Look well-groomed in 30 years. Deformation type of aging: oily and combination skin

It's time to remember that Balzac lived a long time ago, and, most likely, in those days, the current thirty-year-old girl, who takes minimal care of herself and regularly visits the dentist, would pass for a young villager. Today, thirty years is perhaps the best age, because:

1. You no longer feel smarter than everyone, and it relaxes. And you also understand how naive you were at 25, when you considered yourself very smart.

2. You understand that the feeling “there are a lot of fools around” is not at all false and does not mean that you need to see a doctor. It's just that there are a lot of fools.

3. You are not afraid to be alone with a suitcase in an unfamiliar airport where everyone speaks a foreign language. Because you know 100% that you will orient yourself. It happened not like that.

Scarlett Johansson, 33

4. You are no longer afraid of Botox. And, most likely, I have already realized that not a single cosmetologist knows what you need, better than yourself.

5 . You stop suffering from ageism. Because you remember very well how at 23 it seemed to you that 30 years is a horror as a lot and there is no life beyond this line, like outside the Moscow Ring Road. But it turns out that 30 is almost like 20, only you look (to be honest) better, overweight and tons of foundation. There is reason to believe that 40 will also be full of surprises.

6 . You listen to the music that you like, not the one that is fashionable to listen to. Well, yes, sometimes it's Alla Pugacheva or Maya Kristalinskaya, and "chotakova"?

Anne Hathaway, 35

7. You are still a little embarrassed, but you are no longer surprised when it turns out that this cute young man who is asking for a date is three years younger. By the way, it happens quite often.

8. In terms of personal life, your possibilities are as wide as possible. Equally successfully you can be not married yet, married or already not married. And in general, as they say in a popular joke: 40-year-old gentlemen are no longer suitable for you as fathers, and 20-year-olds are not yet suitable for sons, so everything is ok.

12. Between beautiful shoes and comfortable shoes, you choose another store that sells .

Evangeline Lilly, 38

13. You know perfectly well that if you have a cold, a headache, and other minor household troubles, you don't need to call your mother.

14. You made friends with . And no longer fry on the beach until the evening. This allows you to think that in ten years you will look younger than your mother at the same age.

I am 30. Let's start with this, I guess. Moreover, the age from 27 to 30 inclusive was absolutely a failure, because I just waited: well, when already? When filling out the documents, when I had to remember how old I was, every time I twitched at the thought: another three, two, one last year - and that's it. I'll never be twenty something.

I must say that our generation is pathologically afraid of growing up. Because growing up is perceived only as aging. And point. And old age is no longer life. It is her absence. A warm sheepskin coat in the summer heat, memory lapses, a series on TV as an action.

Recently, in some meaningless dialogue, the topic of age has surfaced. "What are you, her husband is 3 years younger than her?!" Yes, younger. And we are talking about 28 and 25 years. Abyss, right? After all, he must still like 18-year-old perky babes in flowered dresses and leather jackets from the mass market, and, apparently, it would be time for her to take the child to the garden and discuss the recipe for cabbage soup on the playground.

And this is another tragedy - a man still remains young and daring until at least 50 years old, and a girl at 28 is already an "adult woman." Are you seriously? Yes, conditional "they" - quite.

Girl, 27 years old:

I think the period up to 30 years is the most terrible for young women in our country. It is in Europe that you are still young at 36, but in our country 3-4 years decide everything. During this time you have to "shoot" and do everything. Here you are 23, and you are still a student and everything is fine. But now you are already 27, and where, one wonders, are the children, husband and career?

Probably, the fear of aging for me now is not that I see something old in the mirror, but that something is “required” from me.

And the global fear is, of course, to imagine that you are 70, and you look like a broom, everything is ashes and most of all you would like to sing and dance, and you don’t understand why these little creatures call you grandmother.

In a male company, no one will be surprised by the paternal: "Under thirty - do not marry, my advice to you." Can you imagine something similar broadcast by a woman for a woman?

And this, of course, is very uncomfortable.

Where this fear of growing up and maturity comes from is understandable. We have no examples before our eyes that life exists after 50, and even after 60 years. Our parents' generation is still "institution - family - children - and your own life ended there." We know, heard, read and saw, as a rule, traveling somewhere beyond the boundaries of the post-Soviet cultural paradigm, which could be different. That you can do what you really like, you can go to school at 32, you can meet true love at 50, everything is possible; who came up with the idea that a normal life is determined by the year of birth? Yes, but no.

Woman, 47 years old:

The fear of aging is not that the species is not young. And it’s not that you can’t boast of stretching. You turn 40 and over... The children have grown up. And then a feeling of old age comes on, which is often associated with a feeling of uselessness. While the child was at school, you waited for him to finish it as soon as possible, you were nervous because of his studies and behavior. And then the child became an adult and independent. All is well, but now you are past his life. For many years I worked for authority, and now authority works for you. And there seems to be nothing more to strive for ...

And the jokes are funny: "45 is a woman's berry again. Well, yes, someone loves dried fruits."

For me, the fear of aging is the fear of becoming weak, sick, a burden for loved ones. This is real fear.

30 is still a milestone. For which you are seriously interested in reviews of injectable cosmetology, and not because you want to "pin up your cheekbones", but because a longitudinal wrinkle on your forehead appears not only after three sleepless nights - it simply does not disappear anywhere. And you are somehow not ready for such a turn of events. And when they say, they say, you need to accept your age with dignity and in general, you can grow old beautifully, I just show this kind of photos.

Brigitte Bardot

I can’t imagine how aged movie beauties live in a world where at any moment you can turn on the TV and stumble upon a movie where you are 25 years old.

There are, of course, examples of luxurious looking grown women: Meryl Streep, for example. But these are exceptions. But youth and beauty, which left a woman so tragically, as in the case of Brigitte Bardot, happen much more often, let's not deceive ourselves.

Men, unfortunately, only get better with age. Like cognac or whatever they like to compare themselves to.

Here, for example, Christoph Waltz in his youth and now.

Or Charles Dance, widely known for playing Tywin Lannister on Game of Thrones.

The fear of growing up, the fear of aging is also the fear of changing something. Tomorrow may be worse than yesterday, so please let's keep things the way they are today. Even if today it is an indistinct semi-suspended state.

Girl, 25 years old:

I'm 25 and I'm afraid of old age. Sometimes it seems to me that it will never be better than I was at 20. For 2 years now, I haven’t danced until the morning in a nightclub, I haven’t fallen in love with grown men, I haven’t taken money from my parents for bad habits, I haven’t tracked music news, I haven’t gone on dates, I haven’t done senseless things, etc.

Why am I afraid of old age?

It's pretty scary to see your chest hanging sadly below your withered elbows.

I am afraid of the upcoming purchases of flesh-colored underwear without underwire in the state department store, there are also special dressing gowns there, without which not a single old age can do, they also evoke disturbing thoughts.

I can't kiss tongue without shame. I don't care about language at all.

I won't be able to love.

If I go to Paris, I will go to museums with a crowd of gray-haired old women in factory shoes and correctly joke about Greek sculpture.

The only entertainment for me will be the arrival of children and grandchildren for a Sunday dinner party.

I won't understand jokes.

I will be tormented by sadness.

I will have to see my parents die.

And I can continue this list endlessly.

For today's girls, one of the last strongholds of the world's mind on the stage of popular culture is probably Lena Dunham - the one who series "Girls" (Girls). She does not hesitate to flaunt in the series according to her own script her bare ass far from glossy standards and admit that almost everything there is about her and about people like her, about us - imperfect people.

But she, damn it, will turn 28 in May. And no one knows if Lina will cut off a couple of centimeters of her skin at 35, afraid of what all the rest of the women in the world are afraid of. Freedom is freedom, but how to stay young, regardless of age, is not yet very clear.

Woman, 35 years old:

I am not afraid of old age.

First, genes.

Secondly, people experience anxiety when they think over long distances - like, for example, about old age in the distant future. With "I now" everything is clear and predictable, but with "I later" - vague and scary. Therefore, I clearly understand that by old age I will have a different starting point, and everything will go smoothly.

Thirdly, I have hopes for downshifting, finally. Perhaps in a deep village. I do not rule out that with my friends - those who will survive and be able to hold a glass and gnaw seeds.

At thirty, a woman looks the way she deserves! You may not believe in this simple truth, but many scientific studies are unanimous on one thing - active aging begins after 40 years!

So, you have every chance to look “at 18”, you just need to try a little!

What beauty secrets will serve you well? Let's figure it out together!


At 30, life is just beginning! A woman has almost everything - a business for self-realization, a husband and a child, and a lot of strength and energy to do whatever you want. And even if the first wrinkles lie on the face with a light shadow, the main factor in the “aging” of the skin is stress.

If a woman gets enough sleep and doesn’t “fun” for several nights in a row, she will look like a five plus! Well, if the reflection does not please, reconsider your habits! Drinking liters of coffee, neglecting sunscreen, smoking and a glass of champagne “for the coming dream” will have to be abandoned!

On a note!

Cosmetics with antioxidants and growth factors will help breathe life into tired skin, and replenish your energy supply with a multivitamin complex selected by a doctor! Remember the main thing: you do not grow old, you just sometimes do not have enough strength to implement all your plans.

Delicate wash

The relationship of a 30-year-old girl with her skin is based on the principle - "Do no harm"! Do you want creams and masks to work, and serums to really look younger? Wash very delicately. Stop using tap water, give up all kinds of gels, soaps and foams for washing. The ideal choice at your age is a milk or cream cleanser or hydrophilic oil.

They cleanse the skin “to a squeak”, while not disturbing the lipid mantle and without causing a feeling of tightness. In addition, the listed products effectively soften the skin and prepare it for subsequent care. In general, there are some bonuses!

Expert comment

Rhoda Narins, professor at New York University, president of the American Society for Dermatological Surgery

Sometimes all you really need is a moisturizer and a gentle cleanser. With their help, you can "erase" the years from your face. When the skin is dry, every wrinkle is visible on the face, which makes you look older. At the age of 20-30, a good moisturizer can replace several products at once and protect the skin from premature aging.

Getting rid of everything superfluous

For morning freshness and a healthy glow of the skin, do not refuse procedures for exfoliating dead cells. Ignoring the needs of the skin will make it dull and gray. If homemade and factory scrubs are no longer suitable for you (and most likely they are), replace them with acid-based tonic lotions. But acid peels should be saved for care in the clinic.

A good tonic lotion does not contain alcohol, normalizes sebum regulation and helps to quickly restore the pH balance of the skin after washing and cleansing procedures.

Skin renewal

The best way to renew the skin of 30-year-old beauties who want to look 18 is retinol. The beauty industry today offers many creams for home use with this active form of vitamin A, but according to cosmetologists, they are not as effective as we are told.

Small doses of retinol in the composition of cosmetics are not able to "reboot" - renew the skin. Therefore, if you need a pronounced effect, take a course of retinol peelings in the clinic.

Eye Care

The eyelid area is the most vulnerable place on the face of girls and women of 30 years old. To support her and add to her the colors of youth, replace one “proven” eye product with two new ones. You need a moisturizing eye cream with vitamin C and solar filters for morning care, and a night lifting cream with caffeine or green tea extract that stimulates collagen synthesis in the evening. Only a duet of two products will keep the charm and youth of your look.


The more cosmetics in a woman's arsenal, the better, - the representatives of the fair sex are sure. And if we talk about the trend that is popular today - multi-masking, this is true! There are several areas on a woman’s face that require special attention: this is the area under the eyes - she needs moisturizing and lifting, black dots on the nose and chin - here we need products that draw out pollution, and actually other parts of the face - which need hydration, nutrition and restoration.

Beauty advice!

Practice multimasking at least twice a week! This is a home procedure that involves the simultaneous application of several types of face masks. It not only saves time, but also gives amazing results! Collect your collection of masks and enjoy a pleasant spa treatment!


Serums and concentrates - what the doctor prescribed for the fair sex, who has crossed the 30-year milestone. You no doubt have your favorite cream, which is matched to your skin type. Unfortunately, modern creams are not able to solve many problems at the same time, they are in a hurry to help special means - serums. They are assigned according to the problem and complement the daily care.

Ask your beautician to choose a serum that eliminates pigmentation, restores the integrity of the skin, tightens or replenishes the lack of moisture. You need to use serums in courses, several times a year, so try not to save on them!

beauty injections

Chances are you're surprised to see them on our list. But rarely does a girl after 30 years look "perfect" if she has not crossed the threshold of a cosmetology clinic. Do not be afraid of the achievements of cosmetology! The doctor will not advise too much!

If you don’t want to get hooked on botulinum toxin preparations, don’t! But vitamin meso-cocktails and gels based on hyaluronic acid can be introduced. They instantly make you fresh.


The cost of mesotherapy in Moscow clinics starts at around 2,500 rubles for the correction of the eye area and 3,200 for the entire face for one procedure. The course is calculated individually depending on the initial condition of the skin and the desired effect.

Multifunctional beauty products

And although we believe that a lot of cosmetics is not a luxury, but a means of prolonging the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, we do not recommend buying everything in a row. Multifunctional tools were invented not to save money, but to solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, without unnecessary remorse, buy moisturizing primers (replacing the base for makeup and day care), mascara with growth factors (having decorative and caring properties) and 2-in-1 hair conditioner-masks.

Neck and chest care

If you conduct an experiment and photograph the fair sex several times throughout the day, in most of the pictures the women will be with their heads down. It's time to admit it! We spend a lot of time staring at the screens of computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. But this is a direct path to the appearance of a double chin and ugly rings on the neck. In order not to acquire "signs of age", do regular exercises and stimulate the skin of the neck and chest with cold ablutions.

Beauty advice!

Do not forget to take breaks while working with gadgets. Stand up, walk around, make lateral movements of the neck in different directions. And in the evening, organize a cold wash on the neck and décolleté area, followed by applying a cream or wiping with ice cubes.


Of course, you are a grown woman and can take care of yourself. But if you work at an intense rhythm, from time to time or constantly “feel back pain, cellulite or fat deposits upset you, contact a professional! A properly selected massage program will give you the joy of free movements and the body you dreamed of! Relaxing spouse massage before bed is another fat plus!


A general massage in a clinic in Moscow will cost you about 3 thousand rubles. If you have embarked on the path of fighting cellulite, cupping massage will cost 950 rubles / one procedure. Well, if you need to strengthen the health of your back, your wallet will have to “lose weight” by 1800 rubles.

Sleep on your back

Sleep on your back and only during pregnancy - on your side. Sleeping on your back prevents wrinkles on the face and skin creases, as well as an ugly fold between the breasts. In addition, it is in this position that you can fully relax.

If you still can't develop this healthy habit, get a silk pillowcase. Some beauty experts claim that when using it, the risk of “earning” wrinkles by burying your face in a pillow is noticeably reduced.

How to dress in 30 years? A woman in this blooming age does not suit semi-childish, teenage outfits - youthful maximalism and touching inexperience are left behind. Thirty-year-old girl is self-sufficient, smart and beautiful– you just need to skillfully emphasize it. Perhaps you are a young mother or a purposeful business woman - in any case, a woman in her 30s should look elegant and stylish.

How to dress a woman in her 30s: a must have

To look fashionable, you should prioritize correctly. A girl after 30 years old needs to have a few mandatory things in her wardrobe:

  • white blouse;
  • stylish suit;
  • jacket, cardigan;
  • branded jeans;
  • sheath dress;
  • pencil skirt;
  • expensive shoes;
  • quality linen;
  • branded bag, watch.

This does not mean that it is necessary to limit ourselves to only the specified list, but these items of clothing, shoes and accessories must be present in the wardrobe.

White shirt- a great option for creating a stylish look, and not the only one: jeans + shirt, suit + blouse, office sundress + milky white blouse.

Of course, in the wardrobe of a woman aged 30+ there should be other color variations of clothes, but the main thing is to avoid fussiness, inappropriate prints. Shades of blue, green, pink, all pastel colors, brown tones look beautiful.

In addition to shirts, quality knitted or wool turtlenecks, cotton T-shirts with little or no prints. With the help of these things, casual looks are created in casual style.

Even if you are not a follower costumes, at least one trouser outfit in the wardrobe should be. But very high quality sewn, actual cut and expensive fabric. In addition, the thing should fit perfectly on your figure. This piece of clothing is perfect for business meetings. The costume can also be tailored with a touch of elegant sexiness.

A full woman will also look attractive in such clothes, but it is better to choose a slightly elongated jacket.

Separately, a woman needs versatile jacket and cardigan for the cold season. With it, you can combine countless clothing options, respectively, to form a variety of fresh casual and business bows. Also, jackets help to hide some imperfections of the figure, which will be useful, for example, for a young mother.

In addition, it is worth adding to the list convenient sweaters, jackets.

Cheap, strassed, embroidered with sequins, patterns and rivets, jeans have no place in. Only high-quality, concise, strict models, from which a mile away breathes style and chic. With such jeans it is possible to combine blouses, T-shirts, jackets, pullovers, etc.

Needless to mention black dress, but it is it that can become the basis of so many images. Among other things, clothes that are softly fitting to the figure are very feminine and attractive.

For women who have recently become mothers, voluminous sweater dresses or moderately loose sundresses. But there is a nuance - you should not choose too long and baggy models.

Strict skirt to the knees- a classic that has not changed over the years. Yes, and how to replace it, if such a piece of clothing is universal - it suits both full and thin, and is also appropriate in almost any situation. But there is a rule - the skirt should not be shorter than the place where the hands of its owner reach down. Otherwise, the clothes will look vulgar and inappropriate.

- necessary for a 30-year-old woman, because without them it is impossible to create an elegant image, such shoes will give a royal posture and make the walk seductive. Models are equally suitable for jeans, and a business dress, and for a suit.

Newly made mothers are ideal for ballet flats and. For winter, get solid ankle boots and boots with stable heels with non-slip soles.

Lace underwear- not a whim, but a necessity. It is not necessary to purchase it to please a loved one - please, first of all, yourself. A quality set of underwear will make the silhouette perfect.

Accessories should be expensive, made of quality materials, from famous brands - especially bags and watches. It is better not to wear the latter at all if it is not possible to purchase status ones.

A dress for going out will also not hurt: going to the theater, weddings, birthdays, corporate parties - everywhere a woman will need these clothes.

As outerwear, a light trench coat, an elegant coat (preferably with a belt) and a stylish, not too voluminous down jacket for the cold season are required.

That, in fact, is all the advice on how to dress a woman in her 30s and over. Using them, you can create an individual image that suits you, which will be stylish and elegant.

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Once Coco Chanel remarked: “If a woman has not become beautiful by the age of 30, then she is simply stupid.” Indeed, few of us can look at our photos taken at the age of 18 without a condescending smile. And although there are undoubted advantages at a young age, it is after 30 that we acquire something more valuable and much more attractive than childish spontaneity and carelessness.

We are in website decided to find out why there are so many 30-year-old beauties around who now look much cooler than in the year of their majority.

1. Proper nutrition

The decision to switch from endless fast food to healthy products is probably the best thing that many 30-year-olds have done for their beauty. A large amount of fruits, vegetables and pure water helps to cleanse the skin of rashes, get rid of excess weight, swelling and circles under the eyes.

2. Sleep

Dancing on the bar until 5 am? It is possible, but as an exception. The emaciated look after several sleepless nights and endless parties gave some romance to 18-year-old fans of Kate Moss, but after 10 years, “heroin chic” no longer seems ideal. Falling asleep before midnight without a single trace of makeup is the secret to the radiant look of 30-year-old beauties.

3. Sports

30-year-olds know for sure that sport is practically a synonym for beauty and success. And if during the years of study at the university physical education was a painful duty, now a toned stomach and a beautiful body relief are an integral part of the image of an attractive woman. And goodbye, chubby "baby" cheeks!

4. Using the achievements of cosmetology

All of us should thank scientific progress every day for the opportunities it provides. At the disposal of modern women there are many excellent means for personal care and maintenance of beauty, which no longer requires disproportionate sacrifices. Now the perfect manicure can last much longer than a couple of days, and luxurious curls will delight you for as long as necessary. And 30-year-old beauties have long adopted all these opportunities.

5. Awareness of your shortcomings

The ability to accept your own shortcomings and be able to play them to your advantage is an invaluable gift that comes with age. And even if everyone around you is wearing skinny jeans, and your legs are far from perfect, it doesn’t cost you anything to put on a flying dress and create a bright, memorable look.

6. Unique style

Maybe it's feminine dresses and heels, or, on the contrary, rough boots and a biker jacket? 30-year-olds have defined exactly what they are and what clothes best reflect their personality. A deep neckline combined with ultra-mini are forgotten like a bad dream.

7. Self-confidence

Wholesome individuals who are not afraid to speak their articulated opinions seem to have a special superpower - the power to attract others to them. By the age of 30, girls know exactly what they are and what they are ready to go for. And what could be more attractive than confidence in yourself and your abilities?

8. Financial security

By the age of 30, many people have the opportunity to spend a little more on themselves. You no longer need to ask your parents for some money for a new nail polish or trendy jeans. Now you can make an appointment with a good beautician and hairdresser who know how to do "just like in this picture." And high-quality, individually selected skin care products are more likely to not leave behind irritations and hated acne.

9. Self-development

Wasting an extra hour watching a stupid movie or a Friday night with uninteresting people in a crowded bar? No, this is no longer for those who are over 30. After all, they know for sure that there are things much more worthy.

The realization that time is not an endless resource makes us stronger and makes us fill every moment of our lives with meaning.

What do you think, is it worth grieving for the irrevocably gone youth or is 30 still the new 20?

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