Record holders among animals presentation. Records in the animal world based on materials Compiled by Bolshakov S.V. The largest bony fish is the Ocean sunfish

slide presentation

Slide text: Record-breaking animals

Slide text: Which animals are the fastest? The fastest animals that run on land are cheetahs. They can run at speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the speed record holder is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of the victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops such speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the highest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

Slide text: What are the largest animals? The largest animal in the world is the whale. The whale lives in sea water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest marine animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

Slide text: Which animal is the strongest? Oddly enough, but the most powerful animal is an ant. This little insect is very industrious. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, then he will not be able to lift even ½ of his weight. Although he carries huge logs that no living creature on the planet can lift, the log still weighs less than an elephant. The ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

Slide text: What is the most poisonous creature on the planet? The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If you extract all the poison from it, then it will be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains that dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea jellyfish, he will die within four minutes.

Slide text: Which animal lives the longest? The animal that can live the longest on earth is the turtle. Mauritanian tortoises live 150 years. It is possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise living in the United States can live 123 years. Among other animals, there are also many centenarians. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence for this. A horse can live half a century. There are also centenarians among the birds. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases when a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among the fish, too, there are centenarians. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many consider carp among fish to be long-lived, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

Slide text: Which animal has the most teeth? The most toothy animal on Earth has 25,000 teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite such a large number of teeth, it is not at all scary and not dangerous. With her small teeth, she grinds the leaves on which she feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

Slide text: Which animal has the longest hair? The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of his coat reaches 90 centimeters. In some bulls, the hair hangs down almost to the ground. A bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. She helps him survive in the most severe winters, so he is not afraid of any frosts.

Slide text: Which animal has the most limbs? The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has over six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose this amazing view of the most multi-legged creature on the planet again.

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Slide text: What is the smallest animal? The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species - the baby shrew weighs 2 grams, its length is 3-4 centimeters. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant polytooth is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

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Slide text: Which animal can go the longest without water and food? A big misconception is that the camel is the animal that can go the longest without water and food. The hardiest animal is the rocky squirrel. She lives in Southern Mexico. This squirrel can go without water or food for 100 days. The rocky squirrel is very well adapted to the harsh conditions of the mountains, so it is not afraid of long droughts.

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Slide text: Which animal has the biggest ears? The African elephant has the largest ears on Earth. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of an African elephant are even smaller than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this, despite the fact that the length of his body is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to body weight.

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Slide text: What is the heaviest animal in the world? The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can only move on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, in the course of evolution, the whales went to live in the water. However, they still did not fully adapt to life in the water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then again plunge into the water.

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The longest ears among rabbits have a rabbit named Toby III, who lives in the UK. Their length is ... cm, and their width is ... cm. 1) 6.5 ∙ 1.6 + 13.6: 1.7 + 57.2; 2) 84: 2.1 + 3.5 ∙ 1.8 - 28.06. I have big ears.

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A St. Bernard female named Barry saved the lives of more than 40 people during her… summer service in the Swiss Alps. Among the rescued was a half-frozen boy who was caught in an avalanche that killed his mother. Barry covered the boy with himself and licked his face until he woke up, and then carried him to the nearest dwelling. A cyclist left town A for town B. Three hours after he left town B, a motorcyclist drove out towards him at a speed of 42 km/h. 2 hours after the departure of the motorcyclist, they met. Find the speed of the cyclist if the distance between cities is 144 km. I save people.

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The longest jump in frogs is in the South African sharp-nosed frog. For ... a jump, she covered a distance of ... m. This is about half the length of a basketball court. 1) (11.28 + 4 ∙ 1.55): 4.6 - 0.8; 2) 28y - 5y + 2y - 15y \u003d 103. I jump the farthest of all frogs.

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The bird that talks best is a female African gray parrot named Pradle. She came to the UK from Uganda in 1958 and had an amazing vocabulary of ... words. The autotourist drove 120 km on the first day, which is 15% of the entire planned route. How long is the intended path? I talk a lot.

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Angle MKN is equal to 120 . Beam KD has divided this angle so that angle DKN is equal to 101 . Calculate the degree measure of the angle MKD. The smallest cat - according to the Guinness book, is the Himalayan-Persian blue point, whose name is Tinker Toy; when he grew up, his length was only ... see I am the smallest cat.

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Dog performer - Chanda Lian, a small poodle owned by trainer Sharon Robinson (Canada), performs ... tricks, which include playing the piano and offering a handkerchief when someone needs to blow their nose. Find the value of the expression 5a + 3b if a = 82.4, b = 19. I can do a lot of tricks.

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The most evasive dog - a collie named Jazz set a speed record by going between ... poles in ... s. Record set ... December 1999 1) Sowed 24% of the field. It remains to sow 45.6 hectares of this field. Find the area of ​​the entire field. 2) Find the arithmetic mean of numbers 13.4; 10.5; 17.9; 8.4; 14.7. 3) (5.5 - x) ∙ 5.8 \u003d 8.7. I am the most agile dog.

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The largest ants in the world live in Africa. The body length of a worker ant is ... mm. 220 horses and foals were brought to the watering place. Foals made up 15% of the total herd. How many foals were in the herd? I am the biggest ant.

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The oldest ant was found by American scientists from the Museum of Natural History in a piece of amber from a beach in New Jersey. He lived ... millions of years ago. The speed of the boat is 18.4 km/h and the speed of the current is 3.8 km/h. The boat sailed 3.2 hours downstream and 4.3 hours upstream. How many miles did the boat cover during this time? Round your answer to the nearest one. I am the oldest ant.

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The moon-fish impresses with its unusual appearance and size. It is the heaviest bony fish. The record-breaking large caught specimen weighed ... kilogram and had a length of ... m. 1) Two cars left one point in opposite directions. The speed of the first is 75 km/h, and the second is 74 km/h. How far apart will they be after 15 hours? 2) 42.5 + (x - 1.76) \u003d 45. I am the Moon-fish.

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The smallest toad is the black-breasted toad that lives in Africa. The largest specimen had ... mm in length. Freken Bock baked 96 buns. Carlson ate all the buns. How many buns can the Kid and his family eat? I am the smallest frog.

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The oldest fly was found in China, in sediments of ... a million years old. This fly, whose length was ... a centimeter, judging by the structure of its jaws, could collect nectar from plants. 1) The car traveled 29 km, which was the entire journey. Find the distance the car must travel. 2) 6.93: (0.028 + 1.512) - 3.5. I am the oldest fly.

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The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. The giraffe carries its head and nose at a height of ... meters. 2.8 + x + 3.7 = 12.5 I am the tallest animal.

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Bassogigas is the deepest sea fish. From the research vessel, we managed to catch Bassogigas at a depth of ... m. Dunno, when dividing a certain number by 7, received an incomplete quotient 1142, and the remainder - 6. What number did Dunno divide? I am the deepest fish.

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Ducks and geese are adapted to the lowest temperatures. According to experiments, they can survive at a temperature of minus ... degrees Celsius. 11x - 5x + 7x - 8x + 7 = 557 We are ready for frost.

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The Black Swift spends most of its life in flight. It is estimated that the black swift flies for … hours … km. 1) On the bus, 30% of all passengers were men. How many men were on the bus if there were 60 passengers on it? 2) 79348 - 64 ∙ 804 - 32896: 16 - 24036. I am a black swift.

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The largest eye of all animals, both living and extinct, is that of the giant Atlantic octopus. The diameter of his eye was ... cm. The distance between two trains going towards each other is 8500 km. After how many hours will the trains meet if they go non-stop: one at a speed of 80 km/h, the other at 90 km/h? I am a giant octopus.

Records in the world of animals based on materials Compiled by Bolshakov S.V.

The most numerous offspring Let's try to establish which of the representatives of the fauna is the most prolific. Let's start with rabbits. Their ability to reproduce rapidly has long been proverbial. In one litter of a rabbit, there may be 15 babies at once. But in a year she is able to give several litters. True, the fertility of wild rabbits depends on their habitat. If in Ukraine, on average, only 20 rabbits are born from one female per year, then in Australia, where these animals are a national disaster, twice as many. But, as it turns out, the rabbit offspring is far from the richest.

The most numerous offspring The green sea turtle, for example, cannot afford to be limited to a few dozen offspring per year. This would doom her species to degeneration. Despite the fact that the reptile carefully hides its masonry in the sand, lovers of turtle eggs can find it without much effort. They include both animals and people. Therefore, during the breeding season, the green turtle makes from two to five clutches. The total number of eggs in them can reach a thousand pieces. Perhaps at least one clutch will be preserved until the appearance of turtles. /

The most numerous offspring If for a turtle 1000 eggs is a seasonal result, then for a termite female it is a daily result. The main secret of the high fecundity of social insects, such as termites, ants or bees, lies in the division of labor. The female does not have to worry about shelter, food or the future of offspring. This is provided by workers. She can only reproduce. It is not for nothing that the female termite uterus has an abdomen with eggs one and a half thousand times larger than the rest of the body. Thanks to the efforts of the queen, the population of the termite mound is maintained at the level of one hundred million individuals.

The most numerous offspring But the record holder for fertility does not belong to the microcosm. It is too large for this: 3 meters in length and more than a ton in weight. This is an inhabitant of tropical ocean waters, a fish-moon. During spawning, the female moon fish throws out about three hundred million eggs. And in the animal kingdom, no one can compare with this super-fertile mother.

The deepest dive What then attracts beings endowed with lungs into the aquatic environment, where they have to hold their breath and overcome the buoyancy force? Usually looking for food. And the deeper the valuable food is, the greater the ability required by animals. Which of them manages to dive the deepest? It would seem that the most skillful divers are waterfowl. In fact, not all. Mallard duck, for example, dives no deeper than a meter. Perhaps she would have shown a better result, but for her to stay full, this depth is enough.

The deepest dive But red-throated loons sometimes have to dive as much as 24 meters. No wonder diving is an integral part of the mating games of loons. After all, this is a good way to prove to your partner your worth as a breadwinner. %D1%81%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%8F%20%D0%B 3%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0% B0%D1%80%D0%B0%20& F75%2Fefe85c6346e4.jpg&spsite=fake ru&p=0

The deepest dive But the deepest feathered bird is, of course, the penguin. Perhaps the ability to swim at great depths was a natural compensation for the inability to fly. The emperor penguin dive record - 265 meters - so far not a single bird has been beaten.

The deepest dive What can we say about animals that lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Of course, this way of life was reflected in their anatomy and their ability to dive. One of the most successful diving animals is the Weddell seal, which has conquered a six-hundred-meter depth.

The deepest dive However, as observations show, in order to achieve maximum success in diving, an animal needs to make water its home. After all, most of the time seals bask on the beach. But sea turtles almost never leave the ocean depths. But they managed to cross the threshold of a kilometer depth. More precisely, a kilometer two hundred meters. Is the title of the best divers going to these reptiles?

The deepest dive But we forgot about the whales. In a very old taxonomy, whales were classified as fish. Now it is common knowledge that a whale is a mammal, or an animal, no matter how funny it may sound. The whale needs air to breathe, which means that its stay under water can be regarded as repetitive diving. For whales, achieving sea turtles is not the limit. The sperm whale, hunting giant squid, can descend up to three kilometers deep into the ocean. Before such a dive, he takes deep breaths and exhalations, which allows him to hold his breath for 3 hours. So, the sperm whale should be recognized as the absolute champion in the depth of diving.

The farthest migration There are no restrictions on the freedom of movement of animals around the world. Many representatives of the animal world have tasted long-distance travel and got a taste. But today we are only interested in those who have chosen the longest routes for themselves. Seasonal migrations are not limited to migratory birds. In autumn, caribou also set off. They leave the Arctic tundra, where food resources have already become scarce, and rush to the forest zone. Their path can stretch for as many as a thousand kilometers. At the same time, caribou fearlessly overcome even very stormy rivers. 5&period=082007&pg=151

Other wanderers live in the rivers - eels. These serpentine fish and 6000 miles is not a detour. From European rivers, they swim into the Atlantic Ocean. It is not lack of food that drives them there, but the instinct of reproduction. Eels must certainly spawn between North and South America - in the Sargasso Sea. Three years later, their offspring will return to the rivers. The furthest migration

However, underwater migrations of eels are so imperceptible that even scientists learned about them not so long ago - about 80 years ago. But the migration of locusts to mankind, unfortunately, is familiar from time immemorial. This disaster could start in Africa and be in Europe within a week. After all, a swarm of locusts is able to overcome almost two and a half thousand kilometers.

The farthest migration Much more pleasant impressions remain from observing the migration of other insects - monarch butterflies. They fly from southeastern Canada to winter in central Mexico, covering a total of about three thousand kilometers. Hundreds of ecotourists with cameras await their arrival.

The farthest migration And yet, neither lepidoptera butterflies, nor brisk eels are able to overcome the distances that birds submit to. It is useless to list all the feathered stayers: there are too many of them. For example, swallows and swifts are already accustomed to distances of ten thousand kilometers. Moreover, the flight of swifts is non-stop. They eat and drink and even sleep on the fly.

The farthest migration However, the leaders in the range of flights have left their competitors far behind. It didn't make them famous, though. Arctic terns, have you heard of them? In a year, they manage to change the northern polar latitudes to the southern ones and return back again. At the same time, the path of terns from the Arctic to the Antarctic is not straight, but arcuate. As a result, the birds, as they say, “wind” up to thirty thousand kilometers one way. There is no one to argue with their achievement.

The longest horns and tusks What is not in the arsenal of the animal world: teeth, hooves, claws, and even spikes. But the most outstanding in this series of special equipment are, of course, horns and tusks. We do not undertake to judge whose tusks and horns are more effective, but only try to find out who has them longer. Horns can take a variety of forms. In rams, they curled up in a ring, in bulls they bent in an arc, in deer they branch into bushes, and in antelopes they stick out with straight sharp skewers. Straight horns are easier to measure. Here, in a large oryx antelope, for example, the length of the horns reaches 120 centimeters. With these blades, the Oryx could even fend off lions.

The longest horns and tusks The Indian buffalo has an even more convincing weapon. The head of some buffaloes is crowned with two-meter horns. However, almost all cuckolds prefer to deal with predators with their hooves. They save their horns for their relatives. Tournament fights of males during the rut are especially indicative in this respect. But the horns are launched not only out of jealousy. The Indian buffalo, familiar to us, often collects cows that have strayed from the herd with blows of horns. File:Water buffalo bathing.jpg

The longest horns and tusks But there is one odd-hoofed animal that could excel in the competition for the originality of the horns, and not for their length. This is a rhinoceros. After all, rhinoceros horns are nothing more than bundles of glued bristly hair. The largest horn was noted in the white rhinoceros - 158 centimeters. Still, the leadership of the buffalo cannot be shaken by him.

The longest horns and tusks Then we turn to the owners of tusks. Tusks are modified teeth. The most modest tusks belong to the wild swine brethren. In our wild boar, they rarely grow longer than 15 centimeters. For self-defense and digging the earth - just right. But the Babirussa pig from the tropical island of Sulawesi boasts forty-centimeter fangs. They are constantly growing, bending into a ring. Moreover, growth does not stop even when their tips, having made a circle, reach the muzzle.

The longest horns and tusks But the tusks of the babirussa are far from the tusks of the beach couch potato walrus. Its guns are twice as long. With them, he digs into the seabed, extracting nutritious mollusks.

The longest horns and tusks It is assumed that the narwhal, or unicorn, seeks food in the same way. The horn of this marine mammal is actually a tusk - one of the upper teeth. Its length is impressive - 2-3 meters. It grows in a spiral, yet remains remarkably straight.

The longest horns and tusks A handsome narwhal would be the winner in this competition of horns and tusks, but the facts are inexorable: champions are not found in the icy Arctic waters, but in the hot expanses of Africa. The longest edged weapon ever created by nature belongs to the African elephant. The tusks of old male elephants sometimes exceed three and a half meters each. And the maximum length of an elephant tusk is registered at around 410 centimeters. Well, it's time for the elephant to accept congratulations! _cat=18&id_story_top=236628

The loudest voice Voice is a sure way to make yourself known. As the saying goes, he who has ears, let him hear. Only bats scream not for communication, but for orientation in the area. It does not matter to them that many do not hear ultrasound, the main thing is that they themselves catch it perfectly. Today, we are interested in the loudest screamers from the range of sounds available to humans. One of the loudest feathered creatures lives in our swamps. This bittern is a bird of the heron family. Her cry is like the roar of a bull. The wonderful esophagus, which serves as a kind of resonator, helps the bird to extract such a sound. The bittern's calls are carried for 2-3 kilometers.

The loudest voice And in the New World lives another imitator bull. True, not feathered, but amphibian. Meet the American bullfrog. She is healthy as a bull - she grows up to one and a half kilograms of live weight, and screams like a bull. They say that for 6 kilometers this cry can be heard. Even the red deer roars quieter during the rut - only four kilometers of voice power is enough.

The loudest voice In general, in America there are many lovers of voice. There is a kind of monkeys there - howler monkeys. Every day they sit on the branches of trees and begin their "concert" - at least plug your ears. In their voices one can guess the grunt of a pig, then the growl of a jaguar. And everything for the neighbors is trying so that when they hear the roar, they do not violate the boundaries of the territory of the roaring group. _JUzhnaja-Amerika-2.files/016-Obezjany-revuny.html

The loudest voice But the most vociferous animals prefer to give rise to sound vibrations not in the air, but in the water. The aquatic environment compares favorably in this respect. Its density is greater and the sound travels farther. So, we present the record holder - the fin whale. This is the largest creature on the planet after the blue whale. The fin whale makes sounds with a volume of up to one hundred and eighty-eight decibels, which can be heard for 800 kilometers. Such abilities allow him not to lose touch with his relatives in the vast expanses of the oceans.

The biggest appetite "Hungry like a wolf" - you often hear such a phrase in everyday speech. But the wolf can hardly be considered the most voracious creature on the planet. If not him, then who? Let's figure it out. The food instinct is decisive in the behavior of all life on Earth. It would seem that the food instinct is most developed in predators. Imagine: formidable black fins appear and disappear in the waves. A flock of exceptionally bloodthirsty predators - killer whales - plows the ocean. Their main prey is aquatic mammals, which are unable to withstand the amazing hunting abilities of killer whales.

The biggest appetite But there is reliable information about the appetite of the bat. She catches one insect in three seconds. In a minute, the number of victims she swallowed will increase to twenty.

The biggest appetite Some predators prefer to take not the quantity, but the quality of their prey. The osprey easily lifts a two-kilogram fish into the air, while she herself weighs 200 grams less than the catch. True, the osprey will not eat such prey immediately, but will divide it into several portions.

The biggest appetite The high energy value of animal food allows predators from time to time to rest from the search for food. Herbivores, on the other hand, are forced to chew their low-calorie food almost constantly. Therefore, the volume of what they eat per day is much more impressive than the achievements of carnivores. An African elephant, for example, eats up to a centner of grass, fresh shoots of shrubs or tree branches per day. Since such an appetite is quite quickly capable of destroying all the vegetation surrounding the giant, elephants have to roam a lot in search of new pastures.

The Biggest Appetite But neither the elephant nor the squirrel can be considered the most active eaters as long as there are caterpillars in the world. They actively absorb vegetation, then wrap themselves up in pupae and turn into butterflies. As a result, in a month one caterpillar eats 6 thousand times more than it weighs itself. It turns out that in relative terms, the caterpillar is the most voracious creature on Earth.

Literature based on materials Electronic edition "Biology, grades 6-11.

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What animals are the fastest? The fastest animals that run on land are cheetahs. They can run at speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the speed record holder is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of the victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops such speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the highest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

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What are the largest animals? The largest animal in the world is the whale. The whale lives in sea water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest marine animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

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What animal is the strongest? Oddly enough, but the most powerful animal is an ant. This little insect is very industrious. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, then he will not be able to lift even ½ of his weight. Although he carries huge logs that no living creature on the planet can lift, the log still weighs less than an elephant. The ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

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What is the most poisonous creature on the planet? The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If you extract all the poison from it, then it will be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains that dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea jellyfish, he will die within four minutes.

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Which animal lives the longest? The animal that can live the longest on earth is the turtle. Mauritanian tortoises live 150 years. It is possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise living in the United States can live 123 years. Among other animals, there are also many centenarians. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence for this. A horse can live half a century. There are also centenarians among the birds. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases when a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among the fish, too, there are centenarians. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many consider carp among fish to be long-lived, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

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Which animal has the most teeth? The most toothy animal on Earth has 25,000 teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite such a large number of teeth, it is not at all scary and not dangerous. With her small teeth, she grinds the leaves on which she feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

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Which animal has the longest hair? The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of his coat reaches 90 centimeters. In some bulls, the hair hangs down almost to the ground. A bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. She helps him survive in the most severe winters, so he is not afraid of any frosts.

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Which animal has the most limbs? The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has over six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose this amazing view of the most multi-legged creature on the planet again.

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What is the smallest animal? The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species - the baby shrew weighs 2 grams, its length is 3-4 centimeters. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant polytooth is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

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Which animal has the biggest ears? The African elephant has the largest ears on Earth. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of an African elephant are even smaller than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this, despite the fact that the length of his body is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to body weight.

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What animal is the heaviest in the world? The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can only move on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, in the course of evolution, the whales went to live in the water. However, they still did not fully adapt to life in the water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then again plunge into the water.

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