.

3. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Take a deep breath while raising your arms above your head and leaning back slightly. As you exhale, lean forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers without bending your knees. Run 3 times.

4. Feet together, hands on the belt. While inhaling, turn to the left, legs remain in place, arms spread apart at shoulder level. As you exhale, lean forward and to the left, take your hands back.

On the next inhale, straighten up and turn your torso to the right, spreading your arms to the sides at shoulder level. While exhaling, lean forward and to the right, take your hands back. On the next breath, straighten up, raise your arms up and exhale calmly while lowering your arms. Run 2 times.

5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. Take a small breath. Exhaling slowly, lower your head to your chest, bring your shoulders forward, touch your knees with your hands, look down. As you exhale, raise your head, straighten your shoulders, raise your arms to the sides to shoulder level, look up, lower your arms. Run 3 times.

6. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands placed on the chest so that they feel the movement of the ribs. Make circular motions with your elbows back and forth. Breathe evenly, without delay. Run 5 times.

7. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt (palms on the back, thumbs in front). Do torso forward and backward, right and left. When straightening, slightly squeeze your back with your hands; while tilting, exhale, while straightening, inhale. Run 3 times.

8. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt (palms on the back, thumbs in front). Make circular movements with the middle part of the body and hips. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay. Run 10 times to the right and left.

9. Feet together, hands with clenched fists, lay behind the back (fists touch each other). Walk slowly, while inhaling, rising on your toes and trying to raise your hands behind your back, tilt your head back. As you exhale, put your feet on your feet, lower your hands, touch your chest with your chin. Run within 1 min.

10. Feet together, arms lowered along the body. While inhaling, bending back, take a step to the left (the right leg remains in place) and, raising your arms to the sides to shoulder level, describe small circles with them - from left to right and from right to left 6 times. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Do the same most effective breathing exercise by changing legs.

11. Feet together, hands on the back of the head, fingers interlaced. On an inhale, rise on your toes and bend back. As you exhale, lower yourself to your feet and, spreading your arms to the sides, lower them down. Run 6 times.

12. Sitting astride a chair facing the back, back straight, hands resting on the back of the chair. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend over and, pulling in your stomach, touch your hands with your face. Run 6 times.

Watch the video "Breathing Exercises" to help you better master the technique of breathing exercises:

An effective complex for proper breathing: types of oriental exercises

The complex of breathing exercises includes the so-called "cleansing breath" - the most important way yoga breath. As a rule, it completes any complex exercise or breathing exercises.

  • Stand up straight, legs together, palms pressed together, wrists slightly pressing on the stomach so that the palms are perpendicular to the body. Take a deep breath through the nose. Breathe as described for complete breathing. Hold the breath for a few seconds. The lips are folded into a tube. Cheeks do not swell. Then rhythmically, with strong, but sharp exhalations, expel the air. Publish harsh sounds. Cheeks should not be puffed up. Don't exhale all the air at once. After a pause, when it lingers in the lungs for a moment, exhale with force all the remnants. It is important to feel this very power of exhalation, portions of the exhaled air must be felt.

This method of proper breathing technique cleanses the lungs and refreshes the human body, endows with a supply of vigor and health. An excellent option for relieving fatigue - both mental and physical.

Another type of breathing exercise is breathing to develop the voice. It helps to develop a beautiful, deep, sonorous, strong voice. This affects not only the euphony of our speech, but also the condition of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the larynx. The voice directly reflects general state person, and also shows how great in him life force. This technique is rather additional, rather than basic, since it affects very important and subtle matters, and without special, long preparation, it will not have the desired effect.

Performing this exercise for proper breathing, you need to take a slow and deep breath through the nose. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale powerfully, in one movement, with your mouth wide open. Finish with a cleansing breath so that the lungs come to a calm state.

One of the best breathing exercises is holding your breath. This exercise helps develop the respiratory muscles and lungs. After repeated and frequent use of it, it is possible to expand the chest, which is very important for air and energy exchange processes. The lungs during this exercise are cleared, their ventilation improves. It is also useful in diseases of the stomach, liver. It is dangerous for hypertension, so it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to do it.

Can be done standing, sitting or lying down. Inhale through the nose - slow, full, as described for the full breath technique. Hold your breath while inhaling for up to 10-20 s. Feel your lungs fill with air. Forcefully exhale air through your mouth. All waste energy must come out, taking with it the negative that has been accumulated in it. Finally, calm the lungs with a cleansing breath.

Below is a video "Respiratory gymnastics exercises" to strengthen the body:

Method of simple breathing exercises: the possibilities of self-control

In the method of breathing exercises, there are several simple ways to determine the adequacy of physical activity.

Pulse rate. Most people get the most benefit from exercise if their heart rate during exercise is around 70% of their maximum. Your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.

  • If you are 20 years old, then the maximum heart rate is 220 - 20 \u003d 200 beats per minute. Then 70% of the maximum will be 140 beats per minute.
  • With this pulse, the load will be most effective and safe.

Pleasant fatigue. If classes are pleasant, but you do not get tired, then the load is insufficient. If you get tired and there is no pleasure, then it is great. You should feel just a pleasant tiredness.

Conversational test. If you can freely carry on a conversation with someone during gymnastics for proper breathing, then your load is insufficient. If you can talk to yourself, then the load is good, but I would like to increase it a little.

Exercise for training the respiratory organs "Centimeter"

The set of breathing exercises includes the “Centimeter” exercise, which is suitable both for controlling the correctness of inhalations and exhalations, and for training the respiratory muscles (primarily intercostal), as well as the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This exercise also helps to increase the mobility of the intercostal and intervertebral joints.

According to the difference in the circumference of the chest at maximum inhalation and exhalation, the mobility of the chest is determined, which, for example, in adolescents is about 10 cm. If this difference is less, training is necessary - breathing.

This exercise for the respiratory organs is performed using a regular centimeter tape, which is applied at the level of the xiphoid process (on the skin or on a T-shirt), tightly fitting the chest. The ends of the tape are firmly held in the hands of either the practitioner himself or his assistant. It is good if the exercise is done in front of a mirror.

How to breathe correctly while performing the Centimeter exercise?

  • At the expense of "1-2-3" a deep, slow breath is taken through the nose, the ribs overcome the resistance of the tape. The ribs should, as it were, push the tightly wrapping tape, overcoming a fairly large resistance, to the maximum possible position.
  • At the expense of "1-2-3" the breath is held and the movement of the ribs stops. The tape continues to tightly fit the chest.
  • At the expense of "4-5-6-7-8-9" a slow, smooth exhalation is made through the nose or slightly open mouth. Ribs freely go inside as far as possible to the end. The tape at the same time tightly tightens the ribs deep into the chest.

Breath training exercise "Centimeter" is carried out 1-2 times a day (depending on the severity of the patient's bronchopulmonary process), in the morning and / or in the afternoon, for 15 minutes, an average of 15-20 respiratory cycles.

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Proper breathing works wonders. But for right choice a set of breathing exercises just for you, it is best to consult with a professional. No need to be skeptical about breathing exercises. The benefits of breathing exercises have been known since ancient times, it helps to recover from mental and physical ailments. The main thing is a competent approach.

The exercises described below are simple, but the benefits are great. These exercises are basic in yoga and they are suitable for any unprepared person.

Holding your breath

It is an important exercise that promotes the development of the respiratory muscles. If you do the exercise regularly, it will expand the chest. According to yoga, such a temporary holding of the breath will benefit the nervous system, the circulatory system, the digestive organs, and the respiratory organs.

An exercise:

  • Let's get straight.
  • Let's take a breath.
  • Hold the air in the chest as soon as possible.
  • Forcefully exhale air through the mouth

For beginners long time it is difficult to hold your breath, but with practice you can significantly increase your capabilities.

Lung activation

The exercise is designed to activate the oxygen-absorbing cells. Do not abuse this exercise and you need to do it with great care. Even if there is a slight dizziness, it is better to interrupt the exercise and rest.

An exercise:

  • We stand straight, stretch our arms along the body.
  • Let's take a very deep and slow breath.
  • When the lungs are filled with air, hold your breath and slowly hit the chest with your palms.
  • Exhale slowly and slowly strike the chest with your fingertips.
  • Let's do a cleansing breath.

This exercise activates the absorption of oxygen by the lung cells and increases the tone of the body.

Rib stretch

The ribs are important for proper breathing, so by performing special exercises you can give them greater elasticity.

An exercise:

  • Let's get straight.
  • Press the hands to the sides of the chest high under the armpits so that the thumbs are directed to the back, the palms are on the sides and the remaining fingers are turned to the front of the chest. We seem to squeeze the chest with our hands from the sides, but not much.
  • Let's take a full breath.
  • Let's hold on little time air in the lungs.
  • Slowly squeeze the ribs with your hands, and slowly exhale the air.
  • Perform cleansing breath.

Chest expansion

From a lack of physical activity and hypodynamia, the volume of the chest decreases. This exercise helps to restore the normal volume of the chest.

An exercise:

  • Let's get straight.
  • Let's take a full breath.
  • Let's hold the air.
  • Extend both arms forward and clench two fists at shoulder level.
  • We sharply take our hands back.
  • Let's move our hands back and forth and quickly clench our fists several times and strain the muscles of the hands.
  • Exhale sharply through the mouth.
  • Let's do a cleansing breath.

Breathing exercise on the go

We perform it at any suitable time and during a walk.

An exercise:

  • On a walk, we walk with our heads held high, with our chin slightly extended forward and our shoulders back, and the steps should be the same length.
  • Let's take a breath, slowly count to 8 and take 8 steps during this time so that the count is equal to the steps, stretch the breath for 8 steps.
  • Exhale slowly through the nostrils, count to eight and take eight steps.
  • Hold your breath, keep walking and count to eight.
  • We repeat the exercise until we feel that we are tired. We repeat several times a day.

If it is difficult to perform this exercise, then we will reduce the time of exhalation and inhalation, and hold the breath to 4 steps.

cleansing breath

It will help you quickly clear Airways. It is performed when breathing is lost or very frequent, when you need to restore breathing.

An exercise:

  • Starting position - let's lower our arms along the body, legs shoulder-width apart.
  • We perform a full breath, and without holding our breath, we begin an intense exhalation through tightly closed lips in small portions. Stretch your lips into a smile. We do not puff out our cheeks. The body is tense on exhalation - we clench our hands into fists, stretch our arms down along the body, straighten our legs, squeeze the buttocks tightly and pull them up. Breathe while you have something to breathe. Again, take a full breath and repeat until you fully restore your breath.

These exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor and only after consultation with a specialist.

Breathing exercises for diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

When the heart hurts or shortness of breath sets in, you can perform breathing exercises to improve your health.

An exercise:

  • Sit on the edge of a bed or chair and place your palms on your knees.
  • Lower your head slightly (look at the floor), leaning forward a little, take loud and short breaths.
  • When inhaling, bend, straighten up - exhale.
  • Repeat several times. Exhalation happens by itself, without your efforts. Don't strain your back.
  • When performing the exercise, do not lean back.

These exercises can be done for up to 30 minutes. Cardio breathing exercises are an integral part of a comprehensive breathing workout that strengthens the cardiovascular system as well as the lungs, increasing body endurance and calorie burning.

Bronchitis Exercises

Inflammatory disease of the bronchi is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and is protracted. In chronic bronchitis, it is recommended to carry out breathing exercises, due to which the accumulation of mucus is eliminated and breathing is facilitated.

A set of breathing exercises should be carried out twice a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. It is very useful to do the exercises "Pump" and "Hug shoulders".


  • Alternating inhalations and exhalations through the mouth and nose, we take 16 breaths through the nose, then immediately without stopping 16 breaths through the mouth. A total of 32 breaths will be performed.
  • Inhalation through the mouth is done quietly, almost inaudibly, as if they are saying: "Ah, ah, ah."
  • Exhalation leaves after each breath independently, passively through the mouth too.

Scoliosis Exercises

Scoliosis is one of the diseases that causes curvature of the spine and pain in the back, as well as twisting the body and lowering the heart and lungs. In addition to exercises to correct the spine, a doctor may recommend breathing exercises to treat this condition. One of them is deep breathing. The exercise can be performed lying down or sitting.

An exercise:

  • Start by imagining that your body is divided into three parts: the abdomen, lower chest and top part chest.
  • Take a deep breath, then exhale, imagining that you are releasing your breath from each part.
  • Inhale and repeat three to five deep breaths.
  • After doing this exercise several times, exhale more evenly, bringing all three parts of the body together in one breath.

Exercises for the Lungs

Try some easy breathing exercises for your lungs. This will help in breathing and ensure a good condition in general. After doing these breathing exercises, you will feel more confident.

Breathing exercises increase lung function. Running or walking are considered light exercise and can greatly increase lung function, allowing them to be stronger and cleaner. By doing light exercise every day, or at least three times a week, you can greatly improve your quality of life as well as your health. Easy breathing let you enjoy life to the fullest.

Thanks to breathing exercises, a person quickly calms down, learns to control his emotional state. A set of breathing exercises should be combined with morning exercises Or do it at night before bed. Breathing exercises should be done with pleasure and good mood. Practice breathing exercises in comfortable clothing and in a well-ventilated area.

If you want to live long healthy life you should have clean and healthy lungs.

Exercises for Asthma

Breathing exercises for the treatment of asthma are aimed at eliminating the incoordination of breathing. Due to the fact that a person has the ability to arbitrarily change the rate of breathing and the amplitude of respiratory movements.


  1. Attention is fixed only on inhalation through the nose. Inhale - loud, sharp and short.
  2. Exhalation is carried out after each breath independently (preferably through the mouth). The scheme is as follows: extremely active inhalation through the nose and absolutely passive exhalation through the mouth. It is very important to control the exhalation, it should not be sharp or loud.
  3. Inhalation must be done simultaneously with a set of movements. In Strelnikova's breathing exercises, breathing and movement are inseparable from each other.

Paradoxical breathing for the treatment of asthma gives a complex therapeutic effect on the human body:

  1. improves metabolic processes, which play an important role in blood supply, including lung tissue;
  2. helps the body in restoring disturbed nervous regulation by the central nervous system;
  3. positively affects the drainage function of the bronchi;
  4. disturbed nasal breathing is restored;
  5. helps to eliminate some morphological changes in the bronchopulmonary system;
  6. helps the body cope with inflammatory formations, straightening wrinkled areas of the lung tissue, restoring normal blood supply, and eliminating local congestion.

It should be noted that in the rehabilitation of a person suffering from bronchial asthma, the leading role is played by physical factors.
Respiratory gymnastics is a kind of powerful healing effect on the patient's body. Lessons different types respiratory gymnastics help to adapt the patient's body, his cardiovascular system and respiratory organs to physical activity, increase immunity. Active breathing exercises lead to optimization of the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system, contribute to the elimination of its functional disorders. All this strengthens the respiratory muscles, helping to eliminate disturbances in neuroendocrine regulation, reduces the increased lability of the bronchi, restores the normal breathing mechanism, and normalizes the activity of other internal organs.
If there was a seizure bronchial asthma, it is advisable to use breathing exercises to stop it.
The main tasks of respiratory gymnastics in the treatment of bronchial asthma:

  1. elimination of bronchospasm;
  2. normalization of the respiratory mechanism;
  3. restoration of balance in the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex;
  4. oppression of tholamic cortico-visceral reflexes;
  5. increase in the strength of the respiratory muscles;
  6. counteracting the development of emphysema;
  7. activation of trophic processes in tissues;
  8. improvement of lung ventilation;
  9. normalization of the function of external respiration;
  10. promote the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract;
  11. increase the body's resistance to environmental influences.

When doing breathing exercises, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The total load for the patient's body when performing therapeutic gymnastics should rise and fall gradually.
  2. Physical exercises with the greatest load significantly increase the work of the patient's cardiovascular system; it is necessary to put in the middle of the lesson.
  3. After physical exercises, which cause an increase in the frequency of breathing and heart contractions in patients, it is imperative to apply breathing exercises that have a calming effect on breathing, blood circulation and the nervous system.
  4. Physical exercises in the main period of the lesson should involve all the muscles in the work.
  5. As you study some exercises, it is recommended to periodically update and complicate them, remembering that the positive effect of training is achieved as a result of the constant development of new conditioned reflex connections and only through systematic exercises.

Breathing exercises in combination with drug treatment speed up recovery.

In 1952, Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko proposed a unique physiotherapy method that reduces the manifestations of asthma. The method is based on nasal breathing and a decrease in the depth of breathing. Scientists put forward the idea of ​​alveolar hyperventilation, the so-called deep breathing. K.P. Buteyko suggested that from the depth of breathing, there will be no more oxygen in the blood, but the amount of carbon dioxide will decrease. It is believed that the Buteyko method can cure or alleviate the course of 98% of human diseases, which is approximately 152 common diseases. This technique has been in demand for 40 years in various clinics of the USSR, and in 1986 it received a patent and official approval from the USSR Ministry of Health.

The method of voluntary control of breathing according to Buteyko is used for the purpose of rational restructuring of the act of breathing. But learning to control breathing is possible only under the condition of systematic training, when the correct type of breathing is learned and fixed at the level of reflexes.
Improving the coordination of the work of the respiratory muscles increases the speed of inhalation and exhalation, which facilitates breathing with a narrowed bronchial opening, and the effect of bronchial drainage increases.

A set of exercises

  • It is necessary to sit on a chair, relax, stop looking a little above the line of the eyes.
  • Try to relax the diaphragm, the breath will become shallow, there should be a lack of air in the chest.
  • You should stay in this state for 10-15 minutes.
  • With an increased desire to breathe, you can slightly increase the depth of breathing.
  • Try to breathe through the tops of your lungs.

If everything is done correctly, at first there will be a feeling of warmth, then it will be a little hot, after 5-7 minutes there will be perspiration and a great desire to breathe. Fight this desire only through the relaxation of the diaphragm. Remember that the exercises must be performed without noise, breathing through the nose.

Breathing exercises K.P. Buteyko are aimed at training proper breathing, at developing a person’s ability to hold their breath on exhalation and on inhalation, while physical activity and at rest.

Breathing in the upper lungs: inhale 5 s, exhale 5 s, while the chest muscles are in a relaxed state; pause 5 s, do not breathe, relax as much as possible. Repeat 10 times, about 2.5 minutes.

Full breath. Thoracic and diaphragmatic breathing at the same time. Inhale for 7.5 s, start with diaphragmatic breathing - finish with chest; exhale 7.5 s, start from the upper sections of the lungs - finish with the lower sections of the lungs, namely the diaphragm; pause 5 s. Repeat 10 times, about 3.5 min.

Nose point massage on pause. Executed 1 time. Breathe through the right, then the left halves of the nose (10 times each).

Abdominal contraction exercise. Take a full breath for 7.5 seconds, a maximum exhalation of 7.5 seconds, followed by a pause (5 seconds) with the abdominal muscles drawn in. Repeat 10 times, within 3.5 minutes.

Maximum ventilation of the lungs. The exercise consists of 12 quick maximum exhalations and inhalations for 1 minute: inhale 2.5 s, exhale 2.5 s. Then make the maximum pause on the exhale. Enough 1 time.

Rare breath by levels:

  • Level 1: inhale 1-5 s, exhale 5 s, pause 5 s, i.e. 4 breaths per minute. Do only 1 minute and without stopping breathing go to the next level.
  • Level 2: inhale for 2-5 seconds, after inhalation, hold the breath for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, then pause for 5 seconds, that is, 3 breaths per minute. The duration of the level is 2 minutes.
  • Level 3: inhale 3-7.5 s, hold breath 7.5 s, exhale 7.5 s, pause 5 s, i.e. 2 breaths per minute. Perform 3 min.
  • Level 4: inhale for 4-10 seconds, hold your breath for 10 seconds, exhale for 10 seconds, pause for 10 seconds, that is, 1.5 breaths per minute. Perform within 4 minutes. Continue as long as possible. Ideally, reach 1 breath per minute.

Double breath hold. Make the maximum pause on the exhale, and then the maximum delay on the inhale. Perform once. Further: in a sitting position - a maximum pause of 3-10 times, running in place - 3-10 times, walking in place - 3-10 times, crouching - a maximum pause of 3-10 times.

Shallow breathing. Sit in a comfortable position, relax and do chest breathing. Then reduce the volume of exhalation and inhalation until the breath becomes invisible (breathing at the level of the nasopharynx). At first, there is a slight lack of air, then medium and even strong. This speaks of correct execution exercises. Do shallow breathing for 3-10 minutes.

Remember that all exercises must be performed without noise, breathing through the nose.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova invented this technique together with her mother back in the forties of the last century to quickly restore the voice of singers. And already in 1972 she was presented as the official author of a method for treating diseases accompanied by loss of voice. In addition, it turned out that this gymnastics helps with other peculiar diseases.

How does Strelnikova's gymnastics work?

The method of gymnastics itself is based on the production of short noisy breaths through the nose, in which attention is not focused on exhalations (they are done arbitrarily), along with certain body movements aimed at compressing the chest. And if these exercises are performed correctly, then the brain, as a result of pulmonary ventilation, is saturated with oxygen. At the same time, the headache disappears and the vascular tone is restored.

Both children, starting from the age of three, as well as adults and the elderly, can do breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method. All that is needed for this is the very desire of a person to engage. Strelnikova's technique alleviates bronchial asthma, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, normalizes weight, reduces addiction (of any kind), and relieves stress. It promotes healing diabetes, hypertension and many others.

Fundamentals of breathing exercises

You need to take a noisy breath through your nose (about 60 breaths per minute). Of course, on the first try, you will not be able to give out such a number of breaths per minute, since it is not very easy, so you should start with two correct short breaths.

Exercise should be done with a slightly open mouth. Try to reproduce a breath that lasts one second and immediately, without thinking about exhaling, take a second breath. If you manage to take two breaths in a row, then try to take four and so on up to eight breaths. It is worth considering that you must definitely take an even number of breaths, or a multiple of eight.

Gymnastics is done while standing, but if the condition does not allow you to stand, then you can sit.

Initial breathing exercises

If you have learned to take eight short breaths in a row, you can try the initial breathing exercises.

Exercise "Palms"

In a standing position, open palms are held at shoulder level. During inhalation, our palms are clenched into fists, and with an arbitrary exhalation they immediately open, then again inhale - squeezing the palms into fists, and exhale - squeezing the fists.

Exercise "Ears"

In a standing position, we tilt from one side to the other, touching the shoulders with the ears (the right shoulder with the right ear, the left, respectively, with the left). Inhale at the lowest point of the slope. This exercise helps in the treatment, but people with such a disease need to do it with caution.

Exercise "Pump"

Perform the exercise while standing, leaning forward. We take a quick breath, while slightly raising our hands up and immediately lowering them.

On the initial stage you need to take eight breaths for each exercise, gradually increasing their number to ninety-six. Then you need to try to make the exercises more difficult, increasing the frequency of approaches. Gymnastics should be done for about 30 minutes, twice a day.

In order to determine the rhythm of correct breathing, it is necessary to sit on a chair in a free, relaxed posture. Clothing should not constrain the body. Then you should close your eyes and wait for the moment when you will feel your own breathing. It does not need to be forced, just feel the moments of inhalation and exhalation. The task is to pay attention to the sequence of filling and emptying the lungs. First you need to slowly fill with air lower part lungs - the stomach moves forward, the diaphragm goes down, and then the middle one - while the ribs and chest rise, finally the upper one fills - the collarbones rise, the stomach pulls up to the spine. When exhaling, the stomach should first be drawn in, the diaphragm should rise, and then the chest and shoulders should fall. Wavy movements during inhalation and exhalation should be soft, smooth, without sharp shocks and tension.

Many people think that rhythmic breathing is a natural process that does not require additional effort. Most people take 15-20 breaths per minute without getting enough oxygen.

To determine the uniformity of your breathing, you need to do the following exercise: sit on a chair, relax, inhale and exhale 3 times in a row. On the fourth breath, count how long the breath lasts. Record the time in seconds. Then inhale and determine the time during which you can not inhale air into the lungs. The resulting time is compared with the first indicator. In most cases, the duration of inhalation and exhalation will be different: for some, the inhalation is too short, for others, the exhalation is too short. It is necessary to correct your breathing in such a way that the duration of the inhalation coincides with the exhalation.

The formula for proper breathing in the normal state of the body is as follows: exhale - inhale - exhale - hold the breath - inhale.

Mastering proper breathing should begin with mastering static breathing exercises, which are usually performed at rest: lying, sitting and standing. The specificity of static exercises is the impact on the selected link in the complex chain of the mechanism of external respiration - on the respiratory muscles.

Such training consists of exercises to develop even and rhythmic breathing, slow chest excursions, cultivate a rational type of breathing, change the structure of the respiratory cycle, and lower the level of breathing.

After doing preparatory course static exercises, you can move on to dynamic breathing exercises.

Dynamic breathing exercises are performed with the participation of the main and auxiliary muscles of the musculoskeletal system. The complex includes exercises that facilitate the implementation of respiratory movements and increase the ventilation of individual segments of the lungs.

When performing sets of exercises to develop proper breathing for the development of inspiration, in addition to contraction of the external and internal intercostal muscles, the sternoclavicular-nipple, scalene, pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, rhomboid and levator scapular muscles are mobilized.

For the development of exhalation, which during calm breathing is a decrease in the chest due to the elastic traction of the chest itself, the internal intercostal, square lumbar, posterior lower dentate, abdominal (straight, external and internal oblique, transverse) muscles are used. When performing breathing exercises, in which these muscles are involved, a full inhalation and exhalation are produced.

Respiratory static and dynamic exercises provide an influx of impulses from the cerebral cortex, which increases the excitability of the respiratory center: breathing deepens and quickens. Skeletal muscle contractions are the trigger mechanism for respiration and irritation coming from the respiratory apparatus itself, provide reflex self-regulation of respiration.

Particular importance in the development of proper breathing should be given to the nasolabial reflex.

Before starting exercises to develop proper breathing, it is necessary to give a load to the skeletal muscles (fast walking, squats, jumps, etc.), intensify metabolic processes in the tissues and cells of the body, that is, cause an increased need for oxygen. This will enhance tissue respiration and reduce hypoxia by increasing oxygen uptake.

Training for proper breathing should take into account the need for a full breath and a deep exhalation. Exercises with smooth, rhythmic nasal breathing facilitate the work of the heart, increase the respiratory movements of the chest and diaphragm, and stimulate the non-cardiac mechanism of blood circulation. The normal activity of the nervous system and the external respiratory apparatus is restored, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, blood and tissues are actively saturated with oxygen, which affects a significant improvement in the general condition.

Breathing exercises should be done in a well-ventilated area or in warm time years in the open air in comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the body.

In order to self-control at the first stages of development, it is advisable to do exercises in front of a mirror.

Breathing exercises for the development of proper breathing

Full breath while lying or standing

Exhale, take a long breath through the nose. During inhalation, the abdominal muscles protrude, and then the chest expands. When exhaling, the volume of the chest first decreases, and then the stomach is drawn in.

Chest breathing while lying down, sitting or standing

Exhale, take a long breath through the nose. When performing the exercise, the chest expands, and the stomach is retracted. When exhaling, the chest falls, and the stomach protrudes.

Abdominal breathing while lying down, sitting or standing

Exhale, take a long breath through the nose. At this time, the stomach protrudes. When exhaling, the anterior abdominal wall retracts.

Side breathing while standing

Place the palm of the left hand on the lateral surface of the chest, closer to the armpit, lower the right hand and exhale. Leaning to the left, put your right hand on your head, while taking a deep breath through your nose. Then return to the starting position - exhale through the nose. Change the position of the hands and do the same exercise on the other side.

During dynamic breathing exercises for the development of proper breathing, movements are performed with the limbs, head, torso.

A set of dynamic breathing exercises for the development of proper breathing

Development of a full extended exhalation:

Walking at an average pace. Inhale and exhale only through the nose. At every third step - inhale, at the fourth step - exhale. The duration of the exhalation should be gradually increased by one count (5, b, 7, etc.) so that after 6 weeks the exhalation takes 12 steps. The duration of the walk should reach from 1 to 3 minutes;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Exhale. Inhaling through the nose, raise your arms forward and up, bend well in the chest and lumbar regions, then slowly lower your arms through the sides and exhale. Repeat 5 times;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Exhale. Rise on your toes, hands behind your head, bring your shoulder blades together, inhale, lower yourself on a full foot, relax your hands down, lean forward and exhale. Repeat 6-7 times.

Air massage of the nasal mucosa:

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Exhale. The mouth must be tightly closed. Slowly alternately inhale and exhale either the right or the left nostril of the nose, while pressing the opposite one with your finger. Repeat 4-5 times;

Get up, exhale. Pinch your nose with your fingers. Slowly count out loud to 10, and then, removing your fingers from your nose, take a deep breath and exhale completely through your nose, while closing your mouth tightly. Repeat 4 times.

Development of rational breathing:

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart - inhale. Tilt your head forward - exhale. Return to starting position - inhale;

Rotate the head to the right, to the left, breathe arbitrarily, avoid holding the breath;

Sit up straight, hands on your knees. Spread your arms to the sides - inhale, bring your hands together in front of you - exhale;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hands up - inhale, lower your hands down - exhale;

Starting position standing or sitting. Squeeze and unclench the fingers, when squeezing - inhale;

Starting position standing or sitting. Movement in the wrist joints, breathing is free;

Starting position standing or sitting. Simultaneous circular movement of the arms in the shoulder joints forward and then back, that is, to describe the surface of a cone of various diameters, breathing is free;

Starting position standing or sitting. Simultaneous swings of the arms forward - inhale, back - exhale;

Starting position standing, sitting or lying down - exhale. Lean forward - inhale, bend in the lumbar-thoracic spine - exhale;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Rotation (right and left side). When bending back - inhale, when leaning forward - exhale;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Raise right leg forward - inhale, lower - exhale, repeat the same actions with the other leg;

Sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees. Raise both legs forward - inhale, lower - exhale;

Sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees. Simultaneous rotational movements of the legs (circles) - breathing is free;

Sit on a chair, put your hands on your knees. Movement in the joints of the feet (flexion, extension) - breathing is free;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Squat on one leg - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, repeat the same actions with the other leg;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Squat on two legs - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Lunge forward with one leg - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, repeat the same actions with the other leg;

Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Lunge back with one leg - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale, repeat the same actions with the other leg.

All exercises for the development of rational breathing are recommended to be repeated 4-8 times.

Deep breath, hold your breath. On a respiratory pause, slowly raise straight arms to the sides, join the palms in front of the chest, then behind the back, lower the arms - exhale;

Deep breath, hold your breath. On a respiratory pause, make circular movements with your hands back and forth (one movement in each direction) - exhale;

Inhale deeply, touching your shoulders with your fingertips. On a respiratory pause, slowly connect and again spread the elbows - exhale;

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, inhale deeply. On a respiratory pause, rise on toes, while raising straight arms through the sides up, return to the starting position ~ exhale;

Stand up straight, feet together, take a deep breath. On a respiratory pause, slowly sit down and stand up - exhale.

The development of proper breathing should occur gradually, the intensity and duration of classes is determined by the doctor. In the first months of training, exercises that require a lot of effort to perform should be excluded.

All exercises are performed without jerks, rhythmically and smoothly. Proper breathing is developed and developed during physical training, provided that during execution the breathing is rhythmic, even, calm, deep and, as a rule, only through the nose under normal aeration conditions.

Exercises for the development of correct breathing should be regularly updated and diversified in order to cover all muscle groups, the entire musculoskeletal system. After mastering elementary static and dynamic exercises for the development of breathing, you can move on to more intensive classes provided that a simple workout after two weeks of classes does not cause the slightest shortness of breath, but only cheerfulness and good mood are felt.

A set of breathing exercises with complex movements

The task of the exercises is to include the maximum surface of the lungs in the work, improve gas exchange and activate the overall flow of blood and lymph.

Exercises with complex movements to train proper breathing are suitable only for healthy people without cardiovascular disease. When performing, one should not pause through force if there is a desire to take a breath.

Exercises for the work of the surface of the lungs

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your arms above your head, interlace your fingers - exhale. As you inhale, bend over, bending and lowering your arms past your face, chest, abdomen, trying to touch the floor with your palms. Slowly straighten up - exhale;

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. As you inhale, clasp yourself with your hands, touching your shoulder blades with your fingers, as you exhale, spread your arms;

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down slowly and deeply while inhaling, slowly straighten up while exhaling;

Sit on your heels, join your hands behind the lock. While inhaling, slowly bend over, trying to touch the floor with your forehead, while exhaling, straighten up;

Lie on your back. While inhaling, raise straight legs and bend the torso, touching the toes of the floor behind the head, while exhaling, slowly lower the legs;

Lie on your back, bend your legs, pull your feet to the pelvis, put your hands on your ankles. While inhaling, pull your knees to your stomach with your hands, while exhaling, return to the starting position.

Stand up straight, put your right foot in front of your left, take your right hand back, straight left hand pull forward and up. While inhaling, vigorously change the position of the hands, waving the left foot until the toe touches right hand. Return to starting position - exhale; Sit on your heels, tilt your head to your knees, straighten your arms forward. As you exhale, stretch forward, sliding your palms along the floor, until your chest touches your knees, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

Repeat each exercise 3-6 times.

Complete the cycle of exercises with free walking with voluntary breathing.

Breath holding exercises

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms freely lowered, take a deep breath. On a respiratory pause, squat deeply, lowering your head and clasping your knees with your hands, then slowly return to the starting position and inhale;

Get on your knees, put your hands on your waist. Take a deep breath and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, tilt the body back, without helping with your hands, slowly get up and return to the starting position, take a breath;

Sit on your heels, take a deep breath, and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, lean back until the shoulder blades touch the floor, and then return to the starting position and take a breath;

Take an emphasis lying down, take a deep breath, and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, with a push of the legs, take an emphasis crouching, return to the starting position, take a breath;

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, put your palms under your hips, take a deep breath, and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, slowly bend your face to your knees, then return to the starting position and take a breath;

Sit on the floor, back support, take a deep breath, and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, bend over, take an emphasis lying behind, return to the starting position, exhale;

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, spread them apart. Take a deep breath and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, bend at the hip joint, raise the legs and body until the socks touch the hands, return to the starting position, take a breath;

Lie on your stomach, bend over, grab your ankles with your hands from behind. Take a deep breath and then exhale completely. On a respiratory pause, bend as much as possible, relax, take a breath.

Each of the exercises should end with free breathing. At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to do no more than 1~2 repetitions at the beginning of classes. The number of repetitions should not exceed 6-8 times.

Exercises for the development of rational breathing

Sit on the floor with your back straight and legs crossed. Stretch your arms in front of you and close. Take a deep breath while pulling your shoulders back and touching your chest with your hands. Return to starting position, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;

Sit on the floor, cross your legs, put your hands on your head, palms up. Inhale deeply as you slowly raise your arms above your head. Lowering your arms, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the torso. Bend over, raising arms, legs, head, chest, inhale deeply. Returning to the starting position, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;

Lie on your back, put your hands along the body with your palms on the floor, close your legs. After that, sit down, helping yourself with your hands. Bend back while taking a deep breath. Return to starting position, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;

Lie on your back, put your hands along the body with your palms on the floor, bend your legs slightly. Raise your stomach, helping yourself with your shoulders, but without taking your feet off the floor, take a deep breath. Returning to the starting position, exhale slowly. Repeat 10 times;

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you. Take a deep breath. After that, without stopping the breath, raise your arms above your head to the sides. Lowering your arms, start exhaling and continue it until your arms reach shoulder level. Hold the breath while continuing to lower the arms. Finish exhaling. Repeat 10-20 times;

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Breathe in and then slowly exhale. After completing the breath, put your hands on your hips, take a slow and deep breath through your nose, trying to stick out your chest as much as possible. Exhale slowly. Repeat 10-15 times.

What is breathing exercises and why, in appearance, such simple steps help to lose weight, rejuvenate and feel full of energy and strength. You can even give up coffee, because breathing exercises in the morning will energize you for the whole day. Read in the article the rules of breathing exercises, its benefits and video exercises.

It turns out that in order to lose weight, it is not enough to establish a diet. You also need to learn how to drink water and breathe properly. The experience of many men and women shows that breathing exercises in the morning, which, by the way, takes only 5-15 minutes, energize you for the whole day and help you easily lose weight. overweight. If you combine it with subsequent water contrast procedures, then the effect on health and a beautiful figure will be multiplied by 2. Read on our website.

The benefits and rules of breathing exercises

Breathing is one of essential functions human body. Unfortunately, few people attach importance to it. But many teachings, in particular, eastern ones, pay attention to various kinds of breathing exercises and breathing techniques, by performing which you can rejuvenate, improve your health, lose weight, recharge your batteries or, conversely, relax.

Recognizes the benefits of breathing exercises and traditional medicine. It is recommended as an auxiliary treatment for diseases of the respiratory organs, cardiovascular, uneven and musculoskeletal systems and many other ailments.

The benefits of exercises, by performing which you can learn to control the frequency, depth and rhythm of breathing, are as follows:

  1. Prevention of hypoxia of the body is carried out.
  2. The volume of the lungs increases. The respiratory organs are sanitized.
  3. Oxygen actively enters the blood through the lungs, metabolic processes inside the body are accelerated. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic, its color improves.
  4. The brain receives the nutrition it needs, the nervous processes are stabilized (headaches disappear, nervous tension falls, etc.).
  5. In one or another breathing technique, various groups muscles. Their tone improves, and body fat decrease.
Breathing exercises for energy and weight loss are done in the morning. This time of day is considered the most favorable in connection with the biorhythms of the human body. Immediately after waking, breathing is still oppressed. Through exercise, you can activate this and all other functions of the body.
Before you start doing exercises, you should learn the rules of breathing exercises.
  1. Breathing exercises for weight loss are performed on an empty stomach or at least two hours after eating. This is another explanation for the fact that it is better to do it in the morning.
  2. There must be fresh air in the room. It is advisable to open the window.
  3. There should be no distractions to perform the exercises. Gymnastics can not be done with the TV on. Only quiet music for meditation is allowed.
  4. The clothes in which the person performing the exercises is dressed should not hinder movement.
  5. During breathing exercises, you need to concentrate on your actions and sensations.
  6. At first, it is recommended to perform the exercises in front of a mirror in order to understand what is happening with the body at this time.

Five easy exercises for morning breathing exercises

You can learn how to properly perform breathing exercises for weight loss and improve the condition of the body as a whole in special courses or video lessons. Along with the well-known techniques of yoga, scurvy and bodyflex, author's methods, for example, A. Strelnikova and M. Korpan, are popular.

Here are some examples of effective weight loss exercises

1. This exercise is aimed at reducing the circumference of the waist and hips.
It is performed in a standing position. A simplified version can be done directly in bed. It is done like this:
  • a deep breath is taken through the nose;
  • exhalation should be noisy, it is performed both by the nose and by the mouth;
  • on exhalation, the abdominal muscles are drawn in;
  • at the same time, breath is held;
  • on a delay, the abdominal muscles must be tightened and relaxed five times.
The exercise should also be repeated five times.

2. The following exercise is based on rhythmic breathing alternating with a delay:

  • mouth to exhale all the air from the lungs;
  • take a deep breath through the nose;
  • repeat inhalation-exit five times;
  • on the fifth exhalation, hold your breath for ten seconds, while intensively drawing in your stomach.
Perform three to five repetitions of this breathing exercise.

3. Exercises from the Oxysize system teach diaphragmatic breathing.
Most often in ordinary life people breathe from the chest, the lower parts of the lungs remain unused and poorly ventilated. This technique allows you to increase the supply of oxygen to the body, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues, and also directly work out the muscles of the press.


  • legs slightly bent at the knees;
  • hands make a circular motion back, the shoulder blades are connected;
  • the back must be kept straight;
  • while inhaling with the nose, it is necessary to inflate the stomach as much as possible;
  • on exhalation, the abdominal muscles tighten;
  • it is necessary to limit the movement of the chest during the exercise.
You can perform the diaphragmatic breathing exercise up to ten times.

4. Next effective exercise performed in a sitting or standing position.
The back should be perfectly straight. Inhalation is done through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. The execution sequence is as follows:

  • in the initial position, hands clenched in fists are pressed to the stomach;
  • on inhalation, the hands begin to reach for the floor, the fists, as it were, push the air down;
  • breath is held for three to five seconds, at which time the hands relax;
  • on exhalation, you must return to the starting position.
For good health and smooth weight loss, ten repetitions will be enough.

5. With the help of the following actions, you will be able to cheer up and recharge your batteries for the day ahead:

  • you need to take the lotus position, you can right on the bed;
  • the index finger is placed on the bridge of the nose;
  • exhale air through the mouth;
  • close the left nostril, inhale with the right;
  • while holding the breath for 8-10 seconds, release the left nostril, pinch the right;
  • exhale the air of the left nostril;
  • now inhale through the right nostril, hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, move your finger, exhale through the same right nostril.
In this case, it is also necessary to perform ten repetitions.

Respiratory gymnastics, due to its relaxing effect on the body, is also capable of

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